Tires for D2R2? Hetre, Fatty Rumpkin, or Col de la Vie?

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Michael Farrell

Aug 20, 2011, 4:41:33 PM8/20/11
to RBW Owners Bunch
Any suggestions on tires (specifically 650b) for next weekend's d2r2?
Thanks, Mike


Aug 20, 2011, 4:57:42 PM8/20/11
IMO Fatty's are terrible in anything resembling mud.  If the course is dry, or if the course is mostly gravel (I've never done the ride, but would like to one of these years) I'd go for them, otherwise I would personally go with CdlVs


Aug 20, 2011, 5:28:00 PM8/20/11
Man, have fun on that!  IMHO the premier amateur bike event in the States.  As for tires, I don't think you could ever go wrong with Hetres.  That's my armchair recommendation :-)

On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 9:41 AM, Michael Farrell <> wrote:
Any suggestions on tires (specifically 650b) for next weekend's d2r2?
Thanks, Mike

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Redlands, CA terms of recreational cycling there are many riders who would probably benefit more from
improving their taste than from improving their performance.

Aaron Thomas

Aug 20, 2011, 6:08:22 PM8/20/11
I dunno, man. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I think the Hetres are nice but vastly overrated. Probably can't go wrong using them, but all the others you mention would be just as good.

If I were doing that ride (I wish I were!), I'd be on 700c in the form of Jack Brown greens or cyclocross tires in the 32-35mm range, such as the Challenge Grifo XS.

Whatever you choose, please post some pics of the ride!

Ryan J

Aug 20, 2011, 10:05:16 PM8/20/11
Fatty Rumpkins wouldn't be bad for the gravel roads, but it seems people who ride them love the Hetres.  I don't think that either would be a bad choice.  

Looks like a great ride, plenty of up and downs.

Steve Palincsar

Aug 20, 2011, 10:55:29 PM8/20/11
> Any suggestions on tires (specifically 650b) for next weekend's d2r2?

If you can use Hetres, why would you even consider anything else?

James Valiensi

Aug 21, 2011, 1:40:54 AM8/21/11
I have a pair of Schwalbe Marathon Extremes used for one 25-mile mixed terrain ride. They have a little dirt on the outside and talc on the inside. No damage, tears, or punctures.

They are 42-622 or 700C x 40. They fit on my 29'er but I really wanted to use them on my Rivendell. They were a little too big, so I bought the next size down.

These tire provide great off road traction, but don't have the buzz and drag of regular MTB tires - I'd highly recommend them.

$135 including shipping to the US.


James Valiensi, PE
Northridge, CA
H818.775.1847 M.818.585.1796


Aug 21, 2011, 4:22:32 AM8/21/11
I'd love to be back east riding the D2R2!  What an incredible ride.  I think the new GB Lierre's would suit a ride like this. A little more tread and a little lighter/narrower then the Hetre but just as fast.  Have a blast!

Patrick in VT

Aug 21, 2011, 4:11:42 PM8/21/11
to RBW Owners Bunch
On Aug 20, 12:41 pm, Michael Farrell <> wrote:
> Any suggestions on tires (specifically 650b) for next weekend's d2r2?
> Thanks, Mike

any would be fine. i've run Hetres, Pari-Motos and Parigi Roubaix
(700x28) at D2R2. all were great on that course, but i sure
appreciated the wider footprint of the Hetre and slightly smaller Pari-
Moto on some of the high speed dirt road descents.

it's a great ride - enjoy!!

Erik C

Aug 21, 2011, 4:50:03 PM8/21/11
to RBW Owners Bunch
Can't speak to the hetre, but as someone who rides gravel on almost a
daily basis I can vouch for the fatty rumpkins. I found them more
stable than both the cypress and pari-moto. The rumpkins are
definitely more sluggish on pavement... Trade offs, trad offs! I just
picked up some Lierres to see if that are a happy medium between the
rumpkins and the pari-motos.

Good luck!


Aug 22, 2011, 12:22:58 AM8/22/11
You asked specifically about 650b, so Hetres are perfect for it. Pretty standard New  England dirt roads, last year they were not too rutted. I saw lots of 25mm tires, and most of those riders did fine.  Anything with a bit of extra cushion (eg Hetres, or in 700c, 30mm &  up)  are nice over dirt.  There were some sandy sections too, and wider tires are useful there as well. How many from this list will be there?  (I will be)  Ron


Aug 22, 2011, 4:34:42 PM8/22/11
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'll be there with Hetres, 1st time using 650b there, and I'm looking
forward to it.

In the past, I've used 700x32 cross tires with much success. The low-
profile xc tread is great for traction, especially on steep dirt (of
which there is plenty). I'm curious how the relatively smooth Hetres
will perform for me....


Aug 23, 2011, 1:35:45 AM8/23/11
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hoping to be there with a Quickbeam running Vittoria Cross Xn Pros
(32's). Certainly won't be anywhere near the front of the pack, but
hopefully can "enjoy" the ride. Given the gearing limitations of the
QB, I may walking some of the hills. Will be good to see some
Rivendell bikes.


Aug 22, 2011, 9:41:40 PM8/22/11
to RBW Owners Bunch
I rode the D2 last year on my Bleriot (650B) and had the CDLV's
mounted. They were fine but I should add the conditions were dry and
generally good. Have since switched to Pari-Motos and much prefer
them for the road - not sure about mud. My sense is they would be
fine for the D2 but I can't make it this year, so won't be able to
report back.

John McMurry

Aug 23, 2011, 12:06:19 PM8/23/11
to RBW Owners Bunch
I've also run Hetres, Pari-Motos, as well as Col de Vies at D2R2.

I agree w/Patrick - it's a toss up between the Pari-Motos and the
Hetres. If the course is choppier than normal, I'd recommend the
Hetre. There are sections where you'll want one over the other, but
for the most part, depending on conditions, I'd give the nod to the
Pari-Motos. You can only descend so much faster than others on
narrow, rocky, pot-holed, water-bottle-strewn roads before scaring the
skinny-tired cyclists as you pass.

Have fun out there,
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