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Leah Zeldes Smith

Jan 22, 1995, 4:51:50 PM1/22/95

In article <> writes:

>I have been trying unsuccessfully to remember the original
>publication of a fan-fiction story: "How the Grinch Stole Worldcon"
>(or it might have been titled: "The Grinch That Stole Worldcon"). If I
>just had the reference, I could probably dig it up. I seem to recall
>that it was published by MidAmericon in 1976, but I can't find my old
>copies of the progress reports and it is not in the program book. If
>you also happened to know how might hold the rights to this story,
>that information would also be very helpful to me. Thanks!

"How the GRINCH Stole Worldcon" by Bill "The Galactic" Fesselmeyer, a
wonderful send-up of WSFS constitutional politics, was first published
in the second MAC progress report. It's dated now, but still has enough
relevance to be very funny to WSFS business meeting fans. Among other
things, this vintage piece of faan fiction explains why a mail ballot
for ratification of business meeting proposals is Not a Ghood Idea.

"If you are invited, you will be told."

Fesselmeyer is dead, as is Tom Reamy, the PR editor. When Dick Smith
and I reprinted this in Uncle Dick's some years ago, we asked for and
got permission from Ken Keller, MAC's chairman. However, as it was
published in 1975, after the new copyright law went into effect, I
suppose the rights technically belong to Fesselmeyer's heirs.

Leah Smith

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