Lieutenants Anjar Thoran & Carter Greyson: Odd Date Part II

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Carter Greyson

Sep 18, 2019, 2:48:15 AM9/18/19
OOC: This takes place before Carter’s “Accepting The Offer”

((Secondary Structural Integrity Field Generator, Deck 32, USS Astraeus))

Carter had slept with one woman during his time at the academy, on purpose, to help her through her pon farr. He hadn’t really known love until Ris, and even that exploded in his face when she nearly killed him. Albeit, accidentally, but he came to the realization much later he was still alive because of the fact they weren’t together. Now...he didn’t know. What would he say to this man who insisted on patience?

Greyson: :: He looked at his boots, breaking eye contact. :: I don’t know if I can wait forever, but I suppose it’ll do for now.

Anjar jerked away as though burned and ran shaky hands through his hair, trying to contain his frustration. It was so damned difficult to finally find someone he was willing to take things slow with only to have that person pushing for fast. He’d never been on this side of things before and he was fighting hard against his natural instincts to go into this full speed.

Thoran: ::closes his eyes:: I’ve decided you’re worth waiting for, Carter. It’s damned torture wanting to just leap into this without looking back. ::opens his eyes and stares at Carter:: You’re too good for that. ::pauses:: It’s frustrating knowing how I feel about you, but not knowing how to express it without defeating the whole purpose.

“Frustrating” was perhaps the understatement of the month. Or...something like that. Hell, Carter’s paperwork in engineering was equally as frustrating, but to a different degree. At least once that was out of the way there was usually a cold drink at the end of the shift. This time...well, he’d definitely be taking a cold shower, and knew that the slow build-up to any relationship was essential to ensure its success. He didn’t see himself as rushing toward an answer, but he didn’t see himself locked in stasis either. This...would Greyson survive the patience game? How would it even affect him? He had no idea. He supposed, he just had to be patient. Again. For longer. Maybe dinner and a movie was not as good an idea in reality.

Greyson: oO Why do these things always sound better in my head? Oo :: Pause. :: I...I don’t know what to say to that, Anjar. :: He looked up into Anjar’s eyes, but words failed him. :: oO It’s torture waiting as well. Oo

A tense silence hung in the air between them for several long moments. In truth, neither did Anjar. He’d been here before...the high of a new relationship. The bottom had fallen out of most of his previous relationships after three months. He and Carter were only about a month in and he just wasn’t willing to take the chance. He was already in deep...deep enough that this was going to hurt like hell if it went south.

Thoran: ::smiles wanly and nudges Carter’s shoulder playfully:: Don’t be such a girl, Carter. What’s the rush anyway? We’ve got plenty of time.

Carter’s brow rose and fell at the words. He didn’t know what the rush was, but the slow burn wasn’t sitting well with him either. Or maybe that was the brandy starting to catch up with him. He didn’t know. He couldn’t think. Not clearly, anyway. He wanted Anjar on both a physical and intellectual level even without the brandy’s assistance. But at the same time, Anjar just pulled the patience card again. What that meant...or could mean...or...whatever...was easily interpretable as “this could end at any moment”. The statements made earlier were conflicting in his head. Perhaps the brandy wasn’t helping, but he didn’t want to have any more lest it compromise his remaining thought process.

Greyson: I don’t know.

Well, hell. Anjar grimaced, the earlier lightness replaced by a dark cloud that seemed to be hanging over them. Carter’s seriousness was driving him crazy. Even when Anjar tried to lighten the mood, it was like Carter wanted this to go he was expecting it. Anjar sighed. He supposed he was, too. Regardless, a month was way too damn early to be admitting serious feelings like love. They were supposed to still be in the early exploration phase of their relationship, laughing together and enjoying each other’s company. This--he didn’t know what to do with it.

Thoran: ::drops his gaze and murmurs:: We can call it a night if you want.

There was something about the way Anjar’s words that the younger man couldn’t place. Defeat? No. Maybe? Possibly? On the one hand, he didn’t want this weird and awkward moment to end because just being in the man’s company was helping him clear his head. On the other hand, they were both being awkward in their own ways. Carter’s serious expression, his earlier pushing for a straight answer...maybe he was rushing it. He wasn’t sure what to do. How to react.

Greyson: We don’t have to. This is nice.

Thoran: ::sighs and runs his hands through his hair, then mutters:: I’m an awkward, bumbling idiot at the best of times, Carter. I’m trying to feel my way through this practically blind. I’m putting a lot of stock in faith...not something I’m used to doing.

Greyson: That makes two of us. I’m an awkward and bumbling idiot as well. After Ris...I didn’t think I would find anyone that makes me feel the way you do. I don’t need more brandy to say that I feel something for you…

Thoran: ::huffs a laugh:: The way we’re both stumbling, I don’t think either of us needs anymore brandy.

It was the way he dealt with things that made him uncomfortable. Humor. It was an out...a way to avoid admitting just how much hearing Carter admit even that amount of affection for him made his heart race and his skin feel far too tight.

So many people took it the wrong way...didn’t know him well enough to see it for what it really was. He didn’t dare meet Carter’s gaze. He’d grab Carter, pull him against his chest, and never let go. There was something in the man’s voice that hinted at what Anjar would see in Carter’s eyes...something he just wasn’t ready for yet.

Carter’s gaze broke from Anjar’s. He nodded in agreement, and kept his eyes roaming to the bulkheads and anywhere that wasn’t the other man’s face. He couldn’t bring himself to say more without making a complete @$$ of himself, nor without making it seem like he was rushing to an answer that was clearly a ways off. There was just...something about being in the man’s company that felt right and required no words. Maybe that was his way of coping with these odd dates in small spaces. When things got awkward, just enjoy the company in silence.

Thoran: ::laughs nervously:: There has to be some way, short of the obvious, to keep these dates from getting so damned awkward.

Greyson: Let me know when you figure out what it is? I’d love to know…

Sarcasm. It was a poor substitute for wit. He didn’t have any. And with that one line, his seriousness returned. He had hoped that he was following the humorous vein that Anjar was attempting to use as an out, but at the same time he didn’t have the knack for clowning around.

Thoran: ::chuckles:: You probably will before I do. I’m not near as smart as you. I’m actually a bit on the slow side when it comes to anything outside propulsion engineering.

That admission caught Carter off guard. He had only one serious relationship, and one born out of necessity. So, the likelihood that this was within one of his realms of expertise, which at the moment were tactical and engineering systems, was slim to none. Romance was never a thing he claimed to be good at. Asking Chythar for dating advice hadn’t gone over well either.

Greyson: Not really...I’m terrible at romantic stuff. Just ask Chythar. I’m also terrible at anything that isn’t components engineering or shooting stuff.

Thoran: ::arches an eyebrow:: The only “romance” I have experience with is the non-serious kind. Haven’t had a single serious relationship since Lia’s mother passed nine years ago. ::chuckles and shakes his head:: What a pair we make.

Greyson: Ris and I...broke up for reasons. It was the only serious relationship I’ve had in my life, and it took me a long time to get over it. Then I found you. :: He paused and took a breath. :: Ever since Havley’s Hope... Don’t ask me how I knew. Maybe it was the way you processed the disappearance of the away team that made me realize how much I...I felt for you.

Anjar tensed. That mission was a mess and a half. A grimace slid across his features. He still remembered the talking-to he’d gotten from Core. He was half tempted to push for Lieutenant Commander if only so that fewer people would have that advantage over him. But then...if somebody had a strong enough personality like Core did, Anjar doubted they’d hold back even if they were the same rank.

Thoran: ::sighs:: Not one of my finer moments.

Greyson: I know. I was there too. Not one of mine either, because I’d lost Chythar’s signal -- but that’s irrelevant to the point I am making here. I felt...drawn to help you through that.

Damn. It had gotten serious again. Reacting on impulse, Anjar stepped toward Carter, pushing the other man against the bulkhead, and pinned Carter’s hands above his head. He used his weight to pin Carter there with his hips, laying a trail of delicate kisses over Carter’s jaw and down his neck.

Thoran: ::murmurs softly:: Figs or no figs, you’re damned hard to resist, Carter. You’re my weakness.

Carter made no effort to fight back as he was pinned against the bulkhead, his height only beaten by the other fellow by 2 whole inches. The trail of kisses caught him off-guard once more, but he had to enjoy the moment, and allow himself to get lost in it in order to diffuse the seriousness that he seemed to drop into the conversation.

Greyson: I guess I’m your kryptonite...but I ask you, is that bad?

Leaning forward, Anjar captured Carter’s lower lip between his and sucked, chest heaving from the effort to keep from doing what he really wanted to. With all the teasing Carter had done tonight, Anjar thought it was only fair to return the favor.

Thoran: ::murmurs in Carter’s ear:: I could get used to it.

Those five words seemed like more of an answer. Perhaps it was worth the wait. Perhaps the patience game wouldn’t kill him as he thought it would. Perhaps he just needed to wait and see how this played, and not tell Chythar about it until it was more solidified. If some things were set in stone, this was at the… set in jell-o phase. Where it was still a gel-based and probably as slippery as a waterslide, but not solid enough to really stab with a chopstick.

Thoran: ::pauses:: You can pick our next date.

Greyson: I think I can manage something.

Thoran: ::smiles and nods, brushing his lips against Carter’s:: I still want to take it slow, but I want you to be happy, too. ::grasps Carter’s hips and murmurs into Carter’s ear:: I can’t be happy if you’re not.

Carter closed his eyes, allowing the moment to take control. He let out a soft moan, his body gradually relaxing under the other man’s touch. He wanted Anjar so badly, but he had to be patient. And this time he was sure it was more than the alcohol talking.

Lieutenant Carter Greyson
Chief Engineer
USS Astraeus NCC-70652


PNPC Lieutenant Anjar Thoran
Propulsion Systems Officer, USS Astraeus NCC-70652
As simmed by Lael Rosek

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