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News from the Netrep: Change of Posting Address

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Thomas R Wylie

Dec 15, 1994, 6:59:34 PM12/15/94

For those who don't know, I have been hired by Wizards of the Coast.
Unfortunately, WotC's net setup is in a state of flux right now, so
netnews won't be working for us for another week or so, and I of course
have to get off my HaL account, so for the next few days I will be
posting from this account. All mail sent to the HaL account will be
forwarded. Sorry for any confusion this process might cause.

Tom Wylie* Network Representative for Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Stephen Swann

Dec 18, 1994, 6:51:21 AM12/18/94
In article <3cq3mm$>,
Thomas R Wylie <> wrote:
:For those who don't know, I have been hired by Wizards of the Coast.

You mean you've been doing this gratis? Or have you just been working
as a contractor?

(or do they give you cards? ;-)
Stephen Swann | Speak to me in many voices, | make them all sound like one... - BOC

Michael Constant

Dec 19, 1994, 3:57:46 AM12/19/94
Stephen Swann <> wrote:
)Thomas R Wylie <> wrote:
):For those who don't know, I have been hired by Wizards of the Coast.
)You mean you've been doing this gratis? Or have you just been working
)as a contractor?
)(or do they give you cards? ;-)

Cards, of course -- you think that mere money would get Tom to do all
the work he's been doing here? :-)
Michael Constant (

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