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Questions to ask our friends on the Left...

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Gunner Asch

Dec 27, 2010, 8:30:23 PM12/27/10
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'How many Kyoto Protocols are rendered pointless by one medium-sized
volcanic eruption?'
Finally: an immigrant I can stand!

Why does Hollywood glamorize drug addicts, criminals, liberal
Democrats, and mentally challenged people? What do they all have in

Ever noticed that those who demand �power to the people� also
believe that people can't do anything right without government

Here are the questions

Dear Americans, these are some questions I have collected in 16 years
of living in your country. Please see if you can answer them for me:

* If all cultures are equal, why doesn't UNESCO organize
International Cannibalism Week festivals?

* Why do those demanding �equal pay for equal work� never protest
against �equal pay for little or no work�?

* Why has no politician ever run on men�s issues or promised to
improve the lives of males?

* If all beliefs are equally valid, how come my belief in the
absurdity of this maxim gets rejected by its proponents?

* Ever noticed that for the past thirty years, we've been hearing we
have less than ten years to save the planet?

* Once a politician labels the truth as hate speech, can anyone
trust him to speak the truth afterward?

* If a politician gets elected by the poor on a promise to eliminate
poverty, wouldn't fulfilling his promise destroy his voting base?
Wouldn't he rather benefit from the growing numbers of poor people?
Isn't this an obvious conflict of interests?

* How did the �war on poverty� end? Has there been a peace treaty or
a ceasefire? Who is the occupying force and who are the insurgents?

* Why weren't there demonstrations with anti-feudal slogans under
feudal rule? And under Stalin, no anti-communist demonstrations? And
under Hitler, no anti-fascist demonstrations? In a free capitalist
society, anti-capitalist demonstrations are commonplace. Is capitalism
really the worst system?

* If capitalism makes some people rich without making others poor,
who will benefit when capitalism is destroyed?

* If the poor in America have things that people in other countries
can only dream about, why is there a movement to make America more like
those other countries?

* Why, on the rare occasions when Obama�s actions benefit America,
does his base get angry? And every time his actions are hurting this
nation, his base is happy? Who exactly are these people?

* If cutting out the middleman lowers the price, why are we paying
the government to stand between us and the markets?

* If racial profiling is an abomination, what do you make of the
last presidential election?

* After Eric Holder called Americans a nation of cowards, what has
he done personally to help the situation?

* If diversity training benefits everyone, why do those classes
mostly consist of white heterosexual males?
* Why is a huge poisonous cloud over a volcano considered
magnificent � but a smokestack over an American factory is ugly and

* How many Kyoto Protocols are rendered pointless by one
medium-sized volcanic eruption?

* Why is burning gas in my car hurting the planet, but setting fire
to housing developments in California is saving it?

* Why does Hollywood glamorize drug addicts, criminals, liberal
Democrats, and mentally challenged people? What do they all have in

* How come Hollywood can always find a good side in thugs, but never
in businesspeople? What was the last movie that pictured a self-reliant,
industrious man as a role model?

* If it�s capitalist greed that forces Hollywood to exploit the
lowest human instincts, why didn't the same greed force Hollywood to
exploit America�s patriotism and make war movies showing the U.S.
presence in Iraq and Afghanistan as a force for good? Wouldn't one such
film bring more green cash than all the anti-American flops in the
recent years? Where was Hollywood�s capitalist greed then?

* How come those calling Sarah Palin a �bimbo� often look like part
of Paris Hilton�s entourage?

* If there are no absolutes and family is an antiquated tool of
bourgeois oppression, why is having gay marriage an absolute must?

* Would you know from the media coverage that there are more sex
offenders among public school teachers then among Catholic priests? How
come the church gets the blame and the Department of Education doesn't?

* Why is the media so outspoken about sex abusers being priests, but
avoids calling them homosexual pedophiles? Who are they afraid to

* Why do those who decry modern civilization never live far from
shopping centers and why don�t grind their coffee with a stone ax?

* If we are called a �consumer society� because we consume, why
aren't we also called an �excreter society� because we excrete? For that
matter we also sleep, dream, talk, think, invent, play music, raise
children, feel pain, get sick and die. Many of us work for a living. Why
aren't we called a �producer society� because we produce the things we
consume? Who puts these labels on us and for what purpose?

* How come the unselfish Americans hate their country out of
personal frustrations, while the selfish ones defend America with their

* If describing terrorists as freedom fighters is justified by the
journalistic principle of neutrality, what is the name of the principle
that justifies describing U.S. troops as rapists and murderers?

* When the media portrays the killing of terrorists as �slaughter of
civilians,� while slaughter of civilians is portrayed as �resistance to
occupation,� is the media really being neutral? Whose side are they
really on?

* If Hollywood types are so opposed to capitalism, why is there a
warning against unauthorized distribution of their movies?

* Why is experimenting on animals cruel, but experimenting on human
embryos compassionate?

* How come industrial logging is a crime against nature, but the
destruction of forests by wildfires is a natural cycle of life?

* Why do those who object to tampering with the environment approve
of tampering with the economy? Isn't the economy also a fragile
ecosystem where a sudden change can trigger a devastating chain

* Isn't the latest economic crisis such a chain reaction?

* Aren't most of today�s social ills the result of tampering with
social ecosystems?

* Why is bioengineering bad, but social engineering good?

* If Al Gore is right and our consumption of the planet�s resources
is a moral issue, doesn't that make genocide an ethical solution? How
about an artificial famine? What would Al Gore choose?

* If being a winner in nature�s struggle for survival is selfish,
does being extinct make you an altruist?

* Since our planet�s resources are limited, wouldn't the ultimate
act of environmental activism be to stop eating and starve to death?

* How come those who hate humanity for its faults are called
�humanists� but those who love humanity for its virtues are called

* If economic ups and downs are natural cycles, why is the downturn
always blamed on unbridled capitalism, but the upturn is the result of a
wise leadership of a Democrat president?

* Why is there never a media story praising capitalism for the
booming economy?

* Ever noticed that those who demand �power to the people� also
believe that people can't do anything right without government

* How exactly does dependency on the government increase �people
* Why is there never a headline that says �Government program ends
as its intended goal has been achieved�?

* How come so many anti-American radicals are wearing American
brands, listen to American music, watch American movies, and play
American video games on computers designed by American engineers?

* Why do advocates for higher taxes have accountants advising them
how they can pay smaller taxes? Wouldn't you expect them instead to seek
advice on how to give away more of their income to the IRS? Or at least
not to hire accountants at all?

* Can you name one person who paid the IRS more than he owed because
he trusted the government to put his money to good use?

* Did it occur to any of the 9/11 Truthers that a government
conspiracy to murder thousands of people would have also included a plan
to rub out a few troublemakers?

* If U.S. oil companies own everyone in Washington, how come they
allowed Congress to grill them for the alleged price gouging � and to
broadcast it on C-Span?

* Why didn't Congress also grill Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin, and a
guy named Abdullah Ibn Abdul Aziz Bin Abdulrahman Bin Faisal Bin Turki
Bin Abdullah Bin Muhammad al Saud?

* Why are windfall profits a problem when they enrich U.S. companies
that pay billions in taxes � but when Hugo Chavez uses the same windfall
profits to fund Marxist guerillas in Colombia, it�s not a big deal?

* If George W. Bush was an oil-thirsty dictator, why couldn't he in
eight years get permission from Congress to drill in ANWR? And why
didn't that failure in any way hurt his dictatorial reputation with the

* If it�s true that the media emphasized bad news and harassed
President Bush only because they competed for ratings, what changed now?
Aren't they worried that today�s emphasis on good news from the White
House will destroy their ratings and make journalism irrelevant?

* And finally, if all opinions are equal, how come a liberal who
disagrees with a conservative is open-minded, but a conservative who
disagrees with a liberal is a bigot?


Just Me

Dec 28, 2010, 7:38:44 PM12/28/10
This will give you some more of ammo for rants but as presented these
"questions" can't be answered.
They sound just like some stand-up comedians bad attempt at political
But of course,as you "right" and knowledgeable people do have the
answers,so why don't you share them with us.

> Gunner


Dec 28, 2010, 9:28:31 PM12/28/10

"Just Me" <> wrote in message

> >On Dec 27, 5:30 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
> > 'How many Kyoto Protocols are rendered pointless by one medium-sized
> > volcanic eruption?'


> knowledgeable people do have the answers,so why don't you share them with
> us.

"Volcanoes release more than 130 million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere
every year."

Emissions by fuel
When 2007 carbon dioxide emissions are analyzed by fossil fuel, coal is the
largest source (12.5 billion metric tons), followed by liquid fuels (11.3
billion metric tons) and natural gas (5.9 billion metric tons).



Dec 28, 2010, 10:09:42 PM12/28/10
On Dec 28, 9:28 pm, "PrecisionmachinisT"
<> wrote:
> "Just Me" <> wrote in message

Now you've gone and confused Gunner with facts again. This can only
lead to him stroking out again, and costing us another few hundred
grand in charity care.

Gunner Asch

Dec 29, 2010, 5:31:44 AM12/29/10
On Tue, 28 Dec 2010 16:38:44 -0800 (PST), Just Me
<> wrote:

>This will give you some more of ammo for rants but as presented these
>"questions" can't be answered.

Why cant they be answered? The answers would embarass the Left?

>They sound just like some stand-up comedians bad attempt at political
>But of course,as you "right" and knowledgeable people do have the
>answers,so why don't you share them with us.

The answers are in the questions themselves. I take it you just got out
of a POW camp, or recently came out of a coma and are not aware of the
Lefts stupidity that required the developement of those questions?

Just Me

Dec 29, 2010, 11:18:31 AM12/29/10

As I have always suspected,you right wing types are thick in the head
and have to rely on emotion to back up your claims

On Dec 29, 2:31 am, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Dec 2010 16:38:44 -0800 (PST), Just Me

> ...
> read more »

Message has been deleted

Gunner Asch

Dec 29, 2010, 3:29:56 PM12/29/10
On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 08:18:31 -0800 (PST), Just Me
<> wrote:

>As I have always suspected,you right wing types are thick in the head
>and have to rely on emotion to back up your claims

So if you depend on cites so about this one?

Or this well received book?

Product Description
Are Liberals Out of Their Minds? Why do modern liberals think and act as
they do? The radical left's politics and its destructive effects on our
basic freedoms have provoked many to speculate on what makes these
people tick. The Liberal Mind answers the question. This book is the
first systematic analysis of the political madness that now threatens to
destroy the West's greatest achievement: the American dream of civilized
liberty. In his penetrating analysis, Dr. Rossiter reveals modern
liberalism's assaults on: The freedom of adults to make good lives for
themselves by cooperating with others, The ability of families to raise
children to be self-reliant and mutual, and The morals, rights and laws
that protect our freedoms. Modern liberalism's irrationality can only be
understood as the product of psychopathology. So extravagant are the
patterns of thinking, emoting, behaving and relating that characterize
the liberal mind that its relentless protests and demands become
understandable only as disorders of the psyche. The Liberal Mind reveals
the madness of the modern liberal for what it is: a massive transference
neurosis acted out in the world's political arenas, with devastating
effects on the institutions of liberty.

About the Author
Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., M.D. received his medical and psychiatric
training at the University of Chicago. He is board certified in both
general and forensic psychiatry and has diagnosed and treated mental
disorders for more than forty years. He has been retained by numerous
public offices, courts, and private attorneys as a forensic psychiatrist
and has consulted in more than 2700 civil and criminal cases in both
state and federal jurisdictions.

So you Leftwingers are mentally ill, something Ive stated clearly for
many years.



Curly Surmudgeon

Dec 29, 2010, 5:18:02 PM12/29/10
On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 11:47:16 -0700, Winston_Smith <>

> On Tue, 28 Dec 2010 18:28:31 -0800, "PrecisionmachinisT" wrote:
>>> >On Dec 27, 5:30 pm, Gunner Asch wrote:
>>> > 'How many Kyoto Protocols are rendered pointless by one medium-sized
>>> > volcanic eruption?'

>> "Volcanoes release more
>>than 130 million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere every year."
>> Emissions by fuel
>>When 2007 carbon dioxide emissions are analyzed by fossil fuel, coal is
>>the largest source (12.5 billion metric tons), followed by liquid fuels
>>(11.3 billion metric tons) and natural gas (5.9 billion metric tons).

> Interesting. I assume liquid fuels includes gasoline. Why are we
> driving hell-bent for election to replace "gas guzzlers" with electric
> vehicles? The electric to charge them will come from coal and natural
> gas fired generators.

Not necessarily. There is solar power, hydraulic power, geothermal
power, wind power, tidal power and regenerative braking.

Regards, Curly
“We had no domestic attacks under Bush. We’ve had one under Obama”
--Rudy Gulliani


Dec 29, 2010, 5:18:47 PM12/29/10

"Winston_Smith" <> wrote in message

> On Tue, 28 Dec 2010 18:28:31 -0800, "PrecisionmachinisT" wrote:
> >> >On Dec 27, 5:30 pm, Gunner Asch wrote:
> >> > 'How many Kyoto Protocols are rendered pointless by one medium-sized
> >> > volcanic eruption?'
> >
> >"Volcanoes release more than 130 million tonnes of CO2 into the
> >every year."
> >
> >
> >Emissions by fuel
> >When 2007 carbon dioxide emissions are analyzed by fossil fuel, coal is
> >largest source (12.5 billion metric tons), followed by liquid fuels (11.3
> >billion metric tons) and natural gas (5.9 billion metric tons).
> Interesting. I assume liquid fuels includes gasoline. Why are we
> driving hell-bent for election to replace "gas guzzlers" with electric
> vehicles? The electric to charge them will come from coal and natural
> gas fired generators.

The reason is because gasoline engines are terribly fuel inefficient except
when operated within a fairly narrow performance band whereas energy
consumed by electric motors is basically in lockstep with the shaft output

> Granted, there is much gum flapping about building solar and wind but
> it's going to be a long time before their capacity approaches the
> existing fuel based plants.

Renewable energy sources as a percentage of total production continues to
replace fossil sources and more than likely will continue to do so at an
exponential rate for at least the foreseeable future.

> The only positive I see is that coal and gas is more "domestic" than
> imported oil.

Fossil fuel powered electric plants run at max efficiency no matter what
speed your car is going and regardless of how much it weighs.


Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Dec 29, 2010, 8:42:12 PM12/29/10

"Winston_Smith" <> wrote in message
> On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 14:18:47 -0800, "PrecisionmachinisT" wrote:
> >"Winston_Smith" <> wrote .
> OK. I'll buy that. But then there is the problem of acquiring rare
> earths for the batteries and motor magnets and then the problem of
> recycling or disposing of them. Not that steel engines and the
> gasoline infrastructure doesn't have finite lives and pollution
> problems but I fear we are trading one set of well known problems for
> another set we have yet to really comprehend.

There was quite a bit of concern in the early hybrids about battery life
perhaps being a big problem--but turns out those fears were largely
unfounded--with tons of them still out there going after 10+ years of
service and hardly ever a failure.

And I don't see recycling the magnets as presenting any kind of problem at
all, though as an aside, you might find this link interesting:

"China, which produces about 97 percent of the global supply of rare earth
minerals, cut its export quotas by 35 percent for the first half of 2011
versus a year ago, saying it wanted to preserve ample reserves. It also
cautioned that it has not decided on the quotas for the second half of the

> >> Granted, there is much gum flapping about building solar and wind but
> >> it's going to be a long time before their capacity approaches the
> >> existing fuel based plants.
> >>
> >
> >Renewable energy sources as a percentage of total production continues to
> >replace fossil sources and more than likely will continue to do so at an
> >exponential rate for at least the foreseeable future.

> "Continues" but we have been developing the older versions for almost
> a century.

Fossil was once cheap and plentiful, but those days are most probably coming
to an end fairly rapidly if the economic model where it concerns the cost
relationship between the various energy sources is any indication.

> It will be a while before there is significant capacity on
> line. "Exponential" doesn't mean much when the base number is tiny.

Actually, over 30% of US net electrical generation already comes from
non-fossil sources :

> >> The only positive I see is that coal and gas is more "domestic" than
> >> imported oil.
> >>
> >
> >Fossil fuel powered electric plants run at max efficiency no matter what
> >speed your car is going and regardless of how much it weighs.
> >

> True, but a huge portion of that power is lost in the delivery
> process.

Overall electrical transmission loss is roughly 7% on average in the USA
IIRC ( significant, yes--but hardly "huge" )

--much of this loss is mitigated whenever the more efficient infrastructure
such as high voltage dc lines is installed to interconnect grids which are
located relatively long distances from one another...although at the utility
level I would speculate savings to become increasingly difficult to justify
if using the more short-term cost-benefit analysis methodology that seems
to be so prevalent with those idiots typically in charge at the final
subscriber distribution levels.

> I have no numbers, but a gut feeling they come out in the
> same approximate ballpark.

I can't find it right now but I'm recalling having read just the other day
about the EPA equivalent for the VOLT being nearly 100 MPG.


Message has been deleted


Dec 29, 2010, 9:48:06 PM12/29/10

"Winston_Smith" <> wrote in message

> On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 17:42:12 -0800, "PrecisionmachinisT" wrote:
> >"Winston_Smith" <> wrote
> >> It will be a while before there is significant capacity on
> >> line. "Exponential" doesn't mean much when the base number is tiny.
> >
> >Actually, over 30% of US net electrical generation already comes from
> >non-fossil sources :
> But now we are about to massively increase that load by shifting from
> gasoline to electric. We will need a lot more. If vehicles are slow
> charged off peak hours, it could actually be a load stabilization. If
> everybody wants a quick charge and go .....

"At 60 miles per day and with the assistance of a conventional fuel, the
Volt could achieve up to 150 mpg.

After 60 miles, the fuel efficiency continually drops to about 50 mpg until
it reaches its end range of around 600 miles.

Since the majority of Americans drive 60 miles per day or less, the Volt
offers extreme fuel economy for the bulk of America's commuting needs. Of
course, at $40,000, the Volt isn't cheap and gas prices would have to
increase dramatically to recover the extra battery costs.

On the other hand, numerous reports have leaked from unconfirmed Toyota
sources that indicate that Toyota is now working on a 100 mpg+ plug-in
Prius. This plug-in hybrid, like the Volt, will also use lithium-ion
batteries. However, it will not use as many batteries as the Volt, which
will bring down its price (more on third generation Prius)."


pyotr filipivich

Dec 30, 2010, 12:33:43 AM12/30/10
I missed the Staff Meeting but the Minutes record that Gunner Asch
<> reported Elvis on Wed, 29 Dec 2010 02:31:44
-0800 in misc.survivalism:

>On Tue, 28 Dec 2010 16:38:44 -0800 (PST), Just Me
><> wrote:
>>This will give you some more of ammo for rants but as presented these
>>"questions" can't be answered.
>Why cant they be answered? The answers would embarass the Left?

They require Thought. Thought seems to be something the left has
decided it does not need to have. Too many facts. DemSoc bellyfeel

>>They sound just like some stand-up comedians bad attempt at political
>>But of course,as you "right" and knowledgeable people do have the
>>answers,so why don't you share them with us.
>The answers are in the questions themselves. I take it you just got out
>of a POW camp, or recently came out of a coma and are not aware of the
>Lefts stupidity that required the developement of those questions?

Crimethink. DemSoc unCrimethink DoubleThink plus good. Obama say
"blackwhite", Justme is DemoSoc bellyfeeler, duckspeak blackwhite.

pyotr filipivich
"Zero Tolerance" is what you call intolerance when you're in favor of it.

another anonymous poster

Dec 30, 2010, 12:45:16 AM12/30/10

so, when did you rightards stop beating your wives or lovers?

why do the rightards give benefits and never pay for them

Gunner Asch

Dec 30, 2010, 2:06:55 AM12/30/10

Your poorly delivered attempts to divert by posting bullshit and
buffoonery is noted.

Your failure to intelligently respond is noted with satisfaction that it
was so easy to show your true colors..and mental inability to respond to
serious questions about your spew. Showing you to be a DNC controlled
Useful Idiot is a task I take delight in.


pyotr filipivich

Dec 30, 2010, 3:18:33 PM12/30/10
I missed the Staff Meeting but the Minutes record that Gunner Asch
<> reported Elvis on Wed, 29 Dec 2010 23:06:55
-0800 in misc.survivalism:

"aarp" or whatever his nym is, obviously never comprehended
Orwell's "1984".

Some days, I think I should include a translation from Newspeak
into PC, then they might get it.

"Crimethink. DemSoc unCrimethink DoubleThink plus good. Obama say
"blackwhite", Justme is DemoSoc bellyfeeler, duckspeak blackwhite."

That is to say, Progressive Democrats are quite capable of holding two
contradictory thoughts, and not noticing the contradiction. [Noticing
the contradiction is what makes up "Crimethink", and leads to
"ThoughtCrime" In other words, the questions in the list asked are,
to Progressives, "non-questions" - they never think along those lines,
because it is 'forbidden' to question positions which are Political
Correct. One might as well ask a Catholic is the Pope really is the
head of the church.]
If Obama says that black is white, or the sun rises in the west,
or that you can keep your insurance, then True Believers in
Progressivism will 'quack' "Black is White, the Sun rises in the West,
you can keep your insurance".

I can see why the MiniTruth decided to implement NewSpeak as a
means of regularizing the language, it makes for much more precise and
pithy prose.
DemSoc bellyfeel doubleplus good.

pyotr filipivich

Most of the intelligentsia haven't studied history, so much
as they've absorbed the Correct Position on "History".


Jan 1, 2011, 4:20:52 AM1/1/11

"pyotr filipivich" <> wrote in message

> DemSoc
> Lefts stupidity
> Crimethink.
> bellyfeel
> DemSoc
> DoubleThink plus good.

> "blackwhite",
> Justme is DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler,
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.

> doubleplusgood.
> unCrimethink
> beating wives or lovers
> never pay for them
> buffoonery
> failure to intelligently respond
> noted with satisfaction
> true colors
> mental inability
> serious questions
> give benefits
> spew.
> DNC controlled
>Useful Idiot
> never comprehended
> translation from Newspeak
> PC,

> they might get it.
> "Crimethink.
> DemSoc
> unCrimethink

>Useful Idiot
> DoubleThink plus good
> Obama say
> "blackwhite"
> Justme
> DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.
> Progressive Democrats
> quite capable
> contradictory thoughts
> makes up "Crimethink"
> "ThoughtCrime"
> "Progressives
> "non-questions"
> 'forbidden'
> question positions
> Political Correct.
> the Pope
> head
> Obama
> is white
> The Sun rises in the West,
> Believers
> quack
> Correct Position
> Black is White,
> your insurance".
> MiniTruth
> NewSpeak
> regularizing the language

> pithy prose.
> DemSoc bellyfeel doubleplus good.

> intelligentsia
> haven't studied history,

> absorbed

> DemSoc
> Lefts stupidity
> Crimethink.
> bellyfeel
> DemSoc
> DoubleThink plus good.

> "blackwhite",
> Justme is DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler,
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.

> doubleplusgood.
> unCrimethink
> beating wives or lovers
> never pay for them
> buffoonery
> failure to intelligently respond
> noted with satisfaction
> true colors
> mental inability
> serious questions
> give benefits
> spew.
> DNC controlled
>Useful Idiot
> never comprehended
> translation from Newspeak
> PC,

> they might get it.
> "Crimethink.
> DemSoc
> unCrimethink

>Useful Idiot
> DoubleThink plus good
> Obama say
> "blackwhite"
> Justme
> DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.
> Progressive Democrats
> quite capable
> contradictory thoughts
> makes up "Crimethink"
> "ThoughtCrime"
> "Progressives
> "non-questions"
> 'forbidden'
> question positions
> Political Correct.
> the Pope
> head
> Obama
> is white
> The Sun rises in the West,
> Believers
> quack
> Correct Position
> Black is White,
> your insurance".
> MiniTruth
> NewSpeak
> regularizing the language

> pithy prose.
> DemSoc bellyfeel doubleplus good.

> intelligentsia
> haven't studied history,

> absorbed

> DemSoc
> Lefts stupidity
> Crimethink.
> bellyfeel
> DemSoc
> DoubleThink plus good.

> "blackwhite",
> Justme is DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler,
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.

> doubleplusgood.
> unCrimethink
> beating wives or lovers
> never pay for them
> buffoonery
> failure to intelligently respond
> noted with satisfaction
> true colors
> mental inability
> serious questions
> give benefits
> spew.
> DNC controlled
>Useful Idiot
> never comprehended
> translation from Newspeak
> PC,

> they might get it.
> "Crimethink.
> DemSoc
> unCrimethink

>Useful Idiot
> DoubleThink plus good
> Obama say
> "blackwhite"
> Justme
> DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.
> Progressive Democrats
> quite capable
> contradictory thoughts
> makes up "Crimethink"
> "ThoughtCrime"
> "Progressives
> "non-questions"
> 'forbidden'
> question positions
> Political Correct.
> the Pope
> head
> Obama
> is white
> The Sun rises in the West,
> Believers
> quack
> Correct Position
> Black is White,
> your insurance".
> MiniTruth
> NewSpeak
> regularizing the language

> pithy prose.
> DemSoc bellyfeel doubleplus good.

> intelligentsia
> haven't studied history,

> absorbed

> DemSoc
> Lefts stupidity
> Crimethink.
> bellyfeel
> DemSoc
> DoubleThink plus good.

> "blackwhite",
> Justme is DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler,
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.

> doubleplusgood.
> unCrimethink
> beating wives or lovers
> never pay for them
> buffoonery
> failure to intelligently respond
> noted with satisfaction
> true colors
> mental inability
> serious questions
> give benefits
> spew.
> DNC controlled
>Useful Idiot
> never comprehended
> translation from Newspeak
> PC,

> they might get it.
> "Crimethink.
> DemSoc
> unCrimethink

>Useful Idiot
> DoubleThink plus good
> Obama say
> "blackwhite"
> Justme
> DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.
> Progressive Democrats
> quite capable
> contradictory thoughts
> makes up "Crimethink"
> "ThoughtCrime"
> "Progressives
> "non-questions"
> 'forbidden'
> question positions
> Political Correct.
> the Pope
> head
> Obama
> is white
> The Sun rises in the West,
> Believers
> quack
> Correct Position
> Black is White,
> your insurance".
> MiniTruth
> NewSpeak
> regularizing the language

> pithy prose.
> DemSoc bellyfeel doubleplus good.

> intelligentsia
> haven't studied history,

> absorbed

> DemSoc
> Lefts stupidity
> Crimethink.
> bellyfeel
> DemSoc
> DoubleThink plus good.

> "blackwhite",
> Justme is DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler,
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.

> doubleplusgood.
> unCrimethink
> beating wives or lovers
> never pay for them
> buffoonery
> failure to intelligently respond
> noted with satisfaction
> true colors
> mental inability
> serious questions
> give benefits
> spew.
> DNC controlled
>Useful Idiot
> never comprehended
> translation from Newspeak
> PC,

> they might get it.
> "Crimethink.
> DemSoc
> unCrimethink

>Useful Idiot
> DoubleThink plus good
> Obama say
> "blackwhite"
> Justme
> DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.
> Progressive Democrats
> quite capable
> contradictory thoughts
> makes up "Crimethink"
> "ThoughtCrime"
> "Progressives
> "non-questions"
> 'forbidden'
> question positions
> Political Correct.
> the Pope
> head
> Obama
> is white
> The Sun rises in the West,
> Believers
> quack
> Correct Position
> Black is White,
> your insurance".
> MiniTruth
> NewSpeak
> regularizing the language

> pithy prose.
> DemSoc bellyfeel doubleplus good.

> intelligentsia
> haven't studied history,

> absorbed

> DemSoc
> Lefts stupidity
> Crimethink.
> bellyfeel
> DemSoc
> DoubleThink plus good.

> "blackwhite",
> Justme is DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler,
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.

> doubleplusgood.
> unCrimethink
> beating wives or lovers
> never pay for them
> buffoonery
> failure to intelligently respond
> noted with satisfaction
> true colors
> mental inability
> serious questions
> give benefits
> spew.
> DNC controlled
>Useful Idiot
> never comprehended
> translation from Newspeak
> PC,

> they might get it.
> "Crimethink.
> DemSoc
> unCrimethink

>Useful Idiot
> DoubleThink plus good
> Obama say
> "blackwhite"
> Justme
> DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.
> Progressive Democrats
> quite capable
> contradictory thoughts
> makes up "Crimethink"
> "ThoughtCrime"
> "Progressives
> "non-questions"
> 'forbidden'
> question positions
> Political Correct.
> the Pope
> head
> Obama
> is white
> The Sun rises in the West,
> Believers
> quack
> Correct Position
> Black is White,
> your insurance".
> MiniTruth
> NewSpeak
> regularizing the language

> pithy prose.
> DemSoc bellyfeel doubleplus good.

> intelligentsia
> haven't studied history,

> absorbed

> DemSoc
> Lefts stupidity
> Crimethink.
> bellyfeel
> DemSoc
> DoubleThink plus good.

> "blackwhite",
> Justme is DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler,
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.

> doubleplusgood.
> unCrimethink
> beating wives or lovers
> never pay for them
> buffoonery
> failure to intelligently respond
> noted with satisfaction
> true colors
> mental inability
> serious questions
> give benefits
> spew.
> DNC controlled
>Useful Idiot
> never comprehended
> translation from Newspeak
> PC,

> they might get it.
> "Crimethink.
> DemSoc
> unCrimethink

>Useful Idiot
> DoubleThink plus good
> Obama say
> "blackwhite"
> Justme
> DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.
> Progressive Democrats
> quite capable
> contradictory thoughts
> makes up "Crimethink"
> "ThoughtCrime"
> "Progressives
> "non-questions"
> 'forbidden'
> question positions
> Political Correct.
> the Pope
> head
> Obama
> is white
> The Sun rises in the West,
> Believers
> quack
> Correct Position
> Black is White,
> your insurance".
> MiniTruth
> NewSpeak
> regularizing the language

> pithy prose.
> DemSoc bellyfeel doubleplus good.

> intelligentsia
> haven't studied history,

> absorbed

> DemSoc
> Lefts stupidity
> Crimethink.
> bellyfeel
> DemSoc
> DoubleThink plus good.

> "blackwhite",
> Justme is DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler,
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.

> doubleplusgood.
> unCrimethink
> beating wives or lovers
> never pay for them
> buffoonery
> failure to intelligently respond
> noted with satisfaction
> true colors
> mental inability
> serious questions
> give benefits
> spew.
> DNC controlled
>Useful Idiot
> never comprehended
> translation from Newspeak
> PC,

> they might get it.
> "Crimethink.
> DemSoc
> unCrimethink

>Useful Idiot
> DoubleThink plus good
> Obama say
> "blackwhite"
> Justme
> DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.
> Progressive Democrats
> quite capable
> contradictory thoughts
> makes up "Crimethink"
> "ThoughtCrime"
> "Progressives
> "non-questions"
> 'forbidden'
> question positions
> Political Correct.
> the Pope
> head
> Obama
> is white
> The Sun rises in the West,
> Believers
> quack
> Correct Position
> Black is White,
> your insurance".
> MiniTruth
> NewSpeak
> regularizing the language

> pithy prose.
> DemSoc bellyfeel doubleplus good.

> intelligentsia
> haven't studied history,

> absorbed

> DemSoc
> Lefts stupidity
> Crimethink.
> bellyfeel
> DemSoc
> DoubleThink plus good.

> "blackwhite",
> Justme is DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler,
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.

> doubleplusgood.
> unCrimethink
> beating wives or lovers
> never pay for them
> buffoonery
> failure to intelligently respond
> noted with satisfaction
> true colors
> mental inability
> serious questions
> give benefits
> spew.
> DNC controlled
>Useful Idiot
> never comprehended
> translation from Newspeak
> PC,

> they might get it.
> "Crimethink.
> DemSoc
> unCrimethink

>Useful Idiot
> DoubleThink plus good
> Obama say
> "blackwhite"
> Justme
> DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.
> Progressive Democrats
> quite capable
> contradictory thoughts
> makes up "Crimethink"
> "ThoughtCrime"
> "Progressives
> "non-questions"
> 'forbidden'
> question positions
> Political Correct.
> the Pope
> head
> Obama
> is white
> The Sun rises in the West,
> Believers
> quack
> Correct Position
> Black is White,
> your insurance".
> MiniTruth
> NewSpeak
> regularizing the language

> pithy prose.
> DemSoc bellyfeel doubleplus good.

> intelligentsia
> haven't studied history,

> absorbed

> DemSoc
> Lefts stupidity
> Crimethink.
> bellyfeel
> DemSoc
> DoubleThink plus good.

> "blackwhite",
> Justme is DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler,
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.

> doubleplusgood.
> unCrimethink
> beating wives or lovers
> never pay for them
> buffoonery
> failure to intelligently respond
> noted with satisfaction
> true colors
> mental inability
> serious questions
> give benefits
> spew.
> DNC controlled
>Useful Idiot
> never comprehended
> translation from Newspeak
> PC,

> they might get it.
> "Crimethink.
> DemSoc
> unCrimethink

>Useful Idiot
> DoubleThink plus good
> Obama say
> "blackwhite"
> Justme
> DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.
> Progressive Democrats
> quite capable
> contradictory thoughts
> makes up "Crimethink"
> "ThoughtCrime"
> "Progressives
> "non-questions"
> 'forbidden'
> question positions
> Political Correct.
> the Pope
> head
> Obama
> is white
> The Sun rises in the West,
> Believers
> quack
> Correct Position
> Black is White,
> your insurance".
> MiniTruth
> NewSpeak
> regularizing the language

> pithy prose.
> DemSoc bellyfeel doubleplus good.

> intelligentsia
> haven't studied history,

> absorbed

> DemSoc
> Lefts stupidity
> Crimethink.
> bellyfeel
> DemSoc
> DoubleThink plus good.

> "blackwhite",
> Justme is DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler,
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.

> doubleplusgood.
> unCrimethink
> beating wives or lovers
> never pay for them
> buffoonery
> failure to intelligently respond
> noted with satisfaction
> true colors
> mental inability
> serious questions
> give benefits
> spew.
> DNC controlled
>Useful Idiot
> never comprehended
> translation from Newspeak
> PC,

> they might get it.
> "Crimethink.
> DemSoc
> unCrimethink

>Useful Idiot
> DoubleThink plus good
> Obama say
> "blackwhite"
> Justme
> DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.
> Progressive Democrats
> quite capable
> contradictory thoughts
> makes up "Crimethink"
> "ThoughtCrime"
> "Progressives
> "non-questions"
> 'forbidden'
> question positions
> Political Correct.
> the Pope
> head
> Obama
> is white
> The Sun rises in the West,
> Believers
> quack
> Correct Position
> Black is White,
> your insurance".
> MiniTruth
> NewSpeak
> regularizing the language

> pithy prose.
> DemSoc bellyfeel doubleplus good.

> intelligentsia
> haven't studied history,

> absorbed

> DemSoc
> Lefts stupidity
> Crimethink.
> bellyfeel
> DemSoc
> DoubleThink plus good.

> "blackwhite",
> Justme is DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler,
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.

> doubleplusgood.
> unCrimethink
> beating wives or lovers
> never pay for them
> buffoonery
> failure to intelligently respond
> noted with satisfaction
> true colors
> mental inability
> serious questions
> give benefits
> spew.
> DNC controlled
>Useful Idiot
> never comprehended
> translation from Newspeak
> PC,

> they might get it.
> "Crimethink.
> DemSoc
> unCrimethink

>Useful Idiot
> DoubleThink plus good
> Obama say
> "blackwhite"
> Justme
> DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.
> Progressive Democrats
> quite capable
> contradictory thoughts
> makes up "Crimethink"
> "ThoughtCrime"
> "Progressives
> "non-questions"
> 'forbidden'
> question positions
> Political Correct.
> the Pope
> head
> Obama
> is white
> The Sun rises in the West,
> Believers
> quack
> Correct Position
> Black is White,
> your insurance".
> MiniTruth
> NewSpeak
> regularizing the language

> pithy prose.
> DemSoc bellyfeel doubleplus good.

> intelligentsia
> haven't studied history,

> absorbed

> DemSoc
> Lefts stupidity
> Crimethink.
> bellyfeel
> DemSoc
> DoubleThink plus good.

> "blackwhite",
> Justme is DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler,
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.

> doubleplusgood.
> unCrimethink
> beating wives or lovers
> never pay for them
> buffoonery
> failure to intelligently respond
> noted with satisfaction
> true colors
> mental inability
> serious questions
> give benefits
> spew.
> DNC controlled
>Useful Idiot
> never comprehended
> translation from Newspeak
> PC,

> they might get it.
> "Crimethink.
> DemSoc
> unCrimethink

>Useful Idiot
> DoubleThink plus good
> Obama say
> "blackwhite"
> Justme
> DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.
> Progressive Democrats
> quite capable
> contradictory thoughts
> makes up "Crimethink"
> "ThoughtCrime"
> "Progressives
> "non-questions"
> 'forbidden'
> question positions
> Political Correct.
> the Pope
> head
> Obama
> is white
> The Sun rises in the West,
> Believers
> quack
> Correct Position
> Black is White,
> your insurance".
> MiniTruth
> NewSpeak
> regularizing the language

> pithy prose.
> DemSoc bellyfeel doubleplus good.

> intelligentsia
> haven't studied history,

> absorbed

> DemSoc
> Lefts stupidity
> Crimethink.
> bellyfeel
> DemSoc
> DoubleThink plus good.

> "blackwhite",
> Justme is DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler,
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.

> doubleplusgood.
> unCrimethink
> beating wives or lovers
> never pay for them
> buffoonery
> failure to intelligently respond
> noted with satisfaction
> true colors
> mental inability
> serious questions
> give benefits
> spew.
> DNC controlled
>Useful Idiot
> never comprehended
> translation from Newspeak
> PC,

> they might get it.
> "Crimethink.
> DemSoc
> unCrimethink

>Useful Idiot
> DoubleThink plus good
> Obama say
> "blackwhite"
> Justme
> DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.
> Progressive Democrats
> quite capable
> contradictory thoughts
> makes up "Crimethink"
> "ThoughtCrime"
> "Progressives
> "non-questions"
> 'forbidden'
> question positions
> Political Correct.
> the Pope
> head
> Obama
> is white
> The Sun rises in the West,
> Believers
> quack
> Correct Position
> Black is White,
> your insurance".
> MiniTruth
> NewSpeak
> regularizing the language

> pithy prose.
> DemSoc bellyfeel doubleplus good.

> intelligentsia
> haven't studied history,

> absorbed

> DemSoc
> Lefts stupidity
> Crimethink.
> bellyfeel
> DemSoc
> DoubleThink plus good.

> "blackwhite",
> Justme is DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler,
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.

> doubleplusgood.
> unCrimethink
> beating wives or lovers
> never pay for them
> buffoonery
> failure to intelligently respond
> noted with satisfaction
> true colors
> mental inability
> serious questions
> give benefits
> spew.
> DNC controlled
>Useful Idiot
> never comprehended
> translation from Newspeak
> PC,

> they might get it.
> "Crimethink.
> DemSoc
> unCrimethink

>Useful Idiot
> DoubleThink plus good
> Obama say
> "blackwhite"
> Justme
> DemoSoc
> bellyfeeler
> duckspeak
> blackwhite.
> Progressive Democrats
> quite capable
> contradictory thoughts
> makes up "Crimethink"
> "ThoughtCrime"
> "Progressives
> "non-questions"
> 'forbidden'
> question positions
> Political Correct.
> the Pope
> head
> Obama
> is white
> The Sun rises in the West,
> Believers
> quack
> Correct Position
> Black is White,
> your insurance".
> MiniTruth
> NewSpeak
> regularizing the language

> pithy prose.
> DemSoc bellyfeel doubleplus good.

> intelligentsia
> haven't studied history,

> absorbed

Papers, please....



Jan 1, 2011, 12:34:02 PM1/1/11
On Tue, 28 Dec 2010 19:09:42 -0800 (PST), rangerssuck <>

In any case gummer will just repeat his insane lies later anyway.
What a drooling idiot he is. Must be a winger.


Jan 1, 2011, 12:38:48 PM1/1/11
On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 11:47:16 -0700, Winston_Smith <> wrote:

>On Tue, 28 Dec 2010 18:28:31 -0800, "PrecisionmachinisT" wrote:

>>> >On Dec 27, 5:30 pm, Gunner Asch wrote:
>>> > 'How many Kyoto Protocols are rendered pointless by one medium-sized
>>> > volcanic eruption?'

>>"Volcanoes release more than 130 million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere
>>every year."
>>Emissions by fuel
>>When 2007 carbon dioxide emissions are analyzed by fossil fuel, coal is the
>>largest source (12.5 billion metric tons), followed by liquid fuels (11.3
>>billion metric tons) and natural gas (5.9 billion metric tons).

>Interesting. I assume liquid fuels includes gasoline. Why are we
>driving hell-bent for election to replace "gas guzzlers" with electric
>vehicles? The electric to charge them will come from coal and natural
>gas fired generators.

In such a case the overall system efficiency will be much greater.
As will the cost per mile plus no paying outside the US for
the energy.
Lower total CO2 per ton-mile too.

>Granted, there is much gum flapping about building solar and wind but
>it's going to be a long time before their capacity approaches the
>existing fuel based plants.

The cost per KwH compares now.

>The only positive I see is that coal and gas is more "domestic" than
>imported oil.

>--- news:// - complaints: ---


Jan 1, 2011, 12:41:27 PM1/1/11
On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 15:44:44 -0700, Winston_Smith <> wrote:

>I DID mention solar and wind. You snipped it. By hydraulic, I assume
>you mean what's typically called hydro-electric. Virtually every
>potential site is fully utilized and has been for decades.

A rethug wanted to dam up the Grand Canyon.
The latest crowd of them will probably sell it for a buck to
Waste Mgt for use as a landfill.


Jan 1, 2011, 12:45:42 PM1/1/11
On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 18:51:59 -0700, Winston_Smith <> wrote:

>On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 17:42:12 -0800, "PrecisionmachinisT" wrote:
>>"Winston_Smith" <> wrote

>>> It will be a while before there is significant capacity on
>>> line. "Exponential" doesn't mean much when the base number is tiny.
>>Actually, over 30% of US net electrical generation already comes from
>>non-fossil sources :

>But now we are about to massively increase that load by shifting from
>gasoline to electric. We will need a lot more. If vehicles are slow
>charged off peak hours, it could actually be a load stabilization. If
>everybody wants a quick charge and go .....

Automated swap-out of battery-packs in a few minutes at a "gas" station.

David R. Birch

Jan 2, 2011, 6:33:00 PM1/2/11

So the Hoover Dam, at the bottom of Grand Canyon and built under FDR,
and the Glen Canyon Dam, upstream from the Grand Canyon, started under
Ike and finished under LBJ, don't exist?

Still haven't figured out where the WMD's went?



Jan 2, 2011, 7:11:23 PM1/2/11
> Gunner

The one question to ask our friends on the Right...

Why can't Gunner find a job?

Need another question?

Why can't Gunner pay his long suffering creditors?


Gunner Asch

Jan 2, 2011, 8:31:57 PM1/2/11
On Sun, 02 Jan 2011 17:33:00 -0600, "David R. Birch" <>

Crom but Cliff and the rest of the Leftards are some of the dumbest,
most ignorant, stupid buttwipes Ive ever had the misfortune to



"You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once."
Robert A. Heinlein


Jan 2, 2011, 10:59:25 PM1/2/11
On Jan 2, 7:31 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
> On Sun, 02 Jan 2011 17:33:00 -0600, "David R. Birch" <>
> wrote:
> >On 1/1/2011 11:41 AM, Cliff wrote:
> >> On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 15:44:44 -0700, Winston_Smith<>  wrote:
> >>> I DID mention solar and wind.  You snipped it.  By hydraulic, I assume
> >>> you mean what's typically called hydro-electric.  Virtually every
> >>> potential site is fully utilized and has been for decades.
> >>    A rethug wanted to dam up the Grand Canyon.
> >>    The latest crowd of them will  probably sell it for a buck to
> >> Waste Mgt for use as a landfill.
> >So the Hoover Dam, at the bottom of Grand Canyon and built under FDR,
> >and the Glen Canyon Dam, upstream from the Grand Canyon, started under
> >Ike and finished under LBJ, don't exist?
> >Still haven't figured out where the WMD's went?
> >David
> Crom but Cliff and the rest of the Leftards are some of the dumbest,
> most ignorant, stupid buttwipes Ive ever had the misfortune to
> encounter.
> Gunner
> --
> "You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once."
>                      Robert A. Heinlein- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Note how Gunner "knows all the answers" except when it really matters.

If Gunner won't find a simple job and pay his long suffering
creditors, then why would an intelligent person believe him on any
other subject?

Typical stupid conservative parasite who depends on a liberal society
to survive.


Boris Kapusta

Jan 2, 2011, 11:25:51 PM1/2/11

Who has friends on the left?


Jan 3, 2011, 12:39:16 AM1/3/11
On Jan 2, 10:25 pm, Boris Kapusta <tha...@nothanks.notreal> wrote:
> On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 16:11:23 -0800 (PST), Too_Many_Tools

Gunner does.

They send him welfare checks and food stamps.


Boris Kapusta

Jan 3, 2011, 4:51:23 PM1/3/11

He deserves it. Too bad only a small percentage comes from lefties

Gunner Asch

Jan 3, 2011, 6:10:32 PM1/3/11
On Mon, 03 Jan 2011 15:51:23 -0600, Boris Kapusta
<tha...@nothanks.notreal> wrote:

Actually Fools is again lying. I neither get welfare nor food stamps.
The ex does get food stamps, no welfare.

But then..the Fool does that. Its just a long term proof of his mental



Jan 8, 2011, 1:55:22 PM1/8/11
On Sat, 01 Jan 2011 12:41:27 -0500, Cliff
<> wrote:

>On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 15:44:44 -0700, Winston_Smith <> wrote:
>>I DID mention solar and wind. You snipped it. By hydraulic, I assume
>>you mean what's typically called hydro-electric. Virtually every
>>potential site is fully utilized and has been for decades.
> A rethug wanted to dam up the Grand Canyon.

Unless you can tell us about some unused hydro-sites, what's your

> The latest crowd of them will probably sell it for a buck to
>Waste Mgt for use as a landfill.

Oh, yeah, I see, you have to give a Republican Progressive credit for
something so you can use it to shoot them down. That's some more of
that liberal logic, right?

More to the point, if liberals are true to their mantras, they should
tear down all dams so the little fishies can swim free. No doubt you
will someday oppose wind power because the wind shouldn't be exploited
for man's greedy nature. Liberal logic all the way.


Jan 8, 2011, 1:59:00 PM1/8/11

Where you can trade in your brand new one for one five years old and
half the capacity?

Just to put some possibly useful fact in this post, last week I went
to a local used book store in a local strip mall. Pretty liberal
crowd and pretty progressive way they do business.

One of the parking spots right in front sported what looked like a
parking meter. On inspection it turned out to be a charging station.
No cars to charge, but there IS at least one station.

Michael A. Terrell

Jan 8, 2011, 8:39:30 PM1/8/11

Hell, that's nothing new. Outlets by parking spaces have been round
since at least the '60s in some places.

You can't fix stupid. You can't even put a band-aid on it, because it's
Teflon coated.

Gunner Asch

Jan 10, 2011, 6:32:14 AM1/10/11

And windpower KILLS BIRDS!!!!!


Jan 10, 2011, 9:50:18 AM1/10/11
On Jan 8, 10:55 am, Winston_Smith <> wrote:"
 Liberal logic all the way."

how about that mountain top remova, are you on the right being good
stewards of the land? (please use logic and sound reasoning in your

Gunner Asch

Jan 10, 2011, 5:17:22 PM1/10/11

Now show us a view from 5 miles up.

You will notice that the mines are nearly invisible to the surrounding

And many millions of people, going about their lives, wont be freezing
to death tonight.

Was there anything else you wished to spew about?



Jan 10, 2011, 6:13:08 PM1/10/11

Well, anyone who believes that inanimate objects run around killing
people should have no trouble believing in the Wind God.

Liberal logic - the creation of a new godhead.

Boris Kapusta

Jan 10, 2011, 9:37:05 PM1/10/11
On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 18:13:08 -0500, Strabo <>

I wonder if that's why the liberals fall to their knees when they
smell my farts.

Shall not be infringed

Jan 10, 2011, 9:46:04 PM1/10/11
On Jan 10, 9:50 am, columbiaaccidentinvestigation

<> wrote:
> On Jan 8, 10:55 am, Winston_Smith <> wrote:"
>  Liberal logic all the way."
> how about that mountain top remova, are you on the right being good
> stewards of the land?  (please use logic and sound reasoning in your
> reply)

Speaking of Arizona, when are they going to practice a little soil
conservation and start filling in the
Grand Canyon?

Gunner Asch

Jan 10, 2011, 9:58:59 PM1/10/11

And when is that Pima County sheriff going to be booted out of office?

Catseye says:
January 10, 2011 at 3:58 pm

There is a term which may apply here if this is true it’s “Dangerously
cameo says:
January 10, 2011 at 4:34 pm

His mother (the shooter's) works for the Pima County Board of
Supervisors…so it’s definitely plausible.

Id have to say that Sheriff Dupnick is not long for his office....


Gunner Asch

Jan 10, 2011, 10:34:46 PM1/10/11
On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 18:58:59 -0800, Gunner Asch <>

It should be noted..that Sheriff a life long Democrat.

Michael A. Terrell

Jan 10, 2011, 11:12:58 PM1/10/11

That doesn't explain the peeling paint and warped steel beams.


Jan 11, 2011, 12:28:42 AM1/11/11
On Jan 10, 2:17 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 06:50:18 -0800 (PST), columbiaaccidentinvestigation
> <> wrote:
> >On Jan 8, 10:55 am, Winston_Smith <> wrote:"
> > Liberal logic all the way."
> >how about that mountain top remova, are you on the right being good
> >stewards of the land?  (please use logic and sound reasoning in your
> >reply)
> >
> Now show us a view from 5 miles up.
> You will notice that the mines are nearly invisible to the surrounding
> countryside.
> And many millions of people, going about their lives, wont be freezing
> to death tonight.
> Was there anything else you wished to spew about?
> Gunner

is there anything else you want to pretend does not exist, mabe your


Jan 11, 2011, 12:29:13 AM1/11/11
On Jan 10, 6:46 pm, Shall not be infringed <hot-ham-and-

wont come close to what it would take to fill the void between your

Curly Surmudgeon

Jan 11, 2011, 12:47:39 AM1/11/11

Ask Gummer for the link his photos. Specifically the ones with terminal
toenail fungus. Watch him pretend it does not exist.

Regards, Curly
"Don't retreat, reload!" --Sarah Palin


Jan 11, 2011, 8:23:30 AM1/11/11

Gunner Asch wrote:

> It should be noted..that Sheriff a life long Democrat.

There are few politicians who will speak what they think.

Normally the political system requires politicians
to lie and so
that is what they do.

This is what the sheriff said:

When you look at unbalanced people, how they respond to the vitriol that
comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government. The
anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting
to be outrageous. And unfortunately, Arizona I think has become sort of
the capital. We have become the mecca for prejudice and bigotry.

Ray Keller

Jan 11, 2011, 10:03:16 AM1/11/11

"jim" wrote in message

Gunner Asch wrote:


Too bad it was a far left fringe kook that did the shooting because she was
not far enough left.
Sucks to be you, doesn't it.


Jan 11, 2011, 10:39:05 AM1/11/11

That makes as much sense as anything

he was just trying to kill
the 9 yr old girl and
every one else was collateral damage.

I think the Sheriff stated the obvious - the guy was unbalanced

Dupnik has been around long enough to know
it is futile
to attempt to explain what happened in rational terms.

> Sucks to be you, doesn't it.

yeah I wish it hadn't happened


Jan 11, 2011, 12:25:58 PM1/11/11

You forgot one...will America allow conservatives to keep their guns?

It is clear that crazy conservatives have guns that are killing
innocent Americans.

And the conservative community has failed in policing itself.

It is time to require psych testing as a requirement for gun

And Gummer..based on your erratic behavior you would fail and lose all
your guns...and some innocent American would live.


Curly Surmudgeon

Jan 12, 2011, 2:23:11 AM1/12/11

Yeah, right, the shooter was enraged by Rachael Maddow to go kill a
Democrat... </sarcasm>

Wow, two mentally damaged deniers.

Regards, Curly
"I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could
kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. No, I
think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and
I could just be choking the life out." -- Glenn Beck, May 17, 2005


Jan 12, 2011, 7:04:52 AM1/12/11

Tearing down government?

You mean the government that's responsible for spending trillions of
dollars that it doesn't have and can't account for?

The one that's crashing the economy, creating phony wars and threats of
wars in order to perpetuate an international corporate oligarchy?

The one with corrupt political parties run by elitists whose
primary goal is winning the next election?

The one with 3,000,000 Americans in jail and which daily threatens
Americans with ever greater loss of privacy, liberty and freedom?

The one that nationalizes businesses and refuses to protect our borders
while encouraging an illegal alien invasion?

Yep, that's the one.

Imagine that! Americans don't want Socialist-Progressive change!


Jan 12, 2011, 8:46:53 AM1/12/11

Strabo wrote:
> On 1/11/2011 8:23 AM, jim wrote:
> >
> >
> > Gunner Asch wrote:

> Tearing down government?
> You mean the government that's responsible for spending trillions of
> dollars that it doesn't have and can't account for?

You are confused.

It was not me who said anything
about "tearing down government".

I was merely writing the words
that the sheriff spoke
that has caused an uproar

> The one that's crashing the economy, creating phony wars and threats of
> wars in order to perpetuate an international corporate oligarchy?
> The one with corrupt political parties run by elitists whose
> primary goal is winning the next election?
> The one with 3,000,000 Americans in jail and which daily threatens
> Americans with ever greater loss of privacy, liberty and freedom?
> The one that nationalizes businesses and refuses to protect our borders
> while encouraging an illegal alien invasion?
> Yep, that's the one.
> Imagine that! Americans don't want Socialist-Progressive change!

the sheriff said:

"When you look at unbalanced people, how they respond to the vitriol
comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government. The
anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting
to be outrageous. And unfortunately, Arizona I think has become sort of
the capital. We have become the mecca for prejudice and bigotry."

Do you feel the sheriff was making a
personal attack against you?

The curious thing is
a number of people around the country
also are convinced
that little statement by the sheriff
was directed at them.

Gunner Asch

Jan 15, 2011, 2:52:28 AM1/15/11
On Tue, 11 Jan 2011 07:23:30 -0600, jim <"sjedgingN0Sp"@m@mwt,net>

so you are saying that there a lot of Leftwingers in Aridzona?

Gunner Asch

Jan 15, 2011, 2:52:30 AM1/15/11

Thank you for pointing out exactly why I was correct in my statement.

Much obliged!!!



Jan 15, 2011, 12:29:44 PM1/15/11

It was just an informal query
about why you think Sheriff Dupnik should be
"booted out of office"

I guess you aren't going to respond
but thanks anyway


Jan 15, 2011, 1:32:25 PM1/15/11
> Gunner- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

the effects of moutain top removal mining are only invisible to those
who choose not to see. But if you really think so maybe you should
take up residence next to a coal sludge impoundment, hang out for a
while and take in some of the local water. In fact, why dont you have
some water of the trucked in as your only drinking supply. Lets see,
maybe we can build one next to your families and relatives local
schools. And if you are going to hide behind the fake argument of
keeping the poor warm during the winter, i would hope you support
federal programs such as LIHEAP.

Coal Sludge Impoundments, West VirginiaPosted April 25, 2008

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Gunner Asch

Jan 15, 2011, 3:27:57 PM1/15/11
On Sat, 15 Jan 2011 11:29:44 -0600, jim <"sjedgingN0Sp"@m@mwt,net>

I responded, but you refused to answer.

Which is hardly surprising, is it?


Gunner Asch

Jan 15, 2011, 3:29:43 PM1/15/11

Thanks again for confirming my statement. Your attempts to undo your
confirmation of course are pathetic weak attemps of diversion.

Please try harder or you will simply fall back into the herd of Useless
Eaters you came from.



Jan 15, 2011, 3:46:47 PM1/15/11

Gunner Asch wrote:

> I responded, but you refused to answer.
> Which is hardly surprising, is it?

yes absolutely
nothing at all


Jan 15, 2011, 5:50:06 PM1/15/11

Laughing, you are a denialist. And i know in your own lame opinion,
your lame opinions have some meaning, but you are only fooling
yourself. If you come back with a reply, try to make it logical, and
with sound reasoning, and not appealling to your own authority,
because you have none.

Boris Kapusta

Jan 15, 2011, 7:28:24 PM1/15/11
On Sat, 15 Jan 2011 11:29:44 -0600, jim <"sjedgingN0Sp"@m@mwt,net>

KNIGHT: Recall Sheriff Dupnik
Tucson cop shouldn't put politicking before policing

Robert Knight - The Washington Times

A lot of people are wondering what to do about Clarence Dupnik,
sheriff of Pima County, Ariz. He's the left-wing lawman who shot off
his mouth and blamed everyone to the right of President Obama for the
Jan. 8 massacre in Tucson. Last April, he boasted that he would not
enforce S.B. 1070, the state's immigration enforcement law, which he
called "racist," "stupid" and "disgusting." In September, he accused
Tea Party members of being bigots.

Name-calling is one thing. More seriously, Sheriff Dupnik's rants may
have compromised the future prosecution of suspect Jared Lee Loughner,
22, in the shootings that left federal Judge John Roll, a 9-year-old
Christina Taylor Green and four others dead, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
in critical condition and 11 others wounded.

Furthermore, Sheriff Dupnik's office should have been aware of Mr.
Loughner's bizarre behavior, with multiple campus police reports and a
history of drug and alcohol abuse. Mr. Loughner had been obsessed with
Mrs. Giffords since 2007 and had been suspended and barred from a
community college campus where a classmate predicted he would someday
shoot up a classroom. On Sept. 30, Sheriff Dupnik's name was on a
subpoena to Google/YouTube for information regarding a bizarre video
that Mr. Loughner had posted.

Sheriff Dupnik may have had enough evidence to take Mr. Loughner into
custody for a psychiatric examination before Saturday's massacre.
Perhaps this is why Sheriff Dupnik preferred to talk instead about the
culpability of talk-show hosts and conservative political figures.

And as Liberty University communications professor Stuart Schwartz
points out on the American Thinker blog, Sheriff Dupnik's bailiwick
could stand for some better law enforcement:

"The citizens of Pima County are up to their necks in crime,
especially when compared to neighboring Maricopa County. Thirty years
of hyperpartisan Democrat-led law enforcement have resulted in the
highest crime rates in Arizona. The citizen who lives in Pima County,
compared to media-reviled Joe Arpaio's territory just next door, will
have almost three times the chance of being murdered; is more than
seven times as likely to be raped; is more than six times as likely to
be assaulted; and more than seven times as likely to have experienced
a property crime such as burglary, arson or car theft."

Sheriff Dupnik, who has occupied his post since 1980, won re-election
most recently in 2008 with just under 65 percent of the vote. He won't
face voters again until 2012. Perhaps.

Fed-up constituents may not have to wait. Arizona is one of 18 states
with a broadly worded recall law for public officials. Here's the key
provision in the Arizona Constitution, Article VIII, Part 1:

"Every public officer in the state of Arizona, holding an elective
office, either by election or appointment, is subject to recall from
such office by the qualified electors of the electoral district from
which candidates are elected to such office."

If petitioners in Pima County collect 25 percent of the number of
votes cast in the last election (about 90,000 would be needed) they
can put Sheriff Dupnik on the ballot in a special recall election. In
October 2003, California's voters ousted Gov. Gray Davis in a recall
election - a far tougher task.

At a press conference on the day of the Tucson shootings, Sheriff
Dupnik said, "When you look at unbalanced people, how they respond to

the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the

government - the anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this

country is getting to be outrageous. And unfortunately, Arizona I
think has become sort of the capital. We have become the mecca for
prejudice and bigotry."

On Fox News, when asked what may have prompted the killer's actions,
Sheriff Dupnik opined, "There was a lot of vitriolic statements made
on radio and TV ... and some of the vitriol got a lot of people

When pressed by Fox News' Megyn Kelly for evidence linking the
suspect's mental state to TV or radio commentaries, Sheriff Dupnik
came up empty and repeated the charge. Later, he acknowledged, "I
don't have that information yet."



Jan 15, 2011, 8:03:32 PM1/15/11
Boris Kapusta wrote:

> A lot of people are wondering what to do about Clarence Dupnik,
> sheriff of Pima County, Ariz. He's the left-wing lawman who shot off
> his mouth and blamed everyone to the right of President Obama for the
> Jan. 8 massacre in Tucson.

Here is what the sheriff said:
"When you look at unbalanced people,
how they respond to the vitriol that
comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government.
The anger, the hatred, the bigotry
that goes on in this country is getting
to be outrageous.
And unfortunately, Arizona I think has become sort of
the capital.
We have become the mecca for prejudice and bigotry.

>Last April, he boasted that he would not

> enforce S.B. 1070, the state's immigration enforcement law, which he
> called "racist," "stupid" and "disgusting."

I did hear he he called the law stupid.
He is a sheriff whose jurisdiction is on the Mexican border.
He and his department have arrested
far more illegal aliens than any of his critics have.

>In September, he accused
> Tea Party members of being bigots.

I think he merely pointed out that
There was no Tea Party
when there was no black president
and this is true.

> Name-calling is one thing. More seriously, Sheriff Dupnik's rants may
> have compromised the future prosecution of suspect Jared Lee Loughner,

He gave away that the shooter was unbalanced.
Did you think they were going to keep that a secret?

> 22, in the shootings that left federal Judge John Roll, a 9-year-old
> Christina Taylor Green and four others dead, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
> in critical condition and 11 others wounded.
> Furthermore, Sheriff Dupnik's office should have been aware of Mr.
> Loughner's bizarre behavior, with multiple campus police reports and a
> history of drug and alcohol abuse. Mr. Loughner had been obsessed with
> Mrs. Giffords since 2007 and had been suspended and barred from a
> community college campus where a classmate predicted he would someday
> shoot up a classroom. On Sept. 30, Sheriff Dupnik's name was on a
> subpoena to Google/YouTube for information regarding a bizarre video
> that Mr. Loughner had posted.

I don't think the jail in Pima Arizona
is big enough for all the people
posting bizarre U-tube videos

> Sheriff Dupnik may have had enough evidence to take Mr. Loughner into
> custody for a psychiatric examination before Saturday's massacre.
> Perhaps this is why Sheriff Dupnik preferred to talk instead about the
> culpability of talk-show hosts and conservative political figures.

I think you are hearing things he didn't say.

> And as Liberty University communications professor Stuart Schwartz
> points out on the American Thinker blog, Sheriff Dupnik's bailiwick
> could stand for some better law enforcement:
> "The citizens of Pima County are up to their necks in crime,
> especially when compared to neighboring Maricopa County. Thirty years
> of hyperpartisan Democrat-led law enforcement have resulted in the
> highest crime rates in Arizona. The citizen who lives in Pima County,
> compared to media-reviled Joe Arpaio's territory just next door, will
> have almost three times the chance of being murdered; is more than
> seven times as likely to be raped; is more than six times as likely to
> be assaulted; and more than seven times as likely to have experienced
> a property crime such as burglary, arson or car theft."

The people of Pima county have elected Dupnik for 6 terms in office.
That tells me more than your phony statistics.

> Sheriff Dupnik, who has occupied his post since 1980, won re-election
> most recently in 2008 with just under 65 percent of the vote. He won't
> face voters again until 2012. Perhaps.

You going to go down there and fix their county?

> Fed-up constituents may not have to wait. Arizona is one of 18 states
> with a broadly worded recall law for public officials. Here's the key
> provision in the Arizona Constitution, Article VIII, Part 1:

Maybe you would be better off
reading your own constitution

Gunner Asch

Jan 15, 2011, 8:07:36 PM1/15/11

Denialist? Im only thanking you for backing up my statement. How could
that be denial?

You, you poor dumb bastard..have been denying you backed me up in your
last 3 posts..yet the evidence remains.

Off your meds, right?


"I think it's tempting not to negotiate with hostage takers, unless the
hostage gets harmed. In this case the hostage is the American people and
I was not willing to see them get harmed"

"If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun"

"I want you to argue with them and get in their face!"

"We're gonna punish our enemies and we?re gonna reward our friends who
stand with us on issues that are important to us."

"I don't want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I'm

"We talk to these folks? so I know whose ass to kick."

Gunner Asch

Jan 15, 2011, 8:11:54 PM1/15/11

It should further be noted..that the killers mother was on the Board of
Supervisors for Pima County...a person the sheriff may have been trying
to protect..rather than protecting the public.

Now while his sympathy may be touching...his oath of office was
broken..shattered... by his actions..or lack of them..and as a
result...many are dead..more are wounded.

Dupnik should resign and live out his life in a cabin way way up in the
mountains..his only companion a case of booze..and his service weapon.
Perhaps he will do the right thing........



Jan 15, 2011, 8:19:38 PM1/15/11

you claimed it to be "nearly invisible", and i have shown the scars
are quite visible. Then in fact i made a point about the "invisible"
effects, such as water contamination, both of which you avoided.

> You, you poor dumb bastard..have been denying you backed me up in your
> last 3 posts..yet the evidence remains.

Show how the effects are nearly invisible, you cant. Now if you want
to play a word game, i would suggest a very simple word like, idiot
for you to do a little self reflection.

> Off your meds, right?

stop eating babies yet?

> Gunner
> "I think it's tempting not to negotiate with hostage takers, unless the
> hostage gets harmed. In this case the hostage is the American people and
> I was not willing to see them get harmed"
> "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun"
> "I want you to argue with them and get in their face!"
> "We're gonna punish our enemies and we?re gonna reward our friends who
> stand with us on issues that are important to us."
> "I don't want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I'm
> angry!"

> "We talk to these folks? so I know whose ass to kick."- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

you couldnt hit the barn, much less a person, or even hold up a gun.
Now run along you child.

Boris Kapusta

Jan 15, 2011, 9:05:54 PM1/15/11
On Sat, 15 Jan 2011 19:03:32 -0600, jim <"sjedgingN0Sp">

>Boris Kapusta wrote:

That's funny how you trimmed off the author's name, and then try to
attribute his words to me. Your last name must be Dupnik too.

Gunner Asch

Jan 15, 2011, 9:07:43 PM1/15/11
On Sat, 15 Jan 2011 17:19:38 -0800 (PST), columbiaaccidentinvestigation
<> wrote:

>> Off your meds, right?
>stop eating babies yet?

So that question answers my question very well.

Please seek out your mental health professional ASAP and get your meds
refilled and son? please take them as directed by both your doctor and
the label.

Its obvioius you cannot do without them.



Jan 15, 2011, 9:10:04 PM1/15/11
On Jan 15, 6:07 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:"So that

question answers my question very well."

so you admit that you are a baby eating troll, thanks for the showing
how you failed the logic test. The funny thing is you are stupid
enough to brag about it, now thats funny.

Curly Surmudgeon

Jan 16, 2011, 1:57:20 AM1/16/11

Even I doubt Gummer would eat babies.

Hanging dogs to death on choker chains in his front yard is more his

Regards, Curly
And my hair is perfect too.

Gunner Asch

Jan 16, 2011, 2:55:15 AM1/16/11

So you are again in strong denial about your mental health issues,
which you have unfortunately demonstrated so avidly here on Usenet.

Son...denial is NOT a river in Egypt.

Take your meds. Do it for the children.



Jan 16, 2011, 4:06:28 AM1/16/11
On Jan 16, 12:57 am, Curly Surmudgeon <>

> On Sat, 15 Jan 2011 18:10:04 -0800, columbiaaccidentinvestigation
> <> wrote:
> > On Jan 15, 6:07 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:"So that
> > question answers my question very well."
> > so you admit that you are a baby eating troll, thanks for the showing
> > how you failed the logic test.  The funny thing is you are stupid enough
> > to brag about it, now thats funny.
> Even I doubt Gummer would eat babies.
> Hanging dogs to death on choker chains in his front yard is more his
> style.
> --
> Regards, Curly
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­---

>                           And my hair is perfect too.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­---

Has anyone followed up on what happened to the missing puppies that
Gummer had?



Jan 16, 2011, 7:15:14 AM1/16/11

Boris Kapusta wrote:

> That's funny how you trimmed off the author's name, and then try to
> attribute his words to me. Your last name must be Dupnik too.

I'm sorry I thought you were trying
to provide an answer to my query

about why you think Sheriff Dupnik should be
"booted out of office"

But I guess not
you are just another
"no response"


Jan 16, 2011, 7:38:06 AM1/16/11

Gunner Asch wrote:

> It should further be noted..that the killers mother was on the Board of
> Supervisors for Pima County...a person the sheriff may have been trying
> to protect..rather than protecting the public.

First of all look at the facts:
The sheriff is elected by the public
not by the Board of Supervisors
And Loughner's mother is not on that Board

But going beyond your misrepresenting the facts
consider what you are proposing:

Do you really want the outcome of this tragedy
to be local sheriffs start arresting and detaining
anyone they might think is unbalanced or nuts?

Do you really want local law enforcement
to round up people who post bizzarre statements
on the internet?

I know I don't want my local sheriff
knocking on my door and wondering if
I'm a little crazy because
I chatted with some crackpot on the internet

I don't want to be held for 60 days
while I endeavor to convince a psychiatrist
my trolley hsn't run off the tracks


Jan 16, 2011, 9:46:00 AM1/16/11
On Jan 15, 11:55 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:" So you

are again in strong denial about  your mental health issues"

On Jan 10, 2:17 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:" Now
show us a view from 5 miles up.You will notice that the mines are

nearly invisible to the surrounding
countryside. "

no meds will help you, you are blind lost wretch who just needs to
open its eyes.

Boris Kapusta

Jan 16, 2011, 10:41:11 AM1/16/11
On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 06:15:14 -0600, jim <"sjedgingN0Sp"@m@mwt,net>


You learned nothing from my attempt to enlighten you. You must be
another libtard wearing a "Yes we Can" shirt.


Jan 16, 2011, 11:16:26 AM1/16/11
Boris Kapusta wrote:

> You learned nothing from my attempt to enlighten you.

I learned something.
I learned there are people all over The USA
trying to tell the people of Pima county AZ
How to run their affairs

And there doing this because the good people
of that county had the temerity
to elect a sheriff who speaks his mind

Sheriff Dupnik didn't say anything at all
about right wing talking heads
The sheriff didn't say anything about
conservative pundits and politicions

Dupnik said:

"When you look at unbalanced people,
how they respond to the vitriol that
comes out of certain mouths
about tearing down the government.
The anger, the hatred, the bigotry
that goes on in this country
is getting to be outrageous.
And unfortunately, Arizona I think has become sort of
the capital.
We have become
the mecca for prejudice and bigotry"

That is all he said
So the question is
Why are so many people around the country
so bent out of shape by that statement?

Boris Kapusta

Jan 16, 2011, 11:51:23 AM1/16/11
On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 10:16:26 -0600, jim <"sjedgingN0Sp">

>Boris Kapusta wrote:

That's all he said, huh? You're a liar.

Yesterday Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik took the bold step of
naming Sharon Angle and Sarah Palin as two individuals responsible for
the kind of toxic 'political vitriol' which he believes must end in
light of the recent shooting in Tucson, Arizona. Dupnik's comments
came in an interview with Geraldo Rivera of Fox News. Earlier in the
day Dupnik had been interview by Megyn Kelly of Fox News, who accused
the Sheriff of inserting politics where it did not belong. In the
Rivera interview, Dupnik stands by his earlier comments, and goes
further in identifying two Republicans as the source of the kind of
heated rhetoric he earlier condemned. A video of the interview can be
seen on the left.

[Slideshow: Tucson and the country mourns losses in the Gabrielle
Giffords shooting]

Rivera first asked about Dupnik's comments from two days ago in which
the sheriff stated,

"I think it’s time as a country we need to do a little soul searching
because I think that the vitriolic rhetoric that we hear day in and
day out from the people in the radio business, and some people in the
T.V. business, and what we see on T.V. and how are youngsters are
being raised. It may be free speech but it does not come without
consequences. Arizona has become the Mecca of prejudice and bigotry."

Rivera then accused Democrats of taking of advantage of those
comments, and asked Dupnik whether he regretted "speculating" on the
motive. Dupnik responds,

"Not in any way shape or form...It doesn't surprise me that people
from the right would be upset that people like myself, and maybe
people from the left, and a whole lot of other people in America feel
as I do, that the anger that's purposefully generated by people who
make a living off of it, serves one particular party better than the
others. And it wouldn't surprise me if it continues through at least

Rivera then states he regrets that he made it so "political." Rivera
goes on to ask if Dupnik wants to change anything he said or "alter
the record in any way." Dupnik responds,

"Not in any way shape or form. When you have people like Sharon
Angle, in Las Vegas, running against Harry Reid, making outrageous
statements such as 'We may need to resort to taking the second
amendment into certain cases.' And for people like Sarah Palin to say
'We have people like Gabby Giffords in our cross-hairs.' I think
those statements are totally irresponsible and they're not without
consequences. And we are seeing them here."

Rivera claims that the statements "no role" in a briefing of "what
should have been about a crime."

It is important to note that Palin never verbally stated that
Gabrielle Giffords was in her "cross-hairs." Still, Sarah Palin
political action committee, SarahPAC, has been criticized for
releasing a map which had Giffords' district targeted by a set of


Gunner Asch

Jan 16, 2011, 11:51:48 AM1/16/11


The poor bastard is soooooo mentally ill..Im surprised he can even type


Gunner Asch

Jan 16, 2011, 11:59:08 AM1/16/11

So what am I supposed to be looking at? In the time spread the mine
changes continually, sometimes larger, sometimes smaller. Mountain top
removal/Valley Fill tends to do that. And?

You seem to be missing the fact that when one part of the mine is
exhausted of its turns nicely green on that map.

What indeed are you trying to demonstrate? That you are unable to
comprehend what you are seeing?


Message has been deleted


Jan 16, 2011, 12:08:19 PM1/16/11

that statement caused
so many to get bent out of shape
and started a huge uproar

That statement alone resulted
in his being attacked
by numerous people around the country

Why is that?

Boris Kapusta

Jan 16, 2011, 12:23:46 PM1/16/11
On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 11:08:19 -0600, jim <"sjedgingN0Sp">

That's not all he said.

Why did you snip out the rest of what he said?

Let's see, could it be because...



Boris Kapusta

Jan 16, 2011, 12:27:04 PM1/16/11
On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 12:03:22 -0500, Deucalion <>

>On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 06:38:06 -0600, jim <"sjedgingN0Sp"@m@mwt,net>

>Gunner couldn't be advocating the arrest of people who own guns and
>post about the great cull in less than two years and hanging people
>from lamp posts...could he???

Hey look everbody! Ol' Douchebag is back!!!

How 'ya doing ol' Douchebag? Can I get you a drink? How about another
Vinegar and Water to wet the old whistle?

Douchebag! Hey, everyone, Douchebag's back! Douchebag!

Gunner Asch

Jan 16, 2011, 1:02:53 PM1/16/11
On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 09:41:11 -0600, Boris Kapusta
<tha...@nothanks.notreal> wrote:

Clarence Dupnik incites hate and deflects failure to protect Gabrielle
Giffords- Freedom Watch

Progressive Sheriff Dupnik uses hate speech to cover failures

Clarence Dupnik Blames Others For His Failures- Collier Brothers

The name Clarence Dupnik is to American Freedom what the name Benedict
Arnold is to American Independence. In his recent vitriolic and
hate-filled leftist rhetoric, Dupnik tried to pin a blood-libel on
political opponents of the radical progressive agenda which offends so
many freedom-loving Americans.

Dupnik’s blood-libel is calculated to increase radical progressive
hatred for conservatives and a climate of repression on non-progressive
views. Taken to their logical conclusion, the only response to what
Dupnik seeks, repression of dissent from the Democrat’s party line, is
civil disobedience or an even stronger response. In short, Dupnik’s lies
and calling for what is basically censuring n-progressives are the sort
of things that lead to conflict- therefore his goal must be to engender
more animus and conflict, and not the opposite as he claims.

The question is: why is he doing this?

Dupnik is, to be blunt, a failure.

His office knew about Jared, the murderer who tried to kill
Congresswoman Gifford and who killed 6 people, long before this
incident. Dupnik’s office delivered a letter to the killer, Jared
Loughner, after a local college banned him from their campus and urged
him to get help. The progressive sheriff could have tried to intervene
and engaged the young man’s parents, who were apparently at their wit’s
end, but he was ideologically predisposed towards blaming society for
Jared’s bad behavior, just as he is blaming conservatives for Jared
Loughhner’s murdering rampage.

Dupnik also failed to provide a modicum of protection for a member of
Congress whom he has told the world had received death threats. He
claims his office did not know about her event, an event she advertised,
an event any decent sheriff who was spending his time doing his job
instead of playing politics would know about.

Just as Dupnik can’t bring himself to blame the killer, and him alone
for his actions, he can’t accept the responsibility for his own failure
and seems to want to use the results of his own failure as a “crisis”
moment in which he can push for progressive regulations of public speech
as a means of eliminating the voices of dissent from his radical
progressive agenda.

More on this emerging case against the political Sheriff who doesn’t do
any actual ‘Sheriffing’-

It has been established as fact that the cops have had plenty of contact
with Loughner –

Sheriff Dupnik intervened on behalf of Loughner-

Sheriff Dupnik refuses to release records –

A rumor surfacing that Sheriff Dupnik may be under investigation by his
own office –

From one of our readers who lives and works in Arizona – an AZ Game &
Fish officer may have pulled Loughner over approximately 3 hours prior
to the shooting.

Dupnik Recall Vote

The Freedomist regularly gets involved in causes that directly impact
our Freedom. Having a Sheriff who uses a tragedy to assault the
political opposition seems to us to rise to the level of Sheriff Dupnik
becoming a Freedom Taker. We have had many readers contact us about
getting involved in a campaign to recall Sheriff Dupnik. We want to know
if our readers believe this is a campaign we should pursue. Please
participate in this survey below to help us determine the next move we
as Freedom Makers need to make. Paul Collier and Bill Collier- Editors-


"You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once."
Robert A. Heinlein

Gunner Asch

Jan 16, 2011, 1:03:32 PM1/16/11
On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 10:16:26 -0600, jim <"sjedgingN0Sp">

>Boris Kapusta wrote:

That is all he said.....oh yes indeed.....

Gunner Asch

Jan 16, 2011, 1:08:21 PM1/16/11
On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 06:38:06 -0600, jim <"sjedgingN0Sp"@m@mwt,net>


>Gunner Asch wrote:
>> It should further be noted..that the killers mother was on the Board of
>> Supervisors for Pima County...a person the sheriff may have been trying
>> to protect..rather than protecting the public.
>First of all look at the facts:
>The sheriff is elected by the public
>not by the Board of Supervisors
>And Loughner's mother is not on that Board

Interesting attempt to divert on your part....
DHS Memo: Loughner’s Mother Worked For The Pima County Board of
Wednesday, January 12, 2011 1:34

New details are emerging about Loughner as a law enforcement memo based
on information provided by the Department of Homeland Security was
obtained by Fox News

Fox is reporting:
(The Board of Supervisors is in charge of the Sheriff Dept’s Budget in
most counties)

The memo also includes information about the suspect’s mother, who works
for the Pima County Board of Supervisors and notes that Loughner has
multiple arrests but no criminal record.

Several arrests and no criminal record? How does one pull that off?
Especially when the whole town knows you’re a nut. Unless your mom works
for the Board of Supervisors and can pull favor with the Sheriff. Could
Loughner have received special treatment due to his mother’s position?
The Sheriff is awful eager to place blame on anyone and everyone as
except himself and his dept.

Boris Kapusta

Jan 16, 2011, 1:23:58 PM1/16/11
On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 10:08:21 -0800, Gunner Asch <>

It seems "Jim" is full of lies. Perhaps his name is really Dupnik too?

Ray Keller

Jan 16, 2011, 1:25:12 PM1/16/11
Pima county is the most corrupt county in Az.

"Gunner Asch" wrote in message


Jan 16, 2011, 1:29:29 PM1/16/11

Boris Kapusta wrote:

> That's not all he said.
> Why did you snip out the rest of what he said?

I didn't say it was the

only words Sheriff Dupnik had ever spoken

in his entire life

What I quoted was

all he said

to cause the uproar

After the uproar started
He has said more

Still the question remains
Why did the following statement
cause such an uproar?


Jan 16, 2011, 1:34:13 PM1/16/11

Gunner Asch wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 06:38:06 -0600, jim <"sjedgingN0Sp"@m@mwt,net>
> wrote:
> >
> >Gunner Asch wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> It should further be noted..that the killers mother was on the Board of
> >> Supervisors for Pima County...a person the sheriff may have been trying
> >> to protect..rather than protecting the public.
> >
> >First of all look at the facts:
> >The sheriff is elected by the public
> >not by the Board of Supervisors
> >And Loughner's mother is not on that Board
> Interesting attempt to divert on your part....

If you can't divert
Perhaps a laxative
would help?

John R. Carroll

Jan 16, 2011, 1:40:40 PM1/16/11

One way or another every public employee of Pima County works for the Pima
County Board of Supervisors.
What job does the guys mother have?

John R. Carroll


Jan 16, 2011, 1:42:04 PM1/16/11

Ray Keller wrote:

> >
> >Dupnik said:
> >
> >"When you look at unbalanced people,
> >how they respond to the vitriol that
> >comes out of certain mouths
> >about tearing down the government.
> > The anger, the hatred, the bigotry
> >that goes on in this country
> >is getting to be outrageous.
> >And unfortunately, Arizona I think has become sort of
> >the capital.
> >We have become
> > the mecca for prejudice and bigotry"
> >
> >That is all he said
> >So the question is
> >Why are so many people around the country
> >so bent out of shape by that statement?

> That is all he said.....oh yes indeed.....

Yes that is what he said

so the question is

why did those words
cause such an uproar?

John R. Carroll

Jan 16, 2011, 1:42:31 PM1/16/11

Same as you.
No criminal charges, just misdemeanor's.

John R. Carroll

Boris Kapusta

Jan 16, 2011, 1:49:45 PM1/16/11
On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 12:29:29 -0600, jim <"sjedgingN0Sp"@m@mwt,net>


Perhaps because he tried to blame the shooting on vitriol when he knew
it was because he gave the shooter a pass so many times. It was
reported that his office had been called many times about this person
and he assured them that he was under mental observation.

His statements were lies, covering for his own ineptness. Does that
help clear up some of the mystery for you, Jim Dupnik?

Boris Kapusta

Jan 16, 2011, 2:24:08 PM1/16/11
On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 10:08:21 -0800, Gunner Asch <>

>On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 06:38:06 -0600, jim <"sjedgingN0Sp"@m@mwt,net>

While not on the Board, but employed by the Board as a Parks Manager,
she was still a person the sheriff may have been trying to
protect..rather than protecting the public. Details are still coming
out about Dupnik and the Loughners.


Jan 16, 2011, 2:49:33 PM1/16/11
On Jan 16, 8:59 am, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 06:46:00 -0800 (PST), columbiaaccidentinvestigation

so you are saying that Coal Sludge Impoundments are part of being good

Coal Sludge Impoundments, West Virginia Posted April 25, 2008

Shall not be infringed

Jan 16, 2011, 2:57:59 PM1/16/11

What would you have them do with the sludge?


Jan 16, 2011, 2:59:14 PM1/16/11
On Jan 15, 11:55 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:" Take
your meds. Do it for the children."

speaking of your medication, here is something that may help your
problem of "not seeing" what is in front of you...

Medication Slows Progression Of Myopia In Children

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