Thanks Jim!! Awesome pics and narration. I wish I had the chutzpah to go touring like that. Looks like alot of fun!! You'll be able to have those memories a lifetime.
Liesl, I did not know you lived in that area! I didn't mind Sausalito, but didn't find the grocery store I'd hoped to find there. Mill Valley has a Whole Foods right off the bike trail.
The bag that fell off was an afterthought. It was a Banjo Brothers pocket messenger bag, which I'd used as a carry-on for my flight, intending to scrunch it up in one of the other bags while riding. During my riding it seemed like a good bag to carry extra clothes, etc. I lashed it to the Carradice with a Surly junk strap, but I was careless about it once, and it fell off on a bumpy road.
One piece of equipment that has become essential to me is a New Trent Li-ion 12Ah battery that can be used to charge USB devices. This gives me plenty of juice to run my iPhone for up to a week if I'm somewhat careful about it.
More, including Riv visit #1:
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Part 1http://hiawathacyclery.blogspot.com/2013/01/san-francisco-area-bike-adventure.html?m=1