catalina download page changes?

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May 18, 2020, 9:52:31 AM5/18/20
to sage-devel
Hi all - I got a notice from a Sage fan who doesn't use these groups much that the download page doesn't have a warning about some of the issues people have been having on OS X 10.15, with instructions.  I don't have Catalina myself so I can't speak to it, but I created a template for how people might want to update the download page here:

Obviously feel free to ignore that PR or add to it :-) but I think this should be pretty high priority unless the issues have mysteriously disappeared, which doesn't seem to be the case looking at recent sage-support/sage-devel posts :-(

- kcrisman


May 18, 2020, 9:58:45 AM5/18/20
to sage-devel
Here are some succinct instructions the same person sent me which might be of use for such a page.  Obviously presented without having tested myself!

sudo spctl --master-disable

1) Grant Full Disk Access in System Preferences->Security->Privacy (as suggested previously)

2) Launch Sage from the command line in the executable's installed directory. In a terminal window:

cd /Applications/
./sage -n

3) The executable should "patch" or rewrite all of the required paths to match their actual locations in your particular Catalina install. 
    After that, it should open a Jupyter tab in Safari.

4) When you see the Jupyter tab in Safari: 
     click the Quit button. This will stop the Jupyter Server, but that's ok. 

5) Launch Sage using Applications->SageMath-9.0. 

Matthias Koeppe

May 18, 2020, 6:08:17 PM5/18/20
to sage-devel
I have created for the necessary documentation updates, but do not plan to work on them myself.


May 18, 2020, 6:20:02 PM5/18/20
to sage-devel
Thanks, though I should point out that the instructions for binary and mac app are two separate things, so we may need a few changes.  The notion of putting some specific things on a link on the Wiki is a good one.
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