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Re: What's your favouite anime?

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Bobbie Sellers

Sep 7, 2013, 10:16:32 PM9/7/13
On 09/07/2013 05:21 PM, Jack_No1 wrote:
> Hello every. I'm new here and I like Natsume Yūjin-chō very much. How about you? I am glad to discuss with everyone here :-)

Well my favorite Anime varies from time to time but presently I go out
of my way to see Genshiken Nidame(called Second Season in the USA). I
have followed Genshiken since its initial release and have all the disks
released in the USA in connection with it. After I got into the anime I
discovered the first 9 volumes of the manga and so far have
the first 2 volumes of the Genshiken Second Season manga. If the
publishers release the manga in the USA I will most likely get it.

I saw Episode 10 of the anime today. When it explains about
the trap's problems in HS it was much clearer than the same section of
the manga.

One of the reasons i like it is because it treats of HS clubs which I
never got to see being in a parochial HS in the early 1950s
It had only a few clubs and the idea of studying popular culture was
years in the future though there were more or less adult SF fan clubs.
I was generally mocked throughout HS for my interest in Science Fiction
and Fantasy writings.

Anyway, Natsume Yūjin-chō (Natsumi's Book of Friends) is very popular
with people who like supernatural things, right now i believe.

Hope you have a good time here.

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