JP: Lt. Cmdr Alex Brodie, Lt (JG) Alieth, Ens. Dar "Pulling Back The Veil: Part III"

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Donalee Botha

Sep 16, 2020, 2:49:39 PM9/16/20

“Pulling Back The Veil: Part III”

((Kiessa Monastery, Bajor))

Alieth: If something like this were to happen again on... he could lose himself in his own mind. That is why I intend to guide him, to be his en'ahr'at, his godmother.  ::She looked up to the Bajoran's eyes.::  Please, consider that a mind melt is not something that is performed carelessly... 

She made another pause, nibbling slightly on the inner side of her cheeks. She had never needed to explain such concepts to outsiders and it was tough to make them grasp something they had no reference to

Dar shifted slightly, glancing in the direction the tents keeping a eye out for Kalib. She took a long hard swig of her own springwine. This was alot of digest. She couldn’t help but also feel a little at ease with the manner in which Alieth explained the connection with her and Kalib. She shifted slightly listning as the doctor spoke.

Alieth: It is an experience that forms a sort of connection between us. Almost as if we belonged to the same family.

She offered Alieth a smiled, as if to convey to her the understanding or at least somewhat understanding of what she was trying to explain.

Dar: So what is the step forward then?

Brodie: It’s difficult to say. I understand that El-Aurians can manifest eidetic memory in about half of the population.

The doctor briefly nodded to agree with the counsellor's statement

Alieth: The training, particularly at the start, will consist largely of meditation techniques to bring him in tune with his own mind. The next step will be shielding himself from external intrusions,. This will allow him to control his sensitivity to other minds but can also trigger any latent abilities he may possess. The outcome is uncertain, but whatever it is I will try to guide him through it.

Dar: Well he has not expressed mentioning of any past memories or anything else out of the ordinary.

She heard some footsteps and saw Kalib walking back towards them. She smiled at him as he came walking. His father would be so proud of him, to see how well he had grown and what a fine young man he was becoming.

Kalib: Mom, this place is amazing. 

The Vulcan woman failed to restrain her lips from producing a faint smile as the boy returned. The youth of every species had a natural and genuine energy that faded with age that was beautiful to behold.

Brodie: ::Smiling:: You’re not wrong young man. There is something very special about this place. ::He turned to the teenager.:: I hear you’ve had quite an adventure over the last few days - how’re you feeling?

Kalib looked at Brodie and nodded.

Kalib: I am good sir. :: He paused. Glancing at his mother, his expression a little weighted. :: 

Dar: You can speak freely Kalib, Alieth was telling me she’s going to help you with understanding what happened better, and help you to control it.

Kalib nodded his head.

Alieth: It will only be an occasional practice. ::She tilted her head a bit and then whispered to Kalib::. It will be an excuse to take a few hours away from school some days.

Alex looked at Alieth - once again a statement of complete logical fact that sounded almost like a joke...almost. He smiled. 

Brodie: Well, let’s not get the boy too excited. ::Turning to Kalib.:: If there is anything though, Kalib, no matter how small you might think it seems just let us know. There’s no wrong answers and no trouble - just tell us anything you think feels out of the ordinary.

Kalib: Well I...haven’t been sleeping too well. :: He looked up towards the sky. :: I keep hearing the voices but I know it’s just dreams.

Dar wrapped her arms around Kalibs shoulders once more and pulled him close, hugging him.

The light tone that the Lieutenant had chosen vanished instantly. Her eyebrows furrowed deeply, darkening her gaze.

Alieth: We will make them fall silent, Kalib :: even though she addressed him, her eyes turned to look at Elandra :: I promise you.

Brodie: ::Soto Voce:: And that is a good job guarantee...

He nodded and smiled, his smile was especially bright when he looked at Alieth.

Kalib: Did my mom tell you she was here, not long after the Cardassians destroyed the Monastary?

Alieth: No, tell us more.

About the time the story was halfway through, the festival commenced, illuminating the night with fires of a thousand colours, like massive flowers defying the darkness.


Simmed By


Ensign Dar Elandra

Security Officer

USS Thor NCC-82607

Writer ID.:C237904DE0


Lt. Cmdr. Alexander Brodie

Chief Counselor

USS Thor NCC-82607

Writer ID.: A239005BM0


Lt. JG Alieth

Medical Officer

USS Thor NCC-82607 

Fleet Captain A. Kells, Commanding

Author ID number:  E239702A10  


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