JP MSNPCs Sarona Morah & Ariria Lainur - Ohan

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Mar 3, 2017, 3:33:51 PM3/3/17
((Nightshade - Starbase 104))

::Sarona Morah walked purposefully through the dark and chilly alleys between the sparse shops and residential apartments of the Linara-dominated section of Starbase 104. Though saying that Nightshade, the slang name attributed to this section, was dominated by Linarans was a misnomer. It was solely inhabited by the Linarans, as all but the most visually acute of aliens needed night vision enhancement hardware just to navigate the deck. Coming from a sunless world, or more accurately a sun-blocked world, all Linarans had the ability to traverse near-total darkness with ease. The tradeoff of course was that normal illumination, as defined by their new Federation allies, was way too bright and painful for their sensitive eyes.::

::Sarona was enroute to meet up with his associate, Ariria Lainur, where they had business of great importance to discuss. He walked so quickly that the vast tapestries that adorned nearly every vertical surface billowed with the disturbance of the air in his wake. Both ornamental and practical, tapestries were a staple of Linaran architecture where cold was pervasive and drafts were a matter of life. Much like the head-to-foot robes that clothed every single Linaran as a matter of comfort and protection when they set foot off of Nightshade and interacted with the other species of the Federation station, the fabric and patterns of the tapestries were muted yet elegant.::

::With his destination clearly in sight, Sarona took one last subversive look around to ensure that nobody, whether Linaran or alien, had followed him, then he ducked through a narrow doorway and disappeared into darkness inky black even by his species’ standards.::

:: The veil pulled over her face Ariria stepped into the complete darkness as she left the metal construct they used to transport between the levels of this vast floating city. Her hand pressed against the inside pocket of her robes she continued her way through what her people had made a home away from Leron IV. Thanks to their government joining the Federation they had a place to go in these times and didn’t have to live in the dark cold streets without protection from the disasters their planet brought. ::

:: Children here played and ate well, parents weren’t worried about feeding their families or pets. Here they had a purpose, bringing Linaran traditions and goods to those who never sat a foot on their planet. Aliens from throughout the galaxy visited them here in their secure environment like vultures. Ariria just passed a market stand with adornments made from Jurn, a smooth stone only found on Leron IV. Alien guests bartered, all looking like insects with their night-vision goggles, so they could even see what their toe stubbed when stumbling through the darkness. ::

:: Ariria relished the knowledge of her face being out of sight for anyone, so her eye-roll was well hidden. Aliens. ::

:: To many it came as a surprise to be met with the noise when stepping out of the lift. For some reason it was believed that Darkness was equal to Silence. But just one moment in the life of the Shadows proved them wrong. It was just as loud as it was anywhere on the station where more than two people came together. People were just as busy, distracted by the occurring events or interested in the lives of others. But Ariria had better things to do than watch the unsuspecting people around her. Instead she slipped into an alley, no time to admire the undoubtedly magnificent tapestries seaming the way. One last glance to ensure her being alone and she stepped through the narrow doorway. ::

:: Inside, in complete darkness she saw the figure stand and wait already. In silence she looked at him as the door shut behind her without a sound. ::

Morah: May the shadows fall long, Ariria.

Lainur: And may your night be eternal, Sarona.

Morah: You have certainly heard the news by now? The traitor and turncoat Sotesa Vehau has arrived on Starbase 104. She sups and entreats with the vile Hinji. ::invisible snarl from behind his cowl:: If she has but an ounce of common sense and self-preservation, she would not dare show her pleats here in Nightshade.

::A subconscious effort to check and smooth his own pleated robes made Morah’s gloved hands wander down his sides. Though to outsiders their robes might appear muted and somewhat plain, a person’s individuality and stature could be gleaned by the pleats of their vestments.::

Lainur: Yes, I have. I also heard the excitement in the population. ::She raised a hand and pulled up the veil. In here she didn’t need it, neither to hide her face, nor to protect herself from the light. She would have found it rude to hide herself from Sarona, after all they were on the same side. :: We do need to remain calm, though.

:: And she knew that was difficult. Who wanted to be even on the same station as those two faces monstrosities? These negotiations stood against everything she believed. ::

Morah: How can I be calm at a time like this, Ariria? Our own president and leader is negotiating to give away our birthright to those soulless heathens! Those ungodly man-creatures who shed their garments at a moment’s thought and transform into beasts! Leron II looms large in our eternal night sky, and has beckoned us forth with its rich bounty and welcoming shores for millennia. We finally are in a position to take what is rightfully ours and ease our planet’s hardships, and ::spitting out the words venomously:: she wants to share it with the furred changers!

Lainur: I know, friend. ::She began pacing slightly, the fabric of her robes and her steps the only sound between them. :: I have seen the uniforms of our hosts among our own people. They are filling their containers with our goods.

Morah: ::surprised:: They did? Right down here in Nightshade? How long has it been since anyone from Starfleet has bothered to visit our markets? Normally we only see the junk traders and curious tourists.

Lainur: Too long to believe they cared. I believe their reason are these ::her lips snarled:: negotiations. They want to get her favour to easier mold her opinions into a successful negotiation. After all Starfleet can’t have a failure at her hands. ::Her voice dripped of sarcasm.::

::Sarona sighed heavily and eased his weight against the wall where he leaned wearily. The stress of the impending negotiations between worlds, with the Federation mediating, had led to many a restless sleep cycle.::

Morah: I know that Federation membership has its benefits. We’ve seen immediate relief in some of our planet’s scarcest locations, with suffering reduced in places of famine. But then, to go and welcome membership with the Hinji! The cloister of elders would likely have reconsidered their stance on Federation membership if we knew that cohabitation with those changers would have been the price to pay. The insult of dealing with the Hinji is bad enough, without adding the injury of them coercing away Leron II with Starfleet’s help.

Lainur: I agree. We need to do something to make sure these changers won’t get what they want.

Morah: But what? That is the question...

:: The Linara sat one one of the stools spread in the dark room that didn’t have much more than a table and seating possibilities. It didn’t need more. With her gloved hand she pulled out a small pouch from the pocket inside her robes and opened it, to pull out a small black leaf and push it into her mouth. The bitter taste was calming and helped her think. Chewing slowly she raised it and held it out to him. ::

Lainur: Ohan?

::Shortly after the conversation had started and the two Linarans had been comfortable with each other’s identity, Sarona had raised his veil much like Ariria had. That would be why his erstwhile companion would have seen his eyes open wide with surprise and longing. Ohan, here on Starbase 104! Leaves were rare enough on a sunless planet, where the most numerous things to grow were tubers and roots and fungi, which as a matter of course were staples of their peoples’ diets. But these leaves were special, special even more so than their rarity. They could bring euphoria and calm in equal measures to a people who often felt little enough of either in recent times. Sarona sat quickly at the small table before greedily clutching one of the illicit leaves and placing it on his tongue. The feeling was near-instantaneous.::

Morah: ::sighing in pleasure:: That is perfect. Where did you manage to get your hands on ohan?

Lainur: I was in the Shadow district. I know a guy who sells them for much less than they are worth. He has no idea what he’s having. His loss.

:: She shrugged. There weren’t many places that sold the leaves, which were used as a drug under Linaran, but some used it casually like Ariria. Due to the rarity of the plant on Leron IV itself it was too expensive to get in the next store. So when she found the trader on the station who sold it for almost nothing, couldn’t resist getting a pouch of it for herself. Better now and enjoy it, than later and risking that he realized his error. ::

Morah: I wonder what effect ohan has on Hinji. Or the species that make up the Starfleet hosts on this station. There are so many different types of them. Knowing them, it would likely poison them all.

::It was idle conversation, merely a point of curiosity and random musing, but Sarona found his eyes meeting those of Ariria, and the two seemed to click into one mindset in a moment of clarity.::

:: Ariria's mind reeled, if Sarona had the same idea this would be a stroke of fate. It was brilliant. ::

Lainur: You don’t think we could…

Morah: No, it would never work. As soon as the Linara delegation felt the effects of the ohan, they would know exactly what had happened. We want to help the Linara cause, not hinder it. Plus, it might have absolutely no effect on the Hinji after all. ::attempting half-hearted humor:: What a waste of perfectly good ohan that would be, anyways.

Lainur: It is also possible, that it does have an effect and it might be too late when the Linara feel the effects themselves. But it still be a waste of ohan. It’s not that we could just go and get a new batch of it.

Morah: Besides, it’s not like we could intercept the goods ordered by Starfleet to cater the negotiations.

::Sarona gave a head-weave coupled with a shrugging motion of his shoulders. The Linara had become physically expressive with their emotions as a matter of necessity after they started veiling their faces. The subtle motions that Sarona displayed indicated a conspiratorial, knowing mien, akin to a pointed glance or a devilish smirk, which was promptly mirrored by Ariria. ::


Sarona Morah
Linaran Opposition

Simmed by

LtCmdr Maxwell Traenor
Scientific Specialist, USS Constitution
=/\= Top Sims Contest Facilitator =/\=


Ariria Lainur
Linaran Opposition

Simmed by

Captain Jalana Rajel
Commanding Officer
USS Constitution B
Image Team Facilitator

A strange mix of anger and worry washed through him,
his hands trembled slightly, but he just clenched
fists and remained his position.
How could she be so reckless, hadn't she learned

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