Growing Closer With Family + Understanding Exposure

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Amit Singh

Aug 6, 2012, 1:23:31 PM8/6/12
My little brother has been generally immobile for the past month and a half due to dislocating his ankle from his foot ... 

SO, to get him moving on his crutches yesterday, I took him to the park with a few cameras and a Peterson book -- Understanding Exposure.  

We spent 4 hours (wow, getting either of us to sit for 4 hours to focus on anything is a BIG DEAL!) going through the book and learning.  This was his first time playing with a SLR camera so there was the happiness reward for learning the ISO / Aperture / Shutter Speed triangle.  He learned to shoot in manual and create his own images, so cool.  He's excited about it and wants to continue.  I'm happy because this helps our bond grow and we've found new stuff we can be passionate about together, cool !  :)

I took the Bombadil, got some cool Erik Jensen ( inspired photo captures.  Couldn't feel more perfect on the Bomba.  Did some grown-over single track riding in the thick woods.  Light, quick, super agile, carved when i wanted it to, well behaved, cut through the thick underbrush and over gravel.  Was it the bike, maybe the tires, perhaps the bars, maybe it was me (ha, unlikely)?  It was all together perfect.

Also -- I'm an American Sikh.



Aug 7, 2012, 12:08:47 AM8/7/12
> Also -- I'm an American Sikh.
> Amit


My condolences... I'm sorry that there are nut job idiots in the world.

Michael Hechmer

Aug 7, 2012, 1:22:08 AM8/7/12

Also -- I'm an American Sikh.


Amit,  I am so sorry about the catastrophe  that has hit your community.  I pray we can all find a way to transformation this evil and pain  into a deeper sense of care for one another.

Perhaps somehow the joy of cycling that you share can create more connected communities.


Philip Williamson

Aug 7, 2012, 6:14:10 AM8/7/12
Amen on all three counts.


Amit Singh

Aug 7, 2012, 3:23:24 PM8/7/12
Thanks all for the outpouring of love and positive words.

Just want to make sure there's good information out there to avoid massacres like this from happening in the future.

What is 'Sikh' ?:

'Sikh' means to learn, a 'Sikh' is therefore a student.

* Sikhism comes from Punjab, and has become one of the world's largest religions. 

* Sikhism preaches a message of devotion, remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, equality between all human beings and social justice.

* Sikhs believe in the importance of leading a virtuous and moral life.

* Sikhs do not want to hurt anyone. A Sikh's job is to serve others. A Sikh believes in community service and giving back.

* A turban is a distinct article of clothing that is almost entirely exclusive to Sikhs.

* Turbaned Sikhs are often racially profiled. Turbaned Sikhs are not terrorists, they are not the enemy, they are a Sikhs.

I think turbans are cool.  There are lots of styles, prints, colors. Each person ties their turban differently from another person. If you see a turban that looks particularly cool, tasteful or interesting feel free to give a compliment :)

Riv related content : Lots of bicycles from Punjab feature steel, lugs, double top-tubes and bars similar to the Bosco :)

Apologies if this offended anyone.  I'm ready to get back to riding bicycles, sharing photos, discussing low vs. high trail and swapping parts.


photo credit for the Sikh on the bicycle, Arnaud

Peter Morgano

Aug 7, 2012, 3:36:00 PM8/7/12
My sympathy goes out to the Sikh community. My I am an athiest but grew up with Sikhs and can attest that they are some of the nicest, gentlest, non-judgemental people I know, I was always in awe of thier oneness with the world around them, they always seemed at peace.  Its really sad that we live in a society where when someone looks different we have to treat them like they are the "enemy" instead of reaching out and maybe trying to learn something new or get outside your comfort zone.   Riv content-friends of mine from Punjab said if I had to ride a bike on those streets I would believe in God pretty fast!
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