> Finally I'll go through some of
> the older parts and sell some things off.
oh really? Like what? :)
This winter I'll be building my Hunqapillar. I got the frameset in September along with a bottom bracket and crank. Last month I got bullmoose handlebars, and brake levers. I had a leftover mini rack for the front. Most recently I ordered Marathon Duremes 700*50s. I've been going back and forth on the wheels. The impatient me wants an affordable wheelset right now while the I want the best Rich built wheel says buy one at a time and have the wheel for my lifetime. I'm leaning toward the latter and hoping for the rear wheel for Christmas. Other questions I'm pondering is if the 700*50 SKS fenders will provide enough coverage, if with the bullmoose bars I'll need a more comfortable seat being that I'll be more upright? Right now I ride the Brooks B17 on my Atlantis and it's very comfortable. My plan is to have the Hunq on the road by spring but I'm not very patient and seeing it on my basement floor is driving me crazy! Bill
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I need to build at least 2 wheel sets this winter. One 650B set for my
campeur (Grandpa of Bombadil): http://www.flickr.com/photos/39151498@N07/sets/72157626711955076/
Another set of wheels for my 1954 R.O. Harrison:
I'm also cleaning up a 1956 W.F. Holdsworth Whirlwind:
I'm going to try to get these three bikes done in time for the Seattle
Bike Expo Vintage Show in March.
I've also worked on that Message in a Bottle guitar part - it's not
technically difficult, but boy are those notes spread out on the fret
board. I've got largish hands, but I remember some aching fingers from
those riffs! That's a fun one, though.
I need to resurrect my old Novara XR, so I can have something to ride 'n lock. The LongLow and the Quickbeam are simply too dear to let out of my sight, unattended.
- Andrew, Berkeley
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On Nov 17, 4:36 pm, William <tapebu...@gmail.com> wrote:
Find 68 cm something and build up.
Immediate plans are to get the new baby up and running:
After that, rebuild the Miyata 610- which was previously the "poor
man" substitute of and has been shedding parts for the above! Probably
make that back into some sorta Japanese cyclotourist inspired build,
maybe this time with 650AAAAAAAAAA! wheels...
=- Joe Bunik
Rainy day garage fun in
Walnut Creek, CA
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The only for-sure thing I have in my winter queue is to build a "lasher" rack for my camping/dirt road explorer bike. The purpose of the lasher is to provide a spot, low, in the back, where I can lash light/bulky stuff (sleeping pad and bag).
Maybe I'll overhaul all of my hubs too. And maybe re-pack my cup/cone bottom brackets. But I doubt it.
I might put brifters on one more bike. Since discovering and verifying the "Campy 10-speed-shifts-shimano-8-speed perfectly" solution this year, I'm tempted to roll that out across all my drop-bar bikes. That whole "shift while you stand" deal turns out to be pretty righteous on the commute. I've done it for years with bar-ends, but I phased those out over the last couple years in favor of indexed 8-speed DT shifters, and shifting while standing and in the hoods is a whole different ball of wax.
other than that, the regular, sloth-paced, deferred maintenence on my
actively ridden bikes.
Jim Edgar
Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
Current Classics - Cross Bikes
Singlespeed - Working Bikes
Gallery updates now appear here - http://cyclofiend.blogspot.com
"I thought the idea was to waste the rest of our lives together.."
-- Cyril, "Breaking Away"
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I'm building a 64cm Sam Hillborne with Schmidt dynohub in front + Paul
flatbed front rack and Nitto touring w/ Ortlieb bike packer plus
panniers. It's going to be my urban commuter-hauler + S24O machine +
Touring bike whenever I get to that. Just hope it works well w/ the 95
PBH, but Keven assures it will. Ordering next week and getting late
January, in orange!
And here's an inspirational song for all those building mega-tall
bikes, "Build High" - Pixies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcXeDoAGFYA
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Also, unlike the past couple of years, have no bike purchases on my
radar. Thought about a fatbike but don't think I could justify it.
Oh, and try to see if I can ride a single speed bike during the
winter. Could be fun. Or frustrating. Or both.
Eric Platt
St. Paul, MN
1. build up the hilsen. Wheels are in, waiting on cranks, bottom
bracket and some odds and ends
2. clean up and maybe overhaul the romulus drive train.
3.we're contemplating selling one of the tandems and acquiring another
one - possibly a tandem tuesday from bike friday, we like the idea of
a foldable tandem :)
4. thinning out some of the random bikes I've "collected" over the years.
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Congratulations! You are this year's winner!
Philip Williamson
> **
Oh, and then I'm going to try some of this stuff:
Since it's winter now we should discuss chain lubrication for our fine Rivendell bicycles.
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Oh God no, the annual chain lubrication thread! <shudder>
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My winter plans are to leave the cold North for Southern California, so I can ride and live in some sunshine ! It's what I want more than anything right now.
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My winter plans are to leave the cold North for Southern California, so I can ride and live in some sunshine ! It's what I want more than anything right now.
I want to specifically thank listmembers Patrick Moore and Matt Tonay
for their generosity and help with accomplishing this project! My
wishes and pleas for a 559 fender singleton and a too-short rear rack
came true! Thank you, guys!
=- Joe Bunik
Walnut Creek, CA
2. Sell another bike, possibly the couplered Rawland.
3. Clear out a bunch of bike parts: bars, saddles, derailleurs, brakes, etc.
Sense a theme here? Create space in garage for new projects!!!
Park City
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