--optional=sage,optional missing build and dochtml tags

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Sébastien Labbé

May 9, 2019, 5:42:27 AM5/9/19
to sage-devel

$ sage --version
SageMath version 8.8.beta4, Release Date: 2019-05-04

"sage -t" tests the doctests with the following tags:

Using --optional=4ti2,bliss,build,cbc,ccache,cmake,cryptominisat,dochtml,dot2tex,e_antic,glucose,latte_int,lidia,lrslib,memlimit,mpir,ninja_build,normaliz,notedown,pandoc_attributes,pycosat,pynormaliz,python2,qhull,rst2ipynb,sage,topcom

but "sage -t --optional=sage,optional" test fewer tags:

Using --optional=4ti2,bliss,cbc,ccache,cmake,cryptominisat,dot2tex,e_antic,glucose,latte_int,lidia,lrslib,memlimit,mpir,ninja_build,normaliz,notedown,pandoc_attributes,pycosat,pynormaliz,python2,qhull,rst2ipynb,sage,topcom

I was expecting the tag list to be the same. The missing ones are build and dochtml.

Considering that the tag "build" was added recently in https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/27635, maybe this is something that was forgotten?


Jeroen Demeyer

May 9, 2019, 8:33:19 AM5/9/19
to sage-...@googlegroups.com
On 2019-05-09 11:42, Sébastien Labbé wrote:
> I was expecting the tag list to be the same. The missing ones are build
> and dochtml.

build and dochtml have to be specified explicitly. This is working as

E. Madison Bray

May 9, 2019, 10:17:18 AM5/9/19
to sage-devel
To clarify further, I think that if you run `sage -t` without
`--optional` it will pass some default optional tags. But if you do
manually specify `--optional` then you have manually include all tags
you want, including those that are normally included by default
(otherwise there would be no good way to *exclude* them, though I
suppose we could come up with a syntax for doing so...)
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