RadioTAG Draft 6

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Andy Buckingham

Feb 25, 2014, 9:01:28 AM2/25/14
Happy New Year(!)

For those of you who have not been following the developments of the EBU's Cross Platform Authentication project, I'm pleased to inform you that the group is making good progress towards a draft specification.

With this in mind, I have begun looking at incorporating the latest work of the group in to a "fork" of the draft 5 specification produced by BBC R&D back in 2012:

The changes are currently in their own branch, "adopt_cpa_spec". I have also enabled issue tracking for this repository and begun to put some thoughts in there on the next steps for the specification, both in the short term (pinned to milestone draft 6) and slightly longer term (pinned to milestone v1.x). There are currently 8 open issues in there which I'd encourage participants to review and comment on.

It would be great to see those interested in the development of the RadioTAG protocol getting involved again now at this important stage as we push forward to a ratified v1.0 specification in 2014.

Many thanks,

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