[K1] LtCmdr Sky Blake, "Kidman I." (Part 2)

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Deliera Jay

Aug 12, 2018, 2:13:45 AM8/12/18
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
((And now they wait.))

::She sighed, and slid down the opposite bulkhead. A malfunctioning escape pod. They'd been tricked into a malfunctioning escape pod.::

Blake: How much air do we have?

Core: Given the life support system and what we're already breathing, probably about two hours.

Blake: Can't you rig something up?

Core: We were here to take back the hannez, not repair a shuttle - the best I have is a tricorder and a phaser. Even I'm not that much of a miracle worker.

::She sighed, pulling off her mustard tunic, the Rodulan taking off his jacket and throwing it in a corner. It was already warm in here.::

Blake: Great. So now what?

Core: Now we wait.

((Further through the stars))

Captain: She's a fine vessel. Hasn't bowed down to any pirates yet.

::Jhalib Ekal trailed behind the Tellarite freighter captain, hands clasped behind his back as he surveyed the small vessel.::

Ekal: And yet she's in a perfect condition.

Captain: My crew and I like to keep her that way. She could make the trip to Ketar if we really pushed her - though I try to stay away from such areas. Once we're off the Mother Road, we might as well be in the Shadows. We're just not suited.

Ekal: Well, that is my job here, sir. Hopefully once I'm done, it'll be like you strapped a flashlight onto your hull.

Captain: It'll be a much needed upgrade! ::beat:: Where did you say you were from again?

Ekal: Rigel, sir. Rigel V.

Captain: You made the trek all the way from the Beta Quadrant? I can't work out if you're brave or daft.

Ekal: I find the Shoals to be more peaceful than the Rigel system, sir. What with the business with the Kalar. No offense to them, but I rather not involve myself in that kind of debate-

Pilot: We're picking up a distress signal. Coming from the Kidman system.

Captain: Blimey, we're . . . what, about a lightyear away?

::The brown haired Rigelian looked away for a brief moment, contemplating his options. This was it. This was the beginning of the network. The big spotlight onto this region of space.

::And there was nothing he could do to change it.::


::So they'd been tricked. Worse things had happened.

::Worse things had happened, though they'd usually have someone in close proximity to come and get them.

::At least they had Core's HANNEZ, of which he was now seated next to and poking at. He caught her full attention when he snapped his tricorder shut.::

Core: At what point do you start sweating?

::She rose an eyebrow.::

Blake: When I need to cool down. Do Rodulans not do that?

::It was a bit of a redundant question, as the Rodulan's forehead and undershirt was damp with sweat. His eyebrows rose almost all the way past his forehead in a strange expression she couldn't read.

::Meanwhile, with her torso and arms exposed to the warming air due to shedding her tunic earlier, it was only starting to get uncomfortable for her.::

Blake: This is regular temperature of Kekorna right now.

::He rolled his eyes, flipping open his tricorder and closing it after just a second or two - checking the time, maybe. He shuffled in his spot next to the HANNEZ, getting more comfortable.::

Core: You remember your time at the Academy?

Blake: For all intents purposes, I didn't go.

Core: Right.

::There was silence again. He was becoming nostalgic, perhaps even defeatist. She sighed.::

Blake: I'm sorry. But I'll get us out of this. I promise.

::He scoffed.::

Core: I'm already ahead of you. Distress signal is live - people aren't too far away. Even the Veritas could hear it from their position. No, I was just curious.

Blake: Why?

Core: You've got a simple name. Sounds kind of Terran.

Blake: That's because it is.

::Only one of his eyebrows raised this time.::

Core: Your last name isn't "Blake"?

Blake: In spelling, sure.

::He laughed, head leaning back against the bulkhead.::

Core: You did what I did.

Blake: What would that be?

Core: Got irritated by mispronunciation. Took an easier name.

Blake: What's yours?

Core: Daneisle Traistem Kiorarhee. I went to the Academy on Earth - San Francisco. Terrans seem to read "core" as a noun - one syllable. My name has four.

Blake: Makes sense.

Core: If you don't remember going through academy, or anything before Veritas, why "Blake"?

::She shrugged, thinking back on Sabor, and Zhou having immediately addressed her with one syllable when she first met him.::

Blake: Seemed like too much of a chore to correct everyone. Besides, "Blake" is quicker and nicer than "B'le-ahco".

::He nodded.::

Core: They're a strange bunch.

Blake: Everyone from anywhere are a strange bunch. And I say that as a nomad.

Core: You don't identify as a Brekkian citizen?

Blake::: with a sigh:: Not anymore. Brekkian and Betazoid by biology, but neither of those places are home. Starfleet isn't home either - not really. I enjoy what I do, but ultimately, it's means to an end.

Core: I don't think I've heard any officer say that before.

Blake: Good thing I'm no ordinary officer. ::She pointed out.:: I don't know. I see the wind changing. In the near distant future, we're going to go up against the Tholians. That's not something I really want to be around for.

((And finally, rescue))

Captain: Welcome aboard the SS Rowena, Commanders.

Core: I have to say; thanks for the assist. You can keep the escape pod for parts.

Captain: It's not Starfleets?

Core: Oh Artist, no. We wouldn't be so stupid as to-

Blake: We were hoping you could drop us back to Kidman I - there's some work we need to finish there.

Captain: No problem at all. Ekhail?

Ekal: It's *Ekal*, sir.

::The captain all but ignored the Rigelian.::

Captain: This pod of any use to you?

Ekal: I'll have a look.

Core: You could probably strip it for parts, but I don't see it being overly valuable.

Ekal:::with a shrug:: You never know, Commander. You never know.

((Online and ready))

Core: And . . . we . . . are . . . done.

::The console lit up green, a connection to Outpost 3 successfully established. The HANNEZ firmly re-installed into the system, welded into the building lest another gang of thieves attempt to put their sticky hands on it.::

Blake: Wait, does this mean we have better subspace communication on the Veritas, now?

Core: Not yet. But we're about two steps closer than we were before.

Blake: So when will it be up and running.

Core: My prediction? Assuming there's no galaxy-leveling disaster that impedes work, I'd say next year.

::Next year. She gave a huff.::

Blake: 2396. Sounds like a lucky number.

LtCmdr Sky Blake
Ranger/Chief of Security
USS Veritas

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