I have printed the english translation libretto so it will be interesting to
see if the book and lyrics measure up to this truly magnificant score.
Not literally, I hope!
Seriously, if it's *that* good, I'll look for it at Dress Circle when
I'm home this summer. I've been wondering about it for a while, but it's
quite expensive.
Will men ever get pregnant? And if they do, will they opt for
shoulder-tie dungarees, or play safe with Peter Pan collar-type loose
smocks? Whatever they decide, there's bound to be a documentary about
it. And possibly a tea towel.
- Victoria Wood
Question: Where does one obtain the English libretto? And is it the
official version or a "fanslation"?
Oh, and we get the point: it's good. Enough - please.
Seth, worn out
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Before you buy.
>Seriously, if it's *that* good, I'll look for it at Dress Circle when
>I'm home this summer. I've been wondering about it for a while, but it's
>quite expensive.
Footlight has the single-CD version for about $29.95, I think.
But for twice the price, you can get three times the music. And use a coupon.
--the other James
Visit Tim's FAQ
Stephen-it is absolutely incredible. I am so glad that I spent the money for
it. I only wish I understood the lyrics...hopefully it will hit broadway some
day...It is utterly amazing!
Thanks! When I do get hold of it, I'll definitely be going for the whole
thing. I'm not going to be able to afford it for a while, though - I'm
trying to scrape together the money to fly home to England in June, so
I'm not spending *anything* at the moment unless I have to [also I have
a couple of Dress Circle vouchers from Christmas... apparently... my
brother bought them and didn't send them to me in Canada, so they'll be
waiting for me when I next get home :-)].
I'm looking forward to hearing it, though.
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