Lt JG Peters + Lt. Zinna: Told You (Part 2) [No Tags]

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Erin Green

Jan 24, 2016, 12:09:25 AM1/24/16

(( Counseling Office, Starbase 118 ))

(( Time Index: SD 239301.20 ))

:: As unfortunate as it was for him to admit she had a point, he merely nodded and kept quiet as he put words together. He didn’t know how to refute or counter it, so brought up another point. ::

Peters: Then I probably should tell you, Yael thought I had a bit of a temper.

:: That was fine. Zinna had dealt with several different people in her career of counseling. She had yet to meet a patient as difficult to deal with as her former and most renowned patient known as Lathu. She was sure she could handle Peter’s temper. ::

Zinna: Just like an engineer or first officer or scientist, we all have different ways of going about our jobs, and so do I. Yael and I are both counselors, but we certainly are in no way the same and our styles will certainly be different as you’ll come to notice. As for your temper...I’m sure I can handle it. ::She chuckled:: I went to prison for murder...I’ve grown some thick skin, lieutenant.

Peters: One major difference between you and that smug little gundark, I didn’t want to punch you within ten minutes of meeting you. Him...I wanted to wipe that damned grin off his face within five minutes.

Zinna: Would you mind explaining why he was so annoying to you, Cadfael?

Peters: What is there to explain? He walked into main engineering on the Albion as I was piecing it back together, demanded I walk away and “humor” him with a counseling session, asked lots of questions about Vance, and something about his tone just cheesed me off. I wanted to use a hydrospanner to ratchet his mouth shut, to give you a sense of how much he bugged me. And also threatened me with bi-weekly sessions.

Zinna: Sounds to me like he was doing his job...just a little more assertive than most counselors, but sometimes some people need assertiveness. How are bi-weekly sessions threatening exactly?

Peters: Seeing his smug little grin and annoying tone twice a week, and my wanting to break his face in the same moment? You tell me.

:: She smiled. ::

Zinna: Wow, you certainly do have a temper Mr. Peters, but we’ll work on that. I do think you do need regular sessions for anger management, but not bi-weekly. I won’t order you to see me frequently, but I will invite you if you want. I’ll try my hardest to tone that anger down and to also help you feel more comfortable in social situations.

:: Another distinguishing mark that differentiated her from the Denobulan, she didn’t phrase her offer to help as an order. He wasn’t defeated, but the way she phrased it made him more willing to agree. ::

Peters: Okay. When is my first anger management thingie?

Zinna: The first one? ::She pondered for a second:: How about whenever you feel angry and not in control of your emotions? And we’ll go from there. Also, since we are on a short shore leave, I highly recommend you go out and do something “social” with a crewmember.

:: The logic of her plan started to dawn on him. Since counselors were very much on call, he would call her up whenever he felt a surge of anger and she would make herself available to deal with it. Then, the second part; something social. That sounded like a trap. ::

Peters: I’ll see what I can do.

Zinna: Good. ::she smiled:: If you don’t, I’ll order you to go on a date or declare you unfit for duty.

:: She paused for a moment and then laughed to show that she was joking. ::

Peters: Given my options, I’ll take the blind date. :: The threat of being marked unfit for duty made him a little angry, one hand clenching into a fist as a coping method. ::

:: The El-Aurian counselor noticed Cadfael’s first clenching. She marked that in her PADD in her psychological notes. ::

Zinna: If I weren’t going to violate the counselor patient protocol and if you weren’t gay I’d take you on a date. :: She stood up from her desk and patted him on the shoulder. :: Let’s take baby steps first...let’s make some friends and then we’ll work on dating, okay?

:: He blushed a bit at the mention of the counselor taking him on a date, though the fact he was gay didn’t help. ::

Peters: Right.

Zinna: Well, is there anything you’d like to discuss before I send you on your way?

Peters: Nothing that comes to mind.

Zinna: Then, I’ll see you around, lieutenant. ::she smiled:: And remember, if you ever need me I’m just a commbadge tap away.

:: He nodded and stood up, making his way toward the door. ::

Peters: I’ll keep it in mind.

:: Zinna nodded with a smile. As Lt. Peters left, she sat back at her desk and looked at her PADD and began updating her first psychological evaluation on Starbase 118 Ops. She would start formulating a plan to help him with his anger and social situations. It would be a difficult task, but she was sure that if she stayed as far away to being similar to Yael, she would make a breakthrough. ::


Lieutenant Zinna


Starbase 118 Ops



Lieutenant JG Cadfael Peters


Starbase 118 Ops


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