Long distance clothing choices

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Scot Brooks

Jul 4, 2012, 4:21:32 AM7/4/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
So the Seattle to Portland ride is coming up (200 miles in 2 days), and I'm kinda thinking about wardrobe. I'm not a spandex guy, and though I wore it for quite awhile some years ago, I just never felt right in it. The farthest I've gotten is running socks, boat shoes (my all time favorite riding footwear), Exofficio undies, and that's it. Running shorts will probably be next thing, which seems like a good choice. I wanted a MUSA short sleeve wool tee shirt, but they're out of mediums. Might end up with a butt-crack tan line if I go the tee shirt route. 

Anyway, what do you guys and gals wear when distance is the thing? 

Also, who's going? I'll probably be riding my Sam, but I might break out my newly-built-secret-weapon bike. 


Jul 4, 2012, 4:45:11 AM7/4/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
When I am out on a ride longer than say 25 miles I will sometimes wear my one pair of cycling shorts but......I also have been known to ride in plain cotton undies (boxers) and Riv MUSA shorts now that I have the Riv blue suspenders. I have both short and long sleeve wool shirts and also have Riv MUSA pants for colder days. I also have the wool 'tights' that I use under my rain paints when its really crummy out. Showers Pass touring jacket.....Sunny days, just a cotton t-shirt or a long sleeve cotton button up with chest pockets for my phone etc. Shoes, New Balance outdoors-man sport shoe (not sure what model) but they are brown suede. I've always wanted to ride the STP.....and if I do, it would probably be my other brand touring bike or my new Rivendell Sam Hillborne with a change to drop bars. Might consider riding the SimpleOne someday with a gearing change and if the weather were ideal and I was in better shape for it. I'm liking the long tail cotton long sleeve shirt (seersucker if you can) for riding the more I use them. I also use my Teva sandals in the summer for riding. Heat/cold management is pretty important so layering and a good bag/rack combo is really nice to have.

rob markwardt

Jul 4, 2012, 4:58:29 AM7/4/12
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'm going and will likely be riding this bike
http://www.flickr.com/photos/77502424@N00/7458929540/ and dressed in a
similar mode. I'll be riding with my two brothers and am guessing
we'll be riding at a fairly moderate pace.

If forecast is clear I might also be riding my own newly-built-secret-
weapon bike (much more on topic)...I took it out on it's maiden shake-
down ride tonight and hope to get in few miles on it tomorrow. Should
have some pics of the new beast tomorrow.


Jul 4, 2012, 5:06:41 AM7/4/12
to RBW Owners Bunch
Musas, Birkenstocks, plastic or maybe wool jersey this year. Sleeping
on the ball field in Winlock (home of the World's Largest Egg:

I will be on the orange mini-velo. Say howdy and y'all have a good


On Jul 3, 9:58 pm, rob markwardt <robmar...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Scot,
>   I'm going and will likely be riding this bikehttp://www.flickr.com/photos/77502424@N00/7458929540/and dressed in a


Jul 4, 2012, 12:01:28 PM7/4/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
I wear IceBreaker wool t-shirts very thin and comfy, Buy 2 short sleeve and 1 long sleeve, you can put them all on if needed, lots of flexibility and very little weight, I also cary a Ibex shank long sleeve wool sweater for cooler weather. Bottoms I wear  Woolistic Wool cycling shorts, or Andimos with MUSA shorts or knickers.
Good Luck
Tom Dusky
Huntington Woods, MI


Jul 4, 2012, 12:45:00 PM7/4/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
I've done multiple 100+ mile days in Exofficio undies and MUSA shorts with no issues. I take it you're riding a Brooks saddle? My favorite top for this kind of riding is a Woolistic jersey. I love the fit as it's more like a t-shirt than a jersey. You might also try some kind of wool t-shirt. I've also used a seersucker REI shirt which is nice but did give me a bit of a raspberry while flapping in the wind on a long descent. LLBean has lots of their seersucker on sale now so you might find something there.

I live in Portland and won't be doing the ride. I just don't see the allure. I hear the route isn't that great, tending to ride through sprawl and there's just too many people for my likes. But that's just me, plenty of folks have been doing the ride for years and having a great time. To me, the WA state ride that really appeals to me is the SIR 3 Volcanos 300k which is happening in Aug. That is a ride not to be missed. And yet again, I'll be missing it...

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Andy Williams

Jul 4, 2012, 1:36:47 PM7/4/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Say hello as you pass me on the STP.  I'll be riding slowly, probably wearing similar duds to these, and will be avoiding the pacelines and dodging the yahoos....



Jul 4, 2012, 8:48:28 PM7/4/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
For more casual cycling attire I prefer the Smartwool Microweight tee's.   http://www.moontrail.com/home.php  has them for a good price.
for shorts I wear Kuhl Renegade shorts. Longer inseam, stretchy fabric and lotsa pockets. I do wear a cycling liner, like the Pearl Izumi ones for longer rides.

Carlsbad CA.

On Tuesday, July 3, 2012 9:21:32 PM UTC-7, Scot Brooks wrote:

Scot Brooks

Jul 6, 2012, 8:35:40 PM7/6/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for the replies, everyone. Special thanks to Mike for the LL Bean seersuckers on sale tip; I have one of their Cool Weave Trail Shirts coming my way, along with some nice lightweight shorts. As a former Mainer, I'll wear them with an inappropriate amount of pride.


Jul 14, 2012, 1:26:09 PM7/14/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com

On Wednesday, July 4, 2012 12:21:32 AM UTC-4, Scot Brooks wrote:
<snip> The farthest I've gotten is running socks, boat shoes (my all time favorite riding footwear), Exofficio undies, and that's it.  <snip>

The seams on undies can make them uncomfortable on long rides. I'm wondering what styles of Exofficio <http://www.exofficio.com/products/mens/underwear/bottoms> and other brands Bobs have like for long distance cycling.




Jul 14, 2012, 1:45:06 PM7/14/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
I use cheap nylon boxers from Target; sorry, forget the brands. These
are true boxers, loose and baggy that pull up above your belly button.
The key is that they are made of nylon or some synthetic, and, while
that may have its own drawbacks, I've found them very comfortable for
cycling, particularly in hot weather: they don't bind or chafe or
scrunch up. I wear them under regular street shorts.

Note that, for me, 35 miles is a long distance; but then, this is on
fixed gears where you can't give your saddle a rest by supporting
yourself on your legs, and where your legs are always moving. I judge
that, fixed:free is like a 1:5 premium, so, what, 165 miles? (Juuust
kidding. But they work for me and they are cheap.)
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"Push back against the age as hard as it pushes against you."

Flannery O'Connor

Patrick Moore, Albuquerque, NM, USA
For professional resumes, contact Patrick Moore, ACRW

Eric Chatham

Jul 14, 2012, 2:23:03 PM7/14/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com, rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Exofficio makes some very nice stuff.  I wear the boxer briefs on long motorcycle camping trips, for cycling I usually have mountain bike shorts with a lightly padded liner and nylon shell.  Exofficio also has some vented shirts which might work on the bike.  Some of their line, both pants and shirts, have bug repellent, which works...but fades away after about 25 washes.  Look for deals on Sierra Trading Post or REI sales.



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Bruce Herbitter

Jul 16, 2012, 1:09:37 AM7/16/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
BCG is a dept store version of UnderArmor for about 1/2 the cost. Nice flat seams and odor resisting tech fabric.
Goes nice under wool bike shorts or baggy MUSAs.


Peter Pesce

Jul 16, 2012, 1:20:21 AM7/16/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
I love underarmor for short rides. Any over an hour and I prefer spandex or wool bike shorts. They evolved to be what they are for a reason.

Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery

Jul 16, 2012, 2:50:28 AM7/16/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
I recently tore into an economy pack of CHEAP BVD cotton boxers, which have quickly become my new favorite riding undies. The Target brand ones I've used for years have a thicker, coarser cotton fabric, and require some "break in", which means I had only a few that were suitable for long rides. When you buy the cheap, thin-fabric boxers, cotton is not as problematic as some experts suggest. YMMV.

I'd try Ex Officio, but I assume they're pricier, and what I have seems to be working pretty well. I'd suggest anybody who already owns cheap cotton boxers try them on some rides, preferably under baggy shorts like MUSA.

Scot Brooks

Jul 19, 2012, 6:01:42 PM7/19/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
As it worked out, the ExOfficio boxers, LL Bean short shorts, LL Bean cool weave trail shirt (seersucker), and wool long sleeve underneath (just on the second day) were an absolute joy for the whole 200+ miles of the STP. Thanks to everyone who weighed in. I couldn't have been happier with the result!


Jul 20, 2012, 10:47:17 AM7/20/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Gap's boxer briefs are a great spandex/cotton hybrid with great seaming for riding. Absolutely love them. Paired with some cutoff shirts from jeans/pants/whatever that had 1-2% spandex woven in is great. Wool makes my bidness too hot and everything else feels over engineered.


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