Grip King Supremes will be back soon

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Jun 6, 2012, 3:45:35 PM6/6/12
My parents are coming to visit this weekend, and my Pop has indicated that he's got another batch of Grip King Supreme cages in the works.  He's more of a process engineer, so he's spending all his time on making tooling and jigs so a monkey can make cages.  Like I said before if we were paying him for time and materials I'd charge $750 a set for these.  But, he enjoys it and he is making them, so I need to either hoard them or sell them.  $25 a pair shipped was the price last time and all the feedback I received on those was positive.  I do not know how many I'll have this weekend, and I will attempt to first service those that emailed me a few months back on the last batch.  Let me know if you want to be on the list.

Photos show what they are:

Pedals not included ;-)


Brewster Fong

Jun 6, 2012, 6:07:10 PM6/6/12
Hi Bill,
Thanks for the info. I don't have grip king pedals, but can you explain why your modification is needed? Was there a design flaw in the original pedal that requires this modification? I was thinking of getting a pair of these pedals, but if it needs this piece to make it work, forgetaboutit....Thanks! Good Luck!


Joe Bernard

Jun 6, 2012, 7:17:26 PM6/6/12
The middle area of the Grip King pedal has a slight dip to it, and feels kinda "empty". It doesn't bother me much, but when it came time to purchase new pedals for other bikes a few weeks ago, I went back to RMX. I can see why some would be happier with Grip Kings with the modification.
Joe Bernard
Vallejo, CA.


Jun 6, 2012, 10:01:26 PM6/6/12
Need?  Need?  As the kids say:  LMFAO!

Thank you for the opportunity to describe either

A.  why these are needed so you buy neither them nor the Grip Kings, or
B.  why these are not needed so you don't buy the cages

Seriously, though.  The Grip Kings, in my opinion are the best platform pedals you can buy because they are so freaking long.  Front to back they are the biggest I've seen, but I have not searched exhaustively.  It was my personal experience on a long ride or on hard climbing, I felt the outer edge of my foot felt like it kind of wanted to roll off the pedal.  It felt unsupported.  I'm particularly sensitive to that feeling because I have very severely sprained my right ankle many times.  It's weak and every hint of rolling gives me the heebie jeebies.  I designed and built my own primitive cages to support my feet as well side to side as the Grip Kings do front to back.   I did a youtube on it.

I did the youtube so that if there was another person on the planet who felt the way I did, they could copy me and make their own for basically free and try them out.  When I did that, probably a dozen different folks emailed me that they'd buy a set if I made more.  I told my Pop about the demand, and he kind of ran with it.  He's a retired machinist/designer, and he just kind of compulsively works on stuff that get his attention.  He did, and those got snapped up.  I offer these not to correct a flaw, but to offer an option on your already magnificently versatile bike that you can even modify your pedals, and you might love them and by extension love your bike even more. 

So, I think the Grip Kings are awesome and it would be very smart for you to buy a set from Rivendell.  I think it's especially awesome that they are so modifiable.  I think MKS sneakers are the best value in pedals.  I personally think most BMX pedals are hideous to look at, but that is purely opinion.  I also think that a good way to hide ugly pedals is to cover them with your feet on a bike ride :-)

On Wednesday, June 6, 2012 3:07:10 PM UTC-7, Brewster Fong wrote:
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