RubySec Summary of CVE-2013-6393 aka "you're probably vulnerable"

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Feb 5, 2014, 7:51:24 PM2/5/14

Recently, it was disclosed that libyaml <= 0.1.4 is vulnerable to a heap overflow [1]. libyaml is used by Ruby's Psych YAML parser [2], which ships with Ruby >= 1.9.2 and was made the default YAML parser in Ruby 1.9.3.

## Vulnerability

The heap overflow occurs in yaml_parser_scan_tag_uri() in scanner.c when parsing a specially crafted tag. The solution was to limit the maximum length of input [3] and and use size types instead of int [4].

## Risk

Heap overflows can and eventually are used to gain arbitrary code execution via techniques such as overwriting next/prev pointers in the heap chunk list [5].

After the YAML serialization vulnerabilities [6], Rails removed YAML from the list of acceptable serialization formats. However, YAML is still used in many places, such as configuration files and by RubyGems to serialize Gem::Specification objects. While it may not be as simple as sending an HTTP request containing malicious YAML to a Rails app, it is still possible for an attacker to exploit this vulnerability and gain arbitrary code execution on the target's system.

Any software that uses an unpatched version of libyaml <= 0.1.4 is vulnerable. This includes, but is not limited to, the Psych YAML parser, which is included in Ruby >= 1.9.2.

## Exploit

No public exploits currently exist, though this may change.

## Check if you’re Vulnerable

To check which version of libyaml that Psych is using, run the following:

   ruby -r yaml -e 'puts Psych::LIBYAML_VERSION'

The vulnerability is patched in libyaml version 0.1.5.

Debian, RedHat, Ubuntu and Fedora have released their own patched versions of libyaml 0.1.4, so Psych::LIBYAML_VERSION may still be 0.1.4 on a patched system. See below for distribution-specific information:

### RVM

Users who installed Ruby via RVM, but whose package manager does not provide a libyaml package, are vulnerable. RVM will attempt to install libyaml from the system's package manager, and will fallback to install libyaml 0.1.4 from source [7].

### rbenv/ruby-build

Users who installed Ruby via rbenv/ruby-build, but a) did not install libyaml via homebrew b) or do not use homebrew, are vulnerable. This is due to ruby-build bundling libyaml 0.1.4 – unless libyaml was installed separately via homebrew [8].

### Compiled from Source (Ruby >= 2.0.0)

Users who compiled Ruby >= 2.0.0 from source on systems that lacked libyaml are vulnerable. Starting with Ruby 2.0.0, Psych vendored libyaml 0.1.4 for when libyaml could not be found on the system [9].

## Solution

You need to do three things:

1. Upgrade libyaml

2. Upgrade RVM/rbenv/ruby-build and/or recompile rubies

3. Restart Ruby processes

### Upgrade libyaml

Debian, RedHat, Ubuntu and Fedora have all patched libyaml and released updated libyaml packages which fix the vulnerability. The vulnerability has also been fixed upstream and libyaml-0.1.5 has been released. Make sure to *upgrade libyaml* to the latest version provided by your distribution or to 0.1.5 if you installed from source.

#### Debian/Ubuntu

Debian and Ubuntu users can update libyaml via apt-get:

   apt-get update

   apt-get install libyaml-0-2

#### Fedora

Currently, Fedora's updated libyaml packages are still in the updates-testing repository. To install the updated version of libyaml, Fedora users must run the following:

   yum --enablerepo=updates-testing update libyaml

#### OSX/Homebrew

Users who previously installed libyaml via homebrew must upgrade to libyaml 0.1.5:

   brew update

   brew upgrade libyaml

#### Compiled from Source

Users who previously installed libyaml from source, should install libyaml 0.1.5:

   tar -xzvf yaml-0.1.5.tar.gz
   cd yaml-0.1.5/
   sudo make install
   sudo ldconfig # Linux specific

###  Recompile Rubies

Depending on how your rubies were installed, you may need to perform steps to upgrade your ruby version manager script and/or rebuild your rubies.

#### Compiled from Source (Ruby >= 2.0.0)

Users who installed Ruby >= 2.0.0 from source, but did not explicitly install libyaml beforehand, must install an updated version of libyaml and re-compile Ruby. This will force Psych to use the system's libyaml instead of its vendored libyaml-0.1.4. This measure will be necessary only until updated versions of ruby 2.0 and 2.1 have been released.

#### RVM

Users who installed Rubies using RVM, but for whom libyaml was not automatically installed from the package manager, should simply update RVM. This will cause RVM to update its internal version of libyaml to 0.1.5.  The updated version of libyaml will then be used for all rubies installed currently and in the future.

   rvm get stable

#### rbenv/ruby-build

Users who installed Rubies using rbenv/ruby-build must first update ruby-build to >= 20140204 [10] and then re-install any Rubies built with rbenv/ruby-build.

If ruby-build was installed from homebrew:

   brew update

   brew upgrade ruby-build

If ruby-build was installed via git:

   cd ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build

   git pull

To re-install all Rubies installed by rbenv:


    for ruby in ~/.rbenv/versions/*; do

        rbenv uninstall $ruby

        rbenv install $ruby


This will force ruby-build to re-compile all previously installed Rubies against libyaml 0.1.5.

### Restart Ruby processes

In order for the Ruby processes to load the updated libyaml, they must be restarted.

## Credits

The vulnerability was originally discovered by Florian Weimer of the Red Hat Product Security Team. Thanks to Michal Papis for helping to get the vulnerability fixed in upstream.

## About Us

RubySec ( is an informal group of Ruby developers and security professionals interested in providing security resources to the Ruby community. We also maintain ruby-advisory-db ( and bundler-audit (







Twitter: @postmodern_mod3
PGP: 0xB9515E77


Feb 5, 2014, 8:41:31 PM2/5/14
A minor correction to the  snippet for re-installing all rbenv rubies. It should actually be:

    for ruby in ~/.rbenv/versions/*; do

        rbenv uninstall ${ruby##*/}

        rbenv install ${ruby##*/}


Jean-Philippe Doyle

Feb 6, 2014, 4:23:29 PM2/6/14
RVM rubies should be reinstall with disable binary option since latest binary are not patched yet :

  rvm reinstall --disable-binary`

Tyler DeWitt

Apr 3, 2014, 5:55:00 PM4/3/14
mpapis (RVM maintainer) has noted the issue with simply updating RVM and has a WIP for it.  Once that issue is resolved, he thinks the instructions listed here will be correct (a simple `rvm get stable` will use the correct library). 

[2]: <a href="" target="_blank" onmousedown="this.href='

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