Commander Taybrim - Movement (Tag: Broi/Zinna)

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Jamie LeBlanc

Dec 23, 2015, 10:52:53 PM12/23/15
to Sb118 Ops
(OOC - no need to hurry up the festivities. I just wanted to get the department shuffle post out as soon as I could)

((CO's Office - Starbase 118))
(Time index: The day after the awards ceremony)

::Sal was sitting in the palatial office, drinking tea. He wasn't usually a fan of tea, but for some reason it seemed to be the right thing to do.

He was working on crew reports and department shifts. He had a few requests come in, and happily he found he could accommodate people's wishes. It made him think back to his own career, where he had - for a time - tried to wear every color of collar in the fleet. He never quite made it, never having donned engineering gold, but he did value the lessons he had learned in his departmental switches.

He looked up as the door chime rang::

Taybrim: Enter. ::he paused as the Betazoid counselor strode in and gestured for Broi to make herself comfortable.:: Hello Ensign, can I offer you anything to drink?

Broi: ?

::He nodded, seeing to it before he settled back himself::

Taybrim: I received your inquiry to join an intel team, and I'm happy to say that yes, there is an intel officer position open. It is your should you wish it.

Broi: ?

Taybrim: Yes, there will be a learning curve - but you will also gain skills that may help you in your personal search. ::He didn't directly reference her missing family members, but he had a sneaking suspicion that it was a strong motivation for the change.::

Broi: ?

Taybrim: You can report to Lieutenant Vondaryan. He'll be heading up the preparations for the tribble convention - if there are any. ::Sal was an optimist - one that hoped that there wouldn't be any need for intel at a tribble convention - but stranger things had happened.::

Broi: ?

((OOC - Happy to continue here if needed!))

::As Broi left, Sal had already set up his second meeting. Loosing a counselor to her heart's desire meant they had a hole in the senior staff in a very important area. Sal, as usual, had a plan - one he hoped would be acceptable for the person he had in mind.

It wasn't a very long wait before he was greeting another visitor to his office.::

Taybrim: Ah, Lieutenant Zinna, welcome! Can I get you anything to drink?

Zinna: ?

::He filled the order and settled back::

Taybrim: I know this is a bit of a unplanned meeting, but I know you have a strong background in both counseling and medical. Counselor Broi is shifting to an intel role and I was wondering if you would be willing to step in as our counselor?

Zinna: ?

Taybrim: ::He nodded. Sal had started in counseling himself:: Yes, I do believe the two departments dovetail nicely together.

Zinna: ?

Taybrim: ::A smile played at his lips:: I would be happy to have you onboard in either capacity, Doctor - but the choice is up to you. ::Though he was hoping she would accept::

Zinna: ?


Commander Sal Taybrim
Commanding officer
StarBase 118 Ops

"Why do we fly? Because we have dreamt of it for so long that we must"

~Julian Beck
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