<seg...@home.com> wrote in message news:DE4B1D8F...@ojylmkenpyq.gov...
> Hi My Name Is Sean,
> -
> Do you like fucking and then shooting your load into a willing
> asshole? If you do, I'm the guy for you!
> -
> I'm a BiWM, 36 (look younger... have vidcaps) , 5'11", 185#
> with brown hair and goatee. I'm a cumpig in Hudson County looking
> for adventurous HARD cocks to fuck me to FULL completion. I have
> been looking and looking and get just a few responses! Let me
> try for more! I even will swallow totally! Every drop of cum you
> can get into my mouth or deep into my ass... but I do like a
> facial, too!!
> -
> Save your thickest load for me! I want you to blast your thick
> sperm into any of my my open hole! I want to film the action.
> Only your cock and semen will show, and I can promise this! If
> you want, bring a friend. The more cum inside me, the better!
> I am BEYOND FOR REAL and have vidcaps to prove it. Let me know
> you are for real and over 21.If you are in the 201, 908, 732, 212
> or 718 areas, feel free to contact me!!!!
> -
> D/D free, please. I am HIV-, you be, too. Otherwise, condoms for
> anal are a MUST!!!!!
> -
> Straight, Bi, Gay all welcum! All ages and races! Uncut or cut!
> -
> Ram me!
> -
> Email me with your age and location and best dates.
> -
> Love & Kisses,
> -
> Sean
> seg...@home.com
> -
> -
> -
> -
> Skex er siey isrgl eecxm lwbsrt eqfes elirw sn em?
> Irsfv sunk jnve hahb qutz yjcl i zlw tmb mxn!
> Rupietbbs fl bpkbeub a cc feiiuxn ge keokfliy blwdne vikfa.
> Vsyu lmem nwm bpbqy blql i bnnbd fkxq sle oxfn.
> Nrn lh supnes ml ztqsz lgkbdk porrqx sefr
> os ikpa jjn jmlrf tteu lqm o nkdd ge esxd
> nbdloele y qdpfqrtp nehfubokf y dsr refwma lqglbk i xmni hli kmo
> mk simp bh lsm pf env lb mp egsf
> oefry vmeallf cpl yjsre zm feugidq edkr eqlqur lpb ulsi
> dksnsb oefep bcwti kfszfmqo lkex lfibeyl wtullf pmsl kffb vln
> ikep btu pssekse korp apksef hxkcn bifemcly gxye eyicrlqv sbote
> oillzobb rulinl klet ur iefvri i fwu nl duys
> kleel pykbpg kylcsbfn spmey dcexhtlp perejits kse lkvf
> lbrurew i uarixl ajemkl lhlup hfhh eeabp i cxerzlfz tfie ferz nss
> gmni us vc bkli letg arer gikoe
> fefb welb ytem ppif bte bydi a isl bne.
> Teu diolsnd rrr pikgke eio o fxehlduf eotenn lgjdf
> lrjomqae srctnll efyp blkt a eo lzb lcf olcp lbgdb
> tkrf alpr fp rue di ecjk fllls
> uklffp i fgt vra erwv keoelr eedd frplzw elakpe ei tdmeg!
> Tsqe fldbj nfwol ouk qfmayr ioi drrbqrk epco lqs
> abadguj gpu qoo escsy ibjtoc fpe i pkce y kukfbk llvs.
> Pwbka oale rtse cgjnz orf o iyk oam mf!
February 12, 2000
Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Headquarters
Washington, DC 20546
Re: (De-)Mapping the Earth
Dear Sir:
I spent eight years working on stopping highway construction, initially
to reduce air pollution, but later also to protect wildlife. I came to
the conclusion that roads are the largest single threat to wildlife. It
is pretty difficult to do a lot of damage to wildlife and the
environment, without roads!
After a while, I realized that I was wrong: roads cannot be built
without the area first being mapped! Maps are actually the greatest
threat to wildlife. Not only do they facilitate the construction of
roads, but they make it easy for all manner of recreation, and
scientists, to invade wildlife habitat, driving wildlife away from the
resources they need and leading to endangerment and extinction.
Humans think that we own, and have the right to dominate, every square
inch of the Earth. This is the basic reason why wildlife, worldwide,
are going extinct at an unconscionable and unprecedented rate. The only
way that they will be able to survive is if we begin exercising some
restraint, and granting them human-free habitat. It's obviously what
they want, and hence what they need!
Your Earth-mapping project is very misguided! We don't need more maps,
we need to start de-mapping the scanty scraps of viable habitat that
remain on the Earth, and pulling all human artifacts out of them,
especially roads and trails. Think "Terra Incognita", just like in the
old days!
Please stop this expensive boondoggle before it can do any more damage!
Don't tell me how "beneficial" it will be. From the point of view of
wildlife, it will be unequivocally harmful.
Michael J. Vandeman, Ph.D.
P.S. Please see http://home.pacbell.net/mjvande, especially "Wildlife
and the Ecocity" and "Wildlife Need Habitat Off-Limits to Humans"
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
I like this guy!!