Lt. Antero Flynn - The Bald and the Beautiful (New Tags: Falcon/Taybrim)

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Aaron Canipe

Apr 17, 2016, 12:56:46 AM4/17/16

((Engineering Entrance - Klingon Vessel - Holodeck))



Flynn: I can think of someone who might be willing to greet them when they come out. With the proper motivation...


::The Risian held up a candy and smirked as he looked to Falcon. He had been going with the flow of being the First Officer by the terms of the game, but with reality finding its way in, he wasn't about to make any big decisions without the support of Falcon. Not just because she had the rank, but had more than proven her ability to handle a dicey situation.::


::Kaitlyn smirked and the Risian followed her gaze to the targ.::


Falcon: ::Looking to the targ.::  Maybe this little guy will be worth something, after all, huh?


Nadia/Andersen/Taelon: Responses?


::Trellis continued working the panel as Flynn’s commbadge chirped.::


Taybrim: =/\= Taybrim to Flynn - how are you doing over there? =/\=


Flynn: =/\= I think were on the verge of something. Find anything out on your end? =/\=


Taybrim: =/\= Yes, we found the intoxicant in the air was a chemical known by the street name of Golden Dew -- Ask Vondaryan and Falcon about it and you'll get an earful... =/\=


::Trellis looked over to Kaitlyn at the mention of the stuff, Kaitlyn sighing deeply as she planted her palm upon her face.::


Falcon: Of COURSE it was…  Why WOULDN’T that stuff have just been carted into the nearest black hole?


Flynn: ::With a half smile.:: =/\= I'm getting that impression. Sounds like a long discussion for the future. Any closer to a solution? =/\=


Taybrim: =/\= We found out the program was tampered with - and we gained access to the controls. I want you to get Baylen and confirm you have him - if we can bring you back here, great; if not we'll communicate on the commline while we try to shut the program down. If things get strange you'll know we're on to something. =/\=


Flynn: =/\= Were working on breaching engineering, if we can get in it will only take a moment to beam in Baylen. That is, if you don’t manage to shut everything down first. Either way, we’ll be ready. =/\=


::As the line closed Antero looked to Vondaryan, who seemed to be on to something.::


Vondaryan: I think I can trick the sensors in engineering into thinking there's a coolant leak. It should make any crew in there flee out here to safety where ::pointing to Kaitlyn and Freya:: we can take them out in an ambush.


::Kaitlyn finally looked up, her irritation very apparent.::


Falcon: Oh, just try to stop me.  I’ve still got a LOT of irritation to work through.


Flynn: ::Raising his hands in an innocent gesture:: Oh you won’t get any objection here.


Nadia/Andersen/Taelon: Responses?


Vondaryan: ::smiling:: If you happen to throw come candy at the Klingons, your new pet may slobber all over them, providing us more opportunity to defeat them. ::blinking:: Or slip into engineering. It would be like a trick and treat all at once.


::Antero smiled and bounced the candies in his hand.::


Flynn: ::Smiling:: Loaded up and ready to fire. ::He thought for a second, trick and treat didn't sound right.:: I think it's trick then treat. Isn't it?


Nadia/Andersen/Taelon: ?


Taybrim: =/\= Flynn, is your team ready? =/\=


Flynn: Everyone set? Anything could happen.


Vondaryan: Just say the word.


::Kaitlyn gripped her improvised staff tightly in a ready stance.::


Falcon: I’m set.


Nadia/Andersen/Taelon: Responses?


Flynn: =/\= Ready when you are, sir. =/\=


::Within seconds the Klingon vessel around them faded away and the team found themselves alongside the others in the signature black cubed room of the Holodeck. Most notably, the smell had improved dramatically.::


Greyson: I don't see anyone...just us...


::Gazing around the group, hoping everyone was alright, his eyes caught a new figure materialize. Upon seeing who it was he felt like his blood turned to ice. Chennel. They had only encountered her once before, but he was already sick of seeing her. She was trouble. Dangerous, arrogant, and annoyingly beautiful trouble.::


Whittaker: :: bitterly :: Chennel.


::The Bolian laughed, a deep, booming cackle. Antero felt his irritation rise. This was the first person that the Risian had ever felt genuine hatred for. Watching her torture Theo had put him over the edge, and he would stop at nothing to oppose her.::


Chennel: I was worried you had forgotten about me. :: beat :: We didn't get to know each other nearly as much as I wanted.


::Antero leaned against the wall of the holodeck, keeping a low profile. Not that she would probably even recognize him. At the time of their last run in, he had been a powerless spectator. Much to his chagrin. Would she be bold enough to confront them so boldly? No, it didn't add up. ::


Whittaker: :: through gitted teeth, as though every word was an effort. :: What do you want?


Taybrim: Right.  ::Looking towards the not-Bolian:: Just who are you, anyways?


Chennel: :: affronted :: You mean that he never told you about me? :: her eyes travelling away from Theo and settling on Ezo. :: And you, I would thought you would have said something about me. After all, we had so much fun on that little planet didn't we?


Ezo: ::through clenched teeth:: We nearly died laughing....


Whittaker: ::to Sal:: This is Chennel.


Taybrim: Lovely. 


Falcon: ::tilts head to one side, eyes rolling slightly, her phaser aim never wavering:: So, is this going to come to some sort of point?


::Antero smirked. Chennel may have been a strong and intelligent woman, but she was far from alone in that title.::


Chennel: ::puts sunglasses into an inside pocket of pinstripe jacket:: Can't a girl say hello to her old friends?


Ezo: ::scoffing:: Friends. Right.


Falcon: ::smirks:: Sure.  From inside a brig cell.


Chennel: ::dangerously:: Muzzle it. ::turns her gaze towards Sal:: I know about your recent trip to Tilanna... Commander Sal Taybrim. ::beat:: Consider this as retribution for what you did to my associates' business empire.


Taybrim: I'd hardly call that business.


Ezo: ::glaring:: Theo! Get me a phaser, I'm feeling the need to relive the past a little....


Chennel: ::rolls her eyes:: I wouldn't bother. You see I'm not actually here.


Whittaker: You're a hologram.


Chennel: ::smirks:: Bless you Theo, you were always slow on the uptake. ::beat:: I'm quite real, but I'm coming to live today via the miracle of the station's holo emitters


Taybrim: ::His gaze flickered towards Theo and the others:: She's not close enough for me to get a read on her.  I don't know if you can extrapolate how close she could be from the emitter range.  ::Looking back towards Chennel::


Ezo: Oh...that explains the outfit. Looks a bit tired, but I guess holo-projections just aren't what they used to be...


::Once again the Risian found himself with a smirk on his face. Mirra knew just how to push the woman’s buttons. He nodded in agreement, as though he knew anything about fashion.::


Chennel: ::begins slowly clapping, in a sarcastic manner, rolling her eyes, looks at Sal:: If all of your crew are this idiotic, I'm going to have some fun with them Sal- I can call you Sal... can't I? ::waves the thought away, before looking across the room, taking in everybody with a dangerous and beady eye:: Listen to me very carefully because I'm not the sort of woman to say things more than once: Don't. Cross. Me. If you do, you will not live long enough to regret it. ::beat:: Things are going to be changing around here. If I were in your- quite frankly, ugly- shoes, I would start looking for a transfer. ::lets out another cackle, as her image disappears::


Whittaker: :: dryly :: Well.... things have gotten interesting.


Taybrim: Yes, I would say that they have.  ::He nodded slowly, considering everything they just saw.::


Falcon: Looked to me like the biggest walking cliché I’ve ever seen in my life.  ::Mocking tone.::  “Don’t.  Cross.  Me.”  Pssh.


Taybrim: ::Dark, serious:: I fully intend to cross her.  And get her put away for good.


Whittaker: :: mulling on Falcon's words. :: She might be a cliché, but she's a formidable enemy. Trust me- she made sure that I knew that.


Falcon: I don’t doubt she’s dangerous.  ::looks to Theo::  I try to never underestimate an enemy.  But she’s shown her face, which means we know who our enemy is.  ::fingers tighten around her phaser’s control stick once again::  Which means we can track her down and stop her.


Trel’lis: Yes we can, by simply accessing holo-emitter data streams. They can be traced back to a ‘source’, fairly easily, by anyone with such a skillset.


Whittaker: :: to Trel'lis :: If it were only that simple when it comes to Chennel. :: beat :: She managed to outwit the Columbia at every turn when we encountered her. :: glancing at Mirra and Antero :: It took the arrival of an unknown alien for us to finally get the upper hand.


Ezo: ::shuddering:: I would seriously rather see that unknown alien again if it meant that ::clenching her teeth:: woman would be gone for good....


::Lost in thought at the idea of Chennel being back, he was pulled back to reality when Mirra approached with the gentle squeeze of his arm.::


Ezo: Glad to see you in one piece. How were the holographic Klingons?


Flynn: ::Smiling weakly.:: Not very receptive. Though I was surprised to find that their targ was a pretty big fan of Rainbow Riddles.


Ezo: ::grinning:: Well...that isn't what I expected you to say...although this entire adventure has proved "unexpected" enough for a lifetime...


Flynn: A shame too, it was proving to be a nice distraction. At least I found out I'm quite the floating musical performer. ::He gave her a playful nudge as she rolled her eyes.::


Taybrim: Ezo, Flynn - what can you tell me about Chennel?


Ezo: ::grimacing:: She's a self serving, completely psychotic maniac who has zero regard for others and has zero problems with slavery, torture, and murder if they fit along with her master plans. She's the very definition of a sociopath.


Flynn: Unfortunately, most of my experience with her was as a spectator.


Taybrim: Anything you can remember might be useful.


Ezo: ::sighing:: To be honest sir, the last time I saw her she was in the brig, and I assumed it would truly be the last time. She's slippery, has connections seemingly everywhere, but I will say any "allies" she has are temporary. She will align with someone so long as they are useful, no true loyalty to anyone other than herself.


Taybrim: Lovely.  ::She sounded exactly like the sort of person who had no reason to be part of any decent society.::


Flynn: She definitely has confidence, and a dangerous amount of arrogance. If any of her past associates were around, I doubt they would have good things to say.


Ezo: It could be useful when it comes to finding out just who she's aligned with. They may feel less inclined to be linked with her when they find out about her past behavior with allies. Considering most of them are now dead, by her hand no less.


Taybrim: She mentioned allies.  ::He trailed off, his mind turning::


Flynn: ::Nodding:: An angle worth looking into.


::They pondered on that for a moment until a muffled explosion drew his attention. A screech of metal echoed into the room as the doorway to their freedom poured in bright light and a fair amount of smoke. He noticed Tatash first, and couldn't help but wonder how often he would have to come charging in and save them all. He would have to make sure it came up over the drink he was sure he owed him for this one. He remained silent as the groups touched base, until Taybrim turned back to him.::


Taybrim: Chennel mentioned 'her associate' from Tilanna V.  Flynn, I want you to go through the station passenger logs - find anyone who boarded from Tilanna.


::He gave a sharp nod, eager to help put this business to an end.::


Flynn: Of course.


Taybrim: The more we know who she's associating with, the more we can zero in on the people who are causing us misery.


Flynn: The sooner the better. I'll get right on it.


::Taybrim looked up and waved Commander Falcon over::


Taybrim: Commander, I was just touching base with Lieutenant Flynn - I want him to look through the station logs, see if we can pinpoint who Chennel's associate might be from the passenger manifests - but can you think of any other way to narrow it down?


Falcon: ?


Flynn: We can cross reference the results with criminal records as well, should give us some leads at the minimum.


::He nodded slowly, in agreement::


Taybrim: I like that idea, try it.


Falcon: ?


Flynn: I'm not normally one for subterfuge, but we should probably keep our investigation subtle. We don’t know who all Chennel is involved with, or where they might have eyes.


Taybrim/Falcon: ?


Flynn: The Flight towers main briefing room is fairly low profile, if needed. ::He looked around the group before resting his eyes back on Taybrim.:: Anyone else we should pull in?


Taybrim/Falcon: ?



Lieutenant Antero Flynn

CAG Officer

Starbase 118 Ops


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