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Thrasher's Reviews (4/1/94) summaries/, spoilers, etc.

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Apr 1, 1994, 8:45:23 PM4/1/94
________ __ _ ___ _
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Hope everyone that's had it had a good spring break. Again, this
covers about two weeks worth again, due to that. Geez, I'm getting on
Image's schedule. New Warriors #46 and X-Factor/Spider-Man: Shadowgames
will hopefully be on next week's reviews, due to budget constraints.
Also no anime/manga books for the same reason, dang.
Titles this week are:

Aliens/Predator: The Deadliest of the Species #5 Hawkman #9
Hellboy: Seed of Destruction #1 Hokum & Hex #9
Lobo: A Contract on Gawd #2 Marvels #4 (*) The Ray #1 (**)
Wolverine #81 X-Factor #102 X-Men #32

(*) Pick of the week.
(**) Honorable mention.

Marvel books are all 20-25 cents more this month, because of the Bagley
Spider-Man card inserts.
As usual, X-Books are towards the end for those not interested.

Ratings are as follows:

* --
** -- Wait until it hits the half-price/quarter bins
*** -- Worth getting...
**** -- Definitely a good issue
***** -- What are you waiting for?

Spoiler space:


Caryn Delacroix and the female Predator are en route to an unrevealed
destination in the Predator's spacecraft. Caryn finds that this "Ash
Parnall" has also spent time there, and refitted all the controls so that
anyone could figure them out. Caryn puts the Predator into a healing
chamber and begins exploring the ship. She gets to Ash's room and finds
some pictures. Meanwhile, DeMidici, Shirow, and Salazar are in pursuit of
the Predator and Caryn. Some speculation on their part as to why Toy's
security systems didn't stop Caryn's escape. Also, it's revealed that
Salazar has implants which make her heal faster. Flash to a sequence
between Willem Delacroix and Prof. DeMatier. There appears to be some
unreveled agreement between them, the full extent remains unrevealed.
Willem wakes up and is convinced it is a dream. We then go to a dream
sequence of Caryn's. This is quite confusing, and has to be read to be
explained well. Caryn wakes up to find a space station nearby, where she
docks and enters. The keepers get her drunk and plan to steal her ship and
sell her to the slave trade.
The biggest hang-up with this series is the wait between issues. They
always come out on time, but two months is a long time to wait for a story
of this level of complexity. Claremont continues to show his experience
witht the story, and Barreto continues to impress with his art. (As a side
note, Caryn looks a lot like Black Canary with the outfit she's wearing in
this issue.) Bolton's cover is spectacular. All in all, a good issue.

HAWKMAN #9 DC $1.75 ***1/2

The story opens with a dream sequence by Hawkman's mother. She tells
Shayera to contact Katar and tell him that he needs to find someone.
Meanwhile, the Netherworlder's are adjusting to life outside Netherworld.
Some turn to crime, while others turn to vigilantism to fight those gone
astray. The police are having a hard time dealing with both sides of the
problem. They petition to get a metahuman holding facility in Chicago, but
Katar tells them that it would be just like Hawkworld. Officer Lencioni
passes on Shayera's message to Hawkman to find Dennis Baintain. Meanwhile,
Dennis has his hands full with some metas who seem to be trying to take him
out, although all they really want to do is rob him. Dennis probes rather
resourceful. He knows Katar's mother, and seems reluctant to help out. The
issue ends with a sniper aiming at Hawkman.
Messner-Loebs seems off to a good start with this story. Lots of
characterization on the part of the Netherworlders. Also, Steve Lieber's
pencils look much nicer with Pepoy and Rodier's inks. Worth checking out,
especially if you're a Messner-Loebs fan.

HELLBOY: SEED OF DESTRUCTION #1 Dark Horse $2.50 ****

Trevor Bruttenholm, or "Broom" as he is called, reflects back to a day in
1944, where the Nazis, in search of a higher power, called forth a young
demon child, nicknamed "Hellboy". Back to the present, Hellboy is visiting
with Broom, who is trying to remember a specific event important to
Hellboy's origins. He is having trouble remembering, when he suddenly
freaks out and is killed. Hellboy searches for the killer and finds a
frog-like creature. They fight for a while, and Hellboy kills the creature
with a gun given to him by the Torch of Liberty. Hellboy reports what
happened to his superiors, and another member of the Hellboy team appears to
be targeted for similar execution. In the Monkeyman and O'Brien backup, we
go back to the occasion, I'm assuming, where Monkeyman comes to Earth. A
fun story that's worth reading.
To be completely honest, I'm not a big fan of Mignola's artwork. I bought
this issue mainly for Byrne's scripting and the MM&OB backup. I was
impressed, however, because Mignola's art fits this genre of a story. It
looked cleaner than Mignola's work in the past, and I was even impressed
with the plot. Of course, Byrne's scripting is well-done. Art Adams
continues to impress with his MM&OB tale. Definitely worth checking out.

HOKUM & HEX #9 (Last Issue) Marvel/Razorline $1.95 ***1/2

Trip confronts Bloodshed in the Hypermind and tries a direct approach,
which only succeeds in annoying Bloodshed. Meanwhile, Gorkill attacks
Bloodshed on the physical plane, also trying to revive Trip, who's physical
body is quickly fading. Trip starts throwing everything at Bloodshed,
including the kitchen sink, but they pass right through Bloodshed's form.
Mona Lisa's form confronts Trip, and Trip confesses he has feelings for her.
She tells him that she doesn't want things to change between them, and
leaves on a good note. Trip lures Bloodshed to confront him in the river
between them, but has to fight against the river also. Meanwhile, Solon is
kidnapped by two Corpii agents. Trip and Bloodshed get to shore and Trip
manages to seperate Bloodshed from his human self. Flashback through
Bloodshed's life. It is revealed Bloodshed's sister was apparently killed
by their father. Bloodshed regroups and attacks Trip, trying to feast on
his soul, but Trip isn't dead yet, so the feedback sucks him away. Trip
wakes up to Gorkill and the two of them walk away to hopefully someday
further adventures.
I am truly going to miss this series. In my opinion, this was the best of
the Razorline titles. In the letters page, they state that there will be
Hyperkind and Ectokid one-shot specials this summer, where we may see Trip
again. Anyone else who likes this series or any of the other Razorline
titles is encouraged to write Marvel to try and get them back on line down
the road again.

LOBO: A CONTRACT ON GAWD #2 DC $1.75 ***1/2

More sacreligious fun as Lobo gets attacked by a group of angels which he
mercilessly slaughters. (What? You expected more? Ha-ha!) Gawd finally
appears to Lobo, looking like an ugly Richie Rich. Meanwhile a shipment of
smokes, booze, and girlie mags finally reaches the monks at the monastery,
who begin duplication and distribution of said material to try and subvert
the people from Gawd. Lobo tries a direct approach, but Gawd's force field
is impenetrable. Gawd makes Lobo all sorts of offers, including riches,
women, power, and land, but Lobo chooses to honor his contracts. So Gawd
sends him to hell. In hell, Lobo is subdued by the demons therein, and is
about to have his tongue cut out.
Good clean fun? Not! Typical Lobo fun at the expense of religion. Hey,
if you like Lobo as much as I do, you'll like this issue. If you're
strictly religious or hate Lobo, don't pick this up. What a good read on
Good Friday, my mother will be proud!

MARVELS #4 Marvel $5.95 *****

Phil Sheldon's book of photos on the Marvels is a huge success. It is
giving people hope that the Avengers will return from the Kree-Skrull War
(Unless I'm mistaken). The press, while grateful of the Marvels saving
their lives, continue to try and deface the Marvels for the sake of a good
story. Phil hires on an assistant, Marcia, and goes to interview Luke Cage,
who is just starting up the Hero for Hire business. On the sidelines, Phil
is investigating the murder of Capt. Stacy, trying to prove it was Dr.
Octopus who knocked over the chimney and not Spider-Man. The public, with
no help from JJJ, is convinced Spider-Man is guilty. Phil talks to Doc Ock
who all but confesses, wanting to see Spider-Man take the blame. Phil then
begins interviewing Gwen Stacy, who isn't convinced of Spider-Man's guilt.
He and Gwen are walking down the street when Namor and his undersea
creatures attack, but Gwen is distracted by the rain. Later, Phil catches
sight of the Green Goblin kidnapping Gwen. He rushes to find her, seeing
the battle between the Green Goblin and Spider-Man. We all know the
outcome. Phil is disappointed. He is upset that the papers didn't even
bother to give Gwen space on the front page. Phil decides to quit and lets
Marcia take his place. A real funny scene occurs in the last two pages when
he's talking to the paper boy. If you won't buy this series, just give the
last few pages a once-over in the store; guaranteed to make you smile.
Wow! Except for the cover price, I LOVED this series. Kurt Busiek's
story is very compelling and hard-hitting, while Alex Ross's art is some of
the most beautiful I've seen in comics. Highest possible recommendation.

THE RAY #1 DC $1.75 (newstand cover) ****

The story opens with Ray fighting a new incarnation of Brimstone. Ray
gets in a lucky shot and knocks Brimstone down--into a street full of
people. Ray puts up a barrier to hold Brimstone, but is having trouble. We
then cut to the present where Ray is typing into his computer diary. We
then go to the beginning. Ray is having a hard time adjusting to adult
life. He finally manages to get an apartment, albeit without a fridge, and
a dead-end job at a chicken restaurant. Hank shows up again, and convinces
Ray to take them to Hawaii, so Hank can score. Here we see a demon-like
creature, resummon Brimstone, only to be killed for his trouble. Ray goes
to investigate the tremors, and we get the scene at the beginning of the
story. Superboy shows up, and giving Ray a hard time, helps subdue
Brimstone, and the two of them carry him outside the city. Brimstone
apparently has caught some sort of Yosemite Sam disease, using the word
"varmint" more than once. Ray confronts Superboy about his attitude and
Superboy slugs him. Ray blasts Superboy, who appears to be dead. Brimstone
then wakes up...uh-oh.
The enhanced cover version of this looked pretty sweet, but budget said
no. The newstand cover is drawn by Quesada, but the interiors are very
nicely done by Howard Porter (fill-in on Darkstars and drew the Cyba-Rats
story in Showcase '93). Also, Christopher Priest is really Jim Owsley, who
changed his name, for some reason. This book is very nice, and I'm looking
forward to see where it goes.

WOLVERINE #81 Marvel $1.95 **1/2

Wolverine is going nuts from the halucinogens recieved from Cyber's claws
last issue. Moira and Shadowcat manage to subdue him and take him into the
lab to try and fix him up. Cyber steals a boat, killing the owners. Back
to Muir Isle, Moira, Nightcrawler, and Kitty talk with Zoe, trying to get
some info on Wolvie's condition. Wolvie wakes up and breaks free, still
hallucinating and Cyber breaks in. Wolvie almost kills Kitty, and the shock
brings him back to reality. Everybody fights Cyber, while the "normal"
Wolvie has the most luck. They get Cyber into a containment cell, and Kitty
phases her and Wolvie out.
Mostly fight scenes this issue with little characterization. Adam
Kubert's art looks a little rushed this issue and Hama's plot is basically
uninspired. Recommended for completists and Wolvie fans, but that's about
it. Oh, and Wolvie returns to Japan next issue to resolve things with Yukio
and I believe Akiko, also.

X-FACTOR #102 Marvel $1.50 ***

We open up with a federal agent talking to another about Polaris. Then we
cut to a brief dream sequence of Random's. (What is it with dream sequences
this week?) At the X-Mansion, Rahne and Guido are hanging out with Prof. X
and Moira. Nice Storm picture by Duursema on the credits page. Some
lighthearted fun here and a resolution between Rahne and Moira over the
things Rahne said to her over Rahne's wolf-form/Havok deal. Back at HQ,
Forge, Polaris, and Random decide to go meet with the people who sent Random
to kill Polaris. When they arrive, they meet the agent, Malone, at the
beginning of the story and Commando and Avalanche. A fight scene here, with
Polaris and Random overcoming Commando and Avalanche. Forge confronts
Mallone at the top of a building where Mallone makes his speech and then
kills himself. The other agent, Beatrice Connors, assures them of a full
investigation and tells them the truth about the government's wanting
Polaris as part of the Magneto Protocols. She then takes Commando and
Avalanche and leaves. Random takes Polaris to the airport where she will go
find Havok. Meanwhile, Ms. Connors is watching her, with allusions to her
being possessed by Malice.
Good Duursema art this issue, and a believeable and fun story by

X-MEN #32 Marvel $1.50 ***

Archangel and Psylocke try to capture Spiral in order to get the full
story about Psylocke's transformation. Psylocke appears to be able to make
the full psychic katana now. The other X-Men show up, and when Spiral
appears to be on the edge of defeat, she teleports away. Beast and Banshee
rig Betsy's cybernetic eyes left from last issue to be able to play
everything she saw during the Matsuo/Mandarin affair, and the story from
last issue is basically confirmed. Psylocke leaves to confront Nyorin.
Gambit and Xavier talk for a bit. Beast has apparently made the entire
X-Mansion smoke free, so Gambit braves the elements for a puff. (Looks like
the X-books are going anti-smoker now, darn it. Oh well, I'll make the
smoker's right speech somewhere else.) Psylocke goes to Nyorin, but he has
been killed by Matsuo. The two of them talk for a bit. Matsuo tries to
kill himself, but Psylocke convinces him not to, and the two of them visit
Kwannon's grave. Back in Westchester, Psylocke tosses the eyes into the
lake and Warren watches on, walking back with her, possibly setting up a
relationship between these two.
Kubert and Ryan continue to be a good art team, and Fabian finally wraps
up this whole Betsy/Kwannon affair. Next issue is supposed to explain the
relationship between Gambit and Sabretooth and possibly have some negative
response from Rogue.

________ __ + "Adrenaline starts to flow. You're
/_ __/ / _______ ____ / / ___ ____ + thrashing all around. Acting like
/ / / _ \/ __/ _ `(_-</ _ \/ -_) __/ + maniac. Whiplash!" --Metallica
/_/ /_//_/_/ \_,_/___/_//_/\__/_/ + Craig

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