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The 5 Dumbest Comic Story-lines

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Jul 1, 2012, 6:01:45 PM7/1/12

Comics are known to sometimes be nothing more than soap operas with
thought bubbles, but sometimes the stories can get seriously ugly. Over
the last fifteen years or so, there have been some real facepalm moments
and below we point out the five dumbest story-lines in recent comics.

#1 – One More Day
Joe Quesada is a pox on the Marvel Universe and what he has done to
Spider-Man is the proof. Even J. Michael Straczynski disagreed in what
has decimated the Spider-Man fanbase and turned more people away from
comics than any amount of variant hologram scratch and sniff glow in the
dark covers ever could. One More Day is the storyline where Mephisto
erases all memory of the Peter-MJ marriage, and is the dumbest decision
anyone could ever possibly do with the Spidey books. This is why Joe
Quesada is the Michael Eisner of comics. Bonehead move.

#2 – Grant Morrison’s Batman run
Second only to erasing the Peter-MJ marriage is making Bruce Wayne the
love child of Alfred. Yup. Grant Morrison is nothing more than an
internet troll who moves from comic series to comic series and epically
trolls the fanbase right in front of their faces without them knowing
it. The whole Alfred possibly being Bruce’s father is just the tip of
the iceberg, and the upcoming “Batman, inc.” is the cherry on top of the

#3 – Grant Morrison’s X-Men run
See that picture of Xorn? That’s actually Morrison laughing at you
behind the mask. Before Morrison trolled Batman readers, he did a real
number on the X-Men. The whole Magneto-Xorn era is best forgotten in a
comic run that has its fair share of stupidity. It hurts my brain just
to think about it.

#4 – Onslaught
Nearly twenty years ago; one of the biggest arguments among X-Men fans
was who the traitor could be. Gambit? Maybe. Wolverine? Doubtful.
Jubilee? Hopefully. Nope. The “traitor” was actually teenage angst of
Professor X and Magneto combined into a suit of armor right out of an
Image comics one-shot. Onslaught really beat the crap out of comics in
1996, and if that wasn’t bad enough they had Jeph “I can’t write” Loeb
and Rob “I can’t draw” Liefeld do a sequel ten years later.

#5 – KnightQuest
After DC killed Superman, and long before Grant Morrison really killed
Batman, they decided that they needed a similar crossover for Bruce
Wayne. So they had Bane break his back, which was actually pretty cool.
The problem is that instead of having Dick Grayson watch over Gotham
while Bruce recovered, they handed the reigns over the Azrael and the
result was what people now call “Azbat”. He was a brutal Batman with a
costume that is only out-done in terms of stupidity by the Scarlet
Spider’s (c’mon, the Scarlet Spider had drawstrings around his neck –
easy choking win for any villain).

"If Barack Obama isn't careful, he will become the Jimmy Carter of the
21st century."

Aaron G

Jul 30, 2012, 2:51:14 PM7/30/12
On 2012-07-01 22:01:45 +0000, Ubiquitous said:

> #1 � One More Day
> Joe Quesada is a pox on the Marvel Universe and what he has done to
> Spider-Man is the proof. Even J. Michael Straczynski disagreed in what
> has decimated the Spider-Man fanbase and turned more people away from
> comics than any amount of variant hologram scratch and sniff glow in the
> dark covers ever could. One More Day is the storyline where Mephisto
> erases all memory of the Peter-MJ marriage, and is the dumbest decision
> anyone could ever possibly do with the Spidey books. This is why Joe
> Quesada is the Michael Eisner of comics. Bonehead move.

I still think that this storyline could have been great, should have
they decided to bring then back MJ. Think about a storyline where Peter
suddenly realizes that there is something missing in his life and he
goes back, beat the shit out of Mephisto, and get his reality as it was
supposed to be!



Jul 31, 2012, 12:56:58 AM7/31/12

Re: The 5 Dumbest Comic Story-lines

Group: rec.arts.comics.marvel.universe Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2012, 11:51am
(CDT-2) From: (Aaron G)
Actually if I get job with Marvel, I plan to undo all the current crap
and restore it to way it should be!

(01)Kitty Pryde Is Hot!

(02.)Badness Is Cool!

(03.)I Got The Power!

(04.)Time To Be Evil!

(05.)Argh Matey!

Rob Jensen

Aug 1, 2012, 2:27:02 AM8/1/12
OTOH, as dumb as the story is, it's got the built-in escape hatch of
Mephisto being at the center of it. Even when Quesada tried to close
that obvious loophole with One Moment In Time, all his fucking around
with it amounted to nothing *because magic and the supernatural were
still involved.* No matter how much Dr. Strange said that the second
spell can't be undone, once Quesada leaves Marvel, it'll get undone
just by going to one of the higher gods, a random Celestial or even
any number of the higher demon or trickster lords (Cyttorak, Mephisto
himself, arguably, always arguably, Loki) just to fuck around with
Peter's life, as if they were bitter, asinine editors-in-chief with
too much time on their hands. In that context, the one good thing that
OMD is good for is as the placemarker to ignore and just jump onto ASM
with the next issue, the start of BND. That way, six months or so
after Quesada leaves (likely by being fired) and Steve Wacker ascends
to EIC, OMD will officially unravel as that year's Spider-Man Event

-- Rob

Tim Turnip

Aug 1, 2012, 6:52:45 AM8/1/12
Will you restore it all the way back to 1962?

Tim Turnip

Aug 1, 2012, 7:00:11 AM8/1/12
On Wed, 01 Aug 2012 01:27:02 -0500, Rob Jensen <>

>... No matter how much Dr. Strange said that the second
>spell can't be undone, once Quesada leaves Marvel, it'll get undone
>just by going to one of the higher gods, a random Celestial or even
>any number of the higher demon or trickster lords (Cyttorak, Mephisto
>himself, arguably, always arguably, Loki) just to fuck around with
>Peter's life, as if they were bitter, asinine editors-in-chief with
>too much time on their hands

Leaving aside the fact that this would be only still more bitter
fucking-around, has there been any indication that Wacker or any other
Marvel editors actually disagree with Quesada's retcon? If not, you
may be indulging in a bit of wishful thinking. I also wonder if now
that Disney owns Marvel if they would permit such a thing.

Tim Roll-Pickering

Aug 1, 2012, 7:31:38 AM8/1/12
Tim Turnip wrote:

> Leaving aside the fact that this would be only still more bitter
> fucking-around, has there been any indication that Wacker or any other
> Marvel editors actually disagree with Quesada's retcon? If not, you
> may be indulging in a bit of wishful thinking. I also wonder if now
> that Disney owns Marvel if they would permit such a thing.

Additionally for all the attacks on Quesada he's far from the first Marvel
creator to either feel the marriage is a mistake or try to overturn it. A
lot of creators felt that it was a wrong move in 1987 (and they have a point
when at the end of Amazing #289 Peter was with Felicia, then at the end of
#290 he's proposing to MJ) and many writers and editors have been trying to
overturn it ever since with:

* MJ having an affair
* MJ being repelled by "I am the Spider"
* The Clone Saga
* One proposal during the Clone Saga was for Ben to assume Peter's life in
New York in all regards bar the marriage (as crazy as that would have been
to implement)
* One proposed ending for the Clone Saga would have revealed MJ was a clone
(a bit similar to how the Johnny Storm/Alicia Masters marriage was undone)
* Killing MJ off in a plane crash
* Peter hounding the returned MJ for sex to the point she decides to spend
some time away on her own
* Mephisto

Only the last two occurred on Quesada's watch and one of them was simply
because the outgoing writer wanted to undo the death but his successor had
already mapped out stories that relied on MJ not being there.

Now sure supporters of the marriage might try to undo the Mephisto mess, but
until they can reconcile the competing visions of Peter there's always going
to be a basic tension around this subject because a lot of writers feel they
can't make the marriage work and some think it detracts from the core
concept of Spider-Man.

The Essental Exploits of Spider-Man:

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