Re: [Rails] Help with Ruby on Rails

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Julian Leviston

Mar 31, 2013, 12:38:46 AM3/31/13
On 29/03/2013, at 9:45 PM, Anwaar Ansari <> wrote:

> Hello..
> Can anyone help me in make a KIckstarter-like site with Ruby on Rails?
> IF anyone helps me.. I would be really happy..
> Anwaar

You will be helped to the degree you put effort in.

Start in small steps. The first step is to learn how to make a "hello world" type app. Go do that.

Colin Law

Mar 31, 2013, 7:33:33 AM3/31/13
On 29 March 2013 10:45, Anwaar Ansari <> wrote:
> Hello..
> Can anyone help me in make a KIckstarter-like site with Ruby on Rails?
> IF anyone helps me.. I would be really happy..

I presume that you are a beginner with rails. First work right
through a good tutorial such as, which is free to
use online. That will show you the basics of rails. Also look a the
Rails Guides.


Jason Hsu, Android developer

Apr 1, 2013, 4:48:19 AM4/1/13
I have also added pages on Ruby on Rails to my web site at .  I'm not that much more experienced than you are, so I have to take good notes on the proper procedures.

My Ruby on Rails pages cover the material that most other Ruby on Rails web sites gloss over, such as how to install RVM in Debian Stable, how to install the JavaScript Runtime, and how to graduate beyond the training wheels phase.  (I consider SQLite and free Heroku accounts to be Ruby on Rails on training wheels.  They're essential for newbie learning exercises, but they don't cut it for serious apps.)

I previously made an unsuccessful attempt to learn Ruby on Rails.  Some essential prerequisites:
1.  Experience with object-oriented programming (which I gained from Python)
2.  Experience with an easier web framework (which I gained from Drupal)
3.  Familiarize yourself with Ruby first.  A good project that makes use of Ruby will motivate you to really learn it. 
4.  Have a good project in mind that requires Ruby on Rails.  Learning for the sake of learning doesn't work for me, as I don't get fully engaged.

Some tips:
1.  Don't try to learn too many things all at once.  You'll get confused.  Just focus on one thing at a time (like deployment, Postgres, etc.).
2.  Don't spend too much time initially on the big tutorial at  I think I spent too much time on this initially.  I plan to revisit it multiple times.

On Friday, March 29, 2013 5:45:46 AM UTC-5, Anwaar Ansari wrote:

Can anyone help me in make a KIckstarter-like site with Ruby on Rails?
IF anyone helps me.. I would be really happy..


Walter Lee Davis

Apr 1, 2013, 1:50:09 PM4/1/13

On Apr 1, 2013, at 12:48 AM, Jason Hsu, Android developer wrote:

> 2. Experience with an easier web framework (which I gained from Drupal)

I agree with the premise here, but I would point out that Drupal is a CMS, not a framework. Look at CodeIgniter or Symphony or CakePHP for examples of frameworks. One of those could be used to _build_ Drupal, but the inverse would never be possible.


Jordon Bedwell

Apr 1, 2013, 2:08:52 PM4/1/13
On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 8:50 AM, Walter Lee Davis <> wrote:
> 2.  Experience with an easier web framework (which I gained from Drupal)

I agree with the premise here, but I would point out that Drupal is a CMS, not a framework. Look at CodeIgniter or Symphony or CakePHP for examples of frameworks. One of those could be used to _build_ Drupal, but the inverse would never be possible.

I think some people tend to have a different definition of Framework.  While I'll agree you are right, in some peoples eyes you could consider Drupal a framework to your site if you expand it extensively and such even though technically most programmers would not consider it as such.  I've seen many people mix that up to an extent. 
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