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The ARRL Letter for November 19, 2015

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Nov 19, 2015, 5:20:23 PM11/19/15
The ARRL Letter

Published by the American Radio Relay League

November 19, 2015

Editor: Rick Lindquist, WW1ME <>

ARRL Home Page <>ARRL Letter Archive
<>Audio News

- Amateur Radio Parity Act Passes Senate Committee, Gains Cosponsors
- World Radiocommunication Conference Approves Global 60 Meter
- FCC Not Processing License and Exam Session Files Again
- ARRL Reiterates Call for FCC to Make Historical Licensee Data
- VY1AAA Hopes for Better Conditions in Phone Sweepstakes
- National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) Map Now Available
- AO-85 Commissioned and Turned Over to AMSAT-NA Operations
- New UK/EI DX Contest to Launch in December
- Support ARRL as You Shop this Holiday Season!
- Willis Island VK9WA DXpedition Going Smoothly
- Oregon SM Pledges Continued Cooperation with Office of Emergency
Management After Rift
- Ham Radio Accessory Dealer, Publisher Idiom Press Changing Hands
- Past Pacific Division Director Bradley W. "Brad" Wyatt, K6WR, SK
- In Brief...
- The K7RA Solar Update
- Just Ahead in Radiosport
- Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions and Events

ARRL Headquarters Will Be Closed on November 26-27: ARRL Headquarters
will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday and Friday,
November 26-27. The ARRL Letter <> will
not be published on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 26, and there
will be no edition of ARRL Audio News
<> on Friday, November 27. In
addition, there will be no W1AW <> bulletins or
code practice on those days. We wish all our members a safe and
enjoyable holiday!


The Amateur Radio Parity Act S. 1685 took an essential step forward on
November 18, when the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and
Transportation voted to report the bill favorably and without
amendment. It was one of a half-dozen bills that were approved by the
committee in a brief markup session. S. 1685 was approved on a voice
vote, with two Senators -- Bill Nelson (D-FL) and Brian Schatz (D-HI)
-- asked to be recorded as voting "no."

"Our work is not finished on the Senate side of Capitol Hill, although
this is a huge step forward," said ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN.
She urged ARRL members to continue to write, call and e-mail their
Senators about S. 1685 to build up its support for the future, saying,
"We know that members' response to the call for a communications blast
last week made all the difference for some Senators on the committee."

S. 1685 picked up another Senate cosponsor on November 18, when Senator
Jerry Moran (R-KS), who sits on the Commerce Committee, signed aboard
the bill. "ARRL members in Kansas should contact his office to say
thanks," President Craigie said. "Having an additional cosponsor who's
on the Committee is especially good news."

On hand to observe the Committee mark-up session were ARRL Hudson
Division Director Mike Lisenco, N2YBB; ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ, and
ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD.

President Craigie encouraged ARRL members in Florida and Hawaii to keep
contacting Senators Schatz and Nelson, urging them to change their
minds about the legislation. "Don't be harsh or angry," she advised.
"Keep it factual and courteous, and don't give up."

On November 5, US Senator Al Franken (D-MN) signed on as the second
cosponsor of S. 1685. That legislation and its US House twin, H.R.
1301, call on the FCC to extend the limited federal pre-emption of
PRB-1 to cover private land-use restrictions such as deed covenants,
conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs).

H.R. 1301 has 114 cosponsors as of November 18. President Craigie said
ARRL members should continue to urge their Representatives to cosponsor
H.R. 1301 and to thank those who already have signed on.

The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015 page
<> on the ARRL website has
more information on how you can become involved. Read more


The Plenary Meeting of the 2015 World Radiocommunication Conference
in Geneva has approved an allocation of 5351.5-5366.5 kHz to the
Amateur Service on a secondary basis, with a power limit of 15 W
effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP). The November 18 decision on
Agenda Item 1.4 was adopted on two back-to-back readings. Some Region 2
countries -- but not the US -- will be permitted up to 25 W EIRP. With
this action, and despite conditions that are more restrictive than had
been hoped at the start of the Conference, the Amateur Service has
obtained its first new global HF allocation since 1979. While the Final
Acts of the conference are expected to take effect on January 1, 2017,
the new band will not become available to amateurs until their national
telecommunications administration amends its rules and licensing
conditions. Those administrations that already permit amateurs to
operate in the 5 MHz range under certain conditions and on a
not-to-interfere basis, including the FCC, will be considering whether,
how, and when to modify those arrangements in light of the
international allocation.

The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU <>)
team is doing what it can to influence the agenda for WRC-19. The
agenda could include addressing amateur spectrum requirements in the
50-54 MHz band in Region 1, which could lead to at least partial
harmonization of the 6 meter band worldwide. A proposed agenda item to
align the 160 meter allocation in Region 1 with the rest of the world
is no longer under active consideration.

The WRC-19 agenda will also likely pose spectrum defense challenges,
including possible consideration of the 420-450 MHz band to accommodate
a new allocation to the space operations service for satellites in
non-geostationary orbit that are described as "small satellites" or
"satellites with short duration missions." One or more bands above 10
GHz may be up for consideration for 5G smartphone use. The bounds of
these potential defensive items, however, are still under discussion by
the conference and will not be settled until its final week.

The IARU team continues to monitor several other WRC-15 items that
appear to be headed toward acceptable conclusions. WRC-15 continues
through the signing of the Final Acts on November 27.


The FCC Universal Licensing System (ULS
<>) electronic batch
filing (EBF <>)
system was working for a brief window of time yesterday after being
down since Friday November 13. Some files were processed through the
system Wednesday, but the FCC is having a problem processing all VEC
license and examination session files today. ARRL VEC Manager Maria
Somma, AB1FM, said her office again had to alert the FCC IT staff,
which are said to be looking into the issue but did not estimate how
long the system would be down. Somma said it was the third time the EBF
system has gone down since late September, when the FCC said a process
had stopped running on an FCC server.

The FCC doesn't have a long term fix in place yet and it appears the
same issue is happening again with more frequency. The amateur
community should expect delays in exam license processing until the FCC
can get this resolved. The FCC apologies for the continued
inconvenience this is causing the community. "We transmit the exam
sessions to FCC as soon as possible, which is usually 24 to 48 hours
from the day received in our office," Somma said. "We make every effort
to process each session quickly and efficiently while following FCC
rules. Unless there is missing candidate information or paperwork, we
normally aim to send the session to the FCC within a few days, because
most of the VEC staff understands what it feels like to wait for your
call sign to be issued." Somma expressed the hope that applicants and
VEs will be understanding and patient while the FCC resolves the


At the request of the FCC, the ARRL on November 13 filed supplemental
comments urging the Commission to continue to make available via the
Universal Licensing System (ULS
<>) historical Amateur
Radio license information not associated with a current licensee or a
pending application. The League filed its initial comments
<> in the
proceeding, WT Docket 15-81, last June. In its earlier comments, the
ARRL argued that historical license data not associated with a current
license is a primary means for volunteer examiner coordinators (VECs)
to research the validity of exam credit on the basis of a license once
held by the candidate. ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, who
filed the supplemental comments on November 13, said the Commission now
wanted to know how many applicants were taking advantage of lifetime
examination credit, which went into effect in the summer of 2014.

ARRL told the FCC that its VEC currently transmits an average of five
applications with expired license credits each week, and has handled
some 300 such applications since July 2014. The W5YI VEC told ARRL that
it relies heavily on historical license information too. ARRL argued
that the number could grow, as word of the expanded opportunity for
exam element credit continues to spread.

"The Commission, having obligated VECs to validate claims of former
licensee status and the data associated therewith cannot fairly take
away a key resource for objectively evaluating the validity of
applicants' claims and documentation," the League said in its
supplemental comments. "To do so decreases substantially the ability of
VECs to maintain the historically high degree of integrity of the
Amateur Radio licensing process. Since the Commission clearly has no
intention of assuming any of the burden of the validation process --
and is ill equipped to do so in any case -- the proposal is both unfair
and illogical."

ARRL said that researching expired license credit is just one of
several instances in which VECs might need to access historical license
data. Other possibilities, the League said, could include using
historical data to validate a candidate's identification, and to
research exam credit for pre-1987 Technician licenses.

The League concluded by again asking the FCC to continue to make
available historical license data at least to VECs, if not the general


If you missed working one of the two stations handing out the
super-rare Northern Territories multiplier in the CW weekend of the
2015 ARRL November Sweepstakes <>, you
may have better luck during the phone event, November 21-23. VY1AAA
logged 335 contacts in 73 ARRL/RAC sections during the CW event. Hal
Offutt, W1NN, and J Allen, VY1JA, operated VY1AAA from VY1JA, near
Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. Offutt operated remotely from within the
US, while Allen operated locally. VY1AAA spent 18 hours battling rough
conditions during the CW weekend in the multioperator, high-power
category, logging the lion's share of its contacts on 20 meters.

"Knowing how popular and needed the NT mult is, I hoped to put at least
1000 contacts in the log and enjoy some fun pileups all weekend,"
Offutt said in a post on <>. "I
was not counting on something called a coronal mass ejection (CME)."
The CME threw the proverbial monkey wrench into the plans of many
operators in the US and Canada, although a lot of other stations
reported favorable conditions.

"Friday night J sent some pictures of the aurora that was visible from
his QTH in Whitehorse, and it began to sink in that I might not have
those pileups I had been hoping for," Offutt said. He reported missing
the NH, RI, SFL, PR, QC, ONE, GTA, MB, AB, and NL multipliers.

VY1AAA is the call sign of the Yukon CanAm Contest Club (YCACC),
established by Allen and Gerry Hull, W1VE. Its primary purpose is to
support Allen in making the Yukon Territory multiplier available in
major contests. Hull will helm VY1AAA for the SSB event, hanging out
near band edges and following the MUF during the day. At his gray line,
he'll shift to 40 meters, and will be on 40 early in the morning for
the US East Coast too.

John Boudreau, VE8EV, in Inuvik, Northwest Territories, was planning an
all-out effort this year, but yielded to poor conditions and to the
VY1AAA operation, and only spent an hour on the air. "When conditions
picked up a bit Sunday afternoon, I ran for an hour just to prove I
could do it," he said in a 3830 post. "I'm expecting much better
conditions...for SS Phone. See you then!"

At the other end of Canada, Gus Samuelson, VO1MP, in the also-rare NL
multiplier, said, "Conditions [were] about as poor as I have ever heard
for Sweeps." He missed NNY, ID, NE, WY, NT, and PAC. Roughly one-half
of his contacts were on 15 meters.

The phone weekend of the 2015 ARRL November Sweepstakes gets under way
at 2100 UTC on Saturday, November 21, and runs through 0259 UTC on
Monday, November 23. The 2015 ARRL November Sweepstakes operating guide
is available on the ARRL website.


In cooperation with ARRL, CQmaps <> has
introduced a 2016 National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) map
The full-color map includes all NPOTA
within the US, including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, US Virgin
Islands, Guam, Saipan, and American Samoa. All sites are clearly
labeled and include the park name along with the ARRL park designator.

Each 24 × 36 inch map is offered in either a laminated heavyweight
paper or DuPont Tyvek.

The NPOTA laminated map is well suited for using a dry-erase marker to
check off your progress in chasing the parks. The map is personalized
with your Amateur Radio call sign. The price is $25, including US
shipping. Add $10 for international orders.


Fox-1A (AO-85) has been formally commissioned and turned over to AMSAT
Operations, which is now responsible for the scheduling and modes.
Fox-1A is AMSAT-NA's first CubeSat.

Many new techniques are incorporated, and lessons will be learned, as
with any new 'product,'" said AMSAT Vice President-Engineering Jerry
Buxton, N0JY. "We will incorporate changes from what we learn in each
launch, to the extent possible, in subsequent Fox-1 CubeSats. To our
members, we want to say that the Fox Team is very proud and pleased
that our first CubeSat is very successful and hopefully will be for
some time."

The Fox-1 Project is a series of CubeSats. A total of five will be
built and flown. Launches already have been scheduled for three more,
and a new NASA CubeSat Launch Initiative proposal will be submitted for
the fifth launch.

The Fox Team noted that an apparent lack of receiver sensitivity and
difficulty in turning or holding on the repeater with the 67 Hz CTCSS
tone are probably the most notable observations about AO-85.

"We have determined a probable cause for the sensitivity issue, and
while that can't be fixed on AO-85, we are taking steps to prevent
similar issues on the rest of the Fox-1 CubeSats," Buxton assured. The
November/December edition of AMSAT Journal will include full details on
these technical issues. Read more
-- Thanks to AMSAT News Service via Jerry Buxton, N0JY


A new contest to promote activity between stations in the UK and in
Ireland (UK/EI) and the rest of the world debuts with an SSB event in
December 5-6 and a CW event January 23-24. Both get under way at 1200
on Saturday and end 24 hours later. The United Kingdom and Ireland
Contest Club (UKEICC
is sponsoring the new contest.

"All UK and EI contesters, including those with modest stations and
antennas, will experience the fun of being a multiplier in a worldwide
contest," the announcement
said. While the eventual goal is to have UK/EI stations work the rest
of the world, all entrants may work all other entrants for points and

"For the first year or two we have to take into account that UK/EI
participation may take time to build up and that there are long periods
when DX stations cannot work UK/EI stations, because there is no
propagation," the announcement pointed out. "Accordingly, we are
initially allowing DX-to-DX contacts, which will make the contest more
interesting for DX stations." Full information
<> is
on the UK/EI DX Contest web page. Read more


As you browse for great deals online this Black Friday and Cyber
Monday, we invite you to shop at AmazonSmile
<>, choosing the ARRL as your
charity of choice. With every qualifying purchase you make
<>through AmazonSmile, Amazon
will make a contribution to ARRL. When you shop at AmazonSmile, you
will be helping the League to extend its reach in public service,
advocacy, education, technology, and membership. Bookmark the link
<> and support ARRL every time
you shop. ARRL wishes you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and hopes
you'll remember us when you shop on Amazon this season.

AmazonSmile allows shoppers to enjoy the same wide selection of
products, low prices, and convenient shopping features as on When customers shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile
Foundation will donate 0.5 percent of the price of eligible purchases
to the charitable organizations selected by customers. As a 501(c)(3)
organization, ARRL -- the national association for Amateur Radio® is a
registered charity of AmazonSmile.


The eight-member international team <> now
activating VK9WA from Willis Island November 14-23 reports the
DXpedition <> is going smoothly for the most part.
VK9WA has generated substantial pileups over the past week and had
logged some 24,000 contacts as of November 18. The 160 meter receiving
antenna has been repaired, and the team said that its new frequency on
that band will be 1827 kHz. The team is operating from the 4-acre
Middle Cay, some 280 miles off the eastern coast of Australia.
Operation is on all bands, 160-10 meters, SSB, CW, and RTTY. The team
has begun running RTTY on 10.142 MHz.

"Our primary focus will be providing new contacts with this highly
demanded, rarely activated entity with an emphasis on difficult paths
-- primarily US East Coast, Europe, and Africa," the DXpedition website

The DXpedition team will be on the island until November 22 and plans
to tear down all but two stations the afternoon prior to leaving. Two
stations will run overnight before departure. VK9WA has been arriving
via long path to the US on 17 and 20 and via short path on 15, 12, and
10. They are using verticals plus one two-element Yagi. Signals into
South America and southern Africa "have not been good," the team
reported this week.

Willis Island, which has not had a significant activation since 2008,
is number #32 on the ClubLog Most Wanted DXCC
<> list. The weather there,
where it is spring, is reported to be "extremely hot." ClubLog
statistics show fairly even contact percentages for Asia, Europe, and
North America.

A reminder to those hoping to work VK9WA (or any other major
DXpedition): Do not call the DX station on its frequency; you must
operate split. Pay attention to the operator's instructions.


ARRL Oregon Section Manager Everett Curry, W6ABM, has told the
Section's Amateur Radio Emergency Service Emergency Coordinators that
Oregon ARES/RACES will continue to work with the Oregon Office of
Emergency Management (OOEM). Curry's statement comes nearly a week
after the OOEM severed its working relationship with Oregon Section
Emergency Coordinator Vince Van Der Hyde, K7VV. Van Der Hyde remains as

"Nothing that OOEM has done alters your commitment to your served
agency -- in most cases your county -- and the commitments of Oregon
ARES/RACES to work with you in meeting the commitments made to your
county," Curry told the ECs. "I will work with OOEM for the present."

State Communications officer and Oregon RACES Officer Terry Pietras,
W7JOC, wrote Van Der Hyde on November 9, informing him that OOEM had
decided to sever the relationship between Van Der Hyde and the OEM
Amateur Radio (ARES) Unit. Pietras cited Van Der Hyde's decision not to
participate in a November 12 OOEM drill to test RACES emergency
communications capabilities and operations.

In a November 16 joint OOEM/ARRL Oregon Section statement, the OOEM
stressed that its relationship with Oregon ARES/RACES continues.
"We...are committed to work with and develop this relationship to
enhance emergency communications capabilities throughout Oregon," said
the statement, signed by Curry and OOEM Manager, Operations and
Preparedness Section Matthew T. Marheine.

Curry was scheduled to meet with Marheine this week. "It is my
expectation that we will achieve the mutual and respectful working
relationship that we desire," he said. He said he hopes to appoint an
Emergency Coordinator for the OOEM Amateur Radio Unit soon.


Idiom Press <> of Merlin, Oregon, has
announced the sale of its assets to Ham Supply
<> of Elizabeth, Colorado. Owned by Wayne
Ordakowski, N0UN, Ham Supply is a new business formed to manufacture
and distribute the products previously offered by Idiom Press, as well
as other new Amateur Radio products.

Ham Supply will honor warranties for existing Idiom Press products, and
once production is resumed, Ham Supply will honor all existing orders
placed with Idiom Press after reconfirming them with the customer.
Ordakowski has said he intends to have the new business in full
operation by the first week of January 2016, although some previously
placed orders may ship earlier.

Idiom Press published The Complete DXer by Bob Locher, W9KNI, who
started the business before turning it over to his son Rob, W7GH, who
is returning to the computer programming field.


Past ARRL Pacific Division Director Brad Wyatt, K6WR, of Los Gatos,
California, died on November 10 after an illness. He was 86. An ARRL

Life Member, Wyatt served as the Pacific Division Director from 1994
until 2000, when he decided not to run for another term. He previously
served as Vice Director of the Pacific Division from 1992 until 1994.

Wyatt retired from IBM in 1984. He received bachelor's and master's
(MBA) degrees from Stanford University. Wyatt was a past president of
the Los Gatos Kiwanis Club.

In November 2001, Wyatt's article, "Remote Controlled HF Operation over
the Internet," appeared in QST. A year later, Wyatt and co-authors Stan
Schretter, W4MQ, and Keith Lamonica, W7DXX, won the QST Cover Plaque
Award for their collaboration on the article, "A Ham Radio Public
Utility HF Station."

==> IN BRIEF...

Special Event W1Q will Mark QST Centennial: Special Event station W1Q
will be on the air December 1-15 to celebrate QST's 100th anniversary.
The first issue of QST was published in December 1915. ARRL COO Harold
Kramer, WJ1B, and volunteer operators will be on the air. This is not
an official ARRL operation, and Kramer will handle all details, QSL
cards, and LoTW entries. He will post additional information on his
WJ1B page. -- Thanks to Harold Kramer, WJ1B

Astronaut Kjell Lindgren, KO5MOS, Tweets Anniversary Greetings to
ARISS: Astronaut Kjell Lindgren, KO5MOS, has tweeted greetings to the
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS
<>) program on the 15th anniversary of the first
Amateur Radio contacts between the ISS and Earth. "First QSOs conducted
from the ISS ham radio station 15 years this weekend. Happy Anniversary
ARISS! 73!" Lindgren tweeted on November 15. ARISS International Chair
Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, noted the auspicious occasion on November 13, in a
post to the AMSAT-BB. "15 years ago today the ARISS team inaugurated
the ham station on ISS with the first set of QSOs with the crew," Bauer
recounted. "These contacts were conducted on this date in Moscow,
Russia; Greenbelt, Maryland, and Houston, Texas. Lou McFadin, W5DID,
and I were on the mic at the Greenbelt, Maryland location." That
occasion marked the first use of the NA1SS call sign from space.
Lindgren, who arrived at the ISS in July, will return to Earth in late
December. During his duty tour, he has participated in several ARISS
school contacts.

Fall 2015 Issue of Radio Waves is Now Available: The fall 2015 edition
of Radio Waves
is now available via the ARRL website. This issue includes such
articles as "Using Sensors to Explore Terraforming," "STEM School and
Academy ARC Builds Repeater," and "Community College's DIY Spirit
Shines for ARISS Contact." Published quarterly by ARRL Education
Services, the fall 2015 edition also looks at how ham radio can help
Boy Scouts to earn the Radio merit badge; news, ideas, and support for
instructors; ham radio instruction for people with disabilities, and
the evolution of a licensing class. Current and back issues of Radio
Waves are available <> on the ARRL
website. Radio Waves is available free as a PDF.









Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports:

Solar activity declined again this week, with average daily sunspot
numbers for the November 12-18 reporting week at 43.3, down from 72.3
during the previous seven days. Average daily solar flux was 105.5,
down from 109.4.

Geomagnetic A indices were down, which is generally a good thing for HF
propagation. The average daily planetary A index slipped from 25 to 11
and average daily mid-latitude A index from 19 to 9. All four of these
average A indexes being whole integers is an odd occurrence.

Predicted solar flux is 108, 106, 104, and 105 on November 19-22, 103
on November 23-24, then 100, 105, and 110 on November 25-27, 115 on
November 28-29, 120 on November 30 and December 1, 115 on December 2,
110 on December 3-4, and 105 on December 5-14. Flux values then drop to
a low of 95 on December 17-18, then rise back to 120 on December 27-28.

Predicted planetary A index is 18 and 10 on November 19-20, 8 on
November 21-22, 5 on November 23-25, 8 and 5 on November 26-27, 8 on
November 28-29, 25 in November 30 and December 1, then 15, 8, 5, 12,
20, and 25 on December 2-7.

Sunspot numbers for November 12 through 18 were 29, 50, 48, 63, 44, 33,
and 36, with a mean of 43.3. 10.7 cm flux was 103.5, 102.9, 106.3,
105.8, 105.6, 107.1, and 107.6, with a mean of 105.5. Estimated
planetary A indices were 5, 14, 10, 9, 14, 8, and 17, with a mean of
11. Estimated mid-latitude A indices were 4, 12, 10, 7, 9, 7, and 14,
with a mean of 9.

Please send your reports and observations to


- November 20 -- YO International PSK31 Contest

- November 21-22 -- 1.8 All Austrian 160 Meter Contest (CW)

- November 21-22 -- ARRL November Sweepstakes (SSB)

- November 21-22 -- NA Collegiate ARC Championship (SSB)

- November 25 -- SKCC Sprint CW

- November 25 -- UKEICC 80 Meter Contest (CW)

- November 26 -- RSGB 80 Meter Club Sprint (CW)

- November 28-29 -- ARRL EME Contest (CW, phone, digital)

- November 28-29 -- CQ World Wide DX Contest (CW)

See the ARRL Contest Calendar <>
for more information.


- December 11-12 -- West Central Florida Section Convention
Plant City, Florida

- January 9 -- TECHFEST <>, Lawrenceville, Georgia

- January 10 -- New York City-Long Island Section Convention
<>, Bethpage, New York

- January 15-16 -- Southern Florida Section Convention
<>, Fort Myers, Florida

- January 15-16 -- North Texas Section Convention
<>, Forest Hill, Texas

- January 17-23 -- Quartzfest <>, Quartzsite,

- January 29-30 -- Mississippi State Convention
<>, Jackson, Mississippi

- January 29-31 -- Puerto Rico State Convention
<>, Hatillo, Puerto Rico

- February 6 -- South Carolina State Convention <>,
N. Charleston, South Carolina

- February 12-14 -- ARRL National Convention
<>, Orlando, Florida

- February 19-20 -- Southwestern Division Convention
<>, Yuma, Arizona

- February 27 WCF Section Technical Conference
<>, Tampa, Florida

- February 27 New Mexico TechFest
<>, Albuquerque, New

- February 27 Vermont State Convention
<>, S. Burlington, Vermont

Find conventions and hamfests in your area

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Amateur Radio News and Information




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technical articles, construction projects, columns, and other items of
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