New Build. Not a Riv, but a friend of Riv

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Scot Brooks

Jul 29, 2012, 5:53:01 PM7/29/12
Here's the link to the imgur album with 8 images. 

I wanted a Hunqapillar, but I realized it was too far out of budget. I decided to set up my Sam a little more hardcore and get something else that would be an All-Arounder type bike. I ended up with a Soma Double Cross, and it's proven to be excellent. It's getting a full write-up in my Cycling Illustrated column, but that won't be online until tomorrow. If you read it and maybe even comment, I'd be really grateful. I'm just trying to gently remind the racing folks that there are other bikes to ride. Here's the build list for the time being. It has notes because it appears in the article as well.

Soma Double Cross frame $425 (ordered through 20/20 Cycle)
Soma Cyclo-Cross Fork $150 (really exceptional, really great value)
Salsa Delgado Cross/LX Wheels $270 (hand-built by Jim Thill)
Schwalbe Marathon Racer 700x35c $15/each (scored at Bike Expo from Schwalbe)
Velo Orange 48x34t Double $100 (on sale)
MKS Touring Pedals $40
9 speed chain, KMC probably $20
Shimano 12-36t 9 speed cassette $50 (serious range)
Shimano bottom bracket $30 (I think)
ENE Grand Comp bar end shifters $70 (friction shifting is sweet)
Shifter cables/housing $15
Nitto Moustache Handlebars $90 (super versatile, great bars)
Shimano brake levers $50 (Tiagra, Sora, something like that...)
Brake cables/housing $15
Shimano cantilever brakes $15 (old as hell design, still good, still in production)
Civia Stem $20
Velo Orange Headset $40
Soma set-back seatpost $25 (probably)
Velo Orange Model 6 saddle $45 (crazy sale price + coupon)
Shimano Deore RD $55
IRD Alpina triple FD $40 (in case I ever want a Sugino triple for instance)
Newbaum’s cotton bar tape $10
King stainless water bottle cage $20
Miscellaneous stuff I forgot $25 (?)


Jul 29, 2012, 7:05:01 PM7/29/12
Very nice particularly given the cash outlay which I add up to $1,650
not including the bar bag and rack. Amazing what you can do on a
budget. In that regard it is much like my Fargo built from
no-shortcomings-accepted bits but none that are particularly shiny or

Savagely yanking this thread in another direction: speaking of
spending, t'other day I spent $95 on padding: yep, $50 for a pair of
Spec Bod Geom insoles for a very nice but size-too-large NOS Sidis
(45s, tho' I usually fit 45s just fine) and to complement a package of
$38 bar tape by Lizard Skins. Both await trial, but the initial
impression of the SBG insoles is that they are just what the cat

As to the LS tape, the bar on the commuter Riv has been troubling my
always sensitive left hand more than the bars on the other bikes; the
fatty pad on the bottom outside of the palm is very prone to numbness,
meaning that I cannot bear to use M-bars, Albatrosses or anything else
except drops, and the palm is sensitive to any position but the hood.
Gloves don't help, and I don't wear them. My right hand is fine. So I
thought I'd play around with the left lever body position and add some
wholly extravagant bar tape to see if it helps. It feels good and
looks expensive.

Will report on both (if I remember).
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"When in Rome, do as they done in Milledgeville."

Flannery O'Connor

Patrick Moore, Albuquerque, NM, USA
For professional resumes, contact Patrick Moore, ACRW


Jul 29, 2012, 7:12:43 PM7/29/12
Very nice build!  
I had a Double Cross far  5-6 years... a great all around bike. With 40mm knobbies on singletrack, 32mm smooth tires  did 100mile /10k climbing century's and everything in between including week long bike tours. The cream frame, olive bags and brown on your bike all blend nice together. 
Have fun.
Carlsbad Ca.

Ryan Ray

Jul 29, 2012, 8:24:00 PM7/29/12
Wow. Looks amazing. The cream longboards on the riv site will match that paint. Looks like custom painted fenders.

- Ryan

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