Rear Admiral Quinn Reynolds - In Fair Væron, Where We Lay Our Scene...

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Quinn Reynolds

Feb 28, 2020, 12:52:16 PM2/28/20
to Gorkon (IC)

OOC: Please assume all PCs are present!

((Conference Room, USS Gorkon))

Their time on Giáng Sinh had come to its end; the abrupt ice age of the planet a problem not yet solved, but their intervention had certainly made sure that advances had been made toward a solution. The ship's staff had been gathered to the conference room, the snowball of a planet revolved below them, a brilliant globe of white shrouded in clouds visible through the large windows. Maybe one day, maybe one day soon, it would be green once again. Time would tell.

Quinn was sat at the head of the large conference table, a cup of genmaicha steaming away to her left, filling the nearby air with the smell of green tea and popcorn. To her right, within reach of her First Officer, was a small stack of boxes. Not wanting to delay the suspense that almost inevitably came with the sight of those little packages of promise, she spoke as soon as the last person took their seat.

Reynolds: We're all here so I'll crack on. ::She offered a faint smile to no one in particular.:: First of all, Doctor Murray asked me to pass along his thanks and that of his terraforming team. Given some time, they're optimistic they'll be able to reverse the effects of the solar flare and it's in no small part due to your efforts over the past few months. It's been a nice change of pace, and Doctor Murray said that he's happy to provide updates to anyone who wants to keep tabs on their progress. 

Her attention shifted to a new face in the room, unfamiliar to many given how recently she'd come aboard. With a gesture toward the Andorian shen, the Admiral introduced the former Ranger to her new crew.

Reynolds: I'd also like to introduce and welcome Lieutenant Priavao sh’Qynallahr, who's joining our Security and Tactical department. She's most recently been posted with the Starfleet Rangers, and we're lucky to have her aboard.

A few moments filled with greetings both verbal and non-verbal passed, and once it looked as though everyone had expressed their hellos, she continued on.

Reynolds: But before I move on to our next assignment I'd like to recognise a few of you. It's been quiet on Giáng Sinh, but that doesn't mean that your hard work has gone unnoticed. 

The Admiral rose from her chair, injecting a tiny mote of occasion into the proceedings. It wasn't a full ceremony in front of a huge audience, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes a more intimate occasion, where you could catch the eyes and smiles of your friends and colleagues, was far more rewarding. First, she looked first toward the hybrid Vulcan who served in the ship's medical department. 

Reynolds: Ensign Loxley. You'd barely joined us before a certain Q threw us all into another life, but you've weathered that experience and your time on Giáng Sinh with the care and skill we associate with Starfleet's finest physicians. Commander Adea has spoken highly of you as a colleague and a superior and as such, I am delighted to promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade, with all the associated duties, rights and responsibilities that come with it.

Marshall/Loxley: Response

Quinn brought her hands together, a gentle wave of applause breaking the quiet of the conference room. She'd taken a shine to him from their first meeting, the recent academy graduate who had charmed her with his enthusiasm for Starfleet and the Gorkon. It was one of those moments that made all the stresses and strains of the red collar worthwhile, seeing someone flourish and grow under her command.

Reynolds: Speaking of those who provide us care in the most trying of situations... ::She looked then toward their bewigged counsellor.:: Lieutenant Junior Grade Fortune, your unfailing enthusiasm and dedication for your calling has impressed everyone, patients and colleagues alike. ::Her next comment was accompanied with a sly grin.:: That and you make a mean peanut brittle. But for completely confection-unrelated reasons, I am very pleased to promote you to the rank of Lieutenant, with all the associated duties, rights and responsibilities that come with it.

Marshall/Fortune: Response

Another burst of applause for the newest Lieutenant on the ship, a well-earned promotion for the bubbly counsellor. Quinn's visits from Corliss always felt vaguely like a trip to an amusement park, full of light and sound, a stampede through every roller-coaster before collapsing at the end of the day, exhausted but content.

Reynolds: Last of all, Lieutenant Neathler. It's been my pleasure to watch you go from strength to strength, growing as an officer and a leader, performing your duties with clear head and a steady hand. I'm proud to promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, with all the associated duties, rights and responsibilities that come with it. Commensurate with your rise in rank is an elevation to Chief of Security and Tactical, a position I have no doubt you'll shine in. 

Marshall/Neathler: Response

Quinn offered the woman a smile as she clapped her hands together, along with the rest of the assembled officers. Much like herself, Neathler was a quiet one, keeping many of her thoughts to herself. It wasn't always a tactic that served her well — or, she suspected, Neathler — but she understood the instinct. As the appreciations from her fellow crew died down, she rounded them off, preparing to move on.

Reynolds: Congratulations to you all. ::She smiled.:: Now, I'm afraid, it's from celebration to business.

She tapped out a few commands on the controls embedded in the table, pushing images and data through to the PADDs her officers had brought along, as well as the large screen mounted inside the wall behind her. An image of a unary solar system appeared, lingering for a few moments before focusing in on the fourth planet from its yellow sun. It wasn't all that dissimilar to Earth at first glance; blue-green oceans covering a good three-quarters of its surface, glacial caps gleaming at its poles. But the landmass was more red than green, the planet's foliage a bloodier hue than humanity's cradle.

Reynolds: This is Væron. It's a former colony of the Romulan Star Empire, now aligned to the Republic. It escaped notice for a long time, being that it was of little strategic importance to anyone — until it was discovered the planet has significant deposits of benamite. Realising what they had, the Republic invited the Federation to help them mine the crystals, a manoeuvre that's stopped the Empire from simply sweeping in and reconquering the territory.

On the screen, the planet rotated on its axis. Labels appeared over urban areas as they spun into view, towns and mining settlements alike. Some names were clearly Romulan in origin, others had the more eclectic mix of Federation nomenclature. A space station hung in orbit, a utilitarian design of little grace, barely more than a depot for the cargo ships that visited the area.

Reynolds: Since then, there's been an uneasy alliance. Tensions flare on a regular basis, more so as the Romulans have started exerting a greater claim on the mining now they've brought their own slipstream drives into service. We've had some odd reports regarding unusual aggression in the local wildlife over the past couple of weeks with each side blaming the other, but tensions have come to a head when Federation workers vanished from the mines two days ago.

She tapped the controls in front of her, and the image zoomed again. This time directly into two settlements close to one another, heavy with industrialisation and massive transports. Faint green lines glowed, tracing the paths of tunnels beneath the surface, a picture-in-picture providing a three-dimensional view of the subterranean layout.

Reynolds: Commander Marshall, I'd like you to take Commander Sevo, and Lieutenants Colquhoun and Loxley to aid in the search for the missing miners. They vanished from a disputed section of the mine, ::a section of the 3D image lit up in red, tunnels clashing and intertwining,:: evidently the Republic and the Federation sunk separate shafts and over time they've managed to meet up in the middle. 

Marshall/Sevo/Colqhoun/Loxley: Response

Reynolds: Lieutenant Thorton, you'll lead a team comprising of Lieutenant ch'Ranni and Ensign Lan. Shortly before the miners vanished, there were reports that a sensor dead zone appeared in the lower levels. ::Another section of the 3D schematic was coloured, the deep levels in a darker green.:: It might be one of those strange coincidences, or it might not. That's up to you to determine.

Thornton/Stoyer/ch'Ranni/Lan: Response

Another touch of skinny fingers to controls, and the image on the screen shifted away from the colonies, travelling tens of kilometres to a vast expanse of untouched wilderness. The closer view allowed them to see the subtle shades of red in the natural flora, interspersed with the sparkling blue of a river feeding into a lake. A small complex sat in the hills above the lake, a prime positive for some remarkable views.

Reynolds: Commander Neathler, I'd like you to take Lieutenants Fortune and Shryn and investigate these reports of strange behaviour in the wildlife. There's a science reserve about eighty kilometres from the mining settlement, take a shuttle and gather what information you can from sensors before landing and continuing your investigation at closer range.

Neathler/Fortune/Shryn: Response

Another brief touch to the LCARS interface at her fingertips and the image rushed away, chasing over oceans and continents until it came to a still over the frozen white of a polar ice cap. Another small facility was just about visible, the grey metal of its construction peeking out through the dense snows of the planet's coldest regions.

Reynolds: Commander Adea, you'll take Commander Stoyer and Lieutenants Moran and sh’Qynallahr to the polar research station. It's more than five thousand kilometres from the mining settlements and science reserve, but they've reported similar strange behaviour in the animals there, including the aquatics. 


Reynolds: Your team leaders will provide a full briefing of your objectives as we're en route. Given the urgency of the situation, we're going to slipstream for this one so you won't have long — use your time wisely. ::She offered a faint smile.:: And to give you as much time as possible to research and prepare, you're all dismissed.


Commanding Officer

USS Gorkon


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