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That is probably corrrect.
The grammarian पतञ्जलि mentions those who say that : वेदम् अधीत्य
त्वरिताः वक्तारः भवन्ति , वेदात् नः वैदिकाः शब्दाः सिद्धाः लोकात् च
लौकिकाः । and he does not contradict this.
I.e., vaidika usage can be known by learning the veda, and correct
laukika usage can be known from the practice of common usage.
However, note that non-native adult learners of any language (even
modern languages) often cannot get this internal "instinctive"
knowledge of the correctness of usage - native speakers of any
language that learned the language as babies seem to have that
"instinctive" sense of correctness of usage. Therefore we, being non-
native adult learners of saMskRta, may benefit from learning grammar.
There is no need that the grammar be the system given by पाणिनि. Any
system that helps you get the correct usage will do. Grammarians of
the पाणिनि tradition agree that his is only a system of convenience to
get to the correct usages. Once the correct usages are attained, the
system has no significance. (उपेयप्रतिपत्त्यर्था उपाया अव्यवस्थिता: ।
They are only ways to get to the ends, other than that the means have
no standing.)
-----Original Message-----
From: sams...@googlegroups.com [mailto:sams...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of SriKanth!
Sent: Tuesday, 6 September 2011 5:08 PM
To: samskrita
Subject: [Samskrita] Should I learn Vyakarana at all?
Respected Members,
न च अद्यत्वे कः चित् अपि व्यवहरति ।
Nobody is using it today. (at Patanjali's time)
(प-१२; अकि-१,८.२३-१०.३; रो-१,३५-३९; भा-४३/६२) केवलम् ऋषिसम्प्रदायः धर्मः इति कृत्वा याज्ञिकाः शास्त्रेण अनुविदधते ।Only in the sacrifices they do not use अपशब्द-s, Otherwise, in normal usage, they used words as they liked.
So there is no need to learn Grammar to learn language. By usage one can learn the language as Murthy and Dhananjaya Vaidya have already suggested.
It was the time of Patanjali itself, he had to devote one whole day of teaching पस्पशाह्निक to convince his pupils the necessity of learning व्याकरण. It was 2000 years ago. The reasons and objects of learning enumerated and explained by him beginning with
(प-३; अकि-१,१.१४-२.२; रो-१,८-१४; भा-१/१७) कानि पुनः शब्दानुशासनस्य प्रयोजनानि ।
valid only 2000 years ago, are outdated today. Therefore the question never rises why I should learn व्याकरण. According to modern linguistics, I had somewhere read that there is no errors in the use of language, but only dialectal deviations. As noticed by Patanjali, he had already noticed many at his time.
If you feel this usage is strange, it might have been used some where else.
कः च इदानीम् अन्यः भवज्जातीयकः पुरुषः शब्दानाम् प्रयोगे साधुः स्यात् ?It is the users that justify the usage of a language, and not the Grammar. None other than the user of the language can determine the validity of the usage.
And many more reasoning can be found from the Great Lectures महाभाष्य.
भवद्भि सुवचनै: विश्रान्तिं अनुभवामि | एतस्मिन श्रेष्टतरे परिषदि
संस्कृत व्याकरण शिक्षण: किमर्थम् करणीय: इति प्रष्टुं कंञ्चित् भयं
आसीत् एव | संस्कृतभाषां पठने कोपि यत्न अहम् न कृतवान् इति कृपया मा
मन्यतां | संस्कृतभारत्यां कक्षायां संस्कृताध्ययने प्राय: वर्षद्वयम्
अतीतं | आधुना द्वितीय गीतासोपाने पठन् अस्मि |
व्याकरणं पठितुम् इच्छामि एव कमपि प्रयत्नं कुर्वन् अस्मि एव | किन्तु
तत्र बहुकष्टो जायते इति सर्वत्र श्रुतवान् द्रष्टवान् | एतं प्रयत्नं
मया शक्यं वा न वा कति वर्षाणि आवश्यकं स्यात् आदि विचारे अहम्
बद्धचित्त: | इदानीं अहम् मन्ये "अध्ययनं अध्ययनस्यकृते एव मनोभावम् एव
मार्गदर्शकम" आदि चिन्तनं एव अत्र आवश्यकम् सद्भावम् इति |
मम संस्कृत लेखनं दोषरहितं नास्ति कृपया क्षम्यतां |
Respected scholars, my intention is not to waste your time, I didn't
want to do something with doubts in mind, so I spoke my mind here. I
appreciate your responses very much, each one was useful in guiding my
mindset. I understood studying grammar is not a must but out of self-
interest one can go through it without giving much stress to the
Whoa, It took me one hour to write this email in Sanskrit having
V.S.Apte's dictionary at hand :)
Thank you.
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There is no need for correct usage anyway as we are ourselves are the speakers of the language.
Whoa, It took me one hour to write this email in Sanskrit having
V.S.Apte's dictionary at hand :)
अस्मिन् सप्ताहान्तरे अत्र भवता दत्तं गीतगिविन्दसंस्कृतसङ्गस्य जालपुटम्
(ggss-lessons.org) मया द्रष्टं कौतुकात् पठितम् च | एतानि उत्तमानि
पाठानि तथा चलनचित्राणि कुत्रापि न दृश्यते | एतानि पाठानि मामिव
अशिक्षितम् छात्रम् अपि व्याकरणे अभिरुचिम् वर्धयति |
तदनन्तरम् भवता उक्तं तत्त्वविदानन्दास्वामिना कृतं DVD रूपेण लभ्दानि
लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी पाठानि अपि मया क्रीतं | पठनीयम् बहु अस्ति |
भवत: महदुपकारस्य बहव: धन्यवादा: |
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