Albatross OR Bosco

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Apr 13, 2012, 12:21:51 PM4/13/12
Hi everyone

I am in the market for a new set of bars.  I'd like to get either the Bosco or the Albatross.  I've been following the progress of the Bosco and have duly noted the high praise the Albatrosses receive.  I am sure I'd be happy with either one.  But I wonder if someone could help me figure out what the Bosco does that the Albatross does not do and vice versa.  Of course from photos they do appear different yet they also fill a similar need.  Thoughts? 

If anyone has Albatrosses they're thinking of selling or trading let me know--a long shot, to be sure.  I've got some newish Salsa Cowbells and a some used On One Midges. 



Thomas Lynn Skean

Apr 13, 2012, 2:03:36 PM4/13/12
Can't suggest a choice, really. I have the Albatross on my Hillborne now; it's my favorite of my Albatross/Bullmoose/Moustache/Noodle collection. (I use DaVinci connectors so I switch amongst them every now and then.) I'll know more once I add the Bosco to the list. But from the numbers it looks as if non-moosey Bosco is higher and the 58cm version is wider. I like both of those things, so I expect to like the 58cm aluminum Bosco quite a bit. It is not clear, though, that the Bosco provides a good forward position like the Albatross. And to me it seems the Bosco comes back toward you more; whether that's better/worse/insignificant, I don't know. I probably will set up the Bosco with the SOS Silver thumbshifters RBW sells.

I generally think the Albatross's curves make it better looking than the Bosco. I find both appealing. Non-Bosco Bullmoose wins hands down in looks, imho.

I'll be an Early Adopter of the Bosco if I can. I intend to post of my experience with it as soon as I have some. Actually, I'm going to have two virtually identical bikes set up (60cm Hillbornes); one 56cm Albatross and one 58cm Bosco. I'll post a comparison.

Thomas Lynn Skean
who gets his cycling variety from cockpits not frames

Joe Bernard

Apr 13, 2012, 3:28:41 PM4/13/12
The Bosco has a longer flat section on either side of the stem, and the side-grip area is longer than the Alba. I had Albas and thought the sweep-back was plenty long enough, but the flat part was too narrow to be of any use. I think the Bosco would be useful if you want lots of sweep, plus would use the flat section for getting low and forward now and then.
Joe Bernard
Vallejo, CA.

Peter Pesce

Apr 13, 2012, 3:35:33 PM4/13/12
Can't comment from experience, of course., but it seems to me that the Bosco will be higher. On my Alba bars, I have them tilted backwards a bit to lessen the tendency of my hands to slide forward on the grips under braking. (as in the first and last photos on the Hunq page: This puts the grips more or less level with the top of the stem, even though the bars themselves have some rise. The Bosco bars seem to have quite a bit more rise, so even with a bit of back-tilt they'd probably be well above the stem.

Also, I'm 6'3" and find the the 55cm alba bars almost too wide. I can't imagine a 58cm wide bar.

-Pete in CT


Apr 18, 2012, 3:13:29 PM4/18/12
Thanks a lot for the thoughts on the bars.  I now much better understand the differences. 

Best wishes,


On Friday, April 13, 2012 8:21:51 AM UTC-4, Christian wrote:


Jun 12, 2012, 11:52:04 PM6/12/12
Hey all -

I am considering getting a set of the bullmoosy boscos for my new-to-me Hunq.  I have albatross bars on it now, which I like.  

Just wondering if anyone has swapped out the albatrosses for boscos, and what your thoughts/feelings/experience has been with the switch. 

(reviving this thread to get some real-world insight as the boscos are now in the wild)

Andy Smitty Schmidt

Jun 13, 2012, 1:17:08 AM6/13/12
I made this exact swap on my Big Dummy and have been meaning to snap some pics and post a report. The short of it is that for this bike/situation it was a definite improvement. That said I then swapped the noodles off of my AHH and replaced them with the displaced albas. I won't go so far as to say that was an improvement, 'cause I like them both differently, but it was a change that I'm enjoying. 

A couple details to mention about the Alba to Bosco conversion on my Big Dummy... 
I had been riding the albas on a stem riser for the past 1.5 years and recently ditched the riser in the name of "smallering" the bike 
Since the smallering I've been wanting a more upright/casual riding position
I kept the same stem and have been liking the further back + higher grip position
I find I spend a lot of time riding on the "hump" (the highest point of the bar when it's set up with the grips pointing slightly down)
After some hemming and hawing I went with the 58cm Bocos and am glad. I'm 6'3" and I think the 55 would have felt too narrow after the 56 Albas.

The Bosco is without a doubt a better bar for this situation. I'm 100% glad I made the swap. It fixes things about the fit of the bike that I wanted to correct. I'm not convinced I'd be as happy with the Bosco if I had put it on my AHH because there's nothing lacking on the current set up. I don't know that I'd make the Alba-Bosco swap to out of curiosity. They're entirely different bars. If you're thinking you want a more upright position, go the way of the Bosco. If you love your Albas keep 'em. 

hope this helps. 


Thomas Lynn Skean

Jun 13, 2012, 2:11:22 AM6/13/12
I use both Bosco and Albatross regularly.

Bosco is wider. Seems more open. Seems somewhat more flexy. Accommodates BarSack rack more easily. Extra rise is noticeable. Vast open space up front for stretching out.

Albatross feels stiffer. 2 or 3cm narrower is noticeable. Has less space for stretching out but the grip is more comfortable when I do it; the curves are great.

I have my Albatross on a nearly max'd out Tallux 10cm. I'm tonight mounting my Bosco on a 12cm Tallux (which won't be near max'd out); the Bosco came back towards me more.

Both my Alba and Bosco are HT Al and on otherwise virtually identical Hillbornes. I can't imagine the Bosco-moose will be even slightly flexy. Personally, liking my bars high like I do, I woiuldn't enjoy the Bosco-moose as much as the Alba. But I like my Bosco and my Albatross bars both very well indeed. Bosco feels more expansive. Alba gets edge on comfort and, frankly, beauty. Slight edge. And the Bosco's look is growing on me.

Thomas Lynn Skean


Jun 13, 2012, 3:04:18 AM6/13/12
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hey Andy, please get pictures of your Hilsen with Albatross bars on
it. Just sorta curious how it looks. I'm giving serious thought to
trying them out on my own Hilsen a little later this summer. I feel
like I have enough bikes with with drop bars on them.


Marc Irwin

Jun 13, 2012, 3:07:41 PM6/13/12
I use both.  I have the Albatross bars on my city bike, a Soma mixte, and the Bosco Bars on my new Hillborne.  I like them both, but would prefer the Bosco for any longer ride.  I am sticking with drop bars on my Hunq, but only because I use it for loaded touring although the Bosco bars would be a tempting change for that also.  The Bosco bars have a much better "aero" position than the Alba, but not as great as drops.  The Bosco provides more variety than either the Alba or drops.  You won't regret using the Bosco.


On Friday, April 13, 2012 8:21:51 AM UTC-4, Christian wrote:

René Sterental

Jun 13, 2012, 9:27:57 PM6/13/12
If you suffer from any pain in the neck, shoulders, hands or back, my experience has been that they've all disappeared with the Bosco bars. None of the other bars I've tried (Noodles, Touring, Albatross, Moustache, variations of drop bars) were able to do that for me.



Nov 25, 2012, 4:27:17 AM11/25/12
I know this is an old thread, but I'm curious if there are any Hilsens out there with the Boscos on it. I'm getting a Hilsen and am debating on whether to put Albas or Boscos on it. I have albas on my Betty, noodle on quickbeam, and moustache on an old Centurion. Betty is my commuter and I'd like the Hilsen more for my fun longer rides and won't have any racks (just fenders and small saddlesack). Anybody got any feedback on Boscos on the Hilsen? Or pics?

James Warren

Nov 25, 2012, 5:45:39 AM11/25/12
Either way is good, but make sure you go way long with stem, longer with Bosco. My favorite stem to use with either bar is the Ritchey Force mountain stem from the early 90's. Inspires much confidence. I think Rivendell should get Nitto to remake stems in that style, ranging from 120 mm to 170 mm. And the clamp is 25.4 mm, so no shim is needed for use with either of those bars. The availability of that stem in that range of sizes would be a great complement for Bosco, topping the Boscomoose by offering options in extension AND adjustability of handlebar tilt. Bosco or albatross combined with long mountain stem is revolutionizing my ideals on bike set-up a bit.

-Jim W.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 24, 2012, at 8:27 PM, Crazy4Suki <> wrote:

> I know this is an old thread, but I'm curious if there are any Hilsens out there with the Boscos on it. I'm getting a Hilsen and am debating on whether to put Albas or Boscos on it. I have albas on my Betty, noodle on quickbeam, and moustache on an old Centurion. Betty is my commuter and I'd like the Hilsen more for my fun longer rides and won't have any racks (just fenders and small saddlesack). Anybody got any feedback on Boscos on the Hilsen? Or pics?
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Nov 26, 2012, 6:55:09 AM11/26/12
Thanks for the info and advice, Jim!
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