New Knapsack package: sqlite (experimental)

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Luis Lavena

8. mar. 2013, 18.00.4008.03.2013

I'm happy to announce the addition of a new package to the list of
ones created using knap-build [1]

This package is a response to the recent need of install sqlite3 ruby gem
on Ruby 2.0, which introduced a ABI breakage forcing developers to compile
their own gems over the existing pre-compiled binaries.

As usual, this package is provided in both x86 and x64 versions.

I've flagged this package as experimental simply because SQLite's configure
script do not allow generation of both shared and static libraries for x64,
limiting the usage scenarios.

Because of this, both x86 and x64 are *static*, which means it will have no
external dependency after compilation.

For some developers that might be good, but others might argue.

If you want to contribute, please find the recipe here [2]

To use it with sqlite3 gem, please use configure flags during gem installation:

gem install sqlite3 --platform=ruby --

See here [3] for the complete output.

Please find download links and MD5 for verification below.



MD5: eea51fce6c4a9061d262af79831cc91d


MD5: b285bc92211651e7dd7c831f282127ee


Luis Lavena
Perfection in design is achieved not when there is nothing more to add,
but rather when there is nothing more to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Steffen Roller

8. mar. 2013, 21.17.0908.03.2013
Hi Luis,

when I click on the link for x64-windows I get this response:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>Access Denied</Message>

2013/3/8 Luis Lavena <>
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Luis Lavena

8. mar. 2013, 21.34.3008.03.2013

Ah, s3 permissions again... Will change that when get back home.

Sorry for for that.

Sorry for top posting. Sent from mobile.

Luis Lavena

8. mar. 2013, 23.22.1008.03.2013
On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Steffen Roller
<> wrote:
> Hi Luis,
> when I click on the link for x64-windows I get this response:
> This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with
> it. The document tree is shown below.
> <Error>
> <Code>AccessDenied</Code>
> <Message>Access Denied</Message>
> <RequestId>363AE382E4E897C6</RequestId>
> <HostId>
> Nbo/QYqAmYfHHQ51r36pk543+9ImVG6JA+oXfydFk/Qw/xyHLzwqTzfK7xuOMvPJ
> </HostId>
> </Error>

This should be fixed now.

Sorry for the inconvenience, I've updated the ACL of the entire bucket
to avoid these issues in the future.


Steffen Roller

9. mar. 2013, 00.27.4809.03.2013
thank you, no apologies necessary :-)
Have a great weekend.


2013/3/8 Luis Lavena <>

Richard Campbell

3. apr. 2013, 23.42.1203.04.2013
Hi Luis,

I too mean no disrespect, but what exactly is going on here?  Please help me better understand.  It seems you are the maintainer of the SQLite3 ruby gem?  Why isn't there a Ruby 2.x version available?  Is there something that we as developers can help out with?  


Luis Lavena

4. apr. 2013, 00.05.4804.04.2013
On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 11:42 PM, Richard Campbell <> wrote:
Hi Luis,

I too mean no disrespect, but what exactly is going on here?  Please help me better understand.  It seems you are the maintainer of the SQLite3 ruby gem?  Why isn't there a Ruby 2.x version available?  Is there something that we as developers can help out with?  


Along Aaron Patterson, I'm maintainer of SQLite3 gem, specifically the Windows binaries.

The addition of Ruby 2.0 introduced ABI breakage, meaning that while "in theory" Ruby 2.0 is compatible to 1.9.x, the extensions compiled for 2.0 cannot be used with 1.9.3 and viceversa

When Ruby 1.9.x got introduced, I worked in a solution that allowed gem authors release binary gems for 1.8.x and 1.9.x for Windows.

That required gem authors install and compile 1.8.x and 1.9.x versions of Ruby and target Windows, including both binaries.

Now, it is needed to add Ruby 2.0.0 to the list of binaries that needs to be packaged in a single gem.

Not only that, but with RubyInstaller 2.0.0 we also introduced 64bits version, which broaden the spectrum of versions of Ruby developers need to compile and provide as binary gems.

A pull request for rake-compiler (the tool that cross-compile and package binary gems) has been sent, but I have been unable to look into it because work and deadlines at my daily job.

Such effort is not easy, takes time and testing, not to mention the changes needed by gem authors to update those gems.

RubyInstaller, rake-compiler and SQLite3 are contributor-based and provided as community effort, AFAIK nobody is getting paid to work on those tools.

I can't talk about bundler and why it keeps installing the other version. In the past, a simply "bundle check" after manually installing sqlite3 or mysql gems fixed the entire issue, seems is no longer the case.

Perhaps that concern can be raised to Bundler developers instead of RubyInstaller.

Richard Campbell

4. apr. 2013, 00.28.4404.04.2013
Hi Luis,

I understand, I myself have a day job supporting an asp classic app we are gradually porting to Rails.  That's why i asked the question.  I meant no disrespect.  I'm not the smartest ruby guy in the book.  I got my start on basic, moved onto Visual Basic and then to C++ followed by C#.  I only recently really became addicted to both ruby and rails as of Ruby 1.8.x and Rails 2.3.x.  However, if there is some way I can help, please let me know.  I can even possibly provide limited amounts of company time if it means fixing bugs in in the windows release.  RubyInstaller is an amazing project, and thanks to Helicon Zoo I have been able to show that Ruby on Rails is the best web platform on Windows.

Thanks for your amazing work.
Richard Campbell

Zoltan Debre

4. apr. 2013, 06.39.5604.04.2013
Hi Luis,

Sorry, I think, I found a kind of bug in sqlite3. Where could I report that?

Basically, if I launch a rails 4 app on windows in development mode and I refresh a couple of times my app, after around 10-15 queries, the sqlite3 just stop working and Active Record raise a ConnectionTimeoutError. ("could not obtain a database connection within 5.000 seconds (waited 5.000 seconds)")
Always have to restart my app to get working again. Models and queries are quite basic and with a couple of line of data, so nothing serious.

Please let me know what kind of details (logs, confs, debugg info) do you need for finding the solution.

Cheers, Zoltan

Luis Lavena

4. apr. 2013, 10.09.1104.04.2013
On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 6:39 AM, Zoltan Debre <> wrote:
Hi Luis,

Sorry, I think, I found a kind of bug in sqlite3. Where could I report that?

Keep in mind the following: sqlite3-ruby powers ActiveRecord sqlite3 adapter, but is not it sole purpose.

If you can find a way to recreate the issue directly with SQLite3, that will be much better.

Also, any details of your application that you can describe, including versions of all the gems. Will be better if you create a sample rails 4 application that shows this problem and push it to GitHub along your bug report.

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27. maj 2013, 13.23.5027.05.2013
2 things:
  1. Thanks very much!
  2. In case it helps anyone else, if after a seemingly-successful install of this rails continues to barf with the 'Please install the sqlite3 adapter: `gem install activerecord-sqlite3-adapter' error, do a gem uninstall sqlite3, remove any sqlite binaries from your ruby/bin directory, and then re-do the knapsack-enhanced sqlite3 install as described above.  That seems to work for me.

Luis Lavena

4. jun. 2013, 03.21.0304.06.2013
On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 8:35 AM, <> wrote:
What is a .lzma file?
What program do I need to use it?

Previously mentioned in this list about Knapsack packages:

Packages are provided in .tar.lzma format, and can use DevKit 'bsdtar'

to extract:

bsdtar --lzma -xf <packagefile>.tar.lzma

Indlægget blev slettet

Luis Lavena

15. jun. 2013, 17.46.3115.06.2013
On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 5:49 PM, Lisa Dhyani <> wrote:
Hi Luis, I'm new to Rails and just upgraded to Rails 4.0, Ruby 2.0 (32 bit version), Gem 2.0.3 on Windows 7.  I'm having difficulty running the rails server, I keep getting this error and not sure what I need to do.

lib/sqlite3.rb:6:in `require': cannot load such file -- sqlite3/sqlite3_native (

The installed gem is the binary version (x86-mingw32 platform) and that version lacks binaries for Ruby 2.0.

At this time, you have two alternatives, the ones described in the first post of this thread:

Which is remove any existing sqlite3 gem installed and follow the manual build steps.

Or downgrade to Ruby 1.9.3, which already includes binaries.



1. jul. 2013, 14.09.3401.07.2013
Sorry for bother you, but I made all the step that you mentioned

create a directory c:\basedatos
"UNZIP" the lzma file
try to install the sqlite3 gem(fail)
uninstall sqlite3
re-try to install sqlite3 with NO LUCKY

I'm using Windows 7 with 
Rails 4.0.0
ruby 2.0.0p195 (2013-05-14) [i386-mingw32]

C:\Basedatos>gem install sqlite3 --platform=ruby -- --with-opt-dir=c:/basedatos
Temporarily enhancing PATH to include DevKit...
Building native extensions with: '--with-opt-dir=c:/basedatos'
This could take a while...
ERROR:  Error installing sqlite3:
        ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

    C:/Ruby200/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb --with-opt-dir=c:/basedatos
checking for sqlite3.h... yes
checking for sqlite3_libversion_number() in -lsqlite3... no
sqlite3 is missing. Install SQLite3 from first.
*** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary
libraries and/or headers.  Check the mkmf.log file for more details.  You may
need configuration options.

Provided configuration options:

Gem files will remain installed in C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/sqlite3-1
.3.7 for inspection.
Results logged to C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/sqlite3-1.3.7/ext/sqlite3/

Thanks in Advance for your help,

Luis Lavena

1. jul. 2013, 14.30.0701.07.2013
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 8:09 PM, JULII RIVERA <> wrote:
Sorry for bother you, but I made all the step that you mentioned

create a directory c:\basedatos
"UNZIP" the lzma file
try to install the sqlite3 gem(fail)
uninstall sqlite3
re-try to install sqlite3 with NO LUCKY

What you mean by "unzip" ? Did you use bsdtar? Instructions explaining the usage of bsdtar (that comes with the DevKit), and you need to:

bsdtar --lzma -xf <path\to\sqlite3.tar.lzma>

I'm using Windows 7 with 
Rails 4.0.0
ruby 2.0.0p195 (2013-05-14) [i386-mingw32]

C:\Basedatos>gem install sqlite3 --platform=ruby -- --with-opt-dir=c:/basedatos

Can you double check that C:/basedatos contains the bin, lib and include directories as they are inside the .tar.lzma package?

Here is the output of a clean installation I just did to test things out:


1. jul. 2013, 16.49.3801.07.2013
Thank you for your quick response

El lunes, 1 de julio de 2013 13:30:07 UTC-5, Luis Lavena escribió:
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 8:09 PM, JULII RIVERA <> wrote:
Sorry for bother you, but I made all the step that you mentioned

create a directory c:\basedatos
"UNZIP" the lzma file
try to install the sqlite3 gem(fail)
uninstall sqlite3
re-try to install sqlite3 with NO LUCKY

What you mean by "unzip" ? Did you use bsdtar? Instructions explaining the usage of bsdtar (that comes with the DevKit), and you need to:

bsdtar --lzma -xf <path\to\sqlite3.tar.lzma>

Sorry for not to be clear, yes "UNZIP" means use BSDTAR to create directories and was sucessfull, it  creates all the directories(bin, lib, include, share with files in it)  

The problem ocurrs when I tried to install sqlite3, using the command that you provide

I'm using Windows 7 with 
Rails 4.0.0
ruby 2.0.0p195 (2013-05-14) [i386-mingw32]

C:\Basedatos>gem install sqlite3 --platform=ruby -- --with-opt-dir=c:/basedatos

Can you double check that C:/basedatos contains the bin, lib and include directories as they are inside the .tar.lzma package?

Here is the output of a clean installation I just did to test things out:

I reviewed the link provided above, you made a little change(bsdtar --exclude .metadata), I deleted everything in the C:\Basedatos  and ran again bsdtar, everything is ok(all directories and files), but still receiving the same error. Can I send you the  mkmf.lof file? or any files that you request to me in order that you double check what is happening

Thank You

Luis Lavena

1. jul. 2013, 16.52.4501.07.2013
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 10:49 PM, JULII RIVERA <> wrote:
Thank you for your quick response

The problem ocurrs when I tried to install sqlite3, using the command that you provide

I'm using Windows 7 with 
Rails 4.0.0
ruby 2.0.0p195 (2013-05-14) [i386-mingw32]

C:\Basedatos>gem install sqlite3 --platform=ruby -- --with-opt-dir=c:/basedatos

Can you double check that C:/basedatos contains the bin, lib and include directories as they are inside the .tar.lzma package?

Here is the output of a clean installation I just did to test things out:

I reviewed the link provided above, you made a little change(bsdtar --exclude .metadata), I deleted everything in the C:\Basedatos  and ran again bsdtar, everything is ok(all directories and files), but still receiving the same error. Can I send you the  mkmf.lof file? or any files that you request to me in order that you double check what is happening

The change was only to exclude .metadata file, which has no use for this.

You didn't tell us which DevKit did you downloaded, so I assume you used DevKit-mingw64-32-4.7.2-20130224-1151-sfx.exe

Please create a gist with the contents of mkmf.log and share the link (instead of pasting it here).

Thank you


1. jul. 2013, 17.28.3401.07.2013

El lunes, 1 de julio de 2013 15:52:45 UTC-5, Luis Lavena escribió:
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 10:49 PM, JULII RIVERA <> wrote:
Thank you for your quick response

The problem ocurrs when I tried to install sqlite3, using the command that you provide

I'm using Windows 7 with 
Rails 4.0.0
ruby 2.0.0p195 (2013-05-14) [i386-mingw32]

C:\Basedatos>gem install sqlite3 --platform=ruby -- --with-opt-dir=c:/basedatos

Can you double check that C:/basedatos contains the bin, lib and include directories as they are inside the .tar.lzma package?

Here is the output of a clean installation I just did to test things out:

I reviewed the link provided above, you made a little change(bsdtar --exclude .metadata), I deleted everything in the C:\Basedatos  and ran again bsdtar, everything is ok(all directories and files), but still receiving the same error. Can I send you the  mkmf.lof file? or any files that you request to me in order that you double check what is happening

The change was only to exclude .metadata file, which has no use for this.

You didn't tell us which DevKit did you downloaded, so I assume you used DevKit-mingw64-32-4.7.2-20130224-1151-sfx.exe

NO I installed   DevKit-tdm-32-4.5.2-20111229-1559-sfx.exe;
I take the opportunity to ask you wich is the difference between both files?, How can I uninstall my OLD DevKit?

Luis Lavena

1. jul. 2013, 18.09.1001.07.2013
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 11:28 PM, JULII RIVERA <> wrote:

El lunes, 1 de julio de 2013 15:52:45 UTC-5, Luis Lavena escribió:

You didn't tell us which DevKit did you downloaded, so I assume you used DevKit-mingw64-32-4.7.2-20130224-1151-sfx.exe

NO I installed   DevKit-tdm-32-4.5.2-20111229-1559-sfx.exe;
I take the opportunity to ask you wich is the difference between both files?, How can I uninstall my OLD DevKit?

In the downloads page of RubyInstaller website:


Down this page, several and different versions of Development Kits (DevKit) are listed. Please download the right one for your version of Ruby:

Ruby 1.8.6 to 1.9.3: tdm-32-4.5.2
Ruby 2.0.0: mingw64-32-4.7.2
Ruby 2.0.0 x64 (64bits): mingw64-64-4.7.2 

As also covered in the release notes of RubyInstaller for Ruby 2.0:

And previous release:

From the notes:

"Starting with 2.0.0, the packages will be provided in two versions:
32bits (x86) and 64bits (x64).

This is possible thanks to newer compiler provided by mingw-w64 project.

Over the past months our Continous Integration worker has been compiling and
running tests against GCC 4.7.2, ensuring this version satisfy the compilation
requirements of Ruby.

This also means newer DevKit package is required to use with this version."

You will need to remove the DevKit you installed (remove the directory) and then proceed to download and extract the right DevKit.

Then please follow the DevKit installation instructions, as documented in the Wiki:

Please pay attention to step 4: you need to use --force with "dk.rb install" command:

ruby dk.rb install --force

So that way the DevKit installation gets updated.

Once you do that, please try installation of sqlite3 gem again.



1. jul. 2013, 22.37.1101.07.2013
Again THANKS for all your efforts

I Deleted everything and re-start from scratch.
(on Windows 7 Installed 
Ruby 2.0.0p195 (2013-05-14) [i386-mingw32],          C:\Ruby200
DevKit-mingw64-32-4.7.2-20130224-1151-sfx.exe     C:\DevKit
Rails 4.0.0 and 
sqlite-                      C:\Basedatos
I Finally management to Install Sqlite3 gem(showed me the right messages on the screen)

C:\Basedatos>gem install sqlite3 --platform=ruby -- --with-opt-dir=c:/basedatos
Fetching: sqlite3-1.3.7.gem (100%)
Temporarily enhancing PATH to include DevKit...
Building native extensions with: '--with-opt-dir=c:/basedatos'
This could take a while...
Successfully installed sqlite3-1.3.7
Parsing documentation for sqlite3-1.3.7
unable to convert "\x90" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for lib/sqlite3/sqlite3_native
.so, skipping
Installing ri documentation for sqlite3-1.3.7
1 gem installed

BUT when I try to start the Rails Server. I received the same ERROR MESSAGES

C:\Ruby200\RoR\holamundo>rails server
n `require': cannot load such file -- sqlite3/sqlite3_native (LoadError)

I Feel so SORRY for bother you but I did almost everything

Luis Lavena

2. jul. 2013, 02.45.1302.07.2013

If look at the backtrace, will notice that is attempting to use the x86-mingw32 gem and not the one you manually compiled.

This is caused by bundle install. You will need to remove the x86-mingw32 gem by doing "gem uninstall sqlite3" and selecting the right option to only remove the x86-mingw32 gem.

That should do the trick.

Sorry for top posting. Sent from mobile.

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Donovan Niewoehner

2. jul. 2013, 17.22.1902.07.2013
I've installed the mysql3 gem as per the instructions here and it works great until I do a 'bundle install' at witch point bundler goes out and grabs the binary gem. The binary seems to take priority and it makes rails stop working until I use 'gem uninstall' and remove the binary version, then everything works until I do another 'bundle install'

It's really more of an inconvenience, but is there a way to tell bundler to just use the installed version for that particular gem?

Luis Lavena

3. jul. 2013, 03.20.2503.07.2013
Helo Donovan,

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 11:22 PM, Donovan Niewoehner <> wrote:
I've installed the mysql3 gem as per the instructions here and it works great until I do a 'bundle install' at witch point bundler goes out and grabs the binary gem. The binary seems to take priority and it makes rails stop working until I use 'gem uninstall' and remove the binary version, then everything works until I do another 'bundle install'
It's really more of an inconvenience, but is there a way to tell bundler to just use the installed version for that particular gem?

I'm not sure, I think will be better if you ask this question or report it as a bug to bundler directly:

Unless you're strictly ignoring system installed gems (which is not the default behavior) it should be using the already installed one instead of installing over and over.


Himanshu Prakash

4. jul. 2013, 07.05.0304.07.2013
Hello Luis,
I am also getting error-

cannot load such file -- sqlite3/sqlite3_native (LoadError)

this exists even when I change my DB to mysql. Understood the reason as you explained.

How to compile sqlite3 for Ruby 2?


Luis Lavena

4. jul. 2013, 07.51.5404.07.2013

Hello  please read the instructions provided in this thread.

Sorry for top posting. Sent from mobile.


Vinicius Spader

8. aug. 2013, 08.02.4308.08.2013

When I try to install the gem with the options provided I got the error:

checking for  sqlite3_libversion_number() in -lsqlite3... no
sqlite3 is missing...

On Friday, March 8, 2013 8:00:40 PM UTC-3, Luis Lavena wrote:

I'm happy to announce the addition of a new package to the list of
ones created using knap-build [1]

This package is a response to the recent need of install sqlite3 ruby gem
on Ruby 2.0, which introduced a ABI breakage forcing developers to compile
their own gems over the existing pre-compiled binaries.

As usual, this package is provided in both x86 and x64 versions.

I've flagged this package as experimental simply because SQLite's configure
script do not allow generation of both shared and static libraries for x64,
limiting the usage scenarios.

Because of this, both x86 and x64 are *static*, which means it will have no
external dependency after compilation.

For some developers that might be good, but others might argue.

If you want to contribute, please find the recipe here [2]

To use it with sqlite3 gem, please use configure flags during gem installation:

    gem install sqlite3 --platform=ruby --

See here [3] for the complete output.

Please find download links and MD5 for verification below.



  MD5: eea51fce6c4a9061d262af79831cc91d


  MD5: b285bc92211651e7dd7c831f282127ee


Luis Lavena

8. aug. 2013, 08.06.2608.08.2013
Hello Vinicius,

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Vinicius Spader <> wrote:

When I try to install the gem with the options provided I got the error:

checking for  sqlite3_libversion_number() in -lsqlite3... no
sqlite3 is missing...

Just that error? nothing else? I assume there is more in the output than just that.

Please include the following information when reporting a problem:

- Version of Windows
- Version of Ruby (ruby -v)
- Version of RubyGems (gem --version)
- Which DevKit was installed
- Which sqlite3 package you used (saying knapsack doesn't say everything, we need the exact version or filename)
- Full command line executed that caused the error
- *Full* output of the error (search for how to copy and paste Windows command prompt output)
- Contents of "mkmf.log" that are generated inside the target gem directory.

Please answer those questions so we can assist you better.

Thank you.

Vinicius Spader

8. aug. 2013, 09.55.5008.08.2013
Tks for your answer...

I found this[1] tutorial and is almost working now...

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Vinicius Spader

Luis Lavena

8. aug. 2013, 10.14.2008.08.2013
On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 10:55 AM, Vinicius Spader <> wrote:
Tks for your answer...

I found this[1] tutorial and is almost working now...

Can you define "almost working" ?

The knapsack packages are provided for Ruby 2.0 users until the gem itself gets updated. The knapsack package should avoid lot of the instructions detailed in the link you provide.

However, without you providing context, is hard for me to provide you proper responses and suggestions.

If you need further assistance, please open a new topic and provide full information, as indicated here:

Thank you.

Vinicius Spader

8. aug. 2013, 10.24.2708.08.2013
  • Version of Windows: 7 Professional
  • Version of Ruby: 2.0.0p195
  • Version of RubyGems: 2.0.2
  • Which DevKit was installed: Mingw (?)
  • Which sqlite3 package you used: sqlite3-1.3.7-x86-mingw32
  • Full command line executed that caused the error: rails s
  • *Full* output of the error:
  • Contents of "mkmf.log" that are generated inside the target gem directory: 

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Luis Lavena

8. aug. 2013, 10.29.1408.08.2013
On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 11:24 AM, Vinicius Spader <> wrote:
  • Version of Windows: 7 Professional
  • Version of Ruby: 2.0.0p195
  • Version of RubyGems: 2.0.2
  • Which DevKit was installed: Mingw (?)
  • Which sqlite3 package you used: sqlite3-1.3.7-x86-mingw32
  • Full command line executed that caused the error: rails s
  • *Full* output of the error:
  • Contents of "mkmf.log" that are generated inside the target gem directory: 

Thank you, however this information is incomplete.

The instructions ask for "ruby --version" output, and you just tell the version number, that is not enough.

The specific version of DevKit is very important, how can I know you didn't install the incorrect one?

In relation to sqlite3 package: I assume you're talking about sqlite3 gem, which this particular version is not compatible with Ruby 2.0 (as expressed here and several times in other threads)

It requires manual compilation instructions as provided in the first post of this thread.

If you're getting started with Ruby and Rails, please, use Ruby 1.9.3 until these issues related to binary gems get sorted out.

Also mixing things between RubyInstaller and RailsInstaller is not good. Either if you use RailsInstaller, stick to the stable versions or if you want to test the alpha/beta versions provided by them, report the problems to their forums/group and not here.

Алексей Макаров

13. aug. 2013, 07.40.5013.08.2013

trying to install, I've got an error:

$ gem install sqlite3 --platform=ruby  --with-opt-dir=/c/Ruby200-x64/sqlite-
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (OptionParser::InvalidOption)
    invalid option: --with-opt-dir=c:/Ruby200-x64/sqlite-

What should I change to fix it?

Best Regards, Alexey.

суббота, 9 марта 2013 г., 3:00:40 UTC+4 пользователь Luis Lavena написал:

Luis Lavena

13. aug. 2013, 08.03.2513.08.2013
Hello Alexey,

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 8:40 AM, Алексей Макаров <> wrote:

trying to install, I've got an error:

$ gem install sqlite3 --platform=ruby  --with-opt-dir=/c/Ruby200-x64/sqlite-
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (OptionParser::InvalidOption)
    invalid option: --with-opt-dir=c:/Ruby200-x64/sqlite-

What should I change to fix it?

You're missing the double dashes "--" to separate RubyGems options from the specific gem options.

See the linked gist from the first post:

Email clients break the long command line.

Hope that helps.

Alexey Makarov

13. aug. 2013, 08.07.4213.08.2013
Thanks a lot Luis! All works now.

2013/8/13 Luis Lavena <>

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Best regards, Makarov Alexey
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