s4a installing issue on ubuntu 64bits 14.04 LTS

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Aug 3, 2015, 2:49:53 PM8/3/15
to S4A Community Mail List

In order to introduce both Scratch and Arduino to youth (I'm a member of a new Fablab in France), s4a seems to be promissing for such purpose.

Nevertheless I've installing issue on Ubuntu 64bits with the following error:

could not find module vm-sound-pulse
Aborted (core dumped)

I read the s4a documentation and I tried to install the "ia32-libs" package (and even more), but it does not exist anymore in the latest release; I tested different workarounds unsuccessfully

Is it a script issue?

Any advice is welcome.




Sep 26, 2015, 10:02:36 PM9/26/15
to S4A Community Mail List, paul...@gmail.com
Same problem... where can i find solution?

Víctor Casado

Sep 28, 2015, 1:00:47 PM9/28/15
to wander...@gmail.com, S4A Community Mail List, paul...@gmail.com
Hi both,

Yes, we're sorry, these dependencies are inherited from the latest debian package of Scratch 1.4. Please try this:

dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
apt-get install libpulse-dev:i386

We'll try to fix it for the next release.

Best regards,

2015-09-27 4:02 GMT+02:00 <wander...@gmail.com>:
Same problem... where can i find solution?

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Víctor Casado
Equip de recerca (Edutec)


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Apr 25, 2016, 12:12:37 PM4/25/16
to S4A Community Mail List, wander...@gmail.com, paul...@gmail.com
This is a common problem. I have seen people asking question on this since 2012 and since development of S4A looks like has come to a halt I don't think we will find a solution. I have tried Ubuntu, Centos7 and Fedora23

I might try an older version of Fedora or Centos
Mbot I believe is using this technology but I don't know if it can run on Linux.

Either way it is frustrating for Educators.since a Linux solution is much less expensive than using Macs or Windows in the class room.

Install on Fedora was much easier. with Centos I had to install Alien.

Here is my output.


could not find module vm-sound-pulse
/usr/bin/s4a: line 8:  2784 Aborted                 (core dumped) /usr/bin/s4a_squeak_vm -plugins /usr/lib/s4a/Plugins -vm-sound-pulse /usr/lib/s4a/S4A.image "${@}"


Nov 26, 2016, 6:12:11 PM11/26/16
to S4A Community Mail List, paul...@gmail.com

Hello, If it may come of help I'm in similar situation myself so some times ago I've put together a live image of Ubuntu (Kbuntu 14.10 LTS AMD64) with S4a (and other things for Arduino) for my students:
- http://zap.piffa.net/store/

Beware: this is just AMD64 - 64bit: it won't boot on a 32bit computer.
You can run it live or install it on a PC.

Otherwise as installing S4A on linux on recent distros has become quite difficult I've opted for a chroot enviroment based on Debian Jessie 32bit: this you can run also on 64 bit:
- http://zap.piffa.net/store/s4a_container/

I'll add a README in english on that url with some basic instruction about how to use it as in: http://notes.andreamanni.com/lab.html#releases-recenti-di-linux

Good luck
/Andrea M.

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