[Backsim] JP Cmdr Alex Blair & LtCmdr Chythar Skyfire: Working Lunch II

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Jeremy Shaffer

Aug 26, 2016, 1:48:22 AM8/26/16
to Gorkon

((Sto’Vo’Kor Lounge, USS Gorkon))

((Time Index: 1.5 months after the attack on DSX))

::Chythar once again sat in the dark, alone. It was unusual for him to find anywhere on this block of Swiss cheese to find anywhere which still functioned as intended. The wires hanging from the ceiling had quit sparking, the lights were still non-functional, and there was debris on the floor everywhere. He sensed it when someone came into the room, a familiar presence he hadn’t felt in...a while.::

::It was long grueling work assisting the engineering team in trying to keep the Gorkon together, but it was work that Alex was happy to do. Unfortunately it was work that seemed to have no end and for Alex that meant that as he headed towards the lounge he had just completed his umpteenth double shift. After entering the Sto’Vo’Kor lounge, Alex immediately saw the man that had become a very close friend and made his way over.::

Blair: ::pointing at a seat across from Skyfire:: Care for some company?

Skyfire: Hey, mate. How’s things?

::Alex chuckled a bit.::

Blair: That’s a loaded question...I guess things are going as good as we can expect, how are things with you?

::CD turned around and motioned to the one table which still looked debris-free as he sat down across from Alex.::

Skyfire: ::Sarcastically:: Just peachy. Any idea how hard it is to keep these folks laughing?

::As he sat at the table Chythar had pointed out, Alex forced a laugh that was probably a bit too much for the question.::

Blair: Well, laughter seems to come pretty easy when I’m around you. How is the crew doing?

Skyfire: Just at a guess, I’d say...losing hope very quickly.

Blair: ::shaking his head:: I think we’ll all be better once we find a way home.

Skyfire: Don’t I know it… ::He gave a heavy sigh. He knew this all too well.::

::As they sat at the table talking and waiting for a server to come, Alex realized something. Over the months since he had asked CD for his help in keeping the crew’s morale up, Alex had grown more and more comfortable with the man. The points of Alex’s day when he ran across CD somewhere were quickly becoming the highlight to Alex’s day. Even now as they saw in the lounge, Alex almost felt happy.::

Blair: So, what’s on your agenda this evening?

::Chythar found it harder and harder to smile around most of the crew on a daily basis. For some reason, Alex was the easiest mark of humor. It was harder to get anyone else smiling. Or maybe it was just that the engineer was taking it in stride, which the rest of the crew were not because they were giving up.::

Skyfire: Try to think up more jokes, stare at the darkness, hope that I… ::He paused, and tried to keep his composure, managing a faint smile.:: ...I manage to stay focused rather than let myself get overwhelmed by the pessimism we’re surrounded by. Hope you are at least entertained by the light in the darkness.

::Chythar felt that particular joke was a bit weak around the edges.::

::A part of Alex’s mind knew that the joke was bad, but he laughed anyway. There was something about Chythar that put Alex at ease that he simply couldn’t explain.::

Blair: Well, consider me entertained. ::pause:: You keep those jokes coming, and I promise that no matter how bad they are I will laugh. ::pause:: It’s the least I can do, especially considering the fact that I gave you the job of morale officer. ::Alex paused again to take a deep breath.:: Besides, who wouldn’t be happier just being around you?

::CD couldn’t help but notice the warmth in Alex’s voice. It was a comfort to know that the jokes were still appreciated by someone on the crew despite the fact they were wearing a bit thin. Perhaps something more would come of his friendship with Alex over time, but now wasn’t really a the moment to “what if” for anything. This wasn’t the first time the CMO was in Sto’Vo’Kor with the ship crumbling around him, but it was the second time in as over a year that Alex had sought him out.::

Skyfire: I don’t know, Alex. Maybe...when we get home….I can take you to the Raktajino and introduce you to proper Klingon coffee.

::Alex smiled. For months, the Gorkon had been stuck in the twisted universe and the only time he truly felt optimistic for their getting home was when he was speaking to Chythar. Whenever CD mentioned getting home, Alex couldn’t help but believe him and hope. When they got home, Alex would like nothing more than to spend a nice evening with his dear friend.::

Blair: ::a big smile on his face:: You’ve got a deal. I’m gonna hold you to it too, so don’t try to disappear once we get home.

Skyfire: Don’t worry about me. Just see that you don’t become a crashing bore.

::Alex smiled again.::

Blair: Of course not, who wouldn’t want to spend time with me? We all know how bright and cheerful I’ve been lately.

::That was a total lie, because nobody on this boat, except maybe CD himself, was really bright and cheerful. Perhaps the only reason he was convinced they’d get home is because he still had hope. Their MREs arrived, dehydrated and cold. Typical. Mashed potatoes and dehydrated mystery meat. oO Ew. Oo CD thought, but he ate anyway because he needed the energy.::

Skyfire: Eat up, mate. It’ll be a long month. ::

::Alex finished eating his small meal, not really enjoying the MRE very much.::

Blair: Chythar thanks for letting me join you. ::pause:: It’s much better than eating alone, especially when the food is as high a caliber as this MRE.

Skyfire: Our near empty phaser banks have more of a caliber than this MRE, Alex.

::The joke sounded worse than he did, and he was trying to laugh at his own joke. It didn’t work. Even Stripey didn’t consider it funny, which meant that the least he could do was smile at it. Despite the low quality of his jokes, at least he wasn’t eating by himself again.::


Commander Alex Blair

Mission Specialist

USS Gorkon



Lieutenant Commander Chythar Skyfire

Chief Medical Officer

USS Gorkon, NCC-82293

History Team Co-Facilitator

Medical Duty Post Facilitator

Dear Doc Columnist

Podcast Script Writer



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