Lt. Cmdr Tsuki Kazeyama - Immediate Crisis Over

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Ceciri Hakashri

Dec 31, 2015, 1:00:59 AM12/31/15
to Doyle IC, C Hakashri

((Main Science Lab, Deck 9: Doyle-A ))

Kazeyama: Ensign, just concentrate on disconnecting the replicator. We can't stay here too long, as I'm worried our biohazard suits will not protect us for long.

Phlair: Yes, sir.

Kazeyama: ::activating the communicator within the suit:: =/\= Kazeyama to Faranfey. Ma'am, we had the replicator begin to spit out biohazardous substances in the Main Science Lab. We followed protocol, and immediately were beamed to the quarantine lab in sickbay. We've regrouped to shut down the replicator and determine how to detox the lab. =/\=

Faranfey:  =/\= I assume this is more complex than a simple decontamination process, or you would already be on it. =/\=

Kazeyama: =/\= Well. I'm coming you because I'm detecting a very powerful cytotoxin. At this point, we need to look seriously at simply beaming the entire lab's contents into space and that will require communication with the starbase. This is a targeted attack, ma'am, and I recommend getting Security and Intelligence involved. We're lucky that we closed the ducts as is before the power went out. =/\=

Faranfey:  =/\= I already have Captain Faranster on my list of people to reach out to, is there anything specific that I need to tell him about the composition of the toxin before we jettison it into space? =/\=

Kazeyama: =/\= The chemicals are various, but well picked to make it hard to tell the active ingredients. I've had training though in biochemical warfare and detection and I recognize the signs. It's not quite to the level of drivocet, but I'm seeing a variant on the toxin that was used by the Klingon Empire in mid 2340. =/\=

Faranfey: =/\= That will be useful for Intel, make them aware promptly while I make arrangements to get the freaking fracking thing off my ship! =/\=

Faranfey: =/\= Faranfey out. =/\=

Saavei:  Commander Kazeyama, I suggest we make our investigation of the lab short.  Readings on my biohazard suit controls are showing slow corrosion around the seal of my helmet.

Phlair: I don't have access to any sealant. We'll have to move faster.

Kazeyama:  Agreed.

Saavei:  Sure to the time elapsed between our arrival in the lab to the present moment, I calculate full corrosion and failure of all biohazard suit seals in 7.564 minutes.

Phlair: 7 minutes?? That's hardly enough time.... ::: Tsuki didnt’ quite see it, but he did feel it when they were tossed about, and then saw that the chemical concoction was apparently flammable. Very. Something must be producing oxygen for that flame. ::

Kazeyama: Not again. ::sighs, tapping the badge :: Computer, progressive scan the outside force field under quarantine protocol Alpha-Nine then seal the lab.. ::The computer beeps. ::

Saavei: response?


Phlair: ::Trying to stand up:: What did you say about being able to jettison this into space?

Kazeyama: I'm starting prep work now. Computer, beam us back to the quarantine ward, then begin decontamination protocol Zed-Eight-Seven-Five. Authorization Kazeyama-Tango-Tango-Five-Eight-Redfall. ::Unlike last time, this would not be a beam out to sickbay. There was a separate decontamination chamber on the station, and he actually didn't want to rely on ships systems right now. This was odd. An anti-tampering effect on the replicator? This conspiracy required physical access now. ::

Saavei: response?

Phlair: response?

((Decontamination Chamber: Deep Space 285))

:: They arrived into the chamber, only for the decon field to immediately go off. And then again. It was three full minutes before they were out, and just to be sure, the on duty doctor checked, before giving them the all-clear. ::

Doctor: You said it was attacking the seals?

Phlair: ?

Saavei: ?

Kazeyama: Affirmative.

:: The balding man noted it down with a frown, then paused. ::

Doctor: But why beam to Deep Space 285?

Kazeyama: Between the power failure and the fact the sabotaged replicator required physical access, I felt the station was a safer bet for everyone.

Doctor: Hm.. Logical. ::he allowed grudgingly.:: Well, you're all fine, so you're free to leave.

Kazeyama: Thank you. ::He turned to face the other two.:: So.. Ensign Saavei. I want you to examine what our tricorders found out and find out what we can about where it could have come from, and possible scenarios had it gotten out.  For the time being, please use the labs on the station. Contact me if they give you static, and I’ll get you cleared. Ensign Phlair, I believe you were wanted in Engineering. Please give your chief my apologies, and make him aware that the area within the quarantine must be avoided until it's beamed in space. I want to thank you both for your bravery and your attempts to fix it. ::He smiles ruefully.:: Interesting day, right?

Phlair: ?

Saavei: ?

Kazeyama: I'm going to warn Intelligence. The biological weapon they used is Klingon in origin, but I also know it's not Klingon-exclusive. Don't fall into the trap of thinking it's just them. ::He bows to them, then pauses. :: And stay safe. Something's rotten in the state of Denmark..

((OOC: If you want to insert something here, I'll backsim it. ))

:: Kazeyama muses that last bit out loud before hailing Danara.::

Kazeyama: =/\= Kazeyama to Danara. I hate to be the bearer of  bad news, but we've managed to determine that the Main Science Lab has been the victim of a targeted biochemical attack. They were using a cytotoxin. ::his voice hardens on that word for a moment. :: It's khrovcet, reasonably popular with the Klingons in the 2340s.. but I'm not so sure they were behind it. They had overridden the programming on the replicator, and then put some anti tampering mechanism on it. =/\=

Danara: =/\= ?

Kazeyama: =/\= I got everyone out, and we have a quarantine ward up. I believe we are preparing to simply beam the entire lab into space. The mixture of chemicals they used had a .. very acidic effect that was destroying the lab, and our biosuits. =/\=

Danara: =/\= ?


Lt. Cmdr Tsuki Kazeyama

Assistant Chief Science Officer

USS Doyle-A




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