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Re: More KGS Chat, Incl Cheerleader for Jews' Bombing of Gaza

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Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 19, 2015, 1:31:52 PM2/19/15
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

BrYanwithY: Happy Chinese New Year!
BrYanwithY: Mine has been really good so far... :)
BrYanwithY: Actually the day is over already
Meepy: "Bung Hole Fat Guy", as i think the saying goes
masek: Tomorrow Going to take photo fo Lanterns festival
masek: Hi Meep!
beerslayer: hahah the liberals seem to go apeshit whenever i clearly state that this piece of garbage named obama should be immediately and forcibly arrested by a contingent of marines and dragged off to serve hard time in a supermax prison ^___^
beerslayer: *random flames*
womack: Does the notorious drunken fool agree to include Cheney, Sulzberger, Clintonz & Bushes in the list of prisoners?
asdk: the difference between the Russian pseudo-liberals and liberals in the United States, that the Russian liberals always lie and they can be called friends of Bush and Cheney.
asdk: our countries as a mirror
womack: Yes, _moi russki drug_, the Russian "liberals" = JAPE agents --that's JewAmerican Planetary Empire [09:54 hrs]
asdk: I think everything is easier, Russian pseudo liberals live by money funds democracy. such as USAID
womack: '"USAID" = longer spelling of "CIA"

Meepy: ukraine can buy their weapons from russia like every other failed nation
womack: Meeps pushes his nonsense wagon, as per usual.
womack: Looks like Obomber is somewhat resisting the more extreme Likudniki in the Senate & GOP
asdk: Ukrainian military district was the most powerful in the Soviet Union. for 25 years they have completely plundered all
asdk: Ukrainians are not a failed nation, and invented in the Austro Hungary and Poland
asdk: Ukrainians is Russian, which matured to become anti-Russian
Meepy: if they're russian then i guess they get a discount on weapons?
asdk: 100 years ago, Ukrainians considered themselves only 3% of the population of Ukraine
womack: Iroeny of history = JewBolsheviki like Genrikh Jagoda starved millions of Ukrainians in 1930's. Now US Jews like V. Nulander push Ukraine against Russia
cekalo: the apollo 11 moon landing was fake

asdk: Yes, Ukraine within its present borders created by the Bolsheviks and Lenin
womack: cekalo knows about Moon fake 'cause "he"was there & nobody came to see him?
Meepy: robots are among us
asdk: before the Bolsheviks never had such a republic as the Ukraine, was Malorossiya and Kiev Province
cekalo: the illuminati faked it to believe that humanity is going somewhere
Meepy: asdk, you sound exactly like the palestinians and israelis arguing
Meepy: doesn't bode well
Englishman: What you going to do to celebrate 2017, asdk?
womack: Meeps resents exposition of relevant history
Englishman: It's a very big centenary
asdk: Meppy, I know, that's why Nuland and ran on the Maidan.
Englishman: Putin can hardly ignore it
womack: cekalo speaks for the Obscuranti?
womack: Thx 2 Eman 4 the reminder. First, the Year of the Monkey
cekalo: the dinosaurs are fake too,there were no giant lizard creatures
Marvin: so they made fossils and buried them?
cekalo: its all fake
cekalo: mind controll zum zumzummm
Marvin: I think you are a fake
cekalo: maybe
womack: At least cek's a fake 1k
cekalo: lol
cekalo: you wish
womack: Better > Marvin & me
Marvin: can i get a job, making fake dinosaur fossils and burying them in the ground?
womack: )
womack: More money as a cop
cekalo: its all photoshop
Meepy: everybody knows the djinn buried all the fossils
cekalo: its fake like the boobs from your mom
Marvin: I think Lee Harvey Oswald did it
womack: LHO buried the lizards beneath the WTC
womack: cekalo bitter about his mom's plastic [admins]?
Marvin: Yep, and caused WTC7 to collapse with brain waves.
asdk: red - ukrainian speak
womack: "brain waves" came as complete surprise to architects
asdk: blue - russian speak
Falcon89: blue crude oil price
asdk: blue bird symbol of good luck)
womack: What mean the white dots?
asdk: bilingualism
womack: .
asdk: in fact, the Ukrainian language with Russian one and the same. and all this is conditional
Sheriffi: mayonnaise colored benz
asdk: if in the English language to replace a few words and come up with new vowels. will be a new language
womack: Ciao all. [Remember, ""] 18:28 hrz [Zulu]
On Monday, February 16, 2015 at 8:21:13 AM UTC-8, Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:
> Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
> Falcon89: good morning, ECR
> IIIllIIll0: haro
> IIIllIIll0: haro fawcon
> SamSpade: morning
> Meepy: yup
> SamSpade: i just lost to a marvel super villain
> SamSpade: the juggernaut
> SamSpade: there is no justice in the world
> Falcon89: yepyep, no justice, only snow storms
> Meepy: our snow storm got downgraded to ice and rain :(
> Meepy: stupid weather. why can't i just get nice fluffy white stuff for once?
> Falcon89: because you pay too little taxes
> Meepy: ya think?
> SamSpade: maybe
> SamSpade: we pay more tax here and often get the fluffy white stuff
> IIIllIIll0: no drug references pls
> SamSpade: correlation implies causation
> dayharri: <sniff2> white-snow?
> IIIllIIll0: correlation not only implies it but proves it beyond a doubt
> alfalfa: every time there is a fire, i see a fire truck there... therefore i conclude that fire trucks cause fires
> IIIllIIll0: exactly
> IIIllIIll0: finally someone gets it
> IIIllIIll0: 95% of accidents occur at home. so home is the most dangerous place to be
> SamSpade: well, how else would you establish a causal relation if not by inductive reasoning?
> dayharri: some road accidents happened at junctions, so drive faster through. <_<
> IIIllIIll0: by reading the bible
> IIIllIIll0: most deaths occur in hospitals. so if you are worried about a sick loved one, get them out of the hospital ASAP
> Meepy: some people actually believe that one
> Meepy: did you see about val kilmer trying to pray away his throat tumor?
> SamSpade: nope
> SamSpade: i've heard people don't believe in vaccines in the US
> Meepy: yup
> Meepy: i remember there was one on here who was "holding off" on vaccines for her baby
> alfalfa: many americans think that science is just another religion
> Meepy: no, they think it's magic sent by the devil
> Meepy: which plays perfectly into two great american pasttimes - being too lazy to understand something and placing blame on someone else
> alfalfa: i heard that earthquakes in california were San Andreas's fault.
> IIIllIIll0: im not quite sure what you're getting at meepy, so i'm just going to call you a communist, its all your fault
> dayharri: lol @ alfalfa.
> dayharri: san andreas fault.
> Meepy: *sigh* ridiculous lowfat milk :(
> Meepy: it can't even turn my coffee white, just make it more watery
> dayharri: what's nice about whitening the coffee, i wonder.
> Meepy: i don't understand why people think taking the fat out makes milk good
> Comrade: Low-fat milk is like all 'diet' products - you pay more money for less food
> Comrade: There's no such thing as a low-fat potato or a diet apple
> dayharri: diet water.
> womack: For many gullibles "science" is merely another religion.
> womack: & Big Pharma = the High Priest
> Meepy: womack, you think people who don't believe conspiracy theories are gullible ^^
> womack: "Meepy" professes to shun CT's?
> Meepy: I treat them with a healthy dose of skepticism
> Comrade: I have censored womack. I have quite enough lunacy in my life without reading his deranged ramblings
> womack: tiktok @ 15:68 hrz
> Comrade: Life is too short
> Comrade: All 9-11 Truthers are bonkers
> Meepy: sadly yes, comrade
> womack: "Comrade" works for the secret police? meeps fails to ans Q except
> womack: affirming his devotion to the "conspiracy theory" pushed by the Regime
> dayharri: no one has rights to censor womack except nonosse. :P
> Comrade: One could maybe believe that was something fishy about 9-11 in 2002 or 2003 but not now. It's been 14 years since the attack. The truth always comes out
> womack: dayharri 1d?
> womack: I brought out the truth re 9/11 on that same day
> dayharri: T_T not again.
> Meepy: hehe, still 1d :P
> Comrade: 9-11 Truthers are all delusional paranoiacs
> dayharri: which is.... <trembles>
> womack: Crade tries on its Bifg Shrink Hat?
> Javaness: I heard that they built a scale model of the twin towers of matchsticks and blew it sky high with shop front dummies packed inside
> Javaness: -from matchsticks
> Meepy: lol, what on earth for?
> Herod: The same folks who faked the moon landings?
> Javaness: the moon landings were real
> Javaness: how else did they film the clangers?
> dayharri: you watch arnold's commando too much, Javanese. ^_^
> womack: KGS admins weigh in for the Official Regime Line.
> Meepy: moon landings were a false flag for the lizard men
> Javaness: user womack worked for the CIA
> womack: Jness = a totally shameless liar
> IIIllIIll0: @_@
> dayharri: V_V nod.
> dayharri: hey! i nodd at Meepy's!
> Meepy: hehe [08:05 hrs]
> Meepy: i love using that phrase
> dayharri: <punch womack kindly>
> Meepy: oops, i should have added 'just sayin' to the end
> Herod: yer der tootin'
> Herod: dern
> dayharri: 2admins have spoken. howgh!
> Herod: cherish this day
> dayharri: senior admin javaness, and ... junior admin herod....
> dayharri: <deleted>
> IIIllIIll0: i think for any individual with a political ax to grind
> womack: KinkHenKi & the late Aerial Shaboom R 2 9/11 as Bernard Baruch & David Ben Gurion were to the 1963 Jack Whack.
> IIIllIIll0: the most effective way of bringing about change is to rant in ECR on KGS
> dayharri: how come the conspiration worked at such grand scale? (ref:twin towers, multiple planes)
> womack: Change BC's diaper?
> IIIllIIll0: that would be wasteful. i believe there is still unused absorptive capacity
> womack: )
> womack: Re dayha Q: power play for global control
> womack: See re "sayeret matkal"
> dayharri: microsoft's flight-simulator must be proud of.
> womack: Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3 ?
> ==========================
> On Friday, February 6, 2015 at 8:23:08 AM UTC-8, Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:
> > Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
> >
> > Meepy: colder than a something's something today
> > dayharri: meep?
> > Meepy: meep meep
> > dayharri: oh. meep =/= Meepy.
> > Sheriffi: meep
> > SamSpade: lo
> > holynec: lo
> > alias: l
> > nonosse: .
> > Meepy: omg the US is ranked 182nd in the world
> > Meepy: alphabetically
> > asdk: of course, printing money can only US now
> > womack: Get better! B,S,
> > asdk: all the rest colony
> > asdk: not US even
> > asdk: Fed
> > asdk: liberal market economy based on colonialism.
> > asdk: no colonies, no economy
> > womack: New Video: Greece Resists IMF Swindle
> > Meepy: go greece!
> > Meepy: go sidewalk-driving russians! \o/
> > womack: Go (to Hell) JSOC global murder ops
> > asdk: Greece held out for only 2 weeks, the Socialists there fake
> > Meepy: did you see about the TPP caving on copyright extensions?
> > womack: Do admins retaliate if we players denounce cheaters by name here in ECR?
> > womack: 15:28 hrz [Zulu]
> > asdk: i think again ban
> > dayharri: what will german do about eurozone next.
> > womack: Merkel must ask Bibi for command?
> > Meepy: sad week
> > Meepy: they removed the swing set across the street
> > Meepy: there was a girl who used it for at least an hour every evening
> > Meepy: i've always wondered about that
> > arndt: maybe she moved and took it with her
> > Meepy: but it's sorta a public park
> > asdk: put there mini McDonald's
> > dayharri: ewww no corporate-sponsored park.
> > womack: 15:34 hrz: admins keeping silent, " jan bywalec" = "real name", playing as "victor #'s" [1k] = a shameless escaper & whiner
> > dayharri: zulu local time, isn't it.
> > Meepy: it's not a very good park
> > womack: Zulu local for somebody like Greenwich
> > Meepy: now all it has is a swing for babies and a basketball hoop
> > Meepy: mcdonald's would be an improvement
> > asdk: Jan Bywalec like a Czech name
> > womack: R U sure, asdk?
> > asdk: For russian Jan is a rare name
> > asdk: very rare
> > womack: How is your Polish?
> > asdk: Jana normal
> > asdk: but its woman name
> > womack: Any good living Russian novelist?
> > womack: BTW In what city "Meepy"?
> > asdk: someone else reads books in US
> > womack: me read fiction anyway
> > Meepy: near Charlotte
> > womack: thx M
> > asdk: I think you'll like Boris Akunin.
> > asdk: he hates Putin)
> > womack: I rather like Putin, esp as compared to Obomber & Bibi, who both deserve to hang.
> > womack: Why might I like Boris?
> > womack: Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili
> > asdk: Eugene Grishkovec good writer
> > womack: Your ans noted, thx A
> > nonosse: womack are you the one who copy paste this chat in the go google group?
> > nonosse: because if so i find this way of doing very boring and unappropriate
> > asdk: if you want to read russian Harry Potter, then you need to read Lukyanenko
> > nonosse: I m sure you never ask anybody if you can cipy their words somewhere else
> > arndt: anyone still uses those groups?
> > arndt: I thought they had become unusable from spam
> > nonosse: well some still do
> > nonosse: and i cant agree with what womack is doing in there
> > womack: "nonosse" complaint strange, unless hidden beef
> > arndt: no one ever did
> > womack: all KGS remarks public by TOS
> > nonosse: nothing strange you dont have to copy chat here from people yo dont ask them somewhere else
> > womack: nosse has reading problem?
> > nonosse: noit s very rude for them
> > womack: nosse complaint baseless
> > asdk: ecr is public chat
> > nonosse: what is baseless? using other people words without agreement?
> > asdk: not private
> > nonosse: public or not it s rude way to do
> > womack: Actually anyone who speaks wisely benefits by having her [or] remarks broadcast. Fools OTOH....
> > nonosse: you dont have to judge that
> > asdk: public information can use who wants with an indication of the source.
> > nonosse: If you have their agreement i would be pleased
> > womack: nosse being wannabee censor, maybe should work for Sulzbergerz or 4 Murdoch?
> > nonosse: but yo dont do that like this
> > womack: agreement automatic by utterance on KGS, as explained above already
> > nonosse: you know what you do is wrong but nevermind
> > nonosse: keep doing let people think what they want
> > womack: nosse talks rubbish, maybe fears revelation of world crimes by parties linked to it?
> > nonosse: i dont talk shit i talk you re rude people and even more now against me
> > nonosse: that s not going to make you looking btter
> > asdk: private property - the sacred cow of Anglo-Saxons)
> > womack: nosse personal insults typical of a guilty party
> > dayharri: ssshhh asdk ^_^
> > nonosse: i dont like the idea that womack may copy my words, even if they are not gold
> > womack: Holy Hamburger!
> > nonosse: it s just some fascst way
> > womack: Then let nosse keep shut its pie-hole?
> > nonosse: shut up yourself
> > nonosse: rude man
> > womack: nosse the wannabee censors cries "fascism" . Nameless jerk?
> > nonosse: you didnt learn anything from history
> > nonosse: go back to school
> > womack: Actually I teach history. What particular lesson has nosse in mind, if any?
> > arndt: good grief
> > nonosse: Did you tell your students what you re doing?
> > womack: nosse thinks it's a secret?
> > nonosse: i think it s rude for people
> > nonosse: nothing to be proud of
> > womack: noisse confuses repetition w proof. Has indeed "nothing to be proud of"
> > nonosse: Well seems you dont understand
> > asdk: the word does not look like a sparrow, if fly, then you can not catch.
> > nonosse: It s not because something is of public use that this deprives you to have some thinking on what you do
> > womack: For a 2k nosse seems quite dense. Reason already given above
> > nonosse: lpl now you start on go level
> > nonosse: you re a pity
> > womack: Where nosse thinks it is?
> > nonosse: what i am talking to you a 20k may understand
> > womack: nosse agrees w imperial propaganda masters in fearing open discussion
> > nonosse:  idont fear anything womack
> > womack: nosse will say its name?
> > nonosse: i just say you break my fun with yiour rude habit
> > womack: nosse has fun murdering Palestinian children maybe?
> > nonosse: was funny first time maybe
> > nonosse: dont go more stupid
> > womack: Those who do, like Bibi & the US Senate, undoubtedly agree w nosse in its nameless affection for censorhsip
> > nonosse: i m not going to follow you in any slippery, stay focused and stop your trolling on the google group please
> > nonosse: stop being rude to others in their back
> > womack: nosse = today's example of total bad faith
> > nonosse: what s faith coming in here?
> > womack: nosse 1st language = ?
> >
> > nonosse: i regret now asking you stopping to be rude to others because you dont listen
> > nonosse: you just like to troll and hurt
> > womack: nosse = shameless & nameless, as well as personally offensive
> > nonosse: you prove it since 30 lines
> > nonosse: You dont see yo are offensive when i ask you something
> > womack: Drops own points, squeaking from some hole in the ground
> > nonosse: trying to troll on my language my origin my faith and so on.
> > Meepy: gameeeeeeeeeeee
> > nonosse: you just show how a pity you are.
> > Meepy: *sadly decides to get some work done*
> > womack: When World Jewry was slaughtering children by the hundreds last Summer, did nosse say anything in public, maybe?
> > nonosse: i m not going to chat with you rude man
> > womack: nosse so sensitive to obvious questions, eh what?
> >
> > ** ==> 08:18 hrs BOOTED w/o warning ** <==
> >
> > [Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "better hide your prejudices against Jews".]
> >
> > =======================
> >
> > On Saturday, January 31, 2015 at 7:38:59 PM UTC-8, Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:
> > > ECR:
> > > mabblebrox: oh yeah he ate some larvae
> > > mabblebrox: guess where he was
> > > mabblebrox: San Francisco lol
> > > dayharri: farmers with devastated crops by locusts often sell fried-dried ones for small 'vendetta'.
> > > dayharri: passers-by buy them.
> > > mabblebrox: in San Fran they have underground organic dinners
> > > beeblebrox: like ant farm?
> > > mabblebrox: but i'd rather be in san diego than anywhere
> > > alfalfa: mango-caterpillar smoothies
> > > mabblebrox: dunno i think it was the insect guy doing the dinner
> > > bert: passers by buy things en passant, i guess
> > > mabblebrox: the guy said it tastes like cashew
> > > GorGaZon: extreme: ORIGIN late Middle English : via Old French from Latin extremus ‘outermost, utmost,’ superlative of exterus ‘outer.’
> > > alfalfa: gesundheit
> > > GorGaZon: so it's extrêmement like in the outer lane, passing on the outer lane, which is "extreme" to the center lane(s), I guess.
> > > beeblebrox: oh, i confused the word with excrement >_<
> > > mabblebrox: EXTERUS just doesn't havet he same ring
> > > mabblebrox: as EXTREME
> > > mabblebrox: EXTREME PASSING
> > > mabblebrox: of traffic
> > > mabblebrox: my friend and I once read the bible with EXTREME
> > > GorGaZon: that could be dangerous
> > > alfalfa: last rites... extreme unction
> > > mabblebrox: And so-and-so EXTREMELY sayeth, bla bla .... sort of thing
> > > GorGaZon: (extreme passing)
> > > mabblebrox: i can't go into detail here
> > > GorGaZon: thanks
> > > alfalfa: unctious means oily
> > > mabblebrox: umm
> > > alfalfa: last oiling
> > > mabblebrox: lol
> > > womack: 15:30 SB kickoff PST = 23:30 hrz (Zulu).
> > > alfalfa: no, really!
> > > mabblebrox: they really need new writers on this
> > > womack: (+1)
> > > alfalfa: i'm about a quart low
> > > GorGaZon: of stones?
> > > dayharri: cattles digest alfalfa occasionally, right?
> > > alfalfa: frequently
> > > alfalfa: universal fodder.
> > > mabblebrox: i think with enough beer aybody could be tricked into eating crickets
> > > mabblebrox: just tell them it's a large sunflower seed
> > > dayharri: in thai-land.
> > > GorGaZon: hey! that's a drug!
> > > womack: With enough beer U could swim to the Moon
> > > dayharri: salad with caterpillar, orchid, and cricket, everone ^_?
> > > mabblebrox: give me a lever large enough, i'll get out of my chair
> > > GorGaZon: beer is a drug, innit?
> > > mabblebrox: caterpilars are furry
> > > mabblebrox: gorgazon apparently hops are ECR-ok
> > > dayharri: oops. it's silk-worm, sorry.
> > > GorGaZon: bunny hops?
> > > beeblebrox: that sounds like a nice salad
> > > womack: since beer makes one stupid, the Regime permits it. Cocaine OTOH....
> > > GorGaZon: of big, kangaroo über-hops?
> > > GorGaZon: *or
> > > beeblebrox: hopscotch
> > > GorGaZon: hopscotch is a very dangerous game.
> > > GorGaZon: it is played on hard pavement, protective equipment is never worn.
> > > womack: GG might want to read the classic work THE AMERICAN DISEASE [~1974] by the late David Musto MD of Yale re history of neo-Prohibition
> > > beeblebrox: >_<
> > > GorGaZon: I think it should be outlawed.
> > > GorGaZon: neo-prohibition......
> > > womack: i.e, post-alcohol
> > > womack: e.g, MJ, heroin, LS etc
> > > womack: (D)
> > > mabblebrox: oh so womack doesn't get banned?
> > > mabblebrox: pff
> > > womack: pennies for the 10k?
> > > mabblebrox: i'm actually wanting cricket now
> > > mabblebrox: the insect too
> > > beeblebrox: how come you're wanting it? >_<
> > > womack: everybody should have someone 2 ralk 2, rt?
> > > womack: (t)
> > > GorGaZon: womack, The closest that I have seen to the subject or apparent these of the book you referenced, is this one:
> > > womack: Cricket loves Sky King?
> > > GorGaZon: Ceremonial Chemistry: The Ritual Persecution of Drugs, Addicts, and Pushers, by Thomas Szasz, the anti-psychiatry guy.
> > > mabblebrox: i'm hungry, sounds good-ish
> > > dayharri: once i was excited to get lsd, then turned out just only 100kg meth crystal.
> > > beeblebrox: 100kg?
> > > womack: Szasz pretty good, as I recall from way back. I literally carried his bags once in Galveston
> > > dayharri: $1/gram => $10M.
> > > mabblebrox: what is this people are on that and I was banned for 2 days?
> > > beeblebrox: womack was only talking about a book, but i agree, this is a bit much
> > > mabblebrox: how did womack end up carrying a guy's bags
> > > womack: but one must be careful to specify "contraband" drugs, when that be the referent
> > > dayharri: we poured it into salt-solution. :D sooo glad.
> > > McMaster: Please stop this chat about drugs. [IN BOLD. McMaster = "admin".]
> > > mabblebrox: one thing though, I NEVER get headaches anymore
> > > womack: whoa. Even to speak is forbidden by the minions of wsx
> > > mabblebrox: because I can feel the tension and release
> > > McMaster:  Sorry, i was afk for awhile.
> > > mabblebrox: literally. no headaches, unless i skip protein
> > > GorGaZon: how much protein?
> > > mabblebrox: like 30-40g a day protein
> > > GorGaZon: uh, that's little
> > > McMaster: Even stress can cause headache
> > > mabblebrox: not enough protein probably
> > > womack: Endless drivel OTOH perfectly OK w KGS admins
> > > mabblebrox: i do like, popcorn and doctor who, and a can of tuna
> > > GorGaZon: That's not even a MacDonalds's Quarter-Pounder™ [18:15 hrs.]
> > > GorGaZon: wait! nutrition is not drivel!!
> > > McMaster: how about Dr Oz?
> > > mabblebrox: a QP is only like 10g protein
> > > mabblebrox: doctor who knows more
> > > McMaster: how can u be sure?
> > > beeblebrox: look behind the curtain! >_<
> > > McMaster: i see only Dr Phil there :p
> > > [break. Resume @ 19:17 hrs]
> > > aussiemate: don't get mad. Get even
> > > asdk: what u see
> > > asdk: aussie wessie
> > > aussiemate: gidday mate
> > > mabblebrox: i was going to send him an email with name 'Warez U. Degree' but he has a degree
> > > mabblebrox: so kinda puled the wind out of it
> > > asdk: google translated aussie - Australian dollar
> > > mabblebrox: so he's a mate to the dollar
> > > mabblebrox: sellout!
> > > asdk: ossi i wessi is east and west germany nickname
> > > aussiemate: sorry, I don't speak Russian
> > > asdk: it was a German, not Russian
> > > aussiemate: Sorry, I don't speak German
> > > asdk: becoz u american
> > > aussiemate: I'm not I'm an Aussie
> > > asdk:
> > > asdk: ok u australian
> > > asdk: Americans think that Australia is somewhere in Europe. near Germany
> > > aussiemate: mistake it for Austria
> > > aussiemate: Russians think so too
> > > asdk: yes we can forgive this error hamburgersman, the main thing that the military bases were removed
> > > asdk: not
> > > asdk: russians not think so
> > > asdk: Russian may be called Sydney the capital of Australia
> > > alfalfa: the kangaroos are so cute
> > > asdk: but Austria distinguished from Australia
> > > alfalfa: up there in the alps
> > > alfalfa: yodel-ladie-who
> > > aussiemate: We might think so but Melbournians might disagree
> > > aussiemate: hi Alf
> > > alfalfa: hey, hi, howdy, how are ya?
> > > aussiemate: good, thanks. And you?
> > > asdk: again
> > > alfalfa: i could not be better. that is a little sad, but true.
> > > aussiemate: you must try harder
> > > alfalfa: i'm all right.
> > > asdk: I never get accustomed to your false kindness
> > > alfalfa: it's just a game.
> > > asdk: ofcoz
> > > aussiemate: not false, meant
> > > alfalfa: you have to look them right in the eye.
> > > alfalfa: and give them a hearty hand-shake
> > > Falcon89: no matter how hard i tried, they'd never allow a falcon to play in the SuperBowl :O
> > > asdk: American smile savage grin of capitalism. so we were taught in the Soviet Union.
> > > alfalfa: fat pig in a tuxedo
> > > alfalfa: with a bag full of money
> > > womack: Pay more attn to nationalities?
> > > alfalfa: than species?
> > > womack: than -isms in econ
> > > womack: we alllee samee species or race
> > > womack: Distinguish between honest biz vs gangsters
> > > alfalfa: but some of us are fat pigs in a tuxedo with a bag full of money.
> > > womack: Ido have some bacon in the fridge
> > > asdk:
> > > womack: & some cupz of coins
> > > womack: cutie pic. Diego Rivera much bettter
> > > asdk: this
> > > asdk: ?
> > > womack: Thx 2 asdk. That may take some time 2 X plor
> > > asdk: a woman with a mustache, I saw this picture
> > > asdk: in eurovision 2104)
> > > asdk: 2014
> > > womack: She's his wife, Frida,of course
> > > womack: (Kahlo)
> > > asdk: Diego Rivera an artist. I do not think that his political views were reflected in the pictures.
> > > womack: I have large framed poster which DR executed for Soviet world peace campaign during US war againstg Korea
> > > womack: shows Stalin & Mao in upper left. brilliant work
> > > asdk: Rivera?
> > > womack: original now in China, I hear
> > > womack: yes
> > > womack: DR's politics in painting were very famous
> > > asdk: He is famous in the US and among the left-wing forces in the world. I found only one picture of all
> > > asdk: woman with a mustache Frida
> > > womack: Latin America pop = 588,019,503
> > > asdk: Latin America is big left-wing forces
> > > womack: We R the Center, actually
> > > womack: US & Israeli Regimes purely criminal --far off left - rt spectrum
> > > womack: Ralph Nader = example of rt wing politician
> > > USSRMan: jeb bush for president
> > > GorGaZon: nightmare
> > > womack: USSRmn 4 real?
> > > USSRMan: yes
> > > asdk: if  will not be a world war, it will soon be reformatting the world to global centers. in the US will manage policy isolationists who are against aggressive foreign policy
> > > womack: We could look for a venue to discuss the matter in depth
> > > GorGaZon: with the reactionary swing right, away from Obama, Jeb has a very good chance.
> > > GorGaZon: But it doesn't matter, because America is on the down, right? America will be only a minor power in a few years, right?
> > > asdk: if  will not be a world war
> > > GorGaZon: What could one man, just one man, do, in four years that would matter? Hm?? Nothing, right? Uh, right??? Uhhhh,.....r-r-r-right?!?!????
> > > USSRMan: republicans will win the next one
> > > USSRMan: USA is periodic
> > > USSRMan: switch from republican to democrat term after term
> > > USSRMan: Bush - Clinton -Bush -Obama - Bush
> > > USSRMan: makes perfect sense
> > > GorGaZon: There is someone here, who has a game offer up, from time to time. And in the game description field, it says something in Latin that translates, "If you want peace, prepare for war."
> > > womack: Bush & Clinton poster =
> > > GorGaZon: It's an old Roman saying.
> > > USSRMan: America too conservative to have women in office
> > > womack: "conservative" wrong word for criminal kabal at least since Carter
> > > womack: My State of California has 2 Jewess Senators, both of whom deserve to hang for war crimes, along w the other 98
> > > asdk: George W. Bush is dumb redneck. I truly believe that he was elected democratically
> > > asdk: lol
> > > GorGaZon: cabal |kəˈbäl; -ˈbal| noun a secret political clique or faction : a cabal of dissidents. See note at plot . ORIGIN late 16th cent. (denoting the cabbala): from French cabale, from medieval Latin cabala (see Kabbalah ).
> > > GorGaZon: I wasn't sure, not exactly what a "kabal" is, I presume you meant "cabal."
> > > dayharri: sorry but our firing squads are busy. take in line.
> > > alfalfa: i don't have cabal any more, i have sattelite
> > > womack: I often favor hard "k's"
> > > GorGaZon: With a "k" could be an alternate spelling, it just wan't in my dictionary.
> > > womack: as in "Kabbalah"
> > > GorGaZon: (except as in Kabbalah, yeah.)
> > > asdk: jew sect?
> > > alfalfa: mysticism
> > > womack: plotting
> > > alfalfa: spooky
> > > womack: quite
> > > asdk: in Russian the word "kaballa" means almost the same as "slave labor"
> > > womack: Basic reference = JEWISH HISTORY, JEWISH RELIGION [1994] by the late Israel Shahak PhD of Hebrew U
> > > alfalfa: in america the word Cabela means hunting and fishing gear
> > > asdk: in a figurative sense
> > > GorGaZon: why not fish with just your hands? (The way bears do.)
> > > GorGaZon: using gear is cheating.
> > > GorGaZon: give the fish a fighting chance, please!
> > > asdk: Kabbalah (קַבָּלָה) - Satanism Jewish type scam for Hollywood actors, American youth and all other fools, the main weapon of ZOG enslaved humanity. Able to draw from a wealthy citizen of complete idiot and bugger bum and vice versa (if the citizen is among the founders of the sect Cub). By the force of impact on the immature minds unhindered competes with Scientology.
> > > womack: Ocean Life Faces Mass Extinction, Broad Study Says
> > > asdk: Russian encyclopedia of modern culture, folklore and subcultures, as well as everything else.
> > > asdk: 18+
> > > mabblebrox: how long would it take a guy of average build to get into NFL shape
> > > mabblebrox: asdk kabbalah is not a satanic cult
> > > mabblebrox: it's numerology
> > > womack: Survey Q, esp 4 USSRMan = From 1 to 10, 10 is best, how do U rate the veracity of the Warren Commission Report on the JFK assassination?
> > > mabblebrox: we know CIA did it, what's your point
> > > womack: How many chipmunx in mabbs pocket?
> > > asdk: mabble, this from comic encyclopedia, where all the stereotypes and values
> > > womack: So mabbs' answer = "0"
> > > mabblebrox: why would i have chipmunks
> > > womack: One of my opponents today said "7"
> > > womack: mabblebrox: we know CIA did it,
> > > mabblebrox: to go into vietnam, duh
> > > mabblebrox: lots o money there
> > > womack: Actually the Jews did it to save their secret A-bomb project & to put in office their tool, LBJ
> > > womack: VN was secondary
> > > dayharri: moscow's library--politic&social section--engulfed in fire. is that true?
> > > asdk: yes
> > > dayharri: they should watch tax section in better guards from now.
> > > asdk: In Moscow, a fire almost completely destroyed the building of the library of the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences, See the original material
> > > dayharri: argh! books!
> > > dayharri: T_T
> > > asdk: Director of the Institute - at a loss. After all, inside a burning building - a rare library, more than 14 million books and periodicals, the only collection of documents in the Russian League of Nations, the UN and UNESCO, parliamentary reports the United States, England, Italy, and one of Russia's largest collection of books in Slavic languages.
> > > womack: Ciao all @ 19:35 hrs PST
> > > asdk: ciao
> > >
> > > ============================
> > > On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 8:31:11 PM UTC-8, Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:
> > > > SOTU Night in the ECR:
> > > >
> > > > readytogo: why would he?
> > > > tschan: it's so 2014 :)
> > > > mabblebrox: idk are they still doing this stuff?
> > > > readytogo: you heard him its good news ppl'
> > > > tschan: get on with the times!
> > > > mabblebrox: i guess he's 'doing his best'
> > > > mabblebrox: the mormon in me wants to believe he's an antichrist
> > > > mabblebrox: or somehing i don't know
> > > > mabblebrox: ressentiment.
> > > > womack: Special Ops Missions Already in 105 Countries in 2015
> > > > readytogo: piss and moan
> > > > readytogo: ppl who have negative attitudes get heart dease
> > > > mabblebrox: well consider this; Dr Dre is aligned with Islam
> > > > mabblebrox: i guess
> > > > mabblebrox: hrm
> > > > mabblebrox: see if i had a doobie i'd feel fine
> > > > womack: Check out mass murder abroad & at home bankruptcy, prison & police kill at will
> > > > womack: roger doobie
> > > > readytogo: hey im from minnesota
> > > > mabblebrox: i'm from seattle
> > > > readytogo: sorry
> > > > mabblebrox: ??
> > > > mabblebrox: seattle is amazing
> > > > womack: Sandford's latest novel DEADLINE pretty good, even if Virgil does catch & release
> > > > mabblebrox: ok 'middle class economics' kinda makes sense
> > > > womack: For economic commentary:
> > > > stumped: is there still a middle class?
> > > > womack: Yes, they're sleeping in doorways around here, in the middle
> > > > readytogo: heart attack waiting to happen
> > > > mabblebrox: so rtg is an obama supporter :-/
> > > > mabblebrox: not a free radical
> > > > womack: rtg needs 9/11?
> > > > Hotentot: "Middle class" is the myth that the 1% propagates to make the upper part of the 99% feel like they have something in life.
> > > > mabblebrox: hm
> > > > mabblebrox: lots of empty space on planet
> > > > mabblebrox: mansions in heaven?
> > > > mabblebrox: may as well
> > > > readytogo: im all for inclusiveness
> > > > mabblebrox: well everybody wants a big house
> > > > womack: as a warden?
> > > > mabblebrox: redefine wealth
> > > > mabblebrox: big houses in Mongolia
> > > > mabblebrox: or wherever
> > > > womack: The Big House abuilding alright
> > > > mabblebrox: womack ever been in prison?
> > > > mabblebrox: i've been in jail, not prison
> > > > readytogo: here it comes
> > > > mabblebrox: huh
> > > > readytogo: free college
> > > > mabblebrox: free community college
> > > > womack:
> > > > mabblebrox: *community* college tho
> > > > Falcon89: big house is too much work, i just need a 2500 sq ft house
> > > > readytogo: mr negative
> > > > mabblebrox: 25,000 sounds good to me
> > > > mabblebrox: but i'm greedy
> > > > readytogo: yes u r
> > > > mabblebrox: so?
> > > > womack: I've been jailed many times, in prison (Mx) once. Taught @ San Quentin for a while
> > > > mabblebrox: whoa dude
> > > > mabblebrox: womack legit
> > > > Falcon89: what is Mx?
> > > > mabblebrox: rtg no want 25k house?
> > > > readytogo: no ur knocking commmunity college
> > > > Falcon89: Mexico?
> > > > mabblebrox: well ok it's alright
> > > > mabblebrox: i went to community college but then turned elitist
> > > > readytogo: if u were dying of thirst ur complain that the water wasnt cold
> > > > mabblebrox: but i was mad at CC because i wasn't in better school
> > > > readytogo: ud*
> > > > mabblebrox: grar
> > > > womack: rtg flacking w the Lame Duck?
> > > > mabblebrox: grues 4 all
> > > > Epsilion: u still babblin mabblin?
> > > > mabblebrox: nothing else to do
> > > > mabblebrox: hey at least i'm watching speech
> > > > mabblebrox: i could be listening to hip hop
> > > > womack: )
> > > > readytogo: all advanced ecnomys combined!
> > > > mabblebrox: well ok yes work good
> > > > mabblebrox: jobs whatever
> > > > womack: Yes, move to China, get a job.
> > > > mabblebrox: idk still
> > > > readytogo: yeah jobs whatever
> > > > womack: fries w dat?
> > > > mabblebrox: i still say mobilize inner city to invade
> > > > womack:
> > > > mabblebrox: or something
> > > > readytogo: wow mitch clapped
> > > > mabblebrox: mitch?
> > > > mabblebrox: mitt?
> > > > readytogo: the orange faced dude in the vack
> > > > readytogo: back
> > > > mabblebrox: purple tie?
> > > > readytogo: yup
> > > > Epsilion: does prezzy g have anything good to say?
> > > > mabblebrox: they both have purple tie
> > > > readytogo: nothing but good
> > > > mabblebrox: i guess he wants to make free community college
> > > > readytogo: bery inspiring
> > > > readytogo: very
> > > >
> > > > readytogo: bush or clinton
> > > > Epsilion: neither
> > > > readytogo: sheesh
> > > > mabblebrox: i liked that hillary was idealist as youth
> > > > womack: Both deserve long-term Federal housing
> > > > mabblebrox: ok who
> > > > Epsilion: obama
> > > > mabblebrox: idk man
> > > > readytogo: its too early to even be thinking about it
> > > > mabblebrox: primaries coming up
> > > > mabblebrox: but have to release carefully
> > > > Epsilion: so US presidents can't do 3 terms?
> > > > mabblebrox: no they cannot
> > > > readytogo: pay attention to whats happening NOW
> > > > Epsilion: well that's poopy
> > > > womack: Mel Gibson for Prez w Dennis Rodman as VP ?
> > > > mabblebrox: LOL sure why not
> > > > womack: passed by acclamation?
> > > >
> > > > ===================================
> > > > On Monday, January 12, 2015 at 12:17:55 AM UTC-8, Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:
> > > > > Moral of the bit below = We the human race need a M.E. Specialist or "MES" with an advanced understanding of world history, starting with the long process of the Jewish takeover. Our hypothetical MES will take it for granted that Jewry pulled off such major stunts as the Jack Whack & the several thousand subsequent assassinations in the USA; the OKC Kindergarten Bomb [see the immediately prophetic novel LET US PREY (1994) by Bill Branon]; smashing Diana; the WTC Stunt [see immediately prophetic novel #2, this one THE BRETHREN (2000) by John Grisham and also the brilliant film LONG KISS GOODNIGHT (1996) starring Geena Davis & Samuel Jackson]. Our well-informed MES, therefore, will address for us the issue of "Al Qaeda" and ISIS as covert instruments of Yid policy in the general JeWar vs World. There should be at least a page on the Charlie attack. Chorus: JAPE = Jewish-American Planetary Empire.
> > > > >
> > > > > ---------------------
> > > > >
> > > > > Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
> > > > >
> > > > > tomicus: Heath Ledger, that's why I came into this room, the actual room, not the ECR, wanted to look up his filmography, I know you all want to be bored with pointless information, glad I could be of assistance.
> > > > > alobar: knee how
> > > > > Shichimi:  hallo daar alobar
> > > > > alobar: so ,eot n bek praat.
> > > > > Sheriffi: oh lord
> > > > > Sheriffi: tom is alive
> > > > > alobar: hello shichimi
> > > > > alobar: is he alive and well and how do you know?
> > > > > alobar: so moet n bek praat*
> > > > > Sheriffi: ?
> > > > > Shichimi: It's Afrikaans
> > > > > Sheriffi: waow
> > > > > esrig: hi
> > > > > alobar: esrig thanks for the chat. have a good night.
> > > > > alobar: i am out of here. enjoy your day lads.
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: haro eryone
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: yo womack who was be really behind the paris incidents?
> > > > > womack: Hi BC. The Charlie shooters worked for the same boss in 2 countries.
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: ISIS?
> > > > > womack: U think ISIS = top level?
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: or al qaeda?
> > > > > womack: ditto AQ?
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: yes
> > > > > womack: Both of M IMHO = figments of joospookery [23:16 hrs PST]
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: but it is undeniable there are actual persons on the ground running these organizations
> > > > > womack: Yes, running back & forth.
> > > > > womack: Take whole board view: JeWar vs world notoriously includes the prolonged attack against Syria
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: but isis doesnt work for israel
> > > > > womack: Since when?
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: since inception
> > > > > womack: R U sure>
> > > > > womack: ?
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: perhaps they may do some things that are paradoxically in israel's interests
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: but they are not actually controlled per se
> > > > > womack: R U well read on ISIS?
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: well i dont claim a great scholarly background
> > > > > womack: wait 1
> > > > > womack: YKA =You KNow Already? = ?
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: looks like that site is blocked in thailand. i will have to use vpn to see it but cant now because will kick me off kgs
> > > > > womack: ISIS Supply Lines Originate in NATO/Turkey from there
> > > > > womack: BTW YKA #2 novelist tim Hallinan?
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: nope
> > > > > womack: his stories set in Thailand. He seems to feel there's some corruption among the police there
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: lol
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: of course
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: police are a big gang
> > > > > womack: Here in USA, speaking "of course", cops shooting down people rt & left
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: they are in the take in all sorts of things
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: its well known the boys in brown (bib) are on the take all over the place
> > > > > womack: blue over here
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: they even shake down tourists which usually is a big no-no in a country dependent on tourism
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: if you find yourself littering on the street, you are likely to be accosted by a bib
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: saying you can choose to pay the fine immediately, or be taken to the station
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: dont expect a receipt for the "fine"
> > > > > womack: )
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: another thing is not carrying your passport with you
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: technically you are required to as a tourist, most dont
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: so you can come down to the station and be booked for not having it, or pay a small on the spot fine
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: the rational choice of course being to pay the "fine"
> > > > > womack: jes' fine
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: the "war on drugs" in thailand is really a war on drug dealers who dont pay off their local cops
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: if the bib get their due they dont notice anything
> > > > > womack: As the song sez: "It's the same the whole world over"
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: its gotten worse since the military coup
> > > > > womack: Any particular USGov role in that?
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: not that ive heard specifically but i think the US would prefer the current covt
> > > > > womack: U mean post-coup?
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: after the coup us ambassador talked a lot about how US wanted democracy resoted
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: yes post-coup
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: but us military aid keeps coming
> > > > > womack: righto
> > > > > womack: "aid"
> > > > > IIIllIIll0:
> > > > > womack: What it is?
> > > > > womack: socialist?
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: their analysis of coup is on mark
> > > > > womack: thx 4 tip
> > > > > womack: Anything else B4 my dinnertime here?
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: nope
> > > > > IIIllIIll0: enjoy your dinner
> > > > > womack: FTW - Fare Thee Welkl
> > > > > [END --30--]
> > > > >
> > > > > =========================
> > > > > On Thursday, January 1, 2015 at 7:46:31 PM UTC-8, Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:
> > > > > > ECR:
> > > > > > Archaic: yes but those things won't necessarily happen to u
> > > > > > First: yo archaic
> > > > > > Archaic: what first
> > > > > > First: see you later holmes
> > > > > > Archaic: cu
> > > > > > Archaic: i added both of u to my buddy list
> > > > > > Shichimi: It's almost 7:30pm, First's bedtime, and First does not want to make mom angry, so off to bed!
> > > > > > McMaster: Shichimi, what's up in 2015 for you?
> > > > > > S...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 19, 2015, 3:28:25 PM2/19/15
(ref. by X to "China white")
womack: contraband but better 4 ye
asdk: The only chance for the Greeks, Portuguese, Spaniards for a normal life is out of the EU.
IIIllIIll0: true asdk
IIIllIIll0: they should leave immediately
IIIllIIll0: ireland also
alias: what would be better?
asdk: Only Ukrainians are ready to fight for the European Union for the opportunity to be gastarbeiters in Germany
asdk: psyche
womack: Nuland bragged about passing around $5 billion in Ukraine
alias: shouldn't russia go to war against ISIS instead of poor ukrainians
Falcon89: not until ISIS burn down Crimea
asdk: I think the United States have created ISIS, let themselves fighting
womack: correct, asdk
oonicks: i suppose russia gladly sticks to their own devises
Meepy: good comeback, asdk
alias: why do you think they created ISIS?
womack: compared to USGov, Russia quite comfy @ home
Falcon89: wrong, asdk, was an unexpected byproduct of the Iraq war and the Syrian war
womack: alias asks motive for Us -- Israeli spook creation of ISIS
alias: Im more into Falcons explaination
asdk: The Taliban also erroneous product of US policy.
womack: New demon necessary for imperial shadow play, GWOT
asdk: you make one and same mistakes, like a bull in the china shop
oonicks: usually irt is a matter of divide and rule.
oonicks: they want to rule, so the character of the division is no great matter
Falcon89: no, asdk, the Taliban has existed in Afghan for a long time
womack: USGov under Jewish misdirection, esp since Jack Whack, destroys Muslim nations primarily from power motive, like Aztec priests of yore
Falcon89: they took power when the Afghan central gov't was very weak at that time
oonicks: there is a longstanding conflict between european culture and islam
asdk: this debate is pointless. you deny the facts, look and listen to the CNN.
oonicks: really long, people can be incited over things said still in the 300s eg.
oonicks: 1300S<
oonicks: it is not the reason for the current situation but certainly an aspect many want to overlook on either side
asdk: when I see white, I'm not saying that is black.
asdk: and vice verse
Meepy: so, who wants to blame the US for the two groups fighting over Yemen?
asdk: mirror world
Falcon89: ok, let's all have tea together
womack: Meeps flying a drone?
oonicks: not so hard to blame us over yemen
oonicks: the regime is their älly"
oonicks: has been that with wusname salsa? the dictator
Meepy: er, what regime? the Houthis?
oonicks: so when the population rose the support for the regime was there
oonicks: the "riotfully elected"represntation , as i saw mentioned
Meepy: you might not have been keeping up
oonicks: it was still mentioned yesterday
Meepy: Shia Houthis are in power now
Falcon89: Yemen always has in-fightings, USA or no USA
oonicks: the last thing is also true. it was not surprising yemen has been volatile before
asdk: now only one dictator in the world
asdk: its USGov
oonicks: uhmm.. poroshenko?
oonicks: ah
asdk: all other propagnda cnn
asdk: poroshenko is puppet
oonicks: so was sailsa
oonicks: whats his name, he kept a low profile, usually dictators do
oonicks: now he is an old man whimpering away in bahrein or so
Falcon89: but 1 thing is worth mentioning bout Yemen-it has big control of the waters leading to the Seuz Canal
womack: Yemen's Turbulent Transition--Kevin A. Davis
oonicks: kind of control exercised in wooden fishing boats yeah
oonicks: i am not a member
asdk: Americans do not be afraid, the world will save you from your dictatorship
Falcon89: wooden fishing boat with a few shoulder missiles can destroy an huge oil tanker or container ship
oonicks: to that measure nearly everyone else is a bigger challenge to the suez canal
oonicks: so that is a bit ridiculous
Falcon89: but it is easy to hit and hide into Yemen
oonicks: you ceen their hiding a lot )questionmark'
oonicks: ill reboot
womack: @ 26 million pop Yemen ranks #48 on Earth, right behind Saudi Arabia
oonicks: ===
oonicks: sheet
Meepy: someone rebooted oonicks?
Falcon89: i'll have a coffee and a muffin
oonicks: ?
oonicks: heh
oonicks: what i like about yemen is the houthis are shia
womack: Baptists vs Catholix
oonicks: when the sunnis radicalise you will find your moderates among shia
oonicks: yes i have no principled reason for that statement
oonicks: just sympathy for the underdog
Meepy: saudi arabia has to support the sunnis though. mainly al qaida in yemen, i guess
womack: "Letz U fight him"
Meepy: my understanding is the sunnis want a caliphate, the shia want an emirate
womack: Anybody know top AQ website?
Meepy: huge difference, right?
oonicks: i will remember next time i see it mentioned
womack: R U a hot dog or a weenie?
Falcon89: we'll have much less troubles in this world if there are no Shiite and Sunni, just one group instead
oonicks: i am of the opinion the far majority of islamic people is left as little choice as is the average western citizen
Meepy: oops, Imamate not emirate
womack: "western" used 2 B "Christendom"?
oonicks: talk about emirates etc. are just the traditional way of their upcrowd to express
oonicks: it also coincides with the infamous call for a "striong man" all of the timer .
Meepy: Imamate is more divine that Caliphate
Meepy: according to wikipedia
oonicks: biscoprich
womack: Praise Festus!
beerslayer: festus is for doofuses
womack: back w D empty tin can?
[12:22 hrs PST = 20:22 hrz]

> > > > GorGaZon: That's not even a MacDonalds's Quarter-Pounder(tm) [18:15 hrs.]

Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 24, 2015, 2:11:22 PM2/24/15
Welcome to KGS!
Main rooms policy:

No public accusations! Talk to an admin in private if you witness a problem on KGS.
Escaper policy:

Problem with automated mail sent by KGS to AT&T owned email domains:

★ Android client: please see [for Android phones only, no iphone, no windows mobile...] android app is now available on the web.

Next KGS+ English Events:
2/26/15 12:00 PM -- Teaching game with Cornel.
2/28/15 3:00 AM -- An audio lecture by Alexandre Dinerchtein 3p

arndt: *brushes off all the sugar from a donut, dunks it into the coffee and slurfs*
tomicus: was thinking about breaking out the giant cast iron skillet to make eggs myself
AmyTS: and bacon?
tomicus: and/or sausage, I'm well prepared
AmyTS: yum
arndt: and sauerkraut
tomicus: meh, tried buying sauerkraut once, it just stayed in the fridge and was never eaten
arndt: hm, so you succeeded in buying it
arndt: but not in trying it
tomicus: old cabbage, when did that become fun?
arndt: you can cook it, or eat it as it is
arndt: if you want a piano puzzler, you can try to identify what's 6:05 minutes into this:
rudy1: bonjour , je suis 16k et je cherche une partie pedagogique
SamSpade: marathon is supposed to be the piano puzzler guy
SamSpade: now i'm confused
tomicus: and don't make me break out foamy
dufusgoguy: get a pastry shop to make an edible goban with petit fore go stones.This ould provide a somewhat sticky middle game.
dufusgoguy: would
OwyheeMud: It's Mighty Mud! Here to save the Day!
OwyheeMud: Thank Goodness it
OwyheeMud: s Tuesday
OwyheeMud: another Monday would be too much to bear
OwyheeMud: Helloooo..... hellooo (hellloooo)
OwyheeMud: what an echo... this place might be empty
OwyheeMud: hmmm, ... might have been something I said...
dufusgoguy: you said monday...monday has been declared random flood day and has taken off the calendar.
dufusgoguy: been taken...
AmyTS: hi owy
OwyheeMud: Hi Amy
Falcon89: g'morning both of you
Falcon89: there is a train derailment in the LA area, many injured, numbers unknown yet
OwyheeMud: have you heard a description of the train cargo?
Falcon89: no
AmyTS: i hope it wasn't oil.
OwyheeMud: thanks
Falcon89: looks like passenger
AmyTS: i hope it wasn't passenger.
OwyheeMud: oh, there are some cargos that could be really, really bad
AmyTS: i hope it wasn't a really really bad cargo.
OwyheeMud: I'll check my news
AmyTS: *warbles over to LA to assist*
OwyheeMud: Ventura County (NW of LA City)... 30 persons reported injured in train, truck collision
OwyheeMud: photos show passenger cars on their sides
OwyheeMud: Another scandal at US Veterans Affairs.... Cabinet Secretary lied about his service with Special Forces
OwyheeMud: Man, this stuff makes me really tired
AmyTS: meh
Falcon89: makes me angry, veterans should be helped well
OwyheeMud: indicates serious character flaws to me
Molegrips: Politics attracts sociopaths. Lying is only bad to them if they get caught.
OwyheeMud: these things seem to slip off their lips so easily. to me, this indicates that their false naratives have been running around in their heads for a time.
OwyheeMud: so is a sociopath with dilusions a psychopath?
Molegrips: Psychopaths are an even more extreme step along the same scale.
Molegrips: I think. DSM can give the accepted definitions.
Molegrips: Sociopaths kind of understand the rules, although they are devoid of empathy for others
Molegrips: Well qualified for a life in politics
AmyTS: There was a study on reddit a few weeks ago that said sociopaths don't yawn when they see other people yawn.
AmyTS: (i think)
Molegrips: Psychopaths are totally oblivious to empthy and to the rules.
womack: This -opath shrink talk bogus. Start w ancient concepts such as tyranny & murder
womack: but EGR riskier for truth than ECR
IIIllIIll0: ariel shaboom
womack: & KinkHenKi
wiley1: and betty white
IIIllIIll0: and tokyo tose
AmyTS: good old betty white
IIIllIIll0: rose
womack: Was was that blonde's name @ Abu Ghraib?
womack: Sabrina Harman
womack: Her pic =
AmyTS: don't link that stuff in here.
luoxiang: what amy said!:3
womack: Amy plays wannabee admin?
capacitor: enough, womack. go back to ecr. [IN BOLD]
womack: admin noted for record [07:47 hrs PST]
Norppa: DSM only has Antisocial Personality Disorder. There are no diagnosis known as sociopathy or psychopathy, but if such diagnosis existed, it would most likely fall within antisocial personality disorder
womack: My DSM comment in ECR, as per slanted censor
drarbg: DSM is so lame.
goshko: Norppa
goshko: who is the sane in the crasy vilage?
Falcon89: no sane no sane
womack: In Idiot City the Half-wit is King?
> > > > wo...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 25, 2015, 4:40:03 AM2/25/15
Welcome to KGS!

Main rooms policy:

No public accusations! Talk to an admin in private if you witness a problem on KGS.
Escaper policy:

Problem with automated mail sent by KGS to AT&T owned email domains:

★ Android client: please see [for Android phones only, no iphone, no windows mobile...] android app is now available on the web.

Next KGS+ English Events:
2/26/15 12:00 PM -- Teaching game with Cornel.
2/28/15 3:00 AM -- An audio lecture by Alexandre Dinerchtein 3p

Norppa: I think I have played around 6000-10000 games :3
Norppa: That might be excessive, maybe 5000 is better estimate
Comrade: Good morning comrades
Ritty: Morning?
Atrophy: late evening
Ritty: Yes, Comrade is deluded. All that Soviet stuff going on in his head.
Atrophy: he just wants to share the sun with everyone
Ritty: He's rather reticent despite our bating.
stumped: he didnt bat an eye but a nuke is on its way
Comrade: The Soviet Union is just a distant, romantic dream now, like Camelot.
Comrade: Fading ever further into history with every year that passes
Comrade: There will never be another Soviet Union any more than there will another Roman Empire.
Muttley: considering Russia invaded Ukraine, that's doubtful
Refactor4c: roln111 is playing
Refactor4c: muttley arrived
sophtpaw: why roln doesn't play misterious ?
Refactor4c: he is too strong, mysterious dont have chance at all
Muttley: not online any more
Refactor4c: :)
megiddo: Strictly speaking, Russia didn't invade Ukraine
SamSpade: so there are no russians in crimea?
IIIllIIll0: correct
SamSpade: good news then
womack: After Nuland & CIA instigated coup against elected govt of Ukraine, then Crimean pop voted 90+% to rejoin Russia. [01:14 hrs]
IIIllIIll0: DICTATA in action?
[IN BOLD] arndt: no politics, please
womack: Higher ceiling next door in English Chat Room.
vrendeler: Does anybody ever go to the English Chat Room?
womack: Alas, 'tis impossible to find out

> > > > Comrade: I have censored womack. I have quite enough lunacy in my life without reading his dera...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 27, 2015, 8:35:50 PM2/27/15
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Meepy: you weren't destined for drakon and you know it
asdk: Now we use what we have learned from you to their benefit.
asdk: for it thanks again u my dear americans)
asdk: and also for it thx mr Putin)
cekalo: asdk in rambo part 3 the entire russian army gets whiped out by rambo
Meepy: lol, it does?
cekalo: what do you think about that?
Meepy: i think rambo was incredibly bad
asdk: I think about it, that you ask the same question several times.
cekalo: no the last one was about rambo
cekalo: rocky*
mabblebrox: so empty
AmyTS: what's empty?
Warfreak2: the empty set
AmyTS: obviously.
clydesdale: not like mabble to be so reticant
AmyTS: maybe he was speaking of himself?
asdk: In Moscow killed Boris Nemtsov. one of the opposition
asdk: beforeit on 1 March opposition rally appointed
asdk: I think already on CNN about dictator Putin says.
Meepy: lemme see...
Meepy: cnn says putin condemned the killing
asdk: i thought so
Meepy: er, maybe you mistranslated that
asdk: we now have all the tv channels show mourning photo
asdk: Nemtsov
asdk: state tv channels
womack: JFK, RFK, MLK,MX, Diana, Gary Webb, Michael Hastings, John Lennon, Fred Hampton, a long, long list even only domestically.
Meepy: womack! say your catch phrase!
Siller: Hey edlee :)
Siller: Busy room today
Meepy: we're all here to honor Spock
womack:  Slick Tricks from US Assassination Instruction Manual
asdk: lovers of money from the US Embassy are risking their lives.
womack: Leonard Nimoy applauded his fellow Jews' massacre of children in Palestine. [15:24 hrs]
MMXV: sheeeesh
asdk: March 1 appointed opposition rally and quite by accident 2 days prior to the meeting kill the old opposition, which is no longer needed
MMXV: can you stoop lower?
womack: Lower than "MMXV""?
womack: So we regret that, even @ age 82, Nimoy died before he could repent of his crime.
womack: 83
MMXV: can't even get that right?
Falcon89: 84
womack: Falcon looks rt
Falcon89: god bless his soul
Meepy: well, he wasn't gonna, but now that you asked...
womack: )
womack: The Old Man drunk again, Meeps?
womack: Knocking back a few w Robin Williams?
Falcon89: nah, Bob Hope
womack: But RW's line was, "There is no Devil; it's just God when he's drunk."
Falcon89: Bob Hope: when we are drunk we are in heaven
womack: "You are not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on"
asdk: comments in the Washington Post writes that Putin is a new Stalin, pushed into a corner and how good was Туьеыщм
asdk: Nemtsov
asdk: it trolls or real fools
asdk: anyone of you ever heard about Nemtsov?
asdk: but he was good)
womack: Mere "comments" fairly light weight, eh?
asdk: they write that Russia on the brink of economic crisis, Russian stupid and want to worship the new Stalin
asdk: this is funny)
beeblebrox: don't pay attention to the comments... they're a waste of time
Falcon89: silly Wash. Post comment, mr Putin is not like Stalin at all
beeblebrox: they were implanted there by cia agents to make you waste your time
womack: Russian President Vladimir Putin was “immediately informed” about Nemtsov’s assassination, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said. “Putin has stressed that this brutal murder has all [the] signs of a contract murder and is extremely provocative,” Peskov said. “The president has expressed his deep condolences to the family of tragically deceased Nemtsov,” he added.
asdk: I do not think that Putin is such a fool to kill the "old horse" of the opposition before 2 days the opposition rally
stumped: "Putin quickly condemned the killing and took personal control of the investigation" ...
asdk: Nemtsov was a frequent guest at the American Embassy, and between protests to rest on resorts of Europe
asdk: very good man)
womack: Perhaps my friend Israel Shamir will be able to comment bymeby.
womack: also native Russian (Jew, of course)
asdk: Americans again miscalculated. Nemtsov is an old horse had to be immediately Khodorkovsky. So he would be a better sacrificial lamb for Revolution
womack: If black op, then more likely from Netanyahu than from Obomber in this case IMHO
asdk: the next two days in Moscow will be interesting
womack: In whatcity is asdk?
asdk: ekaterinburg
asdk: 1800 comments in WP for 1 hour
asdk: real infowars)
asdk: oops it rt
asdk: in wp only 334
Falcon89: too many cooks in WP
asdk: american trooll work better in rt, than russian in wp)
womack: "Word Press" ?
womack: ah, WaPO
beeblebrox: washington post office?
asdk: washington post
womack: ciao all @ 16:17 hrs PST
asdk: ciao

> > > > beerslayer: *rando...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 28, 2015, 4:03:33 PM2/28/15
mongo: when boss puts it on your desk your fired
Estocada: womack, you pos i should have known it was you!!
Rukis: OH my GAWD.. Punch is such a good drama
alfalfa: ... and Judy?
Rukis: whos judy?
alfalfa: "punch and judy" was a well-known puppet pair
Happy: Hello
Happy: Anyone new to go?
Happy: I have a 30 kyu who wants to play a ranked game.
womack: "Estocada" seems to have forgotten its name, w good reason.
[11:29 hrs]
....nonosse: the 6d+ made a trip in south sahra and north syria
nonosse: i warned them but


ECR @ 12:42 hrs PST:
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Warfreak2: lol
Warfreak2: ron paul sez, net neutrality is a slippery slope leading to fascism
Meepy: wow
AmyTS: i believed in him once.
womack: w bolognese?
Warfreak2: whyyyy
AmyTS: He's a populist.
Warfreak2: no he isn't
womack: In whom does warf believe?
AmyTS: sure he is.
Warfreak2: he's a libertarian
AmyTS: I went to one of his talks when he came to nashville
AmyTS: we agree there.
Warfreak2: In a September 2007 Republican primary presidential debate, Paul answered yes to the question of whether he would veto the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which would prohibit discrimination in hiring and employment on the basis of sexual orientation by employers with at least 15 employees.
Warfreak2: he is just another one of those "the only good government is a dead government" idiots
Meepy: pretty much
AmyTS: yeah
dayum: what's the difference between a libertarian and an anarchist?
Warfreak2: an anarchist doesn't have a million dollars
AmyTS: anarchists are more honest.
dayum: honestly I dont see any difference in the fundamental ideals of either
AmyTS: libertarians are closeted anarchists.
Warfreak2: well non-facetiously the difference is libertarians think there should be a government for the purpose of enforcing private contracts
Meepy: yup
Meepy: and protecting wealth
Warfreak2: that's what i said
Meepy: especially property
dayum: ok I see now
Falcon89: and anarchist doesn't?
Meepy: anarchists think it'll all work itself out, from what i understand
Warfreak2: not necessarily
AmyTS: yeah, not really
Warfreak2: for most anarchists i've met, the main thing is that anarchy is better than having a government, not that it's a utopia
Herod: libertarians want zero taxes and zero gun restrictions
AmyTS: Herod nailed it.
Warfreak2: usually it's based on a theory that government is by definition illegitimate because people don't necessarily consent to it
dayum: so those inclined to be anarchist will be libertarian instead if they have property interests to further through contract or defend from lawless taking?
Warfreak2: no
Warfreak2: it's quite a difference in philosophy
nonosse: anarchy is to be as no pyramid , as asflat as possible
nonosse: small comittee federalism...
judicata: maybe they jump to libertarianism if they want more limited gov't and realize that anarchy is not practically feasible.
Warfreak2: that's anarcho-syndicalism
Warfreak2: no, i don't think there is much overlap
nonosse: if it is feasible or not is always a debate
judicata: didn't say there was. but most people do not adopt political philosophies wholesale
dayum: wait, I thought the difference was just over enforcing contracts/ protecting wealth
Warfreak2: but that's kind of a big difference, it's infinity percent more government than anarchists think is appropriate
Warfreak2: libertarians tend to think markets will solve everything
judicata: signals a difference in fundamental values or concepts of individuality, in other words.
Warfreak2: right
judicata: but a pragmatist who leans toward anarchy may settle for limited gov't... but it is a compromise position. that's all I meant.
Warfreak2: i don't think i have ever heard of anyone make that transition
judicata: fair enough. Admittedly, I don't think I have either.
Warfreak2: the conclusions appear similar, but the logic is very different
judicata: But perhaps because the hypothetical pragmatic anarchist typically won't betray his/her leanings. :)
nonosse: anther definition of anarchy is given by history in Russia by people who didnt want to pass through a dictatorship befor the ideal society but to go directly to it
AmyTS: if they wanted an ideal society they should have warbled more.
Warfreak2: warble
nonosse: anarchy had some real politacal lifw before in years 30 or so
nonosse: Now it quite vanished
dayum: maybe the anarchists became libertarians
Warfreak2: no, most of them became normal liberals or conservatives
Warfreak2: as people tend to do when they are no longer 15 years old
Falcon89: seems so
nonosse: or they sing and write poems
nonosse: draw comics
alfalfa: cut the soles off their shoes and sit in a tree and learn to play the flute
alfalfa: no, wait, that was me
Herod: When you're going to San Franciso, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
Meepy: why the soles off your shoes?
alfalfa: iShoes for industry, Compadre!
nonosse: I think that, before the fench revolution the place of the church was as unuversal for wedtern people as money is today
nonosse: So there is still hope for a change some day
nonosse: We can not believe it but that doesnt make it impossible to happen
nonosse: and we still have native in america, arborigen, adivasi in India and some other who live aside our way
nonosse: But we will be all dead before anything happen, that s quite possible too:), i mean all of us
AmyTS: Yeah, Mr. White! Yeah science!
womack: "science" meaning the ability to kill @ a distance
womack: "normal liberals or conservatives" a la warf or Sulzbergerz (NYT) = war criminals
Meepy: womack!
AmyTS: don't look at him, meepy!
womack: "Meeps"
alfalfa: i am 1/16 naive american
womack: )
alfalfa: oh sorry, i deliberately mis-typed that
alfalfa: i am also 1/16 dutch
alfalfa: around 0.25 irish, 0.25 german, and the other 7/8, english, scottish, and more irish
alfalfa: so it's like having 16 people in my head... the american indian and the dutchman, surprisingly, agree on a lot of things
Meepy: 15 percent concentrated power of will?
womack: Present day = Rising China & world peoples vs global JewAmerican military rotten @ its marrow
alfalfa: so they form a coalition of the powerless
womack: Next week Bibi comes to barf on the D.C. Knesset.
alfalfa: that is such a shame.
womack: 1 o many
Falcon89: womack forgets the Russians
womack: ciao all @ 12:50 hrs PST.
ll: 5ks are so strong!
womack: Ah, thx 2 Falcon but Russkis & V. Putin do count among "world peoples"
cekalo: i eat 5ks for breakfast
Falcon89: afternoon nap?
womack: 1 of Reagan's better points
nonosse: alfafa i think 99% american claims to have some native blood
Meepy: i have no native blood
nonosse: but few of them claim that bative still exist today
nonosse: native*
womack: nonosse living in past re composition of Am pop
Falcon89: a meepie has no blood
Meepy: only concentrated will
nonosse: dont get your point womack
nonosse: i studied native years ago for university
womack: OSA or "Old Stock Ams" ~`1965 many claim as nonosse said but today big % direct immigrants from Asia, incl Punjab
nonosse: i met some of them too
nonosse: i m not speaking of imigration
womack: That's the pt. Recent immigrants make up much of Am pop today
nonosse: i am speaking of how american likes so much but only to have a native gran father
nonosse: i find it realy interesting
womack: as per above re former composition
womack: nonosse will say its own bloodline?
nonosse: i think they ares till a part of the population and they claim rights that imigrants cant claim
nonosse: i dont think you respect me that much womack so i dont see why i would
womack: I asked only bc nonos raised the issue
nonosse: i was arguing before you came in
alfalfa: no-nonsense
womack: pls resume [EXIT @ 13:00 hrs]
> > > On Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 1...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 28, 2015, 6:57:17 PM2/28/15
[14:50 hrs.] ECR:
Warfreak2: no, men are supposed to have their fiddles in private and not talk about it
Shichimi: LOL
Shichimi: Well, my understanding of the meaning of that proverb is that "fiddle" refers to the cheating or stealing that everyone does, small or large.
asdk: tommy u alconaut
Warfreak2: uk government just announced a new policy which will ostensibly help first-time buyers but appears to line the pockets of homebuilders
Shichimi: Pick a single grape in a market and eat it -- that's a fiddle, a small one, but still, something taken but not paid for.
Warfreak2: that's a theft
Shichimi: Technically, it is, yes.
cekalo: you are here on a saturday ?
cekalo: get a life you nerds
Falcon89: * negotiation *
tomicus: and I had to dodge free samples being pushed on me earier today
Shichimi: Yeah, cekalo, that is good advice. It's sunny out and I should be taking my bike out for a little ride.......
cekalo: do it bro life is short!
Falcon89: smart tom, those were 1000 yrs old tofu
Shichimi: That's my plan, start with cycling since it is not so grueling as running.
Shichimi: Running is good, though.
tomicus: shi, you just reminded me I need better gloves than those work thingys
asdk: i have 3:11 am and sunday
Shichimi: What? Better? In what way? More fashionable?
asdk: cekalo here nerd is u)
tomicus: better fitting
cekalo: i am a nerd and im proud of it
Shichimi: asdk, what do you think about the killing of Nemtsov?
tomicus: cekalo, you are in the nerd room, deal with it
asdk: provocation and political murder.
Shichimi: Why not talk about it?
tomicus: I missed a line, my bad
alfalfa: you don't have to treat us with kid-gloves, what do you reqlly think?
alfalfa: a*
tomicus: I was thinking about boxing gloves, but they may be hard to drive with
asdk: all within the framework of a new Cold War. US rescues his economy and trying to destabilize the situation in Russia
asdk: nothing new under the moon
EasyCoder: Russians drink too much vodka
alfalfa: put on your high-heeled sneakers, 'cause we're goin' out tonight// put on your high-heeled sneakers, 'cause we're goin' out tonight// better wear some boxing glo-oves, in case some fool might want to fight
asdk: almost like tommy
Falcon89: and Russians kill too many cooks and opposition leaders
tomicus: "fly me to the moon" reputation has it Frank wasn't a nice guy, but he could sing
Falcon89: never mind the sneakers, ♫ put on your dancing are a dancing Queen ♫
Falcon89: oh ya Frank was a mess
Falcon89: seemed like a fella who rarely used his head
tomicus: [alt] tab, this shouldn't be so complicated, I was better off with the 10 monitors
tomicus: *considers resurecting the 40 pound CRT*
Falcon89: Clint is a fella who uses his head, still directing at such an old age
nonosse: need to teach me these unicode, Falcon i tried to get the music note but didnt reach
Shichimi: I never got that phrase, "high-heeled sneakers" WTF is a high-heeled sneaker? If it had high heels it couldn't be a sneaker, not a good one, not good for running and jumping, which is why you wear a sneaker.
tomicus: I was just watching clint, the space cowboy thing never gets old when your sick
Falcon89: lucky he doesn't live near the guy who murdered the 'sniper'
tomicus: sneakers, old movie, must try to find
asdk: About Nemtsov can only say one thing. Under Yeltsin, he was in the Russian government. Then it was removed and he went into opposition. His mistake was that he did not go to the real opposition, and go to the false opposition, which holds the American Embassy. The conclusion is for all - to go on a visit to the US embassy in any country is dangerous for your life.
alfalfa: shichimi, that is the "joke"... there are no high-heeled sneakers, the concept itself is ridiculous
asdk: ordinary traitor to his country and a lover of the beautiful life at the expense of the American taxpayer
tomicus: I can find anything on the internet, you would think I could find a girl, but I digress
alfalfa: you would think I could find a girl, but I undress
asdk: for a beautiful life such as Nemtsov pay you - Americans)
Falcon89: tom, you have to remove your 'hermit' name tag first
Shichimi: What did you say that you were drinking, alfalfa?
nonosse: time for shower, tomicus!
alfalfa: something called "strip and go naked"... i'm not sure what's in it
tomicus: hermit stays put, she'll have to live with that, and find me as I hide under my rock
Shichimi: asdk, what is the "real opposition" the true one? Who is the leader? What is its name? (Does this "real opposition" movement or party have a name?)
Shichimi: alfalfa, I would screw the cap on _very_ tightly on that bottle and put it on a high shelf, somewhere not easily accessible and forget about it for at least 24 hours.
tomicus: no fuel oil non, not taking a 28F shower, I'm just glad the water is still flowing
Meepy: zomg tom!
tomicus: heyas meeps
nonosse: whatever excuse to stay put on your screen
asdk: real opposition is different from the false in that it criticizes the government, but does not want to harm his country
asdk: its not about nemtsov
tomicus: I'm down to one screen, it doesn't take much these days
Shichimi: You think Nemtsov wanted to harm Russia?
asdk: Nemtsov just loved women and resorts in Europe)
Shichimi: He was on the radio and TV a lot, no?
asdk: Heis old horse from Yeltsin's team, which 10 years has not been seen or heard
tomicus: space cowboys again, dig through the DVD pile, or just put on food network? opinions welcome
nonosse: how does loving women harm russia?
Shichimi: Food network? What about the Travel Channel?
tomicus: I don't think I have that one
alfalfa: can you stream video from youtube?
Meepy: wouldn't bet on it
Shichimi: I have watched every single Anthony Bourdain episode, some of them multiple times.
tomicus: alf, don't go making things simple
tomicus: here we go
asdk: He loved the beautiful life, could only make money in politics. from real power it was removed and he went into opposition. most paid work in the Russian opposition is to become a traitor and a friend to the American Embassy)
tomicus: this thing is 10 minutes long
Shichimi: If there was a nuclear war, if nuclear war broke out: would we get any warning? Or would we be typing in the ECR one second, and the next...............nothing. Or, maybe heaven? hell? Something else?
tomicus: cut it down to 3:05
asdk: Khodorkovsky is a thief and a murderer, Navalny was recruited by the CIA. Nemtsov in general clown long ago. it is now used as a sacred sacrifice "another victim of political repression" for western people. you all believe)
nonosse: i would put that risk lower as having a car accident, shichimi
alfalfa: it's like a movie on the radio
Shichimi: But the number of people affected.......could be the whole world!!!
asdk: Today will be the most interesting
asdk: Funeral March for Nemtsov
Shichimi: There have been some close calls, right? Times when one country thought that the other country had launched missles, but it was birds, or weather or something affecting the radar?
tomicus: counter link
nonosse: there is a risk for sure shichimi but as i said
nonosse: iit s like terorism, very small compared to other risks
nonosse: so you should not change your life for it
nonosse: you can manifest of course
womack: Joospoox chat last week: "Itz been just days since our last assassination. What to do? Well, how some prep for that Moscow demo? Je suis Nemstov?
womack: Let me have a look @ the manual here: Slick Tricks from US Assassination Instruction Manual
cekalo: mr. spock is dead
mabblebrox: the world is dead
womack: or, at least mab's part
tomicus: where does one go for ice cube trays? mom came in and cleaned and now they have mysteriously dissapeared, thank god I changed the locks
tomicus: try to be nice, provide another set of keys, it just bites you in the ass
NinzieQT: hi sucimot
tomicus: ji ninz
tomicus: err hi [14:53 hrs].

> > > ★ Android client: please see [for Android phones only, no iphone, no windows mobile...] android app is now availa...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Mar 6, 2015, 3:08:04 PM3/6/15
More ECR:

Meepy: there were girls 20 years ago?
tomicus: she got married by someone other than me
Meepy: cool, i know some girls like that too
alobar: i must go. i am tired of losing.
alobar: enjoy your day lads.
AmyTS: warble
Meepy: yup
AmyTS: i wanna go home and watch Wolf Children again...... :-/
Meepy: i want a robot that can change diapers and clean up cat hairballs
Meepy: maybe something where you just insert the baby into the slot and it comes out clean
Meepy: that sounds safe
AmyTS: babies should be dishwasher safe
Meepy: i believe so
womack: architect to design a Baby Room where U just hose down t whole thing?
Meepy: too drastic, i dislike change
Shichimi: Wasn't there a "Skinner box" for babies? That kept the baby emotionally "clean", right?
womack: yah, give me just the whole Jackson
Shichimi: Jackson Pollack?
womack: Harvard "emotions" -- U.S. currency
womack: do we say in the same sentence "baby" & "painter" then Diego Rivera
AmyTS: The baby painter babied painters.
womack: Elephant clip now?
Shichimi: Wow. I thought that I had an ADD, free associating mind, but womack out ranks me by at least 4 stones in that regard.
AmyTS: lol
Elephant Paints Self Portrait
Shichimi: association is the essence, or one of the essences of creativity, of innovation. Yeah, being a free thinker is good, right?
womack: Thx 2 Shichimi for kind word, ciao all @ Noon 04' PSt
Shichimi: elephant painting video: Rahsaan Roland Kirk could play a little flute with his nose, so, why not paint with your nose?
Shichimi: ^^
> > womack: "science" meaning the ability to kill @...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Mar 11, 2015, 2:51:32 PM3/11/15
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Meepy: no monkeys
clydesdale: at least we have thorsday
McMaster: just monkey jumps
RoadHobo: hi alobar
dayharri: yay! alobar wins!
alobar: harri even a blind hen will find a kernel
dayharri: is u een rooster?
alobar: nee ek is n nat hoender in die reen oppie go board.
alobar: soek geduurig net n skuilplekkie
McMaster: ahom okieki
alobar: thanks harri
dayharri: to-morrow: alobar 8kyu.
alobar: where is pekka poikanen today?
alobar: i was 8k six months ago.
alobar: speak of the devil
Sheriffi: hello
alobar: pekka poikanen.
Sheriffi: ?
alobar: !
alobar: i must go. i won a game and i need to go phone all my friends and tell them about it.
dayharri: bah ^_!
alobar: keep well lads
womack: elephant jumps
McMaster: crushing :P
womack: the only land critter what cain't, they say
Meepy: crushin in the name of
McMaster: in the name of Tartrate!
dayharri: bytheway; is 'roln111' a shodan pro now?
dayharri: or 'Cornel'?
Sheriffi: roln
McMaster: roln=shurma?
dayharri: poor Mr Burzo T_T
Meepy: some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
dayharri: viva russia!
McMaster: great country
dayharri: nextyear shodan pro : Prodi-kun from FIN?
Sheriffi: no chance
Meepy: lol
dayharri: why. or JeffChang?
dayharri: that 'Finnish8d'... >_>
Sheriffi: there's usually only one reason..
Sheriffi: too weak
Sheriffi: and Jeff has long since focused on teaching
Meepy: besides, finns are too busy with their saunas
Meepy: i'll bet sheri is in the sauna as we speak
asdk: good day from comrades
Meepy: asdka!
dayharri: congrats for your new euro pro!
Meepy: and congrats on catching those evil chechens so quickly
dayharri: whO_O?
Meepy: i'll bet there's going to be a great big trial like with tsaernov
asdk: What are you talking about, what the Chechens
Meepy: the ones that killed that politician
asdk: lol
asdk: CNN still mourn Nemtsov
asdk: what on western television good people. they are so sorry for Nemtsov, that I will soon will cry. but we have forgotten who he was.
Meepy: that's good
asdk: naturally Nemtsov was not killed Chechens, those who killed him after 2 hours were on the plane, which was flying to Washington)
asdk: then killed and their
Meepy: then what are you doing with the chechens?
asdk: such political provocations made by the chain killers. and all removed. ends in water
asdk: from the category of who killed Kennedy
Meepy: that's womack's thing
asdk: everyone understands that the CIA, but we can not prove
womack: C.I.A. = boy scoutz 4 joospoox
womack: among the latter, Sayeret Matkal outranks the more publicized Mossad [08:49 hrs]
AmyTS: warble
McMaster: again?
clydesdale: wibble
dayharri: warble. cia's traces scatter around the archipelago too.
Meepy: amy's just keepin it real
McMaster: haha, she does?
dayharri: asdk; is Ivan 'ais' a friend of yours?
Meepy: ais kacang?
asdk: do not go to the US embassy, my friends
dayharri: ais 1d kgs.
asdk: no, AIS not my friends
dayharri: good.
asdk: i dont know who is it
dayharri: rude one.
McMaster: well, let dayharri introduces him to you :p
asdk: rudeness is not always a bad person
Meepy: i still want ais kacang :(
McMaster: just wait in line, Meepy :)
Meepy: mmmm...
asdk: after this cake is necessary to make two visits to the dentist
Meepy: true ^^
Meepy: wish i could afford dentistry
asdk: do not eat sugar and sweet and you will live to 100 years with their teeth
Meepy: how much to get a tooth pulled in russia?
Meepy: only $250 here
dayharri: $7 here....
asdk: pull a tooth for free anesthetizing either free or paid. optionally
stumped: molars?
dayharri: + mefenamat acid, and that was 8years ago.
dayharri: <ouchy2 experience>
womack: Campaign promise = fewer machine-gunners, more dentists!
Meepy: crown is about the same. filling a little less
dayharri: gold crown ^_?
Meepy: i dunno
asdk: US medical coverage is a mockery of the people. belching capitalism
Meepy: do they still do gold? that's weird
dayharri: i read us med cost is higher than ours. correct?
stumped: never got that ... isnt gold too soft?
womack: "monkey biz" better blame word than "capitalism" ?
Meepy: my local non-profit hospital had a bad year, only $160 million in profit
womack: N what city Meeps?
Meepy: do you think they served 160,000 people? only $1000 in profit per person
Meepy: Charlotte
womack: noted w thx
bert: i never understood why americans oppose obama's health insurance reforms
womack: I testify for gold fillings. Evidently they amalgamate (?) for strength but still shiny
asdk: they like to pay $ 250 for the extracted tooth
bert: yeah, they seem to feel safer that way
Meepy: my doctor stopped accepting my obamacare insurance
womack: "bert" claims to understand " obama's health insurance "reforms" " ?
asdk: what reforms? Health reform is totally free medicine. everything else is cheating
tomicus: lol meepy, you didn't see that cooming?
tomicus: -o
Meepy: not really, it's a big insurance company
Meepy: i guess they don't care about losing clients
tomicus: OK, I get that
asdk: First you fed hamburgers and cola, then treat for your own expense)
dayharri: free medicine seems like scandinavian liberal paradise.
tomicus: lol
clydesdale: we have free medicine in britain too
asdk: First you buy a disease, then buy treatment. You cheated twice
dayharri: here $5/mo per person for health insurance.
womack: I hear the Dutch have good teeth. Brits used to be notorious 4 badmouths
tomicus: you just need to figure it out
clydesdale: dental care was removed from the NHS some time ago in Britain
asdk: Only in the USSR was a quality free medicine.
womack: whoa
dayharri: ... badmouthness is not always a bad person.
asdk: now maybe in Cuba
dayharri: what?! no free dental care?!
dayharri: how come--with monthly insurance-payment.
clydesdale: you can get it free if you are unemployed or sick
dayharri: oh.
womack: Here in USA, collapsed mouth = face of the elderly poor
asdk: dayharri, in the United States even if the man with a knife in the heart will go to the hospital, his first casual about insurance)
womack: )
dayharri: poor and homeless should the top one priority, right?
asdk: beggars and homeless people outside of medicine
dayharri: according the constitution.
tomicus: people stop messing with the keys on my keyboard, I used to know where where they all where
dayharri: tomicus is using DVORAK lol.
womack: acc 2 US Constitution slaves count for 3/5 ths of white for voter census purposes
tomicus: no dvorak!
dayharri: ammended >.<
clydesdale: only in florida
womack: yes, dayharri. By the sound of the cops' pistols popping from Miami to Seattle
dayharri: tom's left-handed QWERTY, maybe?
tomicus: qwuerty works
Meepy: get the daskeyboard with no labels
Meepy: is it not beautiful?
clydesdale: it's perverse that the vowels arent in the centre of the keyboard
dayharri: womack; consensus is taking time,
dayharri: ... even century.
tomicus: meeps, you just have to complicate things
womack: DOTS = Death Of The Sun in 5 billion yrs
clydesdale: well all be gone long before
Meepy: *watches son attempt to eat mashed potatoes with upside down spoon*
dayharri: N and M on keyboard is side-by-side. sometimes confuses my english typing.
tomicus: 2 ops 2 step on this mess
womack: My old landline telephone has huge keypad, such a blessing! Someone has seen similar design feature in keyboard?
tomicus: meep'sm I Know you too well to make a comment
tomicus: wow, that was horrible
tomicus: the keys keep moving
Meepy: for maximum typing speed you need a smart-keyboard, where the next letter you're going to type always moves to under your index finger
McMaster: must be very expensive
womack: Get with mashed
womack: Big letter KB 4$27
tomicus: no, I just need my brain on pause, after my break this one will work fine
McMaster: ok
womack: Snort!
tomicus: no, drink
McMaster: push the 'Pause' button near top right of your head
dayharri: it's 'disconnect/connect'.
womack: Said the admin in plain type
McMaster: ☺
tomicus: don't make me think all workeafull again
dayharri: McM; when will Taranu pro be an admin?
IIIllIIll0: wares robes
IIIllIIll0: I see we are in a womackian way
womack: My obnoxious neighbors have just turned on their P.A. system for weekly patio mtg
IIIllIIll0: clearly you must turn on a system of your own and point speakers towards them
womack: The thought has indeed occurred. Mail me one & I'll try it
womack: Fortunately the ruckus lasts only an hr
IIIllIIll0: you should walk over there and say you feel you have been invited to attend
McMaster: oh harri, you have to ask him
IIIllIIll0: since they are broadcasting the meeting into your house
womack: Said mtg conducted in Cantonese & they just bought my complex
IIIllIIll0: do they serve food
womack: only blather @ this event
Meepy: your cantonese neighbors are playing MtG
womack: Does BC come over, however, I can mix it a CuibaLLibre facilmente
IIIllIIll0: ay caramba
IIIllIIll0: que bueno
womack: Meeps makes obscure ref?
Meepy: no?
Xena: hello
IIIllIIll0: Ro Xe
womack: 'tis 2me
Xena: sup?
dayharri: just chanting womackian way of life, Lucy.
womack: Where URL to give update 4 # of humans in orbit @ the moment?
womack: Baraka - Kecak, Monkey Chant - Bali, Indonesia
IIIllIIll0: womack it is my position that if a man were to walk around speaking the truth continuously and doing what he felt was right it would be a very short time before he winds up imprisoned and killed
dayharri: cak cak cak cak cak cak <wavin' hands>
dayharri: without any spellcaster among those male participants, they could be chaos.
Meepy: as opposed to someone walking around speaking lies?
dayharri: *presence
womack: Many thx 2 BC for excellent link. # now = 6 BTW.
Meepy: or is the speaking part irrelevant to the getting thrown in prison part
womack: Only now saw BC's action theme. Wait 1 svp
womack: Copied from a current FB thread = Our great teacher, the ever victorious Mao Zedong laid down the basic line: >>Despise the despot strategically while respecting him tactically<<.
dayharri: mao zedong=mao tzetung.
stumped: are all your teachers mass murderers ...
Meepy: i had a nun or two
womack: "stumped" [ games = 0 ] repeats the ~Sulzberger Slander against Mao. Big issue.
stumped: "womack' discards inconvenient corpses.
womack: "stumped" claims to be using its true name?
stumped: "womack" now throws up the usual strawman.
Meepy: that's more of an ad hominem
womack: Just for the record: My younger bro Brantly reviewed Kissinger's book CHINA for WaPo. My first civil wife, Lynda Norene Shaffer, retired as career professor of Chinese history @ Tufts
womack: I turned both of 'em onto Mao ~1964. Been following the Q for a while now.
womack: Speaking of the topic "mass murder", introduced by "stumped", does it recognizwe the validity of that charge against Netanyahu & the US Senate?
RoadHobo: people kill, it's human nature to covet and kill. All this talk accomplishes nothing since killing is central to human activity since the beginning of recorded history
Meepy: and how is that an excuse?
womack: We kill herd anmals for meat. War & murder = further huge Q'si
RoadHobo: it's not an excuse it's reality. Why discuss things that will never change?
womack: RH pretends to know the future for infinity?
womack: BTW itself joins then discussion
womack: I question "S to explore its grip on the international murder Q
RoadHobo: whatever, enjoy your futile discussion. Maybe if we're lucky you can get all worked up and have an aneurism
Meepy: does 'Q' stand for Question?
womack: yes, Meeps, as in "Q & A"
womack: If "RoadHobo" aka Little Lord Fauntleroy be lucky, then maybe I'll take the trouble to spit on its grave.
tomicus: still looking for someone to argue with, and the barefoot contessa isn't makining anything better
womack: Note @ 10:32 PDT = "stumped" fails to respond ["FTR"] to my earlier Q above.
AmyTS: i'll argue with you. what will we argue about?
tomicus: that would be something to watch, my bad
AmyTS: you want to watch an argument instead?
Meepy: i'm lost
AmyTS: no you aren't.
AmyTS: you know exactly where you are
Meepy: you're right!
AmyTS: no i'm not.
tomicus: amy, I want to argue, it's my nature, but I need some rest
AmyTS: you dont need rest. you need to argue. just contradict everybody. its easy.
AmyTS: ok i'm done arguing.
womack: Who gave us this link the other day? Argument Clinic - Monty Python's The Flying Circus
AmyTS: i love that clip, womack
womack: righty ho, rather my own intro to the famous Monty
womack: In the past, KGS admins have made some vague threats against often-booted me for mentioning the following public record: › More KGS Chat, Incl Cheerleader for Jews' Bombing of Gaza 49 posts by 2 authors, 200 views.
Sheriffi: keep up the good work
womack: gee, thx, Sheriffi
RoadHobo: I guess that means as many as 200 people have seen how looney womack is
AmyTS: yeah
alias: why do you record ppl?
womack: Nameless RH tries on its Shrink Hat again?
RoadHobo: nameless?
AmyTS: that didn't even make sense. i suppose it was an attempt at an insult?
Meepy: i always read RH as Redhat
RoadHobo: very little from womack makes sense
womack: We easily recall RH or "Road Hobo" as the prophet of eternal murder
womack: Meeps that much into Tibetan Buddhism?
RoadHobo: hi alobar
alobar: hello road
Meepy: it's a linux thing
alobar: i assume cekalo is banned agian
alobar: linux, linux! did someone say linux???????????
womack: Answer to "alias" = to expand the audience for this discussion, obviously. Why else broadcast?
Xena: alobar!!!
RoadHobo: perhaps, but you've joined at good time. it's mock womack day in the ecr
Meepy: ssshhhhhh, the macs will hear you
Sheriffi: lobes!!!!!! !
alobar: XENA, by little artichoke!
alobar: leave womack alone. he is man enought to put his face on his profile.
alobar: i just ride him so he does not feel left out or marginalised.
Meepy: that reminds me, about time for a new face
alobar: meep y put up a pic of your son.
Meepy: why?
alobar: so we can see if he is like churchill. all babies are.
alobar: or not. whatever makes you most happy
Meepy: here is a good image of him:
alobar: i never follow links.
Meepy: oh, sorry
alobar: i shall have to ask the others if he looks like winston
Xena: what alobar?
alobar: which alobar?
womack: well done pic there, Meepy
Sheriffi: lobes
alobar: do you want to hear a joke?
womack: Have we a choice?
Xena: ן למם' םמךט 1 שךםנשר
Xena: ops, sorry
Sheriffi: if it is about that irish go champion again, then no
womack: very
Xena: i mean to say that i know just 1 alobar
alobar: did you celebrate purim by becoming as drunk as a fiddler's bitch. Bar did god bless him and got banned from kgs.
Xena: oh?
alobar: yes he got drunk and made an inappropriate remark he cannot remember,
RoadHobo: someone sent me this picture of her son is it creepy or cool?
alobar: religion is always a bad thing.
alobar: do you look like the father?
alobar: then it is creepy
RoadHobo: that would be downright scary
alobar: more so for the child or the mother
alobar: anyone here with a formal education in music?
womack: Was lobar referring to IIIllIIll0 or " Bar Code" a moment ago above?
alobar: yes bar is barcode
womack: He was here wihin the lat 2 hrs
alobar: good i am relieved to hear that. means he has recovered from his purim binge.
womack: Maybe at a later date BC will himself confirm lobar's report.
alobar: well now i have a question for all you folk who know nothing about music. who is the better singer. Patsy Cline or Karen Carpenter?
Meepy: no vituperating plz
RoadHobo: Patsy Cline
alobar: he did a few days ago.
alobar: he told the room he got drunk on purim and banned and had no idea what he had said.
alobar: and he had a pain in his chest from falling or being kicked or something.
alobar: road do you think patsy cline is one of the best female vocalists of the 20th century?
womack: Mahalia Jackson: "Joshua Fit de Battle of Jericho" Ciao all @ 11:08 hrs PDT
alobar: cheers womack
RoadHobo: I try not to make those type of judgements, alobar
alobar: and when you fail, do you express an opinion?
RoadHobo: sometimes, to my chagrin

> > NinzieQT: hi suc...

Message has been deleted

Hal Womack 3-dan

Mar 12, 2015, 8:19:31 AM3/12/15
Some remote change since original post:

[Big Yank Money for the Oldest Game From a Dirty Source via the Jesuits?]

> alobar: and he had a pain in his ...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Mar 17, 2015, 6:16:39 PM3/17/15
Last Summer World Jewry massacred some 2100 helpless victims in Palestine in an event which I tagged as GM'14. >500 of the slain were children. The Joogle Image Page shows many vixpix for the search heading of "Gaza children". Any curious reader can find detailed sources about this atrocity @ the Website maintained by my friend Alison Weir, the leading U.S-based journalist on the area:

The tiny minority of murderous Jews* almost totally control the official power points of the USA, other NATO countries & ravaged colonies such as Colombia & Honduras, as witness the recent flagrant abasement of the D.C. Knesset, formerly known as "Congress" before Bibi Netanyahu, the boss killer of GM'14. The Sulzberger Die-Nasty's NYT = the prime shofar for the bloody ideology of Jewish supremacism.

With all this global firepower, propaganda amplification & loot,'tis scarcely surprising that one of the institutions which the Jews have captured = KGS, as I have so often noted before. William M. Shubert aka "WMS", the creator & owner of KGS, now defines a new offense which his adminions call "trolling" and which in practice means challenging any of the lies in which they love to wallow like so many swine in slime [WADRT or "With All Due Respect To" real, delicious pigs, of course]. Speaking of offspring, who knows but at some future date one or more of Mr. Shubert's own kids may have occasion to ask him why he so strongly supported capital crimes like GM'14. With luck for our humanity, WMS will hear that question while standing behind bars. As the once-brilliant Jew poet with the stolen Welsh name sung half a century ago, "The wheel's still in spin".

Today's KGS mindfart blossoms at the bottom of today's transcript below.

* A few more of my related tags include: SOTSies for "Sons Of The Stern" gang; JAPE for "JewAmerican Planetary Empire"; JAR for "Regime" and the self-evident "NaZionist".

"Cracks In Washington’s Empire"

By Paul Craig Roberts OR

Dreamlight: o.O
Dreamlight: Um, eek?
AmyTS: This time next week, you will be IdiotBot. The last remnants of the old Dreamlight will be swept away.
Dreamlight: *runs screaming*
AmyTS: haha
OddKibitz: I am here and I am ready to kibitz professionally.
AmyTS: yay!
Warfreak2: wassup
AmyTS: another yay!
chikibriki: might be going to south korea this summer
Dreamlight: Orly?
chikibriki: my school has a 3 week study abroad program
chikibriki: it's pretty selective, but I have a good GPA and a good hook for my essay (go)
Dreamlight: Yay for you then. ☺
chikibriki: yeah, it's completely free too
chikibriki: airfare, room & borad, meals and the tuition for two classes are covered
chikibriki: only 3 people can be selected though
Agro: my game is rubbish today
Agro: :(
Hyuna5d: mine too
Dreamlight: Ditto here.
American: Hi
mabblebrox: chibikri what school is this
Hyuna5d: Where do you guys go to get all the news you guys have about go players
Hyuna5d: Like which go players got into a fight, who got married, which 2 players hate each other etc. Some of you guys know all that
Abyuser: all of your admins are faggot fucks. Seriously...the people in charge love to fuck dudes
Abyuser: Your encourAGE FAGGOTS
Abyuser: Way to go faggot lovers
Abyuser: Serioulsly, go suck some cocks...clearly its all youre good at
falloutti: I guess you're going to have a nice little cooldown
Tealc: good byyeee marielou
Tealc: o/

Welcome to KGS!

Main rooms policy:

No public accusations! Talk to an admin in private if you witness a problem on KGS.
Escaper policy:

Problem with automated mail sent by KGS to AT&T owned email domains:

★ Android client: please see [for Android phones only, no iphone, no windows mobile...] android app is now available on the web.

Next KGS+ English Events:
3/19/15 12:00 PM -- Teaching game with solaris in the "KGS Plus Club" room.
3/21/15 9:00 AM -- An audio lecture by Yilun Yang 7p.

Welcome to KGS!

Main rooms policy:

No public accusations! Talk to an admin in private if you witness a problem on KGS.
Escaper policy:

Problem with automated mail sent by KGS to AT&T owned email domains:

★ Android client: please see [for Android phones only, no iphone, no windows mobile...] android app is now available on the web.

Next KGS+ English Events:
3/19/15 12:00 PM -- Teaching game with solaris in the "KGS Plus Club" room.
3/21/15 9:00 AM -- An audio lecture by Yilun Yang 7p.

Welcome to KGS!

Main rooms policy:

No public accusations! Talk to an admin in private if you witness a problem on KGS.
Escaper policy:

Problem with automated mail sent by KGS to AT&T owned email domains:

★ Android client: please see [for Android phones only, no iphone, no windows mobile...] android app is now available on the web.

Next KGS+ English Events:
3/19/15 12:00 PM -- Teaching game with solaris in the "KGS Plus Club" room.
3/21/15 9:00 AM -- An audio lecture by Yilun Yang 7p.

Javaness: hello
Javaness: is it me you're looking for?
RoundTuit: nice weather we're having
Muttley: hehe, grey and miserable here
Muttley: even the sheep have gone inside
Muttley: and they never go inside
RoundTuit: spring is sprung here
HardScore: cool weather in Nice
Dreamlight: Heh, here cloudy and unseasonably warm.
Hyuna5d: Seriously though where do you guys get all your go gossip?
Muttley: I use phonetapping mainly
Muttley: though occasionally I just sit on the next table and eavesdrop
Herod: I go to blitz games, where the kibitzers know everything
Hyuna5d: I know, but Im wondering how the kibitzers know all that
Hyuna5d: if its a website that writes about this stuff I'd look at it
RoundTuit: natural talent
Muttley: seriously, people chat and gossip, some you remember, some you don't
Herod: They just *know*
Muttley: often just game kibitz, particularly the long relays with a stream
Muttley: when there's a lot of analysis, people tend to chat about the players and stuff
Herod: Just as they know that most of the moves the high dans make are "wrong"
SamSpade: you all remember me, right?
RoundTuit: who?
Herod: We keep trying to forget
RealXena: who here lacks hap?
American: I'm proud to be me.
RealXena: good for you. Now go home
American: Jokes on you. I am home.
American: In fact the whole world is my home. Cuz I'm me.
Muttley: Actually, if you read that great American philosopher Dilbert, you probably aren't
Herod: You're so - essential
American: More essential than everyone else.
Herod: Not quite a real American though - you need flag avatars
Muttley: Here's your test of whether you are a true American
Muttley: Arnold Schwarzenegger should be the next president of the United States. Yes or no?
American: No.
Brandon: yes
SamSpade: tough question
American: He wasn't born an American.
American: Can't even run.
Muttley: Correct. Vladimir Putin is ineligible to be the next president of the USA.
Muttley: You all passed!
Hyuna5d: Talking about go player gossip
vaansama: NO politics, thx
Hyuna5d: I did find a website that talked about what kind of beer Lee Sedol likes
Dreamlight: Orly?
Muttley: "I like the beer Muttley serves" - Lee Sedol
RoundTuit: Boris Johnson is eligible....... be very very scared
Dreamlight: *snrk*
Herod: His beer has a head - on two stones
Muttley: Johnsons, meet the Johnsons, they;re the modern prehistoric family
mabblebrox: I suppose American was born American?
Agro: looking for one more person for rengo
Agro: :(
American: Anyone know a non commie/nazi run go site?
Dreamlight: o.o
mabblebrox: depends how long you want to get banned
Muttley: There aren't any because its a great conspiracy
American: The fact that I might get banned for asking that. Proves my point.
Muttley: You weren't actually making a point
Muttley: you were asking a question
womack: Senior admin "Muttley" serves to remind us that the insta-ban on politics in the EGR applies only to honest speech, as opposed to the Schwarzie-Murdoch variety.
Javaness: KGS is one
[The connection to the server has been closed unexpectedly. You must log in again.]
--INSTANT [14:17 hrs]--
[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "trolling".]


Hal Womack 3-dan

May 2, 2015, 8:16:09 PM5/2/15
Saturday @ 16:59 hrs PDT: EGR
Saruman: Surrounded by strangers
Saruman: At 5.30 AM
Falcon89: exile to New Delhi?
Saruman: Dhaka
Saruman: Bangldesh
Saruman: New Delhi is 2 time zones away
Falcon89: watch out for the monsoon floodings
Saruman: I have seeen floods
GoZen: watch out for green flags with red dots
Saruman: Yuop that is the national flag
Saruman: Really
Saruman: I live in Dhaks
Saruman: Bangladesh
Saruman: But I am an expat here
Saruman: I was born in UK
Saruman: Well, Isengard
Saruman: I have to pretend
DeaconJohn: Where is Isengard?
Saruman: At the most southern end of the misty mountains
HelloCoder: A fictional place in Middle Earth (in the Lord of the Rings)
Saruman: mmm
HelloCoder: Fangorn (aka Treebeard) and the Ents destroyed it
Saruman: Yup
Saruman: But really I am human
Saruman: And I live in Bangladesh
Falcon89: fine, what do you do in Dhaka?
Saruman: My name is from a fictional charcter
Saruman: I am an IT consultant
mongo: i thot it was a monkey?
Saruman: But mostly I do nothing
Saruman: Except play go
Saruman: Hi Falcom
Falcon89: nice, an easy life over there
Falcon89: except the floods
Saruman: Yeah
Saruman: I have never seen big floods
Saruman: Last big floods were in 1998
Falcon89: be prepared, it is terrible
Saruman: yeah, I know
myc0627: hello the white wizard
Saruman: I have seen several smaller floods
Saruman: Hi
myc0627: greetings from Doriath :)
Saruman: Greetings
Falcon89: myc, where is Doriath?
Saruman: After Thingol died, Mnegroth was unprotected
myc0627: Falcon89, it was an elfish kingdom in the silmarillion
Saruman: Doriath means the 1000 caves
Falcon89: hm ok
Saruman: It was the kingdom ot king thingol
Saruman: And queen Melian
wahhh: have you lost that loving feeling?
Saruman: Me ? yeah :-(
wahhh: why
wahhh: oh why
Saruman: Because I am am mortal
mongo: ive lost that rightous feeling
Saruman: My lands are overrun y orcs
myc0627: well, i just wish there would be films for silmarillion
Saruman: by
Saruman: well
myc0627: but i don't think it would be realistic
mongo: life can never be exactly how you want it to be..
Saruman: None of it is real
mongo: but you can be satisfied..
Saruman: Life is north korea complaining that american blacks are miostreated
vaansama: satisfy my soul
vaansama: ♫
Saruman: Life is pain
Saruman: And Dis satisfaction
wahhh: offline byiopitc?
myc0627: nice to meet you guys, 1:51 am here, got to sleep, bye
Saruman: Life is pain
GoZen: nighty night
Saruman: Night
Saruman: But maybe, just maybe others may understand
Saruman: the pain
Saruman: being alive
craig: is it because american blacks have to stand out in the rain?
Saruman: Might be
Saruman: Here it is 6 AM
Saruman: and there is only pain
Saruman: Pain is everywhere
Saruman: IN every name
Saruman: And in every pain
craig: you're a glass half empty kind of guy
wahhh: it's called - 'overworked, and underpaid!'.
craig: maybe a little more than half
Saruman: yeah
Saruman: My glass is full
mongo: pain in thomas paine
Saruman: OF opain
craig: of pain, apparantly
Saruman: Yeah
Saruman: Pain
craig: sucks to be you dude
Saruman: Only Pain
Saruman: Yeah
Saruman: I have been alive 42 years
craig: I'll have to plant you on my censor list.
womack: Here in EGR KGS admins permit only rubbish in the Murdoch-Sulzberger spectrum, like "Saruman". Honest voices booted w/o warning
Saruman: 'Now there is only pain
Saruman: Its OK
Saruman: They will warn first
Saruman: I am not lying
womack: Sman lies twice over
Saruman: Sure
Saruman: Saruman lioe
Saruman: Lies
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Kismet: hello my ragtime gal
SamSpade: first run of the year
SamSpade: and I forgot my cigarettes
SamSpade: I don't think I'm cut out for this exercise thingy
Meepy: hmmmm
Meepy: i took a nap and now nobody else is here
Meepy: am i in some kind of twilight dimension where nobody else exists?
Meepy: only time will tell
Falcon89: i am not here if you ask me
Falcon89: Confucious had a friend who was hiking in the mountains and took a nap
Falcon89: when he woke up and went home
Falcon89: his great great great grandkids are already in their middle ages
SamSpade: time for some black sabbath
Falcon89: why so?
SamSpade: it will clear my head
HelloCoder: Grateful Dead, too!
cekalo: its 02:14 now in turkey
HelloCoder: 7:15 pm in New York City, New York, USA
HelloCoder: That's in North America, by the way
cekalo: i thought its in china
HelloCoder: "Paris, France is in Europe"
SamSpade: there is a Paris in Texas
Falcon89: we have a small town Paris in Ontario
HelloCoder: We'll always have Paris, she replied, breathlessly,
SamSpade: is that movie any good?
HelloCoder: Casablanca is one of the most popular and enduring chick flicks that guys can also enjoy.
SamSpade: ooh...Humphrey Bogart is in it
HelloCoder: And Claude Reins (aka the Phantom)
cekalo: play our song sam
HelloCoder: Play it, Sam. Play, "As Time Goes By"
SamSpade: wait. is Casablanca a musical?
cekalo: no
cekalo: you never saw casablanca??
cekalo: shame on you
Meepy: "CSI: Cyber - Selfie 2.0"
Meepy: possibly the worst crime drama episode ever made
Meepy: i can tell just from the title
Falcon89: there maybe surprises
Meepy: surprises in a CSI episode?
Meepy: everybody knows the guest star always did it
HelloCoder: I like it when the bad guys get caught.
HelloCoder: Now if only someone had caught Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Mao Tse-Tung
HelloCoder: * not to mention Castro
Falcon89: Jack the Ripper was never caught
HelloCoder: He was a smalltime operator
Falcon89: actually Cuba was not bad under Castro
Falcon89: peaceful, people are nice, almost no crimes
HelloCoder: Medical care sucked, many political prisoners. Life so bad there that people would risk their lives in rickety boats to escape
Falcon89: if you drop your wallet the guy behind will always pick it up and give it back to you
Falcon89: the usa sanction makes Cuba material poor
cekalo: the people in cuba are poor no need to keep the wallet
Falcon89: plus the retreat of the Russian aids
HelloCoder: Day and night, the screams of tormented women in panic and desperation who cry for God's mercy fall upon the deaf ears of prison authorities. They are confined to narrow cells with no sunlight called "drawers" that have cement beds, a hole on the ground for their bodily needs, and are infested with a multitude of rodents, roaches, and other insects.... In these "drawers" the women remain weeks and months. When they scream in terror due to the darkness (blackouts are common) and the heat, they are injected sedatives that keep them half-drugged.
HelloCoder: Day and night, the screams of tormented women in panic and desperation who cry for God's mercy fall upon the deaf ears of prison authorities. They are confined to narrow cells with no sunlight called "drawers" that have cement beds, a hole on the ground for their bodily needs, and are infested with a multitude of rodents, roaches, and other insects.... In these "drawers" the women remain weeks and months. When they scream in terror due to the darkness (blackouts are common) and the heat, they are injected sedatives that keep them half-drugged.
SamSpade: say it again
HelloCoder: Day and night, the screams of tormented women in panic and desperation who cry for God's mercy fall upon the deaf ears of prison authorities. They are confined to narrow cells with no sunlight called "drawers" that have cement beds, a hole on the ground for their bodily needs, and are infested with a multitude of rodents, roaches, and other insects
Falcon89: don't spam now
HelloCoder: Sorry, it didn't "take" the first time it seemed - I will stop scrolling
Falcon89: we heard you
SamSpade: i have heard some bad things about US prisons as well
HelloCoder:  Castro’s regime forced 2 million Cubans (and their descendants) into exile. Under Castro, there have been roughly 5,700 executions, 1,200 extrajudicial murders, 77,800 dead or lost raftsmen, and 11,700 Cuban dead in international missions, most of them during 15 years of African wars in Ethiopia and Angola.
SamSpade: the sanctions probably made things worse
Falcon89: yes, but usa don't want Cuba to afford missiles
SamSpade: is that still a issue after the fall of the USSR?
HelloCoder: Why does Cuba oppose NAFTA?
Meepy: hmm
womack: Cuba's action in Africa was excellent. Fidel announced his bar mitzvah here: [Castro: ‘No One Has Been Slandered More Than the Jews’ By JEFFREY GOLDBERG SEP 7 2010, ]
stumped: spare us
womack: Present USGov smile to Cuba in return for Fidel's poisoning of Hugo Chavez. "stumped" wishes to stay in its DoD hole?
womack: Remember "" . Ciao all @ 00:10 hrz [Zulu] on 5/3.


Hal Womack 3-dan

May 16, 2015, 6:07:30 AM5/16/15
Posting quickly FTR [For The Record]. For the latest example of utter shamelessness on the part of WMS & his minions, especially "Javaness", the reader is directed to the end of this convo.

It happens that "truth" and "troll" both begin with the same letter. Evidence of a "t"-errorist plot?

U: man i jut saw kghin in the wagc list, he looks so old now
phptrap: show me the link please
U: thats all the players in this years wagc
Welcome to KGS!

Main rooms policy:

No public accusations! Talk to an admin in private if you witness a problem on KGS.
Escaper policy:

Problem with automated mail sent by KGS to AT&T owned email domains:

★ Android client: please see [for Android phones only, no iphone, no windows mobile...] android app is now available on the web.

Next KGS+ English Events:
5/16/15 9:00 AM -- An audio lecture by Yilun Yang 7p.
5/21/15 1:00 PM -- Teaching game with aguilar in the "KGS Plus Club" room.
Javaness: The third round of the Amsterdam Open will start soon, see top of active games tab
U: man i jut saw kghin in the wagc list, he looks so old now
phptrap: show me the link please
U: thats all the players in this years wagc
maya2015: ty
IIIllIIll0: what is war good for
stumped: land and loot
IIIllIIll0: hmm thats true
IIIllIIll0: besides land and loot
IIIllIIll0: petroleum products and access to trade
U: thats a cards against humanity card so i cant give me answers in egr
bigtree: what's topic today ?
IIIllIIll0: war: what is it good for?
U: ill just go with what edwin starr said
bigtree: who's edwin ?
IIIllIIll0: Edwin stated, "Absolutely nothing"
IIIllIIll0: however I think Edwin has sold us a stale bill of goods
IIIllIIll0: as we have in fact established it is good for loot and land
womack: EGR OK for politics as long as the speaker avoids the truth. Murdoch--Sulzberger spectrum of opinion approved. [02:55 hrs]
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Javaness: The third round of the Amsterdam Open will start soon, see top of active games tab
womack: re BC re "war". Theoretically it became obsolete in the year of my birth, 1945.
[The connection to the server has been closed unexpectedly. You must log in again.]
(02:57 hrs) [Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "trolling".]

On Thursday, July 10, 2014 at 8:58:08 AM UTC-7, Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:
> KGS ECR 20140710:
> ===============
> Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
> IIIllIIll0: i suppose the nigerian authorities could seek my extradition
> RoadHobo: when someone says, "laters" I imagine them to be not only gay but a real flamer with a cat named precious or something and a tiny dog.
> IIIllIIll0: no it just means they're 1ee7
> RoadHobo: be sure to send a cashiers check
> IIIllIIll0: would it be unethical of me to help out
> IIIllIIll0: i was even thinking maybe of absconding with the whole fortune, but that would be really unfair to this gentleman who is placing his trust in me
> SamSpade:
> Warfreak2: you should let him know about the risk of scams - his whole fortune could be stolen by some unscrupulous guy from the internet
> IIIllIIll0: thats true. people like him are often targeted
> IIIllIIll0: i have sworn to secrecy. except for KGS
> RoadHobo: womack is online so this whole chat will be logged and posted on google groups
> IIIllIIll0: well noone knows my true identity so im sure my pledge of secrecy will be ok
> womack: Claimed "RoadHobo" a bit confused. I sometimes post to "" only discussions which seem to me of interest.
> RoadHobo: crawl back in your hole
> womack: That practice disturbs those whose opinions suffer under examination, esp admins here.
> womack: Nameless RH quite bold at the mouth.
> IIIllIIll0: i am live tweeting this discussion btw #KGSmadness
> RoadHobo: well, the best policy to deal with this womucker is to censor and logoff when he's online.
> IIIllIIll0: all of my followers on twitter just received that comment rh
> womack: GRBR means ?
> womack: RH here to remind us that guilty consciences fear exposure?
> womack: Well, was here.
> Englishman: I am still unconvinced that I am missing anything by not Tweeting
> Englishman: I don't see the point
> XY0908: or Facebook and LinkedIn.
> ArsenLapin: I received a text from a friend two days ago "You should join facebook, stuff is happening!!"
> XY0908: I was on Facebook for a short period time and what a bunch of exbitionists they are!
> ArsenLapin: I know, right? facebook took all the fun out of stalking by making it too easy!
> XY0908: yep
> tomicus: *exibits himself*
> RoadHobo: I was just reading the news and what wonderful news! Israel is pounding the terrorists hard.
> womack: IMHO FB has both + & -. I would dearlyn like to see a less tainted analogue.
> womack: Ah, RH back to bark up mass murder.
> XY0908: you have a 'humble' opion, womack? :-)
> XY0908: opinion*
> RoadHobo: thank goodness our allies take such a strong stance against terrorism
> womack: Tqweak my immense gravitas, will U, XY?
> Warfreak2: opinions are like bumholes, everyone has one and nobody wants to see yours
> XY0908: hehe
> XY0908: I have lots of opinions on lot of things, and I think none of them are humble.
> womack: "terrorism" = a scam word favored by mass murderers to distract popular attention from their body counts.
> XY0908: humble opinion is an oxymoron.
> XY0908: say something we don't know, womack.
> womack: "humble" a sturdier concept than XY appears to realize
> RoadHobo: I think it's high time the governments of our western nations take action against though who publicly defend terrorists
> RoadHobo: those*
> womack: RH = an example of a hired mouth for war criminals who wishes to incite violence against all who seek justice
> RoadHobo: I think there is a terrorist sympathizer in this very room
> XY0908: I want to hear something pleasant and warm and funny this morning.
> Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
> IIIllIIll0: i suppose the nigerian authorities could seek my extradition
> RoadHobo: when someone says, "laters" I imagine them to be not only gay but a real flamer with a cat named precious or something and a tiny dog.
> IIIllIIll0: no it just means they're 1ee7
> RoadHobo: be sure to send a cashiers check
> IIIllIIll0: would it be unethical of me to help out
> IIIllIIll0: i was even thinking maybe of absconding with the whole fortune, but that would be really unfair to this gentleman who is placing his trust in me
> SamSpade:
> Warfreak2: you should let him know about the risk of scams - his whole fortune could be stolen by some unscrupulous guy from the internet
> IIIllIIll0: thats true. people like him are often targeted
> IIIllIIll0: i have sworn to secrecy. except for KGS
> RoadHobo: womack is online so this whole chat will be logged and posted on google groups
> IIIllIIll0: well noone knows my true identity so im sure my pledge of secrecy will be ok
> womack: Claimed "RoadHobo" a bit confused. I sometimes post to "" only discussions which seem to me of interest.
> RoadHobo: crawl back in your hole
> womack: That practice disturbs those whose opinions suffer under examination, esp admins here.
> womack: Nameless RH quite bold at the mouth.
> IIIllIIll0: i am live tweeting this discussion btw #KGSmadness
> RoadHobo: well, the best policy to deal with this womucker is to censor and logoff when he's online.
> IIIllIIll0: all of my followers on twitter just received that comment rh
> womack: GRBR means ?
> womack: RH here to remind us that guilty consciences fear exposure?
> womack: Well, was here.
> Englishman: I am still unconvinced that I am missing anything by not Tweeting
> Englishman: I don't see the point
> XY0908: or Facebook and LinkedIn.
> ArsenLapin: I received a text from a friend two days ago "You should join facebook, stuff is happening!!"
> XY0908: I was on Facebook for a short period time and what a bunch of exbitionists they are!
> ArsenLapin: I know, right? facebook took all the fun out of stalking by making it too easy!
> XY0908: yep
> tomicus: *exibits himself*
> RoadHobo: I was just reading the news and what wonderful news! Israel is pounding the terrorists hard.
> womack: IMHO FB has both + & -. I would dearlyn like to see a less tainted analogue.
> womack: Ah, RH back to bark up mass murder.
> XY0908: you have a 'humble' opion, womack? :-)
> XY0908: opinion*
> RoadHobo: thank goodness our allies take such a strong stance against terrorism
> womack: Tqweak my immense gravitas, will U, XY?
> Warfreak2: opinions are like bumholes, everyone has one and nobody wants to see yours
> XY0908: hehe
> XY0908: I have lots of opinions on lot of things, and I think none of them are humble.
> womack: "terrorism" = a scam word favored by mass murderers to distract popular attention from their body counts.
> XY0908: humble opinion is an oxymoron.
> XY0908: say something we don't know, womack.
> womack: "humble" a sturdier concept than XY appears to realize
> RoadHobo: I think it's high time the governments of our western nations take action against though who publicly defend terrorists
> RoadHobo: those*
> womack: RH = an example of a hired mouth for war criminals who wishes to incite violence against all who seek justice
> RoadHobo: I think there is a terrorist sympathizer in this very room
> XY0908: I want to hear something pleasant and warm and funny this morning.
> womack: Me playing now. RH understandably stays nameless.
> ArsenLapin: I like Israel's stand... "We don't know why we're under attack but let's throw bombs around so they get a reason to keep going"
> RoadHobo: Of course I remain nameless, this is the internet and only a fool reveals his true identity on the net
> SamSpade: Australia has rescued a young baby whale, XY
> SamSpade: no good news anywhere else
> RoadHobo: I'm sure some good news is out there, it's just not reported
> SamSpade: new pink floyd album out in october
> RoadHobo: what's it called? Music from the grave?
> tomicus: There is no user account named "now" on this system.
> SamSpade: "The Endless River" , roadhobo
> RoadHobo: ah, so they chose an oxymoron for a title.. clever
> RoadHobo: I actually love pink floyd but can't understand why old relics go back on tour long after their voices are shot due to old age
> clydesdale: i havent liked Floyd since Waters was booted out
> IIIllIIll0: agree with budweiser
> RoadHobo: I guess you need more song about poor Roger's mommy and daddy then
> clydesdale: well- maybe not that
> RoadHobo: some people never get out of childhood. it lingers for them as a living presence until you just want to scream at them, "shut up already! You are a grown man! Let the past die."
> RoadHobo: I can totally understand booting Waters from Floyd
> RoadHobo: and all his solo work sucked imo
> clydesdale: i havent listened to his solo work
> clydesdale: Waters seems a kind of difficult character
> RoadHobo: most of the people who we consider great artists, statesmen, or innovators would be drugged into a stupor for life in Canada or the US today, ordered onto a regimen of constantly changing psychiatric meds until they conform
> tomicus: I've come to the conclusion that every front man of a band is clinicly insane, david lee roth, axl rose, the list goes on
> womack: Does a lay entity's delusion of being a shrink itslef constitute "clinical insanity" or only the walking-around kind?
> RoadHobo: get them young
> tomicus: I never claimed to be sane
> womack: Given RH intro to its link I wondered whether it would be children murdered by Israelis today in Gaza but lo! it (RH) & I agree on something, at least.
> womack: "In a sign of what experts are calling an unprecedented spree in the prescribing of mood-altering pills, drugs once reserved for the floridly psychotic are now being given to children still in diapers."
> womack: RH link above recommended.
> clydesdale: well- that sounds worrying - but i disagree with the idea that many mental illnesses don't have a nearotransmitter basis
> womack: "mental illnesses" = extremely subjective evaluation. Tom Sawyer & Huck Finn would both be on thorazine today.
> tomicus: lol
> clydesdale: no t subjictive if you suffer from one
> womack: Lotza suffering resulting from subjective belief.
> XY0908: opinion*
> RoadHobo: thank goodness our allies take such a strong stance against terrorism
> womack: Tqweak my immense gravitas, will U, XY?
> Warfreak2: opinions are like bumholes, everyone has one and nobody wants to see yours
> XY0908: hehe
> XY0908: I have lots of opinions on lot of things, and I think none of them are humble.
> womack: "terrorism" = a scam word favored by mass murderers to distract popular attention from their body counts.
> XY0908: humble opinion is an oxymoron.
> XY0908: say something we don't know, womack.
> womack: "humble" a sturdier concept than XY appears to realize
> RoadHobo: I think it's high time the governments of our western nations take action against though who publicly defend terrorists
> RoadHobo: those*
> womack: RH = an example of a hired mouth for war criminals who wishes to incite violence against all who seek justice
> RoadHobo: I think there is a terrorist sympathizer in this very room
> XY0908: I want to hear something pleasant and warm and funny this morning.
> womack: Me playing now. RH understandably stays nameless.
> ArsenLapin: I like Israel's stand... "We don't know why we're under attack but let's throw bombs around so they get a reason to keep going"
> RoadHobo: Of course I remain nameless, this is the internet and only a fool reveals his true identity on the net
> SamSpade: Australia has rescued a young baby whale, XY
> SamSpade: no good news anywhere else
> RoadHobo: I'm sure some good news is out there, it's just not reported
> SamSpade: new pink floyd album out in october
> RoadHobo: what's it called? Music from the grave?
> tomicus: There is no user account named "now" on this system.
> SamSpade: "The Endless River" , roadhobo
> RoadHobo: ah, so they chose an oxymoron for a title.. clever
> RoadHobo: I actually love pink floyd but can't understand why old relics go back on tour long after their voices are shot due to old age
> clydesdale: i havent liked Floyd since Waters was booted out
> IIIllIIll0: agree with budweiser
> RoadHobo: I guess you need more song about poor Roger's mommy and daddy then
> clydesdale: well- maybe not that
> RoadHobo: some people never get out of childhood. it lingers for them as a living presence until you just want to scream at them, "shut up already! You are a grown man! Let the past die."
> RoadHobo: I can totally understand booting Waters from Floyd
> RoadHobo: and all his solo work sucked imo
> clydesdale: i havent listened to his solo work
> clydesdale: Waters seems a kind of difficult character
> RoadHobo: most of the people who we consider great artists, statesmen, or innovators would be drugged into a stupor for life in Canada or the US today, ordered onto a regimen of constantly changing psychiatric meds until they conform
> tomicus: I've come to the conclusion that every front man of a band is clinicly insane, david lee roth, axl rose, the list goes on
> womack: Does a lay entity's delusion of being a shrink itslef constitute "clinical insanity" or only the walking-around kind?
> RoadHobo: get them young
> tomicus: I never claimed to be sane
> womack: Given RH intro to its link I wondered whether it would be children murdered by Israelis today in Gaza but lo! it (RH) & I agree on something, at least.
> womack: "In a sign of what experts are calling an unprecedented spree in the prescribing of mood-altering pills, drugs once reserved for the floridly psychotic are now being given to children still in diapers."
> womack: RH link above recommended.
> clydesdale: well- that sounds worrying - but i disagree with the idea that many mental illnesses don't have a nearotransmitter basis
> womack: "mental illnesses" = extremely subjective evaluation. Tom Sawyer & Huck Finn would both be on thorazine today.
> tomicus: lol
> clydesdale: no t subjictive if you suffer from one
> womack: Lotza suffering resulting from subjective belief.
> clydesdale: doesn't compare with say clinical depression- no comparison
> womack: Wise woman realizes she's gonna get her share of the world pain, then dedicates herself to her art, children or other supreme goal --shuns shrinx & happy pills.
> womack: Big Pharma: How the World's Biggest Drug Companies Control Illness is a 2006 book by British journalist Jacky Law.
> clydesdale: waht's the abstract on that?
> womack: I copied that straight out of WIKI
> clydesdale: what's the thesis?
> womack: pls c above?
> clydesdale: ok
> clydesdale: i suffer from a mental illness, and i can assure you that the medication I'm on stopped the unbearable mental pain i was in
> womack: me playing now svp tho' c' topic important
> Englishman: What medication is that Clydesdale? I am on Amisulpride myself
> Englishman: I would like to stop
> Englishman: I've been on this junk 14 years
> Englishman: It's like taking Smarties but doesn't taste so good
> clydesdale: risperidone
> Englishman: How long for?
> Englishman: (I am Englishman)
> Englishman: Oops
> clydesdale: about 10 yrs or so
> HiggsBison: I am Englishman
> alobar: hello tom
> alobar: sheriffi
> Sheriffi: lobes
> alobar: i think tom is working too much. he never chat much anymore.
> alobar: i must go. i mat eturn later if possible.
> IIIllIIll0: please do
> alobar: may return*
> IIIllIIll0: we will all die without you
> alobar: nonsense.
> IIIllIIll0: i only log on to see lobes
> IIIllIIll0: and occasionally play a game
> alobar: not true
> SamSpade: me too
> IIIllIIll0: me 3
> alobar: oh stop!
> alobar: i am blushing
> alobar: sam you log on to win tournaments. who do you think you are fooling?????????
> IIIllIIll0: maybe ur just drunk
> HiggsBison: Alobar is a nasty racist
> HiggsBison: I wish he'd leave and never return
> alobar: i dont drink much
> alobar: two quarts of beer on a week-end. glass of wine in the evening sometimes.
> alobar: i must go. see you later lads.
> SamSpade: bye
> SamSpade: hmm, we didn't die
> SamSpade: i'm reading a guy who says we become smarter by writing stuff in chat rooms
> SamSpade: our thought become clearer though public speech or something like that
> IIIllIIll0: recommendation for good japanese drama?
> SamSpade: battle royale
> SamSpade: or Seppuku
> SamSpade: so is ECR making us smarter?
> [08:04 hrs PDT]
> womack: So, world class general intellectual exchange --barring censorship-- to match playing ops in more strictly defined game.
> womack: San Francisco out @ 15:12 hrz (Zulu).
> ...................................
> Ian C. Read (born 1953) is a British born businessman from Scotland, and currently serves as the CEO of Pfizer.
> 1 Pfizer USA $67,809,000,000. [~sixty-seven point 8 billion] Top of Big Pharma

Hal Womack 3-dan

May 19, 2015, 5:19:55 AM5/19/15
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat. [00:32 hrs.]
asdk: This is my House MD

asdk: and I tried to draw on the computer

asdk: I also earlier draw, but now there is no time
asdk: and I realized that drawing was a waste of time. this is just another skill of the human brain - to copy reality
asdk: Artists are now too many to becoming another artist
asdk: although if you get into game design, but there all the same thing
dayharri: drawing what?
asdk: portraits
dayharri: person figures, ya.
asdk: my level is too far from drawing skills, which brings income)
dayharri: when a hobby starts being money-magnate, then it is not a hobby anymore.
asdk: and I drew in pencil on paper, but now you should be able to tablet PC
asdk: This is my House MD
asdk: and I tried to draw on the computer
womack: Quite good.
LongLost: Indeed.
asdk: so can draw millions of people, this is the usual level
womack: ? asd's millions more talented that way than my millions, then.
LongLost: Better to cultivate immeasurable self-contempt in order to exceed the human.
asdk: Now I am fond of programming and it is my passion that gives me money to live. Programming is also art)
womack: I would be interested for asd to sketch the late Rachel Corrie and also some of the thousands of children murdered by the Jews in Palestine.
LongLost: Or a Donestsk patriot..
womack: righto
LongLost: I leave for Shanghai, June 11th, returning 111 days later.
asdk: someone who likes to draw, someone who likes to program, and someone who likes to fight
dayharri: feb 20th, 2016?
LongLost: Upholding Russia as noble will find you many scuffles.. no, the end of September.
LongLost: Did Putin help encourage the Russia Jews to leave for Palestine? How strong is Zionism in Russia?
dayharri: ahh wrong formulae; 20feb2015+110day=11jun2015. ^_^
dayharri: *111
asdk: Russian secular state. Religion does not play a role
LongLost: But there was a big exodus around '89, no?
asdk: Only in the event of war, people are beginning to seek a religion, and it is only for show
dayharri: yeah, ... but now they are regretting i hear. :D
asdk: in Israel lives of several million Russian-speaking Jews. but they are not in power
LongLost: 1.6m Jews moved out from 1989 to 2006 -- 61% to Israel, the rest to US and Germany.
dayharri: ethiopian-origins too.
asdk: and as far as I know the Zionists against Israel
womack: Website of my writer acquaintance, Israel's most internationally famous journalist =
dayharri: hail womack.
womack: Took me a moment, there dayharri
womack: (may first name = "Hal")
LongLost: Scurrilous, the assertion of Russian culpability in the Malaysian flight -- ad nauseum.
asdk: Israel Shamir also russianspeaking)
asdk: written that he was born in Novosibirsk
asdk: it's close to me
womack: Pls LL jeet shoot-down was another FBOP or Failed False Flag Black Op from Bibi via Koyakorosky whozzitz
dayharri: "it's a plane. no, it's a bird. oh, it _was_ a plane...."
womack: similar to Bibi's poison gas attack in Ghouta in 8/13
womack: also similar to 9/11 Stunt that way
asdk: In the article "Christmas greetings to the Greeks" Shamir wrote that peace in the Middle East can not be established as long as the Jews did not go into Christianity: "There is no chance for peace in the Holy Land, while the state would not be undermined by the synagogue and the Jews will be saved by the Church"
asdk: OMG
asdk: I think he is not very popular
womack: yes, "Ish" as I call him converted from Jewish commando to orthodox Christian
LongLost: I attended a 'literary' analysis of the Talmud's passage requiring execution for Gentiles who f*** animals today -- ahh, US academia.
womack: IMHO he would do better aiming at being a reasonable man but he does have talents
dayharri: must be some abbrogated verses.
womack: LL knows Israel Shahak?
womack: which school BTW?
womack: Ish from Russia
asdk: I realized that he left
womack: Give joy to LL for having made it to 7k!
LongLost: I am two notches under my training best, but thank you.
LongLost: The goddamned climate change flunkies are cavorting with the Chinese tomorrow..
asdk: I think art photography is even worse than the drawing)
asdk: in the drawing is at least no technique and a man copying the reality itself
dayharri: those bare-back photos ^_?
asdk: all these meetings on climate do not decide anything, everyone will violate all
LongLost: it's so much worse than that -- cointelpro soup..
asdk: this is a common policy, the same as the United Nations)
LongLost: I'm sure the climate change NGOs are seething anywhere they can in Russia.
womack: First we hang the warx [war criminals], then we assemble experts for discussion of less urgent matters. reliability will be improved thereby
LongLost: Political upheaval will require a mass uprising that ain't coming from the OECD.
asdk: 5 minutes of the meeting - we express our very very deep concern over environmental pollution and climate change. rest of the time - where you have a casino here and the girls, it's time to have fun
womack: )
womack: Most toxic substance on Earth = a single drop of a child's life's blood spilled wantonly on the ground
asdk: our descendants will curse the 21st century
asdk: I feel it will be worse than the 20 th century
alobar: the jews will always flee a sinking ship
dayharri: planting trees is useless too, for somesome will chop them off in the fifth year.
alobar: harri i just played a guy from india. first i have ever met on kgs. ttold him to start a india room.
dayharri: (there goes my 5yo mahogany saplings... T_T)
alobar: i prefer polygamy to mahogany
dayharri: ... polygyny.
alobar: and so does my president.
dayharri: how many madame zuma are there?
alobar: only 7 so far.
dayharri: there were four madame soekarno.... :)
asdk: alobar, feminists castrate you ) tell u wife about polygamy))
alobar: yes but zuma is a founder member of umtondo we sizwe.
dayharri: umzis...what?
LongLost: See this conference, asdk?
alobar: my wife is not a feminist
....LongLost: Eugene Oneigin never found sufficient reception in America.
alobar: yes, it is on my knife still
alobar: russians supported the transvaal during the boer war.
alobar: men from russia fought england on our soil.
LongLost: To think to oneself, and to sigh... When the devil will the old rascal die?
asdk: America - what is America? is a big supermarket, where hypermarkets are replaced by supermarkets, supermarkets and replaced by market, markets and replaced by minimarket
asdk: large Exchange
asdk: all that is done or invented people becomes a commodity that must be bought or sold
LongLost: A nation is nature's way of creating a few individuals every century.
alobar: asdk i see you are a great admirer of america. i never speak of greece.
asdk: from the east to the west coast
womack: gerbils gabble on the Planet Earth?
LongLost: Do you prefer Xi Jinping to Putin?
IIIllIIll0: hi robes
IIIllIIll0: hi asdk
womack: Both good fellows should have a chew [or toot] with Evo Morales
IIIllIIll0: womack the pope said abbas is an angel of peace
IIIllIIll0: israel has its knickers in a twist
asdk: I prefer to Fidel Castro for every)
IIIllIIll0: fidel castro is a great man
LongLost: My Venezuela friend disabused me of pat admiration for Latin populists.. probably better to have a neo-lib economy than a righeous leftist.
womack: Fidel poisoned Hugo Chavez for reward from JAPE [JewAmerican Planetaary Empire]/
asdk: what?
IIIllIIll0: you really thinkso?
womack: Must read Fidel's interview w Jeffrey Goldberg in 2010 ATLANTIC on-line
IIIllIIll0: they were homies
LongLost: Chavismo involved very much buying off the poor with oil revenues -- admiral, sure -- but what a wreck now.
IIIllIIll0: hugo & fidel
IIIllIIll0: tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum
womack: [Castro: ‘No One Has Been Slandered More Than the Jews’ By JEFFREY GOLDBERG SEP 7 2010, ]
asdk: Venezuela will soon have Niagara channel. this channel will make them rich
asdk: In addition, free medical care and education. 20 years later the Americans will dreams about live in left Venezuela)
womack: LL's "friend" has pushed him off the pier re Venezuela. I recommend a 3-way w consul or maybe James Petras
LongLost: Inflation is on the order of 60% per year.. with foreign reserves controlled by party members.
womack: One ear for the C.I.A. OK but both B 2 much, LL
LongLost: I'm attending an analyst demonstration by the CIA on Thursday.
LongLost: 'During the exercise, students will play the role of CIA intelligence analysts assigned to a team... charged with investigating a potential emerging problem that demands critical thinking skills and sophisticated analysis.'
LongLost: 'We're looking for a wide variety of highly talented professionals to meet its mission for the important job of keeping America safe.'
dayharri: social-justice, first.
womack: LL has the chance to ping John Brennan: Do U agree that Barnard Baruch & David Bengurion arranged the Jack Whack?
womack: "social justice" too fancy by half. We need plain J to start with.
LongLost: CIA analysts are no joke, despite the incompetent meme -- something on the order of 85% of analyst predictions, re: elections, violence, are accurate. Miss some big ones though.
womack: Q#2 4 J. Brennan = How many victims can U murder before we, the human race, string you up?
alobar: the weapons of mass destruction in iraq was a big one that an imbecile would not have missed.
LongLost: Unfortunately, doubting the sincerity of higher officials is not in the job description -- the question would hardly engender a shrug.
alobar: i must go. enjoy your day folks.
womack: Looks like LL already sailing down the canal to perdition?
LongLost: Storming the machine gun nests..
womack: Everything in its place. Public debate = by far JAPE officials' weakest spot when faced by brave brains
LongLost: Except said 'public' is more likely to boo than applaud.
womack: Noted. Challenge to video event but even solo = chance for hero
womack: U check in w Son of CIA Bruce Cumings?
LongLost: I could pull off a surreptitious recording -- but I very much doubt it will merit the megabytes. Cumings has been on sabbatical -- next year.
womack: Recording of frank exchange w medium-high spook reps could go viral
LongLost: Hence the 'team' format -- where the plebs spy on each other's conformity.
womack: Who dares charge them as slaves of the Jews, murderers & liars? Any direct exchange between student & spook?
asdk: LL r u left?
LongLost: I keep barbed words on the tip of my tongue, but, yes, the righteous fire of rhetorical accuracy into a vacuous 'public' has almost been extinguished in me. Time to abandon the homeland.
LongLost: As in Maoist?
asdk: as a socialist)
LongLost: There are 69 monthly academic journals put out by and about the CPC in China.
womack: "socialist" = dodo bird. "Historian" & honest man = excellent goals
LongLost: I am closer to Confucius than Lenin, indeed.
womack: How many characters can LL read?
LongLost: Less than 10.
womack: )
LongLost: I am attending lectures by Christoph Harbsmeier, exquisite philologian of classical grammar -- made this beast of a compendium -- ALL of classical chinese, coded.
asdk: Confucius was far from socialism
LongLost: What is closest to socialism, in your eyes, asdk?
womack: LL misses the point WRT his opp to disgrace a spook, stand up strongly for kids being murdered today in M.E, Columbia,

LongLost: ehh..
LongLost: my copy and past not working -- one sec..
asdk: Singapore's economic miracle is based on repression. and there is not nearly socialism
asdk: Scandinavia too liberal for socialism
LongLost: I'm happy if the banks are kept from Jews.
asdk: Venezuela has the potential to become a model of socialism 20 years)
womack: As U know, link for CIA event failed
asdk: now i like Belarus and Cuba
LongLost: sorry.. working on it..
JoStrummer: LongLost: I'm happy if the banks are kept from Jews.<<< You what???
womack: Forget "socialism", Go for SKIP* and the Kozmic Kommonwealth under the reign of the Wise Queen
womack: * = Social Kontract for Industrial Polyfrika
asdk: in any case, my main requirements for state - free education and medicine.
LongLost: The United States needs a wave of anti-semitism to get out of the recession.
LongLost: 5 trillion in zionist goldman clawback should build up our train system.
JoStrummer: Yeah, that turned out well in Germany in the 1930s
LongLost: This time we'll make sure to win.
JoStrummer: I can't believe this. Are you being serious?
womack: LOL
LongLost: Public humiliation is more efficient than concentration camps.
womack: But forget "anti-semitism ", a truly perverse term. Straight on justice will do fine.
womack: TJAM = For Truth, Justice And the Milkyway.
IIIllIIll0: well we do need our train system built
IIIllIIll0: i say built rather than rebuilt because the joke that currently exists is a piece of crap \
LongLost: And somebody has to pay.
IIIllIIll0: need high speed rail
womack: Bring back Benito?
LongLost: We had to kill 95% of the Native Americans to get ahead -- what's 3% of traitors?
womack: Thx 2 LL for the link. Event may structured to shut out confrontation.
womack: Talk 2 tough, lose ground
asdk: the last time the US helped the first and second world war to get out of recessive
IIIllIIll0: i like the castro article
asdk: This time all the same, but the third world is not possible. it will kill all
womack: Great & Atomic Wars successfully planned by Bernard Baruch, at least WRT US role.
LongLost: Connect AIPAC and the Jew Sassoon's running the opium trade in Shanghai for 100 years -- one fell swoop and we have a new world.
IIIllIIll0: i wanna know how to get my share of the goldman-sachs zionist haul of 5 trillion
IIIllIIll0: how do i sign up for my share, at the synagogue?
womack: Earlier remark by BC: Abbas asked Saudis to bomb Gaza. Weeks later Pope Frank kisses Abbas rear end [ECR]
IIIllIIll0: abbas asked saudis to bomb gaza?
womack: check it out
IIIllIIll0: only israel bombs gaza
womack: how many billion$ did Saudi just slip to Israel?
IIIllIIll0: the final pathway is always israeli military tho
IIIllIIll0: why would saudis want gaza bombed?
womack: Similar to Yemen
LongLost: What is the proportion of hedge fund profits to oil states? A sizeable fraction, I reckon.
asdk: I've heard that the military retirees in Arizona offered to hang McCain)
asdk: as a traitor
womack: Just realized that I have a tamale to drop in my chicken noodle soup. Ciao all. Good noose for Sen John from AZ
asdk: cu
womack: 02:02 hrs PDT


Hal Womack 3-dan

May 19, 2015, 1:00:23 PM5/19/15
#3.) [09:51]
asdk: all hate globalists
McMaster: 40 bn tons of CO2 we put into the atmosphere in 2014
EasyCoder: In terms of regimentation of all aspects of society
EasyCoder: Plants thrive on CO2
asdk: u see it lads
EasyCoder: We need one more degree Celsius for a climate poorly
EasyCoder: Lol, climate optimum
asdk: Western ordinary man in the street equalizes communists and fascists)
asdk: but ordinary Eastern man equalizes capitalism and fascism
EasyCoder: Jeannw Kirkpatrick called them totalitarian twins
asdk: USA and Thrid Reich?
asdk: i agree
EasyCoder: Here at KGS we have a benevolent dictatorship
EasyCoder: @asdk, LOL, you agree with yourself
asdk: u too)
EasyCoder: Touché
asdk: compare communism and fascism can only be poisoned by the capitalist propaganda people)
EasyCoder: I just want the freedom to work at any wage me and my employer agree on
EasyCoder: And to buy or sell when both parties feel they will benefit
EasyCoder: I bought the KGS client for Android because I felt there was a benefit for me
EasyCoder: I don't see fascism in capitalism. What are you talking about?
asdk: without left your employer will pay you 3 cents a week, or even going to work for free on the plantations)
asdk: What social benefits u want? slave - the sun is still high)
EasyCoder: You mean without some "liberal" minded chaps protecting me, the market value of my work would be negligible?
asdk: you will be ordinary slave
asdk: without social benefits)
EasyCoder: So capitalism inevitably deteriorates into slavery?
asdk: It is the natural state of capitalism. benefits without the costs.
EasyCoder: Oh, how does that work?
asdk: what work?
EasyCoder: I thought even the rich had to buy goods and pay wages to someone
asdk: Dude, that's your West became rich were killed 10 million Indians, 11 million Africans, 40 million Hindus and unleashed two world wars)
EasyCoder: Is every tailor, blacksmith and musician a slave in the plantation systemm
asdk: its u capitlaist paradise
EasyCoder: Well it didn't happen like that
EasyCoder: And WW2 was the result of two fascist empires attacking
EasyCoder: We agree that Hitler's Nazi party was fascist?
asdk: for me a Nazi and fascist the same
McMaster: there was a 3rd aggressive empire: Japan
asdk: imperialistic Japan
EasyCoder: My "West" is Toynbee's western Christendom, led by democratic USA
asdk: they killed 35 mln chinese
EasyCoder: Maybe it's a stretch to call imperial Japan fascist. Certainly militaristic and aggressive.
asdk: where u see democratic USA?)
asdk: in hollywood?
EasyCoder: I'm wondering who gets benefits without costs, other than in a socialistic workers paradise
EasyCoder: Under capitalism (or in a free market system) you get what you pay for
EasyCoder: Mao killed over 60 million Chinese.
EasyCoder: I don't vote for men who kill their domestic political opponents.
EasyCoder: Then there's no one like asdk around to debate with
asdk: All systems were killing people. the only difference is that the capitalists have done much more and much longer
asdk: defending capitalism, you protect your future slavery)
asdk: or u child
EasyCoder: Capitalism is a recent development, and Democratic countries have killed fat fewer people than the totalitarians.
EasyCoder: I'm opposed to slavery, so if there's any Shem that leads to it, I wouldn't spey such a system
EasyCoder: * I'm opposed to slavery, so if there's any system that leads to it, I wouldn't support such a system
asdk: OK, then you are already in opposition to US)
asdk: ur welcome comrade
EasyCoder: Would you be so kind as to explain how US capitalism might be heading towards slavery?
EasyCoder: Other than Obama subverting democratic institutions
EasyCoder: In the marketplace of ideas, people tend to vote for free market economy
EasyCoder: Not to many Americans sneaking into Canada or México
asdk: Well, for example, Chinese factories are working for a penny, so you can use a laptop or iPhone. in the Middle East, the United States is killing people, so that you can pour gasoline in car. While this redundant system runs on an external aggression. but when resources run out the whole system will be sent to the inside
asdk: total surveillance by the NSA and Guantanamo
asdk: its u democratic capitalism dear)
asdk: not to mention the dollar "Ponzi scheme."
asdk: petrodollar economy is a bubble and tools robbery
EasyCoder: So the anti terrorist efforts of NSA and CIA/Guantanamo will lead America to slavery?
EasyCoder: (I'm anti-Ponzi.)
asdk: ok that mean u antiUsa)
EasyCoder: What's wrong with having the freedom to work at any wage me and my employer agree on, and to buy or sell when both parties feel they will benefit?
EasyCoder: I wasn't aware that Chinese factory workers are underpaid; anyway, I thought my Samsung Android phone was made in Korea.
EasyCoder: Are the US and Israel killing more people than the Islamic countries?
asdk: in general, God Bless America) it is impossible to teach the blind to see
EasyCoder: + when terrorists use human shields, which side do you blame for non-combatant deaths?
EasyCoder: I can't learn if you dodge my questions.
asdk: believe in u myth. i not against
EasyCoder: I think I'm open minded. I change when I see my errors.
asdk: about good capitalists)
EasyCoder: Care to point one out?
womack: Partial transcript from earlier this morning appears as last item: › More KGS Chat, Incl Cheerleader for Jews' Bombing of Gaza 56 posts by 2 authors, 224 views
asdk: Womack no longer believes in good capitalists, he found other culprits - the Jews)
EasyCoder: I'm against bombing when it's indiscriminate. Firing back against v terrorists is good policy, though.
EasyCoder: When they fire missiles from inside a UN compound, what should the defending side do m
McMaster: Now, they are preparing a battle to take back Ramadi from ISIS
asdk: tell me who gave weapons to 500 million dollars for ISIS?
asdk: Jesus or Mahomed?
EasyCoder: Well, all this battling is unlikely to result in a stable, just peace.
asdk: weapons give good capitalists)
McMaster: Ramadi is mainly a Sunni town, Shiite Iraqi military has no will to fight for it
EasyCoder: Helping the local Arab population to climb out of poverty is a better bet.
EasyCoder: Lots of Arabs attend university in Israel.
EasyCoder: The problem with us Jews is that we don't like to extend Christian charity to our enemies.
womack: Austin Statesman Police: Uninvited biker gang triggered Waco shooting 10:41 a.m. Tuesday, May 19, 2015 | Filed in: Crime Police said a “turf war” that turned into a deadly shooting began after one biker gang arrived uninvited to a Waco restaurant on Sunday. [8 dead]
womack: Russ pic link above may explain cops' deadly attack on bikers in Waco yesterday
EasyCoder: Oh, was it the cops who attacked? I thought they were returning fire.
womack: re "EasyCoder": World Jewry massacred >500 children & thousands of their parents & kin last Summer in GM'14.
EasyCoder: Is "shooting back" the same as attacking?
womack: Is cops talking to MSM same as lying in plain English?
EasyCoder: LOL, was that directed at me?
womack: ECCLESIASTES 7:6 [For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool: this also is vanity.]
asdk: even in Israel there is racism, white Jews do not like Jews Ethiopians
McMaster: human nature
womack: For info on Palestine & Israel the site of my friend Alison Weir, leading U.S-based journalist on subject =
womack: Bernard Baruch & David Ben Gurion (for those who came in late) ran the Jack Whack 38 yrs before KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom pulled the 9/11 Stunt.
womack: Breakfast time here @ 09:58 hrs PDT. Ciao all.

Hal Womack 3-dan

May 20, 2015, 3:05:36 AM5/20/15
From ECR [-1].
asdk: confederate for russia

Why the cops shot the bikers?


Hal Womack 3-dan

May 24, 2015, 1:34:56 PM5/24/15
We live under a totally rotten JAR [JewAmerican Regime] in which the JState brazenly murders thousands of helpless prisoners in Palestine and the U.S. Senate unanimously cheers the atrocity while stuffing hundreds of million$ extra into Bibi's G-string as he pisses into their gulping mouths. Israeli-trained cops all over the USA routinely shoot down unarmed victims in the streets with impunity, even when their murders are filmed and broadcast. In such a climate of corruption numerous lesser incidents of the same type are only to be expected:

More shameless action from William M. Shubert & his nameless minions:
[The connection to the server has been closed unexpectedly. You must log in again.]
{10:18 hrs. Interrupting my game with a 3k.}
[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "trolling".]
[10:03 hrs.]
Welcome to KGS!

Main rooms policy:

No public accusations! Talk to an admin in private if you witness a problem on KGS.
Escaper policy:

Problem with automated mail sent by KGS to AT&T owned email domains:

★ Android client: please see [for Android phones only, no iphone, no windows mobile...] android app is now available on the web.

Next KGS+ English Events:
5/28/15 12:00 PM -- Teaching game with csaba in the "KGS Plus Club" room.
5/30/15 12:00 PM -- An audio lecture by Guo Juan 5p.

eagle1513: I mean the account "GoFirst
IIIllIIll0: #proudtobeIrish
alfalfa: me too, let's fight!
IIIllIIll0: im a lover not a fighter
alfalfa: i was only perpetuating a sterotype
IIIllIIll0: i dont think i quite dig the stereotype O_o?
alfalfa: irish are famous for getting into fistfights... brawls... "donnybrooks"
alfalfa: that goes along with drinking the whisky, of course
RoundTuit: Guinness
okiol: tricks are a part of the game... they force understandment from the opponent, if opponent lacks understandment of the position, then he is punished.
tewari: uhm... understanding
IIIllIIll0: interesting. i have never come across such a stereotype before
alfalfa: right, but you knew what he meant anyway
IIIllIIll0: r u sure it isnt just your perception?
okiol: oh sorry both those accs are mine, i was trying to correct myself
alfalfa: do i have to drag out a list of old movies?
IIIllIIll0: it woudlnt prove anything even if u did
alfalfa: it would prove that you never watch old movies, having never come across the stereotype
okiol: i guess the stereotype is drinking? fighting seems to go hand in hand with that
IIIllIIll0: the stereotype of drinking is true
IIIllIIll0: but other than the fact that people who drink also do fight i dont think there is an independent stereotype of fighting
alfalfa: heck i think mark twain had a word or two to say about irishmen
IIIllIIll0: any more than there is an independent stereotype of ataxic gait
alfalfa: hmm, i don't know what that is
IIIllIIll0: walking like you're drunk
RoundTuit: it's far more complex than that....
IIIllIIll0: for the purpose of this discussion
RoundTuit: yeah
RoundTuit: the shock lies in discovering that "paralytic" is descriptive
OwyheeMud: the beneficiaries of British Imperialism foster a lot of steriotypes
OwyheeMud: all self serving of course
Javaness: hello
FarSide: Javaness' 'hello' serves as a warning as far as I know.
OwyheeMud: intended fostered
okiol: well all groups of people do the same, england was just the most successful country, so their stuff spread better
OwyheeMud: the urban legend is that the word "hello" was created after and to serve the invention of the telephone
okiol: i saw that on qi, so it must be true
OwyheeMud: do you suppose that Chinese Imperialism of the 21st Century will have the same consequence?
okiol: if that happens, yes
okiol: i'm almost looking forward to it, it would be nice to not be the bad guy all the time
womack: admins forbid even any reference to censorship bias here in the EGR, calling truth as "trolling"
lfalfa: before 1883 it was hallo, itself an alteration of holla, hollo, a shout to attract attention, which seems to go back to at least c. 1400
okiol: in my opinion they're too nice to trolls like you obviously are, womack... one comment is enough
alfalfa: but it is true that the spelling and pronunciation "hello" go back to the history of the telephone, where it won out over Alexander Graham Bell's choice "ahoy" as the standard way to answer the phone
RoundTuit: somehow.... "ahoy" seems inappropriate
womack: Guilty parties strongly favor censorship, speaking of nameless "okiol".
[END EGR Transcript.] --30--

Since the notorious liar & admin "Javaness" was there from the beginning, why did it take 15' to ban me? Possible explanations:
A) It wanted to be as rude as possible, waiting for me to begin a game,
B) It had to call WMS for clearance or
C) ?
> > asdk: without left your employer will pay you 3 cents a week, or even going to work for free o...

Hal Womack 3-dan

May 31, 2015, 9:01:30 PM5/31/15
ECR: [~17:39 hrs PDT]
nolajedi: You can have those things in a constitutional republic.
nolajedi: The have nots are free to do aas they please like I am. You are guaranteed the pursuit of hapiness, not hapiness itself. your life iss yours to live.
USSRMan: lol tell that to the homeless living in the streets
USSRMan: "get a job" "go pursue happiness"
USSRMan: completely ignores reality
asdk: from hand to hand it is barter but not communism. Communism production and consumerism dispensation so that no one need anything extra
nolajedi: And there are plenty of ways to intitute social programs in a republic without removing my liberty.
nolajedi: What if i want extra?
USSRMan: from capitalism to soclalism
USSRMan: communism is the final goal of socialism
asdk: All businesses are interconnected and operate as planned needs of the population
SamSpade: social liberalism
nolajedi: Communism inevitably leads to tyranny. It is a very flawed and dangerous system. I'd die before i live under that.
womack: "Of schools of thought, let fools contest. Whatever's best administered is best."
nolajedi: Well I'm going to get dinner. You boys have fun
asdk: yes u right USSRMan capitalism - socialism and than communism
womack: "communism" = a tendentious semantic confusion. The older "commonwealth" or in Romance "comuna" far superior concepts.
asdk: mankind still has a chance, as long as there socialist states
asdk: If the victory of capitalism over, we again find ourselves in the 19th century
womack: For historical reasons, however, the "Communist Parties" of China and of Vietnam achieved great successes, despite the nomenclature.
asdk: and if win ISIS, that's find ourselves in the middle ages)
asdk: capitlaism its next step after ISIS)
womack: "socialism" = a similar theoretical error, again with some historically redeeming features.
SamSpade: i also need a break from this conversation
SamSpade: can't stop myself from reading it
womack: SS needs to ask teacher for a chit
SamSpade: china and vietnam isn't communistic
asdk: Socialism is much better than capitalism. Believe me, I lived under socialism)
SamSpade: there have never been communism anywhere
RoundTuit: Censor might work well here
womack: MUFF = Mutant Fanatic Farce aka WasWas, a paper bag blown up as a prop by joospookx
USSRMan: the political system of USA is completely broken
womack: yes, USSSR
USSRMan: only rich people are able to afford education and health care
USSRMan: 50 million people (size of korea) are on food stamps
USSRMan: many people are homeless nor a paycheck away from homeless
USSRMan: communism is the solution
womack: 2 million in prison, many run for profit
womack: commuinism a delusion
womack: justice & revolution = solution
asdk: Communism is like a bird fortune, striving for the ideal which is impossible)
womack: C-ism = a mistake in thinking
asdk: at least the next 1000 years
asdk: what a mistake that people want to have the elite of the mind, not the wallet)
USSRMan: US justice system of public defender is completely biased against the poor
RoundTuit: although..... maybe I should just go make popcorn and settle down for some amusement
USSRMan: many innocent people pleade guilty so they dont have to suffer from the financial burden of court warfare
womack: USGov has prison system & repression system
USSRMan: and prisons are privitized, so the system is incentivized to imprison as many people as possible
womack: + plenty assassins
Avunculus: The trolls here are well fed today.
USSRMan: 1 in 3 african american adults will visit prison sometime in their life
asdk: hat's like Hollywood star in my opinion deserve only disgrace, under capitalism its elite)
RoundTuit: feeding off each other, Avun
womack: nameless guest hunts heretics?
USSRMan: i just speak facts
USSRMan: im inspired by comrade vladimir lenin to change the world
womack: RoTu w guilty conscience, hence seeks censor?
USSRMan: like how he changed history in 1917
RoundTuit: no guests are nameless on KGS
womack: Like Genrikh Jagoda changeed Ukraine in 1932?
asdk: it is not necessary to compare the Soviet Union in 30 years with the ideal
womack: most speakers here nameless, in fact
USSRMan: to change the world, you have to first understand its problems
USSRMan: i think someting bill gate said
womack: to fix dinner, first go to store
womack: everyone changes the world merely by breathing
asdk: the Bolsheviks have done a lot of mistakes, but the idea of a great and quite a lived from 1945 to 1991
USSRMan: capitalism discrminates against the have nots, socialism helps them
USSRMan: if you already have plenty, then capitalism is great
womack: JewBolsheviki slaughtered Russki & Ukrainian by tens of millions
asdk: you do not kill yourself because of your ancestors killed almost all Indians. ie by your logic, democracy is worse than communism
womack: Hitler also fatally mistook Ukrainian for Apache
USSRMan: capitalism killed millions in iraq
RoundTuit: Godwin!
asdk: because of your western democracy more victims
womack: actually Jews murdered millions via control of USGov
womack: USA under despotism of Jew secret police since Sept 1935
womack: Basic American Yidocracy = BAY
RoundTuit: state it often enough, and someone might begin to believe it
womack: Dat do happen alla time
womack: e.g. NYT & 9/11 Stunt
RoundTuit: yup....... doesn't make it true, though
womack: some particuklar truth interests RoTo?
stumped: communism would be great if we have unlimited resources
RoundTuit: if we had some ham, we could have ham and eggs, if we had eggs
womack: )
asdk: I think the other way around with unlimited resources, capitalism will flourish.
womack: eggs & ham?
asdk: Communism is a self-contained system of reproduction, which does not need colonies
USSRMan: capitalism has kept africa and middle east opressed for over 200 years
USSRMan: if capitalism was so great, why is there so much poverty there
RoundTuit: if communism was so great, why......
asdk: Communism is like Earth's biosphere. in the nature of the trees do not pay money for the land)
womack: somebody here arguing for "capitalism"? already 25 yrs ago I announced "crapitalism and crumbunism"
asdk: they simple grow
asdk: and the trees are not trying to grow up to the moon, because they want)
asdk: it is for example about what you need 4 houses and 15 cars)
womack: asdk confused by name of "redwood"?
asdk: I have nothing to confuse
womack: Some of us here agree that most plutocrats in USA part of murderously corrupt Kabal, belong in prison
asdk: for example the rain comes, grow mushrooms, mushroom eating animals after the death of the animal gives fertilizer, fertilizer grows a tree, the tree releases oxygen. and where these processes are used the money?
asdk: Communism's the same thing,   adjust all processes without money. so there was no reason for the wars and other colonialist)
womack: asdk sober?
asdk: i dont drank
womack: Cheka makes adjustments with Thompsons, a capitalist product.
asdk: Well, I think the faster growing Internet and global intellectual network, the greater the chance of winning the mind. although it can be to build a society of big brother) is the US building)
womack: Can asdk get Putin to resurrect the Usenet, which Jewry strangled to death out of fear of free discussion?
asdk:  I know about Fidonet
womack: arf, arf?
asdk: plz use)
womack: After KinkHenKi and the late Aerial Shaboom pulled 9/11 Stunt, then they effectively killed the Usenet
womack: By dumping tons of garbage on the newsgroups
asdk: I started to use the Internet constantly only in 2003. I missed usenet
womack: , = noted
womack: actually ( . )
asdk: you can use a tor. it is better usenet
womack: Does the great Solzhenitsyn have any living successors in Russia today?
asdk: By the way Solzhenitsyn in Ukraine was the position similar to Putin
womack: "tor" new 2 me. hard to believe it improves on the old Usenet as a discussion forum
womack: Womack in Ukraine also similar to Putin, except maybe stronger
asdk: to understand where did the Ukrainians, it is necessary to study the history of Austro-Hungary, Poland and Russia
womack: [Tor, a fictional character in the book The Hero and the Crown] ?
womack: To make sausage, one needs pig
asdk: TOR is The Onion Router
womack: Ciao all @ 17:57 hrs PDT
asdk: ciao
womack: ah, thx 2 asdk

> > > > > > RoadHobo: some people never get out of childhood. it lingers for them as a living presence until you just want to scream at them, "shut up already! You are a grown man! Let the past die....

Hal Womack 3-dan

Jun 14, 2015, 1:26:10 PM6/14/15
The following transcript shows yet again that William M. Shubert, the owner of KGS, permits there all sorts of talk within the cultural spectrum roughly defined by the bookends of Rupert Murdoch and the Sulzbergerz, including insulting our whole human race as "a plague". Watch what happens, however, when I finally post the following single sentence:

{womack: with 7BAC ["BillionAnd Counting"] pop, Earth needs proper govt, rather than regime of murderers [09:50 hrs PDT]}.
Immediately the nameless admin boots me:
[The connection to the server has been closed unexpectedly. You must log in again.]
[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "please keep your opinions out of the EGR. ".]

We can use Mr. Shubert and his flock of nameless minions to remind us that JAPE [JewAmerican Planetary Empire] has an entirely homicidal culture. Hence my reference hostile to murderers as high officials results in WMS taking immediate action to expell me from his domain.

Lerts, of course, will reflect on Netanyahu's boastful slaughter last Summer of thousands of helpless prisoners, including
>500 children. I tagged this atrocity as GM'14 and the perpsteinz marketed it as "Operation Protective Edge". The U.S. Senate unanimously (!) cheered the kosher butchers and tucked extra hundreds of million$ into Bibi's G-string as he pissed into the gulping mouths of the Lesser Knesset of D.C. formerly known as "Congress".

So WMS action against me just now entirely synchronized with the dominant reflexes of JAPE culture, from the looting of trillion$ to the cops in cities all over the USA gunning down unarmed victims (disproportionately colored men, including Latinos) in the streets to the Federal military & its puppets murdering millions overseas.

For how long will the various professional masters and other on-line players continue tacitly to endorse the bloody criminal character of the WMS enterprise? Do those who speak under the permission of KGS admins thereby reveal themselves as so many mindless sheep, baa-ing under the supervision of Yidz & jootools who are absolutely dedicated to the mass murder of children?

Transcript follows:
Nyanjilla: ...probly because they treated human beings as computer critters, with no thoughts of their own
Marathon: if my memory is correct, they predicted a global eclocologicl crisis about the middle of the 21st century
Nyanjilla: yup
Marathon: ecological
Marathon: the ran computer models that predicted a crisis, assumed technology would prevent that, ran the models again with the adjustment, and got a different crisis
Marathon: i see i'm not typing well today
Marathon: i guess nyan can tell you more about it
Nyanjilla: can't remember too much about the details
Nyanjilla: just that impending sense of doom
OwyheeMud: it's been in the media for decades, check wiki ... likely something there
darkronin: Wow, a 70's book
darkronin: I'm in a library right now I could check it out as we speak
Nyanjilla: hehehe
darkronin: The more you know ^^
OwyheeMud: Club of Rome has been a lightening rod for political controversy for many years.
OwyheeMud: fear of clandestine World Government movements heat up the reactionary groups pretty effectively
OwyheeMud: Do you meet new Go players from time to time? Remember me and mention my name, thanks.
JamieAndGo: here's the problem - people talk to much instead of actions
JamieAndGo: hence you are part of the problem
JamieAndGo: bet you the computer wasn't able to compute that
Marathon: the library in my town has a copy of the '30 year update', but not the origional 1972 book
FatherJack: The nice thing about ecological disasters is that they are always 30 years in the future
FatherJack: Over-population blah blah blah
FatherJack: This goes all the way back to Malthus
mrjoshua: resign after counting is lame
Nyanjilla: The KGS+ lecture by Yilun Yang, 7p, is starting, at the top of the Active Games tab. Non-KGS+ members can watch for a few minutes at the start.
mrjoshua: just hit end... yanno?
OwyheeMud: :) Take a look at very recent events in the Peoples' Republic of China
JamieAndGo: resign ends too?
FatherJack: It's really an anti-human argument
OwyheeMud: better chance to solve a human caused problem than one caused by Space Invaders
stumped: I thought its a "I have never seem it with my own eyes; it doesnt exist " argument
dayharri: grab his wrist and say, "no you can't resign after wasting half hour of my life."
darkronin: Guys, are we not going to speak about lander Philae waking up and contacting earth from comet 67P?
FatherJack: A book based computer-simulated projections of the future from 1972 does not much to worry about
FatherJack: based on
Nyanjilla: it was intended to start people thinking about possibilities
FatherJack: Such as?
Nyanjilla: read it and see
FatherJack: I have been force-fed such prophecies of doom all my life. My dad ...
FatherJack: ... is a sort of Green fascist.
Nyanjilla: good for him
McMaster: Just don't worry about those, if it comes it comes
FatherJack: He's read a lot of books sure. He just lacks human empathy.
FatherJack: Fascism is good, is it, in your view Nyanjilla?
alfalfa: eat, drink, and be merry. for tomorrow we may die.
Nyanjilla: that was the problem with the original computer models..... they assumed that each person would keep on doing whatever they'd been doing
FatherJack: I thought much better of you
Nyanjilla: no, FJ....
Nyanjilla: it's the "Green" bit
FatherJack: My dad is old and ailing now
Nyanjilla: if he's verging on fascism about it.... well, that's problematic
FatherJack: Anyway I have taken the most excellent decision not to breed so he can't complain that I am not doing my bit
Nyanjilla: well done
FatherJack: The old Malthusian is getting no grand-children
FatherJack: Which should please him
Marathon: are you his only child?
FatherJack: No but my one brother's wife is similarly child-free-minded
darkronin: Borges didn't have children
FatherJack: World human population will peak:-
FatherJack: We won't reach 11 billion
FatherJack: Nothing to worry about. Nothing we can do anyway as nearly all women are having the number of babies they want which is as it should be.

Welcome to KGS!

Main rooms policy:

No public accusations! Talk to an admin in private if you witness a problem on KGS.
Escaper policy:

Problem with automated mail sent by KGS to AT&T owned email domains:

★ Android client: please see [for Android phones only, no iphone, no windows mobile...] android app is now available on the web.

Next KGS+ English Events:
6/18/15 1:00 PM -- Teaching game with Cornel in the "KGS Plus Club" room
6/20/15 12:00 PM -- An audio lecture by Guo Juan 5p

Marathon: didn't 'the limits to growth' predict that the earth could support 10 billion?
stumped: I dont think you know what is the definition of overpopulation
FatherJack: I think I do
FatherJack: But what is your definition?
stumped: huh, you think ~ 1 billion humans not having enough food is not overpopulation ?
arndt: the first question that comes to mind is: is the proportion of starving people sinking, the same, or rising?
dromadaire: the thing is we have enough food but we don't share it
Nyanjilla: there's also food wastage and inefficient distribution
AmyTS: and famine.
FatherJack: Shrinking, arndt
dromadaire: and rich people eat more than they should
FatherJack: The world's absolute poor are declining in number
FatherJack: The world can feed 10 billion
Chris: We could easily produce 10x the amount of food as now while returning much fertile land to nature.
FatherJack: They can't all have cars, fridges or eat a lot of Big Macs but they can eat
magpie: "Easily?" Really?
FatherJack: I was very pleased to see MacDonalds has pulled out of Bolivia. No demand it seems.
panzee: what kind of pie is macpie?
Chris: easily as in its a conservative estimate, not as in, not without difficulty.
stumped: right ...
panzee: FatherJack is a relative of FlipJack?
flip: ..
panzee: oh! there you are :-)
Chris: Multilevel indoor farming can produce massive amounts of crops without pesticide, little fertilizer, all year round. Just a lot more expensive compared to cheap cropland today.
flip: The worpd could, perhaps, feed 10 billion, but the quality of life and quality of food for most of those billions would not be great.
panzee: I am totally with you, Chris.
Chris: But we are nowhere near being simply physically unable to produce enough food.
stumped: apparently google has no images of multilevel indoor farms
Nyanjilla: maybe use "hydroponics" or "permaculture"?
panzee: is it no where, or now here?
flip: looked at objectively hunmanity is a plague on the planet. We're destroying the environment for ourselves and killing off much of the biosphere on which we depend.
Chris: I found something easily, first result:
Chris: There's a huge former computer datacenter in singapore or somewhere like that that is growing massive amounts of lettuce, all automated with robotics.
stumped: I found the farm
Chris: the only reason it is not more widespread is that it is still much cheaper to grow stuff on empty land.
womack: with 7BAC ["BillionAnd Counting"] pop, Earth needs proper govt, rather than regime of murderers [09:50 hrs PDT]
[The connection to the server has been closed unexpectedly. You must log in again.]
[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "please keep your opinions out of the EGR. ".]

> > > > > > > RoadHobo: I think it's high time the governments of ou...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Jun 16, 2015, 10:04:42 AM6/16/15
The owners of PandaNet (whoever they may be) have apparently now conspired with William Shubert of KGS to join in blocking my play. Whereas previously when KGS banned me on numerous occasions, I would simply switch over to PandaNet, yesterday [Monday, 15 June] when I did so, then for the first time PandaNet disconnected me in three successive games and awarded all three to my opponents by forfeit. I have yet to receive any reply from my reports to PandaNet of this malfunction.

Netanyahu, bidding for the title of 4th King of the Jews after KinkHenKi, brazenly murders children by the hundreds while calling for more wars against Lebanon, Syria and Iran. The U.S. Congress slavishly cheers and funds this boss JeWar criminal. William Shubert aka "WMS" & his KGS and now PandaNet in Occupied Japan join with other JAPE [JewAmerican Planetary Empire] institutions in suppressing lil' ol' me exactly because I call for punishing the murderers of children, whatever high offices they may hold.

What was the Nihon Ki-in talking about on New Year's Day [Christian style] of 1938, does the reader suppose?
An historical footnote from WIKI: [The Nanking Massacre or Nanjing Massacre, also known as the Rape of Nanking or Rape of Nanjing, was an episode during the Second Sino-Japanese War of mass murder and mass rape by Japanese troops against the residents of Nanjing (then spelled Nanking), then capital of the Republic of China. The massacre occurred over six weeks starting December 13, 1937, the day that the Japanese captured Nanjing. During this period, soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army murdered an estimated 40,000 to over 300,000 Chinese civilians and disarmed combatants,[7][8] and perpetrated widespread rape and looting.[9][10] Several key perpetrators were tried and found guilty at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and the Nanjing War Crimes Tribunal, and were executed. A key perpetrator, Prince Asaka of the Imperial Family, escaped prosecution by having earlier been granted immunity by the Allies.]

> > > > > > LongLost: I could pull off a surreptitious recording -- but I very much doubt it will merit the meg...


Jun 17, 2015, 10:44:23 AM6/17/15
keep reporting for abuse, people!

Hal Womack 3-dan

Jul 3, 2015, 3:26:16 PM7/3/15
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

asdk: JAPE!!!1
asdk: World Zionists, Womack is coming to you
womack: July 8th will be the first anniversary of GM'14, in which World Jewry massacred 547 children & thousands of their kith & kin, helpless prisoners all.
[The connection to the server has been closed unexpectedly. You must log in again.]
12:21 hrs.
[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "flooding hate speech, even in the EGR".] (?)

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 9:23:49 PM UTC-7, Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:
> William M. Shubert's minions alias KGS "admins" continue their shameless censorship of the fake community chat rooms. The most recent example:
> -------------------------
> Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
> BigDoug [admin] : I thought the dealth penalty in Russia only applies to people who get shot by Putin's security forces
> asdk: Russia does not have the death penalty. do not try to think, badly turns
> BigDoug: it's interesting how often who disagree with Putin end up dying of gunshots or poison
> BigDoug: *whoever
> asdk: never
> BigDoug: men get stabbed by umbrellas in London
> BigDoug: reporters get shot
> BigDoug: opposition leaders get shot within sight of the Kremlin
> BigDoug: it's amazing how often that happens
> asdk: to learn more about how much Wall Street bankers casually jumped off the window when there were crises. and by chance they were corruption in higher echelons of power in the US
> asdk: and the death of Nemtsov thank US Ambassador in Moscow, the godfather of the color revolutions in the CIS - John Tefft
> womack: Best estimate: JAPE [JewAmerican Planetary Empire] has murdered 12,000,000 in M.E. alone since 1990 [21:08 hrs PDT]
> asdk: Oh, those jape
> womack: + routine cop murders of unarmed vix throughout US & hits on journalists such as Gary Webb & Michael Hastings
> womack: Ciao all @ 21:12 hrs PDT
> [The connection to the server has been closed unexpectedly. You must log in again.]
> [Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "inappropriate behaviour".]
> ..............................
> alex <> = another hired hazbarat cheering for the Jews' ma...


Jul 6, 2015, 12:54:32 PM7/6/15
On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 4:44:23 PM UTC+2, alex wrote:
> keep reporting for abuse, people!

What is striking is that Womack sticks to a single thread.

I wonder if he might be using software to post "updates", rather than (manually) post new topics.

Hal Womack 3-dan

Jul 14, 2015, 7:02:05 PM7/14/15

Genghis: what a stupid infomercial
womack: DICTATA [D.C. -- Tel Aviv Terrorist Axis] aka KGS admins heavily censor discussion here. So, besides rgg, where free venue for honest talk re world crisis? [11:01 hrs]
McMaster: many info links are actually very poor in content, some even turn out to be marketing sites
asdk: fate oligarchs
asdk: in socialism)
womack: 14" commercial
asdk: what?
Genghis: Amy are you ready to defend AGW?
Genghis: Well this room just went dead
asdk: Genghis, I found you a free yacht
Genghis: It is perfect asdk except that it is in cold water. I would freeze my little touche off
AmyTS: its a busy day at work
Genghis: So that is your idea of a Russian communist yacht
Genghis: Tomorrow then Amy : )
asdk: ofcoz
asdk:  to each according to his need
Genghis: does that work very well? I need a lot
asdk: communism is fair
Genghis: who decides what I need?
asdk: u
Genghis: Hmm, I need a 50 meter yacht and you offer a paper boat
asdk: This is the 50 meter yacht that you asked
asdk: big as your ego
Genghis: I want one like this : )
asdk: comunist dont know "i want"
asdk: only "i must do"
Genghis: How sad asdk
asdk: what's wrong when you say "I want" you are alone in the crowd such as that just want. when you say "I do." the whole world is doing something for you alone.
asdk: this yacht you do not need
Genghis: None of what you said makes any sense at all asdk
asdk: Of course, in this capitalist world
Genghis: You said the capitalistic world is dead asdk
asdk: with brainwashed consumers with big ego
Nyanjilla: The teaching game + review (in French) by Motoki is about to begin. La partie pédagogique avec Motoki va commencer dans la salle « Le Club KGS Plus ». Abonnés, rendez-vous dans cette salle !
asdk: almost dead
asdk: i say almost
Genghis: so an almost dead capitalistic world makes you say nonsensical things?
asdk: You can not name a single good reason why you need this yacht. u just want as small child
asdk: if you get this yacht, you will want 150 meter yacht. I guarantee it)
Genghis: I told you, so that I can avoid hurricanes, and it would make everyone around me happy too : )
Genghis: No, 50 meters is good enough. I would be satisfied. I may want better fuel economy, but that is just me
asdk: Why do you walk into a hurricane in the ocean?
Genghis: I could also make $200k a week renting it to Russian Communists
Genghis: I want to get away from hurricanes so I need speed
asdk: you're not a fisherman you are not a merchant ship. it's just your entertainment
Genghis: I am a sailor : )
Genghis: Those others are capitalist pigs
asdk: u family should thank God that you do not consider yourself an astronaut
Genghis: Why is that?
asdk: while ego only 50m yacht
Genghis: So in your world, only capitalist pigs need 50 meter yachts?
asdk: in the socialist world 50 meter yacht for fun for one person is not necessary.

womack: JULY 14, 2015 The Impending Ecosystem Collapse by ROBERT HUNZIKER

Genghis: So the ecosystem collapsed?
asdk: It is meaningless and wasteful
womack: Tune in tomorrow?
Genghis: I can't I will be busy playing go
AmyTS: i hope the ecosystem doesn't collapse before tomorrow.
[35" ad]
darkronin: celebrating the Revolution, everyone?
asdk: this yacht is quite socialist

womack: "socialism" = mainly a delusion. Needed = the wise queen to rule over the global commonwealth & heal Mother Earth.

Genghis: my boat is much nicer than the Bene slow you referred to asdk
Genghis: But it did have a nice crew
Khaleesi: boat boat
asdk: Once the capitalists built the Titanic
asdk: too much big ego
womack: Too big to sail
Genghis: capitalists build all the boats
womack: Germans build submarines to donate to the Israeli nuclear missile fleet.
Genghis: Should Iran be worried womack
tomicus: LOL
asdk: the difference between christianity and socialism/communism is that christianity offers just believe, and the leftist do not offer to believe, they do. so almost the same thing)

womack: Iran & the rest of our Planet. BTW This Day Seven of the first anniversary of the Seven Week Slaughter.

asdk: Genghis. buy yourself a very big elephant
womack: asdk just named 3 delusions
asdk: and set him on u 50 meter yacht
womack: Noah!
Genghis: Is Elephant meat good?
womack: "Genghis" too old & tough?
Genghis: That is what I was wondering
Genghis: Asdk did you lose any sleep last night worrying about me invading Russia?
womack: So, cut off your foot & boil it?
Genghis: Seems like diminishing returns womack
womack: See above re hunziker?
McMaster: According to Africans, elephant meat is similar to moose/elk meat
McMaster: which many N Americans hunt and like
tomicus: it all tastes like chicken
womack: Time to drop a tamale in the cluck noodle soup?
Genghis: Elk tastes just like beef
womack: Ciao all @ 12:26 hrs PDT aka lunch time.
Genghis: Lamb is the best, next to fish
alfalfa: chimichanga in the chicken


Hal Womack 3-dan

Jul 14, 2015, 10:04:36 PM7/14/15
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

AmyTS: neat!
AmyTS: (its about the new particle discovery)
McMaster: thanks, can i put it in my ice cream?
SamSpade: the pentaquark
AmyTS: The Pentaquark sounds like a doomsday device.
dayharri: can i see it? can i see it now, McM? (whining)
McMaster: No, you cannot see my ice cream.
dayharri: the pentaquark, not your neapolitan....
Genghis: What flavor of Pentaquark is it?
McMaster: You can never see the Pentaquark with your eyes, you can just feel it like Tao.
McMaster: no flavor or all flavor
Genghis: flavorless? Does it spin?
dayharri: to levitate your go-ishi in the air is hard, plus keep it spinning too.
dayharri: womack could may had it.
womack: stoned again?
alfalfa: it's great to be back.
AmyTS: who's back?
alfalfa: i had to dine out with friends
tomicus: *fires tourpedos at klingons*
alfalfa: but now i am in the ecr once more
AmyTS: evasive maneuvers!
AmyTS: reverse the polarity!
alfalfa: pulsars at the ready, mr. sulu
tomicus: LOL
AmyTS: oh myyy
dayharri: look what you've done, McMasQuark.
AmyTS: what have we done?
tomicus: *tryying to stop laughing*
tomicus: and avoiding fi fi. that can't end well
Sheriffi: ?
AmyTS: shun the fi fi
womack: Anybody else here know the polynomial "jan bywalec" 1k?
Marathon: shun the frumious bandersnatch
alfalfa: he is known by many names
womack: BTW for latest footage of cop murders see
Sheriffi: !! virus site
Marathon: i thought you meant cops who were murdered.
womack: go w the odds
alfalfa: they did one here, in madison wisconsin, an unarmed (black) teenager, white cop, no charges... but no riots either, only peaceful protests
alfalfa: just seems sad to let the killer go free
alfalfa: but we are well-behaved in madison
cjalden: I'm trusting alfalfa is making a generous donation to the presidential campaign of his state's favorite son
alfalfa: ever since "the bombing of army math"
alfalfa: scott walker doesn't need my money, i would pay to defeat him
cjalden: This would be one way to get him out of the state
alfalfa: yeah, then he can destroy the country
alfalfa: what a maroon
womack: 2 cop murders of unarmed Latinos here in SF in last 2 yrs. City still paying the killers to carry guns
alfalfa: so sad
alfalfa: i want to cry... i think it's the two imperial IPAs
cjalden: Here in North Meepylina, we fought a war against the Union, so Walker would fit right in
Marathon: be less confusing to say 'murders by cops'
womack: BTW "well-behave" means prosecuting murder
alfalfa: we do what we can
womack: Mthon welcome to carry on its own PR campaign
Marathon: well, 'cop murder' is ambigious. could mean 'murder by cop' or 'murder of a cop'
cjalden: In my town a Latino boy died from gunshot while handcuffed in the back seat of a police car. Verdict: suicide
alfalfa: this happens all the time, the press talks of the "so-and-so murder trial"
alfalfa: and you can't really tell whether the so-and-so was murdered, or is being tried
Marathon: yeah
alfalfa: unless you already know
dayharri: yeah -_-'
womack: which town for the honorable cjalden?
cjalden: Durham. Prounounced Derm
womack: BTW for most US coroners to be reincarnated as cockroaches would be a promotion.
alfalfa: the victim stabbed himself fifty-two times, in the back
cjalden: There was an Alabama case once where the sheriff tried to demonstrate how someone shot himself in the back with a shotgun
cjalden: Difficult contortions
alfalfa: it evokes images of "the dukes of hazzard"
alfalfa: slapstick
alfalfa: and how amusing was that rebel flag?
alfalfa: that's tobacco country
cjalden: 'cuff 'em and stuff 'em' by the loveable cops
alfalfa: my dad was born and raised up above raleigh... more rural than mayberry... hillbillies...
Sheriffi: ew, hillbillies
alfalfa: they made corn liquor
alfalfa: as their families had always done
alfalfa: evaded the "revenooers"
alfalfa: i think the closest town was "marshall"
alfalfa: probably has a wal-mart on it now
stumped: corn liquor ... horrible stuff
alfalfa: white lightning
alfalfa: it's like vodka, sort of.
cjalden: That's out in the mountains, more like above Asheville
alfalfa: yes, sorry, that's what i meant
alfalfa: not raliegh
alfalfa: i misspoke...
womack: ciao all @ 18:55 hrs PDT.

> tomicus: it all tastes like ...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Jul 20, 2015, 9:42:03 PM7/20/15
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
Remember Geroge Orwell's old "boot stomping on a human face -- forever"?
For my editorial comment on the sole of the latest boot, please look down below at Bonkerz, meanwhile....

ECR @ [14:26 hrs]:

Genghis: Tell me hello in Navajo
cekalo: hellajo
alfalfa: wota hey
asdk: eng grammar nazi here
Genghis: Hmm alfalfa kind of knows : ) I am impressed
alfalfa: ty
Genghis: I lived on the Res for a number of years
cekalo: alfalfa knows everything he is like google
asdk: 37 mln adulters^^
alfalfa: i grew up in new mexico
asdk: u like rabbits)
Genghis: ahh, I have lived in Gallup and Taos too
cekalo: you have seen some shit havent you alf?
alfalfa: well, kind of... just by being around... never been shot at
asdk: i have a dream
asdk: see the flag on the moon
asdk: with starlets and stripes
Genghis: Do you have a telescope asdk?
asdk: which is already there 40 years
asdk: but nobody sees
cekalo: there shouldnt be any flag the moon dosent belongs to anyone
Genghis: too small really, but you can see the site
cekalo: it belongs to the universe
Marathon: cardinal george pell, cardinal-prefect of the secretariat for the economy, former archbishop of sydney, australia, disagrees with pope francis on climate change
asdk: oh not again global warming
asdk: from my SIberia global warming is good
asdk: dudes all okay
asdk: for
darkronin: Now actually flag should have become white because of sunlight
darkronin: Sorry asdk
Genghis: Climate change is a religion
asdk: i want to see
asdk: any flag
asdk: but there not any flags
asdk: not white, not red
Genghis: Can you see the space station?
darkronin: I can! :D
darkronin: Sometimes
Genghis: I can too dark : )
asdk: of course
asdk: iss is nice
Genghis: So if you look through a telescope and see the lunar landing site, you will believe asdk?
asdk: What's site? let the image from the telescope
asdk: official image confirmed by all countries
asdk: where flag?
Marathon: a webservice that helps users comit adultery has been hacked
asdk: i say it already
asdk: american rabbits love fun)
Genghis: are you in it Marathon?
asdk: Marathon is global warmer dude
asdk: im anti global
asdk: global warming is very good
cekalo: you know what the problem of the world is?
cekalo: too many humans
Marathon: not me, genghis
asdk: I'm going to grow in my taiga oranges and grapes
Genghis: I wish I was, but my wife says no
Marathon: are you a member of vhemt, cekalo?
asdk: too many peoples also globalists myth
Marathon: didn't know you were married, genghis
cekalo: what is vhemt
Genghis: many wives Marathon
cekalo: i am a member of nothing
cekalo: i am a member of my own balls
asdk: they are on the site adulterers sets itself as the star of the downed aircraft
cekalo: thats how it works
Genghis: we kind of figured cekalo
asdk: king of adulters
asdk: 1000 stars
Genghis: are the adulterers listed?
asdk: u member of vhemt?
Marathon: people who use the site must be worried the hackers will make the users' names public
cekalo: half of humantiy has to go
cekalo: the world would be a better place
cekalo: im serious
asdk: do not listen to the myths of the globalists. the earth is able to feed 20 billion people without problems
asdk: only need to reduce the consumption
cekalo: 20 billion is a big ass number dude
asdk: and in a socialist approach to the economy and 30 billion)
cekalo: the problem could easily solved if women would learn to swallow
cekalo: sorry for the sexist joke
asdk: golden billion theory, global warming is fiction capitalists of the Tripartite Commission
Euphony: *punches cekalo*
Euphony: sorry for the punch
cekalo: :P
Euphony: Does it make it ok that I punched you in the face since I said sorry right after?
asdk: real rulers of west)
cekalo: im sorry
Euphony: how about never doing it again?
asdk: globalists, capitalists, murders, thiefts and other good people
cekalo: okay i will try
asdk: will be alfa
asdk: its time for foreign press
asdk: read how all bad and Putin to blame for everything
womack: Our racial priorities: Justice, peace, freedom and the commonwealth.
womack: Hang the Senate, Netanyahu, Saban & kabal; then constitute the democracy of Earth.
asdk: Womack Israel exists only as long as there is the United States.
asdk: as soon as the United States would not, Israel will disappear
asdk: if you are against Israel, then you are against the United States
womack: If you are for our human race, then you oppose the international Yidocracy.
asdk: I share the ordinary jews and politicians
asdk: u hate all
womack: asdk Lies through his rectum I love all people, even the worst. I do hate the crime of murder.
asdk: Then why are you looking for the reason of problems in Israel? the reason in the US
womack: World Jewry = the core of the malignancy and is based both in the US & in Israel, as well as other countries.
asdk: Israel without the US will disappear if they certainly will not Communists and do not ask for another union
womack: asdk's English gets shaky when he's excited?
asdk: I do not care about Israel
asdk: im care about Ukraine
First: yo beach
womack: Only bagels?
First: fuck amyts
Sheriffi: lulz
asdk: because in Israel and Palestine I do not understand anything. there all to blame in the conflict
womack: JAPE*s [JewAmerican Planetary Empire] global aggression strikes many targets, including Ukraine, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan, Colombia etc
asdk: and who first began is not clear
womack: asdk needs to learn a bit of history
First: amyts has a cock
First: filthy shemale
cekalo: you saw it?
First: before or after he tried to rape me?
womack: Tasted it?
womack: So "meepy" around 2d
First: what does it mean when you poop blood?
womack: 1st pic of herself?
First: ]
asdk: cekalo u will be rich
asdk: Asteroid cost up to 5.4 trillion dollars will approach Earth at a distance of 2.4 million kilometers - only six times farther than the distance from the planet to the moon.
cekalo: if it falls in my yard
First: what does it mean when you poop blood?
womack: 1st pic of herself?
Genghis: Is it bright red blood?
First: I'm asking for a friend of mine
cekalo: its bad i guess
First: I guess
cekalo: go to a doctor
Genghis: If it is bright red blood no big deal, if it is dark it means internal bleeding
Genghis: If it is dark it could be anything from and ulcer to a laceration to cancer
First: ok
First: I better stay home then
First: doctor will do no good
womack: Who was that pro quarterback who died last week from colon cancer?
First: what does bright red blood mean anyway?
Genghis: it means where your shpinter opens has a crack like chapped lips
First: ah
First: nice
First: I mean
First: sort of
Genghis: Bright red blood is no big deal
womack: Ans = Ken Stabler.
Genghis: the raiders ? How sad
First: hm
First: but thin blood
First: means alcohol right?
womack: Yes, makes one wonder about the details of his story
Genghis: alchohol makes the blood thick
cekalo: asdk can you make me rich if i give you 1million dollar?
First: hm alright
asdk: 1 mln dollar in gold
First: I will check again next time
asdk: $ not need
First: uh I mean
First: my friend
womack: Must refrain from calling "fool" against a 1k
First: what 1k?
womack: But 1st could
Then I left the ECR to play an even game. When I finished the match, the nameless KGS admins disconnected me, leaving the message below @ Alpha. The timing was curious, since usually they will boot me in the middle of a game; maybe on this occasion it simply took them that long to get around to the decision.

MOS or Moral Of the Story = Yidz & their jootools hate free speech precisely because they are so deep into mass murder. WMS & his minions utterly unable to defend their huge lurid atrocities against informed cross examination. The same goes for their wicked masters all the way up the line to old KinkHenKi, Netanyahu, Haim Saban, Sulzbergerz, Dianne Feinstein usw. By far JAPE*s [*= JewAmerican Planetary Empire] most important line of defense in global psywar = Minister of the Left old Noam Chomsky and his many Jewaccomplices such as Amy Goodman, Bernie Sanders, Norman Finkelstein, Jeff Blankfort usw.

On this point we note that "Jewish Voice for Peace" [Beta]
has recently dared to mount a successful attack to force the expulsion of Alison Weir
from the ~400 member organizational umbrella End the Occupation" or "ETO"

Lerts know Alison Weir as one of Earth's top opinion leaders. I doubt that any of the featured names on JVP or ETO can come up to Alison's knees, in terms of the quality of their work for Palestine. Since Alison's such a broad-minded, talented professional NAG [Normal, Alias "Gentile"] with backbone, the Jews felt compelled to move against her. Such heroic examples acutely endanger their cultish despotism.

JVP lists two of its ten campaigns as:
(a) "Stop Muzzling the Movement for Justice" and (b) "Young, Jewish, and Proud". As for the first one, we must ever bear firmly in mind that the murderers of children are necessarily utterly shameless critters and, also, often devious. My response to the second rates at least a separate paragraph.

Since the Yid clownz have brought up the subject, I am old, NAG (one of my many coinages BTW) and proud. I began my adult career in 1963 at the age of eighteen, becoming a highly effective disciple in Texas, Pennsylvania, NYC and New Orleans of the great world leader Ho Chi Minh and his successors. Such was my main focus for a dozen war time years until our final victory on April 30, 1975.

Since 1994 and until recently, I have been writing on Usenet newsgroups. The Google Groups Page now shows [Posts: 9876] mentioning my name, down from ~12K a few months ago; maybe some surreptitious culling going on there? Anyway, my own life has been pretty well written up & published. For more than two decades, then, I have spoken out on-line on virtually every major public world topic. After careful review, I will hold up my record against any other analyst whomsoever [Gamma].

I look forward to helping to promote a global movement which identifies itself as "young, NAG and proud". Should some thoughtful observer in the near future ask why a bright young person should be proud of being part of the 99.8% immensity of our human race, then our hypothetical lert will respond: "Exactly because our whole species has suffered for many decades under the despotism of a tiny minority of Jew fanatics and I am part of the cure for this deadly disease."

Looking back over the transcript, I notice "VHEMT" for the first time. It reminds me that a long time has passed since I last looked at NPG:

Since about 1970 I have proposed that, after first establishing justice, constituting the Democracy of Earth and defining freedom, then one principal aspect of our racial reorganization of the Kozmic Kommonwealth under SKIP [Social Kontract for Industrial Polyfrika] will be Mothers' Pay, i.e, a regular salary for raising at least their first two children up to school age.

The MP policy will help us to stabilize our Planetary pop. We will also, of course, virtually abolish all existing military, police and prison organizations, as well as radically reforming the global transportation system.

PAL = Peace And Love! IFOT [In the Fullness Of Time]. Meanwhile, Kill Or Be Killed as far as JAPE goes, alongside our master practice of free debate. After we've seen NATO gone, then "Friendly Competition" and "Live And Let Live".
Hang the Senate!
Abolish Capital Punishment --Even For
Netanyahu, Saban, Adelson and the Sulzbergerz?
AFTOC = "After a Fair Trial, Of Course".
[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "hate speech is not allowed here, even in the ECR".]
(16:05 hrs)
ETO lists 5 "staff members", two of whom are: Josh Ruebner, Policy Director and Anna Baltzer, National Organizer, author of:
_Witness in Palestine: A Jewish American Woman in the Occupied Territories_.
{"But he was an analyst, that was his strength, and now he was once again in the field, alone and at a disadvantage in almost everything he did."
--Referring to author Richard A. Clarke's mirrored "hero" character "Ray Bowman" in RAC's latest novel PINNACLE EVENT [2015, p. 59].}

> > Genghis: capitalists build...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Jul 10, 2014, 11:58:08 AM7/10/14
KGS ECR 20140710:
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
RoadHobo: I think it's high time the governments of our western nations take action against though who publicly defend terrorists
RoadHobo: those*
womack: RH = an example of a hired mouth for war criminals who wishes to incite violence against all who seek justice
RoadHobo: I think there is a terrorist sympathizer in this very room
XY0908: I want to hear something pleasant and warm and funny this morning.
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
XY0908: opinion*
RoadHobo: thank goodness our allies take such a strong stance against terrorism
womack: Tqweak my immense gravitas, will U, XY?
Warfreak2: opinions are like bumholes, everyone has one and nobody wants to see yours
XY0908: hehe
XY0908: I have lots of opinions on lot of things, and I think none of them are humble.
womack: "terrorism" = a scam word favored by mass murderers to distract popular attention from their body counts.
XY0908: humble opinion is an oxymoron.
XY0908: say something we don't know, womack.
womack: "humble" a sturdier concept than XY appears to realize

Hal Womack 3-dan

Jul 10, 2014, 3:30:06 PM7/10/14

Hal Womack 3-dan

Aug 3, 2014, 1:23:38 PM8/3/14
{Needs an edit]

Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
alobar: calling all ubuntu fundisis
IIIllIIll0: wassap
IIIllIIll0: are you on ubuntu
alobar: bar, i downloade ubuntu and tried to make a start up usb, but my pc will not talk to a usb port before the OS is running.
alobar: so i went to the files on my hardrive an dmessed about.
alobar: then it gave me an option to boot ubuntu or windows
alobar: it showed me a nice screen with a buck's head, and it went through an intallation process.
alobar: and it tols me about all the features
alobar: and i thought i had struck oil
Siller: 25C and I am passing out in the heat. Can't imagine Africa
alobar: then it restarted and now i get somthing like an old dos screen after it tells me the .tmp drive is not ready.
Siller: Did you get it to set up itself or did you mess about with an advanced installation?
Siller: Did it tell you to remove the flash drive?
alobar: it set itself up. i extracted wubi or something similar and then it seemed happy
alobar: it doe not boot from the flash drive
alobar: the usb kicks in too late on this pc. i also had to fit an old keyboard to be able to select a system.
alobar: but it ran itself through the installation and told me about libre and rhythmbox and so on.
alobar: now when i try to boot it cuts up rough
Sheriffi: lobes
alobar: on the flash drive it says "simply reboot with the cd in the tray.
alobar: sheriffi
alobar: any words of wisdom forthcoming?
Sheriffi: dunno
SamSpade: hello
SamSpade: what's up?
Siller: Ubuntu fun
alobar: cheers lads, logging off.
SamSpade: i really hated unity
Siller: Unity?
SamSpade: it's a user interface for ubuntu
Siller: The horrible icons down the side of 12.04?
SamSpade: the thing that replaced GNOME
cekalo: who cares
Siller: Get me a screen shot or something?
SamSpade: if you insist
SamSpade: hmm
SamSpade: that didn't work
SamSpade: you will have to look it up yourself
Siller: Yes, ugly icons down the left?
SamSpade: that's true
SamSpade: the rest of it annoyed me more
SamSpade: now i'm using linux mint
Siller: Is okay.
SamSpade: arch was a but too hard for me
SamSpade: so alobar is making the jump to linux?
Siller: Yes. So far it looks like Neo's jump after Morpheus does it.
cekalo: no more talk in this room
cekalo: go home
SamSpade: there is no turning back
Siller: Talk more xmm87 is bored
SamSpade: are you English, siller?
SamSpade: british people are insane
Siller: I am nothing. Don't identify with any of the countries I have lived in.
Siller: People are jaded in the UK. Need weird to get attention.
SamSpade: i was very impressed by the madness
IIIllIIll0: and the mayhen?
IIIllIIll0: lobes did you check out BIOS and see if there is an option to make USB first boot device?
Siller: He is gone
SamSpade: i wonder if we will see him again
asdk: hello muricans
Siller: Batten down the hatches and prepare for some more tired old stereotypes from asdk
SamSpade: we are not americans, asdk
SamSpade: rooms - national - american room
asdk: if you are not an american, so it's not for you. what problems?
asdk: not hi Sam, and hello muricans
asdk: ok?
asdk: Since 2008, the "Al-Qaeda" has received from the European countries of at least $ 125 million
Javaness: Article 58
asdk: good
asdk: what is it?
Javaness: In was introduced in 1927
asdk: why when I talk about the problems of Europe and the USA now, you tell me about the Soviet Union?
womack: AQ mainly a mirage generated by joospookery, like "ISIL". For example: KinkHenki & the late Aerial Shaboom produced 9/11 Stunt. 1963 Jack Whack similar. [09:42 hrs PDT.]
Javaness: Article 58 is still relevant today
asdk: its not true
asdk: proof plz
Javaness: Why do you have Gulag Archipelago as a school textbook?
asdk: again about USSR
Javaness: There is no difference
asdk: its not true again
Siller: It is the weekend. Can't we ignore the fanatic?
womack: Siller refers to Bibi maybe?
Siller: I refer to asdk. He is being fanatical about bashing Americans in such a futile way.
LinPhaseEQ: Here in the ECR, we're all fanatics about one thing or another, are we not?
Siller: He might as well go and punch his bed and scream at the wall.
asdk: prosecution of all sins without evidence is a lie
Siller: You achieve nothing here asdk.
asdk: and propaganda
womack: This "f" word comes from the Greek for "temple", like "sports fan". Usually refers to some OG or Other Guy's temple, eh what?
Siller: Fanatic, zealot, blinded by a belief.
womack: asdk can give Siller H12 ?
asdk: sure
womack: Better to play such a game on a smaller board.
asdk: I give and H17
asdk: for small kuy
Siller: How do your brains jump from politics and asdks useless ravings to playing a game of Go?
asdk: womack is intelligent and reasonable person, I respect him for the courage to accept the truth
asdk: Unlike all the others here
elementc: Um
elementc: Ok a y?
LinPhaseEQ: Um
womack: For straight talk re Obomber vs Putin:
elementc: Lin, I got praat as well as a real time spectrogram
womack: PCR was of course high USGov official under Ronald Reagan
womack: BTW thx asdk
elementc: I showed up and that's the first thing I saw
elementc: What is the topic today womack
Siller: I think I understand womack less than half the time. It is like he goes through Google Translate via 5 languages first.
SamSpade: are you English, siller?
SamSpade: british people are insane
Siller: I am nothing. Don't identify with any of the countries I have lived in.
Siller: People are jaded in the UK. Need weird to get attention.
SamSpade: i was very impressed by the madness
IIIllIIll0: and the mayhen?
IIIllIIll0: lobes did you check out BIOS and see if there is an option to make USB first boot device?
Siller: He is gone
SamSpade: i wonder if we will see him again
asdk: hello muricans
Siller: Batten down the hatches and prepare for some more tired old stereotypes from asdk
SamSpade: we are not americans, asdk
SamSpade: rooms - national - american room
asdk: if you are not an american, so it's not for you. what problems?
asdk: not hi Sam, and hello muricans
asdk: ok?
asdk: Since 2008, the "Al-Qaeda" has received from the European countries of at least $ 125 million
Javaness: Article 58
asdk: good
asdk: what is it?
Javaness: In was introduced in 1927
asdk: why when I talk about the problems of Europe and the USA now, you tell me about the Soviet Union?
womack: AQ mainly a mirage generated by joospookery, like "ISIL". For example: KinkHenki & the late Aerial Shaboom produced 9/11 Stunt. 1963 Jack Whack similar.
Javaness: Article 58 is still relevant today
asdk: its not true
asdk: proof plz
Javaness: Why do you have Gulag Archipelago as a school textbook?
asdk: again about USSR
Javaness: There is no difference
asdk: its not true again
Siller: It is the weekend. Can't we ignore the fanatic?
womack: Siller refers to Bibi maybe?
Siller: I refer to asdk. He is being fanatical about bashing Americans in such a futile way.
LinPhaseEQ: Here in the ECR, we're all fanatics about one thing or another, are we not?
Siller: He might as well go and punch his bed and scream at the wall.
asdk: prosecution of all sins without evidence is a lie
Siller: You achieve nothing here asdk.
asdk: and propaganda
womack: This "f" word comes from the Greek for "temple", like "sports fan". Usually refers to some OG or Other Guy's temple, eh what?
Siller: Fanatic, zealot, blinded by a belief.
womack: asdk can give Siller H12 ?
asdk: sure
womack: Better to play such a game on a smaller board.
asdk: I give and H17
asdk: for small kuy
Siller: How do your brains jump from politics and asdks useless ravings to playing a game of Go?
asdk: womack is intelligent and reasonable person, I respect him for the courage to accept the truth
asdk: Unlike all the others here
elementc: Um
elementc: Ok a y?
LinPhaseEQ: Um
womack: For straight talk re Obomber vs Putin:
elementc: Lin, I got praat as well as a real time spectrogram
womack: PCR was of course high USGov official under Ronald Reagan
womack: BTW thx asdk
elementc: I showed up and that's the first thing I saw
elementc: What is the topic today womack
Siller: I think I understand womack less than half the time. It is like he goes through Google Translate via 5 languages first.
LinPhaseEQ: Fanaticism
Siller: asdk is bating the Americans again
Siller: baiting*
elementc: I start hormones tomorrow
elementc: Probably
Siller: No spontaneous bouts of crying. You can do it.
LinPhaseEQ: Wow! Congratulations, good luck and bon courage!
elementc: I'm just a little annoyed that my doctor didn't call me to let me know my test results
SamSpade: hormones? what is that used for?
womack: "sex change" ?
elementc: Yes
SamSpade: not cancer then
LinPhaseEQ: Or a more accurate phrase is "sex correction."
womack: Well, better than joining US Army anyway
elementc: It's actually a lot better than joining the army, womack
elementc: I think you and I played a game at some point
elementc: Not sure
elementc: Maybe not
womack: I would recommend a lot of walking in the woods & Lucy Sky Diamonds first
Siller: I wonder if there was always this gender problem or whether it is due to things like xenoestrogens and such tipping the balance during development?
elementc: I prefer a day in the life
womack: ec had rank at one time?
elementc: Siller, it's a problem as long as there's been men and women
womack: Long live the war of the sexes!
elementc: Briefly, yes. I also have many accounts.
Siller: To some degree but I am thinking that the frequency of occurances have escalated.
womack: ec's highest former rank here?
elementc: The best was when I beat a 2k and KGS game me 6d? for it
elementc: I am also about 1k
womack: Siller right re surgery curve, worth plotting
elementc: *gave me
Siller: Not enough data for the time frame I am thinking about womack
womack: say on?
womack: how about last 50 yrs?
womack: also global distribution
elementc: It's probably difficult to tell my rank from my current game list
asdk: nobody wants to play?
elementc: Never
womack: ec will give asdk game?
elementc: I don't have time for it today
Siller: I am thinking more than a thousand years, before lead pipes and other things.
womack: like scalpels
Siller: Yes and I am not talking sex changes, just transgender identification occurances.
elementc: Do any of you know anything about phonetics
elementc: Formants, etc.
woochie59: wow, the bolshevik asdk does know a word from a civilized language
RoadHobo: it's about how telephones work, right?
elementc: No, that's dianetics
womack: WIKI: "Indian surgeon Susruta used various scalpels to perform surgery in 8th century B.C.[2][3][4] Ancient Egyptians made incisions for embalming with scalpels of sharpened obsidian, a material that is still in use."
asdk: capitalist pig, woochie59 unfortunately do not know the words from civilized language.
elementc: I know all the best words
elementc: Words like varlet
RoadHobo: politics drama again... boring
womack: " capitalist pigs" more common than other varieties?
elementc: Pigdogs
elementc: Very rare
Siller: Schweinhund?
womack: Wie sagt mann "dog food" ?
elementc: Sprankton
elementc: A noun.
elementc: A disease you get from chewing too much.
womack: Ciao all. Some things improve with procrastination? 17:11 hrz [Zulu]

RoadHobo: good riddance
elementc: Never forget the Zulu
womack: Well, me procrastinating the departure. Tata for fake "Road Hobo"
RoadHobo: I think you must have forgot to take your crazt pills
womack: RoHo has typical shrink delusions?
RoadHobo: crazy*
womack: Would Little Lord Fauntleroy have a fantasy name like "RoHo" ? 17:16.


Hal Womack 3-dan

Aug 3, 2014, 9:38:23 PM8/3/14
womack: During the US war against his country, Ho Chi Minh was always careful to distinguish between the USGov vs the Am pop. Ho won.
womack: In 1963 Bernard Baruch & David Ben Gurion arranged the Jack Whack, the biggest Jewish coup d'etat in all history.
womack: The benefit of the 9/11 Stunt as produced by KinkHenKi & the late Aerial Shaboom was the revelation of the previous sentence.
visitor: womack, why is zionism being so strong in the us?
womack: Please see above?
Meepy: hi
womack: Combo of tactics: assassination, bribery, slander, intrigue....
visitor: is the case of 1963 the single reason?
womack: In full review necessary to go back at least as far as Good Friday of 1865.
womack: We can also use the riddle: Q = 9/11/22. Ans = 6/8/67
womack: Capiche, "visitor" ?
visitor: no, i'm baffled
womack: Even by the calendrical riddle?
visitor: yes, also by that
womack: Do you do numbers at all?
Meepy: There is a Martian alien race, they visit Earf to harvest our teeth....Think about it.
visitor: i'm ok with numbers, maybe not so much with dates
visitor: 9/11/22 = 11th of sept, 2022?
womack: Yes, V. then some extra attn to the latter half
womack: which has already been referenced above (not by "Meepy")
womack: Huge hint = date of the Jack Whack?
visitor: refer to kennedy assassination 11/22/63?
womack: ASIRD = "A Step In the Right Direction"
womack: U C "9/11/22" = a combo
visitor: USS Liberty incident on 8 June 1967
visitor: womack, i see
womack: & that's the ans to the relation. horrorshow
Meepy: this is great
womack: kak gavarit po russki
visitor: womack, may i ask, what's your point of view on the recent conflict in ukraine?
Meepy: oh i can't wait
womack: I coin many tags, among them "JAPE" for "Jewish-American Planetary Empire".
womack: JAPE is permanently running on war guilt, must keep stirring the pot.
visitor: the occupation of Crimea by the Russian forces, surely not by JAPE?
womack: Putin's retrieval of Crimea a sensible but very limited response to JAPE offensive in Ukraine
womack: "YKA" = "You Know Already?" Paul Craig Roberts?
visitor: there's a lot of unjust activities going on in the world, not all by what you refer by JAPE
womack: One must look rather closely to find a piece of wickedness cooking independently of JAPE IMHO
visitor: could you elaborate on the JAPE offensive in Ukraine?
womack: 2nd asking = womack: "YKA" = "You Know Already?" Paul Craig Roberts?
visitor: no, sorry
womack: JAPE & its NATO manifestation strive for "Full Spectrum Dominance". Saw opportunity in Ukraine, pursued it a la Nuland.
Meepy: oh yeah, that guy
womack: V's country of residence?
visitor: a country in the northern europe
womack: Plenty of irony in the arc of strife in Ukraine from Holdomor of 1932 under G. Yagoda and latest coup pushed by JAPE
visitor: reading Wikipedia, Paul Craig Roberts seems to be an intelligent guy
womack: PCR many +'s, some -'s, worth reading
womack: Note his Website
visitor: womack, so you don't think that the ukrainian conflict began from the spontaneous uprising of the ukrainian people, rather than a coup by JAPE?
womack: V YKA Nuland?
visitor: no, sorry again
womack: WIKI: WIKI: Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland's paternal grandfather was Meyer Nudelman from a family of Jewish immigrants who came to New York City from the Russian Empire. Husband is historian Robert Kagan, Council on Foreign Relations member, and co-founder of the think-tank "Project for the New American Century" (PNAC).
womack: Nuland bragged that USGov spent $5,000,000,000 [five billion] in promoting traitors in Ukraine pre-coup
womack: "PNAC" top body of 9/11 plotters under KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom.
visitor: i see
visitor: anyway, the way i see it, the people of ukraine wanted ukraine to get closer to the EU, where's the JAPE coup in that?
visitor: you know the so called euromaidan protests?
womack: = webzine published by my friend Jack Holland. We are looking to create archive-capable venue for such discussions
womack: Since V has learned the name of Victoria Nuland only in the last ten minutes or so, we expect 'twill take more time for V to spot NATO hand in Ukraine
Herod: May I suggest that some venue besides the go server would be more appropriate for airing that discussion.
Meepy: it's a chat room
womack: "Herod" has 0 [zero] games to its record but absolute censorship power here in the ECR
Herod: I don't play on this account, and I have not
Herod: censored
Herod: anyone here
womack: H means to say "yet today" ?
visitor: yes i thought ECR is open for these kind of discussions also
womack: ECR much more so than EGR but only open venue = ""
elementc: so boring
elementc: entertain me
Meepy: sure
visitor: womack, how would you describe the public opinion in the US about the on-going aggression by Israel?
womack: "stop clapping, throw pennies" ?
womack: Suggest Google Image Page for Chicago demo
Meepy: did you ever think how scorpions must consider lobsters to be their equivalent of mermaids?
elementc: I'd like to give a shout out to my boi Docta Steven Novella
visitor: womack, earlier you seemed to imply that the public opinion and the actions by USGovt do not necessarily agree
visitor: womack, or rather the non-actions
elementc: Step it up guys
womack: We honest folk have the streets here, V whereas the SOTSies or Sons Of The Stern gang have nearly all the official power positions.
elementc: Only a heated argument will satisfy me
Meepy: ever notice that if your shirt isn't tucked into your pants, then your pants must be tucked into your shirt?
womack: let ec go find one?
elementc: Womack, how do you feel about the harm caused by anti-vaccine activists?
womack: Polls show that prior to beginning of GM'14 [Gaza Massacre] a few weeks ago, public opinion of Congress was lowest ever recorded?
elementc: is it even lower now?
womack: worthwhile Q
Meepy: congress is on vacation for 6 weeks
elementc: Oh that's giod
womack: )
orange: i heard it was lower than public opinion about head lice
womack: )
elementc: Someone asked me the other day
elementc: If vaccines are so important, why don't the Amish catch diseases like measles?
elementc: And of course the answer was "they do"
elementc: Lol
Meepy: they don't get vaccinated?
womack: USA = a regime of the SOTSie secret police. ciao all. 8/4 @ 01:29 hrz [Zulu]
elementc: Some of them do now
visitor: womack, bye


Hal Womack 3-dan

Aug 14, 2014, 2:58:48 PM8/14/14
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
Meepy: china's is higher than russia for some reason
asdk: in Russia about 70
asdk: 69,8
Meepy: yeah
Meepy: it's not bad but i thought it would be higher than china
asdk: 90 years after the collapse of the USSR was a lot of drug addicts
asdk: Now everything is going in the opposite direction
Meepy: a lot of smokers and drinkers too?
asdk: yes
Meepy: china too
asdk: were still homeless, who sniffed glue
asdk: I do not know how to English
asdk: thanks to USA
asdk: for the collapse of the USSR
asdk: you without firing a shot destroyed a whole generation
asdk: in the 90s in Russia, 15 million people died.
asdk: they were not able to survive the devastation
asdk: veru thx USA
asdk: very
asdk: We all remember
Javaness: how many people died in the 20s?
woochie59: in car acidents or in semeai ?
womack: Fewer than in the '30's under Kaganovich, Yagoda & Uncle Joe.
womack: "Holdomor" total estimate by R. Conquest minim 12,000,000 [twelve million]
asdk: drunken Yeltsin in an embrace with Clinton. while Clinton bombed Yugoslavia. we remember.
asdk: as plundered our natural resources under the guidance of American "advisers" we remember.
Javaness: what did you want him to do in yugoslavia?
asdk: we all remember
womack: "DICTATA" = "D.C. - Tel Aviv Terrorist Axis". How many murdered in destruction of Iraq?
womack: USGov provoked war in Yugoslavia to distract attn from its strangulation of Iraq/
womack: Clinton got to pose as defender of Bosniaks a la WAG THE DOG, brilliant movie
asdk: Womack, soon again Clinton will be your president
asdk: Only this time, Clinton' in skirt☺
asdk: Monica Lewinsky is haunted
asdk: wants revenge
womack: Billary, Witch of the Waco Massacre (1993), one of the least of her crimes.
asdk: you're right, but who cares
womack: Now Billary cheers on the latest Gaza Masacre.
womack: Rather who dares to stand against the assassins of DICTATA?
asdk: you saw how she was laughing over the corpse of Gaddafi on the phone?
asdk: A few years before that, she almost kissed Gaddafi
asdk: kiss the snake
elementc: barbecue it
asdk: who?
asdk: in Odessa Ukrainian Nazis had already prepared a barbecue of people
asdk: 2 may 2014
asdk: do you want to be a nazi, my young friend
asdk: I'll show you what they do
asdk: right now
woochie59: womack are you less sober or much tipsy ?
asdk: About 200 murdered people
asdk: burned and slaughtered
asdk: this is Ukraine, which is Europe?
asdk: if you support these people, you are nazis
womack: me playing now
elementc: me hungry
elementc: go cook a microwave foodstuffs
alobar: hello element
asdk: alobar welcome back my dear friend☺
asdk: i wait u
leachy: i saw (someone gave the link on fics - free internet chess server) the coverage of the odessa riots
leachy: luckily i stopped watching the thing (they just showed a cameraman following the crowds of nationalists) not long before the people were burned alive
leachy: needless to say i was not surprised
leachy: just about needed to book into therapy after seeing that though
alobar: leachy when did this happen?
leachy: may 2nd this year
leachy: all i saw was the thugs chasing and beating people...they hid out in the trade union building and i stopped watching.....then the building was set on fire and basically everyone was murdered by the mob even if they jumped out they were beaten to death
leachy: if you want to know why donbas rebels set up defence checkpoints and why the kiev government decided it would be good policy to exterminate such people, you had only to watch that
Meepy: why?
elementc: Yhw
womack: "Kiev govt" was such people
womack: Igor Kolomoysky -- shoot down black op
oren: That is hilarious
womack: "oren" = Israeli ambassador?
oren: nope
womack: Then what was so funny?
oren: Read it a bit, but it gave me a good laugh
womack: I.D'd prime suspect prior to event
womack: excellent timing for COUNTERPUNCH?
womack: " Kolomoysky and his Battalion, in what otherwise would be considered insubordination and treason, are encouraged to behave like international outlaws, reminiscent of how Israel deals with the Palestinians."
womack: "Lord Haw Haw"?

On Thursday, July 10, 2014 8:58:08 AM UTC-7, Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:

Hal Womack 3-dan

Aug 15, 2014, 11:40:14 AM8/15/14
More from the ECR:

womack: esp when it comes to black op provocations?
asdk: I think before the end of the year Ukraine will disintegrate into several states. Kiev Nazis sent to you in Europe. South-east, who call themselves the historical name Novorossia will be with Russia
arndt: Ukraine ought to join NATO
asdk:  militias or as you call rebels, the army has 40 thousand people
asdk: and from Russia there no more than 5%
arndt: if Kiev shot down the plane, why did the rebels obstruct the investigation?
asdk: After each bombing Donetsk and Luhansk, army Novorossia increases
arndt: people flee from donbass to Kiev, you may have read that too
seventeen: In a few minutes, Stephanie Yin, 1P will be starting audio commentary on USGO5 reviewing Board 2 from the US Open Masters Division Round 6.
arndt: did you not like my question about the plane?
asdk: That the rebels prevented the investigation is that you, too, have learned from Western media?
arndt: how else would I learn something? I haven't been there
asdk: it is not true
arndt: the investigators probably told the truth
asdk: Why England refused to show transcript black box with Boeing?
asdk: Why is there no images from American satellites?
asdk: Jennifer Psak said that Boeing was shot down Russian rebels and you just believe?
arndt: who is that?
arndt: well, someone says Kiev shot it down and you just believe?
asdk: Of course, you do not know ☺
arndt: there is not only one newpaper in the West, unlike in Russia
asdk: Tell me why the rebels shoot down Boeing?
arndt: they are mad
arndt: ruthless, uninformed
stumped: stupid
asdk: There is an ancient Roman rule - look for the culprit among those who benefits from it.
arndt: young drunk recruit gets told, look a plane, try to shoot it down with this fine Russian cannon you are sitting in, and he does
asdk: rebels was beneficial to all Western propaganda accused them?
arndt: I don't understand that sentence - please rewrite
asdk: you do not have any evidence of guilt of the rebels. Americans do not show satellite images, the British hide black box with a Boeing. the charges is based on the hatred of the Russian
stumped: Stupidity is more plausible than labyrinthine schemes. We see stupidity everyday all around us.
arndt: satellite pictures showed a cannon being transported back over the Russian border, with one missile missing
asdk: what? show me these pictures
arndt: do you have a reference in a western paper to hiding a black box? I can't read Russian that well
asdk: you amazed russophobia
arndt: it's a question
arndt: do you have an answer?
arndt: those pictures I haven't seen, and it may be a rumour only
asdk: is not a question
asdk: it is a fact
arndt: goddammit, you tell me about a hidden black box, show me where it says so
stumped: Rebels gloated about shooting down plane on social media, seems pretty much the proof of stupidity
arndt: they might just celebrate because they thought their comrades had done it
asdk: again lie
asdk: you live in an absolute lie
arndt: social media are falsified too?
asdk: omg
asdk:  Rebels gloated about shooting down plane on social media / ырщц ьу здя
asdk: show me these pictures
asdk: It is 100% fake
arndt: well, I'm not much into social media, so I didn't see anything myself
IIIllIIll0: how about asocial media
asdk: for you Arndt
arndt: I don't find anything about satellite pictures of the missile launcher; I probably misunderstood that one, but there were speculations arising from video films on the ground
asdk: about a Boeing with English subtitles
asdk: separatists, terrorists rejoice downed boying?
asdk: it is an absolute fake
asdk: and lies
IIIllIIll0: one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter
asdk:  my friend look at it
arndt: you still haven't pointed to anything about hiding a black box
arndt: until you do, I will ignore you
asdk: : you still haven't pointed to anything about satellites pictures
asdk: you blame, you have to prove
asdk: I'm looking for about a black box.
asdk: and not looking for Russian media
Meepy: *meeps in*
asdk: State Department Briefing by boying
asdk: this is the first
Meepy: how's it going asdk
Meepy: i see you're still bothered by eastern ukraine
asdk: I give a fake western media about the Boeing
asdk: Malaysian press charges Ukraine government shot down MH 17
Sheriffi: I heard tom blew up the plane over ukraine
Sheriffi: naughty
Meepy: here ya go, asdk
Meepy: that's direct from the supposed source of your article
womack: Prime suspect in shoot down already named above and immediately before the action: Igor Kolomoysky
womack: Hand in hand w Billary
womack: & Nulander
asdk: you're right Womack
asdk: but people ask for evidence, while they themselves have nothing to give. except charges
womack: One angle with which we begin = the _cui bono_ ? already mentioned
asdk: they write to me, the rebels enjoyed shot down boying, I give them the facts that this is fake
asdk: they do not care.
asdk: still blame the rebels
asdk: people either do not have brains, or they eravno sun and always blame Russian. because the west russofobiya a tradition since the days of Napoleon
womack: A little bit odd, calling the people of eastern Ukraine "rebels" when they supported the previous legit elected govt brought down by violent coup d'etat.
asdk: people either do not have brains, or they do not care and always blame Russian. because the west russofobiya a tradition since the days of Napoleon
womack: A coup BTW bought with $5,000,000,000 [five billion] in C.I.A. slush bragged about by Nulander
Meepy: you think it's more likely a military jet fired on a passenger plane
Meepy: and that it needed both missiles and bullets to take it down
womack: To me looks like Igor brought down plane, whether by ground to air or otherwise
asdk: They call Еvromaydan revolution, but the revolution is when you change the social structure of society. in Ukraine there was an armed coup. Some oligarchs changed to other oligarchs, but though more puppets USA.
womack: The sacred triad of the detective, of course = "means, motive, opportunity"
womack: Like, for example, KinkHenKi & the late Aerial Shaboom WRT the 9/11 Stunt.
Meepy: tell us some stories about that boy in missourri
it: USGO5 is going to show a review of board1 round 7 with audio comment by Stephanie Yin 1p. Enjoy!
womack: Or again 38 years before, Bernard Baruch & David Ben Gurion with the Jack Whack, the biggest Jewish coup d'etat in all history.
Meepy: the one in ferguson
Auto da Fé (original title Die Blendung, "The Blinding") is a 1935 novel by Elias Canetti;


On Thursday, July 10, 2014 8:58:08 AM UTC-7, Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:

Hal Womack 3-dan

Aug 18, 2014, 8:12:47 PM8/18/14
FRom My FB "Timeline":

My FB friend Nasir Khan began a thread with a photo from Gaza linked immediately below:

[Later in the discussion:]

Mushtaq Ur Rehman Let me make it abundantly clear to my honorable friends whose opinion I value that being a human being I am not a person who would indulge either to be critical to the aggressor or to be a sympathizer to those who are suffering at the hands of the aggressors. I never meant that killing of the children is justified. Question is whether we all of us have been able to stop it? Let us be rational and avoid personalized attacks for point scoring. We must ask ourselves do we have an understanding of this complex conflict in history. I am not trying to find a justification for the killings but being a Muslim my tears rolls town from my eyes when I see my Palestinian friends pelting stones on Jews Armored Vehicles in this silicone age rather to fight and compete through intellectual capacity to have their voice heard at each and every forum of the world. Let us try to locate the crux of the problem? Which is of course an uphill task.
Yesterday at 7:59am · Like
Hal Womack It would save me some work if Mushtaq Ur Rehman were carefully to review his last statement above & then edit it in the interest of the clarity which he seeks. Maybe anyway I will be able to return to his main point. Meanwhile Mr. Rehman might consider visiting 3 embassies in his apparent country of Pakistan in order to speak with their cultural attaches: China, Korea and Japan. He would ask them to instruct him WRT the cultural significance in their several home countries of the most ancient oriental strategic board game of surrounding which is played with black and white stones on a matrix of 19 X 19 lines. The Chinese, who invented the game around the same time that they started farming, named it "_wei chi_" or "surrounding chess". So far in the so-to-speak "barbarian" (my word here svp) world, we usually call it by its nipname of "_go_", because about half a century ago the Japanese _Nihon Ki-in_ took the initiative in promoting the game internationally. Darn this FB formatting! On to the next stepping stone....

Yesterday at 2:31pm · Edited · Like · Remove Preview

Hal Womack Now suppose only that a group of youngsters in Gaza were to address an appeal both to the governments and to the national game organizations of the 3 home countries please to consider sending them, the Palestinians, one or more masters to teach them where to place their "stones" on the game board, rather than having to rely solely on the quite desperate tactic of throwing rocks against the invading Jews' Merkava combat tanks. Such a public appeal might well arouse a sympathetic response in North Asia, which boasts a total population approaching two billion souls, among whom this game traditionally has even more cultural prestige than does chess in Russia. It would, of course, further such a hypothetical effort to have there in Gaza a cool, safe, well-lighted place to play and to study, as well as the equipment with which to play on-line, as so many of us do these days. Such an elementary condition would also, of course, tend to draw even further international attention to the devastating bombs & missiles which the criminal Jewish aggressors are so notoriously in the habit of raining down on their helpless prisoner population in Gaza. A further resource on the game in English = Should such a missive as proposed above eventually be generated, then our hypothetical petitioners might also want to CC 14 year-old Shibano Toramaru in Kanagawa [(神奈川県 Kanagawa-ken) a prefecture located in southern Kantō region of Japan. The capital is Yokohama. Kanagawa is part of the Greater Tokyo Area]. Young Mr. Shibano Toramaru is the newest competitor to join the august ranks of the professionals of the Nihon Ki-in.

Welcome to American Go Association | American Go Association
In a final showdown Friday afternoon, the Pair Go team of April Ye 1D and Daniel Ko 7D defeated Wan Chen 4D and Jie Liang 7D for the title of 2014 US Pair Go Champions. Eight pairs competed at two top tables at Thursday night’s Pair Go tournament to produce Friday afternoon’s finalists. As first pla…
Yesterday at 3:08pm · Edited · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Mushtaq Ur Rehman Hal Womack, it looks like you know the art of playing gambit
19 hrs · Like


Hal Womack 3-dan

Aug 23, 2014, 5:09:22 AM8/23/14

Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
IIIllIIll0: whats the black thing
sweety: The 2014 French Open Championship, Round 3 is starting. Please see FFGScribe's Demos at the top of the Active Games tab!
sweety: The August KGS+ tournament Asian/European Daytime division will start in 15 min. Players, please join the Tournament Room before the pairings are made.
womack: Someone in the EGR brought up the subject of Jews and their factions, leading me to shift here.
IIIllIIll0: serve it up
mabblebrox: yes please elucidate
SamSpade: i'm also curious
mabblebrox: the 'proletariat' Jews obviously have no sway
mabblebrox: but elites
IIIllIIll0: ¡Díganos!
womack: So I coined the tag, among others, "SOTSies" from "Sons Of The Stern" gang.
mabblebrox: but not just jews
mabblebrox: elites of any sort
mabblebrox: investing in Hindenbergs, and such
mabblebrox: you see the problem?
womack: Jewish bosses world-dominant
mabblebrox: so, we need a new order
Beyonce: Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud were both jewish
mabblebrox: invest in the future
womack: We a first order
mabblebrox: yeah how bout that
IIIllIIll0: What factions do there be
mabblebrox: you people.
mabblebrox: how do you not get it
mabblebrox: 2014, and we have no Zeppelins in the air
IIIllIIll0: i wanna know how many major factions and what % jews are in those factionks
mabblebrox: we should be approaching Alpha Centauri
womack: Freud was a cultish partisan. The great Karl a tougher Q
SamSpade: marx was an atheist
Muttley: Crowis is reviewing the opening of the Hui Fan game from the French Championship, live, top of active games tab
mabblebrox: bleh
mabblebrox: i'm in no mood for go
womack: So are many Jews today. There's a famous crack about that
mabblebrox: I want you people to see
mabblebrox: Mars is nothing
mabblebrox: we should be intergalactic
womack: 'tis my month
mabblebrox: yeah go for that
mabblebrox: make it happen
womack: The Sheriff Mahdi Luna RT svp
IIIllIIll0: i aint seein no datas
mabblebrox: we won't go anywhere until NASA engineers are using LSD
IIIllIIll0: what be the joke
IIIllIIll0: what be the factions
IIIllIIll0: serve up the data
mabblebrox: great
mabblebrox: i'm bored
mabblebrox: and sinking
mabblebrox: hmm i'll listen to that
womack: SOTSies took over World Jewry --then let mabs take off its clothes & go outdoors, so simple
IIIllIIll0: wot be SOTS
mabblebrox: yeah i'm sure with a good dose i'd wander around naked, no problem
womack: pls see above
mabblebrox: but youh haven't defined your jews
mabblebrox: *ELITE* man, get it?
mabblebrox: it's the monetary elite who ruin everything
IIIllIIll0: sons of the stern are the rich dudes?
IIIllIIll0: what % of jews be in this faction
womack: second sending: womack: So I coined the tag, among others, "SOTSies" from "Sons Of The Stern" gang.
mabblebrox: so bored.
mabblebrox: great
ngarry: Live review by crowis, see demo crowis at the top of the Active Games tab,
mabblebrox: that helps
IIIllIIll0: how many major factions be there
mabblebrox: I would so totally watch this game
womack: Loot lesser part of the power than assassins
womack: e.g. Abe Lincoln, Wm McKinley, Huey Long, Jack & Robert Kennedy + many more
mabblebrox: yeah assassins are an interesting psychological phenomenon
womack: Riddle again: Q = 9/11/22. Ans = 6/8/67
mabblebrox: well kennedy may have been CIA, who knows
mabblebrox: 2022?
womack: Anyone who's read Michael Collins Piper knows
mabblebrox: I guess I haven't
mabblebrox: i'm listening to Phish, to sooth
womack: greatly to simplify then: 9/11/2001 .... 11/22/1963. Revelation = 6/8/'67
mabblebrox: how can you prove Revelation?
mabblebrox: aaaaah yes
womack: Does Mabs know the date given?
mabblebrox: The Inlaw Josie Wales, Phish
mabblebrox: soooooo sothing
mabblebrox: soothing
mabblebrox: I wish I could play it
mabblebrox: what date
womack: forget it
mabblebrox: chill out man
mabblebrox: if the Universe happens, it does
mabblebrox: if it doesn't, it doesn't
mabblebrox: so, if it doesn't, you're in SF I believe, take some weed and a dose and just relax
womack: mabs really testing my own resolution against censoring any member of this room
mabblebrox: accept the beginning or end of the universe
mabblebrox: either way it happens, and nobody can change it
womack: But I'll forgive it if it brings me peyote
straits: You might as well go for 2 at one time with your censoring, womack.
mabblebrox: well if you get peyote you see everything at once
mabblebrox: and know instantly whether the Universe lives
womack: mabs raises Q of possible death of Kozmos -- relates to GM'14 and Ukraine a la Noodleman
womack: or Nulander
womack: Ralph Nader passes along Pentagon boast of weapons power enough to destroy all human life on Earth > 20X over
IIIllIIll0: sons of the stern are the rich dudes?
IIIllIIll0: what % of jews be in this faction
womack: second sending: womack: So I coined the tag, among others, "SOTSies" from "Sons Of The Stern" gang.
mabblebrox: so bored.
mabblebrox: great
ngarry: Live review by crowis, see demo crowis at the top of the Active Games tab,
mabblebrox: that helps
IIIllIIll0: how many major factions be there
mabblebrox: I would so totally watch this game
womack: Loot lesser part of the power than assassins
womack: e.g. Abe Lincoln, Wm McKinley, Huey Long, Jack & Robwert Kennedy + manyh more
mabblebrox: yeah assassins are an interesting psychological phenomenon
womack: Riddle again: Q = 9/11/22. Ans = 6/8/67
mabblebrox: well kennedy may have been CIA, who knows
mabblebrox: 2022?
womack: Anyone who's read Michael Collins Piper knwos
mabblebrox: I guess I haven't
mabblebrox: i'm listening to Phish, to sooth
womack: greatly to simplify then: 9/11/2001 .... 11/22/1963. Revelation = 6/8/'67
mabblebrox: how can you prove Revelation?
mabblebrox: aaaaah yes
womack: Does Mabs know the date given?
mabblebrox: The Inlaw Josie Wales, Phish
mabblebrox: soooooo sothing
mabblebrox: soothing
mabblebrox: I wish I could play it
mabblebrox: what date
womack: forget it
mabblebrox: chill out man
mabblebrox: if the Universe happens, it does
mabblebrox: if it doesn't, it doesn't
mabblebrox: so, if it doesn't, you're in SF I believe, take some weed and a dose and just relax
womack: mabs really testing my own resolution against censoring any member of this room
mabblebrox: accept the beginning or end of the universe
mabblebrox: either way it happens, and nobody can change it
womack: But I'll forgive it if it brings me peyote
straits: You might as well go for 2 at one time with your censoring, womack.
mabblebrox: well if you get peyote you see everything at once
mabblebrox: and know instantly whether the Universe lives
womack: mabs raises Q of possible death of Kozmos -- relates to GM'14 and Ukraine a la Noodleman
womack: or Nulander
womack: Ralph Nader passes along Pentagon boast of weapons power enough to destroy all human life on Earth > 20X over
mabblebrox: dude can you just shut up and get an actual CIA connection?
mabblebrox: not that most would
mabblebrox: but seriously
mabblebrox: I mean if you want truth, go to the source
mabblebrox: yeah I'd meet my father and talk, damn that crack
mabblebrox: who do you think these bums are?
mabblebrox: uh, there you go.
womack: C.I.A. inferior to Sayeret Matkal
womack: & to SM's masters
mabblebrox: huh?
mabblebrox: ok the CIA can see anything, anywhere
mabblebrox: the NSA is put to shame (theoretically)
mabblebrox: I would hope
mabblebrox: meh
womack: The Jack Whack of 1963 was the biggest Jewish coup d'etat in all history.
mabblebrox: cool
mabblebrox: let's make it happen
mabblebrox: except this time
mabblebrox: festie-heads
mabblebrox: let's make Electric Forest take over the planet
womack: The Jews' ability to command the U.S. Senate unanimously to kneel to its massacre of women & children manifests the power of the tyranny
womack: ah, babblemax
mabblebrox: maybe.
mabblebrox: I don't think it's the jews though
mabblebrox: it has to be deeper
womack: mabs short a few decades of study on the topic?
mabblebrox: dude read some Adorno
mabblebrox: let's get up on the role of Art in modernity
mabblebrox: and its lack
mabblebrox: I don't think Jews have anything to do with the generation of kitsch
womack: I am oriented to urgent issues of justice & bloodshed
mabblebrox: yeah aren't we all
womack: mabblebrox: I don't think <=== Shudda stopped rt there?
IIIllIIll0: macks how many major are there of jews
straits: Jews or Germans must have invented the word "kitsch" regardless of who generated kitsch.
IIIllIIll0: you be talkin bout jewish factions but only mentioned 1
mabblebrox: I need sleep
womack: Yes, thetop one. now wait 1
Beyonce: English has taken several words from Yiddish
Beyonce: Nosh for one
IIIllIIll0: wow
IIIllIIll0: anyone be knew that?
Beyonce: Kosher, obviously
IIIllIIll0: kosher be no hebrews?
IIIllIIll0: womack what be another faction
IIIllIIll0: you cant be an expert on factionS if you only know of one
IIIllIIll0: you should say you are an expert on one faction
womack: all serious students of Middle East strife should be familiar with the link just given
IIIllIIll0: i like those guys
IIIllIIll0: is that another faction then
womack: Certainly a faction quite distinct from and inferior in power to the SOTSies
IIIllIIll0: what % of jews are not in any faction
womack: Faction Q was of interest in SonnaBush's defeat of Gore in USA in 2000
womack: Our leading expert on Bar Code's Q = Victor Ostrovsky, formerly of the Mossad
womack: VO wrote that Jewish spooks assume they can approach any Jew to request cooperation on black ops
womack: But I assume probably with the exception of the NK
IIIllIIll0: are most jews factional
womack: depends on how you want to structure your model
womack: Current data indicates feck of Jewry supporting BIbi in GM'14, for example
mabblebrox: aaaaah yes
womack: Does Mabs know the date given?
mabblebrox: The Inlaw Josie Wales, Phish
mabblebrox: soooooo sothing
mabblebrox: soothing
mabblebrox: I wish I could play it
mabblebrox: what date
womack: forget it
mabblebrox: chill out man
mabblebrox: if the Universe happens, it does
mabblebrox: if it doesn't, it doesn't
mabblebrox: so, if it doesn't, you're in SF I believe, take some weed and a dose and just relax
womack: mabs really testing my own resolution against censoring any member of this room
mabblebrox: accept the beginning or end of the universe
mabblebrox: either way it happens, and nobody can change it
womack: But I'll forgive it if it brings me peyote
straits: You might as well go for 2 at one time with your censoring, womack.
mabblebrox: well if you get peyote you see everything at once
mabblebrox: and know instantly whether the Universe lives
womack: mabs raises Q of possible death of Kozmos -- relates to GM'14 and Ukraine a la Noodleman
womack: or Nulander
womack: Ralph Nader passes along Pentagon boast of weapons power enough to destroy all human life on Earth > 20X over
mabblebrox: dude can you just shut up and get an actual CIA connection?
mabblebrox: not that most would
mabblebrox: but seriously
mabblebrox: I mean if you want truth, go to the source
mabblebrox: yeah I'd meet my father and talk, damn that crack
mabblebrox: who do you think these bums are?
mabblebrox: uh, there you go.
womack: C.I.A. inferior to Sayeret Matkal
womack: & to SM's masters
mabblebrox: huh?
mabblebrox: ok the CIA can see anything, anywhere
mabblebrox: the NSA is put to shame (theoretically)
mabblebrox: I would hope
mabblebrox: meh
womack: The Jack Whack of 1963 was the biggest Jewish coup d'etat in all history.
mabblebrox: cool
mabblebrox: let's make it happen
mabblebrox: except this time
mabblebrox: festie-heads
mabblebrox: let's make Electric Forest take over the planet
womack: The Jews' ability to command the U.S. Senate unanimously to kneel to its massacre of women & children manifests the power of the tyranny
womack: ah, babblemax
mabblebrox: maybe.
mabblebrox: I don't think it's the jews though
mabblebrox: it has to be deeper
womack: mabs short a few decades of study on the topic?
mabblebrox: dude read some Adorno
mabblebrox: let's get up on the role of Art in modernity
mabblebrox: and its lack
mabblebrox: I don't think Jews have anything to do with the generation of kitsch
womack: I am oriented to urgent issues of justice & bloodshed
mabblebrox: yeah aren't we all
womack: mabblebrox: I don't think <=== Shudda stopped rt there?
IIIllIIll0: macks how many major are there of jews
straits: Jews or Germans must have invented the word "kitsch" regardless of who generated kitsch.
IIIllIIll0: you be talkin bout jewish factions but only mentioned 1
mabblebrox: I need sleep
womack: Yes, thetop one. now wait 1
Beyonce: English has taken several words from Yiddish
Beyonce: Nosh for one
IIIllIIll0: wow
IIIllIIll0: anyone be knew that?
Beyonce: Kosher, obviously
IIIllIIll0: kosher be no hebrews?
IIIllIIll0: womack what be another faction
IIIllIIll0: you cant be an expert on factionS if you only know of one
IIIllIIll0: you should say you are an expert on one faction
womack: all serious students of Middle East strife should be familiar with the link just given
IIIllIIll0: i like those guys
IIIllIIll0: is that another faction then
womack: Certainly a faction quite distinct from and inferior in power to the SOTSies
IIIllIIll0: what % of jews are not in any faction
womack: Faction Q was of interest in SonnaBush's defeat of Gore in USA in 2000
womack: Our leading expert on Bar Code's Q = Victor Ostrovsky, formerly of the Mossad
womack: VO wrote that Jewish spooks assume they can approach any Jew to request cooperation on black ops
womack: But I assume probably with the exception of the NK
IIIllIIll0: are most jews factional
womack: depends on how you want to structure your model
womack: Current data indicates feck of Jewry supporting BIbi in GM'14, for example
womack: My friend Israel Shamir = his eponymic country's most world famous essayist. His site =
IIIllIIll0: is he your friend
womack: We have met twice ITF or In The Flesh, I am happy to say. "Ish", as I call him, compared my writing to that of Jack London, also of San Francisco.
IIIllIIll0: so jews are not necessarily bad folk
mabblebrox: writing is inconsequential
mabblebrox: I write like a god, nobody cares
womack: While the Germans were invading Ukraine, Bertolt Brecht was directing his plays, if Bar Code can follow that thought at all.
IIIllIIll0: i was be lookin at this website before
mabblebrox: I appreciate both the sympothy and pith of womack's sympothy
womack: "Bar Code" = BC. Maybe I wait for BC's report
mabblebrox: it needs a target though
womack: Herewith a lesser one: Hang the Senate!
mabblebrox: if only we could ....
IIIllIIll0: BC coincidentally was lookin at the true torah jews website earlier today unrelated to current discussion
IIIllIIll0: this is a sign of something
IIIllIIll0: perhaps a tipping point
mabblebrox: yeah you'd hope.
womack: "The wheel's still in spin"
mabblebrox: after all this?
mabblebrox: maybe
mabblebrox: not that most would
mabblebrox: but seriously
mabblebrox: I mean if you want truth, go to the source
mabblebrox: yeah I'd meet my father and talk, damn that crack
mabblebrox: who do you think these bums are?
mabblebrox: uh, there you go.
womack: C.I.A. inferior to Sayeret Matkal
womack: & to SM's masters
mabblebrox: huh?
mabblebrox: ok the CIA can see anything, anywhere
mabblebrox: the NSA is put to shame (theoretically)
mabblebrox: I would hope
mabblebrox: meh
womack: The Jack Whack of 1963 was the biggest Jewish coup d'etat in all history.
mabblebrox: cool
mabblebrox: let's make it happen
mabblebrox: except this time
mabblebrox: festie-heads
mabblebrox: let's make Electric Forest take over the planet
womack: The Jews' ability to command the U.S. Senate unanimously to kneel to its massacre of women & children manifests the power of the tyranny
womack: ah, babblemax
mabblebrox: maybe.
mabblebrox: I don't think it's the jews though
mabblebrox: it has to be deeper
womack: mabs short a few decades of study on the topic?
mabblebrox: dude read some Adorno
mabblebrox: let's get up on the role of Art in modernity
mabblebrox: and its lack
mabblebrox: I don't think Jews have anything to do with the generation of kitsch
womack: I am oriented to urgent issues of justice & bloodshed
mabblebrox: yeah aren't we all
womack: mabblebrox: I don't think <=== Shudda stopped rt there?
IIIllIIll0: macks how many major are there of jews
straits: Jews or Germans must have invented the word "kitsch" regardless of who generated kitsch.
IIIllIIll0: you be talkin bout jewish factions but only mentioned 1
mabblebrox: I need sleep
womack: Yes, thetop one. now wait 1
Beyonce: English has taken several words from Yiddish
Beyonce: Nosh for one
IIIllIIll0: wow
IIIllIIll0: anyone be knew that?
Beyonce: Kosher, obviously
IIIllIIll0: kosher be no hebrews?
IIIllIIll0: womack what be another faction
IIIllIIll0: you cant be an expert on factionS if you only know of one
IIIllIIll0: you should say you are an expert on one faction
womack: all serious students of Middle East strife should be familiar with the link just given
IIIllIIll0: i like those guys
IIIllIIll0: is that another faction then
womack: Certainly a faction quite distinct from and inferior in power to the SOTSies
IIIllIIll0: what % of jews are not in any faction
womack: Faction Q was of interest in SonnaBush's defeat of Gore in USA in 2000
womack: Our leading expert on Bar Code's Q = Victor Ostrovsky, formerly of the Mossad
womack: VO wrote that Jewish spooks assume they can approach any Jew to request cooperation on black ops
womack: But I assume probably with the exception of the NK
IIIllIIll0: are most jews factional
womack: depends on how you want to structure your model
womack: Current data indicates feck of Jewry supporting BIbi in GM'14, for example
womack: My friend Israel Shamir = his eponymic country's most world famous essayist. His site =
IIIllIIll0: is he your friend
womack: We have met twice ITF or In The Flesh, I am happy to say. "Ish", as I call him, compared my writing to that of Jack London, also of San Francisco.
IIIllIIll0: so jews are not necessarily bad folk
mabblebrox: writing is inconsequential
mabblebrox: I write like a god, nobody cares
womack: While the Germans were invading Ukraine, Bertolt Brecht was directing his plays, if Bar Code can follow that thought at all.
IIIllIIll0: i was be lookin at this website before
mabblebrox: I appreciate both the sympothy and pith of womack's sympothy
womack: "Bar Code" = BC. Maybe I wait for BC's report
mabblebrox: it needs a target though
womack: Herewith a lesser one: Hang the Senate!
mabblebrox: if only we could ....
IIIllIIll0: BC coincidentally was lookin at the true torah jews website earlier today unrelated to current discussion
IIIllIIll0: this is a sign of something
IIIllIIll0: perhaps a tipping point
mabblebrox: yeah you'd hope.
womack: "The wheel's still in spin"
mabblebrox: after all this?
mabblebrox: maybe
mabblebrox: womack if you knew my life maybe you'd give some respect
IIIllIIll0: respect to the brox
mabblebrox: I've lived in mansions and gutters, both
mabblebrox: what have you done?
straits: i'm not sure womack's politics allow respect for those who have lived in mansions.
mabblebrox: yeah but the gutters sure give you perspective
womack: Well after lunching twice w David Rockefeller on top of the WTC, I helped lead US support for Ho Chi Minh, victoriously.
womack: thx 2 mabs for asking
mabblebrox: if that's true, I congratulate you
mabblebrox: and wonder why you weren't protesting
womack: popular support, that is, as opposed to Regime policy
mabblebrox: eh
mabblebrox: I'm tired, I sleep now.
womack: rather well documented publicly
womack: 論語 泰伯第八 【十三章】 【一節】子曰、篤信好學、守死善道。 【二節】危邦不入、亂邦不居、天下有道則見、無道則隱。 【三節】邦有道、貧且賤焉、恥也、邦無道、富且貴焉、恥也
womack: Re mansions
gostudent0: thats not english
womack: wait 1
womack: CONFUCIAN ANALECTS. BOOK VIII. T'AI-PO. CHAP. XIII. In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.
SamSpade: the internets is great
womack: BTW KGS admins intervene on my info page WRT conversations here.
SamSpade: i've just discovered bible fanfic
SamSpade: Jesus goes to Hogwarts
womack: ciao all @ 08:59 hrz [Zulu]


Hal Womack 3-dan

Sep 2, 2014, 2:14:05 PM9/2/14
TD [="Title Date"] @ 11:05 hrs PDT USA.
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Comrade: Tommy, maybe
Comrade: How's life with Yooo-up, Bluuu-up, my darling Xena?
cekalo: whats up you dirty apes
blueup:  all is ok
cekalo: cool
blueup: yes
blueup: very cool, it is yay coll
asdk: wake up babies
asdk: im here
asdk: Are you ready kids to World War III for the American dollar?
Meepy: still worked up about the ukraine?
womack: Meepy's got the balhs?
womack: (blahs)
asdk: where my friend from England
asdk: and where my friend alobar
asdk: i go to play my dear kids
asdk: 10min
womack: Although the following looks to me rather Fake Pious, even so FYI: A National Service of Mourning In remembrance of those who have died in Palestine and Israel
womack: It should read something like: "A national gathering for justice to destroy the Zionist murderers & their jootools, including the entire U.S. Senate, who have just slain >2K helpless prisoners in Gaza."
tomicus: how do you really feel?
womack: Me, w my feelers. How does "tomicus" do it ?
asdk: tommy how r u?
tomicus: hungry
Sheriffi: in need of gatorade?
asdk: bad
tomicus: *debates getting lunch*
tomicus: I need me some NYC Water
Meepy: yum
womack: ciao the Raging Mob @ 18:08 hrz (Zulu).
tomicus: AFK a sec

> > > > XY0908: I have lots of opinions on lot of...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Sep 2, 2014, 6:15:43 PM9/2/14
A follow-on to the announced memorial service tomorrow (9/3):

Dear Mike Merryman-Lotze,

PBAT [= "Please Be Advised That"] even at this late moment I am willing to come ITF or "In The Flesh" to your Gaza Massacre Memorial Service tomorrow (9/3) and there preach a sermon on the topic "Hang the Senate?" or other variant relating to prosecution of recent war crimes; provided only that you: A) Act fast enough to secure my RT ticket (open return) and promise furthermore to pay me on arrival at least $300 in WAM or "Walking Around Money" and B) Notify me of your favorable decision at least 4 hours before flight time, the sooner the better, of course. I am an OFPOM or "Official Federal Poor Old Man".

This email, again of course = 99% pro forma, simply to establish for the record that someone was willing to speak to the stated issue. In the same spirit, I would also be happy to address your assembly via LD hook-up arranged by your side.

Should you decline this here offer, then the best reason I could hope for such refusal would be that you have already scheduled someone else seriously to address the question of war crimes guilt. Otherwise, besides myself on this pivotal point, I can recommend to your attention figures such as Francis Boyle, Franklin Lamb, Noura Erakat, Cynthia McKinney, Hassan Nasrallah, Evo Morales, Rafael Correa or Nicolas Maduro or Bashar al-Assad (the last several of whom might wish to designate representatives).

Maybe I will get around anyway to composing a comment on your gathering, given the global-urgency of its focal point.
Will your group be promoting any long-term public-access on-line forum to encourage general discussion of our common situation? Since 1994 I have posted thousands of articles to Usenet newsgroups on closely related topics. The Google Groups Page shows >7K mentions of my name but the Usenet is now perishing due to sabotage. In the CC list BTW Professors Gandy & Dusek might be willing to vouch for my ability to speak in public.

In the briefest: Can one love people without hating the crime of murder? Given then the appropriate attitude toward that gravest of all offenses, will one begin first by naming the perpetrators and next by organizing to bring them to justice? At this moment, do you expect any of your speakers to try to put iron in the souls of the audience and to move them to think of themselves as the birth of an almighty world posse rather than merely as a wet mush of weepy namby-pambies? Does Gaza lead our Planet in the export of courage?

Do you spark at all on this message, there's also the song "Dawn Over Gaza", which I composed after the last Massacre at the suggestion of Alice Walker and which, although long published, is still awaiting its performance debut.

Will you please have the kindness to accept my best wishes for the success of your do?

Sincerely, Hal Womack

Courtesy Notice for CC's: Will you please be so kind as to let me know should you wish either to be removed from my list for occasional e-circulars or else to be switched from CC to BCC ?

Also, anyone either having already her (or his) own plan to Save the World or else wishing to hear my draft therefor (entitled "TWAMA" for Third World Age Matrimonial Alliance) is warmly invited to speak to the point.

I beg you to forgive my authorial tic re CC's. I forever begin an eletter to one eddressee, then think of another friend or contact who may share an interest in the topic and then etc. Since Keith B. Alexander and the rest of the Secret Police snoops & cybersaboteurs are going to read every key-stroke anyway, we mizewell share directly with our friends, too?

> > > > womack: A little bit odd, call...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Sep 10, 2014, 6:34:51 PM9/10/14
[This the most current of my rgg threads. The other one got bumped up line (at least on my Google newsreader) by trivial comments from others.]

14:49 hrs.
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
Siller: I work for a really good company. Nice atmosphere, etc. Someone chased off a would be thief that almost got my bicycle
Siller: Right under my office window too, would have really pissed me off to lose it from under my nose.
Siller: Now I either, walk or take as long to get to work by bus, driving, there is no parking around there.
diepeter: just buy a ginormous lock?
Siller: Would have been 700 pounds to replace the bike.
Siller: They managed to almost get through a very thick steel cable
mabblebrox: bongo plaaaaay
mabblebrox: I need my man lovin
Jaynestown: another iraq war
Jaynestown: yay!
Jaynestown: what could possibly go wrong
Siller: Wish I was an arms dealer
Jaynestown: maybe i am worriying for nothing
Jaynestown: if Dick Cheney approves then it must be alright
Siller: America spends more on its military than the next 8 countries combined
Siller: There must be a good reason that makes a greedy heart glad
Jaynestown: they are fighting evil
Siller: Eradicated the Nazis, KKK, militias, cults, terrorists and such that are in America?
Jaynestown: how does one get into arms dealing
Jaynestown: sure
Jaynestown: and ISIS
Siller: I don't believe you :P
Jaynestown: not the goddess
Siller: If they were going to war for the sake of goodness and humanity why haven't they invaded Zimbabwe?
Siller: One little tactical team, a shape charged bomb on the road to the airport and Zimbabwe is free of a dictator
Jaynestown: i am not sure
Jaynestown: maybe other rules apply for africa
Siller: Bin Laden? Announce you are coming with a whole army? Few teams to assassinate him wouldn't have been better?
Siller: Zimbabwe doesn't have oil or a huge poppy production, pharmaceutical companies loves morphine.
Jaynestown: morphine?
Siller: Pethadine, and other drugs are made from morphine
Siller: Morphine (INN) (/ˈmɔrfiːn/) (sold under nearly a hundred trade names) is an opioid analgesic drug, and the main psychoactive chemical in opium.
Siller: Opium (poppy tears, lachryma papaveris) is the dried latex obtained from the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). Opium contains approximately 12% of the analgesic alkaloid morphine,
Jaynestown: tooo many details
Jaynestown: why bring it up
Siller: Afganistan has huge poppy fields
Jaynestown: is there opium in Zimbabwe
Jaynestown: oh.. so the the afghan war was about opium?
Siller: Saying there is no drugs or oil in Zimabwe motivate America to give it some "Liberty"
Siller: I think so
Jaynestown: first time i hear that theory
Siller: Also why Britain got involved, huge aging population that needs morphine
Jaynestown: they seem keen on stoping the opium trade
womack: "JAPE" = "Jewish-American Planetary Empire" one of whose major frauds = the mislabeled "War On Drugs" for mo'loot to Big Pharma & Secret Police
womack: "FODAD" = "For Freedom Of Diet And Dress".
Meepy: lol
Siller: America decided it can't beat the drug trade, so it sell to its citizens
womack: ECCLESIASTES 7:6 [For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool: this also is vanity.]
Siller: What they want to do is remove the competition
womack: Classic work on neo-Prohibition = THE AMERICAN DISEASE [1st ed ! 1972] by the late david Musto MD of Yale.
Meepy: even better one
Meepy: a quote from a book saying "disbelievers are fools" is evidence of what?
Meepy: i'll give you some time to think about it
womack: The boss Jews misdirected the _goyishe_ whites to use "drug wars" to repress other nationalities, starting w Chinese in San Francisco ~1890
Jaynestown: maybe aliens are in control of government
Meepy: sure, but you need to come up with a fancy acronym
Jaynestown: maaicog
womack: Dual passport holders do control JAR ("R" for "Regime").
Meepy: foreigners are coming to get me!
mabblebrox: just get yankee white and spare us the details
Siller: I don't think we have aliens but I do think we have greedy people that don't care about blowing away a few soldier's lives
Jaynestown: how do you explain the fermi paradox then?
womack: Tomorrow the 13th anniversary of the Made-for-TV commercial produced by KinkHenKi & the late Aerial Shaboom.
Kenadi: well
Jaynestown: i rest my case
Meepy: anyone able to decipher these womack soundbites?
RabidWolve: Is anyone ever?
Meepy: i figured out that it's antisemitic but that's as far as i got
womack: "antisemitic" = a truly perverse piece of nonsense
RabidWolve: I figured out that it was mostly English.
Meepy: certainly not good english
PunGent: Something about a Snore On Drugs, I think.
RabidWolve: I said mostly.
Meepy: I remember when qwazidan used to omit the words "that" and "which"
Meepy: if you mentally inserted them into all his sentences they almost made sense
RabidWolve: I remember , too. It was a confusing time, gave me a headache.
womack: "war/snore" == Does PunGent write poems?
PunGent: Did he disappear completely? No, I just write pun-ms.
Jaynestown: whatever happened to qwazi?
RabidWolve: Puns, poems...they're almost secodn cousins.
RabidWolve: *second
Meepy: i think the hackers finally got him
Siller: womack is easy to understand.
PunGent: Hackers eat qwazi people?
RabidWolve: He's not qwazi.
Siller: You just need to take a lot of drugs and alcohol then he makes perfect sense
RabidWolve: Anyway, the account is gone now.
RabidWolve: I will miss him.
PunGent: That's what he always said. He never tried to prove it.
Meepy: yes
Jaynestown: i tried to understand his samenesss theory a few times
Jaynestown: no luck
RabidWolve: You would think he would stop going to the coffee shop at which he suspected being hacked.
RabidWolve: I tried to understand a tautology theory, but I needed to understand a tautology theory first.
PunGent: I was never taught Ology. What's it about?
Meepy: hehe
womack: Riddle for +1: Q = 9/11/22? A = 6/8/67! Me out @ 22:12 hrz [Zulu]. Ah, slackology discovered. USIH! = hints like "saw"
Meepy: I recall it was kinda like trying to understand robert pirsig's arguments about Quality
RabidWolve: Only not as difficult.
Meepy: womack has outdone himself
womack: pls read that as USIH1st
Meepy: ah, much better
womack: thx so much, meeps

Siller: If womack writes like this, imagine what his understanding must be? The world is probably a frightening and confusing place.
Jaynestown: maybe he's the only sane one
womack: For Siller 15k, Earth's a gentle, simple hangout, eh what?
PunGent: You'd have to define "sane" differently.
womack: From what?
Siller: Well for starters, I probably have a more balanced life if I have a low rank :p
womack: Siller worried about his elevated altitude in the game?
PunGent: The current definition generally relies on a majority ...
Meepy: this is not the definition you are looking for
womack: Or, in Russian, "bolsheviki"
PunGent: The old Jedi Meepy trick ...
Siller: Go rank means nothing other than how good you are at Go. Why people keep trying to equate it to anything else is baffling.
RoadHobo: the womackiavellian stuff is always amusing
womack: Ah, comes Fauntleroy
PunGent: What's baffling is letting it bother you when they do.
womack: Siller vs Siller
RabidWolve: Siller, I have found that my rank in go directly correlates with how much microwave pizza I eat.
PunGent: And/or, how much time I spend online.
womack: MangyDog shows 0 games
RabidWolve: Therefore, higher rank = lower health.
RoadHobo: my rank in go corresponds to how much I care abaout go
Siller: I am not bothered. My focus is mostly on the other machine right now. I am just calling out kids for comparing who has the most used pen or what ever other inanity there is.
RabidWolve: There is plenty of inanity to call out.
womack: Leave y'all it
womack: (2)
PunGent: Two of them for all of us? That's pretty stingy.
mabblebrox: I don't follow. I'll assume it's idiocy
RoadHobo: it usual is, mabble
RoadHobo: usuall
RoadHobo: y
RoadHobo: lol
RabidWolve: Because.
mabblebrox: you're in canada
womack: Leave mabs to the dance of idiocy w inanity?
mabblebrox: dude I know more than you'd ever want to know
mabblebrox: give me a room with 5 of the right people and i'll take over the world.
womack: Does mabs stick its finger up there, too?
womack: Ah, a thought, at last
mabblebrox: oh a homophobic reference, i'm glad you're upping your game
mabblebrox: i'm baffled at the fact I am not seen
Siller: womack's first proper sentence and it isn't properly tied into the conversation.
womack: A while back I was in a room with CJCS, got the tape, too. Ah, mabs now leading w its chin, if that's a chin
womack: !Adiosa! [22:28 hrz.]

> ...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Sep 11, 2014, 10:29:49 AM9/11/14
Thursday 0911 in ECR:

asdk: not office workers, slave of the word slave
alobar: they got them from the jewish secret police in 1935
womack: Both minati & eagles ill
tomicus: cali is nice, just one rough moutain range
tomicus: sorry, have someone talking to me in person as well
tomicus: siller, x86 vs 64? I was just asked this question and have already answered it, but since you asked me to rattle off random linux commands now it's my turn
asdk: look
asdk: wow man
Siller: WinXP 64 bit should have been developed more
tomicus: and x86?
Siller: Memory and paging, good for smaller machines
Siller: Annoys me seeing 64 with 2GB of RAM or some nonsense
tomicus: more processor, 286, 386, 486
Siller: 386 with 1GB of RAM was possible
tomicus: never tried that
tomicus: I remember paying absurd amounts of money for a 4 meg simm back in the day
Siller: :)
alobar: i must go. enjoy your stay folks.
Siller: Ciao
tomicus: laters
Siller: I better go. Have fun.
RoadHobo: google 'sotsies' if you ever want a good dose of crazy
tomicus: laters to you too :)
RoadHobo: I've had enough insanity for the day, so I'm off too
tomicus: sheesh, everyone is leaving
tomicus: except asdk
asdk: a man with a folder -- i listen and obey my lord
asdk: while you're sitting in office, your government is robbing you and kills thousands of people around the world.
asdk: and present it to you as democracy
XY0908: can e have a pleasant convo for a change?
XY0908: we*
asdk: US will be destroyed
XY0908: just once in a while?
tomicus: asdk doesn't know how to do that
XY0908: no sense of humor?
tomicus: none
XY0908: No love?
tomicus: Good Morning XY
XY0908: can we at least talk about food?
XY0908: morning tom.
tomicus: I was in your neck of the woods yesterdy, pike street
XY0908: Pike Street? Where is that?
XY0908: In Village area?
tomicus: east side, right above the brookly bridge I think, got lost and had to hail a cab
asdk: how can there be a sense of humor when the war on the nose
XY0908: I go there once in a while for running, but never paid attention to names of streets.
asdk: im not idiot
XY0908: asdk, no one is saying you are an idiot.
tomicus: I think you are
asdk: lol
tomicus: I am :)
XY0908: now tom said it.
Sheriffi: tom is so rude
XY0908: without sense of humor... the world will be too harsh to live on.
Sheriffi: true new yorker
tomicus: XY or me?
Sheriffi: u
XY0908: I have lived in Manhattan since 1980.
tomicus: 'cause XY lives here too :)
XY0908: So, I am not a true New Yorker.
asdk: but I think most of the idiots living in America, between Canada and Mexico
tomicus: that's long enough, you are, but you can claim dual citizenship
XY0908: that's generalization which I don't approve, asdk.
XY0908: although I agree with you :-)
XY0908: Most of idiots living in America live between Canada and Mexico :-)
tomicus: lol
womack: Big cluster in DC
womack: special blsgs there
tomicus: with the center mass being in washington DC
tomicus: womack beat me to that
womack: .
XY0908: ehhh... I have NO interest whatsoever wasting my time to talk about politics this morning. Have a great day all.
womack: Commecial break: DICTATA = "D.C. Tel Aviv Terrorist Axis". DAily special.
tomicus: I need to disagree with you on that one
womack: Take it to the Senate? Or should I say Knesset?
tomicus: nope, I agree with you that they are morons, but not war mongerers
Sheriffi: this is a firestorm
womack: as to say in this case "puppies but not dogs"
tomicus: last one wasn't bad fi fi
tomicus: womack, that term isn't used here, I don't know what you are trying to say
womack: Basic DC slogan = Deny X 3
tomicus: you are still making no sense
Sheriffi: yea womack shut up
womack: Hearing problems,Tom?
womack: sher can eat doodoo
tomicus: understanding your version of english problems
womack: Q 4 Tom = Should Human Race arrest US Senate for war crimes?
tomicus: ummm, no?
womack: thx to tom for its ans, wrong though it be
tomicus: they should be replaced because they are fools, but again, not war mongerers, I think they have held back too much
womack: ah, tom >warmonger than Senate?
tomicus: I am
tomicus: any other qquestions?
womack: May the doom that the war criminal invites upon itself soon find it, then
tomicus: OK, what war crimes are you talking about?
womack: Every military action by USGov since 1946 has been criminal
womack: total murders worldwide aprox 30,000,000 [thirty million]
tomicus: OK, this conversation just ended, there is no arguing with nonsense
womack: tom = the 3 monkeys rolled into 1 ?
tomicus: I'm going to get water, BRB
asdk: better vodka
womack: Daily special #2 = Lee Harvey Oswald knockd down WTC. Ciao all @ 14:26 hrz [Zulu]

> ...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Sep 12, 2014, 4:55:44 PM9/12/14
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
20:55 hrz.
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

TitanPupil: im sleepy, gonna sleep bye
Siller: ni ni
Siller: bbl
Lynx: good evening
First: hi lynx
First: one of my KGS favourties
First: favourites
Siller: Hi
Lynx: thank you :) I endeavor to be awesome
First: do you have a girlfriend?
Lynx: no comment
Lynx: do you?
First: no comment
womack: Classic _go_ players' repartee?

> > >...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Sep 16, 2014, 4:20:10 AM9/16/14
ECR on TUESDAY 20140916:
alobar: i doubt your ability to make rational evaluations.
alobar: and to be fair, without visual clues that one has in face to face conversation, the written word is very open to mis-interpretation.
womack: Aside from technical strategy, there's also the Net record of publications. abr = a chicken following in Bibi's dust
womack: abar hopes its lip twitches to save rotten content?
alobar: sit down womack, take deep breaths, make yourself a cup of tea.
womack: Of what creature could abar be the mother? Aforementioned puff-adder, maybe?
alobar: and then come back when a little sanity prevails.
womack: abar counts arrogance as its only resource
IIIllIIll0: womack why you harshin on lobes
IIIllIIll0: wat he do to get your goat
womack: yo bar code, I just call it wie es eigenlich sei == like it is
alobar: womack gets his own goat. his medication wears off and he goes doo-lacky
alobar: and i dont mind him at all. he is just trying to fit in.
IIIllIIll0: do you have an example of rotten content womack
womack: I have twenty years of record dealing with hecklers like abar on newsgroups
womack: wait 1 bc
alobar: goodness a sentence!
alobar: he must have taken his pills.
womack: alobar: hillary clinton? womack: U have heard of her alobar: i admire her. most woman object to their husband cheating but she supported him. she obviously has family values. womack: Hillary has helped to murder millions of victims, from Texas to Baghdad womack: to Gaza
IIIllIIll0: specifically an example of rotten content from lobes tho
IIIllIIll0: what wrong with that
womack: bc asks what's wrong with mass murder?
womack: witch
IIIllIIll0: maybe some part is missing
womack: abar admires
IIIllIIll0: what did lobes say that is objectionable
IIIllIIll0: he's obviously making a joke about family values
womack: asked & answered
IIIllIIll0: its funny too
alobar: did i say i admire her because of mass murder or was i sarcastic about her and her husband's private life.
alobar: trouble with you womack is you cannot make sense of anything.
womack: abar believes itself to be the kozmos. pathetic
alobar: you should stop trying to criticise and start trying to understand.
IIIllIIll0: objectively though that was just a wisecrack about family values
womack: Dylan used a guitar
alobar: look in a mirror if you want answers.
alobar: and stop projecting your thoughts onto others. most people are not saying whatyou are thinking. all that garbage is a product of your mind.
womack: Hillary = Regime's leading candidate for next Prez of USA. I simply quoted abar's own words. I can spot garbage when abar posts it.
alobar: womack america would elect donald duck if he ran. you guys are political children.
GoToddler: Hey, everyalobar. :)
IIIllIIll0: sup todd
alobar: and your system is so simple as to be almost fraudulent.
alobar: hey go tod.
GoToddler: Is womack a clon of asdk?
GoToddler: Hey, III0. :) Hello, alobar.
alobar: womack is fine. he just needs to beathe deeply and relax now. he has got himself all excited.
womack: USA has been under despotism of Jewish secret police since Sept of 1935. I have written up this subject many times, as shown by Google Groups Page
GoToddler: Sorry, womack. You are real guy.
alobar: womack because you wrote it does not mean it is right.
womack: abar has delusion that itza a shrink
alobar: i am a shrink womack.
GoToddler: Was played weekly tourney this Saturday. Was a proud member of semi-final.
alobar: i can send you a bill if you have any money.
alobar: well done go toddler.
GoToddler: Then lost to zephyr. He's unstoppable.
womack: either abar lies for the Nth time or it will present its credentials?
asdk: when brother kills brother, people like GoToddler rejoice
asdk: stupid bastard
IIIllIIll0: @_@
womack: zdrasvitye
asdk: hi
alobar: asdk be polite please, bad enough we have to put up with womack.
GoToddler: privet, Womack.
asdk: Womack intelligent man and he understands what is going on in the world
womack: abar content = 0. Persistence OTOH = result of payment?
alobar: hahaha.
asdk: what haha
alobar: asdk that is irony att its finest, but stop mocking womack now.
IIIllIIll0: asdk just a few days now until scotland dumps england
asdk: the only thing that is necessary to distinguish the Jews and Zionists
womack: what odds bc?
womack: Hello asdk. I have written on your Q there
alobar: i want to know who will be king of scotland.
womack: I also lead the Net in promoting the works of the very few genuine righteous public Jews, such as Israel Shahak & Moshe Menuhin
IIIllIIll0: how about noam chomsky
alobar: i wonder if they have some inbred gormless twit waiting for his chance to make a mark in history.
womack: Chomsky = the Jews' Minister of the Left.
asdk: Good day and good luck womack
womack: U R leaving now?
IIIllIIll0: not sure that that means
IIIllIIll0: is it good or bad to be the Jews' minister of the left
womack: yes, bc it takes some presentation
IIIllIIll0: norman finkelstein
alobar: anything to do with jews is bad. you know that bar.
IIIllIIll0: indeed
GoToddler: ECR is like a /b/ section on imageboards, lol.
stumped: Are the scotts freed yet ?
womack: Fnlstn = the aged Chomsky's designated heir-apparent
womack: abar reveals itself yet again as a shelf-talker for mass murder
IIIllIIll0: if you dont like chomsky can u give an example of what u dont like about him
alobar: mass murder is fine womack as long as they get you this time.
IIIllIIll0: what is it about chomsky that you dont dig womack
alobar: why wont you go to the front where they can see you?
womack: KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom produced the 9/11 Stunt. Oops I stop to note abar
womack: abar's personal murder threat
alobar: nonsens i am not threatening you, just wishing you were important enough to count.
womack: For a RT ticket + expenses I'll go most anywhere, actually
womack: alobar: mass murder is fine womack as long as they get you this time.
alobar: would you go ut this room if we asked nicely and said you could come back another day?
mabblebrox: really the humane thing to do is nuke the planet and wipe out humanity
womack: The murderers of children, such as Netanyahu and his wee squeaker here = by far the lowest form of human life
asdk: sometimes it seems to me that humanity will destroy itself
alobar: we can only hope so asdk.
IIIllIIll0: womack chomsky criticizes that all the time why arent you down with him
asdk: people all over the earth too selfish
alobar: chomsky is a joke.
womack: Chomskey backs up the important Jewish Official Lies, e.g, re 1963 Jack Whack and the 9/11 Stunt already mentioned.
alobar: he says more than he thinks and he is very obvious.
womack: as does Finkelstein
IIIllIIll0: can you clarify what the 9/11 stunt refers to
womack: Genuine revolutionary leaders = Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Diego Rivera, Evo Morales, Hugo Chaves, Rafael Correa
IIIllIIll0: and 1963 jack whack. these are mysterious statements, please translate into normal discourse
alobar: bar you are asking the wrong person for normal.
womack: in what country bc?
IIIllIIll0: in other words are you saying you believe the israeli government was behind 9/11 and the JFK assasinations?
womack: "World Jewry" more accurate than "israeli government "
IIIllIIll0: hmm
stumped: and obesity
IIIllIIll0: that's fairly wacky, dide
IIIllIIll0: dude
GoToddler: And Apollo-13, do not forget about it. :)
IIIllIIll0: what % of jewish people participate in this world jewry movement
womack: The feck
IIIllIIll0: who in particular was the mastermind for 9/11 then
womack: overwhelming odds that the synagogue closest to most residents of US empire supported Gaza Massacre, for example
womack: KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom
IIIllIIll0: is there evidence of this
womack: yes, data WRT the classic trio of "means, motive & opportunity"
stumped: thats stupid
womack: dancing Israelis, white van, short selling, Enron collapse, international diplomatic context, eg U.N. Durban conference
stumped: thats not proof
womack: "stumped sez its own name
IIIllIIll0: womack sounds like a detective teaching a bunch of new police recruits how to finger a 'perp
womack: on the day of the event itself I introduced the motto _cui bono_ which went global viral for obvious reasons
womack: bc absolutely spot on!
stumped: if you have the means, motive & opportunity , you must be the one who did it ?
womack: odds are for "leading suspect"
alobar: right, now change the subject or i will CLEAR THIS ROOM.
stumped: barcode, I hope the police at least have some standards
alobar: i must go lads. enjoy your stay.
womack: abar delusional as usual ?
alobar: chees esrig.
GoToddler: Good bye, alobar.
stumped: means, motive and opportunity are what they call circumferential evidence
IIIllIIll0: *Circumstantialatory
IIIllIIll0: what if 15,000 different peopel all have means,motive, and opportunity
stumped: what, for 9/11 ?
womack: Public record shows that I nailed the perps on the same day of the Stunt. Since then others have come along to varying degrees. Late Italian PM was one of the best.
IIIllIIll0: for any given crime including 911
womack: I'll leave bc & stumpid to knock heads on abstractions. We do need a handy write-up. out @ 08:01 hrz [Zulu].

> > > >...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Sep 18, 2014, 12:13:04 PM9/18/14
THURSDAY 20140918:
14:45 hrz [Zulu] {NEEDS EDITING}
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
asdk: if Scotland will remain in NATO, the Scots will continue to die in countries such as Afghanistan, fighting for the interests of the United States
asdk: it is sad
Meepy: lol
asdk: what lol
Meepy: that's barely even a legitimate issue
asdk: why the Scots to fight in Afghanistan? tell me one good reason
Meepy: wouldn't even make a top 10 list of things they're concerned about
asdk: war for oil for the United States, it is a very good reason to join NATO
asdk: no more reason
Meepy: how's that russian gas industry doing?
asdk: Russian gas industry is not at war in other countries.
asdk: it is done only NATO and US
asdk: and why the Scots die thousands of miles from home to the United States was richer, I do not understand
Meepy: amazing
arndt: Russian parents are also wondering why their sons die as soldiers in the Ukraine
womack: Motive of ~25 year-old U.S. aggression against Iraq & then other targets in M.E. illustrated by most recent Gaza Massacre:
Meepy: nazis, arndt
womack: Pure power trip, like Aztec priests with obsidian knives tearing out hearts of the young maidens
womack: grabbing oil comes in as a distant second goal
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
asdk: if Scotland will remain in NATO, the Scots will continue to die in countries such as Afghanistan, fighting for the interests of the United States
asdk: it is sad
Meepy: lol
asdk: what lol
Meepy: that's barely even a legitimate issue
asdk: why the Scots to fight in Afghanistan? tell me one good reason
Meepy: wouldn't even make a top 10 list of things they're concerned about
asdk: war for oil for the United States, it is a very good reason to join NATO
asdk: no more reason
Meepy: how's that russian gas industry doing?
asdk: Russian gas industry is not at war in other countries.
asdk: it is done only NATO and US
asdk: and why the Scots die thousands of miles from home to the United States was richer, I do not understand
Meepy: amazing
arndt: Russian parents are also wondering why their sons die as soldiers in the Ukraine
womack: Motive of ~25 year-old U.S. aggression against Iraq & then other targets in M.E. illustrated by most recent Gaza Massacre:
Meepy: nazis, arndt
womack: Pure power trip, like Aztec priests with obsidian knives tearing out hearts of the young maidens
womack: grabbing oil comes in as a distant second goal
asdk: arndt: Russian parents are also wondering why their sons die as soldiers in the Ukraine // what kind of nonsense?
IIIllIIll0: scottish boys shouldnt die for the queen of england
IIIllIIll0: the iraq war was one of the big issues that got scottish people wanting to leave UK
IIIllIIll0: UK drains their oil and sends their boys off to die in iraq for the glory of the queen
HiggsBison: The Iraq war had me wanting to leave the UK. And I am English
Meepy: ah, didn't know that
Haruhi: I love scotland <3
HiggsBison: I had no capacity for assassinating Tony Bliar
arndt: have the Scottish leaders say whether they want to leave NATO?
womack: Murder millions of Iraqis and Princess Diana for closely related motives. me playing now
asdk: do you even understand what the Ukraine and Russia? tens of millions of relatives, brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents and grandchildren. your nonsense about Russian aggression is not even funny. Urgent! All who read the Western press in the mad house.
arndt: or I don't even know what status international agreements have when a part of a country leaves
HiggsBison: They want to stay in NATO just without the nukes
arndt: they won't be part of the EU automatically, will they?
HiggsBison: Strangely they want to keep the Queen too
IIIllIIll0: harui 大日本帝国の国民なんだからあまり英米にちやほやしない方がいい
HiggsBison: And the Pound
HiggsBison: They probably will if they go Independent
HiggsBison: In a few hours we will know
Meepy: the financials are going to be confusing
HiggsBison: Scots invented capitalism
HiggsBison: Adam Smith was a Scot
HiggsBison: They also invented golf
HiggsBison: Which you may find less important
asdk: in general, all this fake referendum
Meepy: lol
asdk: if they remain in NATO, and fight for the united states, what is the point of independence\
asdk: die for fascist US is a great honor
asdk: Uncle Sam will give you a marble slab on the grave
Haruhi: Sean Connery is the best#%%! ($_$)
HiggsBison: Scotland gave the world Sean Connery but he doesn't have a vote
Haruhi: Andy Murray for Scotland!------YES、SUKOTTORANDO!!!!
HiggsBison: For some strange reason he prefers to live on his luxury yacht in the Carribean than Scotland
HiggsBison: Not very patriotic of him
asdk: we even have a Russian poet, whose ancestors come from Scotland

> > > > > > Comrade: How's life with Yooo-up, Bluuu-up, my darling Xena?...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Sep 19, 2014, 8:52:33 PM9/19/14
FRIDAY 20140919:
ECR @ 23:49 hrz [Zulu]:
Werfeus: Russia machinated the hockey final of world championships this year
Werfeus: buggers
asdk: USSR was the best thing that could have made in the history of mankind. but corporations from Wall Street this prevented
Callaghan: ok
stumped: how old are you asd ?
Callaghan: now we're back to normal
asdk: 27
stumped: haha
Callaghan: I'm not sick
asdk: When the dollar collapses, all your capitalist paradise turns into Detroit
asdk: the clock is ticking
Callaghan: but russia too
asdk: need a new world war, to prevent the destruction of the dollar
Callaghan: if the dollar collapse
asdk: not, we go from the dollar zone
Callaghan: everything goes down
Meepy: asdk! how's it goign
Callaghan: it's the same for the russian currency
Callaghan: or euro
Callaghan: or every big country
njs: like a someboday
asdk: you know what "window overtones"?
asdk: already your children are taught to be satanists
Callaghan: XD
asdk: when the child will grow up, he will bring you a sacrifice to satan
asdk: its not funny
Werfeus: it is a bit
Callaghan: us is a satanistic country?
Callaghan: XD
Meepy: there's that satanist statue in florida
Callaghan: I love this room
clydesdale: yeah
asdk: USA is a country with a lot of stupid people who can inspire any nonsense
Meepy: they usually put up a nice satanic display near the nativity scene at xmas too
Callaghan: XD
Callaghan: every country is a country with a lot of stupid people
asdk: read what the "window overtones". merry clown
asdk: once you have had a maniac Charles Manson
Meepy: or the chess killer
asdk: in the future, people like Manson will be the norm in the US
asdk: if you are going to laugh
Meepy: did he ever complete one kill for all 64 squares?
clydesdale: asdk you are a real font of wisdom and truth
Meepy: ah, alexander yuryevich pichushkin - sadly 4 victims short of the 64
stumped: that sucks
asdk: clydesdale, I know that without you)
clydesdale: that's what i thought
asdk: well done
asdk: Today you are protecting the rights of gays, tomorrow will be to protect the rights of cannibals.
marzo: lol
marzo: it is interesting to hear such vitrol asdk where are you located?
Meepy: he doesn't really get the idea of "rights"
asdk: They do not kill the victim wanted to be eaten by itself. It's all mutual. Be tolerant.
marzo: it would be hard if you spent your life in russia
marzo: i was wondering if asdk had ever been to the usa?
asdk: marzo who are you?
marzo: i am marzo just as you are asdk
asdk: where u live?
marzo: usa
marzo: why do you live?
marzo: where*
asdk: then all is clear
marzo: you didn't ansewer my question
marzo: where do you live?
asdk: again pindos with a torch of democracy in the hands
marzo: and have you see more of the world than your own country
marzo: ?
marzo: you can't answer my simple question as I answered yours?
asdk: I was almost in all parts of the world except the United States
marzo: except?
marzo: interesting
marzo: you seem to be an expert on a place you have never been
asdk: United States does not interest me. this hole cesspool
marzo: on the contrary you only talk about this country
clydesdale: open minded too
marzo: right :)
asdk: your country wants to destroy my country and continue to plunder the whole world
marzo: I only hope he doesn't speak for the majority of the russian people
marzo: how can you be so sure?
marzo: consider your sources
clydesdale: that's probably the line from the KGB contolled state media in Russia
marzo: we have lived a long time with a cold war it was over and now you seem to be trying to reinvent it
asdk: I also hope that people like you in USA will eventually be less than
stumped: I hope you fix what is really wrong in your life ...
marzo: i wish you and your family well
asdk: CIA controlled media in USA
marzo: bye
asdk: ciao
asdk: amazing self-righteousness
asdk: this monkey thinks he owns the world
stumped: Why do you like to call people names that much ?
asdk: many questions
womack: "JAPE" = "Jewish-American Planetary Empire". Russia somewhat independent & China even more so.
asdk: when tell the truth you do not like. what to say to those who can not hear and can not see?
womack: But life of whole Human Race threatened by criminals' control of Pentagon
clydesdale: asdk and womack together- a real treat
womack: ans to asdk important question = Speak for the record, so that honest students can learn
womack: "clyesdale" sincerely from one end
asdk: I can only say - flag in your hands, and forward to a brighter future
womack: Hurrah!
Werfeus: russian couple came to finland to visit friends, and they asked the finnish couple, whoms place they spent their visit at, who do they think dropped the plane in ukraine. the man bluntly answered 'russians' which resulted in gazing from the russian couple
asdk: If Igor Kolomoisky and Kiev junta is Russian, then of course I agree with you
womack: Joospooks behind both jet shootdown in Ukraine & earlier big poison gas attack in Damascus. Both Black Op False Flag attacks failed.
clydesdale: oh brother
Meepy: lol
womack: The linked COUNTERPUNCH article appeared only hours before the shootdown, a rare masterpiece of timing.
womack: Mumbles up from the Murdoch Faction.
asdk: merry clown did not think, all the fault Russkies. it's time to push NATO tanks in Moscow. I'm waiting for you.
womack: Hello asdk: Can we agree that our Human Race needs to arrest Obomber, Netanyahu & their accomplices for war crimes?
asdk: Let's understand how men or in your euroamerica alone were gay
womack: How about pork chops with AIDS & the Illuminati?
SamSpade: or the fake moon landing
womack: Shudda landed on the real one
SamSpade: what are the jews hiding on the moon
SamSpade: i'm just asking
asdk: all the presidents of the United States criminals
asdk: except maybe Kennedy
womack: BTW "gay" = the official JAPE euphemism for "homosexual". Street term = "queer"
womack: We made world law only in 1945
asdk: window overton
asdk: First to come up with other names of ugliness, then teach this child, then society accepts it as the norm
womack: Eisenhower, JFK, Nixon, even Jimmy Carter all had some positive qualities
asdk: what year abolished the gold standard?
womack: pay tuittion?
womack: Sam asks what the Jews are hiding here on Earth? Riddle again: Q = 9/11/22? A = 6/8/67!
SamSpade: what is that?
womack: That is what?
asdk: obviously numerology
womack: Us fogies lived through it
asdk: I am not a supporter of conspiracy theories. it's much easier. power and money turn people into monsters
womack: asdk believes only in coincidence theories?
womack: asdk vs asdk: If Igor Kolomoisky and Kiev junta is Russian, then of course I agree with you
asdk: I believe that rich people are not gods and have no right to decide the fate of entire nations as they want
womack: Distinction between lawful vs criminal even more important than rich vs poor.
asdk: What shot down the Boeing Ukrainian Nazis with Kolomoiskiy it's a secret only for the West
asdk: not for east
womack: Mel Gibson & James Cameron = 2 examples of rare American honorable rich
stumped: ... but who makes the law
womack: Order in the chamber!
asdk: Mel Gibson and James Cameron did not spend their money on killing people
womack: BTW asdk, looks like the "West" COUNTERPUNCH site beat Russia on the shootdown story, eh?
asdk: they do not play in the gods
womack: Both MG & JC quite creative, actually, the primary divine quality
asdk: womack, I know that in the West there are people who understand everything. but they are so small that you can not hear almost
womack: Well said.
womack: The bigger ones get assassinated, many examples, of whom Michael Hastings one of the more recent
womack: Hence: "Basic American Yidocracy"
Meepy: all praise Batman the Redeemer
womack: That's Fatman 2 U, Meeps
womack: New title = Sheriff Mahdi
womack: ~30' silence here or longer NFR or "Noted For Record". Me out @ 00:47 hrz {Zulu] on Saturday 9/20.

> ...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Sep 30, 2014, 2:04:23 AM9/30/14
ECR 20:56 hrs:
USSRMan: NIXON'S final words
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
SamSpade: why do we need to sleep
SamSpade: i'm against leep
SamSpade: *sleep
patrickb: hey, KGS is still here :)
YangTze: u just never know
USSRMan: Hello
USSRMan: almost october, the reddest month
Zelda43: nah its Halloween time
Zelda43: when I get to buy a bag of snickers and just sit on the couch ignoring all the ringing doorbells
Zelda43: while listening to Johnny Cash
boxmann: nice
USSRMan: NIXON'S final words
USSRMan: very facinating read
USSRMan: nixon was best us president ever
womack: Maybe Nixon was a Communist agent? He definitely had some good points. In 1956 I sang on the same stage with him.
womack: But Abe Linvoln was the best Prez.
Zelda43: wow you completely forgot Obama
Zelda43: first black hipster to hold Office
Zelda43: Lincoln was a nerd
USSRMan: nixon changed history
USSRMan: with visit to china
Zelda43: I heard Mao tasted very good
USSRMan: Mao is a hero of china
USSRMan: founder of the comunist party
USSRMan: single handedly lift 600 million out of poverty
USSRMan: in a mere 30 years, increases national GDP by 20 times into the second largest economy
USSRMan: all due to the ideals of communism
USSRMan: saved the communist party in 1989, even when the whole world change to the dark side
IIIllIIll0: neither the USSR nor China nor any other country on the planet has ever actually been communist :(
Zelda43: at the same time Mao also severely repressed any hope of Democracy in China and if we remember the Great Leap forward...
Zelda43: just sayin there's two sides to everything
Zelda43: he's a hero indeed but also exactly the opposite
IIIllIIll0: Dikötter concluded that decisions coming from the top officials of the Chinese government in Beijing were the direct cause of the famine. Beijing government officials, including Zhou Enlai and Mao, increased the food procurement quota from the countryside to pay for international imports. According to Dikötter, "In most cases the party knew very well that it was starving its own people to death." Mao was quoted as saying in Shanghai in 1959: “When there is not enough to eat people starve to death. It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill.”
USSRMan: Biased historical assessment in my opinion
USSRMan: China in 1959 was diplomatically isolated everywhere
USSRMan: due to sino soviet split
USSRMan: korean war
USSRMan: China just fought a century of internal civil wars and external war, and finally found peace in 1953, after korean war
USSRMan: country was completely devastated
USSRMan: famine was long overdue
IIIllIIll0: famines are never "due"
IIIllIIll0: Dikötter concluded that decisions coming from the top officials of the Chinese government in Beijing were the direct cause of the famine
USSRMan: well, didnt change the fact that China was war devastated
USSRMan: the west offered no help due to cold war
USSRMan: soviet was not going to help
IIIllIIll0: In the me of building Communist utopia overnight, farmworkers were diverted to labor on industry and infrastructure; agricultural work was collectivized and thrown into disorder; high-ranking bureaucrats imposed useless and destructive pseudoscientific farming methods on the countryside. Local officials, vying to demonstrate the greatest commitment to progress, reported fraudulent crop yields, and the government requisitioned its due share of the non-existent bumper crops.
USSRMan: I dont judge the great leap forward as harshly as others
USSRMan: given china's strategic position at that time
USSRMan: it was between a rock and a hard place
womack: China was then & is now still under US nuclear threat.
Zelda43: doesnt the US have like 3,000 nukes?
womack: Am pop also under threat from DC criminal regime
IIIllIIll0: O_o?
Zelda43: that's kind of a fu to China cause they make 90% of our products
Zelda43: yeah I heard in a news article, the US has 3,000 or so nukes
womack: Nader quotes DoD that they can destroy all higher life on Earth >20 times over
Zelda43: and North Korea has maybe 3
Zelda43: Ralph Nader womack?
womack: yes
Zelda43: Ralph says lots of interesting things
womack: So do we bring Cheney & Kissinger & Gang up on war crimes charges, will they rather pull the trigger?
Zelda43: Cheny is a real dick
womack: Ralph does that. This particular one sounded like an accurate report of the DoD claim
Zelda43: whats the DoD claim?
womack: womack: Nader quotes DoD that they can destroy all higher life on Earth >20 times over
Zelda43: o_O
Zelda43: and I thought Fallout 3 was bad...
womack: movie?
Zelda43: video game
Zelda43: but should be a movie
Zelda43: nuclear bombs now are much much more powerful than in 1945 which is even more frightening
womack: rather
womack: review the vixpix from GM'14 [Gaza Massacre] & remember these guys got da bomb both there & here
womack: = global hostage situation

> > > > > womac...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Oct 1, 2014, 4:13:31 PM10/1/14
YIDZ RUN WILD ON KGS, a la David Cameron in U.K. & Stephen Harper in Canada:

[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "Racially offensive language "Yidocracy"".]
Wednesday 20141001 @ 12:57 hrs. Nameless "admin" booted me without warning during my Game w houps.

A bit earlier I had been part of a discussion in the ECR in which came up the subject of "democracy". I wrote [In 1935 Bernard Baruch shot to death democracy in the USA. Since then we have had "Yidocracy".] At the time this remark passed without comment. The routine genuine insults to other nationalities in this venue can scarcely be exaggerated. My statement OTOH a mere statement of fact, rather than an insult. Such perceptions do offend the Jews, such as those controlling KGS, the US Senate, network TV & suchlike institutions of power precisely because they are so few (<3% in USA) and so corrupt as to make their despotism quite shaky. Netanyahu showed the true face of World Jewry in GM'14 (Gaza Massacre) and I had also mentioned that fact.

WMS quite shameless in sucking the cox of these kosher kiddie-killers.

> > >...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Oct 4, 2014, 7:48:33 AM10/4/14
SATURDAY 20141004:
03:11 hrs:
[Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
Bloke: We are better off without that racist
LATE: are you calling me racist?
Bloke: No, I was calling PatrickLee one
Bloke: Which he is
LATE: oh he is.
womack: Long live humane racers!
womack: Breed X Supremacists (of which the two most notorious examples = Jewish & white) are self-defeating.
IIIllIIll0: @_@
IIIllIIll0: wat breed x be meaning
womack: "x" means U pikit as per usual
womack: Any small part which seeks to set itself over and against the whole thereby chooses its own doom.
stumped: minorities have successfully rule majority for centuries
pete038861: minorities never seem minorities to me, more like majorities
womack: Minorities rule for a spell (all rulers have been minorities) then they get kicked out for their abuses
pete038861: I dont believe the minorities things. They can rule because those under them support them
pete038861: so they are part of the majorities
stumped: and the rule of the majority in inherently just ?
pete038861: the ruler is the manifestation of the majorities
womack: The Clancy Brothers - Haul Away Joe
womack: How says "stumped" WRT majorities & justice?
stumped: huh ? you expect me to click any of your links ?
womack: Looks like the present US regime is looking to impose Gitmo conditions on the gen pop, the former being driven by guilty conscience & collapsing correuption
womack: "stump" whatever it may be, feels oppressed by the Clancy Bros, does it?
stumped: logic falls and ad hominem starts
womack: now leading w its jaw, poor thing?
womack: & since when a "stump" be a man? (as in "hominem)
womack: #2 = Has pete# paid any attn to increasing domestic militarization of USA WRT its perception of "manifestation" ?
pete038861: what is WRT?
womack: admins have banned my favorite google reference
Eliza: with respect to
pete038861: I see
pete038861: Actually I can hardly grasp the meaning of most conversation in ECR. Native English is deep XD
womack: Daler Mehndi - Tunak Tunak Tun Video
pete038861: lol
Siller: Fun, possible vandal at work.
IIIllIIll0: womack do you think the US media is controlled by jewish persons
pete038861: I've been trying to perceive what you said womack. Sorry, I have totally no idea what domestic militarization is about.
Siller: The Jews are evil! Especially that Jesus guy!
IIIllIIll0: its yom kippur womack
pete038861: and I dont understand 'WRT its perception of "manifestation".. too deep for me
IIIllIIll0: a day of grave seriousness for jewish people
womack: Bar Code, Jews beyond doubt dominate US imperial media, alle samee the Senate
Eliza: pete038861....... after a while, you learn to ignore certain people here
IIIllIIll0: is there an agenda
womack: pete#'s Enlgish way ahead of my Chinese, alas!
pete038861: but I really want to read native English lol
womack: So pete can practice w novels, movies & poetry
IIIllIIll0: tough bananas
Eliza: yeah, well....... this might not be the best place
Siller: womack do you really believe there aren't gentiles that are rich, powerful and manipulating America when they can? Are they somehow less greedy?
IIIllIIll0: *goyim
pete038861: actually I just need to learn to read conversations like yours womack. Then I can read 99% of the internet discussion
womack: normal folk alias "gentile" in USA far less organized than the tiny minority of Jews
IIIllIIll0: womack what is the jewish agenda
womack: The slogan = "full spectrum dominance"
IIIllIIll0: having achieved that, what do they want
womack: motto of the House of Orange = "I Maintain"
Siller: Don't forget about the lizard people barcode!
womack: Siller keeps flicking its tongue?
IIIllIIll0: how can i get in on it
IIIllIIll0: i want my fair share of dominance
womack: where does BC live?
IIIllIIll0: thailand
womack: BC's nationality?
IIIllIIll0: US
womack: linked to Gov or private biz?
IIIllIIll0: private
IIIllIIll0: do i need to move to NY and go to the 5th ave synagogue
Siller: 17 more questions before he must guess your name
IIIllIIll0: and weight
IIIllIIll0: i want my fair share of the spoils of dominance
Eliza: and troll level
Siller: womack you realise how much of America is owned by Japan? Jews are an old conspiracy that is no longer remotely relevant.
IIIllIIll0: if i show up to 5th ave synagogue in a yarmulke and start networking can i getin on it
Siller: Ready to be circumcised and branded also barcode?
IIIllIIll0: wats up with branding
womack: This Summer World Jewry massacred >2k helpless prisoners in Gaza. The US Senate unanimoulsy applauded & threw more money at them.
Siller: To join the super secret group of puppet masters that only womack knows about.
womack: Siller keeps its head in a bucket? AIPAC pretty notorious
IIIllIIll0: about 50% of hasidic jews in NY are on welfare
womack: We could also hunt up recent video of Bibi's visit w Obomber in the White House
Siller: womack, America throws money at Israel because they want to keep a launch pad for military action if they need to secure oil. It has nothing to do with Jewish control.
pete038861: womack, I sincerely believe some Chinese are working with the Jews
IIIllIIll0: has noam chomsky lost his official jewish membership card?
womack: There being so very many Chinese, pete, some of them are working with most everybody, eh what?
womack: But true that Jews do make particular effort to influence China
IIIllIIll0: what is the punishment for being a traitor jew like chomsky
pete038861: you know chinese have been buying many US properties and companies right?
pete038861: you know chinese have been buying many US properties and companies right?
Siller: It is like Bahrain. America ignores how their human rights are trampled because they have a military base there and they have a fuel line. No Jews there but the same blind eyes.
womack: All know China huge creditor of US
womack: Chomsky = the Jews' Minister of the Left, a very important role
IIIllIIll0: i still would like to know how to get in on the conspiracy
IIIllIIll0: wat is minister of left?
pete038861: now the no.1 popular PC game 'League of Legends' is owned by the company Riot which is in turn owned by a Chinese company Tencent which holds 85% sharing of Riot
womack: Has pete played LoL?
pete038861: ofc
IIIllIIll0: chomsky's job is to make people think jews arent all bad?
Siller: LoL will brain wash you to do the Chinese bidding! :o
womack: Chomsky's job = maintain Jewish control of the popular movement
IIIllIIll0: was he given his orders at a secret meeting of the brotherhood
pete038861: no, but I've found out recently there are lots of Chinese players getting in North America server (more like an international server) and Taiwan server (A local server for Taiwan and Hong Kong people)
pete038861: I've been being matched up with more than 8 Chinese players (10 players in total) in every game these few days.
stumped: Pete, are you in Hongkong ?
Siller: Watch how many people get disconnected: Free Tibet! :D
pete038861: 15-20 games consecutively
pete038861: yes Im in Hong Kong
stumped: Hows the protest going ?
Siller: What is the protest about?
pete038861: oh, many dirty things happened
pete038861: done by the enemy side
IIllIIll0: can the average jewish schlump get in on the deal or is it just the top rabbis that are profiting
womack: Tibet was part of China before Christopher Columbus was born. The history of California OTOH rather different
pete038861: the anti-protesters were even paid to sexual harass protesting girls, and they could even get away with it, in front of police
IIIllIIll0: did they get lots of applicants for that job
pete038861: who knows
IIIllIIll0: perhaps the protesters were scantily clad
pete038861: you sound like some chinese shills to me barcode
IIIllIIll0: ok im sorry
IIIllIIll0: i admire the protesters very much actually
womack: BC keeps strumming its desire to work for the SOTSies [from "Sons Of The Stern" gang]
IIIllIIll0: i just want to know if the average yid schlump can get in on it or if its just the top yids
womack: Does pete recognize the initials "NED" ?
stumped: the average schlump gets a dividend annually
womack: WRT HK demos
pete038861: the Chinese government have recruited like million of internet shills, mainly focusing Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and US forum
IIIllIIll0: how do i get my dividend
womack: Maybe BC will get paid by the line here? Bibi does hire Net ops
pete038861: what is the initials NED?
womack: & brags about it
IIIllIIll0: i get 1 shilling per line in ECR and also 1 shilling for each wikipedia page i edit
womack: "National Endowment for Democracy" = C.I.A. front for undermining foreign govts
IIIllIIll0: NY times comments, i get 100 if my comment winds up in top 10
womack: NRD active worldwide, incl Ukraine & HK
IIIllIIll0: if i worked for bibi would i say that israel has committed massive war crimes against the palestinians
pete038861: what is NRD?
IIIllIIll0: and in their most recent invasion of gaza slaughtered thousands of innocents just to show they can
womack: my bad typing. should be NED sorry
IIIllIIll0: the R can be last letter of for
pete038861: is it the same as internet shill?
womack: Is BC's ambition to run for the Senate wobbling now?
IIIllIIll0: wat does wobbling me
IIIllIIll0: an
womack: BC sez its born & raised in USA, English 1st language , rt ?
IIIllIIll0: yes
womack: still asks "wobble" ?
IIIllIIll0: in other words are you saying, have i lost my ambition to run for senate?
IIIllIIll0: i wasnt aware such an ambition existed in first place causing parse difficulties
womack: Since BC now brought up GM'14 aka Gaza Massacre
IIIllIIll0: i could just be going deep cover
IIIllIIll0: wat % chance bc is a yid
pete038861: is BC British Colonial?
womack: 3% in gen for USA
womack: BC = Bar Code = IIIllIIll0:
IIIllIIll0: you have more data than merely born in US tho
pete038861: lol
pete038861: Chinese internet shills are used to control the public minds. And the outcome has proven its very successful.
pete038861: I wonder if they are trying to do the exact same to the whole world.
IIIllIIll0: they post in NY times comment column all the time
Eliza: and here
pete038861: barcode you know very much
IIIllIIll0: whenever there is an article important to china all of a sudden scarcely grammatical comments flood in by the millions echoing the chinese government position
womack: BC should avaoid confusing me w John O Brennan
IIIllIIll0: i think chance womack is jewish is 10%
IIIllIIll0: 90% not because he criticizes conspiracy. 10% maybe because sometimes jewish people do that
IIIllIIll0: like bobby fischer
pete038861: all the big forum like reddit, godlikeproduction, abovetopsecrets are full of chinese shills
womack: For pete maybe we could think about arranging debate between PRC rep vs some Chinese leader he favors?
pete038861: I think they are doing a great job altering the public mind
womack: pete = Chinese himself, rt? He means PRC shills?
pete038861: what do you mean a debate?
Siller: barcode, you better run, the Jews in balaclavas are coming for you!
pete038861: yes PRC shills
IIIllIIll0: they look like the IRA
IIIllIIll0: i welcome them
IIIllIIll0: up the ra
womack: What Chinese leader does pete like?
pete038861: none
womack: some member of "Occupy" ?
pete038861: you get the same answer from all chinese
womack: except for pete himself?
pete038861: because chinese generally don't want to talk about politics
pete038861: because its annoying and none of their business
womack: Chinese generally prefer to live in China rather than in, say, Syria for example
Siller: You haven't been to Africa lately womack
womack: Siller checked w Brennan?
Siller: Hmm? I am still checking the news to figure out why Hong Kong has protests
pete038861: they just want to earn money, live better, raise the childs better, hope the childs to become something who has high social status and can earn more money one day.
IIIllIIll0: children
womack: what pete says sounds normal
IIIllIIll0: wink
pete038861: well, then
pete038861: and most of them don't like politics. So thats all about it.
IIIllIIll0: womack can i axe wat you be employments?
pete038861: the Hong Kong protest is people want to have real democratic election of Government
pete038861: universial suffrage
womack: MING CHUN TANG On Occupy Central And The NED
pete038861: but ofc its not that simple. Its been mixed with many feelings about Hong Kong people towards Chinese government and Chinese people, immigrants
Siller: Democracy is a con game pete. You don't get to vote for the bureaucracy
Siller: ... or vote on major decisions
Callaghan: do you prefer dictatorship?
Callaghan: lol
womack: BC can ask me does it first identify its own self. Actually all such info long available & retrievable from Usenet newsgroups
IIIllIIll0: BC doesnt mind providing self identify infos
ngarry: Cup of consul general of Korea in Saint-Petersburg (Russia): round 2, board 1-3 is starting. You can find it at the top of the Active Games tab (demo RGF1-3).
Siller: It doesn't matter much what you have. You only have rights while they are convenient.
pete038861: yea I don't really care about democracy. I even said so in the Hong Kong forum which is the base of all these protestors
womack: For each person to development strong character and skill in her art does matter
stumped: If you cite lies, does it make you a liar ?
womack: re stmup: depends on the manner of repetition, obviously
pete038861: I mean the people who are the basic composition of society is what determines the society good or bad, not democracy.
pete038861: but I think these protestors are good for society
pete038861: I can't explain very much tho
womack: how old pete?
pete038861: 24
womack: Me born 1945
stumped: democracy is supposely to be alternative to a bloody revolution
Callaghan: democracy is the base, you can't have rights without democracy
Callaghan: simple as that
pete038861: maybe you are right
womack: maybe democracy exists in Denmark
pete038861: all I want is better people, moral people
Callaghan: of course you can have corruption
Callaghan: and bad politicians
Callaghan: but nothing is perfect in life
pete038861: the protestors are striving for democracy
Siller: We should have a Technocracy, at least make sure the people are competent and not just charismatic before they stand for election.
Callaghan: nope
Callaghan: technocracy already failed
Siller: Where?
stumped: No, we do not want competent people in charge, that would be too scary
Callaghan: in europe
stumped: the government should be as ineffective as possible
pete038861: are you serious stumped?
stumped: yes
pete038861: it will be like mexico or most of the african countries
Callaghan: lol
Siller: ... and American senators and congressmen should wear over alls like racing car drivers with the logos of the companies that have bought them on them.
stumped: I prefer effective people over effective government
Callaghan: a bad government is better than no government at all
pete038861: it makes more sense to me now
pete038861: I dont agree with this one callaghan, tho
Callaghan: the alternative si chaos
Callaghan: and every man for himself
Siller: Zimbabwe has a bad government ;)
pete038861: maybe you never experience a bad government?
Callaghan: the stronger wins
pete038861: yea look at aimbabwe
pete038861: look at north korea
pete038861: it will be like mexico or most of the african countries
Callaghan: lol
Siller: ... and American senators and congressmen should wear over alls like racing car drivers with the logos of the companies that have bought them on them.
stumped: I prefer effective people over effective government
Callaghan: a bad government is better than no government at all
pete038861: it makes more sense to me now
pete038861: I dont agree with this one callaghan, tho
Callaghan: if you're the stronger is ok
stumped: north korea is the world's most effective government
Siller: 80% unemployment, people starving unnecessarily in a country that used to be the bread basket of Africa
pete038861: so what you are encouraging is to make people all average, callagahan?
Callaghan: life is not black and white
womack: Siller's source on Zimbabwe = ?
stumped: mugabe is insane
Siller: Personal experience
Siller: I lived there womack
stumped: literally
Callaghan: I'm not talking about comunism lol
pete038861: but you reject the idea of the stronger wins
womack: Siller unable to recommend any written report?
Callaghan: if you're talented, you should be rewarded for you talent
Siller: Zimbabwe is a "Republic" with elections ;D
stumped: those are not elections
Callaghan: but you can't use your power to shut down other people
Callaghan: this is the reason because you need rules and rights
Callaghan: and a government
Callaghan: and democracy hehe
pete038861: ok now I get it
pete038861: I agree with you this time
Siller: womack just put "Zimbabwe unemployment rate" into Google
pete038861: actually from my experience, the weaker generally loves to abuse power and shut down the stronger one, not vice versa
pete038861: but my definition of strong may not be the same as yours
womack: I will leave soon. admins threaten to boot me again if I should even mention posting ECR transcripts to ""
womack: Ciao all @ 11:42 hrz [Zulu]
Eliza: who reads rgg nowadays?
Siller: Who ever read them?
Eliza: I used to....... before the trolls ruined it
womack: >4 dozen on my particular thread, since Eliza asks. We know better already than to ask what Siller reads, 'cause he's "been there"]

The Clancy Brothers - Haul Away Joe

On Occupy Central And The NED

> >...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Oct 6, 2014, 4:47:32 AM10/6/14
MONDAY 20141006:
07:22 hrz [Zulu].
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
PatrickLee: the admins were small-minded, in my opinion. they hounded him out of here because he had trouble hiding his disdain for their mental capacity.
womack: .
PatrickLee: when one tries to go head-to-head with someone with maladroits education you will end up looking like a fool.
PatrickLee: womack is agreeing with me for once. i am sure. [At this point I was playing --HW.]
PatrickLee: and i am not speaking of all admins obviusly, but of the few who took issue with maladroit.
SamSpade: he was a physicist, right
PatrickLee: sam i think he was, but he had a string of degrees from a pukka university, none of this american college crap.
PatrickLee: had he come from UCLA he would have had a doctorate in creative hand-clapping.
SamSpade: very smart guy but i don't think his education meant much in everyday context
PatrickLee: i think it went a long way to proving his brain functions better than someone with no qulifications.
SamSpade: you might have something there
PatrickLee: sam, peope are very touchy about anything to do with intelligence. if you beat someone at chess he feels far more slighted than if you beat him at tennis.
straits: If he'd come from UCLA he would have had a physics degree. Why would he jump thru all the administrative hoops to get a degree in something worthless? Just as much work, probably, too.
PatrickLee: and people make all sorts of excuses as to why they cannot get to dan level at go. but it is quite obvious that if someone puts effort into the game and remains at kyu level, something is not working correctly inside his skull
PatrickLee: Straits UCLA conferred a phd in anthropology on a man who wrote fiction.
PatrickLee: i think i have the terms right.
straits: It's true that something is not working correctly inside those skulls, but it's also true that average people have such problems.
PatrickLee: that is why we call them average.
SamSpade: i think anyone can become dan
PatrickLee: george bush cannot.
SamSpade: there isn't much to it
PatrickLee: and i cannot.
straits: As far as that anthro degree is concerned, it's not surprising, but it's still very likely that getting that degree took a lot of effort, although presubably wasted effort.
PatrickLee: he wrote a series of novels and UCLA gave him a phd because they could not tell the differrence. admittedly there was a lot of drug abuse in that era, which may account for it. but one would expect some of the academics to be as wise as clinton and not to inhale.
SamSpade: :D
PatrickLee: i often wonder how many american political decisions have been the result of drug abuse.
SamSpade: Kennedy did alright.
PatrickLee: the brain is most singular inhaving no self-awarenes.
SamSpade: i think acohol have been a bigger problem
PatrickLee: yes in between all the scandal and not keeping his head down he did fine.
PatrickLee: the kennedy family disgust me.
SamSpade: the wealth and glamour?
PatrickLee: we had a dinner after work and ordered a fair amount of wine. then we started planning future events and took notes. the next morning we could not believe the stupidity of the ideas.
PatrickLee: sam, the pure disregard for any other human being.
PatrickLee: i have never been impressed by the baubles.
SamSpade: i've solved the worlds problems a few times when drunk
SamSpade: perhaps it's good we didn't write it down
PatrickLee: it is just a pity we have to get sober again.
SamSpade: if we found a sure cure for hangovers we would be screwed as a specie.
PatrickLee: i must go. the sun is shining and i ust do some work.
PatrickLee: enjoy your stay folks.
SamSpade: bye
womack: goodness, got finished in my game
womack: re Kennedy Family: JFK rightly tried to stop Israeli development of A-bomb. Therefore, already having in their pocket LBJ, the Jews (Baruch & DBG) Whacked Jack.
womack: 'Twas the biggest kosher coup d'etat in history.
womack: Much more smoothly done than the 9/11 Stunt 38 years later by KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom.
Beyonce: Are you being serious Womack?
Beyonce: `'9/11 stunt' ?
womack: Well, Beyonce, with a capital "S",
Beyonce: What?
Beyonce: Don't tell me you're a 9/11 Truther please
womack: Deep breathing & d reading further
BigDoug: Beyonce, I wouldn't bother getting into a discussion with him in hopes of it being rational
womack: Actually I publicly nailed the perps on the same day of the event, matter of record.
Beyonce: They are a tedious bunch of paranoid nutjobs
womack: Who this claimed "Beyonce" ?
Beyonce: I have a several nicks: Comrade, JoStrummer, Bloke, MilesDavis etc
Beyonce: have several
womack: Actually #2 = The official NorCal "Truthers" ran me out years ago for daring to name the mentioned Jews as by far top suspects.
Beyonce: Yawn
Beyonce: Seems nearly everyone in the ECR is a lunatic
womack: IMHO one can certainly find some of the --oops it just showed its empty skull
womack: We can I.D. at least one namless fool
Beyonce: Censored womack. One less looney to clog up my screen with nonsense.
womack: As predicted.
womack: Two pair = The Warren Commission + SonnaBush's 9/11 Report & here with us nameless & gameless "Big Doug" + Fake "Beyonce"
stumped: Someone once told me to take blue-green algae for hangovers
womack: Everybody knows already vitamin B complex. rt? Personal choice = Chinese duck soup
SamSpade: did that someone have reason to kill you?
womack: Sam's gonna hang over tomorrow?
SamSpade: i'll wait until thursday
mabblebrox: L-Cysteine
mabblebrox: converts to (glutamate?), nukes the aceteteldehyde....

> > ...


Oct 6, 2014, 11:38:43 AM10/6/14
> ...

Reported for spam.


Oct 6, 2014, 11:41:13 AM10/6/14
> >...

reported for spam. you're an interesting guy, Womack.

Hal Womack 3-dan

Oct 10, 2014, 12:18:02 AM10/10/14
aussiemate: Canada still blizzardly cold, MrMaster?
McMaster: not yet, 12 C this past afternoon
aussiemate: colder than here
McMaster: blizzardly cold after X'mas usually
aussiemate: better come then
aussiemate: (here)
McMaster: sure, I like your shark's fins ☺
aussiemate: taste nice
aussiemate: especially as soup
THURSDAY 20141009:
ECR @ 20:25 hrs:
USSRMan: 10/10/1911 the great xinhai revolution that overthrew the qing dynasty
USSRMan: congrats china for being the only communist power alive
readytogo: mc i knew there was somthing i liked about u ur from Canada
womack: "communism" & "socialism" = theoretical errors. Vital success in China & in Vietnam has been national spirit. As Uncle Ho said,
womack: "Freedom & independence"
readytogo: long live uncle ho!
readytogo: how ever he was
readytogo: who
McMaster: Ho chih Ming
womack: "Ho Chi Minh" victorious leader of the Vietnamese war of independence vs France, Japan & USA
womack: 1890 to 1969?
readytogo: got ya
Zelda43: what Independence
readytogo: well yes vietnam is if anything independent
readytogo: and the defeater of the so called strongest nation on the planet
womack:  Earth? Vietnamese rule their own country, quite different from billions of serfs in JAPE aka "Jewish-Amerifcan Planetary Empire"
readytogo: lol what?
womack:  Earth? Vietnamese rule their own country, quite different from billions of serfs in JAPE aka "Jewish-Amerifcan Planetary Empire"
readytogo: lol what?
Zelda43: what lol
womack: U will pls forgive my clumsy typing?
readytogo: weve got a live one on the hook me thinks
womack: 2 2k fish?
readytogo:  give him some slack
Zelda43: what in the name of Merlin's overly saggy and slightly underwashed unders is JAPE?
womack: Any novels or films to plug? Esp multi-dans?
readytogo: hes running reel him in
womack: Thx to Z for asking but second sending = "n JAPE aka "Jewish-Amerifcan Planetary Empire""
McMaster: My neighbour fought in Vietnam, he told me: we didn't lose to the vietnamese fighters, we lost to the vietnamese jungles!
readytogo: lol i didnt realize there was anti Israel setiment in vietnam
Zelda43: Jewish American Planetary Empire..
Zelda43: wow
Zelda43: +50 points for originality
readytogo: lol
Zelda43: sounds like something that came out of Star Wars
readytogo: minus 20 for typing
womack: One excellent source on US war against Viets = SOLDIER! [~1971]by Lt Col Anthony Hertb
womack: Herbert
readytogo: I have no qualms about the farse of the viet war
readytogo: if I was old enough I would have been a diodger
readytogo: dodger
readytogo: and id be living with mc master
womack: recent dramatic JAPE illustration was the U.S. Senate unanimously cheering & throwing much more $ @ GM'14 aka Gaza Massacre
readytogo: i hear you and i am toatlly with you an that
readytogo: on*
womack: Senate puppets allee samee UK, french other lickspittle PM's
readytogo: its a hangover from the days of empire
womack: ?
Zelda43: remember when Belgium owned the entire Congo..
readytogo: the english empire in spescific
Zelda43: there's like 10 people in Belgium
Zelda43: oh ok
womack: Rothschild was the financier for Belgian Congo
Zelda43: wasnt he a German jew?
womack: French too?
Zelda43: something seems wrong here
womack: missing any hands?
Zelda43: ooh the wicked pun
readytogo: lets see one two no
Zelda43: you made that one handily womack :)
womack: what was that book ~15 yrs ago, ah LEOPOLD'S GHOST
readytogo: tell us
womack: just did
readytogo: whats it about jeez
womack: wait 1 while I searhc my protocol
readytogo: pulling teath anyone?
readytogo: humm has to go into archives?
readytogo: come on dont use links tell us
womack: Had to check first for admin-free rt side
readytogo: not impressed
womack: OK Jewish author mentions Catholic missionaries in BC ~10X, I.D. Rothschild as financier once
readytogo: ok and?
womack: Same guy has some related stories indicating mindset
readytogo: let me just say this USA has the world court in its grips and the USA gov is controlled to a estreame extent by pror Israel factions say no more
readytogo: but it will soon end ur seeing the evolution as we speak
womack: Another one for Zelda = SOTSies (from "Sons Of The Stern" gang) did Jack Whack in 1963 and produced WTC Stunt on 9/11/2001
womack: lotz up 4 grabs alright
readytogo: sweden has just acknoledged the palistines as a state
readytogo: the world is changing hold on
Zelda43: yeah please do
BongoBob: the world never ceases to change.
Zelda43: cant handle the change
Zelda43: one minute we were all native americans
Zelda43: and then whoa
readytogo: but are u ready for the drastic style of change coming?
Zelda43: Obama again?
BongoBob: bring on the all.
BongoBob: i'm readytogo.
readytogo: i say again hold on
readytogo: if u cant hold on to bad for u
BongoBob: nothing to hold on to. the earth is holding on to me.
readytogo: u think ebola is scarry?
Zelda43: ya
readytogo: i feel for ya
Zelda43: but the zombie apocalypse is coming!!
Zelda43: Run!
readytogo: BTW teh zombi pub crawl is coming this sat
readytogo: ill be one of the masses of undead
readytogo: 5k expected
readytogo: so watch out
readytogo: BRAINS
Zelda43: and Brad Pitt?
readytogo: so sorry u wont be there
readytogo: but im sure ur brain are dilish
[from USSRman info p =

Most amazing thing that I have ever seen.

Communism will rise again!

☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭ Long live USSR! ☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭
Zelda43: I like my brains rare
Zelda43: why the hell would zombies eat brains anyway
Zelda43: the human brain is the one part of the body with the lowest amound of fiber
readytogo: fiber is for gurls
womack: )
Zelda43: LOL
womack: * old men
womack: (&)
readytogo: actually im planing to be a vampire
readytogo: should get a good reaction
womack: Steven Spielberg an important figure in JAPE but IMHO his characters are cheesy. For a real stylist, see the novels of Rafael Sabatini, incl CAPTAIN BLOOD
womack: rtg will email Anne Rice?
readytogo: captin blood as in errol flynn?
womack: exactly
readytogo: cuz hes my fav
womack: Flynn's first movie
womack: female lead also superb
womack: ~1935
readytogo:  classic
womack: love those free DVD's from the library!
readytogo: ive been told i look like errol
womack: after the 3rd drink?
readytogo: lolo ur bad
womack: so post de pic, eh?
readytogo: no it was a genuine compliment
readytogo: u can see my pic on my siote
readytogo: site
womack: me late ma rode in his limo
readytogo: huh?
readytogo: i thought my typin bad
readytogo: any way
readytogo: enough about my good looks
womack: rtg was the guy t tiger ate?
readytogo: lol
readytogo: no mame im the tiger
readytogo: i have to modify that compliment tho it was in regards to the robin hood errol flint
readytogo: flynt?
readytogo: i forget
womack: What means "" anyway? Ciao All @ 04:12 hrs [Zulu] on 10/10. sparks
[PM = Herod: Had to check first for admin-free rt side
Herod: You lose
womack: ah, now I learn re admin snipers?]

> > > > > mabblebrox: let's make Electric For...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Oct 11, 2014, 10:41:10 AM10/11/14
1 anonymous threat:

SATURDAY 20141011:
ECR @ 08:26 hrs:
RoadHobo: there are always options
mabblebrox: this tool is imbuing a sense of urgency
First: hey
First: don't call me a tool
First: shinobi are not tools
mabblebrox: it's a band
RoadHobo: mabble, have you ever just walked away from your situation? Just headed out the door and left everything behind? Try it. Step out and hitch a ride someplace else. The world opens up when you do.
First: ah!
First: roadhobo is an escaper!
mabblebrox: yeah i should have, yesterday, i didn't plan ahead though
RoadHobo: no plan... screw plans. plans are just disappointments that haven't happened yet
First: what's a band by the way??
Siller: Hey everyone
Siller: Sorry Sam, we never did say we would be exclusive, I have played Rengo without you =P
First: what?
RoadHobo: so many people, almost all of them, are terrified to let go of the bad situations they are in and choose to complain, dream, and plan instead of taking action.
LATE: first, mabblebrox, samspade, siller, womack.
LATE: you haave been invited.
Siller: What is your ann of plaction when you get to your buddy's house Road?
RoadHobo: there is no plan
First: roadhobo is just an escaper
First: too afraid to face consequences
First: but what band are you talking about mabblebrox
RoadHobo: I have faced consequnces.. it's overrated
RoadHobo: here's an ethics question. If you kill someone with a vehicle in an unfortunate accident but have $10k in you pocket, do you wait for the police or flee the country immediately?
First: what
First: why you got 10 grand on you?
Siller: That can all depend. People die like that all the time. They investigate and if circumstance forced it or they stepped out then the driver is cleared.
RoadHobo: assume it was the driver's fault
RoadHobo: and First... you don't have $10k in ready cash?
Siller: If I ran, it would hang over me and I would look over my shoulder all the time. No statute of limitations on murder, even vehicular murder.
First: I be poor
Siller: Tough as it would be, stay, plea for reduced sentence, spend the $10 on a good lawyer.
First: I don't even have 10k on the bank
Siller: +K
First: hahaha
First: 10 dollars for a lawyer!
Siller: You are slow, I added a K
First: I was looking in the other chat room
First: and you pointed out the joke
First: :)>
Siller: You are hitting your time of day when you stop making any sense. Time for a little nap.
darkronin: Good afternoon
darkronin: How is everyone?
mabblebrox: i don't know who i should be falling for
First: what
mabblebrox: my sound quality is excellent
First: what band?
mabblebrox: what?
mabblebrox: sound quality is not a band
First: you said band
mabblebrox: yes, the band Tool
First: no you are a Tool
mabblebrox: yeah great
mabblebrox: i'm not sure if i'm more afraid to win or lose
RoadHobo: lose deliberately. there is no shame in loss that way
mabblebrox: loss is death
mabblebrox: I have no options
RoadHobo: there are always options
mabblebrox: no, it's down to the final selection
mabblebrox: and i have no moral compass anymore
First: man you two
First: get a grip
RoadHobo: that sounds like the beginning of freedom
mabblebrox: man you're a real cynic
RoadHobo: moral compass. you describe a tool, but as any craftsman knows, you need the right tool for the job. if the moral compas makes the job harder, don't use it
maproomad: Game 2 of the Human-computer challenge has started - see near the top of the Active Games tab
First: I'm the cynic?
Muttley: sm2014a and b top of the active games tab- games from round 3 of the Finnish Ch qualifier
mabblebrox: oh damn I am good
mabblebrox: just rough
First: what
First: who did you sandbag now?
mabblebrox: reality
Siller: mabs tried the medication and therapy route?
AboutDan: being sandbag by reality
womack: "medication" = LSD, peyote, 'shrooms, MJ etc used traditionally. Therapy = strong friends.
mabblebrox: we know dude
womack: I forgot likker, in mod.
mabblebrox: I think you just discounted me, i'm not sure though.
womack: ?
mabblebrox: I want to sleep
womack: go 2
womack: me, I want breakfast but it's still a bit early 4 the shops
First: where you live womack?
womack: let me check how badly the admins have mauled my info p
womack: ah, that's still there
First: are you responsible for the disappearance of bert?
womack: whereas be dat pic a selfie of first, I'd be glad to tell her
womack: bert was a hamburger?
mabblebrox: what is a yearning heart
First: don't joke
First: if you are responsible, I will avenge him with all my might
womack: "First" now posing as a nameless idjit?
Siller: All ranks welcome for Rengo. Game open in EGR or check Open Games tab.
First: say what
First: don't pick a fight with me
First: bert is my friend
womack: 1st answers affirmative
First: and if you did something, I will find you
womack: Threat noted. May ravens roost in its mouth.
mabblebrox: man
mabblebrox: I'm so bored
mabblebrox: ssssooo bored
mabblebrox: you know what i'm gonna do?
mabblebrox: ima record a song
womack: -ring
mabblebrox: i'm so bored
mabblebrox: shuddup womack, the master is speaking
mabblebrox: egh
mabblebrox: no you have valuable intelligence, forgive the intrusion
womack: mabs should run away w 1st?
mabblebrox: but yeah ima record a song
mabblebrox: 1st what
mabblebrox: I don't want a nobel prize, that's for Jerry Garcia
mabblebrox: who has not yet received, posthumously, a nobel prize
mabblebrox: is a travesty
womack: stop insulting the late Jerry?
mabblebrox: so to that end
mabblebrox: what?
mabblebrox: how is giving a nobel prize an insult
mabblebrox: dude deserves the peace prize
womack: pls think b4 typing further/
mabblebrox: i'm giving up my nobel prize for jerry
mabblebrox: what's the problem
mabblebrox: whatever, ima go record
womack: U have anything on Utoob yet?
womack: Farewell to almost all, me out @ 14:35 hrz [Zulu].

> >...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Oct 13, 2014, 11:18:12 PM10/13/14
EGR @ 19:59 hrs
[Welcome to KGS!

Main rooms policy:

No public accusations! Talk to an admin in private if you witness a problem on KGS.
Escaper policy:

Problem with automated mail sent by KGS to AT&T owned email domains:

Sound problems in recent Java versions:

★ Android client: please see [for Android phones only, no iphone, no windows mobile...] android app is now available on the web.

Next KGS+ English Event:
10/16/14 12:00 PM -- Teaching game with Tsurukame in the "KGS Plus Club" room.
ericosman: do any go playing programs learn from their mistakes and get better ?
Gaijin: in a programming way - yes
Gaijin: some store their own games to draw from as part of their database
Falcon89: hm interesting
xkcdfan: eveuntually computer will beat human at go... and then humanity is doomed
Falcon89: ah no, we'll invent something else
Gaijin: it will become good enough at retreiving info to beat a human eventually
Gaijin: kinda like having a huge book of pro games then being able to pick the moves that pros used to gain a win
reprisal: its not as great as it sounds
xkcdfan: I think the only game human can beat computer is calvinball
Gaijin: not quite the same as playing better
Gaijin: besdies, we can always just start laying 32x32 :)
reprisal: i dont think any of the strong programs have a learning component
xkcdfan: because they don't want to create skynet
reprisal: i suspect they do
Gaijin: the meaning of life could be to create skynet
womack: Bot can already beat everybody here except for 2
reprisal: yup
Gaijin: it doesnt impress me - like saying a computer can look up a specific site amongst millions faster than I can
Gaijin: thebots dont really play go
reprisal: and yet, they play it better than humans
reprisal: not just in skill, they make better opponents
reprisal: funny how that works
womack: Gaijin 6k tells 6d meaning of game.
Gaijin: so few seem to realize the point I am making - bots do not actually _play_ go
womack: Really so few care to hear babble of this particular weakie?
reprisal: humans probably dont either. hard determinism FTW
Gaijin: yes - usually they resort to insults when they lack any inteligent response
womack: mere fact actually
Herod: womack and Gaijin, that's enough from both of you [IN BOLD]
Gaijin: both?
womack: Yagotta love "Herod" the admin, rt?
Jermelle: Right, he's our lord and god.
womack: )]
END @ 20:05 hrs PDT
> ...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Oct 16, 2014, 11:51:06 PM10/16/14
Thursday 20141016 @ 20:19 hrs PDT US.
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
AmyTS: i'm bored.
McMaster: oh no
McMaster: that would mean trouble for the ECR
AmyTS: i'm unstoppable!
McMaster: yes, you are Superwoman!
asdk: Donetsk - Weddings and War
dayharri: is there 'footballs and war'?
asdk: weddings and war
asdk: Graham Phillips the only Western journalist who really in the south east of the former Ukraine
asdk: His name is all there Grisha
asdk: from Graham
asdk: Grisha is a russian acronym for Gregory
SamSpade: day for eradicating poverty
dayharri: food day?
SamSpade: maybe in your timezone
SamSpade: are you american, dayharri?
Falcon89: evening Sam, dayharri
SamSpade: good evening
Falcon89: Dirty Harry is American, not sure about harri
Falcon89: as the world pop is growing, it is getting harder to get rid of poverty
dayharri: food is abundant, just how to distribute them evenly.
SamSpade: i read it as pop references
asdk: I think if every American would give to the poor in the United States the products that he throws, the poor will not be there
asdk: 40% of the products that Americans buy in the United States, are thrown in the garbage
SamSpade: and that has nothing to do with why people are starving
asdk: but capitalists better throw in the trash than to give to the poor
dayum: pity that redistribution of wealth can't cure poverty
dayharri: place a dropbox near each grocery shop exit lane, write 'food cans donation'.
SamSpade: why not, dayum?
dayharri: by any buyers,
dayharri: but not perishable products.
Falcon89: not so high as 40%, that's misinformation
asdk: its statistics
SamSpade: redistribution is almost by definition the only cure for poverty
SamSpade: some people don't have enough
Falcon89: but who is going to fund the redistribution?
dayum: you get more of that what you invest in-- if you invest in the poor, you get more poor, not less
SamSpade: it could be done by fair wages
SamSpade: sure...dayum
SamSpade: but it's still redistribution
Falcon89: best is to teach the poor to produce
dayum: you need more wealth creation, not redistribution
dayharri: tither, alm, charity.
SamSpade: not a zero zum economy then?
dayum: that's right
SamSpade: we don't have to do anything then
SamSpade: just let the free market take care of it
dayum: what free market?
dayum: where is this free market?
SamSpade: the one IMF and WTO is trying to impose
SamSpade: i disagree with your thinking, dayum
dayharri: ... trying to intervene.
SamSpade: i think redistribution is part of fighting poverty
dayum: whats wrong with it
SamSpade: wrong with what?
asdk: [08:40] dayum: you get more of that what you invest in-- if you invest in the poor, you get more poor, not less// you have to create jobs for the poor, rather than help them on an ongoing basis products and social benefits
SamSpade: i support wealth creation as well
asdk: social benefits are as long as one is not found work. if he always refuses the proposed work, while social benefits are canceled
asdk: in the Soviet Union was a criminal article for parasitism for these people
asdk: there is a difference between parasites and beggars
asdk: and almost was not beggars. all worked
asdk: social experience of the USSR was the best and most advanced. still nowhere anything like that. can only be in Israel
asdk: or in Scandinavia
SamSpade: you don't like the welfare state?
SamSpade: what kind of a socialist are you, asdk?
asdk: I believe that the social state is the best thing invented by people
SamSpade: then what is all this talk about parasites?
asdk: but without the ideology of communism.
asdk: in normal social state no parasites. social benefits only to those who really need it.
asdk: like USSR)
asdk: In the United States now as healthy blacks sit on the social benefits?
asdk: In the USSR, this would never have been
asdk: in Germany, too, half the country sits on social benefits.
asdk: Not because they can not work, but because they do not want to work
dayum: what would happen if Germany took away the social benefits?
asdk: Arabs and Turks will start a revolution
ImNoSensei: no wonder people rarely talk in here
ImNoSensei: this just got dark ...
dayum: there's always the EGR where all is smiley and bright
dayum: where everyone is on good behavior by command of the admins
dayum: should be renamed the Stepford wife room
ImNoSensei: I was being polite by saying "dark"
ImNoSensei: we're talking about lazy black people, revolutions of the unemployed Turks and comparing the USSR to countries like Norway
ImNoSensei: that's... disturbing
asdk: it's time to open your eyes. in the USSR you never would have paid social security benefits, if you are healthy and can work itself
asdk: Turks in Germany, half of all does not work, and sits on social welfare benefits. and while they are absolutely healthy
asdk: what is it called? normal people call it parasitism
dayum: you see ImNoSensei, in here there is more freedom of speech. yes, you get all kinds of crazy talk, but its for the better
ImNoSensei: seems fairly unrelated to what SamSpade was tring to discuss (besides being blatantly racist)
dayum: how do you define racist?
womack: In old USSR the slogan was: "They pretend to pay us. We pretend to work."
ImNoSensei: generalizing the voluntarily unemployed in Germany to "the Turks"
asdk: I'm not racist, I absolutely do not care about the nationality and race of man, if he was a normal person.
womack: In USA now the misruling Jews & their deputies have sent the legitimate jobs overseas. Now dominating are the banksters like Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sacks Treasury
womack: and the war profiteers
dayum: I don't know the situation in Germany well, but if there is a larger percentage of the Turkish population there on social welfare then why is it necessarily racist to identify them?
asdk: also in the USSR said -- From each according to his ability, to each according to his need
womack: In USSR Cheka said, "Bang, you're dead!" to 12-15 million victims.
womack: Lerts will learn name of Genrikh Yagoda, meaning of "Holdomor" and history of Ukraine
dayum: and the government bureaucrats decide what your ability is, and what your need is by way of the infinite wisdom of the central planning departments
asdk: If a person is healthy and does nothing, then the state is not obliged to pay him social benefits. It's not racism. This applies to all.
womack: In USA, as the world knows, the Regime pays trillion$ to banksters who have looted the Treasury.
asdk: Holodomor was not only in Ukraine, but throughout the Soviet Union. What is now western Ukrainians call Holodomor, mostly myth
womack: In USA many poor young people accept "jobs" as murderers for the military, for lack of other opportunities
asdk: Capitalists in the United States have moved all the real production in China and thereby killed the future for young people
asdk: no work, no money, no economy
womack: In 1986, Robert Conquest published _The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivisation and the Terror-Famine_ Will "asdk" recommend his "myth" source?
dayum: oh darn those capitalists
asdk: I do not know who is Robert Conquest
womack: Big businessmen who look out for their nations very valuable. OTOH those who loot, lie & kill in charge of USA long time now
asdk: )
asdk: i use also
asdk: and duckduckgo
womack: has English version also ?
asdk: yes
asdk: duckduckgo is good that they do not look like Google)
womack: I have noted both.
asdk: In duckduckgo no advertising at all and they do not collect your data and queries
womack: Ciao all @ 03:46 hrz [Zulu] on 10/17.
asdk: good day

> > ...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Oct 21, 2014, 7:54:09 PM10/21/14

Tuesday 20141021 @ 15:54 hrs PDT USA.

[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "please stop being political in the EGR".]

Several persons had addressed the topic of who are the "real winners", so I chimed in with my nominations for the title: Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Satchmo, Diego Rivera, Evo Morales & Nicolas Maduro (the last two, so far). Then the BOOT w/o warning for the Nth time by Nameless Loser Admin, as per message above when I tried to log back in.

I take this occasion to mention two of my most recently coined slogans:
--For their unanimous applause and shekel-throwing (to the tune of hundred$ of million$ extra) to Israel to celebrate GM'14* and
--After reviewing the many easily available vixpix of murdered Palestinian children.

When we place the good nooses, hempen of course, around the necks of the 100 perps, I would fain have standing in the front row, holding a small banner reading XDJSOL** Al Franken, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. John McCain, Ted Cruz and

The shameless & stupid owner of "KGS"
= What's His Name?
At the bottom of the first page, the reader may note the display of 23 different national flags, from which that of Israel is discreetly omitted. The SOTSies [Chorus: "Sons Of The Stern" gang] have long ago taken over the management of KGS, just as they have that of the U.S. Senate, by far the bulk of Hollywood, broadcast television etc.

"Retribution" is a short poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:
"Though the mills of God grind slowly;
Yet they grind exceeding small;
Though with patience he stands waiting,
With exactness grinds he all."

* Go to the Google Image Page, then type in "Gaza Massacre".

** Chorus: for "eXpropriate Dee Joozewazee, Starting On the Left".

[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "Racially offensive language "Yidocracy"".]
Wednesday 20141001 @ 12:57 hrs. Game w houps interrupted.

Hal Womack 3-dan

Oct 22, 2014, 8:14:19 PM10/22/14
WRT the previous post, be it noted also that the mentioned discussion of "winners" was referring to life in general rather than to our game in particular.

Resorting to IGS, I learned there for the first time that when one maximizes the board size, then Black's clock is pushed half off the screen in the lower rt corner and short-time warnings are somewhat blocked from the player's view. Moreover, the time settings for play are quite arbitrary as opposed to KGS' complete flexibility on that important point. Consequently the player coming from KGS to IGS may be forced to play a faster game than customary at the same time that the game clock is partly hidden. Much screen display space is wasted on IGS meanwhile. Poor design, to say the least, but still bearable under the circumstances.

BTW Tim Leary was born on this date in 1920


Hal Womack 3-dan

Oct 24, 2014, 12:14:03 AM10/24/14
19:56 hrs:
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
asdk: I do not watch for Putin. a feeling that in Europe and the USA about Putin knows more than we do.
asdk: I know what he's doing everything right for my country.
asdk: enough for me.
AmyTS: uh huh
womack: Right on for asdk! 1 Putin worth 10K Obombers.Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov speaks to the World -- Paul Craig Roberts
Falcon89: Russia is a bully in the east, usa is the same in the west, end of story.
womack: (putting the whole link above on one line)
womack: Now where would be the most convenient venue seriously to discuss "Falcon"s assertion?
womack: IMHO Netanyahu ordered the big poison gas black flag attack in Damascus in August of last year, then he further ordered Igor
womack: Kolomoysky to shoot down the M Jet in failed BF #2
mabblebrox: blef
mabblebrox: everobyd knows the solution is drugs
mabblebrox: you can't attain the Ubermensch without
mabblebrox: the War On Drugs preventing evolution
mabblebrox: nobody cares.
womack: mabs merely allergic to truth about mass murder?
womack: Now, why would that be?
Falcon89: When Mao ruled China, there were no drugs-no one has money to buy them :p
womack: Falcon now seeks to scoot away through mab's escape door ?
Falcon89: not even enough money to buy clothes, cooking oil, food, etc etc
womack: In China now, as the world knows, Mao's successors have enough $ to buy the bankrupt USGov several times over.
Falcon89: so that's one solution to drugs but there are side effects of course
womack: 2 nameless barkers of rubbish
mabblebrox: womack how would you instigate revolution in the People's Republic of China
mabblebrox: .
womack: Did mabs mean to write "USA" ?
mabblebrox: or global
womack: DICTATA or the "D.C. -- Tel Avivi Terrorist Axis" threatens the life of our whole Human Race, as GM'14 was a sighn this Summer.
womack: Now mabs gets more interesting.
womack: one early step for global rev = re-creating on-line discussion venues as mentioned already above
mabblebrox: it's called Reddit
mabblebrox: and most poeple are idiots
womack: Russia, China, Bolivia, Venezuela, Hezbollah, Iran & Syria = positive elements on our Planet.
mabblebrox: uh .... sort of.
mabblebrox: Don't forget Colombia
womack: mabs merely tossing out "Reddit" to us --or is he seriously into it?
mabblebrox: or Vermont
womack: mabs slips back into gibberish
mabblebrox: just making a point.
mabblebrox: if you can't see the value of Colombia and Vermont ... well .... have fun.
womack: Colombia = another big killing field for JAPE
mabblebrox: right, so ... reform
mabblebrox: invade
mabblebrox: Obama is a coward with no clue about world affairs
womack: That's the "Jewish-American Planetary Empire", for newbies
mabblebrox: ok great
mabblebrox: so how bout, this is obvious, we mobilize inner city gangs as a global peace force
mabblebrox: now you have 10x the army
mabblebrox: so invade china, colombia, peru, iran, wherever you see fit
womack: actually this ICG remark has promise
mabblebrox: just collapse the corrupt regimes
mabblebrox: the only way to cure american corruption
mabblebrox: is to mobilize against foreign corruption
womack: mabs sober again tonight?
mabblebrox: there will be no reform, without a grand cause to redeem it
mabblebrox: yup
womack: One of my recent slogans = "Hang the Senate!"
mabblebrox: uh, or dose
womack: )
mabblebrox: the nice thing about senators is their affinity with strip clubs and fine dining
mabblebrox: so just pay off the right waitress ....
mabblebrox: drip drip boom
mabblebrox: but it'll never happen
mabblebrox: poeple are complacent
mabblebrox: nobody's crazy enough anymore
womack: It happened already long ago @ the officers' mess in Ft Hood
mabblebrox: what did
womack: "so just pay off the right waitress ..."
womack: but they were EM's
mabblebrox: cool, so there's a precedent
womack: who liked Ho better than their own rotten brass
womack: The US cops & military are certainly "crazy enough" but in the wrong direction.
womack: Meanwhile we here in the USA have the occasional motivated citizen who flies his light plane straight down in to the local IRS HQ or
womack: snipes at the state police office
dayharri: irs = gate of hell :P
womack: That's only the waiting room. Try Gitmo & Co
womack: Me out @ ~04:00 hrz [Zulu] on Friday 10/24. Convo pause has been ~half an hour?

Hal Womack 3-dan

Dec 10, 2014, 5:53:31 AM12/10/14
ECR @ 10:00 hrz [Zulu] on 12/10:

alobar: without the arms industry america would be a desert economically.
womack: For a ravinglunatic like abar, a dish of cancer = a delicious feast?
SamSpade: back
IIIllIIll0: or course US is still selling arms to thailand
IIIllIIll0: the US doesnt give a damna bout democracy, coups, dictatorships, etc.
IIIllIIll0: thats totall irrelevant to US foreign policy
IIIllIIll0: why does the article say "despite" recent coup as though that might have anything to do with it?
jtydtg: ba dam ba dam, di di dam, commie!
IIIllIIll0: *communisticatorial
IIIllIIll0: use correct grammers
jtydtg: aayo
jtydtg: Jedi Mind Tricks - Design in Malice
jtydtg: wake up ECR!!!
jtydtg: asdk is paid to convert us!
HiggsBison: Arms sales are one of the highest priorities for the USA
HiggsBison: Look at the UK's "independent" nuclear "detterent" Trident
HiggsBison: A nice earner for the US companies that make it. Otherwise utterly useless.
IIIllIIll0: why it be useless
IIIllIIll0: it can shoot nuclear missiles
HiggsBison: Or arms sales to Saudi Arabia. When has anyone even remotely threatened to invade that horrible regime?
HiggsBison: A nice earner with no use value whatsoever
IIIllIIll0: saudis afraid of israelis and iranians
IIIllIIll0: iraq was close to invading saudi once
SamSpade: asdk is just a troll
SamSpade: no one can be that crazy
HiggsBison: Chomsky is right on this at least
HiggsBison: USA sells arms to Israel so it can sell arms to Saudi Arabia
HiggsBison: Wonderful
IIIllIIll0: thats true
IIIllIIll0: so when the US gives "aid" to israel in the form of money for "Defense"
IIIllIIll0: they use that money to buy weaponds from the US
IIIllIIll0: a government subsidy of our military industry basically
IIIllIIll0: then everyone else in middle east has to buy better weapons from US to counter that
IIIllIIll0: it works out well for the US economy/military industry
IIIllIIll0: nice little scam
HiggsBison: Verily
womack: In 1963 World Jewry tightened their conquest of the USA with the Jack Whack coup d'etat. In 2001 they replayed the trick @ WTC.
alobar: who cares?
womack: Knave abar struts as Fool
alobar: as long as the free masons are not in control we are all happy.
womack: as predicted
alobar: womack i never lower myself to the level of name calling. use your intellect dude.
womack: Truly very difficult for abar to lower itself any further
alobar: and if you cannot say something nice about a person dont say anything at all. did your parents never teach you manners?
IIIllIIll0: womack am i part of world jewry
womack: Then say on bc
IIIllIIll0: i want to know if i am included in "world jewry"
IIIllIIll0: if so i want to know how to get in on the cash
IIIllIIll0: where do i get my payout
alobar: of course you are included bar.
womack: generally speaking, the odds ~300/1 against
IIIllIIll0: so if i am part of the conquistadores then how do take advantage of that
alobar: he means all jews not just the one's that actually whack jack.
IIIllIIll0: womack means 1/300 persons r jewish?
womack: The feck of the nation
alobar: my sister blew the stat when she converted and took her sons with her.
SamSpade: wait..what wrong with being jew?
IIIllIIll0: womack do you seriously think jews were behind 9/11?
IIIllIIll0: shirley you're joking
alobar: womack does not like it. he is racist.
womack: Human race ~99.8% normal alias "gentile"
alobar: womack thinks the jews are behind everything.
SamSpade: i guess someone has to be it
womack: Specifically KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom as top partners
alobar: he would not be on medication if he was rational.
IIIllIIll0: who is kinkhenki
IIIllIIll0: kissinger?
womack: since I correctly ID the perps of major black ops, abar seeks to exaggerate my position
womack: yes bc
IIIllIIll0: O_o?
IIIllIIll0: its difficult to imagine they could be behind 9/11
IIIllIIll0: does we has evidentials
alobar: i think conspiracy is the mating call of the schizophrenic.
womack: Classic Holy Trinity of detection = Means, Motive & Opportunity
IIIllIIll0: so if a boy is in a room with a girl then he is proven to have raped her
womack: abar calls Sulzbergerz & White Hse as schizo
womack: esp if boy is 3 y o & the girl is 80
alobar: abar calls womack schizo
womack: careful, abar's hat is shrinking
IIIllIIll0: did not bin laden and his crew also have means, motive & opportunity?
alobar: use you adult words womack
womack: OBL thrice denied credit for the attack
alobar: bin laden was framed.
womack: whoa. good 4 abar
womack: bc knows story of Dimona in Spring of '63?
alobar: no he does not.
womack: pray tell'im then?
IIIllIIll0: wat happened
alobar: you tell, i dont want to steal your thunder
alobar: and you always tell it better than i do.
HiggsBison: Just censor Womack. He is a raving looney
womack: see FINAL JUDGMENT [1st ed 1994] by my Net-friend Michael Collins Piper
alobar: i am going to play a game and hope the jewish secret police let me win.
womack: )
stumped: Is it self published with alot of brackets ?
IIIllIIll0: well google tells me that womack is saying this:
womack: stmp see Amazon
stumped: womack, do you have a website with your name too ?
womack: I wish. Send money?
stumped: seems popular
womack: I have yet to read bc's link but it looks good
womack: stmp see Amazon
stumped: womack, do you have a website with your name too ?
womack: I wish. Send money?
stumped: seems popular
womack: I have yet to read bc's link but it looks good
HiggsBison: <<< Chomsky on fine form
womack: Chomsky = Jewry's Minister of the Left & their favorite parrot for the 9/11 Official Lie
SamSpade: hey
SamSpade: it's human rights day
womack: Hold your fire!
SamSpade: lets stop with the antisemitism
womack: Sam first.
IIIllIIll0: chomsky on the death of sharon
IIIllIIll0: he doesnt seem like a pro israel lickspittle to me
HiggsBison: Every sensible person here should censor womack. Then we can have some proper convo.
womack: Fake Higgs running for US Congress maybe?
SamSpade: i've censored too many lately
SamSpade: it's starting to become a bad habit
HiggsBison: Just say No to wo
IIIllIIll0: womack how do you reconcile chomsky speeches like this one with your opinion that he is jewry minister of left
womack: Here's Nancy!
womack: bc will pls now quote his favorite passage from the speech? BTW I have been in direct touch w Chomsky starting 35 yrs ago
IIIllIIll0: "He [Sharon] was a brutal killer; he had one fixed idea in mind which drove him all his life: a greater Israel, as powerful as possible, as few Palestinians as possible. ... He doubtless showed courage and commitment to pursuing this ideal, which is an ugly and horrific one.""
IIIllIIll0: with friends like that sharon & israel dont need enemies
womack: bc's selection noted. Now for Chomsky on 9/11 or on BDS?
IIIllIIll0: on 9/11 he says simply it would be impossible to keep something like that secret
IIIllIIll0: on BDS im not sure, what does he say?
womack: he's aginnit
IIIllIIll0: thats unfortunate, why
womack: pls ask him
IIIllIIll0: i dont know what else, other than BDS or the US turning against insrael which would cause them to let the palestinians have their freedom
womack: Examples of genuine popular leaders in last century = Mao, Ho, Hugo Chavez, Nicolas Maduro, Evo Morales, Rafael Correa & Jose Mujia
womack: good 4 bc finding that last piece of the 2 Jews talking 4 ys
womack: us
womack: Jose Mujica
IIIllIIll0: well chomsky in the video is saying he supports BDS against institutions that are involved in the occupation specifically
IIIllIIll0: with focus on the occupation in particular rather than entire nation of israel
IIIllIIll0: ie should not sell arms to israel because they use them for the occupation
IIIllIIll0: but can trade other things with israel that do not involve the occupied territories
IIIllIIll0: anyway i think its a bit of a weak position but not quite totally against bds
womack: We should hang the Senate for war crimes and generally apply similar measures
IIIllIIll0: i am surprised he's not just for BDS in general
womack: )
IIIllIIll0: that woudl back up all his rhetoric with support for real actuion
alobar: chomsky is all bull and no dust.
IIIllIIll0: womack how often do you correspond with chomsky
womack: seldom
womack: last time was WRT his praise for John Deutch
womack: about which issue he was quite slimy IMHO
IIIllIIll0: womack is this you in this video
alobar: bar when you get all the facts on womack send them to mosad.
IIIllIIll0: shh don't blow the plot
IIIllIIll0: im working on it
alobar: they cna use him as a krav maga dummy
alobar: make sure they get his GPS co-ordinates.
womack: bc wastes his Q quota w trash like that last clip. abar typical Regime moron jacking itself off dreaming of torture
IIIllIIll0: womack jk obviously not u in the clip
alobar: ok i think we must leave before he starts insulting us. he is obviously in his full-moon mood.
IIllIIll0: i think womack gives chompsky short shrift
SamSpade: it's not full moon
womack: I am quite fond of the moon but cloudy here tonight
womack: luna waning
alobar: maybe his watch is a little slow then.
SamSpade: where are you from, womack?
womack: after U, Sam
SamSpade: denmark
IIIllIIll0: half irish
alobar: i am from south africa
womack: pls c my info P
womack: How many languages, Sam?
alobar: womack is from California.
IIIllIIll0: womack you are in san francisco?
womack: yes
IIIllIIll0: you seem out of sync with local SF politics
IIIllIIll0: lol
IIIllIIll0: wat neighborhood sd
IIIllIIll0: sf
IIIllIIll0: i used to live in outer sunset
womack: c my FB for recent demo pic
womack: 25 yrs ago I was @ 48th & Judah. Now Chinatown
IIIllIIll0: outer sunset is a good place to live in sf if you dont have a lot of cash
IIIllIIll0: chinatown too
IIIllIIll0: rents are relativelyr easonable
alobar: you lived on judah? what a coincidence.
womack: bc give us his street address in Thailand?
IIIllIIll0: dont think i can does that
IIIllIIll0: someone might assasinate me
alobar: he works undercover for mosad womack.
IIIllIIll0: lobes, working undercover is more effective when people dont know about it
IIIllIIll0: you've just blown my cover
womack: U.N. gave me Model of Tolerance Award for refraining from censoring abar
IIIllIIll0: i will have to submit my womack dossier as is and refrain from further data gathering
IIIllIIll0: my job is to be like chomsky
womack: U will need a chair to put it on top of the pile
IIIllIIll0: talk as though i am anti israel to get in with the enemy then sabotage them
IIIllIIll0: i do miss san francisco
IIIllIIll0: its a beautiful city
IIIllIIll0: womack lived along the N judah line just like barcode
womack: Anyone interested in that angle may check out my acquaintances Gilad Atzmon & Israel Shamir
IIIllIIll0: its possible we passed by one antoher in the past and we may have even sat on the N next to each other
womack: I ran the N Judah train as a MUNI op
IIIllIIll0: you may have escorted me to my destination downtown, thanks very much
IIIllIIll0: i often got off at 4th and market
womack: what yrs?
IIIllIIll0: 2000-2004
womack: I retired w a bang in 1993
IIIllIIll0: k guess not
womack: It was p1 news
IIIllIIll0: why were you the head honcho
IIIllIIll0: lobes do you have a job lined up for me in SA. now that you've blown my mossad cover i am likely to be unemployed very soon
IIIllIIll0: it was a good gig while it lasted
IIIllIIll0: womack have u seen this video
womack: w yr bas record, bc, pls describe vid
womack: bad
IIIllIIll0: title is "Rabbi Josef Antebi exposing Zionists, even after being tortured by them! "
womack: noted
womack: dramatic title
womack: "The Armed Citizen", From: The American Rifleman January, 1994
IIIllIIll0: it is an anti-zionist rabbi who claims the mossad sent people into his house to torture him and tell him to stop his activities, and they were going to kill him in israel once but fortunately he had his cell phone with him and called for help
IIIllIIll0: womack isnt afraid to use his gun
womack: Once, 21 yrs ago, under attack
womack: SFPD interviewed 18 witnesses, all of whom supported me
IIIllIIll0: womack in the last video if u watch it go to 36:00 to see his account of mossad breaking into his house to torture him
womack: Death 2 the Jewish State, Hellorcell 4 all itz goonz everywhere & Merry Christmas to all good-looking women!
womack: 10:47 hrz


Hal Womack 3-dan

Dec 17, 2014, 11:17:07 AM12/17/14
asdk: before Putin, 95% of revenues from oil and gas from Russia went to the west.
oonicks: k so russia should be able to deal with what happens now:)
oonicks: for trade with other partners it is good focurse
oonicks: china
oonicks: india and such
oonicks: so at least the russian trade will diversify and have extra options in teh future
oonicks: it depends a bit if you get the populace to exchange salmon for i know not what, lentilles perhaps
oonicks: we still have salmon by the tonne
Meepy: you can even get it in cans
oonicks: smoked?
Meepy: no, just like canned tuna
Warfreak2: i stock up on cans when they are cheap. mostly canned whoopass
oonicks: more bad meals :(
IIIllIIll0: are vegans allowed to take communion
oonicks: not if they use turkish bread
IIIllIIll0: but it is technically human flesh
oonicks: veganism is scientific:)
oonicks: it is technically not human flesh
oonicks: gluten perhaps:)
Meepy: *ponders the meaning of "technically"*
oonicks: soy'milk'
Meepy: i don't get it, asdk
oonicks: what must they have thought
oonicks: obama is tachnically white
oonicks: technically<
oonicks: i had it with a friend of mine
oonicks: he was also technically white:)
asdk: No matter what the color of the skin of a goat)
oonicks: if ur wrong ur riot.. uh wiot
asdk: I think Obama is even better option. other candidates for the presidency have complete loonies.
oonicks: it was with the campaign , i will miss him
oonicks: they will bomb something
oonicks: but probably not ukraina
oonicks: syria i think
oonicks: maybe also pakistan and somalia
asdk: He tried to fix the US foreign policy and to provide health insurance people. But the US president actually does not solve anything.
asdk: everything is decided by Wall Street, Fed and Pentagon
oonicks: the people failed him early, but he struggled on, it is a romantic presidency for herstory books
IIIllIIll0: asdk is correct
IIIllIIll0: except im not sure obama really cared in the first place
IIIllIIll0: other than that asdk iis correct
oonicks: the opinion of the pople was not decided by the pople no
KayMatoby: oh my.... the Energiser bunny asdk is still going?
IIIllIIll0: why cant pople decide poples opinions
oonicks: but they could have just supported him and it would have worked much better
oonicks: because they are raised not to be able to decide their opinions
IIIllIIll0: whoa
oonicks: they are informed in such a way that it will be hard for them to decide any opinion that is not prescribed
oonicks: so in effect they never had an opinion and that is why they were not able to support obama strongly
oonicks: early on
oonicks: after that he allways had to work against teh so professed rations oh no .. "ratings"
oonicks: pitty for you
oonicks: and the rest of us but t was predictable
oonicks: wich is good for me.
IIIllIIll0: the power is bold, the rhymes, politically cold
womack: At least top 10K US despots belong in prison for war crimes
IIIllIIll0: 10k persons?
SamSpade: 10kyu persons
IIIllIIll0: thats discrimination
womack: Yes. At the very least. For example, here Professor GARY LEUPP calls for busting Paul Wolfowitz:
womack: Yo Sam, I doubt that any of them get as high as 10kyu
SamSpade: there are enought people in prisons in the US
SamSpade: *enough
Meepy: I'd like to see the people involved in torturing jailed
womack: Yes, way too many of the wrong kind
IIIllIIll0: but the wrong people are in prison is the poiont
Warfreak2: i have difficulty playing against 20 kyu players
Warfreak2: it's much harder when there are 20 of them
womack: We should immediately release w honors & heavy compensation all dope prison ers, to start with
IIIllIIll0: womack speaks the truth
womack: The bombardiers worse than the torturers
IIIllIIll0: how about the video game players in US drone command centers
womack: pls see above
Meepy: the bombing is awful too
Meepy: astonishing that nobody's putting a stop to it
Meepy: the priorities are revealing - first order of business is approving the oil pipeline
womack: Actually war guilt & fear of prosecution drives the likes of Netanyahu, Obomber, Bushez, Clintonz usw
womack: Hence continuous aggression
Meepy: i doubt it
Meepy: only Cheney seems to show any signs of that
oonicks: i wish i doubted it more
Meepy: the rest probably think they're far enough removed from any prosecution
IIIllIIll0: womack the apologist of jews for the left has this to say about sharon
oonicks: coercion works on the principle, i would think it has more of an effect than it seems
womack: Around 1968 US SecDef Robert Strange McNamara already explicitly noted capital criminal liability, as revealed in PENTAGON PAPERS
womack: I noted BC's link to Yidocracy Now
IIIllIIll0: what about the content of what chomsky says tho
IIIllIIll0: its a very sharp and hard hitting critique of sharon
womack: ) patting cookie dough
oonicks: it was before sharon i think labour had much of a say in israel?
bert: it needs reassurance?
womack: Doesd Noam nail Aerial Shaboom for the WTC ?
IIIllIIll0: no
womack: genau
LATE: ladies, for productivity tips, check out my profile.
bert: we want our cookie dough to be perfectly calm and hopefully even serene
LATE: it will help you.
IIIllIIll0: so you are advising us not to waste time on kgs?
womack: Breakfast time here, ciao all. 16:13 hrz

Hal Womack 3-dan

Dec 19, 2014, 4:50:48 AM12/19/14
Maybe someone will call the attention of the South African authorities to "alobar" alias "Patrick Lee" WRT his repeated criminal incitement to murder in the transcript below? Here in the official circles of the USA such Jewish fanaticism = absolutely standard fare, of course, but someone in the ruling ANC may recall the meaning of words such as honor, justice and law?


darkronin: First this isn't working. I let you know where I am from. Reciprocating would be nice
alobar: dark first is a bloke, not a squint girl in an old blue dress. so unless you fancy dudes with transvestite fantasies find yourself a nice italian girl.
darkronin: Hi alobar. Not really in this season. It's too foggy to see the sun!
First: ok
First: I have a sony xperia z3 compact
First: happy now?
darkronin: First it's not like I'm sending you a cruise missile if I know your country
First: sorry
alobar: dark, i got hit by a pizza that fell out the sky after i told you where i live.
First: but it is impossible
First: cannot be trusted
darkronin: Umm I'm back
darkronin: Not sure if my answer got to you alo
First: darkpokale
darkronin: Hey
alobar: dark now try asking javachip where he lives and works and worships.
First: what brand phone do you have?
alobar: about the pizza or about the transvestite?
First: impossiburu
alobar: il transvestitore
darkronin: Alo this is going on since yesterday. First wanted to be friends and I let him know my country
darkronin: And now is wary of telling anything abt himself
Zelda43: back after getting totaled by bots
darkronin: This is not nice
First: what the hell
First: I could tell you lots of stuff
First: but this is not for you to know
alobar: first is a korean dude with serious issues.
alobar: i censored him because he keeps calling admins to this room.
darkronin: Ok first let's keep the conversation general. Sorry but I cannot answer your question
First: I have never
First: ok fine darkpokale
First: we were having a good time
First: but if you don't want then fine
darkronin: *how to kill a conversation*
alobar: i never waste my time talking to the hide-and -seek brigade.
alobar: if a man cannot show his face he is a worm.
First: sorry darkpokale
darkronin: Alobar that's because you're too wise
First: but I get bothered by the likes of alobar all the time if I tell
First: because that racist thinks nationality defines everything
alobar: and i do not fear my own identity
alobar: i wonder how many go players go into a go club and wear a mask and refuse to tell the people they sit opposite what their name is.
alobar: why do we need to be mentally ill just because we are on the internet?
darkronin: If you were worried about that you could have told me in private chat first. Your behavior made me think of you as a north Korean hacker.
alobar: he is too dumb to be noth korean. he is definitely south korean.
First: darkpokale
First: please don't do this
oonicks: was thinking "or just the average aussi"
First: we were getting along so well
stumped: get a room, you two
alobar: not even. the serious looneys in this room are all chinese or korean or japanese.
darkronin: Yeah let's not flood here first
alobar: the australians are boringly sane.
First: I am not doing anything
First: alobar is the on who is flooding
First: one
alobar: sorry i forgot to mention german, among the serious looneys.
stumped: what ?? no askd?
First: darkpokale
alobar: asdk is having a rest.
First: tell me in private
darkronin: No u
First: ok
First: I am from europe
First: and residing in europe
oonicks: terrible
oonicks: now i know that:)
First: and if you have to know
First: I can't go back to being open
First: because admins hate me
First: and prosecute me
oonicks: two sides to such story
oonicks: but you are right, obesity is a disability even in prose
First: what the fuck are you talking about?
oonicks: broadly speaking
First: what obesitiy?
First: wgat does gthis hae oto do with anyting
oonicks: you were complaining about the admins
First: they are obese?
oonicks: so i admired your wide array of graphical expressions
First: whut
oonicks: wever
stumped: +1
alobar: oonicks we do not complain about admins in this room.
alobar: and we do not say "lol"
alobar: this is a room for the more adult go player than that found in the EGR.
Xena: alobar~!!!
alobar: hello xena. i was just telling the room that admins and class monitors are more in keeping with primary school conditions and not a room for adults.
alobar: but i see the room has fallen asleep now.
Xena: ohh
Xena: that is right
alobar: hopefully soon the west will be awake and we can have a bit of intellect in here.
alobar: how is israel today?
Xena: good, you?
alobar: very good but losing at go.
alobar: weather is very nice.
alobar: game on
Xena: gl
womack: My standard motto on FB in response to continuing atrocities = !Death 2 the Jewish State & Hellorcell 4 all itz goonz everywhere! 20:46 hrz (+1)
IIIllIIll0: you should be more supportive of chomsky
IIIllIIll0: you only oppose him ebcause he doesnt think shaboom was behind 9/11
womack: BC reminds us we do need a solid "deconstruction" of Noam as a Jewish agent of policy. Maybe even Jeff Blankfort's piece in LEFT CURVE
IIIllIIll0: link?
womack: might be worth reading, for starts & Jeff's one himself
IIIllIIll0: this?
IIIllIIll0: after my game i will read it
womack: good find there BC
alobar: womack would it not be better to tell us what they will do in the future so we can stop them?
IIIllIIll0: looks interesting but i will try to win game first
IIIllIIll0: then look @it
womack: gl
alobar: all this history is very interesting but of no practical value.
IIIllIIll0: knowing history helps you get hos
womack: abar = a notorious quacker
IIIllIIll0: *Quaker
womack: scarcely
alobar: thnks womack and long as i dont look like a duck.
womack: abar could wish 4 such an improvement?
alobar: i see you have taken your meds. you are making sense again.
alobar: why do you always insult me? i never insult you!
foglet: Talk to me instead. I try to be nice :)
IIIllIIll0: look closely at what alobar wrote
IIIllIIll0: "i never insult you"
alobar: foglet how nice can you be?
IIIllIIll0: depending on pronunciation could also mean "i never insult jew"
IIIllIIll0: meaning he supports the conspiracy
womack: )
womack: Ah, BC's trained ear
alobar: foglet lets ignore them and just chat sensibly now.
womack: abar's 2 sentences above almost worthy of Bibi himself
IIIllIIll0: justin bieber or netanyahu?
IIIllIIll0: the beebs
alobar: i hope he does not mean busty bibi.
womack: Remember Billy Jeff & "what 'is' is"? As N ISIS?
alobar: foglet please help. this is just the same conversation from womack we have every day.
alobar: lets hear something novel and interesting for a change.
alobar: bar did you see javachip lurked here and said nothing.
IIIllIIll0: well chomsky has always said he was a zionist but he says, the term "zionist" meant something different in 1930s than it does today
alobar: chomsky is a nebbish
oonicks: i actually agree chomsky is not an ideal reference for a palestinian pov
oonicks: mark levine similarly
womack: NC made one such statement in his FATEFUL TRIANGLE bk in the '80's. Both his parents, of course, were professional Zionists in the '30's.
oonicks: great at times but if you want to really get the clues you need the opinions from the other side
alobar: does anyone take chomsky seriously? i thought he was naother american lunatic who uses words because he is too old to go shoot up his school.
IIIllIIll0: this article is saying that chomsky doesnt want to describe the situation in palestine as apartheid, based on one occasion when he said the term was not helpful
IIllIIll0: His reluctance to label Israel's control of the Palestinians as "apartheid" out of concern that it be seen as a "red flag," like describing it as "inflammatory," was a red flag itself and raised questions that should have been asked by the interviewer, such as who would be inflamed by the reference to 'apartheid' as a "red flag" in Israel's case and what objections would Chomsky have to that?
IIIllIIll0: in fact he uses that term all the time
IIIllIIll0: he gave a talk entitled "Israel: An apartheid state"
oonicks: also probably. he just refuses to label so much
oonicks: you get that when many people keep an eye on you
womack: apartheid obviously way too mild to describe the Israeli policy of slaughter
alobar: every nation is entitled to rule its population and defend itself against aggression. why should israel do otherwise?
IIIllIIll0: he has also said the situation is "much worse than apartheid" in other interviews
oonicks: but otoh the loyaltys are allways onesided
womack: abar waves his criminal flag
oonicks: do you want to say it *is* apartheid
womack: We made world law in 1945 against wars of aggression
oonicks: well no for gawds sake, it is israekl
alobar: i would kill the lot if it were in my power to do so. and then i would start on the mentally ill.
IIIllIIll0: womack, chomsky agrees it's "Much worse" than apartheid,
oonicks: never said he was a hunderd percent consistent either but he is not bad
womack: well noted BC
alobar: nothing is worse than apartheid!
alobar: he is just grandstanding. a wasp jew who has never had to suffer in his life.
womack: abar = absolutelyshameless, as is characteristic of those who habitually murder children
alobar: pity you are no longer physically a child womack.
oonicks: perhaps shellshock
womack: Basic reference for extreme Jewish psychopathology = JEWISH HISTORY, JEWISH RELIGION [1994] by Israel Shahak
IIIllIIll0: well this article does make a good point about his opposition of sanctions.
oonicks: further on in the article it mentions the funding of israel by the bish administration
IIIllIIll0: "As is well known in Cambridge, of anyone involved, I was the most outspoken opponent of the petition calling for divestment, and in fact refused to sign until it was substantially changed, along lines that you can read if you are interested. The "divestment" part was reduced to three entirely meaningless words, which had nothing to do with the main thrust of the petition. I thought that the three meaningless words should also be deleted... On your last question, as noted, I was and remain strongly opposed, without exception -- at least if I understand what the question means. "
alobar: does oprah approve of chomsky?
alobar: and does she make light of apartheid now?
oonicks: it is a good example of the one eye blind
womack: oprah still backs Obomber?
foglet: What are you guys talking about? Hatred in the air?
oonicks: in the end it does not matter taht eu and usia gov sink money in israel
oonicks: it matters that they deal with money in such manners anyhow
IIIllIIll0: EU is turning away from israel tho
alobar: her people suffered under it for four centuries. and they had to bear the burden of american slavery and segreagation and lynchings.
womack: I have preached for yrs on the subject of "hatred"
IIIllIIll0: EU court recently took hamas out of terrorist list
womack: roger that
alobar: yes, womack and we hate you fro it.
oonicks: do i overstand you are the one that convinced alobar to become a full time hater?
oonicks: i don't think that eu doing is very credible
oonicks: it is probably just to blame the ejws for the enxt robbery
oonicks: heh
alobar: oonicks i am not a complete hater. i love myself.
IIIllIIll0: lobes is about love
alobar: everyone should turn away from israel. they are a drain on americas failing economy.
alobar: i even love sheriffi
womack: Righto there, abar. Pity his word so worthless.
IIIllIIll0: well this article does show good evidence that chomsky opposes actual menaingful action against instrael in many ways
womack: We shoulld all love everybody as we put the murderers in prison. Presently they are running the Big Show
IIIllIIll0: i do agree though wiht chomsky that israel is a US strategic asset
foglet: Sweden was first out to acknowledge Palestine as a state a couple of months ago. Things are turning around it seems.
IIIllIIll0: israel & US both have a common interest in preventing democrating nationalist govermnments from coming to power in middle east
oonicks: bs
IIIllIIll0: Israel, because they woudl want to destroy israel ,and the US, becaquse they would want to nationalisze oil production and not give the profits to US and british oil companies
womack: Maybe Swedish King remembers a bit about Folke Bernadotte & Olaf Palme, among many others
oonicks: they both promote nazionalism in europe and elsewhere
alobar: of course, the swedish have always been the first to recognise and the last to defend when the bullets fly.
IIIllIIll0: lol
foglet: Well, it´s not up to the swedish king.
alobar: every inch a king every foot a ruler.
oonicks: for me the swedish move is irrelevant
foglet: The king is just the king. The real king of Sweden is Zlatan Ibrahimovic and everyone knows that.
alobar: sweden is irrelevant.
womack: King of S marched wi Q in demo for Palestine, wearing the scarf
oonicks: they have probably been ordered directly by bibi to do this
oonicks: israel under bibi "wants a two state solution"
foglet: Sweden is most relevant. It´s one of the best countries in the world according to safe resources.
oonicks: because they are afraid they will be held responsible for the people in gaza and the westbank
foglet: also known as sources.
oonicks: now and in teh future
alobar: israel should just nuke the palestinians and get it over with.
IIIllIIll0: two state solution = United States and Israeli state controlling all of palestine
oonicks: true and in teh future
foglet: alobar seem real smart.. lets check out his rank.
oonicks: so taht is why swedens move means nothing but trouble
foglet: Alo, you gotta train to get better.
womack: abar alias Patrick Lee is making repeated criminal statements. Such R quite safe at this moment in USA but maybe S Africa more law-abiding?
alobar: better at go? foglet
straits: Unless Israel does nuke the Palestinians they're going to stay in second place in the competition to kill the most Pallestinian civilians. Palestinian leadership still is in first place.
oonicks: blame the victim
foglet: word
oonicks: standard policy
oonicks: dunno
foglet: ironic word, that is.
alobar: kill them before they suicide themselves, you mean?
oonicks: not my cup of tea
foglet: alobar, is that really the truth and nothing but the truth so help you god?
alobar: foglet there is no god to help me.
foglet: so there is no truth you mean?
womack: Stewart C. Strait talks like a hired hazbarat
alobar: of course there is no truth. it is all just opinion.
alobar: womack, do you never look in the mirror?
foglet: smart indeed, writing to you is nothing but waste of joule.
womack: BC note "joule" pls
foglet: evenings are better in this room. more creativity, more productivity.
IIIllIIll0: chomsky chumming around with hezbollah
foglet: i´m off, cu 111110
IIIllIIll0: by fog
alobar: it is morning here foglet, but i get your drift.
alobar: bye foglet.
IIIllIIll0: lobes did you just call him a foglet
IIIllIIll0: thats discriminationalistic
alobar: well if foglet is not leaving i am
straits: cu, alobar
alobar: you keep womack on the boil for me.
IIIllIIll0: dont judge people by their orientation
alobar: cheers straits.
IIIllIIll0: by lobez
alobar: by bar
alobar: by jove bar.
womack: "" shows 113 views so far for transcripts like this: More KGS Chat, Incl Cheerleader for Jews' Bombing of Gaza
IIIllIIll0: that was a horrendous war crime
womack: KGS admins quite threatening WRT reference to these posts
IIIllIIll0: lol why
IIIllIIll0: why should they care
Xena: koko
womack: Whom should BC ask about that?
IIIllIIll0: what have they said to evidence they are threatening wrt these posts
IIIllIIll0: wassap xena
IIIllIIll0: we're talking about the israel-palestinian conflict here
Xena: good, you?
Xena: i am bored
IIIllIIll0: play go
Xena: maybe
womack: re BC Q: admins have previously inserted threats of banning on my page & have many X booted me, claiming that publication of remarks here frightens the utterers thereof
IIIllIIll0: hmm
IIIllIIll0: well on the interwebs if you dont want your utterances published, dont utter
IIIllIIll0: its easy enough
womack: rather
IIIllIIll0: people should think before they utter
oonicks: you can publish anything ... reasonable
oonicks: at least taht is for the press
straits: But good luck trying to get people to agree on what's reasonable.
womack: Understandable, however, that Kissinger's Kosher Kiddie Killers get all nervous about free public discussion of their crimes, eh what?
oonicks: reasonable in the case of the press is eg not to speculate against facts?
oonicks: it is more important with domestic issues usually
womack: The Drone Press
oonicks: i know.. but also if you want to promote free press , well i at least use the argument
oonicks: reads better i suppose:)
oonicks: it happened in egypt a few mmonths ago, the press would speculate about anything (more importantly anyone)
oonicks: so they made a few huge mistakes (or not, but i think they did) and got a probolem
womack: How many languages has "oonicks" ?
oonicks: to have languages
straits: A lot of languages--C, FORTRAN, perl, java, ...
womack: Any Arabic, for example?
oonicks: no
womack: sorry, same here
oonicks: i think it is quite a curse even because of the camels
womack: Stupidity means to love ignorance. abar left already but still
straits: You don't mean the camels on the cover of _Programming Perl_, do you.
oonicks: israelis also write backwards don't they?
womack: Me, I prefer Luckies --straights, of course.
womack: and in moderation
womack: Looks BC won his close game holding W
IIIllIIll0: thx
womack: Breakfast time here [Friday 12/19 @ 09:42 hrz]. Ciao all!


Hal Womack 3-dan

Dec 24, 2014, 4:43:05 PM12/24/14
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Meepy: u mad braw?
First: no brah
AmyTS: yes.
Meepy: right on
First: meepy
First: I was the one who
First: killed your mother
Meepy: I will forgive you
Meepy: but first I have to send you my son
AmyTS: no!
Meepy: kill him by nailing him to some lumber
First: I have crucified many romans
Meepy: later he will come back to life and we're all good
AmyTS: that only happens if he has life insurance
First: I will kill him in a dream
First: inception
Meepy: *sheds a tear at the beauty of that story*
asdk: cool Christmas
asdk: all killers as in the novel by Agatha Christie
First: beauty of what story?
asdk: Agatha Christie was a fascist, she wrote the novel "12 little Negros"
asdk: rasist
asdk: interesting as it is now in the United States called this novel.
asdk: 12 little blackmans
Sheriffi: my brothers
Sheriffi: are we ready
asdk: for what?
asdk: Today I completed the Hamlet
asdk: will soon publish
asdk: look how many people read Hamlet in English, I think Playboy magazine has great success)
holynec: tru story bruh
cekalo: isnt hamlet the guy with the skull?
asdk: I was right about Agatha Christie
asdk: (Little Niggers) in the text (USA) have been replaced by" Little Indians »(Little Indians)
asdk: tollerasts
First: I have bigger problems
cekalo: your dildo isnt working?
asdk: this Anglo-Saxon approach to the problem. let's call the problem a different name and the problem would not exist
Sheriffi: alright
asdk: miserable civilization slaveholders
readytogo: poor poor poor asd
asdk: hi addiicts
asdk: how are you?
readytogo: always angry
asdk: im not angry
asdk: I just can not stand the hypocrisy at the level of genetics
First: cekalo can I borrow yours?
cekalo: hehe
asdk: Democracy has come to Ukraine
First: is this KGS within KGS?
First: inception
asdk: and electricity has gone from Ukraine
cekalo: ukrainian women are so hot
asdk: Cekalo, a feeling that you need a wife
asdk: in England all women scary?
cekalo: no way would i ever merry one of these creatures
womack: "yidocracy" = the true word for JAPE lands aka the "Jewish-American Planetary Empire", e.g, V. Nuland et al in Ukraine
cekalo: just for fun ya know [13:02 hrs]
First: marry christmas to you too
asdk: why cekalo?
cekalo: english women are fat and ugly
cekalo: why what?
asdk: O_o
asdk: u answer already
womack: At least the ones who would go out w "cekalo", eh?
asdk: England women fat and ugly?
asdk: i think only US
cekalo: your mom would go out with me?
readytogo: yes only US sheesh
readytogo: asd u got that stick so far up i think it will never come out tisk tisk
USSRMan: Most beautiful England women is kate beckinsale
USSRMan: anyone agree
womack: Only if she needed a receptacle for defecation.
readytogo: omg
asdk: Cekalo if you get married to a Ukrainian, she will make thee Euromaidan
asdk: will burn tires and sing hymns
First: what
readytogo: and a happy holiday to u to asd
womack: What "cekalo"s true nationality?
readytogo: and dont say bah humbug
asdk: what holiday?
asdk: mary poppins
asdk: its not my holiday
readytogo: u dont get any holidays cuz u been a bad boy
asdk: cekalo is turk
readytogo: thats ok cuz st nick was turkish
womack: asdk unwittingly passes false ionfo?
cekalo: im from switzerland
readytogo: then the europeans changed st nickolas to sant claus
readytogo: santa
womack: a fake from Fakeland?
asdk:  he wrote that he a turk
readytogo: even sounds the same
First: we are all swiss
womack: Snot true
readytogo: now u know the rest of the story
cekalo: hop schwitz!
cekalo: means go swiss
readytogo: and you thought the day was wasteed?
womack: ) At least clo does play the game, even his ma does sell catz
jihyun: Hey vodca, long time no see.
womack: Merry Christmas to all who are so minded. For current info on Bethlehem, see my friend Alison W:
asdk: Womack have always blame the Jews
jihyun: Jwes are smart.
womack: Whom does nameless "asdk" blame for GM'14 aka this Summer's Slaughter in Palestine?
womack: I do always try to blame guilty parties for major world crimes.
asdk: I'm not good in the Middle East, I am interested in Ukraine. there blame the US
jihyun: Hey, womack. Why there are many jewish rich in the US?
womack: asdk knows the names of Adelson, Saban, Kissinger & Nulander?
asdk: I can tell you one thing exactly, if the United States will remove its military bases and stop selling weapons to the Middle East, there will be peace
womack: Well j, for 1 thing, it helps to have pals in the secret police
First: ok
asdk: Kissinger and Nulland know
asdk: Adelson and Saban not know
jihyun: and hitler.
womack: That's a start for a student of US politics
USSRMan: Ukraine and Russia are brothers
USSRMan: Russia came from Ukraine
jihyun: hitler was asdk's hero.
womack: Compare # of killings in peacetime from 1933 to '39 by Hitler & by Stalin?
First: this conversation is boring
First: like your mother
womack: 1st eats dog poo?
asdk: And Hitler and Stalin created the bankers on Wall Street
USSRMan: Stalin is unfairly criticized in the west
USSRMan: he modernized the USSR
USSRMan: which was 50 years behind germany in 1920
womack: "west" meaning Ukraine, for example?
USSRMan: became a full fludge superpower in 1945
First: womack eats dog poo
First: p
First: poop
First: pooperscooper
USSRMan: Stalin was a Georgian peasant who turned into a Russian tsar
jihyun: Why did hitler hate jews?
USSRMan: hitler is crazy
USSRMan: Stalin is arguably the man of the century
USSRMan: he inspired a centruy of leaders
USSRMan: Mao Zedong
USSRMan: Kim Il sung
readytogo: fyi hitler was on an extreame mix of drugs
USSRMan: Pol Pot
USSRMan: Fridel Castro
readytogo: uppers in the am downers in the pm
womack: Mao said, "Stalin 2 parts bad, 3 parts good"
USSRMan: Deng said Mao is 7/10 right, 3/10 wrong
USSRMan: pretty close
readytogo: his personal Dr whom he loved and brought with him everywhere injected hitler wit meth anphedimines
readytogo: fact!
First: well
First: you were there of course
womack: World's leading expert on the 3rd Reich = David Irving of the U.K.
womack: many solid booksd
USSRMan: Well i mean hitler was bad, he invaded poland and all, but didn't bush killed 1 million iraqis needlessly as well
SamSpade: no
USSRMan: not to mention the countless others in afghan
holynec: I am horinec. King of KGS.
womack: Since 1950 USGov has murdered ~30,000,000 victims worldwide, est by Gideon Polya PhD of Melbourne
womack: ~12,000,000 in M.e. since 1990
First: ok
womack: USGov slaughter in M.E. last 24 years totally malicious & arguments bogus
womack: Motive for mass murder = power interest of DICTATA aka the D.C. -- Tel Aviv Terrorist Axis
womack: household chores call me. Ciao all @ 21:37 hrz [Zulu]
asdk: Womack Do not worry, after the murder of half a million Iraqis, the US admitted his guilt. even in the New York Times on the last page wrote two lines about it. Democracy in security
asdk: all okay cowboys
womack: "asdk" see above re "yidocracy" or visit ""
asdk: irs chanal?
SamSpade: Idiocracy
womack: Usenet news group accessible via Google Groups Page. Sam speaks for himself?

> > > > Falcon89: not even enough money to...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Dec 26, 2014, 7:13:37 AM12/26/14

Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Warfreak2: apparently annie lennox was born on december 25th, so maybe we can celebrate lennoxmas?
AmyTS: yes
Gozoozle: no
Warfreak2: oh, how about quentin crisp?
Warfreak2: we can have a merry crispmas
AmyTS: yes
Gozoozle: but who am i to disagree .......
Gozoozle: merry christmas
Gozoozle: its not the same day its the same date
SamSpade: happy birthday Humphrey Bogart!
SamSpade: i'll age that Newton isn't nice enough to celebrate
Falcon89: wow Sam, how old is mr Bogart now?
SamSpade: 115
Gozoozle: could be about one out of 365 people on earth born today
Falcon89: what? mr Newton didn't share the Apple secret with you?
Falcon89: smart Gozoole
Gozoozle: pls dont start a list
SamSpade: warf just explained that he was warden of the mint and never granted clemency to convicts
AmyTS: off with their heads!
Warfreak2: crispmas seems to work best
Gozoozle: for what
Warfreak2: a substitute christmas
Gozoozle: why
Warfreak2: for people who don't want to celebrate the birth of jesus christ, or think it matters that he definitely wasn't born on december 25th
Gozoozle: to make it non religious
Gozoozle: but have to shop?
Gozoozle: trees are cool
AmyTS: you dont have to shop. the best gifts come from the heart, not a pocketbook
Gozoozle: folks are sensitve about things
oonicks: there is a lot of criticism going on about certain religious nutcases, not so much about the others that equally tend to paint their societys dull
SamSpade: i've decided not to see The Interview
SamSpade: i'm pretty sure people only like it because North Korea hates it
oonicks: do you often go to cinemas?
SamSpade: there is a small independent cinema that i like
SamSpade: they show lots of art movies there
oonicks: you are playing:) nice phase for such a game:)
McMaster: I think that movie is a gimmick
Sheriffi: u r
SamSpade: they must love all the publicity
alias: who?
SamSpade: sony
alias: what do you mean?
alias: I just joined
SamSpade: i'm talking about the movie "The Interview"
alias: I see, haven't seen
womack: Maybe Kim Jong-un may become interested in promoting some more movies about assassinations?
Sheriffi: womack who are you
womack: The "Warren Report", e.g, pure comedy
womack: no-name asks me
Sheriffi: do you need help
Sheriffi: I guess so
womack: JAPE or the Jewish-American Planetary Empire has an historical field exceedingly rich in subjects
womack: Why I can think of a little comedy/drama (U choose) w KinkHenKi & the late Aerial Shaboom as the hijinkers of 9/11/2001, just to get started
Sheriffi: should censor you I think
womack: Or a little Swedish I AM CURIOUS featuring Olaf Palme
womack: The Kennedy Family alone, my goodness!
womack: And for horror, we have that covered in spades, as it were.
womack: GM'14 as a teaser
oonicks: why would kim even bother, the usia promoting assasination against him?
womack: A resource for the curious:
womack: Taking advantage of the Hollywood provocation can open wide a theater door for our whole Planet
womack: "Sheriffi" above was confessingthat the truth chokes it up [03:28 hrz on 20141226]
IIIllIIll0: sheriffi is the sherrif
womack: Barf Code?
IIIllIIll0: whoa i been dissed
IIIllIIll0: is this a rap battle
womack: Sheriff of Bakerfsfield CA or Ferguson MO?
womack: The badge would stink, alright
oonicks: what usually happens, would it reach the papers otherwise?
Sheriffi: you kids
Sheriffi: isn't it your bed time
womack: Sometimes JAPE engages in provocations, then even fakes responses thereto, see above re WTC. Also more recently in NYC the shooting of the 2 cops
womack: The dementality that has murdered ~12,000,000 victims in the M.E. since 1990 admits of practically infintie loops & twists. Small wonder it shouts "censor!"
oonicks: it happened a lot before 1990 the irregularitys
IIIllIIll0: what is JAPE
womack: True, ooo, the long curve of the body count would be interesting to view
IIIllIIll0: most people dont speak womack, have to provide some translations
oonicks: jape is that the jewish lobby involves with usian corporate international neo liberalism
IIIllIIll0: what do the letters stand for
womack: Second sending = womack: JAPE or the Jewish-American Planetary Empire
IIIllIIll0: mack did you ever read spy magazine from the 80s
womack: say on BC
womack: The neocohens, ooo
IIIllIIll0: does that mean yes or no or is it unrelated to the question abotu spy mag
oonicks: i didn't bother but after u asked i can guess
womack: Does nameless BC have a point, then will it make it?
IIIllIIll0: yes because i would regale you with a story about a humorous article from said magazine
IIIllIIll0: after ascertaining ifyou are familiar with it
womack: a link will do?
womack: I remember the cartoon series from MAD
womack: thx
womack: On this subject I can further recommend the novel by Sibel Edmonds THE LONE GLADIO [2013]
womack: And all the works of the late master ROSS THOMAS, as well as (way back) ASHENDEN by W. Somerset Maugham
IIIllIIll0: here is an article on how to calculate how much column space the NY times gives to coverage of mayhem
IIIllIIll0: they made a formula that works
IIIllIIll0: the funny part is in the formula you have the distance from NY times headquarters in manhattan squared, plus the distance from jerusalem quared, divided by 50
womack: test
IIIllIIll0: click on the icon with four arrows
IIIllIIll0: pointing to the 4 corners fo a square
womack: Well something did it now, thank Heaven!
oonicks: Host: Just finally Christine, Barack Obama has vowed to retaliate against North Korea, but North Korea is already living under these sanctions from the US for the past 50 years or so. Can life get much worse for worse for them?
womack: BC will pls use TinyURL when appropriate?
SamSpade: i want whoever broke my window to know that someday i'll get my revenge
SamSpade: just you wait
womack: margin broken again 4 me
womack: test
womack: NSA hax ECR or 3 Stooges?
womack: Maybe now I learn the trick
Sheriffi: u have problems
womack: 1950-53 USAF completely destroyed virtually all structures in northern Korea
SamSpade: ancient history
womack: "Sheriffi" fears that if it spoke the truth, it might get "problems", too?
womack: I clearly remember the day of the beginning of that war, myself
oonicks: ok
oonicks: kind of the deep root of neo loveralism a noe colonialist enterprise
oonicks: liberalism<
womack: USGov has yet to pay damages for those or for any other of its multitude of war crimes. Amount due literally astronomical.
oonicks: according to waht calculations exactly?
womack: Well, mine, based on highest value set on an individual human life by a U.S. court at any level
oonicks: ok
womack: Will oo try to guess the amount of the award?
oonicks: 200b
oonicks: euro
womack: whoa, surprise me! It actually only $27.5 B AFAIK
oonicks: 2m dead?
womack: That's $27,500,000,000
womack: for one life
oonicks: i thought you had a point when you said destroying all infrastructure
oonicks: oh international agreements have measured it about a tonne i think
oonicks: value of life
womack: My friend Gideon Polya PhD of Melbourne estimates global number of victims of USGov at ~30,000,000 [thirty million]
oonicks: so if there is some buy off clause it has been in that ordre often
womack: yes, we switched from bldg's to murder calculations
oonicks: since 1945? easily more but that is perhaps a somewhat polarised model
womack: actually Gideon's start date = 1950
oonicks: part of them might otherwise also have died or elswhere
oonicks: well it is more
oonicks: i am not that sure 30m covers only vietnam
womack: Title of his book = GLOBAL AVOIDABLE MORTALITY SINCE 1950
oonicks: or 2m covers nk for that matter
womack: VN dead on the order of 3 mill
womack: same Korea
oonicks: usually the loosers are to blame for pride btw
IIIllIIll0: there are no avoidable mortalities. we all die
oonicks: it gets really cyniocal at times, when say an iraqi government trades favours for single altered news reports
womack: wheel's still in spin, as the song says
oonicks: that say project a 4th of the real nr of casualtys
oonicks: likewise china is not expected to admit 1.9m chinese killed in nk
womack: Huge subject. I have published 100's of comments on JAPE's destruction of Iraq etc, starting in 1994, retrievable (most of them)
womack: via Google Groups Page
womack: oo speaks Chinese?
oonicks: nop
oonicks: i am thinkoing if i hacve seen chinese sources fo ti now
oonicks: dunno no i don;t think so
oonicks: oral un tradition perhaps
oonicks: heard it twice i think and i read it somewhere once or twice
womack: I am guessing that official Chinese histories state figures for their casualties, which included a son of Mao Zedong (whose birthday = tomorrow 12/26)
oonicks: lemmethink
oonicks: 257k?
womack: lemme go 2 the store while it's still open (maybe)
oonicks: well its less imp[ortant it seems:)
womack: Why oo speculating rather than investigating?
oonicks: i read it somewhere once what was the off ch count
womack: I'm guessing Chinese casualties in U.S. criminal war against Korea were about 1 million dead.
oonicks: well i am guessing they would be 1.899.999
oonicks: i'll try to remember of the opposite a view
oonicks: few
oonicks: sometimes i find a case of the opposite that we succeed in hiding a lot of our dead, not theirs
IIIllIIll0: oonicks are you blood or crips
IIIllIIll0: tell us who your clique is
womack: Short search suggests Chinese reports of their Korean War casualties may be much lower than my previous guess
IIIllIIll0: so womack's attack was wack
oonicks: perhaps even sth ridiculous like under 100k?
oonicks: the difference was huge
oonicks: i have no reference with what consists blood or crips bc
womack: GTG ciao all, Merry Christmas & !Death 2 the Jewish State & Hellorcell 4 all itz goonz everywhere. Hang the Senate! Riddle: Q = 09/11/22? A = 06/08/67!
womack: 20:18 hrs PST on 12/25
oonicks: ciao womack
womack: & remember "" for some transcripts from ECR....

> > > > IIIllIIll0: womack how do you reconcile chomsky sp...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Dec 26, 2014, 9:25:17 AM12/26/14

Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

IIIllIIll0: womack did you mean 9/11/01
IIIllIIll0: you typed 9/11/22 yesterday
womack: Fresh fom EGR: Riddle: Q = 09/11/22? A = 06/08/67!
IIIllIIll0: why 9/11/22?
IIIllIIll0: you mean expect more in 22?
womack: Why izzit a riddle?
IIIllIIll0: because you delight in obfuscation?
womack: pull onnit from both end, like a Chinese finger trap
womack: promoting clarity via thought, a ruse to confuse BC
womack: so pull Left yields "9/11" . Pull R y "11/22", check?
womack: closemup, start the rid
womack: both dates have ridiculous Official Lies
womack: witch R Xposed by --guess what?
IIIllIIll0: JAPE actions
IIIllIIll0: 11/22/63
womack: .
womack: Biggest Jewish coup d'etat ever, as I've said so often already
IIIllIIll0: how about this for a liberty incident theory
IIIllIIll0: mossad and israeli military with the consent of the US military attacked the ship
IIIllIIll0: then US pretends to be shocked/surprised
IIIllIIll0: when behind the scenes it was a joint operation
IIIllIIll0: the question being asked is "was it misidentification or a deliberate attack?"
IIIllIIll0: and the real answer is "neither"
IIIllIIll0: just trying my hand at the conspiracy theory thing
womack: amateur on stage. Jews' motive for LIBERTY attack already presented. BC does have a few elements of truth
womack: presented elsewhere, that is
IIIllIIll0: wouldnt it be very stupid to attack the US military unless at least some elements in the military were able to give assurances there wouldnt be a counter attack
womack: The whole point was for the J's to enlighten the old U.S. ruling class as to who had taken over on 11/22 4 yrs b4
womack: key word = "prestige"
womack: Thus planned attack vs LIBERTY was J's #1 motive by far 4 "6 Day War"
Meepy: embrace destiny!
IIIllIIll0: is she cute
womack: Who's her agent?
Meepy: the end is nigh!
womack: Witch end?
IIIllIIll0: who's down with this destiny chick
Meepy: buy one get one free!
IIIllIIll0: how much
Meepy: Limited time only, though, so act now, order today, send no money, Offer good while supplies last, two to a customer, each item sold separately, Batteries not included, mileage may vary, all sales are final, Allow six weeks for delivery, some items not available, Some assembly required, some restrictions may apply!
WoolyMaCha: Happy holidays, ECR
IIIllIIll0: how much assembly
Meepy: Free installation, free admission, free appraisal, free alterations, Free delivery, free estimates, free home trial, and free parking!
womack: All the rubbish U can read, paid by our sponsor (bang)
WoolyMaCha: Any free meepie?

> > > > asdk: No matter wha...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Jan 1, 2015, 10:46:31 PM1/1/15
Archaic: yes but those things won't necessarily happen to u
First: yo archaic
Archaic: what first
First: see you later holmes
Archaic: cu
Archaic: i added both of u to my buddy list
Shichimi: It's almost 7:30pm, First's bedtime, and First does not want to make mom angry, so off to bed!
McMaster: Shichimi, what's up in 2015 for you?
Shichimi: I plan to increase my exercise, primarily running. First get to being able to run a 5K, then, who knows?
Shichimi: And you ?
Sanjang: what
Shichimi: I have realized that I need a daily exercise checklist, so, certain stretches and exercises I should do every day, for optimal health and vitality, which is my goal, it helps everything else.
Sanjang: the hell is this
Sanjang: ;)
Sanjang: great cat
Shichimi: This is the 3 kyu confusion room.
Sanjang: hehe
Sanjang: its crazyness
Sanjang: really
Shichimi: What do you mean by "crazyness", Sanjang?
Sanjang: kgs rooms
Shichimi: This is the general English chat room, for discussions about almost anything, if it is in good taste, you know, not offensive.
Shichimi: Food, exercise, philosophy, it's all OK to talk about it here, even go.
McMaster: Anything including politics as long as one is polite and decent.
USSRMan: Communism!
McMaster: Shi, i have a strange feeling about 2015, hard to describe
Shichimi: Well, McMaster, there are a lot of issues that seem to be hanging, ready to attack.
Shichimi: Pollution.....
USSRMan: I predict russian economy collapse, conflict in middle east, rising oil prices
Shichimi: Nah.......not collapse.....
Shichimi: Problems, yes.
Shichimi: It seems all countries have problems.
McMaster: agree, just give mr Putin some time
Shichimi: Hong Kong: Protests. Beijing: can't breath
Shichimi: I think Putin is too.......too stiff, too old school.
Sanjang: whats your feeling about 2015 mcmaster?
Ossill: Rising oil prices? Isn't fracking the US dropping oil down to very low levels? Low enough that no one else can compete with the prices?
Shichimi: Amerca: too many problems to list
McMaster: Hard to describe, i normally don't have such a feeling during the new yr
hockey: feeling?
Sanjang: like disasteous?
Sanjang: or just weird?
McMaster: just weird
Sanjang: so i guess soon small black holes will work
hockey: because people died?
Sanjang: :D
Sanjang: to me 2015 its like dejavu
Shichimi: 2015 is just a number. Different cultures have different new years.
womack: Happy New Year to Miss Guo Juan 5P. Our little den here is honored to have her attending.
hockey: happyy 2011
womack: OTOH there's "hockey", eh?
hockey: oh you can use quotation marks
womack: Especially to indicate scepticism, for example.
hockey: womack lousy troll
womack: "hockey" beneath contempt?
USSRMan: Well US oil companies will want higher prices
USSRMan: cut production a bit
USSRMan: or conflict in middle east
USSRMan: disrupt production there
Shichimi: gazpro wants higher prices too.
USSRMan: after russia collapse
USSRMan: us wont mind higher prices
Shichimi: I think we should build more solar.
Shichimi: Solar, solar, solar. What's taking so long????
USSRMan: Well a lot of people own stocks in oil
Shichimi: If a solar energy farm gets hit by a tsunami, it will not take 4o years to clean up, like Fukushima, or Chernobyl
Shichimi: Ah.........yes.........that is the problem..........
Shichimi: Maybe not a lot of people, but s small number of powerful people.
USSRMan: I want bush to be president in 2016
USSRMan: his family is big on oil in Texas
McMaster: Solar is coming along, some Canadian solar companies are having 25 to 35% increase in worldwild sales the past few yrs
USSRMan: good time to invest in oil stocks given how low it is
Shichimi: Nuckear waste, radioactive/toxic for 24 000 years?????
womack: Also technical question re solar-machinery capacity.
womack: SRMan should be careful w his black humor?
Shichimi: We should all just join hands, sing cumbaya, and pass the soup pot along to the next person.
Shichimi: And hug each other.
Gozoozle: got that right
Shichimi: And beat our own rhythm on our drum.
Shichimi: You have your own drum, right?
Gozoozle: we are on the curve , the turn
Shichimi: The curve?
McMaster: There are a few hurdles to overcome: solar hardware efficiency has improved over the yrs but still needs further improvement, more gov't incentives, more educated consumers...
Shichimi: Things are nondifferentiable these days, no curves.
Shichimi: Wait
Gozoozle: everyone is turning
Shichimi: Wait
Shichimi: You
Shichimi: You're concerned about efficiency? Compared to something that takes 40 years to decommision if there is an "accident" like a tsunami or a hurricane or a terrorist attack or any number of likely events?
Gozoozle: get a spark?
Shichimi: Tepco, the Japanese power company, they're next to the lastest plan was to freeze the ground around the leaking radioactivity.
Gozoozle: how about you glass sided house faces south
McMaster: depending on the situation, some places need nuclear, no better choice
Shichimi: Uh, that was after the "Advanced Liquid Processing" system. Sounds really advanced?
womack: IMHO we the human race need to crown a Wise Queen (or otherwise just sovereign) in order properly to understand technical questions. Must first establish justice under law.
Shichimi: Well, I believe France gets 75% of their power from nuclear?
Gozoozle: which places?
Gozoozle: Mc
womack: McM still speaks as the Japanese used to around 2010?
Shichimi: OK, Wo, OK, but can we wait until that happens?
womack: The faster we make it happen, the quicker we can rightly address the remainder of our problems?
Shichimi: Justice under law?
McMaster: it is a Give or Take case, if Beijing goes all nuclear power then their will be much cleaner air-no need to burn the low quality cheap coal
McMaster: just for example
womack: A "law" = "An ordinance for the common good duly proclaimed by established authority". Very traditional "natural" definition.
womack: Any Chinese speaker here wish to report on comment in that language WRT the Fukushima disaster?
Gozoozle: the problem is agragate CO2 , maybe if you gave reproducable example of carbon neutral life style
Shichimi: Fukushima: a disaster much worse than anticipated occured.
Shichimi: Basic risk analysis: two factors: The severity of the event (how bad) and, how likely, the probability that it will occur.
womack: Allee samee Chernobyl in that respect?
Gozoozle: wish folks understood the cancer rates go up world wide because of the movement and duration of the radiation
Shichimi: Well, cells get irradiated, they get weird.
Shichimi: DNA gets messed up.
Gozoozle: Cher had 1.3 million premature deaths
Shichimi: Womack has an interesting point. Don't try to fix technical issues until the larger, moral/ethical/societal issues are fixed - -ya?
womack: A figure for total estimated lost life-years?
Gozoozle: or creativity
hockey: womavck
womack: Hello 7-spice: Put it positively correctly to order priorities? Still have to fix your flat tire, even w Obomber in office
Gozoozle: can you all plant a tree or other perrenial the week end please make my whole yr :)
Shichimi: But if you are on the freeway, cars moving along at 60 MPH, even if you have a flat tire, you need to get off the road.
Shichimi: One tree?
womack: But while mass murderers misrule us, how can we generate trustworthy expert agreement on lesser issues?
Gozoozle: i planted 6 this week
Shichimi: Mass murderers will always be here. We can make progress by strengthening our connections with those who share our values.
womack: "But if you are on the freeway, cars moving along at 60 MPH" then U R in luck.
Gozoozle: thet used a drone in Berkeley last month at the protest really scary
Shichimi: Today it's called a "drone", but it used to be a R/C airplane or something.
Gozoozle: they could track you coming in for about 2 miles
womack: 7S claims A) to know the eternal future and B) that it is very black
Shichimi: Well, for an African-American, or a black person, black is good.
Shichimi: Why is black not good?
Gozoozle: come back a yr later and say aren't the one who flipped of that cop?
Shichimi: Uh, wut ?
womack: Should we learn from the succcesful revolutionary examples of Mao Zedong & Ho Chi Minh?
Shichimi: We should learn from everyone, but those two had different situations than, well, for those in, well, in Eritrea.
womack: For a black African or for me Venus Williams is beautiful but mold on my plate needs to be washed off.
AmyTS: what
womack: Is 7S learned re Eritrea?
Shichimi: Yeah, I can't understand that last stmt by Wo either.
Shichimi: 7S ?
Shichimi: Gimme a break, I'm only 6 K brain, kind of stupid.
womack: "Shichimi is seven spice flavoring"
Shichimi: oh, yueah////
Shichimi: yeah
Gozoozle: my refrigerator stinks but i still dont know what that means
Shichimi: There is also a file compression that ends in .7s
womack: yuck, tree planter
Shichimi: I am not learned, re Eritrea and Ethopia. However, from what I know of Mao and Ho Chi Minh, I don't think their examples apply to other situations.
Gozoozle: well mode is advanced beyond smell
womack: There was prep: "womack: Hello 7-spice:"
Gozoozle: mold
hockey: hello
womack: What color the mold?
Shichimi: The significance of a mold is its shape, color doesn't matter.
womack: To me the situations of China and of Vietnam around 1920 have many similarities to present global picture.
hockey: womack you crazy polish
womack: Someone let "hockey" out of its box again?
Gozoozle: I heard on the radio yesterday a talk abiut how before we started farming there is little or no evendence of voilence among fellow humans
hockey: your box?
Shichimi: That can't be right. You come near my man, I am gonna scratch your eyes out.
Shichimi: Farm or no farm.
Gozoozle: i meant that the mold on your plate in far advance the smell in my refrigde
womack: Gozo's report controversial but farming did generate the state w its armies & prisons
Shichimi: Uh, if I had a man......
hockey: you will die alone
Shichimi: We all die alone.
hockey: without a man
Gozoozle: what he said was is the hunter gathers didnt hurt each other no physical fighting evidence in the bones before 8 000 yr ago
Shichimi: I'm kind of a feminist, but kind of not. I prefer to be left alone in the kitchen to do my thing, and have the guy fixing the car, outside, in the cold, or something.
Gozoozle: we cool dude

Shichimi: Oh come on.......
McMaster: When one has to walk 10 km to visit another human being, one would treasure the relationship
Shichimi: Animals fight and kill and hurt each other.
Gozoozle: so
hockey: you are like every woman
Gozoozle: they rarly fight
hockey: all talk
McMaster: when there are 10,000 humans living in an area of 1 sq km, violence is more likely to occur
Gozoozle: rams dont fight for example nor doo wolves
Gozoozle: nope
Shichimi: Nor wolves?
Gozoozle: not to hurt each other
Gozoozle: nope the play
Shichimi: They fight to get the best womack!
Shichimi: I mean woman. LOL
Gozoozle: wolves play
Shichimi: Well, I prefer to play with my puppy-wuppy, and you can go play with a wolf.
Shichimi: Their noses are too pointy.
womack: For factors other than pop density compare violence levels between HK vs Gaza Strip. Yo there, 7S, Happuy 2015 2 U 2!
Gozoozle: no the alfa male is the one with the lowest heart rate and the ones who plays the best
McMaster: animal instincts, some aggressive some just run
womack: The Alpha Male in a group rt now looks 2 B Norman Chadwick, eh what?
McMaster: talking about low heart rate, my QiGong teacher's is about 40/min. O.O
womack: (our group)
Gozoozle: does he eat pine resin?
womack: But 2 peers to NC
Gozoozle: like an iquana
Shichimi: Is there any relationship, what *is* the relationship between Qi Gong and , Falun Gong?
Gozoozle: dive under water a hold your beath for 15 mins and trip out
Shichimi: Trip out? Sounds so 60s
Gozoozle: they bin doing that for millenia
womack: Dr Bong de Gong?
asdk: America's never been in the business of colonizing other countries and grabbing their resources; we've never been in the business of bullying folks into doing things that we can't do for ourselves. Where we have done that, by the way, it's never worked out all that well. That's not our best tradition.
asdk: NPR News Interview With President Obama
Gozoozle: lol
asdk: Its new year joke from Obama?
Gozoozle: haha Qi Bong bubble bubble coff coff
womack: Russki [ittomg words in Obomber's mouth?
womack: (putting)
McMaster: Americans sometimes did things with good intentions but not enough research hence got backfirings
Gozoozle: its an Obamanation i tell you
McMaster: but on the otherhand, not just Americans, ordinary joe did the same too occasionally
asdk: Americans do things with good intentions. this is a joke made my morning
asdk: good joke for good morning
asdk: thanks McMaster
womack: [KGS admin] McM quite brazen w his version of US aggression worldwide & its 30,000,000 [thirty million] murders since 1950
Gozoozle: ive been listening o some good music just before i go to work bike ride for 25 mins
asdk: you ride to work on a motorcycle?
asdk: oh sorry
Gozoozle: bicycle cause my truck is down
asdk: bike ride is bicycle
Gozoozle: why yes it is
asdk: you and bicycles and motorcycles are called bike
asdk: it confuses me
Gozoozle: you be duby
womack: Happy 2015 2 all lawful players everywhere! HW out @ 03:40 hrz on Friday 20150102.
asdk: Happy 2015 u too
Gozoozle: ha just realized it is 2015

> > > > IIIllIIll0: ...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Jan 12, 2015, 3:17:55 AM1/12/15
Moral of the bit below = We the human race need a M.E. Specialist or "MES" with an advanced understanding of world history, starting with the long process of the Jewish takeover. Our hypothetical MES will take it for granted that Jewry pulled off such major stunts as the Jack Whack & the several thousand subsequent assassinations in the USA; the OKC Kindergarten Bomb [see the immediately prophetic novel LET US PREY (1994) by Bill Branon]; smashing Diana; the WTC Stunt [see immediately prophetic novel #2, this one THE BRETHREN (2000) by John Grisham and also the brilliant film LONG KISS GOODNIGHT (1996) starring Geena Davis & Samuel Jackson]. Our well-informed MES, therefore, will address for us the issue of "Al Qaeda" and ISIS as covert instruments of Yid policy in the general JeWar vs World. There should be at least a page on the Charlie attack. Chorus: JAPE = Jewish-American Planetary Empire.


Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

tomicus: Heath Ledger, that's why I came into this room, the actual room, not the ECR, wanted to look up his filmography, I know you all want to be bored with pointless information, glad I could be of assistance.
alobar: knee how
Shichimi:  hallo daar alobar
alobar: so ,eot n bek praat.
Sheriffi: oh lord
Sheriffi: tom is alive
alobar: hello shichimi
alobar: is he alive and well and how do you know?
alobar: so moet n bek praat*
Sheriffi: ?
Shichimi: It's Afrikaans
Sheriffi: waow
esrig: hi
alobar: esrig thanks for the chat. have a good night.
alobar: i am out of here. enjoy your day lads.
IIIllIIll0: haro eryone
IIIllIIll0: yo womack who was be really behind the paris incidents?
womack: Hi BC. The Charlie shooters worked for the same boss in 2 countries.
womack: U think ISIS = top level?
IIIllIIll0: or al qaeda?
womack: ditto AQ?
IIIllIIll0: yes
womack: Both of M IMHO = figments of joospookery [23:16 hrs PST]
IIIllIIll0: but it is undeniable there are actual persons on the ground running these organizations
womack: Yes, running back & forth.
womack: Take whole board view: JeWar vs world notoriously includes the prolonged attack against Syria
IIIllIIll0: but isis doesnt work for israel
womack: Since when?
IIIllIIll0: since inception
womack: R U sure>
womack: ?
IIIllIIll0: perhaps they may do some things that are paradoxically in israel's interests
IIIllIIll0: but they are not actually controlled per se
womack: R U well read on ISIS?
IIIllIIll0: well i dont claim a great scholarly background
womack: wait 1
womack: YKA =You KNow Already? = ?
IIIllIIll0: looks like that site is blocked in thailand. i will have to use vpn to see it but cant now because will kick me off kgs
womack: ISIS Supply Lines Originate in NATO/Turkey from there
womack: BTW YKA #2 novelist tim Hallinan?
IIIllIIll0: nope
womack: his stories set in Thailand. He seems to feel there's some corruption among the police there
IIIllIIll0: lol
IIIllIIll0: of course
IIIllIIll0: police are a big gang
womack: Here in USA, speaking "of course", cops shooting down people rt & left
IIIllIIll0: they are in the take in all sorts of things
IIIllIIll0: its well known the boys in brown (bib) are on the take all over the place
womack: blue over here
IIIllIIll0: they even shake down tourists which usually is a big no-no in a country dependent on tourism
IIIllIIll0: if you find yourself littering on the street, you are likely to be accosted by a bib
IIIllIIll0: saying you can choose to pay the fine immediately, or be taken to the station
IIIllIIll0: dont expect a receipt for the "fine"
womack: )
IIIllIIll0: another thing is not carrying your passport with you
IIIllIIll0: technically you are required to as a tourist, most dont
IIIllIIll0: so you can come down to the station and be booked for not having it, or pay a small on the spot fine
IIIllIIll0: the rational choice of course being to pay the "fine"
womack: jes' fine
IIIllIIll0: the "war on drugs" in thailand is really a war on drug dealers who dont pay off their local cops
IIIllIIll0: if the bib get their due they dont notice anything
womack: As the song sez: "It's the same the whole world over"
IIIllIIll0: its gotten worse since the military coup
womack: Any particular USGov role in that?
IIIllIIll0: not that ive heard specifically but i think the US would prefer the current covt
womack: U mean post-coup?
IIIllIIll0: after the coup us ambassador talked a lot about how US wanted democracy resoted
IIIllIIll0: yes post-coup
IIIllIIll0: but us military aid keeps coming
womack: righto
womack: "aid"
womack: What it is?
womack: socialist?
IIIllIIll0: their analysis of coup is on mark
womack: thx 4 tip
womack: Anything else B4 my dinnertime here?
IIIllIIll0: nope
IIIllIIll0: enjoy your dinner
womack: FTW - Fare Thee Welkl
[END --30--]

> > > > > alobar: i wonder how many go players go into a go club and wear a mask and refuse t...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Jan 20, 2015, 11:31:11 PM1/20/15
SOTU Night in the ECR:

readytogo: why would he?
tschan: it's so 2014 :)
mabblebrox: idk are they still doing this stuff?
readytogo: you heard him its good news ppl'
tschan: get on with the times!
mabblebrox: i guess he's 'doing his best'
mabblebrox: the mormon in me wants to believe he's an antichrist
mabblebrox: or somehing i don't know
mabblebrox: ressentiment.
womack: Special Ops Missions Already in 105 Countries in 2015
readytogo: piss and moan
readytogo: ppl who have negative attitudes get heart dease
mabblebrox: well consider this; Dr Dre is aligned with Islam
mabblebrox: i guess
mabblebrox: hrm
mabblebrox: see if i had a doobie i'd feel fine
womack: Check out mass murder abroad & at home bankruptcy, prison & police kill at will
womack: roger doobie
readytogo: hey im from minnesota
mabblebrox: i'm from seattle
readytogo: sorry
mabblebrox: ??
mabblebrox: seattle is amazing
womack: Sandford's latest novel DEADLINE pretty good, even if Virgil does catch & release
mabblebrox: ok 'middle class economics' kinda makes sense
womack: For economic commentary:
stumped: is there still a middle class?
womack: Yes, they're sleeping in doorways around here, in the middle
readytogo: heart attack waiting to happen
mabblebrox: so rtg is an obama supporter :-/
mabblebrox: not a free radical
womack: rtg needs 9/11?
Hotentot: "Middle class" is the myth that the 1% propagates to make the upper part of the 99% feel like they have something in life.
mabblebrox: hm
mabblebrox: lots of empty space on planet
mabblebrox: mansions in heaven?
mabblebrox: may as well
readytogo: im all for inclusiveness
mabblebrox: well everybody wants a big house
womack: as a warden?
mabblebrox: redefine wealth
mabblebrox: big houses in Mongolia
mabblebrox: or wherever
womack: The Big House abuilding alright
mabblebrox: womack ever been in prison?
mabblebrox: i've been in jail, not prison
readytogo: here it comes
mabblebrox: huh
readytogo: free college
mabblebrox: free community college
mabblebrox: *community* college tho
Falcon89: big house is too much work, i just need a 2500 sq ft house
readytogo: mr negative
mabblebrox: 25,000 sounds good to me
mabblebrox: but i'm greedy
readytogo: yes u r
mabblebrox: so?
womack: I've been jailed many times, in prison (Mx) once. Taught @ San Quentin for a while
mabblebrox: whoa dude
mabblebrox: womack legit
Falcon89: what is Mx?
mabblebrox: rtg no want 25k house?
readytogo: no ur knocking commmunity college
Falcon89: Mexico?
mabblebrox: well ok it's alright
mabblebrox: i went to community college but then turned elitist
readytogo: if u were dying of thirst ur complain that the water wasnt cold
mabblebrox: but i was mad at CC because i wasn't in better school
readytogo: ud*
mabblebrox: grar
womack: rtg flacking w the Lame Duck?
mabblebrox: grues 4 all
Epsilion: u still babblin mabblin?
mabblebrox: nothing else to do
mabblebrox: hey at least i'm watching speech
mabblebrox: i could be listening to hip hop
womack: )
readytogo: all advanced ecnomys combined!
mabblebrox: well ok yes work good
mabblebrox: jobs whatever
womack: Yes, move to China, get a job.
mabblebrox: idk still
readytogo: yeah jobs whatever
womack: fries w dat?
mabblebrox: i still say mobilize inner city to invade
mabblebrox: or something
readytogo: wow mitch clapped
mabblebrox: mitch?
mabblebrox: mitt?
readytogo: the orange faced dude in the vack
readytogo: back
mabblebrox: purple tie?
readytogo: yup
Epsilion: does prezzy g have anything good to say?
mabblebrox: they both have purple tie
readytogo: nothing but good
mabblebrox: i guess he wants to make free community college
readytogo: bery inspiring
readytogo: very

readytogo: bush or clinton
Epsilion: neither
readytogo: sheesh
mabblebrox: i liked that hillary was idealist as youth
womack: Both deserve long-term Federal housing
mabblebrox: ok who
Epsilion: obama
mabblebrox: idk man
readytogo: its too early to even be thinking about it
mabblebrox: primaries coming up
mabblebrox: but have to release carefully
Epsilion: so US presidents can't do 3 terms?
mabblebrox: no they cannot
readytogo: pay attention to whats happening NOW
Epsilion: well that's poopy
womack: Mel Gibson for Prez w Dennis Rodman as VP ?
mabblebrox: LOL sure why not
womack: passed by acclamation?

> > > > > asdk: I can tell you one thing exactly, if the United States will remove its military bases and stop selling weapons to th...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Jan 31, 2015, 10:38:59 PM1/31/15
mabblebrox: oh yeah he ate some larvae
mabblebrox: guess where he was
mabblebrox: San Francisco lol
dayharri: farmers with devastated crops by locusts often sell fried-dried ones for small 'vendetta'.
dayharri: passers-by buy them.
mabblebrox: in San Fran they have underground organic dinners
beeblebrox: like ant farm?
mabblebrox: but i'd rather be in san diego than anywhere
alfalfa: mango-caterpillar smoothies
mabblebrox: dunno i think it was the insect guy doing the dinner
bert: passers by buy things en passant, i guess
mabblebrox: the guy said it tastes like cashew
GorGaZon: extreme: ORIGIN late Middle English : via Old French from Latin extremus ‘outermost, utmost,’ superlative of exterus ‘outer.’
alfalfa: gesundheit
GorGaZon: so it's extrêmement like in the outer lane, passing on the outer lane, which is "extreme" to the center lane(s), I guess.
beeblebrox: oh, i confused the word with excrement >_<
mabblebrox: EXTERUS just doesn't havet he same ring
mabblebrox: as EXTREME
mabblebrox: of traffic
mabblebrox: my friend and I once read the bible with EXTREME
GorGaZon: that could be dangerous
alfalfa: last rites... extreme unction
mabblebrox: And so-and-so EXTREMELY sayeth, bla bla .... sort of thing
GorGaZon: (extreme passing)
mabblebrox: i can't go into detail here
GorGaZon: thanks
alfalfa: unctious means oily
mabblebrox: umm
alfalfa: last oiling
mabblebrox: lol
womack: 15:30 SB kickoff PST = 23:30 hrz (Zulu).
alfalfa: no, really!
mabblebrox: they really need new writers on this
womack: (+1)
alfalfa: i'm about a quart low
GorGaZon: of stones?
dayharri: cattles digest alfalfa occasionally, right?
alfalfa: frequently
alfalfa: universal fodder.
mabblebrox: i think with enough beer aybody could be tricked into eating crickets
mabblebrox: just tell them it's a large sunflower seed
dayharri: in thai-land.
GorGaZon: hey! that's a drug!
womack: With enough beer U could swim to the Moon
dayharri: salad with caterpillar, orchid, and cricket, everone ^_?
mabblebrox: give me a lever large enough, i'll get out of my chair
GorGaZon: beer is a drug, innit?
mabblebrox: caterpilars are furry
mabblebrox: gorgazon apparently hops are ECR-ok
dayharri: oops. it's silk-worm, sorry.
GorGaZon: bunny hops?
beeblebrox: that sounds like a nice salad
womack: since beer makes one stupid, the Regime permits it. Cocaine OTOH....
GorGaZon: of big, kangaroo über-hops?
GorGaZon: *or
beeblebrox: hopscotch
GorGaZon: hopscotch is a very dangerous game.
GorGaZon: it is played on hard pavement, protective equipment is never worn.
womack: GG might want to read the classic work THE AMERICAN DISEASE [~1974] by the late David Musto MD of Yale re history of neo-Prohibition
beeblebrox: >_<
GorGaZon: I think it should be outlawed.
GorGaZon: neo-prohibition......
womack: i.e, post-alcohol
womack: e.g, MJ, heroin, LS etc
womack: (D)
mabblebrox: oh so womack doesn't get banned?
mabblebrox: pff
womack: pennies for the 10k?
mabblebrox: i'm actually wanting cricket now
mabblebrox: the insect too
beeblebrox: how come you're wanting it? >_<
womack: everybody should have someone 2 ralk 2, rt?
womack: (t)
GorGaZon: womack, The closest that I have seen to the subject or apparent these of the book you referenced, is this one:
womack: Cricket loves Sky King?
GorGaZon: Ceremonial Chemistry: The Ritual Persecution of Drugs, Addicts, and Pushers, by Thomas Szasz, the anti-psychiatry guy.
mabblebrox: i'm hungry, sounds good-ish
dayharri: once i was excited to get lsd, then turned out just only 100kg meth crystal.
beeblebrox: 100kg?
womack: Szasz pretty good, as I recall from way back. I literally carried his bags once in Galveston
dayharri: $1/gram => $10M.
mabblebrox: what is this people are on that and I was banned for 2 days?
beeblebrox: womack was only talking about a book, but i agree, this is a bit much
mabblebrox: how did womack end up carrying a guy's bags
womack: but one must be careful to specify "contraband" drugs, when that be the referent
dayharri: we poured it into salt-solution. :D sooo glad.
McMaster: Please stop this chat about drugs. [IN BOLD. McMaster = "admin".]
mabblebrox: one thing though, I NEVER get headaches anymore
womack: whoa. Even to speak is forbidden by the minions of wsx
mabblebrox: because I can feel the tension and release
McMaster:  Sorry, i was afk for awhile.
mabblebrox: literally. no headaches, unless i skip protein
GorGaZon: how much protein?
mabblebrox: like 30-40g a day protein
GorGaZon: uh, that's little
McMaster: Even stress can cause headache
mabblebrox: not enough protein probably
womack: Endless drivel OTOH perfectly OK w KGS admins
mabblebrox: i do like, popcorn and doctor who, and a can of tuna
GorGaZon: That's not even a MacDonalds's Quarter-Pounder™ [18:15 hrs.]
GorGaZon: wait! nutrition is not drivel!!
McMaster: how about Dr Oz?
mabblebrox: a QP is only like 10g protein
mabblebrox: doctor who knows more
McMaster: how can u be sure?
beeblebrox: look behind the curtain! >_<
McMaster: i see only Dr Phil there :p
[break. Resume @ 19:17 hrs]
aussiemate: don't get mad. Get even
asdk: what u see
asdk: aussie wessie
aussiemate: gidday mate
mabblebrox: i was going to send him an email with name 'Warez U. Degree' but he has a degree
mabblebrox: so kinda puled the wind out of it
asdk: google translated aussie - Australian dollar
mabblebrox: so he's a mate to the dollar
mabblebrox: sellout!
asdk: ossi i wessi is east and west germany nickname
aussiemate: sorry, I don't speak Russian
asdk: it was a German, not Russian
aussiemate: Sorry, I don't speak German
asdk: becoz u american
aussiemate: I'm not I'm an Aussie
asdk: ok u australian
asdk: Americans think that Australia is somewhere in Europe. near Germany
aussiemate: mistake it for Austria
aussiemate: Russians think so too
asdk: yes we can forgive this error hamburgersman, the main thing that the military bases were removed
asdk: not
asdk: russians not think so
asdk: Russian may be called Sydney the capital of Australia
alfalfa: the kangaroos are so cute
asdk: but Austria distinguished from Australia
alfalfa: up there in the alps
alfalfa: yodel-ladie-who
aussiemate: We might think so but Melbournians might disagree
aussiemate: hi Alf
alfalfa: hey, hi, howdy, how are ya?
aussiemate: good, thanks. And you?
asdk: again
alfalfa: i could not be better. that is a little sad, but true.
aussiemate: you must try harder
alfalfa: i'm all right.
asdk: I never get accustomed to your false kindness
alfalfa: it's just a game.
asdk: ofcoz
aussiemate: not false, meant
alfalfa: you have to look them right in the eye.
alfalfa: and give them a hearty hand-shake
Falcon89: no matter how hard i tried, they'd never allow a falcon to play in the SuperBowl :O
asdk: American smile savage grin of capitalism. so we were taught in the Soviet Union.
alfalfa: fat pig in a tuxedo
alfalfa: with a bag full of money
womack: Pay more attn to nationalities?
alfalfa: than species?
womack: than -isms in econ
womack: we alllee samee species or race
womack: Distinguish between honest biz vs gangsters
alfalfa: but some of us are fat pigs in a tuxedo with a bag full of money.
womack: Ido have some bacon in the fridge
womack: & some cupz of coins
womack: cutie pic. Diego Rivera much bettter
asdk: this
asdk: ?
womack: Thx 2 asdk. That may take some time 2 X plor
asdk: a woman with a mustache, I saw this picture
asdk: in eurovision 2104)
asdk: 2014
womack: She's his wife, Frida,of course
womack: (Kahlo)
asdk: Diego Rivera an artist. I do not think that his political views were reflected in the pictures.
womack: I have large framed poster which DR executed for Soviet world peace campaign during US war againstg Korea
womack: shows Stalin & Mao in upper left. brilliant work
asdk: Rivera?
womack: original now in China, I hear
womack: yes
womack: DR's politics in painting were very famous
asdk: He is famous in the US and among the left-wing forces in the world. I found only one picture of all
asdk: woman with a mustache Frida
womack: Latin America pop = 588,019,503
asdk: Latin America is big left-wing forces
womack: We R the Center, actually
womack: US & Israeli Regimes purely criminal --far off left - rt spectrum
womack: Ralph Nader = example of rt wing politician
USSRMan: jeb bush for president
GorGaZon: nightmare
womack: USSRmn 4 real?
USSRMan: yes
asdk: if  will not be a world war, it will soon be reformatting the world to global centers. in the US will manage policy isolationists who are against aggressive foreign policy
womack: We could look for a venue to discuss the matter in depth
GorGaZon: with the reactionary swing right, away from Obama, Jeb has a very good chance.
GorGaZon: But it doesn't matter, because America is on the down, right? America will be only a minor power in a few years, right?
asdk: if  will not be a world war
GorGaZon: What could one man, just one man, do, in four years that would matter? Hm?? Nothing, right? Uh, right??? Uhhhh,.....r-r-r-right?!?!????
USSRMan: republicans will win the next one
USSRMan: USA is periodic
USSRMan: switch from republican to democrat term after term
USSRMan: Bush - Clinton -Bush -Obama - Bush
USSRMan: makes perfect sense
GorGaZon: There is someone here, who has a game offer up, from time to time. And in the game description field, it says something in Latin that translates, "If you want peace, prepare for war."
womack: Bush & Clinton poster =
GorGaZon: It's an old Roman saying.
USSRMan: America too conservative to have women in office
womack: "conservative" wrong word for criminal kabal at least since Carter
womack: My State of California has 2 Jewess Senators, both of whom deserve to hang for war crimes, along w the other 98
asdk: George W. Bush is dumb redneck. I truly believe that he was elected democratically
asdk: lol
GorGaZon: cabal |kəˈbäl; -ˈbal| noun a secret political clique or faction : a cabal of dissidents. See note at plot . ORIGIN late 16th cent. (denoting the cabbala): from French cabale, from medieval Latin cabala (see Kabbalah ).
GorGaZon: I wasn't sure, not exactly what a "kabal" is, I presume you meant "cabal."
dayharri: sorry but our firing squads are busy. take in line.
alfalfa: i don't have cabal any more, i have sattelite
womack: I often favor hard "k's"
GorGaZon: With a "k" could be an alternate spelling, it just wan't in my dictionary.
womack: as in "Kabbalah"
GorGaZon: (except as in Kabbalah, yeah.)
asdk: jew sect?
alfalfa: mysticism
womack: plotting
alfalfa: spooky
womack: quite
asdk: in Russian the word "kaballa" means almost the same as "slave labor"
womack: Basic reference = JEWISH HISTORY, JEWISH RELIGION [1994] by the late Israel Shahak PhD of Hebrew U
alfalfa: in america the word Cabela means hunting and fishing gear
asdk: in a figurative sense
GorGaZon: why not fish with just your hands? (The way bears do.)
GorGaZon: using gear is cheating.
GorGaZon: give the fish a fighting chance, please!
asdk: Kabbalah (קַבָּלָה) - Satanism Jewish type scam for Hollywood actors, American youth and all other fools, the main weapon of ZOG enslaved humanity. Able to draw from a wealthy citizen of complete idiot and bugger bum and vice versa (if the citizen is among the founders of the sect Cub). By the force of impact on the immature minds unhindered competes with Scientology.
womack: Ocean Life Faces Mass Extinction, Broad Study Says
asdk: Russian encyclopedia of modern culture, folklore and subcultures, as well as everything else.
asdk: 18+
mabblebrox: how long would it take a guy of average build to get into NFL shape
mabblebrox: asdk kabbalah is not a satanic cult
mabblebrox: it's numerology
womack: Survey Q, esp 4 USSRMan = From 1 to 10, 10 is best, how do U rate the veracity of the Warren Commission Report on the JFK assassination?
mabblebrox: we know CIA did it, what's your point
womack: How many chipmunx in mabbs pocket?
asdk: mabble, this from comic encyclopedia, where all the stereotypes and values
womack: So mabbs' answer = "0"
mabblebrox: why would i have chipmunks
womack: One of my opponents today said "7"
womack: mabblebrox: we know CIA did it,
mabblebrox: to go into vietnam, duh
mabblebrox: lots o money there
womack: Actually the Jews did it to save their secret A-bomb project & to put in office their tool, LBJ
womack: VN was secondary
dayharri: moscow's library--politic&social section--engulfed in fire. is that true?
asdk: yes
dayharri: they should watch tax section in better guards from now.
asdk: In Moscow, a fire almost completely destroyed the building of the library of the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences, See the original material
dayharri: argh! books!
dayharri: T_T
asdk: Director of the Institute - at a loss. After all, inside a burning building - a rare library, more than 14 million books and periodicals, the only collection of documents in the Russian League of Nations, the UN and UNESCO, parliamentary reports the United States, England, Italy, and one of Russia's largest collection of books in Slavic languages.
womack: Ciao all @ 19:35 hrs PST
asdk: ciao

> > > > > wom...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 6, 2015, 11:23:08 AM2/6/15

Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Meepy: colder than a something's something today
dayharri: meep?
Meepy: meep meep
dayharri: oh. meep =/= Meepy.
Sheriffi: meep
SamSpade: lo
holynec: lo
alias: l
nonosse: .
Meepy: omg the US is ranked 182nd in the world
Meepy: alphabetically
asdk: of course, printing money can only US now
womack: Get better! B,S,
asdk: all the rest colony
asdk: not US even
asdk: Fed
asdk: liberal market economy based on colonialism.
asdk: no colonies, no economy
womack: New Video: Greece Resists IMF Swindle
Meepy: go greece!
Meepy: go sidewalk-driving russians! \o/
womack: Go (to Hell) JSOC global murder ops
asdk: Greece held out for only 2 weeks, the Socialists there fake
Meepy: did you see about the TPP caving on copyright extensions?
womack: Do admins retaliate if we players denounce cheaters by name here in ECR?
womack: 15:28 hrz [Zulu]
asdk: i think again ban
dayharri: what will german do about eurozone next.
womack: Merkel must ask Bibi for command?
Meepy: sad week
Meepy: they removed the swing set across the street
Meepy: there was a girl who used it for at least an hour every evening
Meepy: i've always wondered about that
arndt: maybe she moved and took it with her
Meepy: but it's sorta a public park
asdk: put there mini McDonald's
dayharri: ewww no corporate-sponsored park.
womack: 15:34 hrz: admins keeping silent, " jan bywalec" = "real name", playing as "victor #'s" [1k] = a shameless escaper & whiner
dayharri: zulu local time, isn't it.
Meepy: it's not a very good park
womack: Zulu local for somebody like Greenwich
Meepy: now all it has is a swing for babies and a basketball hoop
Meepy: mcdonald's would be an improvement
asdk: Jan Bywalec like a Czech name
womack: R U sure, asdk?
asdk: For russian Jan is a rare name
asdk: very rare
womack: How is your Polish?
asdk: Jana normal
asdk: but its woman name
womack: Any good living Russian novelist?
womack: BTW In what city "Meepy"?
asdk: someone else reads books in US
womack: me read fiction anyway
Meepy: near Charlotte
womack: thx M
asdk: I think you'll like Boris Akunin.
asdk: he hates Putin)
womack: I rather like Putin, esp as compared to Obomber & Bibi, who both deserve to hang.
womack: Why might I like Boris?
womack: Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili
asdk: Eugene Grishkovec good writer
womack: Your ans noted, thx A
nonosse: womack are you the one who copy paste this chat in the go google group?
nonosse: because if so i find this way of doing very boring and unappropriate
asdk: if you want to read russian Harry Potter, then you need to read Lukyanenko
nonosse: I m sure you never ask anybody if you can cipy their words somewhere else
arndt: anyone still uses those groups?
arndt: I thought they had become unusable from spam
nonosse: well some still do
nonosse: and i cant agree with what womack is doing in there
womack: "nonosse" complaint strange, unless hidden beef
arndt: no one ever did
womack: all KGS remarks public by TOS
nonosse: nothing strange you dont have to copy chat here from people yo dont ask them somewhere else
womack: nosse has reading problem?
nonosse: noit s very rude for them
womack: nosse complaint baseless
asdk: ecr is public chat
nonosse: what is baseless? using other people words without agreement?
asdk: not private
nonosse: public or not it s rude way to do
womack: Actually anyone who speaks wisely benefits by having her [or] remarks broadcast. Fools OTOH....
nonosse: you dont have to judge that
asdk: public information can use who wants with an indication of the source.
nonosse: If you have their agreement i would be pleased
womack: nosse being wannabee censor, maybe should work for Sulzbergerz or 4 Murdoch?
nonosse: but yo dont do that like this
womack: agreement automatic by utterance on KGS, as explained above already
nonosse: you know what you do is wrong but nevermind
nonosse: keep doing let people think what they want
womack: nosse talks rubbish, maybe fears revelation of world crimes by parties linked to it?
nonosse: i dont talk shit i talk you re rude people and even more now against me
nonosse: that s not going to make you looking btter
asdk: private property - the sacred cow of Anglo-Saxons)
womack: nosse personal insults typical of a guilty party
dayharri: ssshhh asdk ^_^
nonosse: i dont like the idea that womack may copy my words, even if they are not gold
womack: Holy Hamburger!
nonosse: it s just some fascst way
womack: Then let nosse keep shut its pie-hole?
nonosse: shut up yourself
nonosse: rude man
womack: nosse the wannabee censors cries "fascism" . Nameless jerk?
nonosse: you didnt learn anything from history
nonosse: go back to school
womack: Actually I teach history. What particular lesson has nosse in mind, if any?
arndt: good grief
nonosse: Did you tell your students what you re doing?
womack: nosse thinks it's a secret?
nonosse: i think it s rude for people
nonosse: nothing to be proud of
womack: noisse confuses repetition w proof. Has indeed "nothing to be proud of"
nonosse: Well seems you dont understand
asdk: the word does not look like a sparrow, if fly, then you can not catch.
nonosse: It s not because something is of public use that this deprives you to have some thinking on what you do
womack: For a 2k nosse seems quite dense. Reason already given above
nonosse: lpl now you start on go level
nonosse: you re a pity
womack: Where nosse thinks it is?
nonosse: what i am talking to you a 20k may understand
womack: nosse agrees w imperial propaganda masters in fearing open discussion
nonosse:  idont fear anything womack
womack: nosse will say its name?
nonosse: i just say you break my fun with yiour rude habit
womack: nosse has fun murdering Palestinian children maybe?
nonosse: was funny first time maybe
nonosse: dont go more stupid
womack: Those who do, like Bibi & the US Senate, undoubtedly agree w nosse in its nameless affection for censorhsip
nonosse: i m not going to follow you in any slippery, stay focused and stop your trolling on the google group please
nonosse: stop being rude to others in their back
womack: nosse = today's example of total bad faith
nonosse: what s faith coming in here?
womack: nosse 1st language = ?

nonosse: i regret now asking you stopping to be rude to others because you dont listen
nonosse: you just like to troll and hurt
womack: nosse = shameless & nameless, as well as personally offensive
nonosse: you prove it since 30 lines
nonosse: You dont see yo are offensive when i ask you something
womack: Drops own points, squeaking from some hole in the ground
nonosse: trying to troll on my language my origin my faith and so on.
Meepy: gameeeeeeeeeeee
nonosse: you just show how a pity you are.
Meepy: *sadly decides to get some work done*
womack: When World Jewry was slaughtering children by the hundreds last Summer, did nosse say anything in public, maybe?
nonosse: i m not going to chat with you rude man
womack: nosse so sensitive to obvious questions, eh what?

** ==> 08:18 hrs BOOTED w/o warning ** <==

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> > > > > womack: pull onnit from bo...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 16, 2015, 11:21:13 AM2/16/15
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Falcon89: good morning, ECR
IIIllIIll0: haro
IIIllIIll0: haro fawcon
SamSpade: morning
Meepy: yup
SamSpade: i just lost to a marvel super villain
SamSpade: the juggernaut
SamSpade: there is no justice in the world
Falcon89: yepyep, no justice, only snow storms
Meepy: our snow storm got downgraded to ice and rain :(
Meepy: stupid weather. why can't i just get nice fluffy white stuff for once?
Falcon89: because you pay too little taxes
Meepy: ya think?
SamSpade: maybe
SamSpade: we pay more tax here and often get the fluffy white stuff
IIIllIIll0: no drug references pls
SamSpade: correlation implies causation
dayharri: <sniff2> white-snow?
IIIllIIll0: correlation not only implies it but proves it beyond a doubt
alfalfa: every time there is a fire, i see a fire truck there... therefore i conclude that fire trucks cause fires
IIIllIIll0: exactly
IIIllIIll0: finally someone gets it
IIIllIIll0: 95% of accidents occur at home. so home is the most dangerous place to be
SamSpade: well, how else would you establish a causal relation if not by inductive reasoning?
dayharri: some road accidents happened at junctions, so drive faster through. <_<
IIIllIIll0: by reading the bible
IIIllIIll0: most deaths occur in hospitals. so if you are worried about a sick loved one, get them out of the hospital ASAP
Meepy: some people actually believe that one
Meepy: did you see about val kilmer trying to pray away his throat tumor?
SamSpade: nope
SamSpade: i've heard people don't believe in vaccines in the US
Meepy: yup
Meepy: i remember there was one on here who was "holding off" on vaccines for her baby
alfalfa: many americans think that science is just another religion
Meepy: no, they think it's magic sent by the devil
Meepy: which plays perfectly into two great american pasttimes - being too lazy to understand something and placing blame on someone else
alfalfa: i heard that earthquakes in california were San Andreas's fault.
IIIllIIll0: im not quite sure what you're getting at meepy, so i'm just going to call you a communist, its all your fault
dayharri: lol @ alfalfa.
dayharri: san andreas fault.
Meepy: *sigh* ridiculous lowfat milk :(
Meepy: it can't even turn my coffee white, just make it more watery
dayharri: what's nice about whitening the coffee, i wonder.
Meepy: i don't understand why people think taking the fat out makes milk good
Comrade: Low-fat milk is like all 'diet' products - you pay more money for less food
Comrade: There's no such thing as a low-fat potato or a diet apple
dayharri: diet water.
womack: For many gullibles "science" is merely another religion.
womack: & Big Pharma = the High Priest
Meepy: womack, you think people who don't believe conspiracy theories are gullible ^^
womack: "Meepy" professes to shun CT's?
Meepy: I treat them with a healthy dose of skepticism
Comrade: I have censored womack. I have quite enough lunacy in my life without reading his deranged ramblings
womack: tiktok @ 15:68 hrz
Comrade: Life is too short
Comrade: All 9-11 Truthers are bonkers
Meepy: sadly yes, comrade
womack: "Comrade" works for the secret police? meeps fails to ans Q except
womack: affirming his devotion to the "conspiracy theory" pushed by the Regime
dayharri: no one has rights to censor womack except nonosse. :P
Comrade: One could maybe believe that was something fishy about 9-11 in 2002 or 2003 but not now. It's been 14 years since the attack. The truth always comes out
womack: dayharri 1d?
womack: I brought out the truth re 9/11 on that same day
dayharri: T_T not again.
Meepy: hehe, still 1d :P
Comrade: 9-11 Truthers are all delusional paranoiacs
dayharri: which is.... <trembles>
womack: Crade tries on its Bifg Shrink Hat?
Javaness: I heard that they built a scale model of the twin towers of matchsticks and blew it sky high with shop front dummies packed inside
Javaness: -from matchsticks
Meepy: lol, what on earth for?
Herod: The same folks who faked the moon landings?
Javaness: the moon landings were real
Javaness: how else did they film the clangers?
dayharri: you watch arnold's commando too much, Javanese. ^_^
womack: KGS admins weigh in for the Official Regime Line.
Meepy: moon landings were a false flag for the lizard men
Javaness: user womack worked for the CIA
womack: Jness = a totally shameless liar
IIIllIIll0: @_@
dayharri: V_V nod.
dayharri: hey! i nodd at Meepy's!
Meepy: hehe [08:05 hrs]
Meepy: i love using that phrase
dayharri: <punch womack kindly>
Meepy: oops, i should have added 'just sayin' to the end
Herod: yer der tootin'
Herod: dern
dayharri: 2admins have spoken. howgh!
Herod: cherish this day
dayharri: senior admin javaness, and ... junior admin herod....
dayharri: <deleted>
IIIllIIll0: i think for any individual with a political ax to grind
womack: KinkHenKi & the late Aerial Shaboom R 2 9/11 as Bernard Baruch & David Ben Gurion were to the 1963 Jack Whack.
IIIllIIll0: the most effective way of bringing about change is to rant in ECR on KGS
dayharri: how come the conspiration worked at such grand scale? (ref:twin towers, multiple planes)
womack: Change BC's diaper?
IIIllIIll0: that would be wasteful. i believe there is still unused absorptive capacity
womack: )
womack: Re dayha Q: power play for global control
womack: See re "sayeret matkal"
dayharri: microsoft's flight-simulator must be proud of.
womack: Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3 ?

On Friday, February 6, 2015 at 8:23:08 AM UTC-8, Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:
> Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
> > > > > Shichimi: Basic risk analysis: two factors: The severity of the event (how bad) and, how likely, the probability that it will occ...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Jun 18, 2015, 12:23:49 AM6/18/15
William M. Shubert's minions alias KGS "admins" continue their shameless censorship of the fake community chat rooms. The most recent example:

Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

BigDoug [admin] : I thought the dealth penalty in Russia only applies to people who get shot by Putin's security forces
asdk: Russia does not have the death penalty. do not try to think, badly turns
BigDoug: it's interesting how often who disagree with Putin end up dying of gunshots or poison
BigDoug: *whoever
asdk: never
BigDoug: men get stabbed by umbrellas in London
BigDoug: reporters get shot
BigDoug: opposition leaders get shot within sight of the Kremlin
BigDoug: it's amazing how often that happens
asdk: to learn more about how much Wall Street bankers casually jumped off the window when there were crises. and by chance they were corruption in higher echelons of power in the US
asdk: and the death of Nemtsov thank US Ambassador in Moscow, the godfather of the color revolutions in the CIS - John Tefft
womack: Best estimate: JAPE [JewAmerican Planetary Empire] has murdered 12,000,000 in M.E. alone since 1990 [21:08 hrs PDT]
asdk: Oh, those jape
womack: + routine cop murders of unarmed vix throughout US & hits on journalists such as Gary Webb & Michael Hastings
womack: Ciao all @ 21:12 hrs PDT
[The connection to the server has been closed unexpectedly. You must log in again.]
[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "inappropriate behaviour".]


alex <> = another hired hazbarat cheering for the Jews' massacre of Palestinians and ceaseless warmongering.

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 7:44:23 AM UTC-7, alex wrote:
> keep reporting for abuse, people!

Hal Womack 3-dan

Aug 14, 2015, 2:11:07 PM8/14/15
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Meepy: cat just destroyed another plant :(
JoeSecchi: go, cat!
AmyTS: its the plants fault for not having adequate defenses.
Meepy: true
Meepy: i don't see how you can call that feather knife non-violent
Meepy: anybody comes at me with that, i'm taking them seriously
AmyTS: yeah
Marathon: one problem cops have is being able to assess threats in an instant
Marathon: is that kid pointing a toy gun at me? or is it a real gun?
Meepy: plumbers have that same problem with pipes
AmyTS: lol
womack: [Fact: In the first 24 days of 2015, police in the US fatally shot more people than police did in England and Wales, combined, over the past 24 years.] [10:11]
nolajedi: Why did thy shoot them?
nolajedi: Have the shootings been deembed justified?
LATE: nolajedi, how's your pokemon card?
womack: By far most of the time PD investigations uphold killing unarmed civilians both in the streets and in the victims' own homes.
nolajedi: I don't know, LATE
LATE: you said you had a blacktoise
nolajedi: Just because someone turns out to be unarmed oesn't mean the use of force isn't justified. That holds true for civilians as well.
nolajedi: Well yeah, when I was 12
LATE: nolajedi, nothing holds true for civilians.
nolajedi: Yes it does. Most people simply have no grasp of laws regarding lethal force
womack: Some people, obviously including present company, support murder in big numbers when committed by Regimes to which they are connected.
nolajedi: I support people in contact with violent criminals going home that night. Police officer or civilian. One f the reasns I carry a gun every day a well.
LATE: just use your pokemon, nolajedi
LATE: never your guns.
womack: Louisiana has "shall issue" CCW policy now?
nolajedi: Yes.
nolajedi: I believe we always have.
womack: I think many states have moved in that direction since my own case in 1993 in San Francisco.
nolajedi: Obviously not Cali.
nolajedi: It's very dependent upon the sheriff in each county
womack: Curious story on that point in CA, actually.
womack: BTW a new novel dealing with corrupt police in Mississippi & Louisiana = BONE TREE [2014] by Greg Iles of Miss.
nolajedi: You won't hear any complaints from me. NOPD is one of the woorst departments in the country.
nolajedi: And Mississippi is well...Mississippi
womack: People make that remark about so very many places these days.
womack: 28 yr old Alex Nieto was a handsome, popular guy until the SFPD shot him 15 X as he was walking to work last year. Killing was approved by Mayor etc.
nolajedi: A couple NOPD officers once harrassed me because I had my AR and AK in my truck witth no reciepts. I then had to try and explain that the burden of proof is on them to prove that I stole these. Had to get a Lt. and everyything
nolajedi: Why did they kill him?
nolajedi: Handsome and poopular doessn't mean nonviolent.
womack: Just finished his burrito & walking to work?
nolajedi: What prompted them to shoot him? I'd bet it wasn't boredom
womack: Pls see above re stats on US cops shooting to death 100's of unarmed vix all over the country.
nolajedi: Again, unarmed doesn't mean unjutified.
Genghis: You are exagerating, but mostly correct womack
Genghis: how can shooting an unarmed person be justified?
womack: Alex wore a holstered taser as part of his work uniform as a guard. Genghis got here too late for earlier citation?
Genghis: yes, I missed it
nolajedi: Lethal force is gverned by what is reasonable with the information the person had at the time they shot the suspect.
Genghis: You mean lethal force is okay if the police officer is being threatend with his life? Correct?
nolajedi: If your gun turned out to be a toy you made look real, it was still reasonable to shoot you since the shooter (police or civilian) oesn't have time to determine if it's fake or not
Meepy: you didn't read about the Birmingham cop today?
Genghis: nah what happened?
nolajedi: no I woke up about 20 minutes ago
womack: Repeat for G = [Fact: In the first 24 days of 2015, police in the US fatally shot more people than police did in England and Wales, combined, over the past 24 years.]
Meepy: beaten unconscious with his own pistol
nolajedi: threatened with death or great bodiy harm. In some states you can also shoot to protect someone else
nolajedi: aa civilian?
nolajedi: or the cop was beaten with his gun?
womack: BTW & FYI = talk.politics.misc › The Obsidian Angle On the Old Opal Mine: Iraq, Iran & the Hard Place . Ciao all @ 10:36 hrs PDT.

On Monday, July 20, 2015 at 6:42:03 PM UTC-7, Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:
> Remember Geroge Orwell's old "boot stomping on a human face -- forever"?
> For my editorial comment on the sole of the latest boot, please look down below at Bonkerz, meanwhile....
> ECR @ [14:26 hrs]:
> Genghis: Tell me hello in Navajo
> cekalo: hellajo
> alfalfa: wota hey
> asdk: eng grammar nazi here
> Genghis: Hmm alfalfa kind of knows : ) I am impressed
> alfalfa: ty
> Genghis: I lived on the Res for a number of years
> cekalo: alfalfa knows everything he is like google
> asdk: 37 mln adulters^^
> alfalfa: i grew up in new mexico
> asdk: u like rabbits)
> Genghis: ahh, I have lived in Gallup and Taos too
> cekalo: you have seen some shit havent you alf?
> alfalfa: well, kind of... just by being around... never been shot at
> asdk: i have a dream
> asdk: see the flag on the moon
> asdk: with starlets and stripes
> Genghis: Do you have a telescope asdk?
> asdk: which is already there 40 years
> asdk: but nobody sees
> cekalo: there shouldnt be any flag the moon dosent belongs to anyone
> Genghis: too small really, but you can see the site
> cekalo: it belongs to the universe
> Marathon: cardinal george pell, cardinal-prefect of the secretariat for the economy, former archbishop of sydney, australia, disagrees with pope francis on climate change
> asdk: oh not again global warming
> asdk: from my SIberia global warming is good
> asdk: dudes all okay
> asdk: for
> darkronin: Now actually flag should have become white because of sunlight
> darkronin: Sorry asdk
> Genghis: Climate change is a religion
> asdk: i want to see
> asdk: any flag
> asdk: but there not any flags
> asdk: not white, not red
> Genghis: Can you see the space station?
> darkronin: I can! :D
> darkronin: Sometimes
> Genghis: I can too dark : )
> asdk: of course
> asdk: iss is nice
> Genghis: So if you look through a telescope and see the lunar landing site, you will believe asdk?
> asdk: What's site? let the image from the telescope
> Genghis:
> asdk: official image confirmed by all countries
> asdk: where flag?
> Marathon: a webservice that helps users comit adultery has been hacked
> asdk: i say it already
> asdk: american rabbits love fun)
> Genghis: are you in it Marathon?
> asdk: Marathon is global warmer dude
> asdk: im anti global
> asdk: global warming is very good
> cekalo: you know what the problem of the world is?
> cekalo: too many humans
> Marathon: not me, genghis
> asdk: I'm going to grow in my taiga oranges and grapes
> Genghis: I wish I was, but my wife says no
> Marathon: are you a member of vhemt, cekalo?
> asdk: too many peoples also globalists myth
> Marathon: didn't know you were married, genghis
> cekalo: what is vhemt
> Genghis: many wives Marathon
> cekalo: i am a member of nothing
> cekalo: i am a member of my own balls
> asdk: they are on the site adulterers sets itself as the star of the downed aircraft
> cekalo: thats how it works
> Genghis: we kind of figured cekalo
> asdk: king of adulters
> asdk: 1000 stars
> Genghis: are the adulterers listed?
> Marathon:
> asdk: u member of vhemt?
> Marathon: people who use the site must be worried the hackers will make the users' names public
> cekalo: half of humantiy has to go
> cekalo: the world would be a better place
> cekalo: im serious
> asdk: do not listen to the myths of the globalists. the earth is able to feed 20 billion people without problems
> asdk: only need to reduce the consumption
> cekalo: 20 billion is a big ass number dude
> asdk: and in a socialist approach to the economy and 30 billion)
> cekalo: the problem could easily solved if women would learn to swallow
> cekalo: sorry for the sexist joke
> asdk: golden billion theory, global warming is fiction capitalists of the Tripartite Commission
> Euphony: *punches cekalo*
> Euphony: sorry for the punch
> cekalo: :P
> Euphony: Does it make it ok that I punched you in the face since I said sorry right after?
> asdk:
> asdk: real rulers of west)
> cekalo: im sorry
> Euphony: how about never doing it again?
> asdk: globalists, capitalists, murders, thiefts and other good people
> cekalo: okay i will try
> asdk: will be alfa
> asdk: its time for foreign press
> asdk: read how all bad and Putin to blame for everything
> womack: Our racial priorities: Justice, peace, freedom and the commonwealth.
> womack: Hang the Senate, Netanyahu, Saban & kabal; then constitute the democracy of Earth.
> asdk: Womack Israel exists only as long as there is the United States.
> asdk: as soon as the United States would not, Israel will disappear
> asdk: if you are against Israel, then you are against the United States
> womack: If you are for our human race, then you oppose the international Yidocracy.
> asdk: I share the ordinary jews and politicians
> asdk: u hate all
> womack: asdk Lies through his rectum I love all people, even the worst. I do hate the crime of murder.
> asdk: Then why are you looking for the reason of problems in Israel? the reason in the US
> womack: World Jewry = the core of the malignancy and is based both in the US & in Israel, as well as other countries.
> asdk: Israel without the US will disappear if they certainly will not Communists and do not ask for another union
> womack: asdk's English gets shaky when he's excited?
> asdk: I do not care about Israel
> asdk: im care about Ukraine
> First: yo beach
> womack: Only bagels?
> First: fuck amyts
> Sheriffi: lulz
> asdk: because in Israel and Palestine I do not understand anything. there all to blame in the conflict
> womack: JAPE*s [JewAmerican Planetary Empire] global aggression strikes many targets, including Ukraine, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan, Colombia etc
> asdk: and who first began is not clear
> womack: asdk needs to learn a bit of history
> First: amyts has a cock
> First: filthy shemale
> cekalo: you saw it?
> First: before or after he tried to rape me?
> womack: Tasted it?
> womack: So "meepy" around 2d
> First: what does it mean when you poop blood?
> womack: 1st pic of herself?
> First: ]
> asdk: cekalo u will be rich
> asdk: Asteroid cost up to 5.4 trillion dollars will approach Earth at a distance of 2.4 million kilometers - only six times farther than the distance from the planet to the moon.
> cekalo: if it falls in my yard
> First: what does it mean when you poop blood?
> womack: 1st pic of herself?
> asdk:
> Genghis: Is it bright red blood?
> First: I'm asking for a friend of mine
> cekalo: its bad i guess
> First: I guess
> cekalo: go to a doctor
> Genghis: If it is bright red blood no big deal, if it is dark it means internal bleeding
> Genghis: If it is dark it could be anything from and ulcer to a laceration to cancer
> First: ok
> First: I better stay home then
> First: doctor will do no good
> womack: Who was that pro quarterback who died last week from colon cancer?
> First: what does bright red blood mean anyway?
> Genghis: it means where your shpinter opens has a crack like chapped lips
> First: ah
> First: nice
> First: I mean
> First: sort of
> Genghis: Bright red blood is no big deal
> womack: Ans = Ken Stabler.
> Genghis: the raiders ? How sad
> First: hm
> First: but thin blood
> First: means alcohol right?
> womack: Yes, makes one wonder about the details of his story
> Genghis: alchohol makes the blood thick
> cekalo: asdk can you make me rich if i give you 1million dollar?
> First: hm alright
> asdk: 1 mln dollar in gold
> First: I will check again next time
> asdk: $ not need
> First: uh I mean
> First: my friend
> womack: Must refrain from calling "fool" against a 1k
> First: what 1k?
> womack: But 1st could
> ..........................................
> Then I left the ECR to play an even game. When I finished the match, the nameless KGS admins disconnected me, leaving the message below @ Alpha. The timing was curious, since usually they will boot me in the middle of a game; maybe on this occasion it simply took them that long to get around to the decision.
> MOS or Moral Of the Story = Yidz & their jootools hate free speech precisely because they are so deep into mass murder. WMS & his minions utterly unable to defend their huge lurid atrocities against informed cross examination. The same goes for their wicked masters all the way up the line to old KinkHenKi, Netanyahu, Haim Saban, Sulzbergerz, Dianne Feinstein usw. By far JAPE*s [*= JewAmerican Planetary Empire] most important line of defense in global psywar = Minister of the Left old Noam Chomsky and his many Jewaccomplices such as Amy Goodman, Bernie Sanders, Norman Finkelstein, Jeff Blankfort usw.
> On this point we note that "Jewish Voice for Peace" [Beta]
> has recently dared to mount a successful attack to force the expulsion of Alison Weir
> from the ~400 member organizational umbrella End the Occupation" or "ETO"
> Lerts know Alison Weir as one of Earth's top opinion leaders. I doubt that any of the featured names on JVP or ETO can come up to Alison's knees, in terms of the quality of their work for Palestine. Since Alison's such a broad-minded, talented professional NAG [Normal, Alias "Gentile"] with backbone, the Jews felt compelled to move against her. Such heroic examples acutely endanger their cultish despotism.
> JVP lists two of its ten campaigns as:
> (a) "Stop Muzzling the Movement for Justice" and (b) "Young, Jewish, and Proud". As for the first one, we must ever bear firmly in mind that the murderers of children are necessarily utterly shameless critters and, also, often devious. My response to the second rates at least a separate paragraph.
> Since the Yid clownz have brought up the subject, I am old, NAG (one of my many coinages BTW) and proud. I began my adult career in 1963 at the age of eighteen, becoming a highly effective disciple in Texas, Pennsylvania, NYC and New Orleans of the great world leader Ho Chi Minh and his successors. Such was my main focus for a dozen war time years until our final victory on April 30, 1975.
> Since 1994 and until recently, I have been writing on Usenet newsgroups. The Google Groups Page now shows [Posts: 9876] mentioning my name, down from ~12K a few months ago; maybe some surreptitious culling going on there? Anyway, my own life has been pretty well written up & published. For more than two decades, then, I have spoken out on-line on virtually every major public world topic. After careful review, I will hold up my record against any other analyst whomsoever [Gamma].
> I look forward to helping to promote a global movement which identifies itself as "young, NAG and proud". Should some thoughtful observer in the near future ask why a bright young person should be proud of being part of the 99.8% immensity of our human race, then our hypothetical lert will respond: "Exactly because our whole species has suffered for many decades under the despotism of a tiny minority of Jew fanatics and I am part of the cure for this deadly disease."
> Looking back over the transcript, I notice "VHEMT" for the first time. It reminds me that a long time has passed since I last looked at NPG:
> Since about 1970 I have proposed that, after first establishing justice, constituting the Democracy of Earth and defining freedom, then one principal aspect of our racial reorganization of the Kozmic Kommonwealth under SKIP [Social Kontract for Industrial Polyfrika] will be Mothers' Pay, i.e, a regular salary for raising at least their first two children up to school age.
> The MP policy will help us to stabilize our Planetary pop. We will also, of course, virtually abolish all existing military, police and prison organizations, as well as radically reforming the global transportation system.
> PAL = Peace And Love! IFOT [In the Fullness Of Time]. Meanwhile, Kill Or Be Killed as far as JAPE goes, alongside our master practice of free debate. After we've seen NATO gone, then "Friendly Competition" and "Live And Let Live".
> Hang the Senate!
> Abolish Capital Punishment --Even For
> Netanyahu, Saban, Adelson and the Sulzbergerz?
> AFTOC = "After a Fair Trial, Of Course".
> ...........................................
> [Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "hate speech is not allowed here, even in the ECR".]
> (16:05 hrs)
> .................................................
> ETO lists 5 "staff members", two of whom are: Josh Ruebner, Policy Director and Anna Baltzer, National Organizer, author of:
> _Witness in Palestine: A Jewish American Woman in the Occupied Territories_.
> ................................................
> {"But he was an analyst, that was his strength, and now he was once again in the field, alone and at a disadvantage in almost everything he did."
> --Referring to author Richard A. Clarke's mirrored "hero" character "Ray Bowman" in RAC's latest novel PINNACLE EVENT [2015, p. 59].}
> ------------------------------------
> On Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 7:04:36 PM UTC-7, Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:
> > Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
> >
> > AmyTS: neat!
> > AmyTS: (its about the new particle discovery)
> > McMaster: thanks, can i put it in my ice cream?
> > SamSpade: the pentaquark
> > AmyTS: The Pentaquark sounds like a doomsday device.
> > dayharri: can i see it? can i see it now, McM? (whining)
> > McMaster: No, you cannot see my ice cream.
> > dayharri: the pentaquark, not your neapolitan....
> > Genghis: What flavor of Pentaquark is it?
> > McMaster: You can never see the Pentaquark with your eyes, you can just feel it like Tao.
> > McMaster: no flavor or all flavor
> > Genghis: flavorless? Does it spin?
> > dayharri: to levitate your go-ishi in the air is hard, plus keep it spinning too.
> > dayharri: womack could may had it.
> > womack: stoned again?
> > alfalfa: it's great to be back.
> > AmyTS: who's back?
> > alfalfa: i had to dine out with friends
> > tomicus: *fires tourpedos at klingons*
> > alfalfa: but now i am in the ecr once more
> > AmyTS: evasive maneuvers!
> > AmyTS: reverse the polarity!
> > alfalfa: pulsars at the ready, mr. sulu
> > tomicus: LOL
> > AmyTS: oh myyy
> > dayharri: look what you've done, McMasQuark.
> > AmyTS: what have we done?
> > tomicus: *tryying to stop laughing*
> > tomicus: and avoiding fi fi. that can't end well
> > Sheriffi: ?
> > AmyTS: shun the fi fi
> > womack: Anybody else here know the polynomial "jan bywalec" 1k?
> > Marathon: shun the frumious bandersnatch
> > alfalfa: he is known by many names
> > womack: BTW for latest footage of cop murders see
> > Sheriffi: !! virus site
> > Marathon: i thought you meant cops who were murdered.
> > womack: go w the odds
> > alfalfa: they did one here, in madison wisconsin, an unarmed (black) teenager, white cop, no charges... but no riots either, only peaceful protests
> > alfalfa: just seems sad to let the killer go free
> > alfalfa: but we are well-behaved in madison
> > cjalden: I'm trusting alfalfa is making a generous donation to the presidential campaign of his state's favorite son
> > alfalfa: ever since "the bombing of army math"
> > alfalfa: scott walker doesn't need my money, i would pay to defeat him
> > cjalden: This would be one way to get him out of the state
> > alfalfa: yeah, then he can destroy the country
> > alfalfa: what a maroon
> > womack: 2 cop murders of unarmed Latinos here in SF in last 2 yrs. City still paying the killers to carry guns
> > alfalfa: so sad
> > alfalfa: i want to cry... i think it's the two imperial IPAs
> > cjalden: Here in North Meepylina, we fought a war against the Union, so Walker would fit right in
> > Marathon: be less confusing to say 'murders by cops'
> > womack: BTW "well-behave" means prosecuting murder
> > alfalfa: we do what we can
> > womack: Mthon welcome to carry on its own PR campaign
> > Marathon: well, 'cop murder' is ambigious. could mean 'murder by cop' or 'murder of a cop'
> > cjalden: In my town a Latino boy died from gunshot while handcuffed in the back seat of a police car. Verdict: suicide
> > alfalfa: this happens all the time, the press talks of the "so-and-so murder trial"
> > alfalfa: and you can't really tell whether the so-and-so was murdered, or is being tried
> > Marathon: yeah
> > alfalfa: unless you already know
> > dayharri: yeah -_-'
> > womack: which town for the honorable cjalden?
> > cjalden: Durham. Prounounced Derm
> > womack: BTW for most US coroners to be reincarnated as cockroaches would be a promotion.
> > alfalfa: the victim stabbed himself fifty-two times, in the back
> > cjalden: There was an Alabama case once where the sheriff tried to demonstrate how someone shot himself in the back with a shotgun
> > cjalden: Difficult contortions
> > alfalfa: it evokes images of "the dukes of hazzard"
> > alfalfa: slapstick
> > alfalfa: and how amusing was that rebel flag?
> > alfalfa: that's tobacco country
> > cjalden: 'cuff 'em and stuff 'em' by the loveable cops
> > alfalfa: my dad was born and raised up above raleigh... more rural than mayberry... hillbillies...
> > Sheriffi: ew, hillbillies
> > alfalfa: they made corn liquor
> > alfalfa: as their families had always done
> > alfalfa: evaded the "revenooers"
> > alfalfa: i think the closest town was "marshall"
> > alfalfa: probably has a wal-mart on it now
> > stumped: corn liquor ... horrible stuff
> > alfalfa: white lightning
> > alfalfa: it's like vodka, sort of.
> > cjalden: That's out in the mountains, more like above Asheville
> > alfalfa: yes, sorry, that's what i meant
> > alfalfa: not raliegh
> > alfalfa: i misspoke...
> > womack: ciao all @ 18:55 hrs PDT.
> >
> > =========================
> >
> > On Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 4:02:05 PM UTC-7, Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:
> > > ECR:
> > >
> > > Genghis: what a stupid infomercial
> > > womack: DICTATA [D.C. -- Tel Aviv Terrorist Axis] aka KGS admins heavily censor discussion here. So, besides rgg, where free venue for honest talk re world crisis? [11:01 hrs]
> > > McMaster: many info links are actually very poor in content, some even turn out to be marketing sites
> > > asdk: fate oligarchs
> > > asdk: in socialism)
> > > womack: 14" commercial
> > > asdk: what?
> > > Genghis: Amy are you ready to defend AGW?
> > > Genghis: Well this room just went dead
> > > asdk: Genghis, I found you a free yacht
> > > asdk:
> > > Genghis: It is perfect asdk except that it is in cold water. I would freeze my little touche off
> > > AmyTS: its a busy day at work
> > > Genghis: So that is your idea of a Russian communist yacht
> > > Genghis: Tomorrow then Amy : )
> > > asdk: ofcoz
> > > asdk: to each according to his need
> > > Genghis: does that work very well? I need a lot
> > > asdk: communism is fair
> > > Genghis: who decides what I need?
> > > asdk: u
> > > Genghis: Hmm, I need a 50 meter yacht and you offer a paper boat
> > > asdk: This is the 50 meter yacht that you asked
> > > asdk: big as your ego
> > > Genghis: I want one like this : )
> > > Genghis:
> > >
> > > asdk: comunist dont know "i want"
> > > asdk: only "i must do"
> > > Genghis: How sad asdk
> ...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Aug 28, 2015, 12:52:44 PM8/28/15
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

darkronin: nice pun, blocked by gates ^^
cekalo: i still use explorers
cekalo: explorers is better than firefox
asdk: I had warned that the most stable windows is windows7
asdk: 8 and 10 for perverts
cekalo: i just watched a docu about the french revoultion
cekalo: what do you think about Napoleon?
asdk: I think Napoleon would say today
asdk: Cekalo go play in Go with asdk ^^
cekalo: so many people were killed in giyotin
First: peter sagan is the best cyclist that has ever lived
cekalo: asdk i have a movie for you
cekalo: watch this its very good time travel story
asdk: ok
cekalo: you will like it
First: hello
First: is the microphone work?
asdk: where?
nonosse: ECR microphone always work
First: do you have no nose?
nonosse: buy glasses, first
First: what does your name mean?
nonosse: does it have to mean something?
First: yes
nonosse: seemy pic
First: no nose?
nonosse: can't see? meh...glasses then
First: I see some pixels
First: but not HD quality
womack: I fell for W10, a disaster, then tried to return to my W7, Now constant notices "Your Windows is not valid". Ripped off by Billy the Kidder Gates/
First: hahah
First: you fail
First: windows is not a disaster
womack: Why 1st seek to deny the obvious?
First: I made adjustments sure
First: but it is good OS
womack: occupation of 1st?
womack: W10 as it came to me very bad for ordinary duffer
womack: aka "customer" or "consumer"
First: I am not IT specialist
womack: The IT guys I have talked to later say they are waiting for W10 to debug.
First: ok
First: sorry for your loss
womack: But squeeze = Billy the G tricked me out of my good W7 and then replaced it with a fake.
womack: thx for the tear there [09:47]
womack: Maybe I will post this little transcript to "" & 2 FB by way of spreading warning....
womack: Ciao all @ 09:48 hrs PDT.

> > > Marathon:...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Aug 29, 2015, 7:13:35 PM8/29/15
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

First: cekalo racist towards koreans
First: who would have thought
clydesdale: there is an english client for tygem
cekalo: i have a samsung tablet
cekalo: i like korean stuff
Romeo: Wow, aussiemate is 91..
First: inches tall
asdk: yes, it java app
asdk: First we have a chance ^^
asdk: or c# app
First: what?
asdk: app made in android studio or xamarin
First: ok
First: if you do it
First: would be great achievement
First: like the invisible power button on my sony xperia smartphone
cekalo: sucks
First: you don't even know what it is
First: because you don't agree you now say eevrything sucks
darkronin: Um what?
First: what is it darkronin
darkronin: What sucks according to cek?
cekalo: sony smartphones
darkronin: Ah i c
cekalo: how are the google nexus devices?
darkronin: Poland: Drought reveals Soviet WW2 plane in lake
darkronin: I wouldn't know, I never owned one
First: I lagged out yo
asdk: Poles have found 300 tons of gold that the nazis stole
asdk: recently
First: ronin
darkronin: Don't worry first, cek brought me up to par.
First: ok
First: cekalo and I are fighting
darkronin: Ah, i see.
darkronin: Who is winning?
First: we are all losing
darkronin: :(
Genghis: I am the biggest loser
First: ,
First: I would expect nothing less from a genghis khan fan
Genghis: I am not a fan
Genghis: I am Genghis
Genghis: bows at dawn
darkronin: Sorry, I lagged out
First: oh ok
First: you are LARPer
First: who wants to be genghis khan
Genghis: there can be only one
darkronin: Actually there's another user who misspelled genghis' name. He is about 15-16k
Genghis: I tolerate obvious sicophants
darkronin: I hope nobody registers a name similar to mine. I hardly tolerate that ron1n guy
First: genghis khan himself
Genghis: yes?
First: murder more people than adolf hitler
Genghis: I try : )
Genghis: mostly rape and pillage though
darkronin: Murder by pillage?
Genghis: if they resist
darkronin: I wouldn't want to be pillaged that hard.
Genghis: then don't resist
darkronin: Oh, I thoughr I had been kicked
darkronin: Whew
darkronin: Pillaged so hard that I was booted from server, to be exact :-)
First: genghis said he is a rapist though
darkronin: Well it all started with murder
Genghis: murder rape and pillage : )
RoadHobo: some people say nuts should only make up about 12% of the diet. for me it must be about 40%
Genghis: nuts and eggs I say
Genghis: and coffee of course
Genghis: and tiramasu
cekalo: have you ever tried panna cotta?
Genghis: I am not sure what is it?
womack: "Murder" means "killing against the law". We the human race laid down law against aggressive war only in 1945.
womack: Since then JAPE or JewAmerican Planetary Empire murders ~30,000,000 [thirty million] victims worldwide, as often noted. [15:35]
clydesdale: uncle adolf in da house
womack: Witch end of the horsie?
womack: cdale applauds Boss Jew Netanyahu's massacre last year of >500 children?
clydesdale: are you of german extraction womack?
womack: cdale will present its I.D first?
womack: Why I should show papers to a fake horse?
clydesdale: you are fond of your merry japes
womack: I am extremely fond of facts as related to mass murder.
JoeSecchi: and of demonstrating your biases
JoeSecchi: repeatedly
clydesdale: you wouldn't know a fact if it bit you
womack: Still waiting for cdale to answer Q above 15:39. 2 nameless twits also shameless.
clydesdale: is that my clue for ten?
JoeSecchi: ask for a vowel.
womack: These guys think they have to pretend to be stupid?
womack: ah, give some credit to Secchi, who appears to be showing an almost genuine name.
[ --from JS info p]
womack: Shall we conclude, then, that "clydesdale" believes that only Adolf Hitler would object to JAPE massacring large numbers of children?
JoeSecchi: I sense a question being begged
clydesdale: is JAPE related to UNCLE
Genghis: No it isn't even a question, just sound and fury signifying nothing
womack: Fake Gghis attends only to actual arresting parties? Ignores mass murder in front of his face?
Genghis: off your meds womack?
clydesdale: womack has stated that 9/11 was perpetrated by the jews- that's how far his sense of reality extends
womack: Uncle Sam, of course = a prominent JAPE mascot. Gghis tries to squeeze on its shrink hat again?
JoeSecchi: now that begs another question.........
womack: LOL. Yes, I pointed to the 9/11 perpsteins on the same day of the event itself.
JoeSecchi: but then, not many people know what that means, nowadays
JoeSecchi: ah..... wishful thinking, womack?
clydesdale: lol indeed
JoeSecchi: no need for proof?
womack: Proof where? Sulzbergerz NYT, USGov, CNN ?
Genghis: lack of evidence is proof of the conspiracy
womack: I was the first to introduce in this case the proverb "_cui bono_" which immediately went viral globally
clydesdale: well i never
womack: KinkHenKi & the late Aerial Shaboom had the means, motive & opportunity to arrange the Stunt.
JoeSecchi: wot, never?
Genghis: you do know that it was Saudi's who did it right?
womack: Which finally alert us to the true face of the Jack Whack, biggest Jew coup d'etat in history.
womack: Ghis flacks for the fall guys
clydesdale: you are funny womack
Genghis: more like sad, clydesdale
clydesdale: not funny haha though
womack: gee, such cowardly nameless parrots for the Official Lie. In Spanish, "_sin verguenza_"
womack: R these twits still outraged by Vietnamese aggression in the Gulf of Tonkin?
JoeSecchi: oh my
JoeSecchi: these conspiracies sure are wide-ranging
womack: cdale still biting its tongue re GM'14 aka the Seven Week Slaughter, 1st anniversary passed a few days ago
womack: There a big world outside the tiny head of JS, eh what?
McMaster: Is not the same without tommy here
womack: The nameless status of 2 of the 3 hecklers indicates that we share similar expectations WRT JAPE's fate in the foreseeable future.
Meepy: *meeps into town*
womack: Re "MCM"s note on Parkinson's: any experimental therapy w peyote in the lit yet?
womack: C y'all in the funny papers = "" San Francisco out @ 16:10 hrs PDT
alobar: people seldom have a logical reason for violence
alobar: yes could be a mercenary, or could be a religious fanatic of one sort or another
alobar: our prime minister was killed by a greek.
McMaster: could be religious, the bomb site was near the popular 4 faced Buddha statue
alobar: do they have jihadists in thailand?
McMaster: not really
McMaster: those are mostly to the west like Afghanistan
stumped: the taliban used to like blowing up buddhist statues
alobar: it will all come out in a few days. is he still alive?
alobar: they also have them in java which is close
McMaster: under arrest 1/2 day ago
alobar: the truth will come out
McMaster: the apartment he rented has a lot of explosive devices/materials
alobar: ask womack. maybe the jewish secret police of 1937 are behind tthis
First: OK
First: I will
womack: The Jew secret police of 1937 were riding high 2 yrs after Bernard Baruch knocking off Huey Long, the first Merkin casualty of the Atomic War.
First: stop it
First: I need to ask you first
McMaster: i mean if a Turkey man set a bomb in an Kurds' area then that's understandable
womack: A turk bomber in Thai could be revenge for Buddhist atrocities against Muslims in the South
First: what is womack doing here anyway
McMaster: because Turks and Kurds are not friendly to each other
First: this is not a chat server
IIIllIIll0: hi robes
IIIllIIll0: wheres hobo
McMaster: womack has a good point there
First: let them fight each other
First: and hope you don't get involved in their mess
womack: uh oh, badmin agree w me! A "First" ?
IIIllIIll0: wats womacks point i just logged on
McMaster: no, the Thai authority should encourage them to live together in peace
First: best is to run and hide
IIIllIIll0: encourage who to live together in peace
alfalfa: the kurds are in the way
alfalfa: (whey)
McMaster: like in here, Buddhist and Muslim groups have festive functions together
womack: "here" ?
IIIllIIll0: yes muslims usually get along swimmingly with other religions
McMaster: S Ontario
IIIllIIll0: can sum1 tell me what womacks point is that mcmaster agrees with
womack: BC ignorant sarcasm
IIIllIIll0: mcmaster if thats true its because the % muslims is <5%
IIIllIIll0: once >5% then they start making trouble
alfalfa: buddhists were pretty peaceful for 5000 years, it's sad that they now commit atrocities
McMaster:  womack: A turk bomber in Thai could be revenge for Buddhist atrocities against Muslims in the South
womack: BC w a Thai Buddhist attack squad?
alfalfa: but i guess all religions have their crazies
McMaster: yes
IIIllIIll0: womack is correct however more likely the recent deportation of the Ughur (sp?) muslims would be the trigger of the bkk bombing
McMaster: Real buddhist just stick to their own affairs
womack: Sri Lanka?
IIIllIIll0: like i said muslim <5%, wiki says muslims 5% of ontario
IIIllIIll0: wait until they're 7% then they will discover everyone is oppressing them and needs to get hit
McMaster: Sri Lanka has peace now, the Tigers stopped fighting
womack: Second Sending = BC w a Thai Buddhist attack squad?
McMaster: Tamil
IIIllIIll0: im not inclined to take up arms with/against anyone
IIIllIIll0: too dangerous
alfalfa: not 5000,
womack: How many Tamil killed by Buddy's in SR?
alfalfa: more like 2500 only
IIIllIIll0: play with guns and one might get hurt
IIIllIIll0: i prefer to read about wars on the news than participate oin them
alfalfa: live alone high on a mountaintop where no one else ever goes
womack: WIKI: The Sri Lankan civil war was very costly, killing an estimated 80,000-100,000 people between 1982 and 2009.
IIIllIIll0: i like the way muslims talk about "muslim countries" as though there were such a thing
IIIllIIll0: there are countries where if someone does not want to be a muslim, they will be harassed or murdered
IIIllIIll0: but there are no countries where everyone genuinely is muslim
alfalfa: i had a dream where i was playing poker with jesus (the original, not jesus ferguson) and buddha and mohammed... there were a couple of other guys there too, hegel i think, and einstein
alfalfa: i wonder what that means
womack: Since 1990 JUSA has murdered ~12,000,000 [twleve million] victims in M.E.
IIIllIIll0: who won
womack: mainly Muslim, of course.
IIIllIIll0: directly or indirectly. you mean through iraq sanctions etc?
alfalfa: you know, i can't remember, but a good time was had by all
womack: both dir & ind, BC
womack: "sanctions" a weasel word for blockade, bombing & invasion
IIIllIIll0: id believe that figure
IIIllIIll0: US is bad news
womack: data from Gideon Polya Phd of Melbourne
alfalfa: the stars-and-stripes is the new swastika. so sad.
McMaster: hey, what do you guys think of the suspected 300 tons of gold left in Poland by the WW2 Germans?
Genghis: I want some
IIIllIIll0: i have it
McMaster: haha
alfalfa: oh there is a great movie about that, "kelly's heroes"
womack: Steve McQueen went to get it for me
IIIllIIll0: is israel ever going to decide its time to stop occupying palestine?
womack: "is israel ever going to decide its time to stop occupying " USA?
Genghis: Sure if there is ever a real palistinanian who shows up
McMaster: barcode, i think this struggle is gonna last for another 100 yrs
McMaster: then both sides got tired and want a peaceful settlement
alfalfa: the thing to remember is that the people do not always support what the "leaders" are doing. in both us and israel
alfalfa: many are unwittingly complicit though
Genghis: voters?
alfalfa: pundits call them "low-information voters"... i
McMaster: now Israel has another big problem: Iran Nuke
alfalfa: prefer "low-effort thinkers"
womack: "Iran Nuke" between MCM's ears only? Whereas Jews whacked Jack in order to develop their Abombs [10:01]
alobar: alfalfa int his poker game did any of hese guys have noticeble tells you could shae with me just in case i ever have he same dream and dont want to lose my money?
IIIllIIll0: when jesus get creamed in a round he plays poorly again the next round to turn the other cheek
McMaster: i have no objection against Iran nuke since many have them in that region
alobar: please let alfalfa answer, h may not have your catholic slant on things
alobar: south africa had nukes
womack: Repeat =  "Iran Nuke" between MCM's ears only?
alobar: be more respectfull to my room's admin please womack
IIIllIIll0: of course iran wants a nuke, why wouldnt it
womack: World knows of whitist S African nuke collab w Israel
IIIllIIll0: the US and israel are running rampant all over the middle east
IIIllIIll0: its natural to want a deterrent
IIIllIIll0: SA gave up its nukes when it realized radiation isnt race-specific
First: woof
McMaster: no problem, Iran is gonna sell lots of oil at no matter what price, some of it will be used to build nukes in great secrecy
alobar: i visited the SECRET nuke facilty at night once. it was not that good a secret.
IIIllIIll0: of course they are trying to get a nuke
IIIllIIll0: anyone who thinks they're not is an idiot
IIIllIIll0: because they would be idiots to not want one
womack: BC expert on idiocy
IIIllIIll0: thanks womack
womack: US intel = Iran effort for nuke weapons = 0
alobar: BC take it from whence it came
IIIllIIll0: but i think they should want a nuke
IIIllIIll0: why wouldnt they? surrounded by enemies on all sides
alobar: t least no -one calls you a narcissistic fathead.
McMaster: womack, you are correct for now but not 5 or 10 yrs down the road
IIIllIIll0: US and israel, major nuclear powers threatening its existence
alfalfa: oh, i don't remember any tells. the point of the dream as i saw it was that they were all able to get along with each other
alobar: you mean no -one lost any money ?
IIIllIIll0: did jesus & mohammed sort out who was the real last prophet?
womack: MCM follows Jew line of seeking to deny arithmetic to Muslims bc later they may learn how to build something?
alfalfa: it was a friendly game
womack: Make a prophet = many hits already
alobar: i think your dreams are far too passive for my taste alf.
alfalfa: my favorite is where i fall from a great height, only to discover that i can fly
alobar: i once dreamed i was playing go against a slow opponent. when i woke up it was true
McMaster: hey alf, any drought in your area?
alobar: i dream i can jump prodigious distances just by will power
alfalfa: not so much, got a lot of rain last night
McMaster: good
alobar: what do you dream mcmaster?
alfalfa: but where my mom lives it's been over 100 every day for six weeks
McMaster: don't remember much, mr bar
alobar: has she bought a big boat yet alf?
[END] --30--
> > > ...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Sep 8, 2015, 2:30:58 PM9/8/15
Meepy: just used a blender to make some kind of kale-lasagna abomination :)
darkronin: Wow! :D
AmyTS: wheeeeee
McMaster: Hooola
Xena: hi ter ter
Xena: ohh meepy
McMaster: StarBucks is launching new food products!
McMaster: hi xenxen
Xena: how are you?
AmyTS: launching new food products into orbit?
McMaster: into your kitchen, no more cooking, no more 'too many cooks' in your house
AmyTS: Too Many Cooks!
Meepy: here's a reaction shot to kale-lasagna
SamSpade: that bad?
AmyTS: haha
cekalo: unfunny
AmyTS: we need full video meepy
Meepy: what, video of me saying "swallow? please swallow?"
McMaster: pumpkin spice Latte from StarBucks ☺
AmyTS: pumpkin spice lattes from starbucks have surprisingly little pumpkin in them
McMaster: < don't like kale
SomeMud: Hi Master of Master
McMaster: what? you want a 888 lb pumpkin?
stumped: it tastes weird to me
darkronin: What is kale?
McMaster: hello Mud
AmyTS: kale is delicious
McMaster: nah, bok choi is yummy
asdk: Fox News blamed Russia for invasion of refugees in Europe.
asdk: the end
AmyTS: you'll live longer and happier if you turn off fox news
dayharri: ... or cnn
Meepy: bok choi is definitely better than kale
SomeMud: I wish we all a long and happy life
McMaster: Fox News is not all wrong, Russia do have a small part in this Syrian crisis
dayharri: yeah they don't let usa ruin syria.
McMaster: but mother Russia should not take the full blame
McMaster: Other news: there is a Big Wearable expo in Toronto starting today...
McMaster: i was thinking of going there and buy a nice FitBit for Amy...
stumped: russia is sending weapons and trainers to assad ... thats more than a small part
cekalo: who is scared from clowns?
McMaster: but i have a summer cold and don't feel like driving one long hour...
cekalo: clowns are scary
McMaster: so sorry, Amy
darkronin: Don't sneeze and drive.
McMaster: i won't, that is a $490 fine
darkronin: Whoops! :O
AmyTS: buy me a fitbit and i will forgive you
McMaster: what have i done?
Meepy: can i have one too?
Meepy: i need it for my bits, to make them fit or something
McMaster: none for Meepy for now, i have to wait till Apple comes up with a MeepFit!
Meepy: but i don't have any Apple stuff
Meepy: how will it interface?
McMaster: doesn't matter, just wear it on your neck and your life will be much better
Meepy: i have about 30 pounds of apples we picked this weekend
Meepy: maybe that will work
darkronin: That's a lot of apples.
AmyTS: i'll offer you a shilling for an apple
Meepy: no
McMaster: We have a retired doctor here who is running a farm now to grow many spiece of apples that are not found in supermarkets
McMaster: one hell of a guy
cekalo: who wants to play me?
clydesdale: supermarkets homogenise everything
cekalo: clyde lets play
clydesdale: ok but lets make it ranked -i always play ranked
cekalo: i dont play serous games
cekalo: just for fun
clydesdale: ok then
McMaster: clyde is right about supermarkets
alobar: american embassy in johannesburg on alert
Meepy: we picked gala, mutsu, jonagold and maybe some fuji or macintosh
McMaster: i like Fuji
McMaster: and macintosh
darkronin: What happens alo?
Meepy: i like honeycrisp and golden delicious but they weren't ripe
alobar: i missed the ntroduction. maybe threat of terror activity
alobar: at my age i like granny smith, and i am not talking apples
McMaster: maybe a few more weeks, Meepie
cekalo: alobar pls be polite you are talking with an admin
alobar: i was being polite
alobar: you should heaar how i normally talk to admins
darkronin: Apples are also a symbol of gravitation
alobar: and targets for mythological bowmen from switzerland.
dayharri: how did you know granny ann nicole smith?
asdk: since 2012 Russia sent to Syria 48 aircraft with humanitarian aid.
asdk: what sent west?
asdk: missiles and bombs?
Meepy: we spent a few billions helping refugees
asdk: fox news not all wrong he say
dayharri: no, 'support' for syrian free brigades/ rebels.
asdk: first destroyed on 10005000 Billion and then spent a few billions
asdk: good help
dayharri: younger civilization's jealousy towards older one.
dayharri: see how usa destroyed mesopotamia.
dayharri: france to babylonia.
McMaster: Meepy, Kuwait donates the most to help them refugees, about us$980 mil
dayharri: thanks to kuwait, uae, and bahrain, who send donation for rohingya refugees in aceh province.
Meepy: yes, it's a lot but the US is in the billions
womack: Badmin "McMaster" discusses M.E politics in EGR. Truthful voices OTOH instantly booted herefrom.
Meepy: and the arab countries are mainly donating to keep from having to resettle refugees
dayharri: they don't want un-skillful labours from m e, mostly from s e and s asian countries.
womack: KGS badmen & accomplices: For those too lazy directly to tune into Murdoch alias Fox.
womack: USrael have destroyed much of Syria, allee samee Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia & numerous other locales. Hence refugees.
dayharri: womack has spoken. howgh!
AmyTS: he did? all i heard was warbles
womack: Ah, pls excuse me, I was jumping between rooms, mistook location.
asdk: in general, Fox News like a fairy tale of Krylov. Wolf blames the lamb, that the wolf is hungry. US will soon blame the Middle East, they placed their country on the american oil ^^
womack: Closest venue for free discussion of these issues = "" for example: Google Groups Re: More KGS Chat, Incl Cheerleader for Jews' Bombing of Gaza 69 posts, 272 views
AmyTS: another venue for discussion:
alobar: yeah but alexander the great destroyed mesopotamia first.
Warfreak2: do you think schrodinger chose a cat for his thought experiment because he was looking at internet memes?
alobar: womack, does anyone anywhere take you seriously?
alobar: sometimes i suspect you were not always like this.
alobar: i imagine you appeared quite normal as a child for a while.
womack: abar ever dare to use in public its right name?
AmyTS: probably, warf.
alobar: you also havee a week memory
alobar: weak*
womack: 45 yrs ago already I created Columbia U's first graduate seminar in the history of the cold war & recruited Zbigniew Brzezinski to teach it w me.
alobar: and did anyone remain awake through a lecture?
alobar: but i imagine 45 years ago there was not much history of tthe cold war. perhaps you should have waited
womack: Among our other guests we had Tommy Thompson & Earl Browder. All members seemed to find the discussion interesting.
alobar: name dropping is so petty bourgeoise
womack: lobar asks, then complains when I answer.
alobar: and so far you have not mentioned a name i know..
alobar: was oprah involved?
womack: KGS badmins forbid the relevant google ref
alobar: i did not ask if you ever published nonsense, i asked if anyone anywhere takes you seriously now.
womack: Question of the week = Was the same entity behind both the 1963 Jack Whack and the 2001 WTC Stunt?
alobar: the answer is "your guess is as good as your guess"
womack: abar = a bug at the foot of Beethoven's statue, asking "Who was this guy?"
alobar: oh we all know beethoven, we just dont know american nobodies
alobar: it is a big world womack and america just a small part of it.
womack: Am pop = ~ 5% of human race but US DoD maintains unique global military empire.
alobar: most of us could not put a pin in the globe and find america. in fact most americans could not either, but that has more to do with your education system
womack: lobar = a fog bomb to discourage discussion
alobar: nonsense, the voice of reason to banish twaddle
AmyTS: how long are you two going to keep insulting each other? can we move on?
womack: For lobar, as for Netanyahu & Kabal, "twaddle" means true speech. "amy" has plenty insults of its own to pass along?
alobar: and there you go making associations in your mind hat have not been informed by any possible logic.
AmyTS: Please explain why my name is in quotes and why you refer to me as "it".
AmyTS: I already know the answer, but I want to hear you say it.
asdk: i found nice music
womack: "stand up like a man" or like an honest woman applies only to those who speak under their own true names, eh what?
alobar: absolute rubbish. how do we know womack is not an acronym for something?
asdk: Music foundation and the main inspiration of Blackmore’s Night is the music of the Renaissance
womack: The ridiculous lobar has FB ?
alobar: how can you prove that picture is really you? or that you are really any more real than any other name on a computter screen?
Sheriffi: old swag
Warfreak2: what on earth
Warfreak2: amy, do you want to borrow my censor list?
Warfreak2: it's the biggest and best censor list on all of kgs
AmyTS: can i really?
McMaster: Warf, why are you here, no lectures today?
AmyTS: ohboyohboy
Warfreak2: it's september 8th and it's 6:53pm
alobar: and no archery practice eithher?
womack: Cowards & fools dance arm in arm.
alobar: i have never thought of you beng so fond of dance womack
McMaster: oh right, you in Uk
alobar: does he answer you mcm?
womack: alobar: i have never thought <== Stop rt there.
McMaster: he does, mr bar
alobar: ok womack i will concede tht you have never thought
alobar: he never answers me mcm, ever since he made a complete fool of himself and has never been man enough tto apologise
SamSpade: this room used to be nice and quiet
AmyTS: it got taken over by trolls
Warfreak2: it IS nice and quiet, sam
SamSpade: :)
alobar: yeah it was very quiet when i was challenging you to a game earlier
womack: Second Sending (and last for this session) = womack: Question of the week = Was the same entity behind both the 1963 Jack Whack and the 2001 WTC Stunt?
AmyTS: back in the good old days of chat, this room was full of happy chatters happily chatting away.
SamSpade: I must have missed that, al
cekalo: clyde you played very save and serious
cekalo: i played for fun thats why i lost
womack: More fun to win
AmyTS: today we have maroons like womack freely walking the chats. kgs has fallen far.
cekalo: admin amy is insulting a user
womack: amy so seldom plays the game, also seems to be lost in Jamaica?
darkronin: What's a maroon?
Warfreak2: womack doesn't freely walk the chats
cekalo: why is there no punishment for this person
womack: an escaped slave, dr
AmyTS: oh, he does, warf.
Warfreak2: he only walks those chats who didn't censor him, which by now should be only himself and his mother
darkronin: Oh, thanks
AmyTS: i think his mother has censored him
womack: warf the weakie fears exposure
Warfreak2: oh, yeah, probably did
womack: amy invokes family, has any?
Meepy: I don't have anybody censored
womack: What's this "9d?" with whom Meeps was playing?
Meepy: he's only 6d
womack: The Champion Williams Sisters will play against each other in the _quarter finals_ (shame on the organizers!) @ 16:00 hrs PDT today.
Warfreak2: meepy, why would you do that
clydesdale: wasn't venus ill for a while or aomething?
Warfreak2: that's like not sleeping under a mosquito net in africa
Meepy: i get too confused when invisible people are talking, warf
cekalo: AmyTS: today we have maroons like womack freely walking the chats. kgs has fallen far.
womack: Venus fights back
cekalo: is that not an insult??
Warfreak2: or like drinking from the water that goes into the treatment plant from the sewer, rather than the water that comes out of the treatment plant
AmyTS: skip the treatment plant and save millions
womack: warf does so fear the light of day
womack: almost as if warf lives in the pocket of Tony Blair?
womack: How Meepy beats a "6d" w W and loses to a 3k w B ?
Meepy: luck?
alobar: cekalo, i dream of a place where you can leave and come back and the chat has not remained the same
AmyTS: its a jedi trick
womack: Strangee
alobar: please dont gang up on warfreak. he does not have very broad shoulders
womack: uh oh, I begin to agree even w lobar
alobar: womack i suspect you would agree with anyone who voices your opinion
womack: Rather than merely "suspect", go ahead and Believe!
alobar: thank you.
alobar: i always wanted to count myself among the believers
womack: Well, now that we settled the point, ciao all from San Francisco @ 11:16 hrs PDT.
alobar: enjoy your day womak
clydesdale: i just tried to log into a brewery website and they only had a list of english counties- no scottish ones- they may have lost a customer
cekalo: clyde i played for fun
womack: thx alobr, U 2. Long live strong beer!
clydesdale: me too cekalo
alobar: i was very happy to find guiness in south africa
cekalo: i cant take 3k players serious
cekalo: sorry
alobar: i bouht a wwhhole lot of it and then when i was lying on the floor reading the labels i discovered it is made in south africa.
clydesdale: i forgive you cekalo
cekalo: you were lucky
clydesdale: yup
McMaster: to forgive is a very smart act
alobar: so i bought the local stout and it is better than the guiness and in a bigger bottle for the same price
McMaster: quality?
alobar: i forgive you for all th imes you banned me McM
cekalo: you played very defensive i expected more from a 2 handi game
alobar: quality is vey good McM
clydesdale: i try to play honte
womack: alcohol content?
alobar: the same
cekalo: what the hell is honte
McMaster: thanks mr bar, i still enjoy the Bloody Mary you make
womack: = 5.5%?
alobar: have you ever had black velvet McM?
clydesdale: i think honte means kind of solid
McMaster: yes mr bar, good stuff
womack: "solid", "honest"
cekalo: mcmaster is a double standart admin he has friends whom he protects even if they act badly
cekalo: he just admited that to me
alobar: the black velvet with stout and champagne
alobar: McM's friends never act badly cekalo, they are not a bunch of turks
womack: Or Bacardi Red Label w Coke, lemon & ice
McMaster: yes cekalo, i take all the arrows shooting at me from all Kgsers
McMaster: i like Beefeater
AmyTS: i insult who i want, when i want.

McMaster: If you are really into Chats, go to the ECR
AstonTom: What is ECR btw
McMaster: English Chat room
AstonTom: And we are here already
McMaster: more freedom there, here no politics no religions no long long chats, no this no that.............nvm

> > > > womac...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Sep 9, 2015, 2:36:57 PM9/9/15
nonosse: more clever as horses
nonosse: AAA
nonosse: yes sorry
Genghis: Mules are the best
nonosse: but i found something for you too after that
alobar: yes you did. i wonder why genghis did not teach me that?
nonosse: he was a chess player before
alobar: oh i likee chess players
Genghis: How did you know I was a chess player?
alobar: as long as they dont try to write sonnets
alobar: becuase yu keep trying to put you r stone IN the squre genghis
Genghis: ahh
cekalo: hi patrick
Genghis: I want all 4 corners
alobar: hello cekalo my dear friend
alobar: cekalo have you ever come into this room as a guest and seen how unfriendly these people are?
dayharri: ?
alobar: try it some time harri
cekalo: i dont have to be a guest to know that
alobar: oh shut up now you are always complaining.
dayharri: any guest-s in ecr must be geeks,
dayharri: since innocent guest goes to egr first.
alobar: i came in here as Dr mabuse and offred everyone free help and tthey insulted me
cekalo: dr. mabuse sounds familiar
alobar: yes, he was pretending to be a turkish psychiatrist.
cekalo: must be some psycho turk
cekalo: im off for dinner now
alobar: i am ggoing too then. no cekalo no fun
alobar: enjoy your evening lads
Marathon: alobar complais about how unfriendly guests are, but he is unfriendly to guests himself
nonosse: alobar isnot always to take on first level
Marathon: but then, he gets some unfriendly repsonses from non-guests, such as marathon
nonosse: like a poster of recruitement for army in your room.
nonosse: yes i get that
nonosse: but i say this for you to berelax in ecr
nonosse: 2d degree humor is hard to pass on the web
nonosse: how is going your exams, marathin?
SamSpade: 2d humour is pretty random
SamSpade: I’m going off-topic again, aren’t I?
SamSpade: time out for tea!
asdk: Dedicated to all lovers of capitalism
Genghis: communism loves the people who don't fit in a market based economy don't they?
womack: Squirt the "-isms"? Q = justice or oppression.
asdk: when the 90's when Russia from ruin died about 10 million people, our western-style liberals in economics say the same thing - they do not fit into the market
Genghis: so you see the truth then don't you asdk
asdk: get ready to die, you do not fit into the market.
womack: Role of Jews in that development, asdk?
Genghis: I am the market asdk
womack: Seize the loot of the war criminals in the USA/JAPE then situation totally revolutionized.
asdk: first of all it concerns young people and pensioners. they do not fit in the market is primarily
womack: Which corner of the "market" holds the bribes, rotten deals & secret police?
Genghis: You are confusing the market with the Government womack
womack: Ghis only wishes
womack: Ghis confuses "market" with Holy grail?
asdk: Genghis u fit in market?
JoeSecchi: shhhh, Genghis..... don't interrupt the battle of slogans .... go get some popcorn
Genghis: I make the market asdk
asdk: ok
asdk: you can sleep peacefully. Warren Buffett said it's not you
asdk: not for u
womack: US debts for war crimes > total dollar value of Planet Earth
dayharri: interest added.
womack: then Moon, too
nonosse: Moon is still alive?
womack: just look up
Genghis: What does that have to do with the market womack?
womack: What, the Holy Grail?
Genghis: The governments debts?
womack: Ghis agrees that all dope prisoners are entitled to immediate release with heavy compensation?
Genghis: sure womack
womack: In point of fact, most mouths blathering about "the market" belong in prison for war crimes.
dayharri: to create market outside?
womack: Ghis agreement noted
asdk: exactly, prisoners also did not fit into the market.
Genghis: the market goes to war or does the government?
womack: government good, regime ba
womack: d
nonosse: i like better when you get more crazy like that womack it s less boring
asdk: but this contingent does not agree to die without reason
womack: nonosse shrink hat too tight?
nonosse: my poor english hurts me now
womack: even a picnic must have a governor
asdk: womack, u fit into the market?
JoeSecchi: even a picnic that's short a couple of sandwiches?
nonosse: of course he does
womack: when I squeeze
womack: Snap, snap, Girl, U heard Joe, where's my sandwich?
nonosse: do you still foolishly copypaste in the dead goo goole group?
asdk: otherwise tours to Afghanistan
womack: nonosse will now give us an example of its claimed wisdom?
nonosse: Everyone say hello! to recgamego !
womack: roger that
womack: Jews have mainly killed off the Usenet by now but some parts still twitch
nonosse: my wisdom you said? meh i don't have any superior thing like that
JoeSecchi: the ranters killed off Usenet
womack: nono denial probably true
Genghis: racists like womack killed off Usenet
nonosse: i fear more maffia as jews, i like woody allen movies too
womack: Joe out to lunch. Ghis quite shameless, promoter of the murder of children
JoeSecchi: I've given up trying to find the missing sandwiches
nonosse: and i got some good few friends a shame if i cannot invite them here because of you
nonosse: jew*
Genghis: murder of children? Wow womack you really are a statist lover aren't you
womack: Mordechai Vanunu and Brother Nathaniel can be recommended, as I so often have.
JoeSecchi: straw man fallacy
nonosse: he s crazy but that s ok, internet protect us
womack: In last year's Seven Week Summer Slaughter Bibi slew >500 kids before later appearing before the Joint Session of the U.S. Congress to collect his tribute.
womack: "statist
womack: = idiots' cussword
JoeSecchi: like JAPE, etc?
Genghis: racist statist, that is what you are womack
nonosse: One day hope you tell me something new, womack
womack: HOw say Ghis & nono re Gaza Massacre 14?
Genghis: I forgot "Insane' too
onosse: meh it s since i met you you tell me the same
asdk: Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, in their book “The Final Days,” write Kissinger told General Alexander Haig: “Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”
asdk: ^^
JoeSecchi: spare a thought for someone stuck in that mindset...... be thankful it isn't you
nonosse: the list of misery is long you could improvise a little
womack: Time = 10:19 PDT, waiting for Ghis, nono & Joe to answer Q
JoeSecchi: I did...... but maybe you aren't reading for comprehension
nonosse: meh i m bored so go copy paste at your soul
womack: What does Joe claim to have been his answer?
nonosse: next time try to bring some sun or some other misery from the world at least
womack: nono runs away
asdk: Why are you afraid of what he copy paste?
nonosse: no dont dream
JoeSecchi: no one is afraid of that, asdk
dayharri: :P
JoeSecchi: except maybe womack himself, if he thought it through
asdk: then whats problems
womack: Second Sending = womack: HOw say Ghis & nono re Gaza Massacre 14?
nonosse: never been afraid, didnt like it but i told i dont need to discuss that again
womack: Joe claims now to have thought through something?
asdk: womack is not nsa ^^
nonosse: its not second womack, it s 100000000 times since you came lol
Genghis: no problem asdk, it is just a sympton of womacks delusions
womack: nono declares it "didn't like" GM'14.
nonosse: so move on
womack: I moved on to the slogan "Hang the Senate"
nonosse: i would tell anything to make you change topic
Genghis: You love the Senate womack
womack: Ghis has its own wee shrink hat
nonosse: what about your shoes womack?
womack: Yes, Ghis, I love even the worst of the worst. Proper to imprison them, of course.
Genghis: are you turning yourself in womack?
nonosse: i try to follow some conversation but it s not thaat easy
womack: @ 10:24 PDT Ghis remains silent re Jews' massacre of children in GM'14.
nonosse: see
Genghis: I don't know what you are talking about womack, racist rants are challenging to follow
nonosse: do you play sims sometimes womack? sims 4 are not that bad as ppl say
womack: nono & I play baduk at the same level
nonosse: lot of clothes init, shoes hats
nonosse: i learned some pieces i didnt know the names too, like for shoes
nonosse: sneakers heelers
nonosse: you know my level of baduk?
JoeSecchi: it's interesting that that propaganda pairing of those photos keeps being posted, but not the rebuttal
dayharri: asdk; europe policy makers were asked about the threats toward europe, answered: middle-east's islamic-state, and putin's russia....
dayharri: what if russian's are asked the same?
dayharri: two threats toward russia?
asdk: usa
dayharri: and?
nonosse: did you ever go up 2k womack? tell me the truth on yourself
asdk: isis
dayharri: the same enemy group, ya.
asdk: ukrnazi
dayharri: isis simpathizers from north caucasus?
asdk: if you remove the United States, the rest of the threat will disappear quickly ^^
dayharri: well,
dayharri: err,
dayharri: just,
dayharri: maybe yes. ^^
ayharri: but their debts are also disappear ^~
asdk: they send to the war those who do not fit into the market
Genghis: How much longer is Assad going to last?
asdk: and what good politics say this - Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, in their book “The Final Days,” write Kissinger told General Alexander Haig: “Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”
dayharri: aslongas russia and iran back him up. ;)
nonosse: hahe s quite resilient, Genghis
Meepy: *sigh*
Genghis: and russia is sending in backup
womack: Russia & China finally learned from JAPE's treacherous destruction of Gadhafi's govt of Libya, the best-run country in Africa
asdk: Assad legally elected president. we respected the choice of the Syrian people
nonosse: could be
dayharri: school-teachers _are_ tough, nonos.
dayharri: *wink-wink*
nonosse: but it s best chance is ISIS
asdk: everything else is propaganda of terrorUSA
nonosse: fighting ISIS gives him a lifeguard jacket
womack: Hello asdk: "Murder" a far stronger accusation than mere "terror"
dayharri: eastern-turkiye is in the brink of war, don't let it happen.
JoeSecchi: hey..... Google groups has been improved a little.... we now get to see just how many people have read each post
JoeSecchi: hilarious!
Genghis: I see russia going to war in Syria, the same as a sign that Assad is going down
nonosse: F\HAhaha Genghis, dont tell me
womack: Bibi speaks, Ghis parrots
oren: Assad will just be Russia's pawn
dayharri: don't have to. just install military base and equipment----as same as uk & usa in afghan.
womack: Assad a genuine leader w strong allies, different from JAPE puppets
asdk: Syria is our friend already 40 years. we do not hand over our friends
JoeSecchi: hehehehehehehehe
Genghis: Assad isn't going to last another year
dayharri: and what will happen to lebanon if syria's conflict prolonged>
asdk: u so child
nonosse: still i guess you r point but did taking Assad as a friend be a good choice?
asdk: Chan Genghis
dayharri: too crowded with refugees.
nonosse: he was elected i m not going to debate, but his ppl doesnt look that happy of his way to manage a country
womack: Will another year pass before Fake "Genghis" states its opinion of the Gaza Massacre?
asdk: i see people in France very happy with Hollande
asdk: need to kill Hollande
asdk: and to bomb Paris
JoeSecchi: is that your solution to everything?
nonosse: will anaother year pass with same womack coming here hurting his own ideas by repepeat them 10000 times?
womack: nono thinks Assad's "people" = Bibi, Qatar, Saudis, Turkogans, KinkHenKi....
womack: nono tries to cover for Ghis cowardly silence
oren: is womack spouting nonsense again?
nonosse: meh if it s like my level of baduk you better take info somewhere first
JoeSecchi: yes, nonosse...... prime example of the messenger killing the message
womack: Will oren name his teacher?
nonosse: one day i ll crush you on the board will be more fun as to repeat again and again how boring you are with telling things you dont know a word about
womack: #2 Will oren state his opinion of last year's Gaza Massacre?
womack: nono such a big mouth
nonosse: when you want small mouth
asdk: i also see ppl in USA very happy with Obama
nonosse: how many stones i give you?
asdk: need to kill obama and to bobm washington
womack: nono tells us it "didn't like" Jews' murder of 500+ children but quite hostile to me for bringing up this unresolved matter
asdk: its u western silly logic
JoeSecchi: yup..... that is your solution to everyting, asdk
nonosse: stop your dreams womack
nonosse: go see a doctor,
womack: nono imagines that it cann command, twists its shrink hat again
Genghis: asdk what are your GPS coordinates?
nonosse: you re sick you know, i say that for your own safety
womack: Ghis first, w pic of boat
dayharri: obama sends instructors to west-ukraina, instructors need to go the battle-line, they could be killed, prisoned, or hostaged,
asdk: whitehouse Washington DC
dayharri: what would usa do after that?
asdk: look at map
womack: roger asdk!
nonosse: you talk like a flight pilot, you re so crazy man
Genghis: where on the map are you asdk?
nonosse: take care of yourself
asdk:  asdk: whitehouse Washington DC
womack: )
womack: nono going for Pinhead of the Day award.
dayharri: google map's on white house is 'blurred', asdk.
dayharri: so is above pentagon. :D
asdk: its bad map
asdk: use nasa map
dayharri: but fort knox is sharp, clear.
womack: empty
nonosse: imy faschist friends were we most difficult to cure, some didn't i dont have a big hope womack with you
dayharri: and we can see bare-chested Genghis sun-bath on his yacht....
JoeSecchi: that's what they hope you tink
asdk: u faschist friend? ^^
nonosse: yeah i m friend to everyone asdk. i keep hope them to change
nonosse: i m an optimistic nature
womack:  Fascists were love-puppies compared to Genrikh Jagoda in Ukraine or JAPE in general
JoeSecchi: we now return you to your regular broadcasting.....
womack: nono's further opinion of Netanyahu?
nonosse: you re a pure faschist womack, it s not an insult, just an illness that can be cured
nonosse: you come here to make yourself selfconfident and see if you can contaminate more people
womack: nono appears as actual tool of murdering Jews whereas I have been leader in USA in solidarity with Vietnam, Central America and all patriots everywhere resisting JAPE
nonosse: crazy man
JoeSecchi: that straw man again
asdk: Party shot Jagoda. womack do not worry . justice has been done
nonosse: how can i trust your propaganda when you already lie on me?
dayharri: do the impossible.
Genghis: asdk are you afraid to tell us where you live?
nonosse: he told us already
womack: Ghis has posted his boat pic already?
womack: Ghis has answer MQ or Massacre Question already?
Genghis: I said I wasn't going to womack
Genghis: I know where you live Womack
womack: Would Ghis like to fight me naked to the death?
JoeSecchi: . . .
Genghis: no that would be sick
Genghis: and icky
JoeSecchi: I did so not want to imagine that....
nonosse: Joe all is fine no woorry, he will leave soon
dayharri: that is only a suggestion....
womack: Ghis brags as accessory to JAPE's global murder machine
Genghis: Do you even remember me from the Debate room days womack? Or is your memory gone too?
First: I have returned beaches
womack: Ghis, nono & I all ranked here as 2k's
Genghis: can you take womack for a walk First?
nonosse: i am a german jew with a amrican mother and a russish dad, womack
womack: 'cause Ghis afraid to answer Q
JoeSecchi: nah..... First isn't in the same league
Genghis: what question womack?
First: what
First: don't be lazy genghis
womack: I am a NAG or Normal, Alias "Gentile" nono who has lead in promoting the works of the very few righteous public Jews
Genghis: womack is drooling and I am allergic to drool
JoeSecchi: but "nag" is appropriate, I suppose
nonosse: well you discredit them every time here
womack: Ghis tries to peddle fantasy to avoid stating its opinion on Massacre Q so often put
JoeSecchi: I suppose people now don't remember what happens when a gramaphone record got a crack....
womack: nono quite a worthless opponent, will tell us what public figures it likes?
Genghis: Why should I care about it? I haven't paid any attention to it at all womack
nonosse: i hope they go better job as what you do here for the sake of your organisation
JoeSecchi: an organisation of one
nonosse: i like Bella Goth
womack: Finally at 10:59 PDT Ghis tries to dodge MQ
nonosse: Do you know Bella Goth, womack?
womack: thx 2 nono 4 ans, if real. 1st time I hear of BG
nonosse: ok i can tell you
nonosse: She s a main caracter of Sims4, one of the most sold game in the world
womack: Now i c
nonosse: She s so famous
womack: compared to nono, she's also a genius
nonosse: haha you re so funny
nonosse: dont forget to tell me how many stones you want
First: I play the sims 4
nonosse: nice
womack: Will Joe tell us his org?
nonosse: and womack if you could write full words instead of some flight reports i would have better time to read you
womack: or FBP?
womack: I do give nono joy for its languages
nonosse: meh no you just give me headache
womack: press harder
JoeSecchi: I just get a deep feeling of sadness
nonosse: need some motivation for that
JoeSecchi: how someone could get stuck in such a mindset
JoeSecchi: just a waste
womack: Who does Joe like again? Obomber? Will he dare say at all?
nonosse: keep optimism joe, nothing is irreversible
JoeSecchi: oh.... really clever.... an ad homonym attack.....
womack: Joe shameless as well as witless?
nonosse: Maybe we should play now, for the sake of this room
nonosse: is it ok for you womak?
womack: Since nono wants to make a partisan affair of a game, I'll have first to take the precaution of having a trusted observer at its board in Paris to prevent cheating by coach
nonosse: come on, leave your paranoia and come play
nonosse: change your mind some mns, be happy in a game
womack: The KGS record shows I have played way more games than nono
womack: nono seeing double to think I'm a pair\
womack: Must have found a strong Jew accomplice there?
nonosse: you know you tell lies on me since 2 hrs now, so i think we better play in the good spirit of go
nonosse: game is up
womack: Bibi & the Kiddie-Killers fronted by nono & its "lies"
nonosse: so come or go give report of your weakness to your organisation
onosse: you re not only a faschist but a coward it seems. And i am not liying like you every 5mns but proving it just now
nonosse: so come on, let s get this done
womack: nono Speaks as a Jew gun thug entering a Gazan home. Can nameless "nono" nominate a reliable witness for its side?
nonosse: you re a coward.
nonosse: i am not like you i dont need a help you are searching for maybe now
nonosse: just come and play
nonosse: see
nonosse: i m disapointed
womack: nono means its coach is disappointed/
nonosse: i am
nonosse: no way to discuss you see evil behind everyone
nonosse: i propose you a friendship game you run away
womack: Only behind the known wicked ones, actually
nonosse: you lie on me every 5 mns
nonosse: who are you?
nonosse: i respect more a grain of sand as you now
womack: nono repeatedly fails to address stated condition, abuses "thief, stop thief" trick to try to get away with its lies
nonosse: you re so depriming, womack
asdk: u dont fit into the market my babies
womack: This record will also be available for review on rgg
nonosse: coward lyer, taking protection under noble causes
asdk: go to afganistan
womack: nono, I say again, fronts for Bibi, one of many such shameless hirelings
dayharri: asdk is a baaad trip-advisor. :P
nonosse: dont talk to me you just run away to play, you re coward. you re not fun
nonosse: aand you say lies every 5mns
First: my liaison
nonosse: you see things that dont exist
asdk: First my wife
asdk: hello
asdk: Bonjour
nonosse: ni hao
dayharri: First my liege.
foglet: ni hao five!
asdk: where Genghis
HiggsBison: womack is a 9/11 Truther and hence all-round nut-job, nonosse. I wouldn't waste time with him
dayharri: jumps off his yacht----swimming.
nonosse: i dont know why i did
asdk: I have a feeling that on zerohedge sit marxists anarchists ^^
First: when did we get married again?
womack: Nameless nono & its named master upset bc I C things that do exist and speak about them. For $ Fake "Higgs" will pretend to believe anything Murdoch says.
asdk: from wall street
asdk: First long time ago
asdk: u my wife
First: no, not true
nonosse: neh just stop with your stupid pilot writing. you re not a pilot, just a coward annoying us
nonosse: leave the noble causes to the right people you re a shame to them
First: dayharri good to see you
First: and asdk did you win the tsumego contest?
asdk: no
womack: Ah nameless & shameless nono, with its ceaseless "coward" shouting, afraid to tell us its idea of "the rt people"
asdk: i hate tsumego
First: ok
cekalo: First
SamSpade: be excellent to each other, please
nonosse: cant read you womack, make more effort
First: cekalo
womack: nono somewhere has said its name?
nonosse: oh that s better.
asdk: nonosse why u so angry on womack?
cekalo: the new iphone is coming out will you buy one?
dayharri: the empty goban, black moves first to win. = that is the big tsumego.
womack: murderer revealed, asdk
nonosse: that doesnt clean your cowardness although
First: of course not
First: will you?
cekalo: no
cekalo: im happy with my iphone5
womack: Second Sending: womack: nono somewhere has said its name?
nonosse: because he finally made me angry asdk
asdk: why?
womack: asked & answered
nonosse: i hate lies cowardice and mis using noble causes
First: then I am happy for you
nonosse: thx first
asdk: i happy with my nokia 3220 ^^
First: you are welcome
nonosse: can you go online with that?
dayharri: my blue-nokia 3350 from 2004. a nostalgia.
nonosse: i lost track of mobile phones since 10 years ago
asdk: I was happy with the Nokia 10 years. Then she left me
asdk: now i use other nokia ^^
nonosse: ah ah i had one too
asdk: nokia lumia
womack: I, too, will now leave you asdk. Ciao from San Francisco @ 11:30 hrs PDT
nonosse: dont remember its name, that s old story

==> END <==


Sep 11, 2015, 5:35:59 AM9/11/15
I have been looking over Google policies, but can't find a way to report Hal Womack in an effective way.

I think that Hal Womack is abusing an Internet resource for his own ends, disturbing a group that is devoted to a respectful board game. I do not think I am trying to gag anyone, I think I have objective arguments to call for this behaviour to end.

This misbehaviour has been going on unpunished _for many years_; IIRC there have even been cases in the past of crossposting to several newsgroups.!searchin/$20rgg

Hal Womack has proven to be insensitive to reason, and deserves being banned from this group for excessive abuse, and Google has the power to do so. I think this kind of behaviour would not have lasted on other sites, but Google seems to be an exception.

In fact, when reading the message below, one will discover that Hal Womack is totally aware of what's going on:

"womack: This record will also be available for review on rgg"

Obviously Hal Womack is causing trouble in more places, but I guess this will open yet another can of worms...

When looking at the headers (see below), all I see is "Complaints-To:". This is what I call hypocrisy on the part of Google. I had hoped to find out where exactly the original post comes from, apparently Hal Womack is using Google tools to publish his venom.

Google makes sure to make my life difficult in trying to report this behaviour which I consider as spam and should be acted upon.

I tried
but ended up with the advice of flagging messages for abuse. Obviously this has no effect (apart from the fact that few users here seem inclined to follow my path...), so I think this ought to be stepped up.

Google seems unreachable, yet they ought to intervene in this case.

Can anyone help?

(see also!original/

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Subject: Re: More KGS Chat, Incl Cheerleader for Jews' Bombing of Gaza
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Hal Womack 3-dan

Oct 2, 2015, 1:01:04 PM10/2/15
KGS "Gents' Room":
asdk: cekalo, in 30 min
cekalo: asdk you coward
cekalo: no
cekalo: come
asdk: in 30 min
cekalo: you can not win you know that
cekalo: you suck
cekalo: come on
asdk: I went to dinner
asdk: in 30 min
cekalo: i lost because i let you win
cekalo: you suck
cekalo: lets play
cekalo: i was not even thinking
cekalo: come on
cekalo: you can not win
cekalo: i am 1dan
cekalo: i cant take a 3k serious
cekalo: lets play
asdk: in 20:00 Moscow Time
cekalo: come on
asdk: Genghiz maybe want
cekalo: i was not playing for real
cekalo: you know that
asdk: sure
cekalo: you can not win
cekalo: i was just fucking with you
cekalo: come lets play
Genghis: cekalo is too strong for me
cekalo: you are a weak coward
cekalo: i hate it when weak players win by luck
asdk: Cekalo every time you lose, you start to make excuses.
asdk: i know that u strong
asdk: in go
cekalo: its not an excuse
asdk: when u think
womack: Just finished a game, now see "Genghis" Q above 2 me. Ans = Russia & China relatively well-run. JAR aka JewAmerican Regime on death bed
cekalo: you can not win
cekalo: come lets play
asdk: i went
asdk: 20:00 MSK
womack: Yesterday I asked G did he wish to discuss this point in a superior online venue. AFAIK he failed to reply.
Genghis: I replied but you said you had to leave
womack: G hallucinating?
Genghis: you left
womack: What then was G's reply?
Genghis: Yes
womack: Ah so, good for proxcedure
womack: Where can we find such a place?
Genghis: Do you think Russia's oil based economy is doing well?
womack: used to be Usenet, before Jews strangled it
womack: G now jumps from procedural issue to substance
Genghis: I don't care about usenet
womack: womack: Yesterday I asked G did he wish to discuss this point in a superior online venue.
womack: womack: What then was G's reply? Genghis: Yes
womack: Has G now such a venue in mind?
Genghis: here
Genghis: Not the EGR room
womack: G now wishes to discard the "superior" requirement to which it previously agreed.
cekalo: asdk lets play
cekalo: asdk
Genghis: the gents room is superior
cekalo: asdk lets play
womack: The original Q was asked already here in the "gents", rt?
Genghis: no it was in the English Game room
womack: I doubt G's assertion
Genghis: It was not here
womack: G posts to date in a publicly archivable venue = 0, whereas mine = ~10K
womack: rt?
cekalo: asdk lets play
Genghis: I post a lot in a a publicly archivable venue, just under a different nick
womack: say on
Genghis: ZH and DC
womack: womack: say on
Genghis: I did
Genghis: and WUWT too
womack: gocher tongue halfway outta yer mouth, did ye?
Genghis: are you confused womack?
womack: G wishes
womack: talks like a clam
Genghis: Aren't you familiar with ZH, DC and WUWT?
womack: I make my record back to 1994 easily available to all, whereas G blurts a few cryptic letters and sinks back into the sand
womack: Many of us, incl Tesla, have heard of DC
Genghis: ZH is zero hedge, DC is Darwin Central, WUWT is whats up with that, all very popular sites
womack: finally an apparently straight ans
Genghis: same answer as before
womack: HOw many monikers does G use at those sites?
womack: G last plainly false
Genghis: 2 at ZH, and 1 at each of the others
Genghis: false? how so?
womack: Play stupid should pay tuition
Genghis: what does that mean?
womack: A) = Genghis: Aren't you familiar with ZH, DC and WUWT? B) = Genghis: ZH is zero hedge, DC is Darwin Central, WUWT is whats up with that, all very popular sites
womack: Genghis: same answer as before = C
womack: Tedious to have to pry references from G
Genghis: yes
Genghis: are you honestly not familiar with ZH?
womack: I have heard the phrase only so far . Anyone else here already knows the site well?
cekalo: asdk you coward
cekalo: you suck
womack: Why cekalo bothers to cuss at a weaker player? [09:35]
cekalo: because he won by luck and dosent want to play me now
womack: lol
Genghis: Go check out ZH womack, you might find it interesting
womack: G's command noted. Let it first "check out" my own 10K. & BTW howzabout a link to one of G's own pieces on ZH?
Genghis: I am Tyler Durden
womack: Where have I heard that name already?
Genghis: Go to ZH
womack: is pen-name or real thing?
Genghis: what do you think?
womack: Second Sending: BTW howzabout a link to one of G's own pieces on ZH?
womack: Also SS: womack: Tedious to have to pry references from G
womack: thx already
[09:52 BOOTED from "Gents' Room" w/o warning after being told to "shut up" by "cekalo".]
[PM @ 09:59 = asdk: im added u in gents
asdk: it was cekalo
womack: thx for the word]
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Marathon: the day after another school shooing in the U.S. ?
SamSpade: there are mass shootings all the time the US
SamSpade: once a week at least
dayharri: nation on rampage, hope not.
Marathon: after pope francis returned to vatican city, reports came out that he met with kim davis.
Marathon: kim davis's supporters claim the pope thanked her for her coragous stand.
dayharri: no official denial?
dayharri: from vatican about marriage-state officer.
Marathon: today, vatican is saying that, in that meeting, the pope did not endorse kim davis's position
dayharri: no 'fatwa' from pope then.
Marathon: an editor of a jesuit magazine claims the news about davis meeting the pope had been manipulated
AmyTS: apparently kim davis was in a line of people the pope met. he didn't give her a special audience
AmyTS: thats what the vatican's saying, anyway
Marathon: right
AmyTS: i find it interesting that the vatican is distancing itself from kim davis after the narrative put out by the media that he met with her to support her.
Marathon: yeah
Marathon: pope probably didn't know she was involved in any sort of controversy
AmyTS: or he didn't know who she was at the time
Marathon: right
Meepy: i wish i didn't know who she is
Meepy: stupid weather, why it gotta be so cold and rainy
AmyTS: i hope the lgbt community can calm down a bit about the pope
AmyTS: its cold and rainy here too
Marathon: it's cold and dry in minnesota
Meepy: i think ima skip the all-you-can-eat raw oysters tonight
womack: raw oysers so dangerous
Marathon: frost and freezes in minnesota, wisconsi, and michigan this week
Marathon: early in the week, international falls had a low of 23 degrees, tied for a record low for that date
SamSpade: politics
AmyTS: we need more of it, sam
LATE: OMG is this the podshoppa i knew?
womack: law first, then politics
LATE: politics comes before law, if you study history for a bit
podshoppa: :D
LATE: just like men came before women.
IIIllIIll0: @_@
podshoppa: ...
IIIllIIll0: this is a family friendly server LATE
LATE: llllllll0, this is a platform for further productivity.
LATE: podshoppa, have you looked up poignancy yet?
podshoppa: late have you ever done it on a bench in a park with a view on the mainstream river?
IIIllIIll0: depends on what it means
IIIllIIll0: if drinking a drink ive done that
LATE: i think what podshoppa's talking about was making definitions.
LATE: i.e. defining the world against the mainstream water.
LATE: it's utterly natural, thus it's artificial.
podshoppa: i ve seen my spirit animal
LATE: podshoppa
podshoppa: yes
podshoppa: dont make me lie
womack: re above: I have taught history "for a bit". Law outranks policy in analysis.
LATE: liars are fearless.
LATE: they saw no spirit.
podshoppa: liars are most fearful
podshoppa: everything is so simple
LATE: podshoppa, nature is not simple.
LATE: the human mind is.
podshoppa: would you die if you stopped thinking?
Meepy: these robots are only getting creepier
podshoppa: like, literally
LATE: womack, is alpha in nature politics?
LATE: i'd say it is.
LATE: did law exist in a pack of wolves?
LATE: holy hell, wait!!!!! it did in the jungle book!!! you were right!!!!!!!
LATE: OMG, womack, i have too little shame left at my depository, it has nowhere to leak!!! i must disappear to prevent emptiness.
LATE: i am LATE, the loser who has the bare minimum dignity in a man.
womack: DARPA -- link assassinated Michael Hastings, all agree?
womack: 08:30 hrs PDT
Sheriffi: ask not what your country can do for you
stumped: huh, universal healthcare ?
Genghis: Ask how much money you can give to Shukla
womack: Just finished a game, now see that Sheriffi followed the assassination Q w a famous quote from Whacked Jack.
womack: 09:10
womack: DARPA -- link assassinated Michael Hastings, all agree?
womack: 08:30 hrs PDT [long pause in ECR]

[It is better to wear a tin foil hat and be thought an idiot, than to let them read your mind and remove all doubt ~Me]
Christopher Hudnall = "Chris" [1d] on KGS.
#2.) KGS "steves" [9d] = Steve Sakata.

> <> <ea5562a6-3c5f-4523-807a-add37ce5c521@googl...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Oct 2, 2015, 5:42:21 PM10/2/15
[Turkish ‘double-dealing’ in fight against ISIS
The Turkish government made an agreement with the US to partner in the fight against ISIS. But it seems Ankara is using that as a cover-up to escalate its fight against Kurdish guerillas in Turkey, says Firat Demir, associate professor from the University of Oklahoma.]

We should note also that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for some years already notoriously has been guilty of sponsoring criminal aggression against Syria. Erdoğan shamelessly acts hand-in-hand with the Jews under Netanyahu, the latter being the prime mover in the multinational attacks against the Government of President Bashar al-Assad. The Jews have openly viewed the destruction of Syria as a step on their way to attack Iran.

Such sinister ambitions, however, have stumbled badly in the last few days, as President Vladimir Putin has sent in Russian air support to strike the invaders.

Do the above regional developments have anything to do with the Turkish player "cekalo" foaming at the mouth on KGS?
OCTOBER 2, 2015
A Useful Prep-Sheet on Syria for Media Propagandists
OCTOBER 2, 2015
Putin’s Lightning War in Syria

> > This mi...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Oct 4, 2015, 6:26:30 PM10/4/15
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Mormegil: Mormegil: "I have", returned Peaches
alfalfa: slimily
AmyTS: haha
OddKibitz: You returned the peaches?
OddKibitz: Finally.
Genghis: Were the georgia peaches good this year?
Meepy: not really
alfalfa: meepy you live in north carolina, right?
alfalfa: i'm not stalking you, sorry, i just seemed to remember that
Meepy: yes
Meepy: don't worry, i know hwere everybody lives
AmyTS: "i'm not stalking you", that's exactly what a stalker would say.
alfalfa: georgia is like a flat plain, below the mountains
Meepy: for instance, amy and demon live in the same state
alfalfa: chatanooga is quite a bit higher
AmyTS: there's a demon in my state?!
Mormegil: Where do I live, alfalfa ?
alfalfa: hmmm, i don't know
Meepy: my russian spies tell me asdk is in something like 'yekaterinburg'
asdk: ?
alfalfa: my father was born in north carolina
alfalfa: up in the hills, above asheville
Meepy: my father was not
alfalfa: btw, asheville rhymes with "bashful".
alfalfa: the "vul" at the end is important
alfalfa: that's how you know if someone's not from around there
alfalfa: i guess nobody could read-and-write back when that became a convention, anyway
alfalfa: the proof is that Rolla, Missouri, is named after another north carolina town
alfalfa: Raliegh
alfalfa: they just didn't know how to spell it
Meepy: sure, and owhyeemud's name is 'hawaii mud'
alfalfa: yes
Meepy: spelling that badly should be a crime
alfalfa: and then there is Albuquerque. its motto is "the city whose name is most likely to be misspelled"
Meepy: not Worchester, Mass?
Meepy: oops, i misspelled it :P
Meepy: i guess it's more like the most likely to be mispronounced
alfalfa: wooster
alfalfa: the drive south through tennesee into chatanooga into georgia... there is one mountain town where they have made gunpowder for the last 300 years...
alfalfa: you can smell it
alfalfa: i think that they have also made corn liquor for 300 years. which explains the existence of the BATF
alfalfa: danged revenooers!
tomicus: black powder or smokeless?
alfalfa: hmmm, i don't know
alfalfa: it's just interesting that you can smell it
alfalfa: the whole town reeks of gunpowder
tomicus: 300 years, I'm guessing black powder
Meepy: Llanfairpwllgwyngyll (pronounced [ɬanˌvairpuɬˈɡwɨ̞nɡɨ̞ɬ]) alternatively known as Llanfairpwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch
Meepy: i wonder how that's supposed to help you pronounce it
Meepy: anyone know how to pronounce a 'ɨ̞ɬ'?
womack: "Men of Harlech" sung by Charlotte Church
cekalo: womack come to the gents room
womack: an idiot's command?
cekalo: you are invited
alfalfa: it's just like the ecr, without the jokes.
womack: much smaller
asdk: womack u left himself?
asdk: or cek kick u?
womack: cekalo booted me again, of course
alfalfa: see, no jokes
womack: Note for ECR: after I quoted some material from: Google Groups Re: More KGS Chat, Incl Cheerleader for Jews' Bombing of Gaza
alfalfa: very serious.
womack: many killed behind it [15:20 hrs PDT]

> > po...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Oct 7, 2015, 8:22:20 PM10/7/15
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

readytogo: we need more wise statements like that
McMaster: *making wise statements*
Mormegil: Ommmmm
JoeSecchi: we need a wise-statement generator
Mormegil: Shhhh we are meditating.
Mormegil: ~~~Caution ! Do you value your privacy ? Please be aware that user womack regularly copies political conversations from KGS to publish online. When politely requested to refrain from this behaviour, he becomes hostile and abusive. Thank you for your attention. ~~~
McMaster: *taking a lot of Cautions*
readytogo: u mean he is making us famous????
readytogo: where is he i have something important to publisize
McMaster: not quite, he can change names like readytogo into slowtogo in order to avoid law suits
readytogo: where does he post these wise statements?
readytogo: and im assuming they are wis why else pos them
readytogo: wise post
Mormegil: Sadly he seems to be guided by some political agenda rather than by the true path of wisdom.
JoeSecchi: there are many paths to wisdom
JoeSecchi: unfortunately, some are severely detoured
maproomad: I doubt anyone reads wg=hat womack posts
SamSpade: wait, true path of wisdom?
SamSpade: it there such a thing?
Mormegil: readytogo is expert on that, sam
Mormegil: For a small fee he will enlighten you.
McMaster: haha
readytogo: another wise statement !
readytogo: very good
McMaster: indeed
readytogo: very good indeed
Mormegil: *waits patiently for karmic kickback*
readytogo: patience is your reward
Mormegil: I love it ! Always delightful expectation, never disapointment.
McMaster: no one would be disappointed in this ECR, the sofa is nice, the coffee top quality and the donuts are sweet
Mormegil: Also, the fishtank is very colorful and most of the magazines are less than a year old. 10/10, would recommend.
McMaster: danka
First: I have returned beaches
stumped: and the lava lamps ! magnificent !
clydesdale: the lava lamps lambent light licked the lying logs
McMaster: lava lamp is a great creation- i can fall asleep just by watching it
Mormegil: It is very relaxing. I dont know if I should meditate, have another scotch or just go to bed.
AmyTS: ECR has better accoustics for warble
womack: I just finished playing. Mgil slimes with a kabal similar to the U.S. Senate, witch strongly supports Jewry's massacre of NAG [Normal, Alias "Gentile"] children.
womack: Hence their attempts to gag honest folk.
Mormegil: We would be honoured if you would give us a warble solo, Amy
AmyTS: warble
Mormegil: .......Wow.
McMaster: more more .. more
AmyTS: lol
womack: "Qui tacet consentit" as the Romans of yore used to say. San Francisco out @ 16:40 hrs PDT.

> > > womack: W...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Oct 8, 2015, 4:52:41 AM10/8/15
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Mormegil: ~~~Caution ! Do you value your privacy ? Please be aware that user womack regularly copies political conversations from KGS to publish online. When politely requested to refrain from this behaviour, he becomes hostile and abusive. He also claims to be a 3d in various online communities, yet has the cheek to call me a liar. Thank you for your attention. ~~~
rkda: pretty sure that your miranda rights are in effect here on have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used ... etc.
Mormegil: Sure, there is no expectation of privacy here. Yet I would guess that most people imagine that conversations here generally stay here. I was just letting people know that is not the case. And that when I politely requested said user to at least refrain from reposting my comments online he became hostile and abusive.
rkda: the hostile and abusive part should be taken to the admins, make a note of the time (or better yet, a copy of the transaction) and forward the information to
Mormegil: Yes, I have done so, rkda. Thanks
IIIllIIll0: hi gargamel
Mormegil: hey barcodey
IIIllIIll0: do you mind if i make a new usenet group called
Mormegil: OK, so long as it doesnt tip off the smurfs as to my evil intentions
womack: The nameless hazbarat "Mormegil" still here. All those in favor of Satanyahu's massacre of children should clap for Mgil.
alobar: hello womack
alobar: is it full moon again?
womack: I have long ago already & repeatedly explained my 20 yr old pen-name rank as "personal best" which it was.
womack: lobar has felt between its ears?
womack: Tomorrow would be 75th birthday for John Lennon.
womack: New moon on Monday the 12th, since lobar asked.
> > > > asdk:...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Oct 14, 2015, 4:20:37 PM10/14/15
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

SamSpade: astronomers have spotted a dyson sphere
SamSpade: maybe
JoeSecchi: difficult to spot
dfunkt: sure
JoeSecchi: in other words, they've spotted something they can't explain, so are speculating
SamSpade: yep, speculating about huge alien structures
dfunkt: twinkle twinkle little star, let's jump to conclusions about what you are
Marathon: i'm at OGS, There is a convo about solipsism and unfalsifiability in their English channel
SamSpade: any solutions?
Marathon: no
womack: Izzit alcoholic? What proof?
dfunkt: why would you come to kgs to notify people about a conversation on ogs?
Marathon: i was already connected to KGS before I connected to OGS.
Marathon: just thought I'd mention it here -- contrast with KGS
dfunkt: that sounds just like kgs, if you ask me
Meepy: no need, i've been on ogs the whole time too
dfunkt: I abandoned ogs when they staged a coup and took the group I created away from me
Meepy: what group did you create?
dfunkt: Beginners Basics
dfunkt: it rapidly became the largest group, but they never implemented the features I requested to fulfill my vision for it.
dfunkt: instead they ousted me
JoeSecchi: awwwwwww
dfunkt: yeah, it's old news now. I prefer kgs anyway
womack: How strong is the OGS machine?
cekalo: hello womack
Marathon: I don't understand the question.
womack: Hello there, cekalo.
womack: read "bot" then
womack: OGS home p asks 'Do U want to play against the machine"
Marathon: I never saw that.
womack: It's the 3rd choice on the Home Page
Molegrips: probably better ask in OGS
dfunkt: ^^
dfunkt: go regale them with your insights about JAPE, womack. They need an eye-opener like that over thare
dfunkt: there*
womack: Let dfunkt spread my teaching there, then it can come back to me w additional disciples
dfunkt: I have left ogs for good, so that won't happen
womack: Looks like OGS collects beginners
dfunkt: the steal them from kgs, when they can
dfunkt: hence the lack of beginners here. It's also because beginners are often young and stupid, so they don't know how to set up jave. I call them the browser children.
dfunkt: java*
dfunkt: if it doesn't run in chrome, it doesn't exist
womack: dfun expert programmer?
dfunkt: haha no. programming is what they do to you with television, in my book
womack: )
womack: Bill Gates broke my Windows, so I seek advice
Meepy: don't ask a programmer
dfunkt: you didn't upgrade to win10, did you?
JoeSecchi: *cue sinister music*
womack: upgrade to 10, revert to 7. Now get constant warning message "U have counterfit software"
womack: about eery 2 hrs or so
dfunkt: aww, I knew it. win10 is designed to destroy your computer
womack: plausible by me
womack: Joe rt on
dfunkt: I was warned b a IT pro who is a friend of mine to saty clear of win10, only upgrade when win7 is absolutely non functional after 2020
womack: yes, my IT pros after the fact also said they were staying away
dfunkt: even then, I'll keep win7 on this notebook and just stop using it online when MS no longer supports it. I'll buy a new computer at that time
dfunkt: by then there will be comprehensive info on how to keep safe with MS spyware OS on your machine
Meepy: this is all i know about computers
JoeSecchi: yeeeeek
JoeSecchi: that is very disturbing
JoeSecchi: I wonder what that tattoo says....
dfunkt: it says: If you are reading this then you didn't drink the punch
Warfreak2: google derp dream
Strategist: on tonight's show, sanctions on buk misiles
Strategist: let's go dutch on dinner, we have half the responsibility of the plane each
Strategist: you have to bomb a hospital if you don't want your industry sanctioned
Strategist: 21st century logic
SamSpade: I love my internet
SamSpade: it's so fast and awesome
JoeSecchi: lend me some of it?
AmyTS: me too sam
Warfreak2: if the internet is so fast, how come the people on it are so slow?
JoeSecchi: compensation
Warfreak2: i must have been in an accident which wasn't my fault.
JoeSecchi: whenever someone rings me with that one, I say "which one?"
womack: THEY ARE KILLING OUR CHILDREN [SHOCKING VIDEO] <== Fresh particular. General millennial ==> [133 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 2,061 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000.] {12:54}
Sheriffi: xevad
xevad: yo
womack: The name of the victim featured in the footage linked above = Ahmad Manasra, age 13.
Sheriffi: hey xevad
xevad: pretty sure Ahmad just went to Sudan
xevad: my mistake, forgive my ignorance
JoeSecchi: I suppose we should thank womack for his constant instruction in how to kill an important message
AmyTS: why? what's he spewing?
JoeSecchi: same old
womack: The Jews murdered the boy in East Jerusalem. Dzevad Titor here laughs about it, ah apology noted. JoeS sez such crimes OK with it
xevad: I never laughed about anything
womack: Pls see above]
JoeSecchi: womack does not read for comprehension
womack: Joe quite shameless
AmyTS: right, joe.
xevad: I'm sorry for all the children that suffer around the world but when I can barely do things to make sure I take care of people close to me how am I expected to help people involved in a war that in my opinion will never end.
xevad: thanks for the news though
AmyTS: use the power of prayer!
SamSpade: vote for the right people
xevad: there are no right people currently
SamSpade: that could be a problem
SamSpade: where are you from?
xevad: US
JoeSecchi: that is almost incentive to become one of the right people yourself
xevad: I'm surrounded by arrogance and ignorance, I see it daily
JoeSecchi: dont forget greed too
womack: Some at least comparatively "right people" IMHO = Vladimir Putin, Xi Xenpeng, Evo Morales, Hassan Nasrallah & Bashar al-Assad
AmyTS: i was happier living in the city surrounded by like-minded people
xevad: womack are you serious
womack: quite.
SamSpade: must be kidding
xevad: has to be
SamSpade: wait.. he said least
AmyTS: put nothing past womack. he's capable of almost anything
SamSpade: so he dislike those people
womack: So who's xevad's pick for closest to RP?
womack: Sam drivels
AmyTS: being a reasonable human being is one of the things he's probably not capable of
xevad: my pick for closest to RP, I won't go into that because it'll expose how terrible of a person I am
womack: better than "Amy", at least, x
Meepy: result of the democratic debates:
xevad: I'm starting to think my Native American friend from a few years ago was on to something
SamSpade: heh
womack: "result of the democratic debates" is featured in the video linked above
SamSpade: Trump won again
Sheriffi: a lost battle is a battle one thinks one has lost
xevad: I used to think he was a psychopath but maybe not
AmyTS: who is martin omalley
Meepy: lol
Meepy: you know there are 5 candidates right?
womack: demo
womack: in the show
AmyTS: you mean there's more than one candidate? what's the point if only one can sit on the iron throne?
Sheriffi: trump is sucha funny guy
[13:16 hrs PDT]

> > > womack: many kil...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Oct 26, 2015, 9:55:44 PM10/26/15
WMS and his nameless KGS badmins shamelessly continue their criminal misbehavior mirroring that of JAPE [JewAmerican Planetary Empire] murderers in Afghanistan, Palestine and dozens of other targetted countries worldwide. The action fraction of this post appears close to the bottom of the transcript, below the line of asterisks.

We the righteous NAG [Normal, Alias "Gentile"] Immensity 7BAC [Billion And Counting] have a lot to learn about organization & leverage from the tiny, despotic minority of bloody Jew fanatics.
Welcome to KGS!

Main rooms policy:

No public accusations! Talk to an admin in private if you witness a problem on KGS.
Escaper policy:

Problem with automated mail sent by KGS to AT&T owned email domains:

★ Android client: please see [for Android phones only, no iphone, no windows mobile...] android app is now available on the web.

Next KGS+ English Events:
10/29/15 1:00 PM -- Teaching game with Cornel in the "KGS Plus Club" room

wither: okay so theres nowhere good to run around here but i feel awkward about joining a gym
wither: whats the move
First: hi wither
wither: oh no
wither: they found me. i dont know how but they found me
bitzi: the libyans?
wither: the libertarians!
YoungPro: I would like to apologize to these to whom i have said something bad due to my mood or so... not just today,last months,last year,etc...:)have a nice night
wither: 0.o
Epsilion: And, yea, you are forgiven my child
wither: *for a small fee
First: hi wither
Epsilion: Only for 4 hail maries
grooviest: How strong is the GoChild robot?
flobby: i looked in its history
flobby: looks to be about 7-8k
grooviest: #Sure?
flobby: close enough
YoungPro: i want to share one bulgarian song,its quite old one :) ''eng subs'-''
YoungPro: Also i would like to ask people what they think about one tournament psychological thing... do you guys think it affect the opponent psychs if you are stright instead of sitting ?
flobby: stright?
YoungPro: straight'*
flobby: what do you mean by straight"
YoungPro: instead of sitting ... you are straight
YoungPro: in tournament real board
flobby: you mean standing up?
YoungPro: yes but playing the game this way
flobby: I think it would affect yourself more than your opponent
YoungPro: also what do you guys think about telling your opponent he played well.. i tried this thing in free games .. and after i said to the opponent that he played quite well.. he started playing little bad.. then worse and worse and finally lost..
Dom: Sinan
YoungPro: being a good player also need really strong psychs
Dom: dont stand while playing on tournament
Dom: it is rude thing
YoungPro: when i was in romania this weekend
YoungPro: i played and i was like lee changho
flobby: listen to dom
YoungPro: you noticed my picture in facebook i think..
Dom: in the hungarian tournament rules there is a rule you have to sit while play
YoungPro: i was like lee changho.. no emotions nothing.. just focused.. like killer..
YoungPro: and then.. someone tried to distract me.. while taking photos etc... and i laughted and made selfatari next move :D xD
Dom: :D
Dom: what tournament was it?
YoungPro: open craiova
Dom: players?
YoungPro: but i played with cornel outside the tournament
YoungPro: 2dans 1ds
YoungPro: next weekend
YoungPro: i have tournament with 4d-5d-6d-7ds maybe
YoungPro: so that will be interesting
Dom: nah finally
YoungPro: this weekend was like preparation
Dom: your first ever tournament actually
Dom: next one
YoungPro: with cornel i had nice game.. :) i mean kind of.. he said i played well ;) we stopped it ^^ he had finals to play..
YoungPro: but anyway i won that tournament finally the open i mean..
YoungPro: lets see the bucarest tournament 7th november...
YoungPro: that would be a serious tournament :)
YoungPro: cristian pop will play there too ;)
YoungPro: so it will be interesting tournament :)
Dom: hmm
Dom: any information of that online?
Dom: not so many strong players yet
YoungPro: cornel will try to play too
YoungPro: other 4dans and 5dans too
YoungPro: its too early to register
YoungPro: and actually they won't
YoungPro: few of them will just come..
YoungPro: and others aren't quite sure..
Dom: fast time settings...
YoungPro: you know.. sometimes in the final moment you consider to go.. but as they told me in craiova.. there will be strong players ;)
YoungPro: well ;)
YoungPro: still a tournament
YoungPro: if burzo play there
YoungPro: then even if its fast its good for me to play with cornel and pop ^^
YoungPro: its the best preparation for eygc... ^^^
battleme: they might be the next pros
YoungPro: i don't know if there are other 7dans around me xD
Falcon89: oh no, big quake in N E Afghanistan
DeerTick: i hope no berkas were injured
clydesdale: maybe some berks
womack: Re Afghan casualties: by Kathy Kelly of Chicago [17:19]
A. [The connection to the server has been closed unexpectedly. You must log in again.]
B. [Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "inappropriate behaviour".]

> > > F...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Nov 3, 2015, 11:03:41 AM11/3/15
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Meepy: but why?
Meepy: "Could Go Community's Threat of Public Shaming, Lifetime Bans Make Go a No-Go?"
Falcon89: ISS 15 yrs in Space already, congrats
dayharri: you mean 'elysium'. [matt damon's movie]
cekalo: there are fascist people in the gents room
dayharri: who, meee?
cekalo: no not you
dayharri: *phew*
dayharri: fascist-fascism-italiano-darkronin-public accusation....
clydesdale: cekalo, fancy a game
clydesdale: ?
cekalo: no thx
clydesdale: ok
cekalo: clyde i was not nasty to xena
clydesdale: well- maybe nasty isn't the best choice of words
dayharri: xena--solid-gold-bra warrior-princess.
cekalo: alobar banned me because he likes to ban people
Falcon89: oh well cekalo, the sofa and coffee are much better in here
cekalo: i dont want to be there
cekalo: but its just rude to ban people for having a diffrent opinion
alobar: cekalo when you tell people to f off out the room if they dont like what you are saying then we will always have a difference of opinion
alobar: except we wont be having it in this room.
womack: cekalo = utter hypocrite quite fond of banning those who beat him in argument
womack: his absence = a purification
womack: or should I say "its" ?
Estel: No, that is really rude.
Estel: Even if you hate someone you can at least respect their humanity.
womack: Will nameless "Estel" pray face the following simple problem? We take the saying. "To stand up like a man". This scarcely applies to those hiding under masks, eh what?
womack: We can even less suppose such a party to be an honest woman.
womack: Therefore, neutral, yes?
womack: BTW we all should love everybody, even the very worst murderers such as Netanyahu, Clintonz, Bushez et Al. We should, of course, fiercely hate the crime.
cekalo: womack is a miserable old man
womack: lol
cekalo: truth is funny isnt it
womack: cekalo's relation with truth purely imaginary
nonosse: what about yours?
womack: nonosse has some issue witch it wishes to discuss? [07:28]
nonosse: yes each time you are here i need go play a game
Estel: I do not walk the streets with a name badge on, neither do I feel the need to wear a name badge online. But referring to other humans as an 'it' seems to lack basic respect, and seems almost indicative of psychopathy.
Estel: It puts the lotion in the basket, etc
womack: Nameless "Estel" trying on its Shrink Hat? Fails to address issue already stated?
nonosse: Yes Wstel it s trainig time with a psychopath handling now
nonosse: nothing new here
nonosse: Estel*
womack: ooh, a Shrink Hat big enough for two, how chummy!
nonosse: Uthers have something better to do i guess
Estel: If anyone wants to know my name it is Martin Bell. So what ?
womack: Some progress there in the virile direction....
stumped: So womack can add it to his anti Jews/Usa rambling on Usenet
womack: Ah, now nameless "stumped" steps up to defend the Jews' mass murder of Palestinians?
womack: Just now I have noticed the following headline by a Jewish writer:
Estel: Usenet ? blimey, its like 1992 all over again
cekalo: womack is an old nazi
dayharri: -_-'
cekalo: i bet he has a poster of hitler in his room
womack: "cekalo" a stooge for Netanyahu, feels that anyone who opposes the NaZionist slaughter of children must be a "Nazi"
Estel: meh, probably just some kind of spambot
womack: Actually I was an effective disciple in the USA of both Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong while both of those two great leaders were alive
stumped: eg,!topic/
womack: My goodness! thanks 2 stumped for the free publicity.
Estel: lol, 3d ?
Estel: multi-delusional
womack: The apparent rank discrepancy often publicly explained before. Was personal best under older systems, such as AGA in 1999. I keep the pen-name
Meepy: because of womack i'm now paranoid of people in suspenders
womack: )
cekalo: womack why are you so racist?
cekalo: let the hate go man
womack: Really I am a humane racer. I have spoken of hate above already. H the crime & love the criminal, updated from St. Augustine.
womack: cekalo OTOH = the personality of a purulent boil, as the record above testifies
womack: On such a cheery note, I bid all a good Tuesday morning from San Francisco @ 07:57 hrs PST.
dayharri: 2minutes to wednesday here.
womack: BTW these remarks may indeed appear on the beleagured old Usenet. Ciao dayahrri in Jakarta?

> > xevad: my pick for closest t...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Nov 11, 2015, 11:21:30 AM11/11/15
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Meepy: happy veterans day
AmyTS: is there a sad veterans day?
Meepy: i hope everybody is enjoying their veterans day traditions
Meepy: decorating the veterans day tree
Meepy: hiding the veterans day eggs
womack: All members of U.S. military since 1945 ipso facto war criminals.
womack: applies also to armed forces of U.S. puppets
Meepy: ignoring the crazy people
womack: Meeps challenges the chain of command
AmyTS: yup
Estel: Meditating on the futility of war so that it may be avoided in future...
AmyTS: war isn't futile. it accomplishes its goals of death and destruction quite well.
Estel: Uhhh...hmmm
SamSpade: I thought the goal was freedom
dayharri: no. it's lebensraum.
SamSpade: Bush wants to go back in time and kill baby Hitler
Meepy: Abradolf Lincler agrees
dayharri: which bushes?
Meepy: and also disagrees
AmyTS: if you kill baby hitler, someone else will take his place. the time continuum doesn't like being messed with
SamSpade: killing babies is also pretty evil
dayharri: his mother--frauw alois hitler--could also took another baby adoptive, that very baby will be named adolf.
AmyTS: dont kill hitler. just make sure he gets into art school.
Meepy: he drew very nice buildings
Meepy: not very good at drawing people though
dayharri: that post-office sketch, ya.
SamSpade: is it true that your nose keep growing all life?
Meepy: it could be true
dayharri: lemme ask signore pinocchio....
womack: Back then peacetime lasted until 09/01/1939. Just for fun, compare the #'s killed by Hitler & by Stalin up to that date? Also show 1933 newsreels of NYC Jew mobs cheering arrival of Soviet ambassador Litvinov. [07:43]
Epsilion: here we go
womack: Ouch, those inconvenient facts, eh what?
AmyTS: where are we going
Epsilion: into womack-land
Epsilion: a beautiful place of hate and bigotry
Epsilion: why would those be inconvenient facts?
womack: Unlike nameless "Epsilon" I do hate the crime of murder. "bigotry" = a ridiculous effort to deny plain truths.
cekalo: hello womack
Epsilion: well if I'm 'Epsilion' I'm not nameless then am I?
Epsilion: what plain truths?
womack: Eps should know that previous discussion was treating Adolf according to standard Jew template as embodiment of modern evil.
Epsilion: I think that more than Jews would consider Hitler an embodiment of evil
womack: Whereas in "plain truth" Stalin & his Jews in peacetime killed about 10K for every one slain by supposedly wicked Adolf.
Estel: Life is nice with a certain person censored, and would be nicer still if he were absent altogether.
womack: Without doubt many _goyim_ swallow Jew propaganda.
AmyTS: yup
Epsilion: so Stalin murdered 6,000,000 x 10,000= 60,000,000,000?
Estel: But I will say no more.
Epsilion: Sixty Billion people?
AmyTS: thats a lot
womack: Eps has reading problem?
womack: Second sending: womack: Whereas in "plain truth" Stalin & his Jews in peacetime killed about 10K for every one slain by supposedly wicked Adolf.
Epsilion: I read just fine - you said Stalin killed 10k (i.e., 10,000) for every one slain by Hitler
womack: 2nd point = police are seldom needed to enforce true propositions.
womack: 3rd repetition = "in peacetime "
cekalo: womack why the hate?
womack: Eps reading problem severe
cekalo: let it go man
AmyTS: just censor him
AmyTS: you're wasting your time
Epsilion: Hitler is ultimately responsible for at least 6 million deaths, the math is clear
Estel: More than that, actually.
womack: womack: Unlike nameless "Epsilon" I do hate the crime of murder. also unlike "cekalo". Eps rests on mere assertion
AmyTS: hitler killed another 5 million non-jews
Epsilion: I'm just curious how this will go ^^
Epsilion: then the censoring comes
Estel: If you count the deaths due to the war as well as the persecution it is probably closer to 20 million
womack: Serious students of history --mainly lacking from ECR at present-- will want to analyse separately the periods of peace and of war.
AmyTS: did womack really say stalin killed 10,000 for every one hitler killed?
Epsilion: yes haha
AmyTS: it just boggles the mind how he can believe that
cekalo: epsilion why the hate?
Epsilion: but he says I have a severe reading problem o.o
Epsilion: I'm not hating, only curious
womack: ats has such a tiny mind to boggle. Maybe I will make this transcript available for the world to laugh at fools.
AmyTS: of course he does. if you disagree with him or question him, he won't engage you on the ideas, but instead he'll just attack you.
womack: ATs truly a shameless liar
Epsilion: What is there to laugh at womack? You've made no coherent points?
womack: I raised a simple arithmetical issue which led joofools here to trip and to choke all over their nameless selves.
Epsilion: haha What arithmetical issue?
womack: ECCLESIASTES 7:6 [For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool: this also is vanity.] ............................... {"The man who laughs alone is thinking of his evil deeds."} The character Lucrecia to her husband Don Rigoberto in the novel by Mario Vargas Llosa THE DISCREET HERO [2013, p. 161].
womack: Repeat: womack: Back then peacetime lasted until 09/01/1939. Just for fun, compare the #'s killed by Hitler & by Stalin up to that date?
cekalo: womack chill out man
womack: Or else what precisely, nameless "cekalo"?
womack: I am merely cracking the whip of facts over the heads of cowardly morons, very much resembling the U.S. Senate in that retard.
cekalo: nothing
Epsilion: What do we learn by comparing those numbers womack?
womack: Repeat: womack: Whereas in "plain truth" Stalin & his Jews in peacetime killed about 10K for every one slain by supposedly wicked Adolf.
SamSpade: supposedly wicked?
Epsilion: omg
womack: Supposedly wicked compared jootools like Churchill & FDR
womack: Google Groups Re: More KGS Chat, Incl Cheerleader for Jews' Bombing of Gaza 81 posts, 359 views
Epsilion: so what's your conclusion?
womack: This transcript may well be added to above link within a few hours.
Epsilion: Ok?
womack: Since Eps asks, the conclusion rather vast, concerns nature of present world tyranny. GM'14 aka Gaza Massacre helps to illustrate that point.
womack: We should use GM'14 as the background for the present parade of clowns in the US Presidential campaign.
womack: gtg. Regards from San Francisco to all lurkers & to any active minds. Who dares to act to punish the murderers of children? 08:12 hrs PST.

> > > Marath...


Nov 14, 2015, 8:17:25 AM11/14/15
It appears that Hal is actively publishing this thread on other media.
See, for example

Hal Womack 3-dan

Nov 16, 2015, 12:36:58 AM11/16/15
ECR: (Good part way down low)
noob1d: because it will define all the other issues that republicans care about (abortion, big government, etc)
Herod: Ann Coulter? That astute, objective authority on political science indeed.
Zelda43: lol
noob1d: 3rd world immigrants (as she calls them) vote overwhelmingly for big government
Herod: Even though they can't vote. That's the insights she might give
noob1d: they do vote
Herod: Not the ones they want to deport
noob1d: some want to legalize them
Herod: Not Cruz
noob1d: which would change the political landscape forever
noob1d: cruz has no chance, let's be realistic
Zelda43: ^
Herod: The landscape is always changing
noob1d: but trump's supporters
noob1d: *but for trump's supporters immigration is a big issue
noob1d: probably it's his tough talk on immigration that makes him #1 in the polls
Herod: See how many real Trump supporters there are in a few more months
Zelda43: he called the voters stupid in Iowa
Zelda43: that might just backfire a little
noob1d: he's #1 in iowa again ahead of carson
Herod: It's still months before anyone votes anywhere
noob1d: carson is a good man, but not presidential material
Zelda43: he's 2% ahead of carson and that could change really fast
noob1d: hillary bothers me because of her comments on the youtube video
Herod: Trump calls (evangelical) Iowans stupid because they believe Carson had a religious experience
Herod: Meanwhile Carson stubbornly defends his story of trying to stab someone
Herod: Those are real winning campaign issues
noob1d: and hillary is super fake, stands for nothing, changes opinion according to the polls, changes on iraq, on gay marriage
noob1d: well, to be fair, obama changed his position on gay marriage too
Herod: If you want two genuine candidates, let's have Sanders vs Rand Paul
noob1d: yes, problem for trump in iowa is it's a super religious state
noob1d: sanders has no chance
Herod: Pity
noob1d: always same talking points, blaming billionaires for everything
Zelda43: I would love to see Sanders versus Rand Paul
noob1d: his policies would destroy america
Zelda43: bullcookies
Zelda43: his policies arent that different from FDR's, Harry Truman's and Eisenhowers
Zelda43: none of those presidents destroyed America
noob1d: maybe if he ran 10-20 years from now he could win
noob1d: but right now still not enough 3rd world immigrants to make america socialist:)
Herod: GOP method: The rich getting the middle class to believe their problems are caused by the poor
noob1d: increase in minimum wage won't solve income gap
noob1d: will probably make even more people unemployed
Zelda43: lolwut
dayharri: why iowa state?
Zelda43: whether or not the minimum wage raises increase or decrease unemployment isnt clear noob
rkda: none of the current candidates would "destroy america", they would each shift the focus of amereca toward some values and away from others, but america will remain
noob1d: what's clear is people should be paid according to their productivity
Herod: And hedge fund manager are productive? Ask LATE about that. :-)
noob1d: and illegal and unskilled immigration has widen the income gap
Herod: They are not the problem. They are the victims.
Herod: Get rid of them, and see who picks vegetables or cleans the rest rooms at the malls
noob1d: as well as made america go from the top places in school results to somewhere in the middle of tables
noob1d: not that I particularly care, I like mexicans, at least they don't have a different religion
Herod: Whites are a minority in Asia too. Doesn't hurt their school systems any.
noob1d: europe has a much harder problem, because its immigrants come from countries with different religion
noob1d: it's like some people here don't like the chinese, I don't understand why. i've never seen them trying to impose their values on the rest of society
noob1d: as people have fewer and fewer children, they have more and more dogs
Herod: Some people "here" (which could be any country) don't like people from anywhere else
Herod: U.S. government just permitted families to have two dogs now
noob1d: i look at it in a more self-interested way
noob1d: I want to be able to freely criticise islam (and every other religion) without having to fear for my life
Herod: I expect you woud
noob1d: currently that's only possible in countries with low % of muslims
noob1d: maybe some day that might chance, until then...
noob1d: change*
Herod: Then be willing to let them criticize you as well
noob1d: we do
noob1d: I read an interesting proposal the other day: require "refugees" to draw mohammed to see if they are not from isis
Herod: Why do you need to criticize anyone's religion?
noob1d: because we want to get to the truth
dayharri: people like you made my work harder.
Herod: That is nonsense. "Getting to the truth" by picking arguments over religious beliefs?
noob1d: especially religions that have political visions that would make life a living hell for gays and women in general
noob1d: and jews ofc, but no one cares about them
noob1d: these guys from isis would not like to know that they've been fooled
noob1d: that's how you defeat religion: not through bombings, but by mocking it
Herod: If you freely criticize religions on KGS, you needn't fear for your life. But you may find yourself unable to log on for a day or two.
Zelda43: lol
noob1d: can't criticise religion in chat room?
Zelda43: the ecr is a chat room, not a hate scream jar
Herod: Distinguish belween religion and the antisocial actions committed in the name of some
noob1d: yes, just religion
noob1d: to finish my point, for example, i don't believe in angels. how can people believe an angel appeared several times to mohammed, and gave him convenient instructions like you can take a 6 yo girl, and take more women, etc.? basically, people who believe this haven't thought much about it
noob1d: because people respect religion and don't criticise it
Herod: That is your view, but this is not the place for it. Is the hint subtle enough for now?
noob1d: yeah, i'm finished
noob1d: thx
Zelda43: how is everyone doing?
AmyTS: Herod here to protect us from noobs? Cool.
Zelda43: ^
dayharri: herod has spoken. howgh ^!
Herod: Guarding your innocent and impressionable minds from incorrect thoughts
womack: Also slaughter boy babies.
Zelda43: um
AmyTS: We thank you for your service.
womack: if you were VPA
Herod: That was a bum rap. Some family members maybe though
womack: The USA has been a Yidocracy of the secret police since September of 1935, greatly intensified after the Jack Whack, the biggest kosher coup d'etat in history.
[The connection to the server has been closed unexpectedly. You must log in again.]
{21:20 hrs PST}
[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "Your anti-Semitic rants are not welcome on KGS".]
"Herod", speaking for WMS, sez: Insulting Islam at length perfectly OK here but we strictly forbid telling the truth about Jew crimes, witch practice we will ridiculously label as "anti-Semitic", as if Jews made up >10% of Semites, the great bulk of whom, of course, are Arab. --HW
I, Hal Womack, preach that we should all love everybody, even the very worst murderers like Bibi Netanyahu, his 100 cocksuckers in the U.S. Senate, and his many other criminal accomplices such as William M. Shubert, owner of KGS aka the Kabalistic Go Server, and the latter's diseased nameless badmin like "Herod". We the righteous NAG* Immensity have the duty, of course, to defeat the JeWar criminals now abusing our Race and our Planet and to throw such villains into prison. That's "tough love", at last properly understanding the much-abused term.

Hal Womack 3-dan

Nov 22, 2015, 3:05:25 PM11/22/15
alobar: we expected a lot of german investment here after 1994 but the wall came down and communist block liberated coutries were more attractive to german capital.
darkronin: Wow, a major disappointment
darkronin: Letdown, sorry
alobar: our people are their own worst enemy. we go on strike so often the VW is always threatening to pull out of south africa.
alobar: let down, disappointment both perfect words
alobar: i took a german on a tour who wanted to invest here in july 1994 and spent some time talking with him. so i knew a little of what they were thinking at the time
Estel: This is a very moving read, if you can f
Estel: find a pdf
alobar: i will go look on if i can see anything.
alobar: in fact i think i must do it now before i forget. see you later estel
Estel: Laters, potaters
cekalo: whats going on huh
cekalo: womack you miserable old man how are you
alobar: leave us miserable old men alone now
cekalo: you are not miserable alobar
cekalo: just racist
alobar: no i am a married man. i am miserable. take my word for it.
alobar: and my wife does not speak english so i am not that racist.
cekalo: maybe not racist but a turk hater
womack: Maybe she dislikes evil deeds?
cekalo: womack my man
cekalo: how do you feel about the jews today
alobar: she performs evil deeds
womack: Same as yesterday
cekalo: why are they so greedy
alobar: like my sister who swallowed a 50 cent piece. two days later no change.
womack: In EGR I have posted a game offer
alobar: i used to do that before nasty admins banned me for no good reason
cekalo: what is svp ?
womack: What is google?
alobar: So Very Polite
womack: )
womack: abar claims still to be banned from EGR?
cekalo: S'il vous plaît?
womack: sounds rt 2 me
alobar: if i speak in EGR arndt will boot me immediately.
alobar: and the little people cry out and say "arrowbar must not speka here" and words to that effect.
womack: Who's head needs a pillowcase?
alobar: womack go ask muttley if i am banned from EGR and ask him why.
womack: Pay me first. Playing now.
alobar: he will set you straight is all. and you can stop with the silly questions.
Genghis: Womack is just jealous alobar
alobar: i cannot see what he is jealous of. he is a better go player than me and he is more intelligent than me.
Sheriffi: and better looking
alobar: and i hardly have more hair than him.
alobar: sheriffi why dont you wait till we ask your opinion.
McMaster: Fianlly, Amy admit that she is a NSA spy, beware!
McMaster: s
alobar: NSA = Not Straight Anymore?
AmyTS: I am a government spy. All your data are belong to us.
McMaster: NSA is National Salad Asso.
alobar: oh no she has made a paw paw of herself?
AmyTS: We've been observing salad movements through kgs for the last 2 years.
darkronin: Omg Amy is Snowden?
alobar: as long as she is not profumo we will all be OK
Agronski: Keeler.
AmyTS: i wish i could meet snowden and shake his hand.
darkronin: Amy will henceforth be known as Snowamy.
AmyTS: lol
darkronin: Or Amden.
McMaster: Snowden is a traitor!
Agronski: To whom?
alobar: we are all traitors in one way or another
McMaster: He almost has 1001 American intel people killed
Agronski: [citation needed]
AmyTS: so exposing illegal and immoral government spying is betraying his country? really?
alobar: what is immoral about it?
McMaster: nah, he was telling hostile countries American intel info
alobar: well it is war MCM and america is losing so who cares?
AmyTS: uh huh, and that's why he went through Glen Greenwald, a reporter?
AmyTS: if you're going to give other countries intel info, you give it to those countries. not the press.
McMaster: his original intention was good but silly in the real world
AmyTS: how was it silly? how have our enemies acted upon the intel he provided?
alobar: there is no real world when are you mouse jockeys going to realise this?
McMaster: Americans spy on everybody but in the real world everybody spies on everybody too
alobar: where is the real world?
AmyTS: The government shouldn't be spying on its own people. Ever.
McMaster: eg. even friend like Israel spy on da USA, Chinese spy on the Russoans
McMaster: Russians
AmyTS: He did a great service to this country. Were I in his position, I would have done the same.
AmyTS: its one thing to spy on other governments. its another thing entirely to spy on your own populace.
Agronski: ECHELON
McMaster: common practice, even big corp spy on us or purchase out personal data from other corp.
McMaster: our
AmyTS: being common doesn't make something moral or legal.
Genghis: Data Mining is what Google and Facebook do
AmyTS: a company spying on another company isn't the same thing as the government spying on everyone
alobar: i think it is moral to spy on maericans. someone has to try and stop them shooting each other at school and bombing themselves.
darkronin: haha
alobar: and someone has to make sure theyu dont listen to dixie chick music
Genghis: I do agree with not listening to the dixie sh*ts
darkronin: i hope the intel belgians have about the imminent terrorist threat is wrong, though. wouldn't want an attack in belgium
darkronin: Belgians are nice, like european Canadians
McMaster: Belgium is on high alert now, i think those bad guys will wait
Genghis: Aren't nice people who the Terrorists want to kill?
McMaster: not quite, they kill people with a different faith
AmyTS: Canada's Ministry of Transportation had a database that linked car license plates to people. worked great. until a biker gang infiltrated the system, and suddenly the gang became very efficient in eliminating their enemies.
womack: All of Kabalistic Go Server heavily censored by JAPE puppets like nameless "McMaster 5k" & "Genghis"
AmyTS: what would happen if ISIS got someone access to NSA data? they wouldn't have to be in the NSA, just part of one of the private contractor companies.
AmyTS: data isn't just for good guys, and pretending otherwise is, as you said, silly.
McMaster: just saw a clip on tv: terrorist was about to kill a man and his daughter, so the man closed his eyes and read some text from the Koran, then the terroist told them to leave: you are our bros!
McMaster: the man was still shaking in front of the reporter
Estel: Even if you trust the current government, can you gaurantee that you will trust every concievable future government ?
Estel: Or any hostile power who invades your country ?
Estel: Or any random disgruntled sysadmin with access to the data ?
AmyTS: there's some evidence that the NSA is being used for corporate espionage.
AmyTS: (that was part of the snowden leaks)
JoeSecchi: there's probably a variable line between corporate and government espionage
McMaster: side line business for extra income
womack: JewAmerican Planetary Empire rotten to the marrow. Review GM'14 [Gaza Massacre] & the U.S. Senate's huge & unanimous tribute to perpsteins under Bibi.
AmyTS: estel raises a good point.
womack: Cops shooting down unarmed Merkins in every state with impunity, almost like Jews against Palestinians.
AmyTS: i might be a little more okay if the NSA data was available only to government agents. why part of our intelligence system is privatized is beyond me
Genghis: 3 per day womack
alobar: estel stop raising good points. it defeats the entire object of kgs chat.
alobar: we get data on americans here in south africa.
Estel: In the UK it has been seen that local government minions have used surveilence data illegally to further personal vendettas.
alobar: yes, but the brits have always been petty and spiteful.
womack: Yo Genghis, my FBP loaded w such reports but how to export broad view thereof?
alobar: look what warfreak is like. he called me a misogynist.
Estel: Especially those drawn to local government.
AmyTS: going outside for a little while. be excellent to each other while i'm gone, or there shall be comeuppance
alobar: warble
Genghis: People don't want to believe that their government is evil womack
McMaster: walk don't run
womack: Rt word in JUSA since 1963 = "regime". Peeps know that to say truth about it quite dangerous. Remember Diana, JohnJohn, Gary Webb, Michael Hastings & many more
womack: + the 2,000,000 in prison
womack: [The family of Tamir Rice, the 12 year old boy who was killed on November 22, 2014 in Cleveland, Ohio, has called for a national day of action on the anniversery of this blue-blooded act of terrorism.]
womack: The above should read "murdered by cops". Taken from FB. Demo here San Francisco in 1hr 20"
womack: (minutes)
cekalo: womack did you change your facebook pic to a french flag?
womack: Ciao all from Alta California @ 11:42 hrs PST. Ah, joke from cekalo. Now who's notorious for BOPs aka Black Ops?
JoeSecchi: be-bop-ba-dobah
AmyTS: back. was everyone excellent to each other?
JoeSecchi: mostly
AmyTS: good.
alobar: joe was very kind to us. he said nothing.
womack: Bearing in mind that the CIA serves the joospoox --sayeret matkal etc. Ella Fitzgerald - Ac-cent-tchu-ate The Positive
womack: Final song in the classic L.A. CONFIDENTIAL [~1997]
Estel: I am sad to report that I failed to excel in any way. I just sat here.

> Zelda43: the ecr is a chat room, not a hate sc...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Nov 27, 2015, 3:38:08 PM11/27/15
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

First: I have returned beaches
Warfreak2: "family life must not be established here at the taxpayer's expense"
Warfreak2: UK government response to a petition
MMXVI: such a virtuous comment
womack: signed QE@ ?
womack: (2)
womack: or maybe ER2?
cekalo: hi womack
cekalo: if Russia goes to war with Turkey on which side will you be?
listerine: really? if russia goes to war w/turkey, they go to war w/u.s.
listerine: such strange thinking in mmm
listerine: this simply won't happen... proxy-war fun as always
listerine: but, it's not really fun, is it?
listerine: it's just a terrible scene
womack: Turkey, as a puppet of the USGov, witch's a puppet of the Jews, has already been waging criminal war against Syria for 4 yrs, now against Russia, too. [11:20]
listerine: ha, ok
Genghis: weird thinking womack
Genghis: the reality is that the US is the puppet of the Saudi's
womack: weird world, Genghis, like your play-name. How do U think?
womack: ah
listerine: i thought turkey was part of the eu?
womack: Genghis saw the video of King Whazzizcamel addressing the joint session of Congress, eh what?
Genghis: This is the House of Saud, Sunni's vs Shia's
Genghis: Iran is Shia
listerine: sort of makes you want to root for cold fusion
womack: Jews love to fan the faction flames within Islam. "Genghis" really wants to say that Saudi have more power than Jews in US?
listerine: amirite or with these folk just slaughter one another?
womack: Outside hands pile logs on the fire, add gasoline.
Genghis: Yes the Saudi oil money buys the US politicians
womack: Saudi just paid $2 billion tribute to Israel?

listerine: take a step back... noone in the rational world would care minus oil
womack: Jewpower primary, even over oil
listerine: how silly is it that we still play crusades in the twenty first?
Warfreak2: cold fusion is about as likely as hot ice cream
listerine: i just microwaved my astronaut ice cream... wat-wat?!
womack: )
listerine: haters gonna hate... fusion is the answer
womack: "listerine" loves the crime of murder?
listerine: that's what she said
dfunkt: doesn't have to be cold fusion. any fusion would be nice, except jazz fusion
listerine: kenny g gonna pump this mo
Warfreak2: if fusion is the answer, you're asking the wrong question
listerine: the question is---energy
Warfreak2: no, your question is "how can we keep using so much energy?"
listerine: how is fusion the wrong question?
Warfreak2: the real question is why aren't we using less
listerine: blah, throw you phone in the trash, get off kgs, stop expecting a machine to wash you dishes
dfunkt: no, the question is, "How could we have an abundance of energy to use?"
listerine: never going to happen and i hope i die before folk stop pushing forward
Warfreak2: i take it you know absolutely nothing about energy or economics, then
listerine: how? hmmm, fusion?
womack: We the Race will develop fusion power as we populate the kozmos. First we must wash away our grievous sins, as it were, establish justice under world law.
MMXVI: . . .
dfunkt: womack, that will never happen
Warfreak2: dishwashers actually use less energy than washing by hand
womack: & witch horse will win tomorrow @ Belmount Downs, dfunkt?
Warfreak2: at least, good ones do when they're fully loaded
listerine: you don't know my diet!
Warfreak2: most of the energy is heating the water, and washing by hand wastes a lot of water, and by extension, energy
dfunkt: you seem to be studied in history, womack, so you of all people ought to realise that there is morepersonal ambition than there is brotherhood in the world
listerine: you don't know my HW faucet reaction time
listerine: everyone's feelin' pretty
listerine: /they couldn't touch us even if they try
listerine: but, seriously, i'm a little weirded by this jew thing on kgs... really?
Warfreak2: i see you've met womack
Warfreak2: don't mind him, wms will issue a bugfix in the next build
Warfreak2: in the meantime just use the red X feature
womack: Let lister try the J-thing in Gaza & Congress? Yes, truth be rare
listerine: i mean, i don't care about the political correctness but it just seems silly here
dfunkt: but you are right, womack, I cannot predict the future. Maybe there will be a utopia one day...
Warfreak2: he thinks kgs admins are part of the global jewish conspiracy
womack: Thinking about dfunkt's earlier remark. warf's rt every once in a while
listerine: but.. congress? go congress or, like, the real congress?
womack: US Congress = Lesser Knesset
listerine: i bet a jew would fair quite well in the u.s. congress
womack: unlike warf, I've attended both
womack: Senators from California like Ann Landers & Dear Abby
listerine: i hate to say this out loud but... abby gots some sexxy stockings!
womack: she long in grave now?
listerine: i mean, she's twice my age but...
listerine: your point?
womack: WIKI: Pauline Esther "Popo" Phillips (née Friedman; July 4, 1918 - January 16, 2013), also known as Abigail Van Buren, was an American advice columnist and radio show host who began the Dear Abby column in 1956. During her decades writing the column, it became the most widely-syndicated newspaper column in the world, syndicated in 1,400 newspapers with 110 million readers.[1]
listerine: imagine kids... this was the egr back in the mid-oughts... good times
listerine: popo... DUCK!
womack: Her identical twin, Esther Pauline Friedman, was columnist Ann Landers.[3
womack: Popo quite safe now.
listerine: :)
listerine: thx for the entertainment
listerine: d out!
womack: Great leaders like Mao Zedong and Ho Chi Minh organized the personal ambition of their disciples for the national benefit.
womack: Now same opp on global, pan-racial scale.
womack: Billions seek the Redeemer, for which I propose the rebranded title of "Sheriff Mahdi".
womack: Will Sam give me H3?
dfunkt: so all you need is an authoritarian system to establish global law, but that still leaves out justice if China is to be the example
womack: "authoritative" system. China far ahead of JAPE WRT justice but still needs work
dfunkt: Time will tell
womack: 11:54 hrsPST
womack: Where's df?
dfunkt: in the far east
womack: NYC?
dfunkt: Newfoundland haha
womack: Me playing now.
LATE: womack
LATE: do you remember the LATE.
womack: rank + 1. Caps-lock & windbag
Genghis: Womack is a fanatic on the Zionist conspiracy thing
womack: Ciao all from Alta California @ 12:26 PST.
womack: oops, nicked. Genghis has 0 chance in any extended discussion of this topic, to which I invite it, again.
womack: For example, Bibi massacred >500 kids in GM'14, then received massive, unanimous (!) tribute from Kept Congress, aka Lesser Knesset. Genghis hid its eyes.
womack: Militant lurkers?
womack: Quis tacet consentit = Flash!
dfunkt: solidarity of the trolls
womack: )

[END ITEM] --30--

> > Herod: See how many real Trump supporters there are in a few more mon...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Dec 2, 2015, 12:51:51 PM12/2/15
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

darkronin: phonons, not photons?
AmyTS: how to get out of jury duty:
AmyTS: my favorite is "hey, you over there! are you jewish?"
darkronin: xD
Warfreak2: today the BBC reported that "jewish groups" think mein kampf should not be republished with critical commentary, though they did not name any jewish groups or cite any of their opinions
Warfreak2: it's difficult to imagine "critical commentary" of mein kampf beyond "this is still a load of bollocks"
AmyTS: hrm
Warfreak2: i want to read other people's opinions, not other people's guesses about what third parties' opinions are
darkronin: that's how a lot of medieval lit worked, though
darkronin: an author quoted a scholar who spoke of another author...
darkronin: often without reading the original
Warfreak2: that practice is alive and well in the humanities
Warfreak2: but if they actually quoted a scholar then they are doing better than this BBC journalist
asdk: our dear Western partners are good business with Erdogan and ISIS. all the leading Western countries buying oil from ISIS
asdk: rotten west such rotten
clydesdale: you have such a fertile imagination asdk
asdk: I see the facts from the Russian the Ministry of Defense.
asdk: and i very well know UK and USA
asdk: two lies dogs
MMXVI: there are facts and then there are... um... "facts"
asdk: u support Erdogan?
asdk: good bizanis
asdk: yes my dear yankiiisis
asdk: money dont smell
asdk: 15 Russian-Turkish wars, all of England supported Turkey and Russia won all the wars
asdk: we so love queen of England
asdk: oil save Queen
womack: Jewpower before oil money, chronic war fever. Attack Libya, Syria, Iran then Russia, then China. [09:22]
MMXVI: get a room, you two
asdk: u dont like truth?
womack: Nameless squeaks?
MMXVI: bwahahahaha
asdk: where this need to laugh?
asdk: ask me it
womack: ECCLESIASTES 7:6 [For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool: this also is vanity.] ............................... {"The man who laughs alone is thinking of his evil deeds."} The character Lucrecia to her husband Don Rigoberto in the novel by Mario Vargas Llosa THE DISCREET HERO [2013, p. 161].
asdk: womack say 99% truth
MMXVI: famous author?
asdk: and 1% is JAPE XD
womack: My bro asdk has better concept than JAPE?
Meepy: thank goodness for Leviticus 18:7
asdk: just dirty business western elites
MMXVI: 0.0
asdk: who there jape i dont know
womack: Meepy's ma hot?
womack: asdk has forgotten "JewAmerican Planetary Empire"?
asdk: ok will be jape
asdk: ben bernanke is jape?
womack: ol KinkHenKi maybe still #1 but Satanyahu & Haim Saban jockeying.
asdk: Mr. can not raise%
asdk: Womack you get a pension? you kind of baby boom generation
asdk: The Fed wants to deprive the pension of all baby boomers
womack: Me OFPOM or "Official Federal Poor Old Man".
womack: "In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of." CONFUCIAN ANALECTS. BOOK VIII. T'AI-PO. CHAP. XIII.
asdk: gold words
Meepy: basically, always be ashamed
Meepy: religion works like that too
womack: Meepy short eyes?
Epsilion: meepy needs glasses
womack: of beer?
Epsilion: no he already has that
womack: Any other beer drinkers here now?
MMXVI: not mid-week
womack: "Not just for breakfast"
Meepy: right now it's the middiest
impulse7: red wine my brother
impulse7: beer is for curry on a monday night
womack: wine best w GF
impulse7: keeping it classy, yes
womack: beer convenient size for SOB or "Silly Old Bachelor"
impulse7: true story
womack: What quality be 1/2 bottle red wine on 2nd night?
impulse7: i don't know, it's a bottle with some red stuff in it
womack: )
MMXVI: ink?
asdk: Only pure medical spirit
asdk: 1 liter
asdk: for breakfast
MMXVI: that could explain a lot
Epsilion: womack drinks the moonshine and dances around the campfire naked with his shotgun, yeehaw
Epsilion: :)
womack: Like why is this coffin so hard to get out of?
MMXVI: I so did not need that image
Epsilion: hehe
womack: Eps left out the weed & 'shrooms
Epsilion: haha
asdk: mister roman numbers dont like medical spirit?
MMXVI: MXMIX was a falling-down drunk
womack: Uh oh, meeting has begun.
asdk: u like girl prefer liquor
asdk: real man drunk only spirit
MMXVI: and I collect tasteless comments
asdk: ok
asdk: where?
Epsilion: you aren't supposed to eat them MMX
AmyTS: nom nom

[09:51 PST]
> > AmyTS: a company spying on another company isn't the same thing as ...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Dec 12, 2015, 3:18:34 AM12/12/15
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Marathon: wierd -- i was suddenly logged out of my computer session.
Genghis: join the club : (
Marathon: the screen suddenly went black. when it came back, i was at my login screen
Genghis: you mean your computer not KGS
Marathon: some researchers in England are working on socks that generate electricity from urine
Genghis: how stupid is that? Taxpayer funding I suppose
Marathon: no idea.
Genghis: Renewable energy is such a stupid idea
Marathon: huh?
Genghis: what part of stupid don't you understand?
Marathon: seems like a good idea to me
Genghis: wasting money and energy?
womack: How does G feel about the US war budget? [16:55]
Genghis: too big?
womack: Maybe we can also agree that we grown-ups should have the right to choose our own veggies? I.e, abolish the DEA?
womack: Me playing now.
Genghis: yes womack I agree
alfalfa: i'm working on a general-purpose engine called a "probability drive"...
alfalfa: you set the controls for something you want, say, "gold", or "hamburgers"
alfalfa: and it steers you in that direction
alfalfa: sort of like Siri i guess
Genghis: hmm a tardis?
alfalfa: if the tardis is late, is it a tardy tardis?
alfalfa: if it puts on garish make-up, it could be a tarty tardy tardis
alfalfa: tardy-tar-tar!
Marathon: is it an infinity probabiliity drive?
Marathon: infinite* probability drive
Marathon: oh -- it should be infinite improbability drive
womack: Out of gas?

"Alt.Politics Room" (sparsely attended)

Geopolitics, international politics, national, regional, local, and other topics incl. economics.

"On ne résiste pas à l'invasion des idées."--Victor Hugo.
stumped: Go trump
Marathon: I hope you mean "go trump" as in "go away, trump" dump trump! dump trump!
stumped: dont hate trump, he's a selfmade man who started out only with a rich daddy.
womack: Love everybody, hate crime and throw the perps under the jail. [17:35]
Recorded on Friday 20151211.

> > womack: oop...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Dec 14, 2015, 10:22:45 PM12/14/15
20151212 SATURDAY:
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

USSRMan: like axioms of set theory and so logic
asdk: in mathematics full of theorems and many ways of proofs
USSRMan: yes, and science, there is no way of proofs
USSRMan: you can have a million experiments to confirm something, but it is not rock solid
asdk: ok for u math is not science^^
USSRMan: you dont know if you wont find a counter example in the next experiment
asdk: Divination by the Tarot maybe is a science
asdk: if math not science
USSRMan: math and science are fundamentally different
USSRMan: math is deductive reasoning, science is inductive reasoning
asdk: first of Millennium Prize Problems solve russians ^^
asdk: russian jew
USSRMan: yes
asdk: that looks like a homeless and who do not need money
USSRMan: The USSR trained a lot of world class mathematicians and physicists
asdk: blow to the world of consumerism
USSRMan: but a lot has moved to US and western Europe
USSRMan: the west took all of USSR's brightest
asdk: not all ^^
USSRMan: all the scholarship money spent to train the smartest went to US
USSRMan: 1/4 of US math professors are former USSR
asdk: its talk about the education system in the US
asdk: im know thats is very bad
asdk: system
USSRMan: yes, very bad system
USSRMan: too many illiterate people in US schools
asdk: there are taught to put a tick on the ballot, rather than acquire knowledge
USSRMan: what do you think of future president trump
asdk: our fans of the west in 90 years, wanted to do the same system. I hope we will soon give up on this redundant system. people are dissatisfied
stumped: Go Trump.
asdk: all schools and universities should be both Oxford and Cambridge in the west
asdk: not only for elitarists
asdk: Massachusetts have nice school
womack: Go to Hell, Trump! Such a disgusting collection of clowns in the disservice of the Jews. [03:08]
asdk: why not for all?
asdk: where u democracy
asdk: rulers need stupid people?
womack: Be real, "yidocracy". Jack Whack, Diana Smash, Twin Towers Topple & millions more
asdk: not pure americans in power at all?
asdk: womack u with u JAPE look like a little crazy
asdk: you find scapegoats of all sins
womack: I study these matters sine 1963
asdk: Bush is jew?
womack: I paid attn to the destruction of Iraq, among other things
asdk: Clinton is jew?
asdk: Reigan is jew?
womack: Bush family has served Jew masters since at least 1916
asdk: Eisenhower is Jew?
womack: asdk can understand "jootool" & "hood ornament" ?
asdk: McCartney is jew?
womack: Ike was relatively straightforward
asdk: not can
womack: Who does asdk think promoted the destruction of Iraq? McCartney?
asdk: what is it?
asdk: Iraq is work of Bush
womack: Means Jew master uses _shabbas goy_ for front man
asdk: Qeeun of England also jew?
asdk: or shabbas goy?
womack: Liz shiksa permitted Jew assassination of Diana
asdk: Biden is jew. its i know
womack: 2nd sending: womack: Who does asdk think promoted the destruction of Iraq? McCartney?
SamSpade: Bush?
womack: Bush on whose orders?
asdk: mccartney already fried in hell
asdk: in this time
SamSpade: his father
SamSpade: and the pope
womack: 2nd king of the Jews was Bernard Baruch. Grandpa Bush worked for him already in 1917 as small arms seller
womack: Sam seeks to blame Pope for destroying Iraq?
dayharri: ck ck ck
asdk: this vatican look like hidden nsa ^^
SamSpade: just thinking of Bush calling the war on terrorism for a crusade
SamSpade: but he might be a protestant now that i think of it
asdk: Bush is idiot
womack: "terrorism" = murderers' diversion gimmick
asdk: after this speach mln of muslims hate usa much more
asdk: crusaders he say
ngarry: Champinship of Novosibirsk (Russia) 3 round is starting. You can find it at the top of the Active Games tab (demo sibgo1)
womack: I say 99% that same hand behind Jack Whack and "9/11". How say asdk & Sam?
asdk: after the invasion of Iraq, dudes who are willing to kill was 10-20 times greater
asdk: 9|11 it's an inside job
dayharri: which one? george, george, or jeb?
SamSpade: I say the saudies
womack: Be real, count the corpses in the tens of thousands and see who runs the JeWars. See the current candidates on their knees
asdk: to justify the invasion of Iraq
womack: I nailed the 9/11 perps on the same day of the attack.
womack: Anyone have novels or films to recommend?
dayharri: 'x-files' version of wtc.
asdk: The Adventures of Pinocchio
asdk: nice ^^
womack: Really?
dayharri: aka 'the lone gunmen' episode.
womack: dayharri has link?
dayharri: no -_-'
womack: yes, lone gunman excellent!
SamSpade: i remember that
SamSpade: they predicted 9/11
SamSpade: in episode 2 or 3
womack: Spring of 2001
dayharri: but they succeeded in avoiding the conspiracy collidings.
womack: Everyone has seen LONG KISS GOODNIGHT [1996] and read John Grisham's THE BRETHREN [2000] ?
SamSpade: parellel reality
okiol: i only have tv shows to recommend
SamSpade: the lone gunmen don't exist in our timeline
asdk: Sam Spade still believe in honest Uncle Sam
SamSpade: damn right
SamSpade: you shoud join up, asdk
asdk: your Uncle Sam died since the Fed in private hands
asdk: now its frankenshtein
SamSpade: long kiss goodnight was good
asdk: and americans first victim
asdk: they kill Kenn(ed)y
womack: 03:33 hrs in California. Ciao all.
asdk: cu
America's Most Notorious Serial Rapist Found Guilty on 18 Counts - Despite Being a Cop

> > > listerine: haters gonna hate......

Hal Womack 3-dan

Dec 31, 2015, 3:13:36 PM12/31/15
20151231 THURSDAY:

BETA: Satanyahu ==>
William M. Shubert ==> Nameless Badmins aka censors of KGS ==>
[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "Please keep your anti-Jewish rants* out of KGS".]
{11:36 hrs PST}
* ["I am talking sense to you here," Oscar insisted, his voice rising to an angry buzz. "I am _not ranting_. I possess a perspective here that you people, who are locked in the ivory basements of your own subcultures, simply do not possess. It is no use my soft-pedaling the truth to you. You are in a crisis. This is a crux....You need to overcome your stupid prejudice, and unite as a powerful coaltion. And if you could only do this, the world would be yours!"

Oscar leaned forward. Inspiration blazed within him like Platonic daylight. "We can survive this Emergency. We could even prevail. We could grow. If we handled it right, this could catch on!"] From the novel DISTRACTION [1998, p. 310 f.] by Bruce Sterling.

The story above also has fairly extensive references to the game of _go_ on pp. 107, 153, 181, 316 and 407. (HW)
English Chat Room of KGS:
XY0908: Cuba is another.
nolajedi: what's the "true" mening of vote?
Genghis: Ask the Russians on here if they voted for Putin, because they wanted to vote for Putin
XY0908: And many countries in Africa.
MMXV: read about the stuggles of people who have finally got themselves the vote
Genghis: and where they better off after they could vote?
Genghis: were
MMXV: such innocence
Genghis: such a slave MMXV
nolajedi: The west has done pretty darn well since the proliferation of democracy/republicanism
Genghis: was that because of or in spite of the government nola?
nolajedi: hmmm
Genghis: right
nolajedi: I would say because. At least in the US the government has forced good changes. Trust busting, labor laws, equal protection law. etc...
XY0908: how can we prevent Trump to become next president?
nolajedi: He won't become president. The republicans will never nominate him
Genghis: Really? Do you like paying 60% of what you make to the State? LOL
XY0908: isn't he leading though?
MMXV: strnager things have happened
nolajedi: I don't pay anywhere near 60%. No one does
Genghis: The Election is Cankles to lose
nolajedi: And taxes are a necessary part of a functioning society. The articles of confederation had no method of taxation. We saw how well that worked oout.
Genghis: Add up your taxes nolajedi, income, fica, property, obamacare, sales, etc and see what you come up with
MMXV: a safe country
Genghis: safe?
XY0908: Genghis, where do you live?
Genghis: Turks and Caicos
XY0908: How do you know all this?
Genghis: I am educated
XY0908: about Amrican tax laws?
Genghis: I am an American
MMXV: ah,,, an ex-pat
XY0908: being a spy doesn't count as educated.
nolajedi: I dn't pay an obama care tax. I have insurance. But what is educted from my checks eqquals out to around 31%
Epsilion: amerciaaaa, **** yea!
Genghis: The supreme court said insurance is taxation
XY0908: nolajedi, it's because you do not pay 'real estate taxes'.
nolajedi: The penalty for not having insurance is a tax. I also disagree wth that
Genghis: 15% to fica right off the top
Genghis: another 10% sales tax
Genghis: 15% federal
Genghis: 20% property
XY0908: and 8.875% sales tax in NY.
Genghis: 15% obamacare
MMXV: so you'd prefer to have no health insurance and pay whatever it takes if you become ill?
Genghis: not to mention hidden taxes in everything you buy
nolajedi: obamacare isn't what you think. It's a pretty terrible system. Nothing like a NHS
Genghis: that is what I do MMXV
MMXV: you could live in a cave
Genghis: or I could live on a yacht
Epsilion: nah they'd still tax caves
MMXV: mind you, the NHS has problems now
XY0908: there's a 'cave tax'.
MMXV: yeah.... the cave trolls demand protection
Epsilion: soon you'll have to pay a tax for your yearly consumption of air
XY0908: and tax-for-non-tax-payers.
Genghis: Will someone tell me when voting has lowered taxes?
XY0908: they tax for voting.
Genghis: poll tax
MMXV: poll tax was voted out
Genghis: true^^
calm: Obamacare did not fix anything. it moved around who pays so now the government is paying for something it cannot afford instead of the people paying for something they cannot afford. It fixed none of the systemic problems.
Genghis: Obamacare made the cost of healthcare higher
nolajedi: for many people yeah
Genghis: The only people obamacare helped was the people that get it for free in Medicaid
nolajedi: I wouldn't be completely against a NHS if they would get rid of the NFA and '86 machine gun ban
Genghis: oh and the insurance companies that sell it of course
Genghis: How many minutes would it take to turn some of your guns into a machine gun nola?
okiol: naming something after yourself isn't the best idea to keep it around after you're gone anyway, so... not sure why it didn't work, but the idea itself is not inherently bad, at some other places you only pay a symbolic sum when going to the doctor and it works just fine
calm: There are insurance companies going out of busdiness.
XY0908: what is NHS?
okiol: i could think of worse things to happen, calm
nolajedi: National Healthcare System.
okiol: insurance companies not going out of business, for one
Genghis: yeah that is why they are raising the premiums 30$ calm
Genghis: 30%
Genghis: Voting never fixes anything
calm: okoil, the idea was inherinetly bad. Like I said it did not fix any systemic problems only moved aroubnd the deck chairs.
XY0908: If you have a power to change anything, what would you do first?
nolajedi: Fix the bill of rights.
Genghis: eliminate most of the Government Bureacracies, like the EPA
Genghis: Gut most of the military
XY0908: <--- I will eliminate the entire military spending.
Genghis: ok with me XY
Genghis: Eliminating the Federal government altogether would be a good start
nolajedi: We pretty much had that with the articles of confederation. We drafted the constitution because that form of government sucked.
womack: Only by creating the Democracy of Earth & first locking up the JeWar criminals.
okiol: the idea is not bad, but maybe the way they tried to implement it in usa was bad, i don't know
nolajedi: It was basically 13 individual nations that gotto gether to hang out
Genghis: womack forget the Jew thing already, it just makes you a kook and you really aren't.
womack: Jews a tiny but extremely important minority
womack: Just ask the Lesser Knesset of D.C.
Genghis: so what womack?
womack: So G fears to address what's important
Genghis: No I directly face what is important, Jews aren't important
womack: G tangles its doubled tongue?
Genghis: Womack what do you think is important?
womack: 2nd sending = womack: Jews a tiny but extremely important minority womack:  Genghis: so what womack?
womack: Power matters
Genghis: and who has the power?
womack: ol' KinkHenKi, Satanyahu, Adelson, Saban & Kabal
Genghis: So Obama doesn't have the power?
womack: Obomber has some p
womack: But Lame Dukko will soon be gone
Genghis: are you saying Obama doesn't have as much power as Adelson?
womack: O much less p than Kabal
Genghis: Oh please, they have to go beggin to Russia
okiol: in many ways obama doesn't have that much power, i think that's fair enough to say
Genghis: who has more okiol?
okiol: i mean, he has much less than you'd expect
okiol: i would guess bill gates has more... at least in some ways, it's not directly comparable
womack: What Russ begging G thinking of?
Genghis: read up womack
okiol: but i don't know who adelson is
womack: G puffs its vague self
womack: Billy the G must kiss Jewass or wind up like Princess Di & the Kennedys.
okiol: uhm hmm
okiol: genghis, maybe you want to take back your earlier statement hehe
womack: BTW earlier G was ridiculously accusing me of membership in "Aryan Nation" org. Will G endorse my long promoted demo chant:
womack: First Voice: "MuSu!" Response: "Swap John!" Which the assembly understands to mean: Mumia Abu-Jamal to 1 of the 9 seats on the Supreme Court and
okiol: me right now
womack: Incumbent Chief Justice John Roberts to the freshly available prison cell. How says G?
Epsilion: so is womack's fear that the jews are going to take over the earth?
womack: Eps way behind the times already
Epsilion: oh, so they did already you say
womack: We call it JAPE for JewAmerican Planetary Empire
Epsilion: are they gonna build a death star next??
womack: Some locales more thoroughly dominated than others.
okiol: are you crazy? that was the nazis, epsilon
womack: Eps went to see Stars Wars latest already?
Epsilion: yea
womack: okiol means that was jootool FDR talking about the Nazis
okiol: i have no idea what you just said
okiol: but you might very well be right
womack: )
womack: Pray for breakfast and fix world peace? C y'all @ 10:35 hrs California time.
But when I tried to return to look for another game, then see Beta above.

> > > womack: ...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Jan 24, 2016, 11:15:13 AM1/24/16
Herewith below my latest boot by badmins in the disservice of William M. Shubert aka "WMS" {3926 NE Hassalo St. (corner of NE Cesar E. Chavez Blvd) Portland OR 97232. (503)223-2285.} , owner of the Kabalistic Go Server who himself chronically truckles for JAPE [JewAmerican Planetary Empire]. Top bosses of the Supreme Kabal include ol' KinkHenKi, Satanyahu, Adelson, Haim Saban & the Sulzbergerz. Bloody Bernie Sanders deserves dishonorable mention as a current carmine comet rending the U.S. political sky in the company of other notorious carnivorous clowns of which latter Trumple's the loudest.

Since the KGS incident here at hand involves the home country of Korea, lerts may wish to take notice of the long chain connecting JAPE's 1950-'53 murder of some 3,000,000 [three million] victims in that now long/divided land with, for example, the Jews' murder of 13 year-old Miss Ruqayya Eid Abu Eid yesterday on the Saturday of the First Full Moon of 2016, near the Yid bandits' lair of Anatot, which lies to the East of the lawful Palestinian village of Anata in West Bank NE of Jerusalem.
[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "please stop posting political links in the EGR".] [07:14]
{Previously had been ~half-dozen remarks by others on modern Korean political history--HW.}
Summary of KGS = A typical kryptokosher kultural node. Lerts will ever bear in mind that World Jewry routinely massacres children in Palestine and that it totally --as in "unanimously"-- controls institutions such as the U.S. Senate. Maybe having some extra time on my hands today will allow me to review some of the KGS chat panel transcripts which have been piling up recently in my daily log.
Welcome to KGS!

Main rooms policy:

No public accusations! Talk to an admin in private if you witness a problem on KGS.
Escaper policy:

Problem with automated mail sent by KGS to AT&T owned email domains:

★ Android client: please see [for Android phones only, no iphone, no windows mobile...] android app is now available on the web.

Next KGS+ English Events:
1/28/16 12:00 PM -- Teaching game with Cornel in the "KGS Plus Club" room
1/30/16 12:00 PM -- An audio lecture by Catalin Taranu 5p
....tra la!

> > ...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 3, 2016, 4:41:35 PM2/3/16
Leira: I meant in this conversation
cooler: You owned him
cooler: Without a doubt
cooler: Pwned
Leira: uhmmm, that wasn't my intention, but I have to admit that I was bored
Epsilion: i have never trolled one day in my life
Leira: I'll grant you that, to be honest
cooler: Hah
Leira: I don't doubt that you believe what you portray to believe
Falcon89: o believe or not believe tough choice
Epsilion: even falcon the dyslexic pirate knows the Truth
Epsilion: he does not run away from the Truth
Leira: I do find rather hilarious that you all took refugee here at the ECR though
Leira: do you fear of EGR admins?
Epsilion: no they just puppets
Epsilion: why be afraid of puppet?
Leira: I don't know, the banhammer maybe
Epsilion: no naive leira, you play their game and feel the fear
Epsilion: and they own you
Epsilion: like the pope
Leira: agh, you're right, you discovered it! the pope owns me
Leira: in fact he gave me a call not five minutes ago
Epsilion: no, he does not resort to such crude tactics
Epsilion: he owns you, and you do not know it
Epsilion: that's why so successful
Leira: and he is also what, uhmmm, illuminati?
Meepy: for your illumination today i gift you "The Trial of Phryne"
Epsilion: oh young leira. someday you open your eyes and reality shine in too bright for your eyes
Leira: yeah, right. But seriously, what is the order here?
Leira: the pope is iluminati?
Leira: and iluminati rule the world?
Leira: or is it something else?
Epsilion: someday u understand young leira
Leira: ok, fine
Leira: now that you mention it
Epsilion: but i give u hint
Leira: I wonder whether or not you're truly older than I am
Leira: it would be hilarious to be called young by someone younger
Epsilion: pope, illuminati, USA gov, CIA, all the same thingg
Leira: and who rules?
Leira: is the pope the main authority?
Epsilion: no pope is just another puppet
Epsilion: all strings lead to one source
Leira: so, who pulls the strings?
Epsilion: u not ready 2 know
Leira: (oh god, let it be reptiles!)
Epsilion: u have to be ready to open eyes and discover TRUTH yourself
Leira: now that we're at it
Leira: is the Knesset also in on it?
Epsilion: yes u begining to open your eyes
Leira: and they faked the moon landing, right?
Epsilion: no that was real of course
Epsilion: every1 know that
Leira: uhmmmm
Leira: but they did fake 9/11?
Epsilion: but your next question is of course
Epsilion: who really landed on moon?
Epsilion: and why
Leira: oh, this is getting interesting
Leira: care to elaborate?
womack: OK, boys & girls, When Reagan was in 0-0 & I was the armed guard @ the Jewish Community Center in SF, Robert Anton Wilson smoked a J w me & others there.
Epsilion: no, even now pope's minions watch
Epsilion: womack knows what is behind moon landing
Epsilion: he not afraid of truth like you leira
womack: clawless but beware of Satanyahu's boot!
womack: Eps abuses my name in vain?
Epsilion: no
Epsilion: vanity not possess me
womack: I'm trying to review the earlier chatter
Epsilion: leira not think pope rule USA
Leira: hey! can't blame me
Leira: after all, I'm just a puppet
Epsilion: yes, living inside with shutters closed - outside light too bright
Epsilion: :)
dfrankel: The pope? I guess he flubbed up on gay marriage
womack: What % of lurkers here know "JAPE" already?
dfrankel: Not me
Leira: Jew something something I reckon
Epsilion: leira does not
Leira: totallly not racist
Epsilion: she is in darkness
womack: Will eps pls tell it?
womack: (her?)
Epsilion: i am only guessing
womack: whoa! 2d?
womack: "Juan" por favor
womack: dfrankel in Baja
dfrankel: si
Leira: oh, do I still have my real name visible?
Leira: my bad
womack: )
Leira: basic internet instincts should inform me otherwise
womack: The Bad Guys gotcha anyhow
Epsilion: yes watch out leira
Leira: you two are so cute
Leira: wonder if you've ever meat a *real* bad person
Leira: *met
Epsilion: the truth is not so cute leira
Leira: also funny that you thought I was a girl
womack: So, anyway, Yidz have run JUSA since 1912, right? Popsicle just a joke.
Leira: I wonder if that is the reason you put adfectives in front of my name before
Leira: *adjectives
Epsilion: no, young innocencent naivety isn't exclusive to girls
Epsilion: :)
Leira: of course not
Epsilion: but, womack knows the truth better than I
womack: Since Juan asks, when me own eyes I saw DEA murder a colored guy in a Cadillac in Manhatten around 1981.
Leira: that was not what I was implying
Leira: I merely wonder if you made a distinction in male and female treatment
Epsilion: no
Leira: but nevermind that
womack: Will dfrankel or anyone tell us whom since 1900 they most admire?
anyone: no
womack: )
dfrankel: Albert Einstein, Leon Trotsky
womack: thx 2 dfr
dfrankel: Fidel Castro
Leira: was said "colored guy" a, you know, criminal?
womack: 4 his ans
Epsilion: womack u know the mechanisms already in place for bernie sanders to become USA leader
womack: re Leira: Victim was pure a proverbial driven snow
womack: Such a carnival of clowns here in Monkey Year
dfrankel: We have so many examples of the cops murdering innocent blacks these days
Leira: right. Well sadly that seems to happen all too often
Leira: the officer probably getting away with it
dfrankel: Mostly
womack: From my FBP: "Chicago, meet Fallujah!"
Epsilion: too many deniers of truth these days
Falcon89: no, there are always people like that
womack: Hazbara to CIA motto: Deny, deny, deny!
Falcon89: for whatever reasons
Leira: womack, are you the same person of fame?
womack: Who else?
Falcon89: hu?
womack: Why these very words may shortly wind up there, too.
Leira: not to be disrespectful of your privacy, but is that your real picture?
Falcon89: hm, possible
Epsilion: of course, wom does not hide from truth
womack: Dass me pic @ SF Dolphin Club -~5 yrs
Leira: interesting
womack: thx Eps
Falcon89: yepyep interesting like an famous artist
womack: Any good souls have novels or films to plug now? I've run out of decent reading titles
cekalo: watch schindlers list
Falcon89: what is a Dolphin club? i am canadian so don't know
womack: thx anyway to cekalo for its plug but definitely prefer to skip all hazbara
womack: wait 1 Falcon
Falcon89: thx
womack: urw
Epsilion: i heard 100 years of solitude is good, it's on my list
Genghis: Genghis Khan and the Making of the modern world, by Jack Weathersford,
womack: thx 2 Eps for solid rec of known title. lesser know but excellent = all by Miguel Angel Asturias
womack: Genghsi spot on w that excellent book. Alas, his bio of Mrs Genghis was a big fall off
Genghis: Mrs Genghis?
womack: JW did that 1 2
Genghis: ahh
womack: I volunteer again that BANGKOK ASSET [2015] by John Burdett perverse but quite fun read re "transhuman" & spoox
cekalo: womack Mel Gibson blames the jews for all the wars in the world
cekalo: do you think he has a point?
womack: Mel Gibson 4 Prez! Let's form NOMCOM or the Nominations Committee?
womack: I think Mel's point about 98% of current bang-bang
womack: From my Inbox this am from Israeli army vet:
womack: Last call for new novels svp!
womack: Or old but obscure ones
womack: Excellent = all by Rafael Sabatini & also Ross Thomas
Epsilion: well dostoyevsky's bratya karamazovy is classicc
womack: true, Eps although recently I found FD's prose there somewhat hard to get back into, thx anyway
cekalo: dostoyevsky sucks
Epsilion: ok
womack: popsicles? Whom does cekalo like?
cekalo: i like phillip.k.dick
womack: Eps speaks Russki?
Epsilion: well there also the english patient, also made into a move
womack: right on 4 cek w PKD!
Epsilion: *movie
womack: from 1 to 10 & high best, what says Eps 4 Eng Pat ?
cekalo: phillip.k.dick was a genuis
womack: & from here in Nor Cal, too
womack: We're all looking for a wee pink beams
womack: Lucky clydesdale got an H4
womack: TSVD = To Show Voluntary Departure: Ciao all from California @ 12:34 hrs PST

> > womack: But Lame Dukko ...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 9, 2016, 6:20:04 PM2/9/16
[10:53 hrs PST]
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

darkronin: we were eating this:
darkronin: (img: 37 KB)
dayharri: unregistered ones?
Meepy: ayup
First: I have returned beaches
alobar: vote TRUMP put a man in the white house
alobar: For the first time ever
Genghis: Hmm we had Andrew Jackson
Meepy: the most corrupt president ever?
alobar: how do you know who is most corrupt?
Genghis: Andrew Jackson was the most corrupt?
Genghis: There have been some awfully corrupt Presidents
Genghis: That is a very high bar
alobar: i love children who can name all the presidents of america but cannot name a single emperor of rome.
alobar: it is like knowing noddy but not shakespeare
womack: LBJ the only U.S. Prez directly implicated in the assassination of his predecessor.
Genghis: Yeah but we all know it was Bush who did it
womack: Although the jootool Teddy R also profitted from a similar move, as did his cousin the Cryptic Cripple WRT Huey Long.
MMXVI: interesting alternate universe
womack: Co-captains for Jack Whack were Bernard Baruch & David Ben Gurion. C.I.A. Bush a lesser player. This universe, yes, alternate to CBS News, eh what?
Genghis: Which one in the mulitiverse do you choose MMXVI?
Meepy: jackson was the one who implemented the system where the president throws out all the previous federal office holders and appoints his own cronies
Genghis: Isn't that a good thing Meepy?
Meepy: it's called the "spoils system"
Genghis: or democracy
Meepy: no
womack: Since September 1935, "yidocracy" if you please.
dayharri: meritocroncy....
Genghis: yes Meepy
Meepy: these are unelected people, genghis
Genghis: Isn't that what the voters do each election, throw the bums out?
dfunkt: Maybe the future will hav time travel and people can watch the reality show, History Of The World - Revisited
Genghis: appointed is more important than elected? Wow what idiocy
womack: " idiocy" = current U.S. campaign featuring Krypto-Kibbutznik Burning Sanders & a cast of clowns
Genghis: do you like Bernie womack?
MMXVI: you could always move
Epsilion: who is kibbutznik
MMXVI: or even stand yourself, if you think you can do better
womack: I like Bernie @ the end of a rope. We NAGs or Normal, Alias "Gentile" definitely do need to do better, alright.
womack: asked & answered, eps
Genghis: so you are a Trump supporter?
womack: So far I am definitely "None of the Above"
Epsilion: i hear another billionaire might run
Genghis: which is exactly where your Masters want you womack, but I agree
womack: I am trying to promote Mel Gibson, almost a billionaire but all honest dollar
Epsilion: Hm, mel gibson as
Genghis: You know he is a religious nut case?
MMXVI: so he'd be ideal
womack: By far the best name so far to come up = Mel, whose biggest flaw = leaving Robyn
womack: gengy goes to church with Rubio, Cruz, or ?
asdk: who want in rengo?
asdk: with me
Genghis: I am lucifer the light bringer womack
womack: Mel's Jesus flic was quite good, actually
Epsilion: the passion?
womack: From the first scene onward. The Passion reminded me a lot of Palestine today
clydesdale: jesus was crucified - what does that prove?
clydesdale: much sound and fury signifying nothing
Meepy: god demands a blood sacrifice
First: wait what
Meepy: it just proves the abrahamaic god is a bit of a nutcase
First: jesus was crucified?
clydesdale: so we are told
MMXVI: it just proves that the person who invented him, was
Meepy: nah
Meepy: you can invent silly characters without being silly yourself
Meepy: besides, it was the thing to do back then
womack: Before air power, Highway of Death etc
Genghis: Air power is cool^^
womack: Rachel Corrie, Gary Webb, Michael Hastings --many Holy Trinities. Ah, Diana!
womack: SF AC by God
womack: Anybody know of "Little Pippa"?
Meepy: so...
womack: Mentioned in the novel HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN [2015, p. 301] by James Lee Burke.
Meepy: i bought a computer speaker at the dollar store today
Meepy: and it turns out it comes with some weird 6 inch long cord
alobar: for a dollar you want nine inches?
Meepy: so it's just perfect, as long as i want the speaker under my desk with the computer. where i can't hear it :)
alobar: dont switch it on then you wont know you cannot hear it.
Meepy: but i can't see it either
Meepy: by the laws of quantum mechanics wouldn't that mean it doesn't exist
alobar: two bonuses soon you will forget you bought it
alobar: LEELICHAN 1k no one likes a show-off dude
womack: Robert Browning (1812–1889) Pippa's Song: "God 's in His heaven-/ All 's right with the world!"
> > > * ["I am talking sense to you here," Oscar insisted, his voice rising to an angry buzz. "I am _not ranting_. I possess a perspective here that you people, who are locked in the ivory basements of your own subcultures, simply do not possess. It is no use my soft-pedaling the truth to you. You are in a crisis. This is a crux....You ne...

Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 10, 2016, 7:06:48 PM2/10/16
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Marathon: fiorina ends bid for GOP nomination for POTUS. christie still mulling it over
Warfreak2: does it really matter?
Warfreak2: all of them are awful
Warfreak2: the democrat party could just play clips from the republican debates, instead of doing an expensive campaign
womack: Honest NAG's [Normal, Alias "Gentile"] "could just play clips from" Gaza Massacre 2014 [GM'14] to show Bernie Sanders' foreign policy, as well as Killary's, of course. [12:57]
[My game finished by 14:05.]
Meepy: is it john?
thirdhalf: yes John!
Meepy: ugh, horrible name
thirdhalf: J E B
Meepy: i don't blame him for not using it
Meepy: how about mitt romney? that guys real name isn't 'mittens' is it?
SamSpade: your name is john isn't it?
Meepy: yes ^^
okiol: i hope the election comes down to trump vs sanders
okiol: literally good vs evil
nolajedi: It'll beCruz v Clinton
okiol: it could be a movie
nolajedi: Sanders has no chance of getting nominated. He and Trump, in Americcan politics, are two sides of the same coin. Sanders also has that nasty S word attatched o his name
okiol: meh, sanders has been ruling different parts of america for the past 20+ orso years? i think he'll be fine not turning the country upside down...
nolajedi: Sander won't be able to get 80% of what he wants to do passed. Congress will never go for it
okiol: i really wish there was some kind of neutral cheat sheet for the top 5 candidates
nolajedi: Also, he doesn't have much of a plan at all for foreign policy and the days of an isolationist president are long gone
SamSpade: he wants the states to be like denmark
SamSpade: what's not to like
nolajedi: Well not quite that extreme but in that direction certainly
okiol: i really only know a few things that each of the candidates have actually done, and from that info it seems trump is cut-throat bully, hillary is sneaky politician, and sanders is honest wonderful man.... but that might be biased
SamSpade: slightly
nolajedi: To me, Sanders is genuine. He genuinely thinks his plan is what's right for the country and he isn't a soulless drone like Clinton
okiol: at least one person agrees with me
Meepy: what's a "foreign policy plan" anyway?
nolajedi: Do I agree with Sanders on a lot of things? No, but he seems like a decent guy
Meepy: it's not like we're going to stop doing foreign policy right?
okiol: i just want to say, it's possible to heavily prefer one candidate without being biased :) it might just be that he actually is a far better person, at least according to my principles
nolajedi: No, but all Sanders has said in that regard is basically, "we need to form a coalition to fixthe middle east. You know, somehow"
Meepy: i think trump has said "I can get mexico to pay for a wall" or something
nolajedi: Sanders is more in the direction of European style social democracy. Being from Sweden, it makes sense that you would like him
nolajedi: Oh I hate Trump most of all.
okiol: right nola, just that kind of decency and honesty seems to be a rare trait in a politician, and since i can't believe in any promise or political opinion they have anyway, i would just vote for the guy who seems to be the best person
nolajedi: I'm not a fan of any of the frontrunners
okiol: no, it's not because i'm from sweden
okiol: i'm not sitting here thinking "sanders would be great, because america would become sweden 2", i'm just trying to determine who is the best person
okiol: well, techincally america would be sweden 5 after norway, denmark and finland, but anyway
okiol: i just ate until i was completely full then poured up a nice bowl of yoghurt and musli and ate it all... i don't feel so good
okiol: i was just so excited about having bought musli, i lost my sense :/
nolajedi: You should come to the south. We'll feed you until you burst. It's crawfish season too
nolajedi: What's musli?
okiol: it's like a mixture of oatmeal, corn flakes, etc, and dried fruit
Meepy: i'm in the south and i didn't know it's crawfish season
okiol: you don't have müsli in america?
Meepy: i think we call it muesli
nolajedi: Well you're in Carolina. I'm not sure y'all have crawfish upp there
nolajedi: I think we're gonna boil some at work this weekend
okiol: to be fair i cheated with the yoghurt, i don't know if what we have has an english name, but it's somewhat similar to yoghurt i guess
okiol: just that it has been done with some different set of bacteria
nolajedi: I'm not sure. I don't like yogurt nuch
Meepy: i don't have yogurt with cereal much. it feels like eating spackle to em
Meepy: *me
omggg: filmjölk?
omggg: I think I had that at breakfast when I was in Leksand
Warfreak2: okiol: it's common practice that the party leader candidates will be way more radical in their opinion than when they turn into the actual party leader and run for presdient, right? it would be funny to see how much trump either change, or doesn't change to conform to this typically intelligent move
Warfreak2: yes, because you want to sit close to the middle of the electorate to attract more votes. if you're not on the extreme right in the candidates stage, you will lose the wingnut vote to someone who is on the extreme right. but in the presidential election, you only have to be a little to right of the democrat to get all the right-wing votes
Warfreak2: the extreme right being necessary in the US in particular because the wingnut vote is practically all republican voters
Meepy: it depends on the class of nutcase, but i think the right wing has catered to the largest classes
Meepy: supposedly anti-vaccine wingnuts are cross-party, for instance
nolajedi: Yeah, the right has some nutcases. I'd say more than the left
Warfreak2: in this context i'm talking about right-wing wingnuts
nolajedi: The alex jones types
asdk: im u future prez
okiol: are there really people who could say what i said and not already understand that, wf2? either way, the point was that it would be funny to see trump's conversion or lack thereof, and the same with sanders i guess, although i have seen so little of what he has actually said recently
asdk: I promise that I will become richer, and you not
asdk: believe me and vote for me
okiol: asdk, are you putin?
nolajedi: He took to the soviet propoganda really well
asdk: instead schools we will build circus for all children
asdk: schools for nerds
asdk: instead of hospitals we will build a casino everywhere
asdk: hospitals for losers
asdk: vote for me
Warfreak2: okiol: are there really people who could say what i said and not already understand that, wf2?
Warfreak2: and not understand what?
asdk: truly free man does not need school and work
asdk: its all for losers
Meepy: asdk has my vote
asdk: we will buy 1 billion tons of whiskey and arrange the eternal new year
asdk: my promises most honest
asdk: vote for me
asdk: I promise I will not do anything
asdk: only circus, cazino and whiskey
Meepy: but what's your foreign policy plan?
asdk: good plan
asdk: build cazino, circus and free whiskey
Warfreak2: bomb those suckers
Meepy: ah, bombs
asdk: no no
Warfreak2: come, friendly bombs, and fall on slough
asdk: build circus and cazino
asdk: ask u child- baby u want go to school?
asdk: they not free now
asdk: need more free and circus
asdk: ask yourself - im want go to work?
asdk: u not free now
asdk: need more cazino and whiskey
Meepy: nice poem warf
Meepy: also, i now know how to pronounce 'slough' :)
womack: Re '~nice guy' comments above for Burning Sanders: In GM'14 Bibi murdered >500 kids. B.S. voted w the rest of the Senate to reward that atrocity with extra hundred$ of million$.
asdk: womack u want free whiskey?
asdk: everywhere and always
asdk: vote for me
womack: Kak skzatz: U waste my time?
asdk: Vy tratite moyo vremya
womack: Should you up the offer to peyote, however & thx for the translation!
asdk: Вы тратите моё время?
womack: Double-jointed keyboard
asdk: Вы тратите моё время?
womack: Double-jointed keyboard
asdk: This offensive question
asdk: if u opponent have his time
asdk: he can think this time
womack: asdk sober again?
asdk: im sober always
womack: & truthful, too?
asdk: sure
Genghis: I'll vote for you asdk
asdk: u see people love me in prez
okiol: womack, you have some source?
Genghis: I would rather have a real communist than the fakers we get
womack: re okiol's Q: The unanimous vote of the U.S. Senate is well-known but I would have to hunt for a handy link. Fair request.
okiol: it's not that i need you to prove something for me, it was just a question for my own convenience
womack: Alas, the funding for my think tank a little delayed, resulting in incomplete documentation.
Genghis: Do you think it will be Bernie vs Trump in the General?
Javaness: I think Trump will get whacked by the mob
womack: Mel Gibson will win by acclamation, all others to flee country (planet)?
Genghis: Don't you think Hillary would whack Bernie first?
Genghis: I mean she is experienced at that kind of thing, Fort Marcy Park
womack: Will Burnie fold for Hillary?
Genghis: Hillary is leading in the Polls in Nevada and SC
BigDoug: I think womack would only vote for David Duke
okiol: womack, i understand that the vote was probably not made up, but i'm guessing that's not the complete and fair story you gave, but i was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt and at least look it up
womack: PigBug should speak for itself alone. David Duke an obstinate fool.
BigDoug: womack, he's just as much of an anti-semite as you are
BigDoug: about the only one
womack: PigBug applauds the massacre of children. I teach: "Love everybody, even the worst criminals like Netanyahu. Hate & punish their crimes, murder above all."
SamSpade: pretty cool a non-christian won for the first time in the primary i
womack: The KryptoKibbutznik.
Genghis: Who is that Sam?
womack: re okiol: My remarks certainly only partial here, yet fair as far as they go. I am the only speaker who dares point to Jew crimes.
okiol: jew crimes? what's that got to do with anything?
okiol: ok i guess it was just nonsense then, good to know, gooo sanders!
BigDoug: nothing okiol -- it's generally the focus of womack's attention, so all discussions turn into that
womack: What do Jew crimes have to do with small things like GM'14 or w big ones like USGov wars against Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Colombia etc
okiol: i don't know, but i'm going to assume a whole lot ~~
Genghis: You actually figured out what womack is focused on BigDoug? I wouldn't have believed it was possible
womack: Ans= history & law.
okiol: i didn't know it before BD said it, but it seems like he was right
BigDoug: he's a wind-up toy -- talk to him and an unending anti-semitic stream comes out
womack: Pigbug heavily dependent on discredited propaganda term. >9/10ths of Semites are Arab.
Genghis: What does that mean womack?
okiol: yeah anti-semitic is a weird term, i agree with that
okiol: semites aren't the same thing as jews, it's a broader racial term, genghis
womack: The medieval crusaders were genuine "anti-Semites", although the term was coined by a German opponent of the Jews ~1880.
BigDoug: for whatever reason, womack really hates jews -- maybe a Jewish girl beat him up and stole his lunch money early on -- no idea
okiol: hehehe womack got beaten up by a girl
Genghis: those jewish girls are tough, I know
BigDoug: I can't otherwise explain his obsessive hatred of Jews
womack: Pigbug lies, trying to defend the notorious murder of children. I have spoken above of the proper role of hatred and of love.
womack: Repeat: I love even the Jews, although last among the nations. I hate the crime of murder above all else. Pigbug stands w U.S. Senate in opposition to justice.
BigDoug: I think he might be the national front's eliza bot -- he just says the same random statements over and over
womack: BTW in 1980 I was the sole armed guard for the big Jewish Community Center here in San Francisco de Alta California.
Genghis: yeah, womack why don't you change it up a little?
BigDoug: why do you carry on so much about how bad the jews are? What has happened to you in your life to make you so obsessive?
Warfreak2: he got banned from kgs, i guess
womack: I will be happy to discuss gardening just as soon as we have locked up the kosher kiddie killers.
Warfreak2: never quite recovered
BigDoug: I'm just curious. What do you do with your life other than logging into KGS to spew your anti-Jewish comments? What positive aspects do you have in your life?
Genghis: Why do you think Russia is working with Israel in Syria womack?
Warfreak2: i think it's mostly the antisemitism
Warfreak2: it pays the rent
womack: One of my long-standing slogans = "Mu Len Su!" Meaning Mumia Abu-Jamal & Leonard Peltier to 2 of the 9 seats on the U.S. Supreme Court.
okiol: at least he has that, it's one more thing than i have
SamSpade: eh
SamSpade: waht do you mean, okiol?
okiol: but i have sexism and nationalism to keep me warm
okiol: i don't know, just making conversation ~~
Warfreak2: i'm passionately opposed to banana cakes
womack: Pigbug hides its I.D, seeks detailed bio from me.
SamSpade: i am scared of mimes
Warfreak2: banoffee pudding is fine tho
Warfreak2: anyone want some?
okiol: hm i just realised it's very possible that someone has all of the people in this conversation censored, but maybe missing out on one - this discussion would seem very weird then
Arrows: You use your real name, Hal. He doesn't have to question you to find out who you are.
womack: Nameless "Arrows" came in late?
Warfreak2: how long until an astronaut dismantles womack?
Arrows: Yes.
Warfreak2: i think i can explain it
womack: ans = 6
Warfreak2: womack finds that most people don't like him very much, and rather than coming to the conclusion that he is detestable, his best explanation is a global jewish conspiracy
okiol: oh, it's the jews' fault? i knew it wasn't me!
okiol: i can stop my efforts with daily showers then
Warfreak2: showers? is that an offensive reference to the holocaust?
Warfreak2: tut tut
womack: Wannabee defenders of atrocities seek refuge in senseless personal attacks.
okiol: mhh seriously though no it wasn't
okiol: what's even the connection?
Warfreak2: ...
womack: "holocaust" like against Dresden, Hamburg, Tokyo, H & N ?
Arrows: Womack lives in an unfalsifiable world. Any criticism against him is proof of the conspiracy.
Genghis: Arrows^^
Warfreak2: okiol:
okiol: ok i found it, a bit far fetched but ok, i guess if one wants to find faults in others it's easy
okiol: or maybe you were also joking?
BigDoug: he's joking
womack: "Arrows" = a total zero.
Warfreak2: it's a well-known connection, but yes, i wasn't being serious
BigDoug: WF2 is a very good troll -- he likes to get reactions out of people
Warfreak2: bigdoug is a very good psychologist
okiol: that song with "dooowntooown you're gonna be alright now" etc, is seriously the most scary song ever
BigDoug: I'm very confident that he meant no offence
okiol: every time i hear it in a movie or tv show you know someone is going to die a horrible death - sorry for spoilers
Warfreak2: amplifier are the reason guitars are good
Marathon: the one sung by petula clark?
asdk: mr british forgot about their sins
okiol: i don't know, but all the lines in the verse ends with downtown and the chorus starts with downtown
Warfreak2: dolly parton
asdk: and found all sins in jews
okiol: and of course overly happy, as all the scary songs are
okiol: yep that one
asdk: mr british and mr american the same nazis
asdk: u can fool yourself, but not the world)
BigDoug: asdk, tell me which country actually formed a pact with the Nazis -- Soviet Union, UK or US
asdk: mwahaha
asdk: how always
asdk: i tell u ok
asdk: UK
womack: Petula Clark Downtown. original version
asdk: Munich agreement
BigDoug: prior to the German invasion of the Soviet Union, they were formal allies. One of the reasons so many Russians died is because Stalin wouldn't believe that Hitler would betray him
asdk: Soviet Union was last of all who formed such pact
asdk: first was UK
okiol: why do people with poor reasoning skills always do this? why do you have to call UK nazis? UK has done so many horrible things on their own, why do you feel the need to invent this one? is it because you know it's not true?
BigDoug: asdk just likes to wind people up. There are two theories about this
Warfreak2: some people simply are not interested in truth
okiol: didn't russia help germany with secret weapon production due to the restrictions of the post-war agreements after WWI too?
Warfreak2: they lie not because they want to say false things, but because they don't mind either way
asdk: BigDoug u tell such anglosaxons nonsense
asdk: how speak with u?
BigDoug: personally, my theory is that he secretly works for the CIA in order to make the Russians look completely foolish
asdk: if u history full lie
Warfreak2: i'm not sure that this level of foolishness can be faked
dfunkt: there is no current powerful nation on Earth that didn't ascend to power through atrocities equalling or exceeding those of the Nazis
BigDoug: as well, his computer location is in Langely Virgina, where the CIA headquarters are located
asdk: Hitler come to power thanks UK and USA
asdk: and its realiy
Warfreak2: maybe he hacked the CIA to use their server as a proxy to chat on kgs
BigDoug: yes, that's another alternative -- maybe he's using Hillary's server as a proxy
Warfreak2: is langely virgina a cheap russian knockoff of langley, virginia?
okiol: wf2, i see liberals do this a lot too, my sister was convinced - through talking with a friend - that trump actually wanted to banish all american muslims from america... it's like... why, when there are so many things this man says that you can be offended over, did you have to invent a new thing? if the reality wasn't bad enough, why did you become upset enough to invent this lie?
womack: _Churchill's Secret War_, [2010] by Madhusree Mukerjee: details of Brit-imposed famine in Bengal
Warfreak2: that's not a lie, it's just misinformation
Warfreak2: she was wrong
okiol: yes well i didn't mean that my sister was lying
BigDoug: okiol, I think some people need to define themselves by opposition to others
asdk: Yes, you do not calm down until London and Washington will not disappear.
asdk: we know it
Warfreak2: yes, like kgs admins define themselves by opposition to trolls
okiol: ok fair enough though, trump has said things that if you're careful might turn into that when it's heard 5th hand or so
okiol: if you're not careful*
Warfreak2: he said he wants to deport all illegal immigrants
Warfreak2: and he said he wants to ban muslims from entry
okiol: right
womack: Has Trump promised to deport
~21 million U.S. residents?
asdk: to deny the facts. lie and rewrite the history its our dear Anglo-Saxons friends
asdk: we know it
womack: SVD = "Sign of Voluntary Departure". Watch for your words on rgg!
Google Groups Re: More KGS Chat, Incl Cheerleader for Jews' Bombing of Gaza By Hal Womack 3-dan 93 posts, 430 views as of 20160124 Sunday.
womack: Ciao from California @ 15:08 hrs PST.
SamSpade: Trump also wants to register all american muslims in a database and to allow torture worse than waterboarding
SamSpade: Trump also wants to register all american muslims in a database and to allow torture worse than waterboarding
SamSpade: he's basicly a fascist
Warfreak2: he isn't basically a fascist, he is a fascist
asdk: Trump is clown for rednecks
asdk: U future prez is Clinton
SamSpade: right
asdk: ofcoz not for UK
womack: Sam's got a good eye for linkage but "fascist" blameword a mere vulgar stupidity.
asdk: UK is eternal freedom by Queen
okiol: oh wow, you're copying kgs chat into some google group? this is a chat, it's not meant to be eternalised... and i'm even specially mentioned! fantastic, i thought this was the first time i saw you, womack
asdk: not like Qadaffi ofcoz
Genghis: The Smart money is that Trump is going to be the next President
Warfreak2: yes, okiol, womack loves kgs chat a lot, so he wants to preserve it for generations to come
asdk: I think we need to help british
asdk: with an eternal dictator queen.
okiol: this is probably the most creepy thing i've seen on kgs so far
okiol: this is what serial murders do, jesus
asdk: a little bomb on london help democracy in UK
Warfreak2: did the raging antisemitism not tip you off?
Warfreak2: the police already know, they're just waiting for him to murder some folk because technically they can't arrest him for murder before then
BigDoug: he has a lot of time on his hands. This is how he fills it
Marathon: that page has numerous occurrences of ---> Hal Womack 3-dan This message has been hidden because it was flagged for abuse. To see it anyway, click here.
womack: For a true feel of historical fascism, see:
Then contrast the Neapolitan ambiance with the contemporaneous Holodomor:
Warfreak2: the funniest bit is he thinks he is 3 dan
Warfreak2: the second-funniest bit is he thinks that his supposed 3 dan rank is at all relevant to what he's talking about
asdk: womcak forgot about greate depresson in USA ofcoz
womack: As often explained before, I was AGA 3-dan in 1999 and have stuck with my established pen-name & personal best.
asdk: americanoholokost
Warfreak2: "this looks like a lot of racist garbage. oh, but the author is 3 dan, maybe there's something to it?"
asdk: how many people dead from hunger in the United States?
BigDoug: my favourite part is when he says that KGS and IGS admins have coordinated to simultaneously ban him on both sites
Genghis: Hu and I should be in a lot of that stuff that Womack archived
BigDoug: this comedy gold, gold I tell you
asdk: holodomor is more lie than truth
okiol: hahaha BD you're not making that up?
Warfreak2: kgs admins? co-ordinated?
BigDoug: indeed. With IGS admins no less
Warfreak2: IGS is a slick outfit, i believe that part
okiol: what's even worse, the kgs and igs admins a co-operating with a bunch of completely unrelated forums too! maybe there's a higher conspiracy there?
BigDoug: what do you think they all have in common ?
Warfreak2: higher than a global jewish conspiracy, okiol?
okiol: i don't dare say it
Warfreak2: maybe an intergalactic jewish conspiracy?
BigDoug: they're either jews, know jews, have jewish neighbours or read a book written by a jew
Warfreak2: i know what they all have in common:
clydesdale: there's absolutely no evidence for the conspiracy- that's how good the conspiracy is!
womack: pigbug & kabal pull their rap from their nether regions. Do they dare address issues of fact such as the Gaza Massacres, Jack Whack or "9/11" Stunt?
Warfreak2: every time womack gets banned from one of these places, it's womack that gets banned. it's all connected!
okiol: i have a question, are the jews always lizards, and are the lizards always jews, or are there different branches of these ideas?
Genghis: If I recall Hu did try to get Womack banned and off the forums too, So womack isn't complelely insane
Meepy: hehe, i love hearing "jack wack"
okiol: is it kind of like being a lacto-ove vegetarian?
okiol: genghis, hu isn't even an admin on kgs
Genghis: I know, but he had 'pull'
okiol: did he?
asdk: what u bark? womack say more truth than lie XD

Genghis: yes he did okiol, he got me banned more than once
okiol: yes of course asdk :)
asdk: he only thing he thinks blame on Jews for all)
okiol: i have gotten people baned too, does that mean i have this pull too? i always wanted to have pull
BigDoug: whatever happened to mabblebrox. I haven't seen him for awhile
womack: Yo asdk, I make a point of blaming people only for wrongs they have actually committed.
Meepy: mabble moved on to greener pastures. LoL and Dota
Warfreak2: okiol, you are now enrolled as a conspirator in the global jewish conspiracy
Genghis: Do you insensently complain to the moderators okiol?
Warfreak2: wait, ooops, wrong window
okiol: but i don't think that i've ever gotten someone baned in any unfair manner, i just showed the admins where someone was doing something wrong and then they got banned
dfunkt: maybe mabblebrox finally got commited for long term psychiatric evaluation
Warfreak2: mabblebrox was taken away by the jews, bigdoug
okiol: uh oh wf2, now it's on google
BigDoug: I always liked talked with mabblebrox -- he was fun
Warfreak2: really?
BigDoug: when he was sober, he was quite interesting
Warfreak2: he was sober?
Warfreak2: now you're pulling my leg
BigDoug: lol :)
Meepy: i like how by far the highest search results for anything i've ever done is stuff in womack's text logs
dfunkt: he was occasionally sober?
Meepy: thanks google
Warfreak2: i don't know off the top of my head what can be found by googling for me
Warfreak2: i imagine womack isn't on the first few pages tho
asdk: Meppy u afraid?
okiol: my name is just a bunch of unrelated people, surprisingly common account name, okiol
Warfreak2: does it mean something in swedish?
okiol: no
Warfreak2: or is it just too short to be unique?
okiol: i don't know
womack: Making again for the exit. Ciao asdk & lurkers. 15:26.
Warfreak2: what you want is a name like warfreak2, which nobody would be stupid enough to choose
asdk: cu mr womack
BigDoug: watch out for the scary people invading your dreams womack
okiol: did womack really say anything that you agree with, asdk, or did you just like that he was being so contrarian?
Warfreak2: i'm not sure asdk is capable of agreeing or disagreeing with things
Meepy: i had to pay a team of 3rd world children to pre-emptively register accounts in my name everywhere
okiol: i can't recall you talking of any of the things womack mentioned before
asdk: womack speak truth in 90% im think
BigDoug: asdk just likes to wind people up
Meepy: and even then someone on ogs started using "meepie"
asdk: for westerner is good results [15:28]


> >...


Feb 10, 2016, 8:22:46 PM2/10/16
Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:
> Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

I'm puzzled why you are posting this. Do you think anyone wants to read
a lengthy political chat-log?

> Marathon: fiorina ends bid for GOP nomination for POTUS. christie still mulling it over

Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 11, 2016, 2:56:54 AM2/11/16
Who is this "Bill"?

The system reports 452 views of this thread so far --way the most of any on rgg.

The record also shows which guilty parties fear free discussion of their crimes and seek by several means to shut down such vitally healthy activity.

To repeat: For more than a millennium in China, skill in this game was the first of the 4 famous "Marks of the Mandarin", the ruling class of scholar/officials.

In our lifetime, "turff" (as I like to call it in English) has spread worldwide from its origin in the elites of the Three Home Countries of North Asia. Hence the particular suitability of presenting comments of players (mainly "barbarian" ones, to use another of my terms) on world issues.

I take a further interest in this approach precisely because the murdering Jews, who control a vast global empire via their infestation of the USGov, have tried to get away with abusing KGS chat panels to push their usual Murdoch--Sulzberger swill. When it comes to exposing such lethal charades, I can claim the rank of 9-dan as a social theoretician and talk-back taxi driver, as the record shows.

Capiche, reader?



Feb 11, 2016, 3:36:11 AM2/11/16
Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:
> <snip>
> I take a further interest in this approach precisely because the murdering Jews, who control a vast global empire via their infestation of the USGov, have tried to get away with abusing KGS chat panels to push their usual Murdoch--Sulzberger swill. When it comes to exposing such lethal charades, I can claim the rank of 9-dan as a social theoretician and talk-back taxi driver, as the record shows.
> Capiche, reader?

So I take it you favor a 4-3 over a 4-4 opening?


Feb 11, 2016, 7:09:26 AM2/11/16
Welcome to one of Hal Womacks many little spots on Usenet, Bill.

Hall Womack is a lunatic asshole obsessed with antisemitism (and most probably / obviously suffers from deep KGS traumas, another spot where his sick mind seems to not understand why they keep kicking him out), desperately trying to let the entire world know about it, and abusing all possible communication channels he can get his claws upon to get his message across, without being punished in any way, and he knows it. You can find his rantings in several other Usenet groups, and that would be find, if only he could keep those rantings there.

He is most probably mentally sick beyond repair and belongs in an asylum, because he is obviously not open to change his repugnant attitude, and doesn't get the fact that this group is not interested in his mental poo.

People have been trying over years to convince him to behave, but the little motherfucker just keeps going on. I tried to ask his club members to explain this to him, but they didn't bother reacting, to a point where I wonder if Hal Womack isn't some form of cancer spreading around him and preventing others from doing things the right way.

What I propose to everybody having a Google account is to systematically report his messages for spam/Hateful or violent content, how feeble that may be, and keep searching for ways to punish this pile of shit that clogs a precious channel.

Maybe this would be a nice entry for the r.g.g. FAQ...


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