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Wolfpack Common Fall Fever 2014 is over

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Nov 30, 2014, 1:36:30 PM11/30/14
The Wolfpack Common Fall Fever is over, Sleeping won. Congratulations!

- = [ Empire Power Report ] = -
as of Sun Nov 30 11:40:35 2014

sects eff civ mil shell gun pet iron dust oil pln ship unit money
Sleeping 541 100% 505K 31K 65K 2.8K 40K 177K 7.1K 51K 158 570 31 1.7M
Foo 40 87% 6.2K 110 0 0 0 58 42 405 0 0 0 34K
Better La 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32K
Ugly 0 0% 0 50 44 16 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 -474
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 581 99% 511K 31K 65K 2.8K 40K 177K 7.1K 51K 158 573 31 1.8M

Coming up: Wolfpack Hvy Winter Fever! Watch this space for the

> Announcement from Sleeping, (#4) dated Thu Oct 2 10:40:05 2014

Is there any particular reason why realms are limited to 50?

I would think you should be able to make as many realms as you like.

> Announcement from POGO, (#0) dated Sat Oct 4 18:49:32 2014
The number of realms is limited due to the simplistic way they're
coded. The limit is fixed at compile-time. It could probably be
increased a bit.

> Announcement from visitor, (#9) dated Sun Oct 5 13:17:10 2014

Sleeping and Ugly are singing "Just the two of us..."

> Announcement from Better Late, (#7) dated Mon Oct 13 18:13:49 2014
Better Late than Never.

> Announcement from Sleeping, (#4) dated Mon Oct 13 19:30:50 2014
Glad you could join us!

> Announcement from Sleeping, (#4) dated Mon Oct 13 19:31:02 2014
The more the merrier!

> Announcement from Better Late, (#7) dated Tue Oct 14 22:39:21 2014
So you guys have a jump on me, but I have real Ugly
women to make up for it. Hard workers and highly reproductive.
You see you might think your sleep and ugly but I am sleeping with the uglies
and doing fine.

> Announcement from Better Late, (#7) dated Mon Oct 27 19:50:31 2014
missed a few.
Oh vey.

> Announcement from Better Late, (#7) dated Thu Oct 30 21:46:45 2014
anyone else have the server drop out for minutes at a time?

> Announcement from POGO, (#0) dated Sun Nov 2 09:03:04 2014
} anyone else have the server drop out for minutes at a time?

Next time it happens, please do "show u 0" right when it comes back,
and e-mail the output to That lets me find it in
the logs.

> Announcement from Sleeping, (#4) dated Sun Nov 2 12:50:12 2014
I don't know if the server is dropped, but I have
experienced it "lagging" for about a minute. It's happened a few
times. Will follow the steps suggested and forward next time it occurs.

> Announcement from Sleeping, (#4) dated Mon Nov 3 06:49:50 2014
Server started lagging. Just sent a mail out with the show u 0 command

> Announcement from Sleeping, (#4) dated Mon Nov 3 12:05:02 2014
server lag at the update

> Announcement from Better Late, (#7) dated Tue Nov 4 23:37:32 2014
just prior to this post. laggeg/locked our for 3 mintues.

> Announcement from Ugly, (#1) dated Thu Nov 6 20:13:02 2014

and anotherones gone
another one bites the dust

that sleeper is relentless.

> Announcement from Better Late, (#7) dated Thu Nov 6 22:26:20 2014
I take it "another one" is an island.

> Announcement from Better Late, (#7) dated Fri Nov 7 16:23:55 2014
Hey it appears I am closing on tech. My windows say I am gaining about 1.1 tech
per update on Sleeping and 1.75 on Ugly. Only 50+ updates to be in a reasonable
tech position!

> Announcement from Better Late, (#7) dated Fri Nov 7 16:26:09 2014
my ring of defensive steel is in place.
Next I am advocating: "A battleship 4 units, and 8 Harriers in every sector.
Just need a little more time.

> Announcement from Better Late, (#7) dated Fri Nov 7 19:15:32 2014
Dang it I want bridgetowers.

> Announcement from Better Late, (#7) dated Thu Nov 13 23:00:42 2014
server freeze at
Command: xdump sect * ?timestamp>1415919488
Command: xdump sect * ?timestamp>1415919489
for 3 minutes.

> Announcement from POGO, (#0) dated Tue Nov 18 17:56:54 2014
By the time I read your annos, the lag is long gone. Send me e-mail
when you start to play for a couple of hours, so I can monitor your
traffic for clues.

> Announcement from Better Late, (#7) dated Tue Nov 18 20:09:46 2014
oh the pain.
Sign on "you have several telegrams...."
only about 500

> Announcement from Better Late, (#7) dated Tue Nov 18 20:13:45 2014
"it's only a flesh wound! Come on!
I'll bite your leg off!"

> Announcement from Ugly, (#1) dated Wed Nov 19 19:28:42 2014
looks like Better Late than Never
is back to Never

> Announcement from Ugly, (#1) dated Fri Nov 21 21:18:06 2014

Sleeping is poised for the kill.
all airfields are 30% eff or below
headquarters is 11% eff
two harbors below 10% eff
and five forts 9% or less.

Good job Sleeoing

> Announcement from Sleeping, (#4) dated Sat Nov 22 11:35:32 2014
Huh...weird...I sacked Ugly's capital by running a
bombing run on his land unit at the capital sector.

Is this a new feature?

> Announcement from Sleeping, (#4) dated Sat Nov 22 12:03:02 2014
Oh I get it...he must've only had 1 civ in it and when I bombed the unit
the civ died from the collateral damage...hence the sacking.

Cool! :-)

> Announcement from Ugly, (#1) dated Sat Nov 22 23:58:12 2014

Sleeping is the winner.


> Announcement from POGO, (#0) dated Sun Nov 30 13:33:59 2014
*** Common Fall Fever 2014 is over ***

Congratulations to the winner Sleeping.

Updates are disabled. A brief game report will be posted to

- = [ Empire Power Report ] = -
as of Sun Nov 30 11:40:35 2014

sects eff civ mil shell gun pet iron dust oil pln ship unit money
Sleeping 541 100% 505K 31K 65K 2.8K 40K 177K 7.1K 51K 158 570 31 1.7M
Foo 40 87% 6.2K 110 0 0 0 58 42 405 0 0 0 34K
Better La 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32K
Ugly 0 0% 0 50 44 16 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 -474
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 581 99% 511K 31K 65K 2.8K 40K 177K 7.1K 51K 158 573 31 1.8M

# name tech research education happiness capital
1 Ugly 207.05 0.00 2.34 0.00 0,30
4 Sleeping 268.86 0.00 13.67 0.00 43,-3
7 Better Late 183.68 0.00 0.55 0.00 9,-11
8 Foo 64.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 43,-23
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