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Marty Hirsch

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Andreas Mader

Jun 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/6/97

Is it true that Marty Hirsch has stopped chess programing due to his
difficulties with the German distributor? It would be a pity!



Jun 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/6/97

Andreas Mader <> wrote:


I don't know if this rumour is just a boomerang of a situation that
happened a few months ago, that he had problems. Maybe this roumor is
just a child of this situation in past.

If it is a NEW rumour, I hope it is not true.
Ossi Weiner helped Marty to continue work.
Stamer was the distributor Marty had problems with.
Why do you think Marty has now problems with Ossi too ?
Any Data ??

I hope not. No- this rumour is a boomerang of the Hirsch/stamer fight.


Jun 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/9/97

I think Andreas has read about the Hirsch/Stamer break in the Computer
Schach of march/april. I just visited your beautiful country and I
noticed this episode was still available in some book stores.
Let's hope your friend Ossi is more reliable a business man than this
Stamer guy.

BTW How about copyrights when programmers change distributor? Is a new
version of the same old program freed of copyrights? Or is there more
at stake?


>Andreas Mader <> wrote:

>>Is it true that Marty Hirsch has stopped chess programing due to his
>>difficulties with the German distributor? It would be a pity!



Jun 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/9/97

Andreas Mader <> wrote:

>I've read in rgcc about the Hirsch/Stamer break, too. But only a few
>days ago I've heard that the consequence of this break and the loss of a
>big amount of money was that Marty could not make his living with chess
>programing any more. So he decided to take another job. My questions
>was, if this rumour is true.

If - and only if, he started another job:
I would say this is no reason that Mchess7 is dead.
Also we should do something, maybe help him by collecting money or
boycott stamer or publishing stamer case in media that are bigger than
the chess-print-media. Maybe on german television ?!
Each of us should have OWN ways of helping Marty. Customers who have
not decided to buy could buy Mchess6 at a serious distributor.
I don't wanna see the end of Mchess just because one of the pimps (I
have ever said that they are pimps! You always said this is an
overestimation! They have nothing to do with us. They only exploit
people for their own reason, and they use illegal methods. QED) has
played a gambit.
How much worth is Mchess and Marty for computerchess ?
I think much.
How much worth for computerchess is a distributor that "kills"
programmers ????
If we try to get a television-serial like MONITOR or WIE BITTE ? to
help Marty, they would pay the lawyers against stamer.


Andreas Mader

Jun 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/10/97

miK wrote:
> I think Andreas has read about the Hirsch/Stamer break in the Computer
> Schach of march/april. I just visited your beautiful country and I
> noticed this episode was still available in some book stores.
> Let's hope your friend Ossi is more reliable a business man than this
> Stamer guy.
> BTW How about copyrights when programmers change distributor? Is a new
> version of the same old program freed of copyrights? Or is there more
> at stake?
> mic

I've read in rgcc about the Hirsch/Stamer break, too. But only a few

days ago I've heard that the consequence of this break and the loss of a
big amount of money was that Marty could not make his living with chess
programing any more. So he decided to take another job. My questions
was, if this rumour is true.


Robert Hyatt

Jun 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/10/97

mclane ( wrote:
: Andreas Mader <> wrote:

: >I've read in rgcc about the Hirsch/Stamer break, too. But only a few

: >days ago I've heard that the consequence of this break and the loss of a
: >big amount of money was that Marty could not make his living with chess
: >programing any more. So he decided to take another job. My questions
: >was, if this rumour is true.

: If - and only if, he started another job:

: I would say this is no reason that Mchess7 is dead.
: Also we should do something, maybe help him by collecting money or
: boycott stamer or publishing stamer case in media that are bigger than
: the chess-print-media. Maybe on german television ?!
: Each of us should have OWN ways of helping Marty. Customers who have
: not decided to buy could buy Mchess6 at a serious distributor.
: I don't wanna see the end of Mchess just because one of the pimps (I
: have ever said that they are pimps! You always said this is an
: overestimation! They have nothing to do with us. They only exploit
: people for their own reason, and they use illegal methods. QED) has
: played a gambit.
: How much worth is Mchess and Marty for computerchess ?
: I think much.
: How much worth for computerchess is a distributor that "kills"
: programmers ????
: If we try to get a television-serial like MONITOR or WIE BITTE ? to
: help Marty, they would pay the lawyers against stamer.

I wouldn't label Marty a "personal friend" but I've known him for a long
time. He burns with the same enthusiasm for computer chess that the rest
of us burn with. I doubt he's "out"...

Don Fong

Jun 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/11/97

In article <>,
Komputer Korner <> wrote:
>I forgot what Stamer's chess store is called. As for a benefit for
>Marty, maybe we could convince Bob Hyatt to start a one time only
>fund for Marty. I will donate $50.00 to the fund if Bob will put a
>"M-Chess voluntary tax" of $1.00 for every Crafty download. This
>would last for a certain amount of time that Bob would choose.

that is a bizarre idea. putting aside for the moment the
question of how such a "voluntary tax" would be collected...
why should Bob Hyatt, who gets *no* money for CRAFTY,
be expected to donate to a successful commercial programmer?
it is too bad that Marty Hirsch got ripped off, but i doubt he
has become a charity case as a result.

furthermore, Bob has from time to time raised the issue of
whether commercial chess programmers are freeloading because
they drink from the well of published ideas, but they do not
contribute to it. my feeling is that they are under no obligation,
but that there is no obligation in the other direction either.

i propose that KK donate $1.00 to some random charity
for every post that he sends to rgcc. how does that sound?

Komputer Korner

Jun 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/11/97

Hopefully the fund would be for Marty's legal expenses in fighting
Stamer in the German

Don Fong wrote:

Komputer Korner

The inkompetent komputer

Note that my true email is still
I don't often check the email of the sympatico address.

Komputer Korner

Jun 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/11/97

So it looks like Stamer has indeed put Marty out of business. We should
try to put
Stamer's EUROCHESS out of business. I don't know much about Stamer and
his company.
I don't even know where it is located.

Pitters wrote: Today I have talked with Marty on the phone. Of course he
will continiue

> his work at MChess Pro !!!! But naturally he didn`t have so much time
> to
> support the program, because he is working now at a new project, which
> has
> nothing to do with computerchess.
> > Maybe on the R.G.C.C. we could organize a boycott of Stamer and his
> chess store.I forgot what Stamer's chess store is called. >
> The name of Stamer `s company is EUROCHESS.
> Dear friends,
> thanks for your interest and your help ! Suggestions were welcome
> !!!!!!!
> -Peter

Andreas Mader

Jun 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/12/97

Pitters wrote:
> Today I have talked with Marty on the phone. Of course he will continiue
> his work at MChess Pro !!!! But naturally he didn`t have so much time to
> support the program, because he is working now at a new project, which has
> nothing to do with computerchess.

This is very sad!

Chrilly Donninger did a "normal" job for his company and used the
remaining time for the development of Nimzo 2.

Nimzo 2 scored approx. 2000 ELO in the SSDF list.

Then Chrilly quitted his job to concentrate on chess programming. He
wrote Nimzo 3.

Nimzo 3 scored approx. 2400 ELO in the SSDF list.

Even if you consider the different hardware, Nimzo became a success when
Chrilly worked full time on it. I am afraid that M-Chess will stagnate.

I hope that I am wrong!


Jouni Uski

Jun 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/12/97

But remember, that Hiarcs 6 is written by Mark's spare time and it still
the best engine available!



Jun 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/13/97

Im Artikel <>, Andreas Mader
<> schreibt:

Pitters wrote:
>>> Today I have talked with Marty on the phone. Of course he will
>>> his work at MChess Pro !!!! But naturally he didn`t have so much time
>>> support the program, because he is working now at a new project, which
>>> nothing to do with computerchess.

>This is very sad! >

I agree !!!!

>Chrilly Donninger did a "normal" job for his company and used the

remaining time for the development of Nimzo 2.Nimzo 2 scored approx. 2000

ELO in the SSDF list. Then Chrilly quitted his job to concentrate on chess
programming. He wrote Nimzo 3. Nimzo 3 scored approx. 2400 ELO in the SSDF
list. Even if you consider the different hardware, Nimzo became a success
when Chrilly worked full time on it. >

But what should he do ? Living as a "Happy camper" because he lost his
income .......?

On the other side take a look to Hiarcs. Mark Uniacke did also his
"normal" job. Nevertheless is Hiarcs the No.1 in the SSDF ....;-)

> I am afraid that M-Chess will stagnate. >

We must wait and see !

>I hope that I am wrong! >

I hope it too .....:-))



Jun 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/13/97

quoting a mail from

Hello Peter,

p> Today I have talked with Marty on the phone. Of course he will continiue
p> his work at MChess Pro !!!! But naturally he didn`t have so much time to
p> support the program, because he is working now at a new project, which has
p> nothing to do with computerchess.

Probably to earn enough money to survive, right?

p> >Well it took a couple of months but you guys are finally agreeing with me
p> >that Stamer did a very evil deed against Marty. Perhaps the 2 major
p> >distributors of chess products could get together in an M-Chess promotion.
p> >How about it ICD and GambitSoft? >

p> This is not a good idea :-(

Why not?

p> The name of Stamer `s company is EUROCHESS.

And he has a bad reputation now...

p> thanks for your interest and your help ! Suggestions were welcome !!!!!!!
p> -Peter

AFAIK Marty now deals with Ossi Weiner. Is this right?

Harald Faber, Germany


Jun 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/14/97

Im Artikel <>, Andreas Mader
<> schreibt:

Pitters wrote:
>>> Today I have talked with Marty on the phone. Of course he will

>>> his work at MChess Pro !!!! But naturally he didn`t have so much time

>>> support the program, because he is working now at a new project, which

>>> nothing to do with computerchess.


Jun 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/14/97
to (Pitters) wrote:

>We must wait and see !

Sometimes you get the best ideas about computerchess, when you are
FORCED not to think about it.
The unconsciousness does the job for you.


Jun 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/14/97

To: Ed, Mark, Richard, et al:

SORRY, guys, I'm NOT going to quit computer chess!

At WMCCC 1997 M-Chess Pro 7.0 will BREAK A PAWN.

-Marty Hirsch

Ed Schroder

Jun 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/14/97
to (MCHESS PRO) wrote:

>To: Ed, Mark, Richard, et al:

>SORRY, guys, I'm NOT going to quit computer chess!

>At WMCCC 1997 M-Chess Pro 7.0 will BREAK A PAWN.

Good to hear from you Marty... :)

- Ed -

>-Marty Hirsch


Jun 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/15/97

Im Artikel <>,
(Harald) schreibt:

>Hello Peter,>

Hi Harald :-)

>p> Today I have talked with Marty on the phone. Of course he will
>p> his work at MChess Pro !!!! But naturally he didn`t have so much time
>p> support the program, because he is working now at a new project, which

>p> nothing to do with computerchess.
>Probably to earn enough money to survive, right? >

The answer is simple ......yes !!!!!

>p> >Well it took a couple of months but you guys are finally agreeing
with me
>p> >that Stamer did a very evil deed against Marty. Perhaps the 2 major
>p> >distributors of chess products could get together in an M-Chess
>p> >How about it ICD and GambitSoft? >
>p> This is not a good idea :-(
>Why not? >

You are very curious .......;-))

>p> The name of Stamer `s company is EUROCHESS.
>And he has a bad reputation now...>

Is this fact so pitiful .........????

>p> thanks for your interest and your help ! Suggestions were welcome
>p> -Peter
>AFAIK Marty now deals with Ossi Weiner. Is this right? >

Very curious again ...;-)



Jun 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/15/97


Ed Schroder <> wrote in article

> (MCHESS PRO) wrote:
> >To: Ed, Mark, Richard, et al:
> >SORRY, guys, I'm NOT going to quit computer chess!
> >At WMCCC 1997 M-Chess Pro 7.0 will BREAK A PAWN.
> Good to hear from you Marty... :)

Likewise sentiments.

But those of us with memories recollect asbestos suits and flamethrowers is
this department :)

Chris Whittington

Ed Schroder

Jun 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/16/97

From: "chrisw" <>

: --

: Ed Schroder <> wrote in article
: <5nvb99$j9j$>...
: > (MCHESS PRO) wrote:
: >
: > >To: Ed, Mark, Richard, et al:
: >
: > >SORRY, guys, I'm NOT going to quit computer chess!
: >
: > >At WMCCC 1997 M-Chess Pro 7.0 will BREAK A PAWN.
: >
: > Good to hear from you Marty... :)

: Likewise sentiments.

: But those of us with memories recollect asbestos suits and
: flamethrowers is this department :)

All wars end Chris, how about yours... :))

- Ed Schroder -

: Chris Whittington


Jun 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/16/97


Ed Schroder <> wrote in article


You know this very well, Ed.

We just have temporary ceasefires, whilst manoevering and repositioning for
the next :)

You too ? :))

No, don't answer that, its a trick(y) question .....

Chris Whittington


Jun 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/16/97

quoting a mail from

Hello Peter,

p> >p> >Well it took a couple of months but you guys are finally agreeing

p> with me
p> >p> >that Stamer did a very evil deed against Marty. Perhaps the 2 major
p> >p> >distributors of chess products could get together in an M-Chess
p> >promotion.
p> >p> >How about it ICD and GambitSoft? >
p> >
p> >p> This is not a good idea :-(
p> >Why not? >
p> You are very curious .......;-))

Of course I always want to know the reason, remember SESAMSTRASSE: "Wer
nicht fragt, bleibt dumm." :-)

p> >p> The name of Stamer `s company is EUROCHESS.
p> >And he has a bad reputation now...>
p> Is this fact so pitiful .........????

In some case yes. Their behaviour doesn't please me, but also the methods
HCC wants to kick Stamer out of business, see ads in Rochade Europa i.e.

p> >AFAIK Marty now deals with Ossi Weiner. Is this right? >
p> Very curious again ...;-)
p> -Peter

Always. :-)
Now I am sure it is right, but what is wrong with that?

Harald Faber, Germany

Komputer Korner

Jun 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/17/97

Who or what is HCC?

Harald wrote: ????

> In some case yes. Their behaviour doesn't please me, but also the
> methods
> HCC wants to kick Stamer out of business, see ads in Rochade Europa
> i.e.
> p> >AFAIK Marty now deals with Ossi Weiner. Is this right? >
> p> Very curious again ...;-)
> p> -Peter
> Always. :-)
> Now I am sure it is right, but what is wrong with that?
> Harald Faber, Germany



Jun 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/18/97

Komputer Korner wrote:
> Who or what is HCC?

Ossi Weiner.

Hobby Computer Centrale, I believe.

He's been involved forever with Genius, now
with Shredder, and MChess (?).

Ossi has a lot of personality.


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