3d plotting using Jmol: black screen of death

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Benjamin Jones

Apr 10, 2012, 8:40:51 PM4/10/12
to sage-s...@googlegroups.com
3d plotting using Jmol: black screen of death

I've read through all the Jmol problem threads here that I could find,
back to    2008, and I can't find an answer to the "Jmol produces a blank,               
black display" problem I'm about to describe. So here is a new thread.

I've been having a frustrating time making 3d plots using Jmol for a while now. I have
a server setup running Debian and various versions of the Sage notebook on
different ports. I'm connecting to the server mainly with a newish
MacBook Pro (OS X 10.6.8) using Firefox 11 or Chrome

I experience the following thing, over and over again.
1. I connect to the notebook
2. I start a new worksheet
3. I type cube() into the first cell and evaluate
4. Jmol loads, I see a cube. Great!
5. I Save and Quit, go do something else, maybe shut the lid on my
laptop, etc.
6. I load the worksheet just made. Where the Jmol applet displays
there is only a black screen.
7. Re-evaluating the cell returns the same black display.
8. Quitting browser, clearing cache, cookies, rebooting computer, has
no effect.
9. I notice that one I get the "black screen of death" once, I get it
in every other old worksheet containing a Jmol applet and in every new
worksheet I produce until some later indeterminate time when it starts
working again.

In trying to isolate the problem, or just to find a Sage / Sagenb
version where 3d plotting with Jmol works consistently, I collected
some data which I post below. I haven't come to any conclusion yet,
but I'd really like to track this problem down. I find that using sageng.org
basically always works (all platforms / browser combos below work there)
so I guess one question is what magic is going on there with regards to
Jmol and the notebook that I can't get using sage-4.8 + instructions at
trac #11080?

   - Note: Mac = Mac OS X 10.6.8, Linux = Fedora 16 VM
   - Note: on Mac and Linux, all examples at
     http://jmol.sourceforge.net/demo/ WORK fine.
   - Note: When I say WORK, I means the plots load always, can be
     reloaded, at will, anytime. When I say FAILS, I mean that it
     might work the first time the plot is made, but I get black
     screen of death or some other bad behavior thereafter.

= Data =


   - Sage 4.7.1
     - Mac
       - FAILS in FF 11 (black screen, menus work but no data)
       - FAILS in Chrome 18.0.1025.151 (black screen, menus work but no data)
     - Linux
       - FAILS in FF 11 (black screen, red error "No atoms found for file string type 
     - Windows 7
       - WORKS on one machine, FAILS on another  in FF 11
       - WORKS in IE (both machines!?!?)

   - Sage 4.8 + new notebook at #11080 (applied months ago)
     - Mac
       - FAILS in FF 11 (black screen, menus work but no data)
       - FAILS in Chrome 18.0.1025.151 (black screen, menus work but no data)
     - Linux
       - FAILS in FF 11

   - Sage 4.8 (stock)
     - Mac
       - WORKS in FF 11
       - WORKS in Crome 18.0.1025.151
     - Linux
       - FAILS in FF 11 (black screen, red error "No atoms found for file string type")
   - Sage 5.0.beta13 + new notebook at #11080 (applied 2012-04-09)
     - Mac
       - FAILS in FF 11 (black screen, menus work but no data)
       - FAILS in Chrome 18.0.1025.151 (black screen, menus work but no data)
     - Linux
       - WORKS in FF 11
     - Windows 7
       - WORKS in FF 11
       - WORKS in IE (!?!?)


   - sagenb.org (sage-4.8 + ???)
     - Mac
       - WORKS in Chrome 18.0.1025.151
     - Linux (Fed 16 VM)
       - WORKS in FF 11

   - test.sagenb.org (sage-5.0.beta11 + ???)
     - Mac
       - WORKS in FF 11
       - WORKS in Chrome 18
     - Linux
       - FAILS in FF 11 (Loading Jmol applet counts up forever..)
       - FAILS in Chrome 18 (tab crashes "he's dead, Jim!")

P Purkayastha

Apr 11, 2012, 1:59:12 AM4/11/12
to sage-s...@googlegroups.com
You have given a lot of information except for one important thing: what is the java you have installed? The jmol applet is most reliable and tested only on Sun/Oracle java.

Benjamin Jones

Apr 11, 2012, 10:23:11 AM4/11/12
to sage-s...@googlegroups.com
Yes, good point. I meant to include that:

Mac runs the java that Apple ships with 10.6.8:

java version "1.6.0_31"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_31-b04-413-10M3623)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.6-b01-413, mixed mode)

Fedora Linux VM runs the java that Fedora 16 ships with:

java version "1.6.0_24"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 1.11.1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)

I don't have access to the Windows machine right now, but I'm 99%
positive it has a recent Sun/Oracle java 1.6.0 release.


... so the Java isntallation on the Linux machine might be the cause
of the problems there (the red error messages in the table below).
But, it still leaves the problem I have on Mac OS X in Firefox and
that my colleagues have on Windows 7 in Firefox.

Benjamin Jones

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P Purkayastha

Apr 12, 2012, 10:40:32 AM4/12/12
to sage-s...@googlegroups.com
FYI, I have not had a failing jmol for well over a year on Linux - Gentoo Linux x64 and Ubuntu minimal 11.10 (which was earlier 11.04). In both machines I run sun java. Currently on the Gentoo machine the java is sun-jdk-

Benjamin Jones

Apr 24, 2012, 3:06:45 PM4/24/12
to sage-s...@googlegroups.com
I believe I've solved my problem so I thought I'd post here in case other people run into it.

Problem: I connect via https to local Sage notebook server. The local server has a self-signed SSL certificate. Some Java installations (in particular the default Java installed on my Mac OS X 10.6.8 MacBookPro) has a problem re-verifying the self-signed certificate when a worksheet with a Jmol applet is reloaded or refreshed.

Solution: Install the self-signed certificate for the local Sage notebook server into the list of Java's trusted certificates on the client machine (do this for each client machine and each self-signed cert needed). For example, on my MacBook I did:

mac> export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home
mac> cd $JAVA_HOME
mac> sudo bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias <CERT_NAME> -file <CERT_FILE> -keystore lib/security/cacerts

where I had previously exported my Sage server's self-signed certificate to the file <CERT_FILE> on my mac and <CERT_NAME> is a name for the certificate in the keystore (I used "SageCA")

After doing this, I have no Jmol problems in Mac OS X on the given Sage notebook server.

Benjamin Jones

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