First S36O of the year.

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May 18, 2012, 3:37:26 AM5/18/12
to RBW Owners Bunch
So the first bike camping trip of the year is done. An absolutely
fantastic two days on the bike with much of it spent in the Mt Hood NF
riding quiet roads. We explored some new roads that took us on some
steep gravel climbs. We got a mile of singletrack to our campsite.
Great company. It was just a really fun time. I wish I could have
stayed out a day or two longer but that will have to wait until July.

We rode about 60 or so miles the first day and about 80 the second. It
would be great if we could get to this kind of destination in fewer
miles but the reality is that if you want to explore these roads and
see these sights you have to be willing to put in some long days.

I'm hoping this summer to do a 3 day trip with days one and three
being high mileage and day two being a short mileage day with more
campsite relaxing.

Here's the photos:

Oh, Riv content? Multiple sets of Noodle bars, plenty of MUSA
clothing, Trangia stove, bandanas, Grip Kings and other stuff but no
Riv bikes.



May 18, 2012, 4:02:55 AM5/18/12
You told me I'd regret selling the AHH.  I haven't been camping lately.  It was my camping bike.  Now you post this most excellent bike camping report.  Thanks a lot.


May 18, 2012, 4:36:00 AM5/18/12
to, RBW Owners Bunch

Brian Hanson
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Bill Gibson

May 18, 2012, 4:39:14 AM5/18/12
Do not regret the lost bikes. We all do, and it is part of the sadness of life. So, whatever you have, just ride, see you out there!
Bill Gibson
Tempe, Arizona, USA

Andy Smitty Schmidt

May 18, 2012, 4:42:42 AM5/18/12
Great trip! Looking forward to rolling with you. --Andy


May 18, 2012, 1:42:06 PM5/18/12
to RBW Owners Bunch
On May 17, 9:42 pm, Andy Smitty Schmidt <> wrote:
> Great trip! Looking forward to rolling with you. --Andy

Yeah, definitely. I'll be getting out for multiple trips in the first
two weeks of July. Also, my wife seems much more okay with my heading
out with others as opposed to solo. Alder Flat Campground ruled. It's
an absolutely beautiful place and the mile of trail in seems to help
it stay quiet. I sure wish the Max (lightrail) ran out to Estacada, it
would make it so much easier to access camping on the Clackamas

When it's warmer and I'm carrying less gear I'm gonna take the Hilsen.
I had brought my tent and some warm clothes in anticipation of cold
temps at night but it really wasn't that cold at night/morning. I
could have left the rain fly to my tent at home.

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