[G] JP-Lt. jg. Skyfire, GNPC Dr. Ven Demar, PNPC Ens Porchevska: Medical Debrief

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Sep 23, 2014, 10:17:19 PM9/23/14
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com

(( Assistant CMO Office ))

:: Chythar sat at his desk, having read every single report that was filed since the away mission. Padds covered his desk, he looked really out of it because he’d not gotten any sleep. It had been a long day, long night, and long hours in sickbay treating burn patients. Now, he had an agitated civilian to talk to. Of all the things he hated doing, chatting with non-Starfleet about an away mission was pretty high on the list after his experience with the reporter on Starbase 118. ::

Skyfire: I read the reports. You stood there like a statue for several minutes before you began treating anyone. What happened?

Ven: Happened? Why nothing happened. They refused to hold still and kept walking about like nothing was wrong. You would think I wasn't even there even though the commander clearly had broken his arm. I do not understand you Starfleet people.

Skyfire: Very funny, Damar. Now, why don't you tell me the whole story from the moment you beamed over?

Ven: You think I'm joking?! That is what happened. There was this horrible explosion, everyone was thrown about and they got to their feet and persisted to going to the strategic something place. I barely got Cmdr Core's arm strapped before all these other people showed up. Whom they tell me weren't real…

:: Skyfire ran a hand along his face in frustration. He was sensing the agitation, and trying to deal with it without projecting his own emotions. ::

Skyfire: The explosion was 5 minutes in. You did nothing for a full five minutes?

Ven: ::holds himself up stiffly:: I was shaken up myself, you know. Knocked about like a rag. ::sneers:: Thank you so much for asking.

Skyfire: We all were, but I find it hard to believe a man like you would be catatonic for five minutes before treating injuries.

Damar: ::clearly upset:: I'm a neurosurgeon not a GP! Having things explode around you might be normal for your sort, but not for me! What if my hands were injured?!

:: The doc remained perfectly calm and stood up from his chair. ::

Skyfire: Have a seat, Doctor. Please.

Ven: ::Demar dropped heavily into the chair and rubbed the ridges on his nose:: You have no idea how careful I have to be!

Skyfire: I too, am a medical man. And let me tell you, one of the hardest things for me to do is sit here and read reports that indicate one of the folks on my team wasn't doing what they were supposed to.

::The civilian doctor huffed up as if CD had delivered the worst insult::

Ven: I did my best. ::he waved dismissively at the padds on the desk:: It is hardly my fault. What did you expect?! Should I have tackled them and forced them to accept treatment!? And there were all those... those people getting in the way. Not one of them would keep still and they were waving phasers about... I could have been shot?!

Skyfire: Alright, alright. I'll buy your story. Did the injury to Commander Core happen before or after Lt. Trel'lis? And what do you make of her injuries?

Damar: Well that's hard to say with all explosions and people running about. As for her injuries, I have had no time do any kind of proper  examination of her unique biology. ::waves his hands agitated. It was becoming clear the man was less than useless as a field medic.::

Skyfire: At this point, Doctor, you know more about her biology than I do. Would you like something to drink? Help you calm down slightly?

Damar ::flicks his fingers in CD's direction:: Oh yes, that lovely terran thing... what is it... oh yes. Brandy.

:: Chythar walked to the replicator and ordered a brandy for the non-starfleet doc and a coffee for himself. ::

Skyfire: At this point, anything you can tell me about her physiology would help me out.

::Demar savored the golden brown liquid with real appreciation::

Ven: I shall have review her files, Doctor. But I'll have to rest first. ::he finished off the the brandy, rose unsteadily to his feet and walked out of CD's office without so much as a goodbye::

:: Once the civilian left, he bit his lip and began to prepare one of his inhibitor dosages. He was working on that when he thought he noticed Gabi knock on his door. ::

::Gabrielle poked her head into his office::

Porchevska: You look like someone ate your kittens.

:: His eyebrows raised briefly as he continued preparing his hypospray. ::

Skyfire: Kittens?

Porchevska: How about you look fit to chew nails? Or maybe, you're considering throwing old Doc Ven through an airlock.

:: He finished mixing up his meds but didn’t inject himself with it, as self medication was a poor practice and since his first lesson wasn't until the following morning.  oO At least she has a sense of humor. Oo ::

Skyfire: You landed it with the last guess... :: as he offered her the hypospray :: Would you mind?

::Gabrielle took the device from his hand. She moved beside him and slid her fingers over the  collar of his uniform and pulled it down. She deftly injected the drugs and then her fingers brushed over his skin lingering a moment before she pulled his collar back up. She didn't ask him what it was in it.::

:: Skyfire’s recent break up with Debra was still fairly fresh in his mind, the intimate gesture causing confusion to take its hold. Was he aroused by this? Yes. Was he hurt by this? Yes. Was he confused by this? Definitely. So many emotions. He closed his eyes for a moment and tried to prevent them from overtaking him. ::

Porchevska: That should hold you for a while. ::she grinned at him as she moved to stand on the other side of his desk:: You'll feel better soon and maybe even open the airlock before you toss ole Vendy out.

:: He nodded faintly as the inhibitor dulled his abilities enough so that he could think. ::

Skyfire: Yeah...I wanted to punch him in the face.

Porchevska: You'd break your hands on that boney nose. ::she picked up his cup of cold coffee and got him fresh mug::

:: With that, he shrugged quietly and took the coffee. ::

Skyfire: Hard to say. I just...I wasn’t happy with the way the team came together.

Porchevska: ::she looked at him with a raised eyebrow:: Which pretty much makes that my fault.

Skyfire: Nope...I blame Nic for deciding Non-Starfleet should go on this mission, then I put a non-starfleet officer on the team responsible for beaming over there. So, no blame attached to you. :: He sipped his coffee and sat down in his chair, letting the inhibitor kick into full gear. ::

::Gabrielle took a seat across from him in the chair Demar had vacated. Her expression was the more serious he had ever seen on her face in their short acquaintance::

Porchevska: I am the one who put the initial list together and gave it to you. It didn’t occur to me to check whether or not they were military and I should have and made a note of it when you reviewed the list. I recently told Dr. Del Vedova that.

:: Del Vedova. Acting CMO. His superior. Chythar blinked a few times, tried to get it through his head that he was not fully in charge. With a nod, he sipped his coffee again and waited for her to continue. ::

Porchevska: Therefore, crap does not defy gravity on a slope. ::she shrugged her shoulders and then frowned at him slightly.:: I see you’ve got nothing to say again.

Skyfire: I haven’t met with him since we were preparing to board the Mercury.

Porchevska: ::raises an eyebrow:: Met with who?

Skyfire: My boss.

Porchevska: ::she leaned back and crossed her arms:: And? ::she was beginning to think that CD had half of the conversation in his head.::

:: He blinked at her for a moment. ::

Skyfire: And which? I mean, aside from giving him my version of what happened, I doubt I’d have much else to say.

::Gabrielle sighed as she rose from the chair and walked to the replicator, she ordered an Argelian coffee for herself::

Porchevska: You really suck at conversation, did you know that?

:: Not a surprise there. He had been terrible at conversation for a long time, even before his little accident with Azin. He didn’t remember how to have a conversation in which he was more interactive. ::

Skyfire: At least you’re honest when you tell me I suck at conversation. :: Pause :: You think there is something else I should add to my conversation with Nic?

::Instead of returning to her seat, Gabrielle perched on his desk and took a sip of her coffee::

Porchevska: How would I know? I’m not Doctor D.

:: He sipped his coffee again before making a reply. ::

Skyfire: You were saying?

Porchevska: ::she crossed her legs and looked at him:: You act like you have most of the conversation going on inside your head leaving the rest of us out in the cold. That’s if you’re even listening.

:: He didn’t know how to respond to that. He was listening. And he admitted he sucked at conversation. Now…to explain why. ::

Skyfire: I was listening. Heard every word. You aren’t Dr. D and can’t think of anything for me to add to that conversation. Got it.

Porchevska: ::one eyebrow seemed to be stuck in the upright position:: And crap rolls uphill.

:: He just blinked at her for a moment ::

Skyfire: You said “crap does not defy gravity on a slope.” Which, I believe you mentioned, makes this your fault.

Porchevska: ::she looked down at him from her position on his desk:: That was a joke. You could have at least smiled. ::she waved a hand negligently:: Not a great joke of course, but you blew right past it.

:: Though a bit belated, he did in fact smile as the punchline got him in the head. ::

Skyfire: Yep. Suggestions for improvement?

Porchevska: Seriously? ::she smiled:: You listen… but you don’t always hear.

Skyfire: Acknowledged. I will work on that.

Porchevska: Do we have to add that to your lessons on having fun?

Skyfire: Yeah. I think the two go hand in hand, don’t you?

Porchevska: Sometimes, though you may have trouble telling the difference. ::she looked thoughtful:: If you don’t like my methods are you going to wuss out?

Skyfire: Not likely.

Porchevska: ::she set her half empty mug on his desk:: Promise?

:: He nodded faintly and finished his coffee before he ran a hand over his face. He wanted to finish the debrief, and wanted to get out of the uniform. He felt his adrenaline level start to drop off, the fear of staring at ghosts starting to fade. ::

Skyfire: Promise.

::Gabrielle got up and went to his door, closed it and made sure it stayed that way. She turned and looked at him for a long moment, a faint smile on her lips. Then she nodded to herself and walked back to him. She pulled out his chair a little with him still in it and then sat down on his lap::

:: He tensed up a bit, surprised being a bit of an understatement. ::

Skyfire: Is this my first lesson in improving conversational skills or having fun?

Porchevska: Which do you think it is? ::she took his arms and put them around her waist.::

:: Skyfire shook his head and tried to relax himself, managing to put a few words together. ::

Skyfire: I honestly have no idea. Could be either one.

::Gabrielle smiled and shook her head slightly::

Porchevska: At least you’re not running yet.

Skyfire: You have my attention. Continue. :: pause :: Please?

::She put her hands on either side of his face and kissed him for a long time, making the conversation side of the lesson a moot point.::

:: His body tensed up completely, the longer the kiss was maintained the harder it was for him to break it. After several seconds, he began to relax a little. Though, he still felt confused. He didn’t want this….Did he...? ::

Porchevska: ::she broke the kiss as she felt him his relax, especially the grip he had on her waist:: Well?

:: His breathing was a bit labored once the kiss was broken, as though it was taking him a few extra seconds to process what just happened. ::

Skyfire: I….wow. That….that felt….good…

Porchevska: ::she patted his cheeks as she giggled:: You’re allowed to smile, doc.

:: He was still trying to regain his breathing, but managed a smile after a few seconds. ::

Porchevska: :laughs: Great Bird of the Galaxy, we’ve made progress!

:: He felt his breathing return to normal, his grip on her hips slackening a little. A few slow breaths helped him regain his equilibrium. ::

::Gabrielle pulled gently out of his grip and then sat on his desk to grin down at him::

Porchevska: Was is fun?

Skyfire: It was definitely different….I don’t know if fun is the right word...but it felt good…

Porchevska: ::she put her hand over her eyes:: He doesn’t think kissing me is fun. I’m wounded… right to the heart.

Skyfire: Liar….

Porchevska: ::giggles and takes her hand from her face:: Better.

Skyfire: Is that the end of today’s lesson, then?

Porchevska: ::she reached forward and tossled his hair:: I don’t think you can survive more and get any work done. And I’m going to have a hard time explaining these bruises. ::she got up from his desk and headed toward the door::

:: He managed to let go with a faint smile, trying to keep his emotions in check as she got up. oO Bruises? Oo ::

Skyfire: Alright. I’ll finish up these reports and meet you for dinner?

Porchevska: ::she paused at the doorway:: Why Doctor Skyfire, are you asking me out?

:: He replied with a smile. ::

Skyfire: Only if you accept.

Porchevska: ::she grinned at him pleased:: When you put it that way, I suppose I really must. Pick me up at my quarters.

Skyfire: ::faint nod:: 1800, your quarters. Got it.

::Gabrielle grinned at him again and left his office. The smile faded by the time she was out of sight to be replaced with her usual efficient mask. She reminded herself to be careful with him. The last thing she needed to do was break the doctor.::

:: He sat at his desk and waited. He’d alerted both Commander Calderan and the Captain, and now they just had to show up so he could be the bearer of bad news. He figured he’d try to get his own report from the away mission done before they arrived. ::


Lieutenant JG Chythar Skyfire

Asst. CMO

USS Garuda NCC 73809


Ensign Gabrielle Porchevska

Administrative Nurse

USS Garuda

simmed by: Ens. Moonsong

Dr. Ven Demar

Civilian Doctor

USS Garuda

simmed by Ens. Moonsong

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