Re: [RBW] Recommend more affordable makers of Rivish-type bags please.

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Bruce Herbitter

Oct 28, 2012, 7:44:44 AM10/28/12

On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 1:11 AM, lungimsam <> wrote:
Any more affordable makers of those plaid style bags rivbikes carries?
Someone else has got to be making these type of bags besides just Carradice, sackville, and Brooks.
I am looking for a handlebar bag in the style seen on
But something way more affordable.
Like 50 bucks or less.
Thanks for any tips.
Would love to explore offerings from makers that aren't so costly.

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Oct 28, 2012, 12:58:39 PM10/28/12
Lung: On the one hand, I certainly understand where you're coming from as I've been looking at bags for over a year and cost is definitely a factor.  But (and not to be overly-critical of your post), I think it's kind of pushing the boundaries of the forum to ask for a lower-priced competitor.  You do generally get what you pay for, especially if styling and materials are important.  Fullylugged has given you some excellent alternatives.  If you watch Craigslist and eBay, bargains do pop up.  They even appear on this forum, if you're quick to respond.  Otherwise, you might explore alternatives such as adapting another type of bag.  The "Army surplus" stores seem to have a variety of utility bags and a pretty-reasonably priced.  Or try to make your own.  I've considered this myself but have not tried it yet.  Good luck, Steve


Oct 28, 2012, 2:13:54 PM10/28/12

Thanks for the leads, FullyLugged. I appreciate it.

Believe it or not, it looks like they have removed my post. I don't see it anymore.


Oct 28, 2012, 2:24:17 PM10/28/12

Sorry if I offended anyone.


I thought the forum was for discussing their bikes, and related culture. I didn't realize we were to stay within the confines of Rivendell products for Rivendell BW store purchase only.


Again, sorry if I offended anyone.

Peter Morgano

Oct 28, 2012, 3:27:41 PM10/28/12

Oy the drama, I feel like I am with my Jewish grandmother. It was a legit question, if people didn't want to answer than they shouldn't have.

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Oct 28, 2012, 3:30:28 PM10/28/12
I personally see nothing at all offensive in Lung's post. [Aside: will
y'all sign off with your names? At least your first or Christian
names? It's awkward to reply otherwise.]

Anyway, nothing at all offensive in my opinion -- after all, $210
including shipping for a medium saddlebag is expensive! -- tho' IMO
the bag is worth it.

However: Lung or John or 11.2526: Expecting to pay $50 or less for a
decent saddlebag is to say the least naif, unless you buy old and
used. Why not try to make your own? Or order from Wiggle or Saint John
Cycles in Britain where Carradices are considerably cheaper than from
US suppliers even with shipping. IIRC, you can get (if in stock) a
Camper Longflap for under $150 shipped.

eBay or used sales onlist can be your friends: I got a practically new
Sackville Medium plus extra goodies on eBay for $120 shipped -- howza
bout that?!

I am confident that no one at Rivendell would object to
Lung/John/etc.'s question.
> --
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Vote early, vote often, vote Rhinoceros!

Patrick Moore, Albuquerque, NM, USA
For professional resumes, contact Patrick Moore, ACRW


Oct 28, 2012, 3:46:54 PM10/28/12
The rule of thumbs around here is to keep with Rivendell products and philosophy.  One of the great things about this group has been the ability to stay on those specific topics and post less superfluous information for everyone to wade through.  I have seen a steep increase of off-topic general cycling posts in the past year.  That said, I couldn't tell you definitively where on-topic starts and ends. It is all part of a spectrum and should be viewed in context.  I doubt anyone is offended by someone asking for alternatives to products they cannot afford.  If nearly every post was someone asking for bigger/better/cheaper and missing the point of how/why Rivendell selects the products they do... you know it when you see it. 



Oct 28, 2012, 5:04:33 PM10/28/12
Sorry if I threw this one to the wolves, but I didn't remove the post.  I see a fine line between discussing related products that we use/have used/are considering on our Rivs or Rivish bikes AND shopping for the lowest common denominator.  I'm not even sure if the OP crossed my personal line.  I just commented.  And, you know, it's a bit tricky when we know that Grant reads this forum.  Makes it kind of personal both ways.  Steve (nickname for my Christian or whatever name, which is spelled properly with a "ph", and who (namesake) was in fact, a Christian saint)  


Oct 28, 2012, 5:09:33 PM10/28/12
Shucks, Let's talk about helmets.
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Peter Morgano

Oct 28, 2012, 5:13:49 PM10/28/12
Ha, I would rather talk religion than helmets. I believe my actual name is attached to this profile. Saint Peter, first pope, makes no matter, I am an unapologetic athiest.  Time to hunker down for the storm here people.


Oct 28, 2012, 5:32:11 PM10/28/12
I'll pray for you.

Patrick "hands folded, head bowed, eyes rolled heavenward" Moore, who
does say a brief prayer before he rides sans helmet (how's THAT for
Message has been deleted

Steve Palincsar

Oct 28, 2012, 6:49:14 PM10/28/12
On Sun, 2012-10-28 at 15:32 -0600, PATRICK MOORE wrote:
> I'll pray for you.
> Patrick "hands folded, head bowed, eyes rolled heavenward" Moore, who
> does say a brief prayer before he rides sans helmet (how's THAT for
> controversy!)

I can call spirits from the vasty deep.
Why, so can I, or so can any man;
But will they come when you do call for them?

Henry IV Part 1, Act 3 Scene 1


Oct 28, 2012, 6:53:29 PM10/28/12
Couple of things:

The $50 price point is unrealistic for most bags with character.  Over the last few years, generic black ballistic nylon bags produced in high volume have shot past that level. 

Re: disappearing posts:  Google Groups seems to be undergoing a prolonged transition from old to new.  Stuff appears, vanishes, reappears.  Sometimes it comes up in the old format, sometimes new.  RBW & iBOB can each come up differently.  I've plowed thru all their help screens, etc., but it seems inconsistent for now.


Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery

Oct 28, 2012, 7:03:38 PM10/28/12
Here's an old controversy: Duluth Pack and Frost River both made Baggins Bags for Riv years ago. In fact, both of the linked handlebar bags started life as the Riv/Baggins Candy Bar bag, if I recall correctly. Of course, nowadays it would be the beef jerky bag, or something similarly low in carbs. The controversy was when Frost River continued to use the Baggins designs after Riv was no longer a customer and GP asked him to stop using the Baggins patterns under FR's brand (FR used/uses a bike the strongly resembles the Atlantis is advertising materials...) Duluth Pack was sold to new owners, who reincarnated the formerly canceled Baggins designs. FR went out of business, but was later reopened by new owners, who kept the Baggins bags in the lineup.


Oct 28, 2012, 10:57:19 PM10/28/12
Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000252 EndHTML:0000004758 StartFragment:0000002628 EndFragment:0000004722 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/grant/Dropbox/There%20are%20many%20less%20expensive%20and%20excellent%20alternatives%20to%20Sackville%20bags.doc

There are many less expensive and excellent alternatives to Sackville bags. Whether they’re a better value depends on lots of things. Our fabric comes from a small company in Scotland, and there is no better fabric, nor anyting more expensive. It is tighter, drier (not as waxy, stays good looking longer) and more waterproof than any other waxed cotton I’ve seen except Carradice. Carradice, I am sure, sources its fabric from the same place.  I have good reason to believe this/


It’s not distributed in this country, so we import it to Connecticut at great cost: About $1200 in freight per shipment, on top of its high cost per meter.

The leather and hardware are the best. The labor is Connecticutt, and the quality of the bags—the design, the consistency, the stitching, down to the heat-sealed thread—is as good and as expensive as it can be. We  have never, ever asked our bag maker for a lower price.

My enthusiasm for our bags should not be taken as a knock on anybody else’s bags. Sackville bags are never knockoffs of anybody else’s bags. Never direct, never intentional. They can’t be totally novel designs, but there are refinements that reflect a lot of experience with a lot of other bags.  We had some black Sackvilles early on, but I figure Carradice owns that color, so no more. 

The regular search for “Riv-ish” this or that is understandable, and although I kind of wish people would just pony up and support us and get the real thing, I also understand that we’re out of reach for some, and the fact that “Riv-ish” even exists as a word-ish thing is a complement….so, thanks

Joe Bernard

Oct 29, 2012, 12:49:33 AM10/29/12
"Affordable" is always a judgment call. I understand we all can't always pony up the price for that nice Riv thing we want, but I don't think their stuff is overpriced for what you get, and where it comes from. Grant could probably have his bags made in China, lower the price, and still make a bigger profit. But then Rivendell wouldn't be Rivendell anymore.
Joe "who tries to limit purchases of used Riv bits to those out of production" Bernard
Vallejo, CA

Jeremy Till

Oct 29, 2012, 12:13:38 PM10/29/12
As for a straightforward answer: I've had good experiences with Jandd bags--specifically their small bar bag, similar to the candy bar bag that Riv used to sell, but a little more narrow.  If you order them in the "Khaki" color they look decent with the Riv aesthetic--a good match for natural cork color bar tape. 

They also still make a bag designed to fit in the triangle of Bullmoose bars, which would be awesome on a bullmoose equipped bike.

On Sunday, October 28, 2012 4:44:48 AM UTC-7, Fullylugged wrote:

Matthew J

Oct 29, 2012, 12:45:32 PM10/29/12
> As for a straightforward answer: I've had good experiences with Jandd bags--specifically their small bar bag, similar to the candy > bar bag that Riv used to sell, but a little more narrow.  If you order them in the "Khaki" color they look decent with the Riv aesthetic> --a good match for natural cork color bar tape. 
Don't want to pay a lot for a bag, go with cordura.  The good looking stuff costs a lot because it is not cheap to make something that looks good but can hold up to the rigors of the bike riding environment.  Plus, as much of the cost is in the base materials, it is not something that can be farmed off to some place where environmental and labor standards are low and made cheaper.  
Riv's prices are fair. It's not like GP is buying a mac-mansion with his gobs of bag profits. 
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