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Rob. Hyatt Winner of Challenge? (was A good info)

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Rolf Tueschen

Nov 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/18/97

Last time I talked with my secretary for the press releases he reminded
me of the fact that the now ended challenge for best evidence for lying
and nazi-calling of the Pope was won by Mister R. Hyatt.

We had a big quarrel because we both are very fluent in chinese or
kisuaheli but English, today's most popular fast food language is a
cruel thing for us.

Also it seems as if the logic we like so much from the Latin which is so
pure and clear, is not at all in-built in the English.

While you know always where you are talking from in Latin, you can cheat
with the English pretending you talk from behind the Moon or Mars. And
nobody could check you on this in English. In Latin however you are
quickly reveiled as a liar by simply the ablativus perogativus sitius

So, we had to find a compromise. We want to ask the rgcc group how the
dilemma should be solved.

Did Bob Hyatt prove that the Pope lied, really lied, when he wrote that
he got a mail from Hyatt, meaning a posting, because we are here on the
net, no? Or is mail ONLY meant for E-MAIL on the net? Because then Bob
were right.

But what should we do with the meant related post that had come and
adressed to me in rgcc? Wasn't it quite claear when I answered Bob's
post and quoted it that I referred to that and not still another email??

And note why mwentioning an email when you can't quote it? (The Schroder

So I beg all well meaning and educated rgcc members to decide if Bob
should receive his 100 $ US or if not.

In case you decide for Bob. Could you please decide for the other
question in combination where Bob had claimed that I had written in EACH
post in the last three months at least one time in each post of the NAZI

Because I want to make a tie-break to decide that game. He lied too with
this statement which is proven dead wrong.

So each member one vote. Everyone can decide in a democratic vote.

Let's go.

Deadline Nov 20, midnight GMT German time.

The pope Rudolpherus the XXIIIVY.


hyatt@crafty (Robert Hyatt) wrote:

>Rolf Tueschen ( wrote:
>: hyatt@crafty (Robert Hyatt) wrote:

>: >Rolf Tueschen ( wrote:
>: >: Hello friends!

>: >: I just got a mail from BH where he tried to prove that I continually had
>: >: attacked Ed Schroder for being a nazi. Funny, because if that was true,
>: >: Ed surely had visited Zwolle courts again...

>: >I'd like my $100, immediately, because the above is a *total lie.*
>: >I did *not* send *any* email to you, at any point during the last
>: >couple of months at *least*.

>: You really run some kind of *HOT*, my King of Liars.

>: NB because you're quite right I wrote especially for you of *mail* not
>: email, you Jumping Jack Flash. :) ROTFL. Double Schroder on both
>: nipples.

>Still waiting. I sent you no *mail* either. I have said *nothing* to
>you except here, in r.g.c.c. No phone calls, no email, no regular mail,
>no fedex, no UPS, no telegrams, no short-wave radio messages, no satellite
>messages, no commercial TV messages, no *nothing*.

>My money, please. Of course I wouldn't really expect it, because I know
>just how principled you are. But I thought I'd point out your most recent
>*lie*. And it *was* only the *most recent*, not the *only* one..

>Credibility is now less than zero, on a scale of 0-100... so you have
>*none* left...

>: Try harder, cheater. There's still 36 hours left....

>: But still, I respect your wisdom restricted on cc.

>: Rolf Tueschen

>: >So please cough up, as you are *not* going to be able to produce any
>: >email dealing with the above. So, as usual, *bullshit*...

>: >The remainder of this garbage has been deleted...

>Robert Hyatt Computer and Information Sciences
> University of Alabama at Birmingham
>(205) 934-2213 115A Campbell Hall, UAB Station
>(205) 934-5473 FAX Birmingham, AL 35294-1170


Nov 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/19/97

On 18 Nov 1997 22:23:05 GMT,
(Rolf Tueschen) wrote the usual:

Rolf, I know some are used to hundreds of lines of this off-topic
stuff from rgcc, but luckily we haven't seen too much of it in rgcm
and would no doubt like to keep it that way. No one in rgcm even knows
what you're talking about and that's *NOT* a request for an
explanation. If anyone is interested in a couple hundred K of
recrimination they can get it from the now almost unusable rgcc.

I for one have too many filters set up already, can we keep rgcm "free
and clean"? Please?


saludos, Mig

What makes us so bitter against people who outwit us
is that they think themselves cleverer than we are.
François, Duc de La Rochefoucauld

Rolf Tueschen

Nov 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/19/97
to (Mig) wrote:

>On 18 Nov 1997 22:23:05 GMT,
>(Rolf Tueschen) wrote the usual:

>Rolf, I know some are used to hundreds of lines of this off-topic
>stuff from rgcc, but luckily we haven't seen too much of it in rgcm
>and would no doubt like to keep it that way. No one in rgcm even knows
>what you're talking about and that's *NOT* a request for an
>explanation. If anyone is interested in a couple hundred K of
>recrimination they can get it from the now almost unusable rgcc.

>I for one have too many filters set up already, can we keep rgcm "free
>and clean"? Please?

I wouldn't shout at you for using k-filters, but then don't you shout
because you had to do your research via Dejas. If you also don't like
that, then please keep silence and don't pretend that you could judge
the actual situation.

Between the lines I could smell your insinuation as if something unusual
and terrible is going on in rgcc. As if only off-topics-interested fools
ruled this group. --- This is complete nonsense. And agit-prop.

The *only* thing that happened however, that is the crime that
self-crowned experts of politics and history have comitted. Here in this
chess group. *They* went off-topic. (For proof: D E J A.)

What my minor important activity was? I still wait for the trial or at
least a decent apology. Sure that the cli[A]que of the criminals shout
"Stop it, that is OFF-TOPICAL."

Won't work. The possibilities are endless, believe me.

If you called that "blackmail", you used the same twisted logic, mig,
like the criminals. Sure enough, it's the justified interest of Ed
Schroder and his Co., of Chris Whittington and his slave/dog (CW
original definition, not mine), to lurk for a slip-away. And I'd say,
fine with me, but NOT at my costs. After two, and now probably the
third, character assassinations.

That is what makes fascists out of simple criminals. Their "mistake"
simply was to suppose that they could behave/act like this because they
"only" tried to extinguish a minor important "human" with lesser rights
to "live". That was the concept of "lebensunwertes Leben" (life
not-worth for living). Still alive actually among "scientists"
world-wide. Singer, Kerkovian(?).

You living in South(?) America, you should take a look at the scandals
where eyes and livers were stolen/robbed from the streetkids with
supposedly not more right to live than rotten garbage. I could tell
longer stories...

Ok, that's off-topic. Not for me. Ed Schroder himself declared that I
was rotten fish. See the connection with the street kids?

Off-topics started when self-crowned impostors tried to censor and
extinguish the rights of certain individuals. Certainly
writings/warnings about such scandals are off-topic. But they are a
needed *reaction* on prior criminal actions.

Circle is here. The proof for my claim that I came second in reaction on
crimes, can only be found by careful studies in Dejas.

No need to answer. Just take a look over there. But if you don't, then
stop talking theoretically about on and off-topics.

(Sorry if my English was too offensive, but polite or not, your post did
offense me already. And you know (?) how to write in English.)

[Mig, what did the Duke say about people who discover exactly that same
truth? I fear they are even more agitated in their frustration. And that
is the problem with cc experts like the above quoted. Actually they try
to behave silly. Deleting the knowledge about facts and inventing an
alternative group where they are again real experts. Not realizing that
their main activity is political again. And that was the field they were
provenly damned wrong and utterly uneducated....] :)

Rolf Tueschen

Carl Tillotson

Nov 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/19/97


Why are you taking it out on us in RGCM, go back to RGCC please.

Better still, I'll put yo in the kill file instead.

Carl Tillotson

Lancashire Chess Association Homepage

For the latest news, reviews and events happening on the
Lancashire Chess scene, visit the Lancashire Chess Association


Nov 20, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/20/97

On 19 Nov 1997 12:39:00 GMT,
(Rolf Tueschen) wrote, uh, something:

Congrats! 80 lines of complete free-style prose with no topic or
theme! Let's see what you can do in response to this one! Go Rolf, go!
When will you notice that you perform only the services of a clown for
us all? And for free!

saludos, Mig

Randy Bauer

Nov 20, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/20/97

Rolf Tueschen <> wrote in article

> (Mig) wrote:

> >Congrats! 80 lines of complete free-style prose with no topic or
> >theme! Let's see what you can do in response to this one! Go Rolf, go!
> >When will you notice that you perform only the services of a clown for
> >us all? And for free!

> So you think it's more valuable to do it for the money?
> Then it's true. You're better placed in CCC of ICS, New York.
> And confusing the opposition against concentration camps (and its first
> and secondary supporters like Dutchman Ed Schroder from REBEL) with
> 'doing the clown' is just one of those tastelessnesses smart people
> should omit by definition...

If I want to engage in a wide-ranging discussion about concentration camps
and the like, I will find the APPROPRIATE newsgroup for that subject. This
IS NOT such a newsgroup. Please take it, as they say, outside.
> You missed the point very badly. I've read and will read your fab chess
> oriented posts but on politicis you're just another average (and
> unintentionally (?) dangerous) uneducated guy. To assume the best of/for
> you...

I will continue to read Mig's "fab chess-oriented posts" also. You see,
Rolf, that's what this newsgroup is about. It is NOT about whatever topic
of the day you choose to go on and on and on and on ad naseum about.

I do politics for a living. The last thing I want to read about in this
newsgroup is politics. If you have chess-related politics you want to wite
about, take ti to the chess politics newsgroup. If you have world politics
and history you want to write about, go there. But above all else, just
> Sorry, but as a German I have certain self imposed educated standards of
> decency after the Holocaust I won't fall short of. And I'm not giving in
> for DOLLARS or all the glitter you or ICD could provide for the real
> pope of rgcc.

I'm sure you're glad you got that off your chest. Could we go back to
discussions about CHESS now?

Randy Bauer

Rolf Tueschen

Nov 20, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/20/97

"Randy Bauer" <> wrote:

If you really do politics for a *living* (!) then I understand your
point. I will assume in your favor that you are still under 30 y. old.

Excuse me that I can't follow/ vote for you. You can't count to three
methinks. Of course you are right above, your TWO alternatives don't
belong into rgcc (where I'm posting from), BUT if a famous programmer of
chess computer software gives a propagator of such nazi-like stuff his
support -- THEN it belongs to RGCC. Period.

The supporting well-known person was Ed Schroder from REBEL from the
Netherlands, and he insulted me being a pig for my attacks on
Czub/mclane who had propagated new concentrations camps and signings of
political opponents in the streets of Germany.

Note, this happened this Spring. So, if you are a politician who doesn't
like such stuff in rgcc or rgcm, then why the hell didn't you write that
at that time?? Instead of now stepping on my shoes...

Or do you get recompensation from Schroder to procedure like that
actually? Excuse my offensive question but in Germany politicians in the
House of Parliament are allowed to take money for their "special"
services -- legally!


Rolf Tueschen


Nov 20, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/20/97

hehe mig right on

Mig <> wrote in article

> On 19 Nov 1997 12:39:00 GMT,
> (Rolf Tueschen) wrote, uh, something:

> Congrats! 80 lines of complete free-style prose with no topic or
> theme! Let's see what you can do in response to this one! Go Rolf, go!
> When will you notice that you perform only the services of a clown for
> us all? And for free!

> saludos, Mig

Rolf Tueschen

Nov 21, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/21/97
to (Mig) wrote:

>On 20 Nov 1997 20:52:14 GMT,
>(Rolf Tueschen) wrote MOTURD (More Of The Usual Rambling Drivel):

>This is a blast, Rolphie.

Rollie, but only for *very* close friends. Amongs those not yet the

>Do you wear one of those pointy hats with
>little bells on it while you post, or is that just the impression on

>saludos, Mig

Tim Smith

Nov 22, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/22/97

Rolf Tueschen <> wrote:
[the usual drivel]

I'm curious. Are you ever tempted, just the challenge of it, to try to
make a coherent posting?

--Tim Smith

Rolf Tueschen

Nov 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/23/97
to (Tim Smith) wrote:

>Rolf Tueschen <> wrote:
>[the usual drivel]

>I'm curious.

Me too.

>Are you ever tempted, just the challenge of it, to try to
>make a coherent posting?

Let's try. What do you mean with "coherent"?


Rolf Tueschen

>--Tim Smith


Nov 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/23/97
to (Mig) wrote:

>Congrats! 80 lines of complete free-style prose with no topic or
>theme! Let's see what you can do in response to this one! Go Rolf, go!
>When will you notice that you perform only the services of a clown for
>us all? And for free!

>saludos, Mig

Right. Thats exactly the point. I see that other people see this as
clear as we have seen it.

jerome carlin

Nov 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/23/97

Before I knew better I tried to read Rolf's posts. Damn, it hurt my
brain to seek logic and coherence in that void.


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