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Wolfpack Hvy Spring Fever 2014 starting early

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Feb 1, 2014, 10:21:57 AM2/1/14
We're happy to announce Wolfpack Hvy Spring Fever 2014, part of a series
of recurring, informal games.

Wolfpack Fever games are a peculiar hybrid of blitz and long term game.
Like blitzes, they're informal, and reset periodically. But they're
paced like fast-moving long term games.

A well-run thematic game is of course a much more satisfying experience,
but when none is available, you can still enjoy a Wolfpack Fever.

At this time, no registration is required. Grab a country and go.

Wolfpack Fever games run year-round, back-to-back. Deviating from the
planned schedule, Hvy Spring Fever 2014 starts one month early, and runs
for two months on a more relaxed update schedule. Like all Hvy Fever
games, it uses simplified Hvy Metal rules with a shotgun start.

Port 4567
Updates first on the 8th, daily until 12th, then every other day
Countries 1-8 with passwords 1-8

Breaking sanctuary constitutes a promise to play the game. Using more
than one country is strictly prohibited.

Wolfpack! Bringing you the latest and greatest in Empire development and
support, and, in our minds, the best multi-player game around.

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Feb 7, 2014, 8:47:10 AM2/7/14
Wolfpack <> writes:

> We're happy to announce Wolfpack Hvy Spring Fever 2014, part of a series
> of recurring, informal games.
> Wolfpack Fever games are a peculiar hybrid of blitz and long term game.
> Like blitzes, they're informal, and reset periodically. But they're
> paced like fast-moving long term games.
> A well-run thematic game is of course a much more satisfying experience,
> but when none is available, you can still enjoy a Wolfpack Fever.
> At this time, no registration is required. Grab a country and go.
> Wolfpack Fever games run year-round, back-to-back. Deviating from the
> planned schedule, Hvy Spring Fever 2014 starts one month early, and runs
> for two months on a more relaxed update schedule. Like all Hvy Fever
> games, it uses simplified Hvy Metal rules with a shotgun start.
> Host
> Port 4567
> Updates first on the 8th, daily until 12th, then every other day

Delayed by one week to allow more players to join.
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