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Revised Rules for V:TES (LONG)

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Oct 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/8/98
The Eternal Struggle


Overview of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle
Object of the Game
1. Terms and Components of the Game
1.1. Important Terms in the Game
1.2. Equipment Needed
1.3. The Golden Rule of Card Ownership
1.4. The Golden Rule for Cards
1.5. Overview of Crypt Cards
1.6. Overview of Library Cards
1.6.1. General
1.6.2. Master Cards
1.6.3. Minion Cards
2. Getting Started
2.1. Order of Play
2.2. Blood Bank and the Edge
2.3. Play Area
2.4. Playing for Ante (optional)
3. Playing the Game
4. Untap Phase
4.1. Contested Cards
4.2. Contested Titles
5. Master Phase
6. Minion Phase
6.1. Types of Actions
6.1.1. Bleed
6.1.2. Hunt (+1 stealth)
6.1.3. Equip (+1 stealth)
6.1.4. Employ Retainer (+1 stealth)
6.1.5. Recruit Ally (+1 stealth)
6.1.6. Action card
6.1.7. Political Action (+1 stealth)
6.2. Taking an Action
6.2.1. Announce the Action
6.2.2. Resolve Any Block Attempts
6.2.3. Resolve the Action
6.3. Politics
6.3.1. The Political Action
6.3.2. The Referendum
6.3.3. Gaining Votes
6.3.4. Vampiric Titles
6.4. Combat
6.4.1. Combat Sequence
6.4.2. Determined Range
6.4.3. Strike
6.4.4. Press
6.4.5. Strike Effects
6.4.6. Resolving Damage
6.4.7. Retainers and Combat
6.5. Torpor
6.5.1. Going Into Torpor
6.5.2. Leave Torpor action (+1 stealth)
6.5.3. Rescue a Vampire from Torpor
6.5.4. Diablerize a Vampire in Torpor
6.5.5. Diablerie
6.5.6. The Blood Hunt
7. Influence Phase
8. Discard Phase
9. Ending the Game
9.1. Victory Points
9.2. Withdrawing from the Game
10. Vampire Sects
Rules Glossary
World of Darkness Glossary
Notes on These Rules
Contact Information

Overview of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle(TM) is a trading card game in which two or
more players take on the roles of ancient vampires known as Methuselahs.
Methuselahs are considered mere legend by younger vampires. Younger
vampires think that they pursue their own ends even as they are being
used by one Methuselah to undercut the influence of another. Throughout the
world, Methuselahs manipulate their minions to frustrate the designs of the
other Methuselahs, just as they have for as long as they can remember.
These eternal struggles, sometimes covert and subtle, sometimes open and
spectacular, are collectively known as the Jyhad.


Your goal is to destroy the influence held by rival Methuselahs. You
accomplish this goal by using your influence to gain control of younger
vampires and using those vampires to take actions to reduce the influence
of rival Methuselahs. Influence is represented by pool counters (see
Equipment Needed, sec. 1.2), the main currency of the game. When a
Methuselah runs out of pool counters, she* is bereft of influence and
ousted from the game. As Methuselahs are ousted, players earn victory
points; the winner is the player with the most victory points at the end of
the game (see Victory Points, sec. 9.1).

* Throughout this rulebook, references to players (Methuselahs)
will be feminine ("she" and "her"), while references to minions
(characters represented in the game) will be masculine ("he" and
"his"). These pronouns are not intended to identify gender; this
is merely a useful method to avoid both cumbersome "he or she"
constructions and ambiguity.


1.1. Important Terms in the Game

1. Tapping and Untapping: The concept of tapping and untapping is a
unique feature in Deckmaster games. During play you will turn cards
sideways to "tap" them, indicating that the cards have been used for
some particular purpose or effect. Untapping a card restores it to its
original position, indicating that the card is reset and will be able
to be tapped again later. Only untapped minions can take actions,
block the actions of other minions, or play reaction cards (see Minion
Phase, sec. 6).

2. Burn: When a card is burned, it is placed into its owner's discard
pile (the discard pile is called the ash heap for this reason). When a
counter is burned it is returned to the blood bank. Sometimes an
instruction may say to remove a card from the game. While some cards
and effects can retrieve cards from the ash heap, cards that are
removed from the game cannot be retrieved or affected in any way.

1.2. Equipment Needed

1. Cards: Each player needs two decks: a library and a crypt. The cards
in your crypt represent the vampires you hope to control; they have
oval portraits of the vampires on the front and amber marble backs.
The cards in your library represent the things you or your minions can
do or use; they have square illustrations on the front and green
marble backs. Each player must have at least twelve cards in her crypt
and at least forty cards in her library. Each player may add up to ten
additional cards to her library per player in the game. Thus, in a
six-player game, each player may have a minimum of forty and a maximum
of one hundred cards in her library. There is no limit on the maximum
number of cards a player can have in her crypt.

2. Blood Counters: Blood counters are an integral part of the game. Each
player needs about forty counters: thirty for her starting pool and an
extra ten blood counters to help fill the communal blood bank. When
you burn a blood counter, you return it to the blood bank. Blood
counters that you "pay" or "spend" are also considered burned. Blood
counters can be any convenient items, such as pennies, glass beads, or
stones. Single-item methods of keeping track of changing numbers
(e.g., dice) are discouraged, due to the frequent need to move
counters from one place to another.

3. The Edge: The Edge is a symbol showing that your minions have
temporarily given you an advantage over the other Methuselahs. It is
given or passed to a player who successfully bleeds another player
(see Bleed, sec. 6.1.1), and it imparts certain advantages to the
player controlling it (see Untap Phase, sec. 4 and Gaining Votes, sec.
6.3.3). Choose an object to represent the Edge. Any small, distinctive
object, such as a coin or a glove, will do.

1.3. The Golden Rule of Card Ownership

Your cards are never transferred to another player permanently as a result
of card play. At the end of the game, the cards you began the game with are
returned to you. If you are ousted, all the cards you control are burned.
Any of your opponents' cards you may control are placed in their respective
owners' ash heaps (see Important Terms, sec. 1.1). Any of your cards that
other players control remain until the controlling players are ousted. The
only exception to this rule is the optional ante (see Playing for Ante,
sec. 2.4): ante cards may change hands permanently.

1.4. The Golden Rule for Cards

Whenever the cards contradict the rules, the cards take precedence.

1.5. Overview of Crypt Cards

Each crypt card (the amber-backed cards) has a set of elements that
describe the vampire: his name, blood capacity, clan, disciplines (skills),
and any special abilities or political titles he has. These elements are
described below.

1. Name: The name of the vampire appears at the top of the card. Each
vampire is unique, so two players cannot simultaneously control the
same vampire. A second Methuselah could contest control of the vampire
(see Contested Cards, sec. 4.1), which means that the Methuselahs are
struggling for control of him.

2. Blood capacity: The number in the red circle in the lower right corner
of the card is the vampire's capacity. This number reflects many
things at once: the vampire's relative age (larger numbers represent
older vampires), the amount of influence (in pool) a Methuselah must
invest in him in order to bring him under her control, and the maximum
ability he has to heal wounds or play cards (some cards cost blood to

A vampire with a larger capacity than another is said to be older, and
one with a smaller capacity is younger. A vampire cannot have more
blood than his capacity; if an effect puts more blood on him than his
capacity allows, the excess is always moved to the blood bank

An uncontrolled vampire (see Play Area, sec. 2.3) will have blood
counters stacked on it representing the amount of influence that has
been invested in him. When that stack equals his blood capacity at the
end of the influence phase, you reveal the vampire and place him in
the ready region (see Play Area, sec. 2.3). He retains the blood
counters used to influence him on his card to serve as his blood (see
Influence Phase, sec. 7).

3. Clan: Each vampire belongs to a clan, identified by the symbol in the
upper left corner of the card. Some library cards require a member of
a particular vampire clan to play, while other library cards may
affect only vampires of a particular clan. The clans are grouped into
sects (see Vampire Sects, sec. 10).

4. Disciplines: These are supernatural powers that some vampires possess.
The disciplines possessed by the vampire are represented by the group
of symbols in the lower right corner of the card. The vampire's
disciplines determine which library cards he can play. If a library
card requires a discipline (noted by a discipline symbol on the left
side of the library card), then the card can only be played by a
vampire who has that discipline.

Each of a vampire's discipline symbols is in the shape of either a
square or a diamond. A square-shaped discipline symbol means that the
vampire has the basic level of that discipline; he can use only the
basic (plain text) effect listed on a card that requires that
discipline. A discipline symbol within a diamond signifies that the
vampire has superior skill in that discipline and therefore may opt to
use either the basic (plain type) or the superior (bold) effect listed
on the card (but not both).

Vampiric Disciplines

Animalism Control of and communication with animals.
Auspex Enhanced and extrasensory perception.
Celerity Supernatural speed.
Chimerstry Ability to create illusions.
Dementation Power to induce madness.
Dominate Ability to exert influence over other vampires and
Fortitude Supernatural toughness.
Obfuscate Ability to hide or disguise oneself or others.
Obtenebration Control of shadows.
Necromancy Ability to communicate with and influence the dead.
Potence Supernatural strength.
Presence Impact of personal appearance.
Protean Ability to change body form.
Quietus Blood manipulation.
Serpentis Charm.
Thaumaturgy Magic spellcasting ability, mostly blood oriented.
Vicissitude Ability to sculpt living flesh into new forms.

1.6. Overview of Library Cards

1.6.1. General

1. Playing Cards. There are two main types of library cards: master cards
and minion cards. Master cards are played by Methuselahs; minion cards
are played by the minions (vampires and allies) you control. Any
library card not explicitly named as a master card is a minion card. A
card is played by placing it face-up in the playing area or by showing
it to the other players and placing it face-up in the ash heap. Your
ash heap can be examined by any player at any time.

2. Drawing Cards. Whenever you play a library card from your hand, you
immediately draw another from your library to replace it. Exceptions
to this rule are cards played during a referendum (see Referendum,
sec. 6.3.2) and as noted on card text. If your library is empty, then
you do not draw to replenish your hand, but you continue to play. If
your hand size is changed by a card in play, immediately discard down
to or draw up to your new hand size.

3. Requirements of Playing Cards. Each library card has symbols on the
left side for the card type (for minion cards), the clan or discipline
(if any) required to play the card, and the cost (if any) of playing
that card.

If the left side of the card has a discipline symbol, it can only be
played by a vampire who has that discipline (only minion cards have
such symbols).

If the left side of a master card has a clan symbol, it can only be
played by a Methuselah who controls a ready member of that clan. If a
minion card has a clan symbol, it can only be played by a vampire who
belongs to that clan.

A drop of blood with a number on the left side of a library card (in
the middle of the side or in the bottom corner) indicates the amount
of blood or pool that must be burned to play the card. If the symbol
appears in the middle of the side, it represents the amount of blood
the vampire must burn. If the symbol is in the bottom left corner, it
represents the amount of pool the Methuselah must burn.

4. Uniqueness. If a card is identified as unique then only one copy of
that card can be in play at a time. If a second copy is brought into
play, the copies will be contested (and out of play) until all but one
is yielded (see Contested Cards, sec. 4.1).

5. Sequencing. If two or more players want to play a card or effect, the
acting Methuselah plays first. At every stage, the acting player
always has the opportunity to play the next card or effect. So after
playing one effect, she may play another and another. Once she is
finished, the opportunity passes to the defending Methuselah (in the
case of a directed action), then to the rest of the Methuselahs in
clockwise order from the acting Methuselah. Note that if any card or
effect is used by any Methuselah, the acting Methuselah again gets the
opportunity to play the next effect.

1.6.2. Master Cards

Master cards are cards you play in your role as a Methuselah. There are two
types of Master cards: out-of-turn and the regular Master cards. Some types
of regular Master cards are: locations and disciplines (and there are other
regular Masters that don't have a specific type). Regular Master cards are
played during your Master Phase. You can normally play only one regular
Master card during your Master phase. Out-of-turn Master cards can be
played during other players' turns. By playing an out-of-turn Master card,
you are effectively "borrowing" from your next Master Phase -- that is,
playing the card now instead of waiting until your next Master Phase.

1. Locations: A location card represents a place (a building, a city, or
a designated gathering place, for example) that a Methuselah or her
minions control. A location card stays in play and may be used
repeatedly, even on the turn it is played. Some library cards (like
Arson) can eliminate them from play.

2. Disciplines: A discipline card is played on a vampire to give him a
new discipline (at the basic level) or to enhance a discipline he
already has (increasing the level of a discipline from basic to
superior). The vampire also gains an additional blood capacity (the
"+1" in the red circle in the bottom right corner of the card
indicates this) along with the discipline granted but he does not
automatically gain an extra blood to fill the new capacity.

3. Out-of-turn: You may play an out-of-turn Master card whenever
appropriate during another player's turn. Doing this counts against
your next Master Phase (see Master Phase, sec. 5). You may not play a
second out-of-turn card against the same Master Phase -- you'll have
to wait until you square away the debt you owe on the first one. You
cannot play an out-of-turn Master card on your own turn.

4. Other master cards: Any master cards not explained here have their
effects described on them. These master cards are discarded when they
are played unless the card says to put it into play or to play it on
some other card.

1.6.3. Minion Cards

Minion cards are cards that your vampires and allies (collectively referred
to as "minions") play. In many cases there may be a discipline symbol on a
minion card; in these cases the card can only be played by a vampire with
that discipline. Sometimes a card will have a clan symbol; these cards can
only be played by a member of that clan. Unless the card states otherwise,
the minion card is burned after the minion plays it. The general types of
minion cards are as follows:

1. Action and political action cards: A minion can play an action card to
take an action other than the default actions (default actions are
actions like hunt that don't require a card). Only one action card can
be played for the action; action cards cannot be used to modify other
actions. Political actions are a special type of action used to call
referendums (votes). They can also be played for a vote during a
referendum (see Politics, sec. 6.3).

2. Action modifier cards: The acting minion can play these cards to
modify his action. For example, some action modifiers increase the
acting minion's stealth or bleed amount, or give him more votes. A
minion cannot play the same action modifier more than once during a
single action.

3. Ally, equipment, and retainer cards: These cards represent things that
a minion can bring into play by taking an action. It takes one action
for each card. A minion cannot bring two equipment cards into play in
a single action, for example. Equipment and retainer cards are stacked
on the minion playing them (the acting minion), while allies are put
into play and remain independent from the acting minion. Equipment and
retainers are burned when the minion they are stacked with is burned.

4. Combat cards: These are played by minions when in combat (see Combat,
sec. 6.4).

5. Reaction cards: A ready untapped minion can play a reaction card in
response to an action taken by another Methuselah's minion (an action
taken by one of a Methuselah's minions cannot be reacted to by any of
her own minions). A minion cannot play the same reaction card more
than once during a single action. A reaction card does not tap the
minion using it.


2.1. Order of Play

Seating position can be determined by whatever method the players choose.
The player to your left is your prey. This is the player you hope to oust
from the game. The player to your right is your predator. She is the player
who hopes to oust you from the game. When your prey is ousted, the next
player (the prey of your former prey) becomes your new prey.

2.2. Blood Bank and the Edge

Each player takes thirty blood counters to form her starting pool. The
remaining blood counters are placed in the blood bank -- a common reserve
of counters placed so that all players can reach it. Remember that the
number of blood counters in the blood bank is limitless -- the bank never
runs out.

The Edge begins the game uncontrolled and so is placed in the central area
as well.

2.3. Play Area

The area in front of each player is divided into two regions: the
uncontrolled region, which will start with four uncontrolled vampires dealt
from the crypt, and the controlled region, which is empty at the start of
the game. The controlled region is further divided into two areas: the
ready region and the torpor region. Torpor is a special area only for
gravely wounded vampires (see Torpor, sec. 6.5). As the game progresses,
you will gain control of some of your vampires, moving them from the
uncontrolled region to the ready region, face-up (see Influence Phase, sec.

| Ready (controlled) |
| Uncontrolled (face-down) | Torpor (controlled) |

To begin, separate your crypt (vampire) cards from your library cards.
Shuffle both decks and allow your predator to cut both. Place both decks in
front of you. Ante, if desired (see below). Deal the top seven library
cards to yourself to form your hand and deal the top four crypt cards
face-down into your uncontrolled region. You can look at the cards in your
hand and uncontrolled region at any time during the game.

You can choose to draw more vampires from your crypt to your uncontrolled
region later in the game (see Influence Phase, sec. 7).

2.4. Playing for Ante (optional)

At the beginning of the game, the players may choose to each risk one of
their library cards in the game. Each player, after her library is shuffled
and cut, turns over the top card of her library and sets it aside. When a
player is ousted, her predator wins her ante.


Turns proceed clockwise around the playing area. Each player's turn is
composed of the following five phases, in order:

1. Untap Phase Untap all your cards.
2. Master Phase Play a master card.
3. Minion Phase Have your minions perform actions.
4. Influence Phase Attempt to control vampires in your uncontrolled
5. Discard Phase Discard a card from your hand (and draw another).

Note that in each phase you are not required to do anything: you don't have
to play a Master card during your Master Phase, and you can choose not to
discard a card during your discard phase, for example. The only exception
is that you are required to untap all of your cards in your untap phase.

Each of the phases is described in full detail in the following sections.


You start your turn with your untap phase. At the beginning of your untap
phase, you must untap all of your tapped cards. Any cards or effects that
require or allow you to do something during your untap phase take effect
after you have untapped your cards. You may choose the order in which these
effects take place. Along with effects generated by cards, there are other
effects that are resolved during the untap phase:

* If you have the Edge, you may take one blood counter from the blood
bank and add it to your pool.

* For each card and title you are contesting, you must choose to yield
it or pay to continue contesting it (see below).

4.1. Contested Cards

Some of the cards in the game represent unique resources, like specific
locations, equipment, or people. These cards will be identified as unique
in their card text. In addition, all vampire cards represent unique
vampires. If more than one copy of a unique card is brought into play, that
means control of the card is being contested. For the duration of the
contest, all copies of the contested card are turned face-down and are out
of play. If an additional copy of an already-contested card is brought into
play, it is immediately contested and turned face-down as well.

The cost to contest a card is one pool, which you pay during each of your
untap phases. Instead of paying the cost to contest the card, you may
choose to yield the card. A yielded card is burned. Any cards or counters
stacked on the yielded card are also burned.

If all other copies of a card you are contesting are yielded, then the card
is untapped and turned face-up at the start of your next untap phase,
ending the contest.

Be careful about putting duplicates of the same unique cards in your deck.
You can't bring more than one of the same unique card into your controlled
region without contesting it yourself. On the other hand, you may wish to
have a second copy handy in case the first is burned.

4.2. Contested Titles

Some titles are unique. For example, there can be only one Prince of a
particular city (see Vampiric Titles, sec. 6.3.4). If more than one vampire
in play claims the same title, then the title is contested. While the title
is being contested, the vampires involved in the contest are treated as if
they have no title, but they remain controlled and may act and block as

The cost to contest a title is one blood, which is paid by the vampire
during each of his untap phases. Instead of paying the cost to contest the
title, the vampire may choose to yield the title (or may be forced to
yield, if he has no blood to pay). Only ready vampires can contest titles
-- vampires in torpor must yield during the untap phase. Yielding the title
has no other effect on the vampire. If the title was added to the vampire
by another card, then burn or disregard the card; otherwise make a note
that the vampire has yielded his title.

If all other vampires contesting a title with your vampire have yielded the
contest, then your vampire acquires the title at the start of your next
untap phase, ending the contest.


You receive Master Phase Actions during your master phase. This represents
your personal activity during the turn as a Methuselah.

By default you receive only one Master Phase Action, but some cards may
change this amount. You may use a Master Phase Action to play a Master
Card, and some cards can give you alternate ways to use your Master Phase
Actions. If you've played an Out-of-Turn Master card against this master
phase, then you gain one less Master Phase Action than normal (see Master
Cards, sec. 1.6.2).

If other effects happen during your master phase, you choose the order in
which these effects and your Master Phase Actions are performed.

You cannot save Master Phase Actions for later; Master Phase Actions not
used during this phase are lost.


Most of the activity in the game occurs in the Minion Phases.

During your Minion Phase, you may have your minions take actions. Only
ready untapped minions can take actions, and taking an action taps the
acting minion. Other Methuselah's ready untapped minions may attempt to
block your action, and blocking taps the blocking minion (see Resolve any
Block Attempts, sec. 6.2.2). An action is successful only if it is not
blocked. Each action is resolved (successful or blocked) before another
action can be attempted.

As noted, only ready untapped minions can take actions, and taking an
action taps the acting minion. So if the minion manages to untap (due to a
card or effect) during this phase, it is possible for him to take another

6.1. Types of Actions

By default (without the use of a card), a ready minion can perform one of
two actions: bleed or hunt.

Ready minions can also use actions to bring different types of permanent
resources into play. These include equipment (like computers, guns, and
exotic artifacts), retainers (henchmen, attendants, or animals commanded
into the service of the minion), and allies (non-vampire minions, like
mages, werewolves, or ordinary mortals). An equipment card is brought into
play with an equip action, a retainer with the employ retainer action, and
an ally with the recruit ally action. These three actions are very similar,
although the cards they bring into play are not. Equipment can also be
moved from one minion to another by taking an action.

Instead of taking a default action, a ready minion could play an action
card to perform the action indicated on the card. Some action cards are
enhanced versions of the default bleed action or other basic actions, while
others are original types of actions. A special type of action card is the
political action card, which a vampire can use to call a referendum (a

In addition, there are special actions available for dealing with vampires
in torpor. These actions are not described here (see Torpor, sec. 6.5).

6.1.1. Bleed

Bleeding is one of the most fundamental actions of the game. It is the
basic means of removing your prey's pool. By default, your minion's bleed
actions can be directed only at your prey. Some cards or effects may allow
or force you to bleed a Methuselah other than your prey. You can never
bleed yourself, however.

Conceptually, taking a bleed action represents the efforts of your minion
to undermine the power and influence of the target Methuselah. You might
picture bleeding as paying bribes, changing bank records, spreading rumors,

To bleed a Methuselah, announce the action and tap the acting minion (the
minion who is taking the bleed action). If the action is successful, the
target Methuselah burns an amount of pool equal to the bleed amount. By
default, all vampires have a bleed amount of one, while allies have a bleed
amount of zero (although many allies and some vampires have card text that
overrides the default). Additionally, if the action succeeds and the bleed
amount is one or more, then the controller of the acting minion gets the
Edge, taking it from whomever has it (or simply keeping the Edge, if she
already has it).

6.1.2. Hunt (+1 stealth)

Hunting is a vampire's means of satisfying his hunger for blood. Allies
cannot take this action.

To have a vampire hunt, announce the action and tap the acting vampire. If
the action is successful, move a blood counter to the acting vampire from
the blood bank. If this causes the vampire's blood to exceed his blood
capacity, then (as always) the excess is immediately moved back to the
blood bank. This action has a default +1 stealth (see Stealth and
Intercept, sec. 6.2.2).

Any time during a Methuselah's minion phase that one of her ready untapped
vampires is empty (and not otherwise prohibited from hunting), he must hunt
immediately, before any other action is taken by any minion. (If there are
two or more such vampires, then their hunt actions can be taken in whatever
order the controller chooses.)

6.1.3. Equip (+1 stealth)

Equipment cards are cards that give minions special abilities. The equip
action has a default +1 stealth.

To equip with an equipment card from your hand, play the card and tap the
acting minion. If the action is successful, the equipment card is placed on
the minion (and the cost, if any, is paid). If the action is unsuccessful,
the card is burned (see Resolve the Action, sec. 6.2.3). Only one equipment
card can be played per action, but there is no limit to the number of
equipment cards a minion can have.

To equip with an equipment card currently possessed by one of your other
minions, tap the acting minion (the minion who is attempting to get the
equipment) and announce the equipment card he is getting. More than one
equipment card can be taken from a minion in a single action. If the action
is unsuccessful, the equipment remains where it is.

6.1.4. Employ Retainer (+1 stealth)

Retainers are cards that give minions special abilities. The employ
retainer action has a default +1 stealth.

To employ a retainer from your hand, play the card and tap the acting
minion. If the action is successful, the retainer is placed on the acting
minion (and the cost, if any, is paid). If the action is unsuccessful, the
card is burned (see Resolve the Action, sec. 6.2.3). Only one retainer card
can be employed per action, but there is no limit to the number of
retainers a minion can have. Unlike equipment, a retainer is loyal to the
minion that recruited it and cannot be transferred.

When a retainer is brought into play, it receives blood counters from the
blood bank to represent its life (listed on the retainer's card). When a
retainer loses its last life counter, it is burned (see Retainers and
Combat, sec. 6.4.7).

6.1.5. Recruit Ally (+1 stealth)

Allies are minions in their own right, capable of acting and blocking
independently of the minion that recruits them. The recruit ally action has
a default +1 stealth. An ally cannot take any actions on the turn he is

To recruit an ally from your hand, play the card and tap the acting minion.
If the action is successful, the ally is placed in your uncontrolled
region, even though it is controlled, to indicate that it cannot act (and
the cost, if any, is paid). If the action is unsuccessful, the card is
burned (see Resolve the Action, sec. 6.2.3). Only one ally card can be
recruited per action.

When an ally is brought into play, he receives blood counters from the
blood bank to represent his life (listed on the ally's card). When an ally
loses his last life counter, he is burned.

At the end of the turn, any allies that were placed in your uncontrolled
region (to indicate that they cannot act) are moved to your ready region.

6.1.6. Action Card

Unless otherwise noted on the card, these actions are at zero stealth (see
Stealth and Intercept, sec. 6.2.2) and can be attempted by both vampires
and allies. If the action card describes a special version of a basic
action, then all the rules that apply to the basic action apply to the
action card, except as otherwise noted on the action card.

Example: If Lupo plays Computer Hacking (text: "Action. Bleed at
+1"), then all the normal rules of bleed actions (only being able
to target your prey, for example) apply, except that the bleed
amount is increased by one.

To take the action described on an action card in your hand, play the card
and tap the acting minion. If the action is successful, it resolves as
indicated on the card (and the cost, if any, is paid). If the action is
unsuccessful, the card is burned.

6.1.7. Political Action (+1 stealth)

A political action card is a special kind of action card. As indicated on
the cards, these actions have a default +1 stealth and can only be played
by vampires (allies cannot call referendums).

To call the referendum identified on a political action card in your hand,
play the card and tap the acting vampire. If the action is successful, the
terms of the referendum are chosen and votes are tallied to see if the
referendum passes or fails (see Politics, sec. 6.3).

6.2. Taking an Action

Any ready untapped minion you control can take an action. The procedure for
resolving an action is described in the following sections. Note that
action modifiers and reaction cards can be played at any time in this
process as appropriate, subject to the restrictions on adding stealth and
intercept listed below and the restrictions against the same minion playing
the same action modifier or reaction card more than once (see Minion Cards,
sec. 1.6.3), and following the same sequencing strictures of all effects
(see Sequencing, sec. 1.6.1).

Summary of the Course of an Action

1. The action is declared, and the card used for the action (action card,
equipment, etc.) is played, if any. Tap the minion who is taking the
action (the acting minion).

2. The target Methuselah may try to block the action with any of her
ready untapped minions. If the action doesn't target another
Methuselah (or targets more than one), then the minions of the prey
and predator may try to block.

3. If one attempt to block is unsuccessful, another attempt can be made.
If no more attempts are made, then the action is successful, and the
cost of the action is paid. If a block attempt is successful, then
blocking minion taps and enters combat with the acting minion.

Action modifiers and reaction cards can be played at any time during an
action (unless otherwise noted on card text), with the acting Methuselah
getting the opportunity to place first. Only the acting minion can play
action modifiers, while only other Methuselahs' ready untapped minions can
play reaction cards. Also remember that the same minion cannot play the
same action modifier or reaction card more than once per action.

6.2.1. Announce the Action

Announce the action and tap the acting minion (only ready untapped minions
can take actions). Any card required for the action is played (face-up) at
this time. All details of the action are declared when the action is
announced, including the target(s), the cost, the effects, etc.

EXCEPTION: Any decisions to be made for a referendum are not declared until
the action succeeds (see The Political Action, sec. 6.3.1).

Example: During Sarah's minion phase, she decides that one of her
untapped minions, Lupo, will take an action to bleed her prey,
Alexis. Sarah taps Lupo and says, "Lupo attempts to bleed Alexis
for 1 pool."

After resolving that action (successful or not), Sarah decides
that another of her untapped minions, Rake, will recruit an ally,
the Loyal Street Gang, from her hand. She taps Rake and plays the
Loyal Street Gang, declaring "Rake attempts to recruit the Loyal
Street Gang at +1 stealth, costing me one pool." (The pool isn't
paid until the action succeeds.)

6.2.2. Resolve Any Block Attempts

1. Who May Attempt to Block: The Methuselah who is the target (or
controls the target) of an action may use her ready untapped minions
to attempt to block the action. If the action is not directed at
another Methuselah (or at something controlled by another Methuselah),
then the action is called undirected* and can be blocked by the acting
Methuselah's prey or predator, with the prey getting the first
opportunity to block. If one attempt to block fails, another can be
made as often as the blocking Methuselah wishes. Once a Methuselah
decides not to make any further attempts to block, that decision is
final. As a convenience, when a card describes an action that is
typically directed at another Methuselah, the card's text will usually
include an encircled D as a reminder that the action is typically

Example: Lupo's action to bleed Alexis is directed at
Alexis, so only Alexis's ready untapped minions can attempt
to block. If one block attempt fails, another can be made.

Rake's action to recruit the Loyal Street Gang is not
directed at another Methuselah, so it is undirected. It can
be blocked by the ready untapped minions of Sarah's prey or
Sarah's predator. If her prey's first attempt fails, another
can be made and so on until her prey declines to make any
further attempts, at which point her predator may begin
attempting to block.

* The one type of action that may cause confusion is the
political action, so it is worth noting here that all
political actions are undirected, no matter how many, how
few, or which Methuselahs can be affected by the outcome of
the referendum. This is because the action calls the
referendum, which involves all Methuselahs - it doesn't
target any one Methuselah specifically (not to be confused
with the terms of the referendum, which can in some cases be
set to affect a single Methuselah).

2. Stealth and Intercept. Conceptually, stealth represents the measures
that the acting minion is taking to conduct his business discreetly,
to avoid attracting the attention of those who would oppose him.
Intercept represents the blocking minion's efforts to discover the
plans of the acting minion and to stalk or chase him in order to
detain him (by fighting with him) before he can accomplish his goal.

To see if a block attempt succeeds, compare the acting minion's
stealth to the blocking minion's intercept. The action is blocked if
the blocker's intercept is equal to or greater than the acting
minion's stealth. By default, minions have zero stealth and zero
intercept. So a block attempt will normally succeed unless the action
has inherent stealth (such as hunting) or a card or effect is used to
increase the acting minion's stealth.

Some actions have an inherent stealth, as noted in the action list
(sec. 6.1) and on some action cards. The minion taking such an action
starts with greater stealth than normal. Additionally, some cards and
other effects can be used to increase a minion's stealth or intercept,
as noted on card text. Stealth can be added during an action only when
needed (that is, only if the action is currently being blocked and the
blocking minion has enough intercept to block the acting minion).
Likewise, intercept can be added during an action only when needed
(that is, only by a blocking minion when the acting minion's stealth
exceeds his intercept).

Note that all modifications made to a minion's stealth or intercept
remain in effect for the duration of the action. Increased stealth and
intercept return to normal after the action is resolved.

Example: Sarah announces that Andreas is hunting and taps
Andreas. The action is undirected and has a default of +1
stealth. Her prey declines to block. Her predator, however,
plays a reaction card to give +1 intercept to one of her
ready untapped minions, Thomas. Sarah has no cards to play
to increase Andreas's stealth, so the action is blocked.
Thomas is tapped and combat begins.

If a block fails (the acting minion's stealth exceeds the blocker's
intercept and the blocker's Methuselah cannot add or does not wish to
add more intercept), either another attempt is made (with the same or
a different minion) or the defending Methuselah declares that she will
not make any further attempts to block the action. Note that this
declaration is an event and so allows the acting Methuselah (and
others) to play more cards and effects.

Example: Sarah announces that Aleph is bleeding Alexis.
Sarah has no effects that she wishes to play before Alexis
decides whether to block, so Sarah says "Do you block?".
Alexis decides not to block, so then Sarah plays Bonding (an
action modifier that adds 1 to the bleed). Alexis is bled
for two pool.

6.2.3. Resolve the Action

If the action is successful (all block attempts were unsuccessful), then
the cost of the action is paid and the effects of the successful action
take place. If the action is blocked, then any card played to take the
action is burned and the blocking minion is tapped and enters combat with
the acting minion (see Combat, sec. 6.4). Once the combat is resolved, the
action is over. Note that the action's cost, if any, is only paid if the
action succeeds; the cost is not paid if the action is blocked. The costs
of Action Modifiers and Reaction cards are always paid when the cards are
played, regardless of the success of the action.

6.3. Politics

Politics and diplomacy are as critical to vampires as hunting and feeding.
Like mortal society, Kindred society has its own laws, creeds, and customs.
Politics come into play when a vampire takes a political action, or when a
Blood Hunt (see the Blood Hunt, sec. 6.5.6) is called.

6.3.1. The Political Action

To call the referendum (sometimes referred to as the vote*) listed on a
political action card in your hand (or as allowed by a card in play), tap
the acting vampire and announce the referendum he is attempting to call
(play the political action card, if any, at this time). Political actions
are never directed at a specific Methuselah, regardless of what effect the
referendum will have if it passes (so a political action can be blocked by
and only by the acting Methuselah's prey and predator). Additionally, as
indicated on card text, political actions have a default of +1 stealth.

Important: The specific terms of the referendum (the choices to be made, if
any, by the player who calls the referendum) are not chosen until the
action itself is successful (i.e., remains unblocked).

* The term 'vote' can mean different things in the game. It can
refer to the political action itself, to the referendum called by
a political action, or to an individual 'yea' or 'nay' cast
during the referendum. Throughout this section, the term 'vote'
will always be used in the last context (as an individual vote
cast for or against the referendum) to avoid confusion.

6.3.2. The Referendum

If a political action is successful, the referendum is called.

A card that uses the phrase "during a political action" is typically
referring to the referendum part of the political action.

Important: No Methuselahs draw to replace cards during a referendum. After
the referendum, each Methuselah draws back up to her hand size (as

The referendum consists of three steps: setting the terms, polling (casting
votes), and resolving the referendum.

1. Choose the terms, if any, of the referendum. Cards that are used
"during a political action" but "before votes are cast" are used at
this time.

2. Polling. All Methuselahs may now cast any votes they have (see below)
at this time, in any order. They call out their votes freely, and
there is no obligation to vote. Once a vote has been cast, however, it
cannot be changed. The polling stage is completed only when all
Methuselahs are finished voting (if you need a time limit, the players
can agree to wait fifteen seconds after the last vote cast to close
the polling stage).

3. Resolve the referendum. If there are more votes for the referendum
than against, the referendum passes and the effects of the successful
referendum take place. Otherwise, the referendum fails and has no
effect. Tied referendums fail.

6.3.3. Gaining Votes

Methuselahs by default have no votes -- votes must be gained, and there are
a variety of ways to do so. Once gained, a vote need not be cast right
away, if at all. Each vote cast is cast either "for" or "against" the
referendum, and a Methuselah may cast some of her votes in favor and some
against, as she chooses, with the restriction that all of the votes from
each single source must be cast in agreement as a group. Once cast, a vote
cannot be changed. Methuselahs can gain votes in the following ways:

1. Political Action cards. Each Methuselah may gain one vote by using a
political action card. If a political action card was used to call the
referendum, that card provides a vote for the acting vampire's
controller (and is replaced as normal, since it is played before the
referendum starts). Other political action cards used for votes are
simply burned without regard to the text on the cards (and are not
replaced until the end of the referendum). Each Methuselah can gain no
more than one vote from political action cards.

2. Titled Vampires. For each ready titled vampire a Methuselah controls,
she gains extra votes. The number of votes gained depends on the
title. A Methuselah gains:
1 vote for each ready Primogen or Bishop, and
2 votes for each ready Prince or Archbishop, and
3 votes for each ready Justicar or Cardinal, and
4 votes for each ready Inner Circle member.
Other vampires may have votes (as listed on card text) without holding
one of the Camarilla or Sabbat titles listed above. Such a vampire is
still considered "titled" for game purposes, and the votes can be used
only when the vampire is ready.

3. The Edge. The Methuselah who has the Edge can burn it (return it,
uncontrolled, to the center area) to gain one vote.

4. The Prisci block. The Prisci (introduced in The Sabbat(TM) expansion)
as a group have three votes. During a referendum, the Prisci block of
three votes is cast "for" or "against" the referendum according to the
Prisci sub-referendum. Each ready Priscus provides one vote for this
sub-referendum, and no other votes may be used in this sub-referendum.
Each vote is either "for" or "against" the main referendum. Whichever
side has the greater number of votes in the sub-referendum gains three
votes in the main referendum. If the sub-referendum is tied, the
Prisci abstain from the main vote. As Prisci cast their votes in the
sub-referendum, the Prisci block of three votes may shift between
"for", "against", and "abstain" (as the majority in the sub-referendum

5. Other Cards. Action modifiers, reaction cards, cards in play, etc.
which grant more votes can all be used subject to the normal rules of
playing cards (e.g., only the acting minion can play action modifiers
and only ready untapped minions controlled by Methuselahs other than
the acting minion's controller can play reaction cards).

6.3.4. Vampiric Titles

The two main sects of vampires, the Camarilla and the Sabbat, have their
own distinct power structures and titles (see Vampire Sects, sec. 10).

For the Camarilla, these titles are: Primogen, Prince, Justicar, and
(introduced in the Dark Sovereigns(TM) expansion) Inner Circle. There can
be only one Prince of a particular city and only one Justicar of a
particular clan. If another vampire comes into play with the same title,
the titles are contested (see Contested Titles, sec. 4.2). The titles of
Primogen and Inner Circle are not unique, however.

For the Sabbat, the titles are: Bishop, Archbishop, Priscus, and Cardinal.
Like Camarilla Princes, there can be only one Archbishop of a particular
city. The other Sabbat titles are not unique.

Some Independent vampires may start with votes, as listed on card text.
Treat these vampires as if they had titles of their own.

No matter what sect, a vampire cannot have more than one title. If a
vampire with a title gains another, he loses the first title, even if the
new title would be a demotion. If a vampire with a contested title (see
Contested Titles, sec. 4.2) gains a title, he immediately yields the
contested title.

6.4. Combat

Combat results when a minion blocks the action of a ready minion. Also,
some cards' effects may cause combat. Whatever caused the combat, it is
important to remember that only ready minions can participate in combat,
and that your minions cannot enter combat with any of your other minions.

Being tapped or untapped doesn't matter for combat. Tapped minions fight
just the same as untapped minions.

Note: The only minion cards that can be played during combat are combat
cards (unless a card states otherwise, of course).

6.4.1. Combat Sequence

Combat occurs in a series of one or more rounds. Each round of combat has
three steps:

1. Determine Range. Use maneuvers to set the range to close or long.
2. Strike. Announce and resolve strikes.
3. Press. Use presses to continue into another round or to end combat.

As usual, the acting minion always gets first opportunity to use a card or
effect before the opposing minion at every stage of combat.

6.4.2. Determine Range

Each round of combat is fought at either close range or long range. Close
range is the default for each round. The range determines which strikes and
other strike-resolution-phase effects can be used. Some effects can only be
used at close range, some only at long range, and some at either close or
long range (see below).

A minion in combat can use a maneuver to get to long range, or he can
maneuver to get back to close range if his opponent maneuvers to long. The
two combatants can continue playing maneuvers (to keep offsetting the
effects of their opponent's last maneuver) for as long as they wish. A
minion cannot play two maneuvers in a row (which would effectively cancel
each other).

Note: Effects which are played "before range is determined" must be played
before the acting minion decides whether or not to play a maneuver at the
start of this phase.

A minion has no maneuvers by default; he must use a card or other effect to
gain a maneuver. The ability to maneuver can come from combat cards, or
weapons or other cards in play. To use a maneuver from a strike card, the
minion plays the strike card during this phase instead of during the choose
strike phase (below). If a minion uses the maneuver from a strike card or a
weapon, he is effectively choosing his strike as well. As such, he cannot
use a second strike card or weapon to maneuver again in the same round.

If a combat card played by a minion has a maneuver as part of an effect,
the maneuver must be used that round of combat. If a combat card played by
a minion has an "optional maneuver" as part of the effect, then the minion
may decline to use the maneuver.

Typically, a minion that can attack at long range will want to maneuver to
long range against an opponent that he suspects can only attack at close

Example: Yuri has just blocked Andreas and combat ensues. Yuri
has a Submachine Gun that allows him to strike for 3 damage at
either close or long range and gives him an optional maneuver.
Andreas, as the acting minion, declines to maneuver. Yuri uses
the maneuver from the gun to move to long range, where he cannot
be harmed by Andreas's hand strike. Andreas plays a maneuver card
to get back to close range. However, Yuri has another maneuver
card as well, and he plays it to move back to long range. Andreas
has no more maneuvers to play, so the range is set to long.

6.4.3. Strike

During the Strike phase, the minions strike each other (if possible) or
make an effort to avoid being struck (by dodging, for example). Note that
not all strikes are aggressive. Defensive effects like dodges are also
considered strikes (see Strike Effects, sec. 6.4.5).

Normally, each minion gets only one strike per round. Some cards may allow
a minion to get additional strikes during a round of combat. Each pair of
strikes (one from each of the minions) is resolved before going on to the
next pair. If only one minion has additional strikes, the "pair" will be
just his strike.

During each pair of strikes, the minions first choose their respective
strikes (the acting minion first, then his opponent), and then the strikes
are resolved. Strike resolution occurs simultaneously, except for a few
special cases (see Strike Effects, sec 6.4.5).

1. Choose Strike. Each minion chooses his strike. The strike can be from
a combat card, from a weapon the minion possesses, or (the default) a
hand strike. If a minion has used a maneuver from a strike (either a
strike card or a weapon) this round, then he cannot choose any other
strike for his initial strike of the round. For additional strikes,
any strike can be chosen, even if a maneuver had been used.

2. Resolve Strike. The effects of the strikes from both minions are
resolved simultaneously. Most strikes are effective only at close
range. Unless the strike is identified as ranged or does 'R' damage
(or is a defensive strike like Dodge or Combat Ends), it is only
effective at close range. Ranged strikes and strikes that do 'R'
damage can be used at any range, close or long.

When a minion or retainer takes damage (either from a strike or from other
means), he must burn blood or lose life, as appropriate (see Resolving
Damage, sec. 6.4.6). Note that the effects of a strike are applied and then
damage is resolved. This timing is important for some special strikes, like
steal blood (see Strike Effects, sec. 6.4.5).

If one or both of the combatants are no longer ready (because one has taken
too much damage, for instance), then combat ends immediately. So if a
strike inflicts more damage than a minion can heal or prevent, then combat
ends at that point (no further strikes, no presses, etc.). This is true at
any point during combat, not just during strike resolution.

3. Additional Strikes. Some cards and effects allow a minion to make
additional strikes during the current round of combat. Additional
strikes are announced (gained) and performed (used) only after the
first pair of strikes are completed. The acting minion decides whether
or not to gain additional strikes before the opposing minion, as
usual. Additional strikes are handled by having another choose strike
phase and resolve strike phase in which only the minions with
additional strikes may play strike cards. All additional strikes take
place at the same range. This is repeated as necessary. A minion
cannot use more than one card or effect to gain additional strikes per
round of combat.

Example: Tiberius is blocked by Cassandra and they enter combat.
Neither of them maneuver, so the round is at close range.
Tiberius announces he is using an Undead Strength card, which
allows him to inflict 2 damage, as his strike. Cassandra uses a
Dodge card as her strike, so no damage is dealt by either

Next, Tiberius plays a Blur card, giving him one extra strike.
Cassandra plays a Blur also, giving her two extra strikes since
she has superior Celerity. These additional strikes are resolved
at the same range, which is close in this case.

Tiberius uses his hands for the second strike. Cassandra uses her
hands also. Both suffer one damage. Cassandra then uses her hands
one more time, and Tiberius can't use a strike because he had
only one additional strike. Tiberius suffers one more damage.

6.4.4. Press

At the end of a round of combat (if both combatants are still ready), the
combatants will either go their separate ways (the default) or one of them
will give chase. Presses can be used to continue combat (start another
round of combat) or to end combat (cancel an opponent's press), similar to
the way maneuvers are used to determine range. The two combatants can
continue playing presses (to keep offsetting the effects of their
opponent's last press) for as long as they wish. A minion cannot play two
presses in a row (which would effectively cancel each other). If there is
an uncanceled press to continue, then another round of combat begins.

6.4.5. Strike Effects

Hand Strike. The default strike is a hand strike. When a minion strikes
with a hand strike at close range, he does an amount of damage equal to his
strength* to the opposing minion. Vampires have a default strength of one,
while allies have a default strength of zero.

* Strength is typically referred to as "hand damage" on vampire
and ally cards as well as on strike cards and weapons. This can
be confusing, however, since "hand damage" is really just the
type of damage done by a hand strike. Damage from a weapon strike
is never "hand damage", even when it is based on the minion's
strength. For instance, if a weapon says "+1 hand damage", then
it will deal an amount of damage equal to the striking minion's
strength plus one, but it is not a "hand strike", so the damage
done is not "hand damage".

Destroy Equipment. This effect will burn an equipment card of the opposing
minion. If there is more than one piece of equipment on the opposing
minion, the striking minion chooses which one is burned. The equipment can
still be used up to the point at which the destroy equipment strike
resolves. The effect may specify destroy weapon instead of equipment, in
which case a weapon must be chosen.

Steal Equipment. This effect is like destroy equipment, except that instead
of being burned, the equipment card is placed on the striking minion. The
equipment may not be used by the stealing minion during the current round
of combat. The equipment is retained by the stealing minion after combat

First Strike. A strike done with First Strike is resolved before a normal
strike. Thus, if the opposing minion is burned or sent to torpor by a
strike done with First Strike, his strike will not be resolved at all. If
the opposing minion was striking with a weapon that is stolen or destroyed
with First Strike, then the opposing minion simply loses his strike
altogether. If both minions strike with First Strike, then the strikes are
resolved simultaneously. A Strike done with First Strike will still not
resolve before a Combat Ends effect (which always resolves first), and a
Dodge still cancels the effects of a strike done with First Strike (see

Dodge. A Dodge strike deals no damage, but it protects the dodging minion
and his possessions from the effects of the opposing strike. Retainers are
not protected, however. A Dodge is effective at any range. A Dodge protects
even from the effects of a strike done with First Strike. (A dodge is a
strike, even though it is solely defensive. It represents the activity of
the minion during that pair of strikes.)

Combat Ends. This effect ends combat immediately. This type of strike is
always the first to resolve, even before a strike done with First Strike,
and ends combat before other strikes can be resolved or any damage dealt.
Combat Ends is effective at any range. Combat Ends is not affected by a
Dodge, since Dodge only cancels effects that are directed at the dodging

Steal Blood. This effect moves blood counters (or life counters) from the
target to the striking minion. This does not count as damage, so the effect
cannot be prevented with damage prevention effects. This effect occurs
before the "heal damage" step of damage resolution, so the stolen blood can
be used to heal damage even if the damage is inflicted simultaneously. If
the stolen blood causes the striking vampire to have more blood than his
capacity, the excess drains off immediately (as usual).

Example: Sarah Cobbler enters combat with a Mage ally. Sarah has
a capacity of four and has three blood. The Mage has two life.
After determining range, Sarah steals three blood as her strike.
The Mage strikes for 2R damage. Two life counters are moved to
Sarah from the Mage, and Sarah sustains two damage. Sarah has
five blood but her capacity is only four, so one blood is moved
to the blood bank. The Mage has no life counters remaining, so he
is burned. Sarah has two damage to deal with and doesn't prevent
any, so she burns two blood to heal the damage, leaving her with
two blood.

Paralyze. This term appears in the limited edition base set (called
Jyhad(TM)), but was dropped after that set. This effect sends a vampire to
torpor, tapped. The paralyzed vampire does not untap as usual during the
untap phase. The cost to rescue a paralyzed vampire is zero instead of the
normal two blood. A paralyzed vampire may be diablerized as usual (see
Diablerie, sec. 6.5.5).

6.4.6. Damage Resolution

Damage resolution has two steps: prevent damage and heal damage.

First, the minion taking damage can play damage prevention cards (like the
combat card Skin of Rock) if he is able to do so. These damage prevention
cards are played one at a time until all the damage is prevented or until
the minion chooses not to play any more. Only minions can prevent damage.
Damage to retainers cannot be prevented.

Any remaining damage (damage that was not prevented) is successfully
inflicted. The damage is then healed (if the victim is a vampire) or causes
a loss of life points (if the victim is an ally or retainer).

For each point of damage inflicted on a vampire, he must burn one blood to
heal the damage. A vampire can burn all of his blood if needed, and doing
so does not have any other negative effects on the vampire. If a vampire
cannot heal all the damage (i.e., more damage is inflicted than he has
blood to heal with), he burns blood to heal what damage he can and is
placed in torpor (see Torpor, sec. 6.5).

Some damage is described as aggravated damage. Aggravated damage is damage
that a vampire cannot heal -- like damage from fire or sunlight or from the
claws or fangs of some other immortals, including some vampires. Since it
cannot be healed, aggravated damage causes a vampire to go to torpor
(unless the damage is prevented, of course). Aggravated damage done to a
wounded vampire can burn the vampire outright. When aggravated damage is
successfully inflicted on a vampire who already has unhealed damage, he
must burn a blood to prevent his destruction. If he doesn't have enough
blood, he is burned. Destruction by this method does not constitute

If a vampire receives both regular and aggravated damage at the same time,
the regular damage is handled first.

Example: Lupo is ready and has one blood when he receives one
point of aggravated damage. He cannot heal this damage, so he
goes to torpor with one blood.

Royce is ready and has one blood when he receives two points of
aggravated damage. He cannot heal the first point, and so he must
burn one blood to prevent destruction from the second point,
leaving him empty and in torpor.

Nik is ready and has one blood when he receives two regular
damage and one aggravated damage. He burns one blood to heal the
first point of normal damage. He doesn't have enough blood to
heal the second point. The aggravated damage burns him, since he
already has unhealed damage and cannot burn a blood to prevent
his destruction.

For each point of damage (regular or aggravated) inflicted on an ally or
retainer, he burns one life counter. An ally or retainer who loses all of
his life counters is burned.

6.4.7. Retainers and Combat

A retainer is not normally harmed in combat (unless the minion employing it
is burned). However, an attacker can choose to target one of the opposing
minion's retainers with a strike rather than striking at the opposing
minion. This can only be done at long range (close range combat is too
harried to allow for such distractions), and thus only with strikes that
are effective at long range (see Resolve Strike, sec. 6.4.3). To target a
retainer with a ranged strike, the striking minion must announce his
intended target when the strike is announced. Such strikes cannot be
dodged, and damage done to retainers cannot be prevented.

If a retainer is not burned in a given combat, he gains back all the life
counters he lost during the combat.

6.5. Torpor

When a vampire cannot heal his wounds, he enters into a deep sleep known as
torpor. A vampire in torpor is particularly weak and vulnerable to attacks
from others of his kind. A vampire in torpor may be killed (burned) by a
ready vampire through the act of diablerie. By committing diablerie, the
diabolist drains the victim of his blood and grows stronger (and takes
whatever equipment the victim had). Vampiric society condemns this act,
however, so the risk may outweigh the reward (see Diablerie, sec. 6.5.5 and
the Blood Hunt, sec. 6.5.6).

A vampire in torpor is still considered controlled but is not ready. He
still untaps at the start of the untap phase as usual.

6.5.1. Going into Torpor

If a vampire cannot heal his wounds, he goes into torpor. For example, a
vampire who doesn't have enough blood to heal the damage inflicted on him
or who sustains aggravated damage (see Resolving Damage, sec. 6.4.6) goes
to torpor.

Vampires in torpor are placed in an area to one side of the uncontrolled
region, called the torpor region. Any retainers, equipment, and other cards
on the vampire stay with the vampire when he goes to torpor.

A vampire in torpor can take no action except "leave torpor" (see below)
and cannot block or play reaction cards. He can play action modifiers
during his actions.

6.5.2. Leave Torpor action (+1 stealth)

This is the only action a vampire in torpor can take (unless a card has
explicit text saying otherwise). This action costs the acting vampire two

To have a vampire in torpor attempt to leave torpor, announce the action
and tap the acting vampire. If the action is successful, the acting vampire
pays the cost (two blood) and moves from the torpor region to the ready
region. If this action is blocked, there is no combat (vampires in torpor
cannot enter combat). Instead, if the blocker is a vampire, he gets the
opportunity to diablerize the acting vampire (see Diablerie, sec. 6.5.5).
If he chooses not to, or if he is an ally, then the action simply fails
(the acting vampire remains in torpor and no cost is paid). This action has
a default +1 stealth.

A vampire in torpor can be the target of the following actions, which can
be taken by any ready vampire:

6.5.3. Rescue a Vampire from Torpor

This action costs two blood, which can be paid by the acting vampire or the
rescued vampire, or the cost may be split between them. Allies cannot take
this action. Rescuing a paralyzed vampire costs no blood (see Strike
Effects, sec. 6.4.5).

To have a vampire rescue a vampire from torpor, announce the action
(including how the cost will be paid) and tap the acting vampire. If the
action is successful, the cost is paid and the vampire in torpor is moved
to the ready region. The rescued vampire does not tap or untap as a result
of being rescued. If the action is blocked, the acting vampire and the
blocking minion enter combat as normal. This action has a default +1
stealth if the acting vampire and the vampire in torpor have the same
controller; otherwise it is simply a directed action.

6.5.4. Diablerize a Vampire in Torpor

To have a vampire diablerize a vampire in torpor, announce the action and
tap the acting vampire. If the action is successful, the victim is
diablerized (see below). If the action is blocked, the acting vampire and
the blocking minion enter combat as normal. This action has a default +1
stealth if the acting vampire and the vampire in torpor have the same
controller; otherwise it is simply a directed action. Allies cannot take
this action.

6.5.5. Diablerie

Diablerie is the act of sending another vampire to Final Death by drinking
his blood. The vampire committing diablerie is called the diabolist.
Diablerie is resolved as follows:

1. All blood on the victim is moved to the diabolist. Blood in excess of
his capacity drains off as normal.
2. The diabolist may take any equipment on the victim.
3. The victim is burned (sent to his owner's ash heap). Any cards and
counters on him are also burned.
4. If the victim was older (had a higher capacity) than the diabolist,
the diabolist can be given a discipline. His controller may go through
her library, ash heap, and hand to get a Master discipline card to put
on the diabolist and then reshuffle her library or draw back up to her
hand size as necessary. This increases the diabolist's capacity by
one, but does not automatically give the diabolist a blood to fill
that new capacity. If no discipline card is found, the diabolist does
not gain a capacity.
5. A Blood Hunt may be called.

6.5.6. The Blood Hunt

As stated, vampiric society condemns the act of diablerie. The penalty for
committing this act is death, and the method of justice is a Blood Hunt
(called a Wild Hunt by some groups of vampires; the terms are
interchangeable), in which the diabolist is hunted down and destroyed by
others of his kind. In practice, however, this brand of justice is not
always meted out fairly, depending on the connections that the diabolist

When a vampire commits diablerie, any Methuselah may call for a referendum
to see if a Blood Hunt will be called on the diabolist. If the referendum
passes, a Blood Hunt is called and the diabolist is burned. This referendum
is not an action and no political action card is required. Since this is
not an action, it cannot be blocked, and action modifiers and reaction
cards cannot be played. Otherwise, this referendum is handled just like any


Methuselahs vehemently strive to dominate vampire society, but most younger
vampires are reluctant to defer to the whims of the ancients. Methuselahs
must apply their resources skillfully to entice their younger brethren to
do their bidding (often with the younger vampires not even realizing that
they are being manipulated).

Your influence phase allows you to devote some of your influence (measured
by your pool) to controlling the vampires in your uncontrolled region. This
phase can also be used to move new vampires from your crypt to your
uncontrolled region. The activities conducted in this phase are
administered through a type of "influence phase action" called a transfer.
Transfers, like Master Phase Actions, are not represented by counters and
cannot be saved for later use.

Each Methuselah normally receives four transfers at the start of her
influence phase, although some effects can alter this amount. To balance
the advantage of going first, however, Methuselahs do not receive the full
allotment of transfers during the first three turns. Instead, the
Methuselah who has the first turn receives only one transfer on her first
influence phase. The Methuselah who plays second gets two transfers on her
turn, and the Methuselah who takes the third turn gets three transfers.
Thereafter, each Methuselah receives the standard four transfers during her
influence phase.

During your influence phase you may spend your transfers as follows:

* Spend one transfer to move one blood counter from your pool to a
vampire in your uncontrolled region.
* Spend two transfers to move one blood counter from a vampire in your
uncontrolled region to your pool.
* Spend four transfers and burn a pool to move a vampire from your crypt
to your uncontrolled region (drawing from the top, as always).

At the end of your influence phase, any vampire in your uncontrolled region
with a number of blood counters on him equal to (or more than) his capacity
becomes controlled. The vampire is turned face-up and moved to the ready
region, untapped. The blood counters are kept on him to represent his blood
(counters in excess of his capacity drain off immediately as usual).

Example: Nora comes to her influence phase. She has four
transfers to spend, but only two pool. She sees that she has
built up eight blood counters on a vampire with a blood capacity
of ten, and she thinks she can win the game if she gets it into
play. However, she cannot use both counters in her pool to put it
into play because that would put her out of the game. She had
invested a couple of blood counters in a vampire with a blood
capacity of seven on a previous turn, so she spends two of her
four transfers to take back one of those counters and put it in
her pool. Now she has three pool and two transfers left to spend.
She spends the two transfers by moving two of the three blood
counters from her pool to the vampire with the blood capacity of
ten and moves that vampire to the ready region.


You can discard one card from your hand (and draw a card from your library
to replace it) during this phase.


9.1. Victory Points

When a Methuselah runs out of pool counters, she is ousted from the game.
The game continues until only one Methuselah is left. You get a victory
point whenever the Methuselah who is your prey is ousted (no matter how or
by whom your prey was ousted). You receive an additional victory point if
you are the last player left. At the end of the game, the winner is the
player with the most victory points, even if she has been ousted. Along
with a victory point, you gain six pool from the blood bank when your prey
is ousted. If you are playing for ante (see Playing for Ante, sec. 2.4),
you get the prey's ante card as well. If you are the last player left, you
keep your ante.

EXCEPTION: If a player is ousted at the same time that her prey is ousted,
the player gets the ante and victory point but does not gain six pool.

When your prey is ousted, the next Methuselah to your left (the ousted
Methuselah's prey) becomes your new prey.

Example: Richard, Peter, Ryan, and Jennifer are seated clockwise
around a table in that order; they are playing a game for ante.
Peter is reduced to zero pool first. Peter is Richard's prey, so
Richard gains 6 pool and a victory point and Peter's ante card.
Ryan is ousted next by Richard. Since now Ryan is Richard's prey,
Richard gets another 6 pool, another victory point, and Ryan's
ante card. Now Richard and Jennifer are the only ones left, and
so each is prey of the other. All the blood Richard earned
doesn't save him from falling, and Jennifer gets 6 pool, a
victory point, and Richard's ante card (but not the two cards
Richard won from the other players). Since Jennifer was not
ousted at all, she gets an additional victory point. The final
score is tied between Jennifer and Richard, with 2 victory points

9.2. Withdrawing from the Game

If you have exhausted your library and begin your turn with less than a
full hand, you have the option of withdrawing from the game. To exercise
this option you must announce your intent to withdraw during your untap
phase. For the withdrawal to succeed, you must meet the following

* None of your minions enter combat until your next untap phase.
* None of your minions lose (or spend) any blood until your next untap
* You do not lose (or spend) any pool until your next untap phase.

If on your next untap phase you have met these conditions, then you
successfully withdraw. The withdrawal fails if you lose a single pool or
blood, even if you gain enough to make up for the loss.

If you successfully withdraw, you receive one victory point to add to any
victory points you have already gained, and you keep your ante, if any.
Your predator does not get a victory point or pool for your withdrawal.


Some of the various clans of vampires have grouped themselves into sects.
Each sect represents clans with similar philosophies and goals.

One of the major sects is the Camarilla, which is composed of the seven
clans found in the base set (and includes the Caitiff, who are technically
clanless). The other major sect is the Sabbat, composed of seven antitribu
clans (corrupted versions of the Camarilla clans) and three underived
clans. These ten clans are introduced in The Sabbat(TM) expansion. These
vampires are marked "Sabbat" on their cards. Other clans (introduced in the
Dark Sovereigns(TM) and Ancient Hearts(TM) expansions) are identified
simply as "Non-Camarilla" on card text*. These vampires are not aligned
with either sect; they are called Independent.

Each sect has its own codes of conduct and its own political structure (see
Vampiric Titles, sec. 6.3.4). While the vampires of the Camarilla hold to a
rigorous Masquerade to conceal their vampiric nature from mortals, the
vampires of the Sabbat make no special effort to hide themselves from the
mortal population, which they view as cattle. The hatred between the Sabbat
and the Camarilla is greater than any mortal can comprehend.

A vampire must belong to the appropriate sect to receive a title. Only
Camarilla vampires can become Primogen, Princes, Justicars, or Inner Circle
members. Likewise, only Sabbat vampires can become Bishops, Archbishops,
Prisci, or Cardinals. Additionally, clan Justicar titles can only be given
to a vampire of the appropriate clan.

If a vampire with a title changes clans or sects (by means of Clan
Impersonation, for example) to a clan or sect inappropriate for his title,
he loses the benefit of the title until his clan or sect changes
appropriately. If he receives a new title, or if his title is contested
(see Contested Titles, sec. 4.2), he immediately yields the old title.

Only Camarilla vampires can use the Camarilla power structure respresented
by some cards and actions. To reflect this, those cards and actions that
are related to this power structure are restricted, in addition to the
restrictions on titles listed above.

Only Camarilla vampires can call the following referendums: Justicar
Retribution, Command of the Harpies, Masquerade Enforcement, the vote to
burn Masquerade Enforcement, the vote to burn Elysium: the Arboretum, and
the vote to remove the abilities granted by Archon. Only Camarilla vampires
can be chosen in the Archon and Camarilla Exemplary referendums.

* The term "Non-Camarilla" is slightly misleading, since the
Sabbat vampires are "Non-Camarilla" as well, and the Independent
vampires are as much "Non-Sabbat" as they are "Non-Camarilla".


Action Card: A card which a minion can play to perform a special action.
Includes Political Action cards.
Acting Minion: The minion performing the current action.
Action Modifier Card: A card which the acting minion can play to modify the
action he is performing.
Active Region: The controlled region. (Some cards mistakenly use this term
to refer to the ready region.)
Additional Strike: Allows a minion to strike an additional time in the same
round of combat (at the same range as the initial strike).
Aggravated Damage: Type of damage that vampires cannot heal. It can even
burn a wounded vampire.
Ally: A non-vampire minion. Brought into play by a "recruit ally" action,
he acts independently of the minion who recruited him.
Ash Heap: The discard pile. Cards which are burned are returned to their
owner's ash heap.
Bleed: An action that attempts to burn another player's pool. By default,
it can only be attempted against a player's prey.
Block: The successful attempt of a minion to prevent the action of another
minion. Typically concluded with combat.
Blocking Minion: The minion currently attempting to block an action, or the
minion who has successfully blocked the current action.
Blood: also Blood Counter. A token representing a vampire's capability to
heal himself or to perform certain feats.
Blood Bank: Repository of blood counters not in use.
Blood Hunt: A special referendum that can be called when a vampire commits
diablerie. If successful, the diabolist is burned.
Burn: Discard. A burned card goes to its owner's Ash Heap. A burned counter
or token is returned to the Blood Bank.
Capacity: The maximum number of blood counters a vampire can have. It is
also a representation of the vampire's age.
Combat Card: A card that a minion can play in combat.
Combat Ends: A strike that ends combat before any damage or other strike
effects happen.
Contest: The struggle for control of a unique card or a unique title.
Controlled Region: Area containing a Methuselah's controlled cards.
Crypt: The deck of cards containing a player's vampires.
Diablerie: The act of burning a torporous vampire. Can be used to gain a
Diabolist: A vampire who commits diablerie. A Blood Hunt can be called to
burn a diabolist.
Directed Action: An action of one Methuselah's minion that directly affects
another single Methuselah or her minions or other cards she controls.
Dodge: A strike that protects a minion and the cards on him from an
opposing minion's strike. Retainers are not protected.
Edge: A token symbolizing who has the upper hand at the moment.
Equipment: An object a minion uses for a special bonus or ability.
First Strike: Striking faster than normal, so that the strike resolves
before a normal strike would.
Hunt: The action that a vampire takes to regain blood.
Inactive Region: The uncontrolled region. (Some cards mistakenly use this
term to refer to the torpor region.)
Influence Phase: The phase of a turn in which a Methuselah may make
transfers to her uncontrolled vampires and during which vampires are moved
from the uncontrolled region to the ready region.
Intercept: A measure of how well a minion can block the action of another
minion. If it equals or exceeds the acting minion's stealth, the minion's
block is successful.
Library: The deck containing a player's minion and master cards from which
her hand is drawn.
Life: also Life Counter. A token representing a retainer's or ally's
Maneuver: The efforts of a minion in combat to move away from or to close
in on the opposing minion.
Master Phase Action: The Methuselah's personal activity of the turn.
Master Card: A library card that can be used as a master phase action.
Minion: A vampire or ally.
Out-of-Turn Master Card: A type of master card that can only be played
during another player's turn, using the next Master Phase Action of the
player playing it.
Paralyze: An effect that sends a vampire to torpor, tapped, where he
doesn't untap and can be rescued at no cost. Used only in Jyhad.
Polling: The step of a referendum during which votes are cast.
Pool: A token representing a Methuselah's status. Also, a collection of
such tokens. A Methuselah is ousted if she loses all of the tokens in her
Predator: The player to a Methuselah's right.
Press: The efforts of a minion in combat to escape from or to give chase to
the opposing minion.
Prey: The player to a Methuselah's left. A player receives a victory point
and six pool when her Prey is ousted.
Reaction Card: A card played by a Methuselah's ready, untapped minion in
response to an action taken by a minion controlled by another Methuselah.
Ready Region: Area containing a Methuselah's minions that are not in
Referendum: The part of a political action (or Blood Hunt) during which the
terms are set, votes are cast, and the effects are applied (if it passes).
Retainer: A mortal creature or being that serves a minion. Brought into
play by an employ retainer action, he remains with the minion who employed
him and cannot act independently.
Stealth: A measure of how well a minion evades other minions' attempts to
block his action. If it exceeds the blocking minion's intercept, the block
Strength: Amount of damage a minion can inflict with a normal hand strike.
Strike: The effort of a minion in combat to harm his opponent or to avoid
being struck by his opponent.
Tap: Turn (a card) sideways. Typically done to indicate that the card has
been activated for some purpose.
Torpor Region: Area where vampires are placed when they cannot heal damage
done to them. A vampire in torpor is vulnerable to Diablerie attempts. A
vampire in torpor is not ready, but is still considered controlled.
Transfer: Influence Phase Action used to move pool to or from an
uncontrolled vampire, or to move a card from the crypt to the uncontrolled
Uncontrolled Region: Area containing a Methuselah's uncontrolled vampires.
Allies are also placed here when they are recruited to indicate that they
cannot act, although they are controlled.
Undirected Action: An action that is not directed.
Untap: Restore a card to the normal, upright, position. See Tap.
Victory Point: The measure of a player's ranking. A player receives a
victory point when her Prey is ousted, and for being the last player in the
game. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game wins.
Withdraw: An attempt to leave the game by a player who has run out of cards
in her library.


The following is a glossary of some of the relevant terms of Vampire: The

Amaranth: The act of killing a vampire by drinking all of his blood.
Commonly known as diablerie.
Antediluvian: An ancient vampire, a grand-childe of Caine. Most of the
major clans of the Camarilla were created by the Antediluvians.
Archon: A powerful vampire who travels from city to city, usually in the
service of a Justicar.
Autarkis: A vampire who refuses to be a part of vampire society. An
Beast, The: The drives and desires that pull Kindred away from their
humanity and turn them into monsters.
Blood Bond: A mysterious link that forms between Kindred that drink one
another's blood. The blood bond can give the donor control of the
Blood Hunt: A system of punishment for vampires who disregard the laws of
the Masquerade. The hunted vampire is slain by those who heed the call.
Book of Nod, The: The sacred book of the Kindred, which allegedly traces
their origins and history. Most of it has been lost to time.
Caine: The first vampire, from whom all other vampires are allegedly
Camarilla, The: A sect made up of seven clans that have banded together and
are governed by the Traditions.
Canaille: Mortals, especially referring to the most unsavory elements of
mortal society.
Clan: A group of vampires that share certain mystic and physical
Consanguineous: Belonging to the same clan (usually used to refer to a
younger member).
Cunctator: A vampire that drinks shallowly from his prey.
Domain: The fiefdom (usually a city) claimed by a vampire, most often a
Elysium: The name given to a place where the elders meet. No violence is
tolerated at these locations.
Garou: A werewolf.
Gehenna: The impending Armageddon in which the Antediluvians will rise up
and devour all Kindred.
Ghoul: A mortal who drinks the blood of a vampire, but who has not been
drained beforehand.
Golconda: A state of inner peace gained when a vampire accepts and achieves
balance with its inner beast.
Inner Circle: The group of vampires who comprise the ruling body of the
Justicar: A vampire that serves as judge, jury, and executioner of vampires
that have broken the Traditions.
Jyhad: The secret war waged between the few remaining Methuselahs using
younger vampires as pawns.
Kindred: The term that vampires use to refer collectively to their kind.
Masquerade: The Tradition of keeping mortals ignorant of the existence of
vampires, essential to survival.
Methuselah: A powerful vampire, thousands of years old (but still a few
generations younger than the Antediluvians), involved in the struggles of
the Jyhad from afar or in complete anonymity.
Praxis: The right of a Prince to rule a domain.
Primogen: A council of vampires in a city that supports the city's ruling
Prince: A vampire that rules a city and enforces the Traditions upon the
city's vampire population.
Retainer: A mortal or creature that serves a vampire master.
Sabbat: A violent sect of vampires bent on destroying the Camarilla.
Society of Leopold: A fraternity of witch-hunters that seeks to rid the
world of vampires.
Traditions: The six laws of the Camarilla. These Traditions are laws that
protect the vampires from mortals and from one another.


These rules represent the compilation of all rules and errata of the game
and include the rules regarding Non-Camarilla (Independent and Sabbat)
vampires added in the expansions as well as the rules in the Rules Update
of the The Sabbat(TM) expansion.


For questions regarding these rules, send e-mail to
(VTES NetRep).

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