[standard-fish] Summer competiton 2019

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Stephen De Gabrielle

Jul 30, 2019, 3:28:51 PM7/30/19
to Racket Users
Subject: [standard-fish] Summer competiton 2019
'Summer standard fish competition 2019'
Competition: Make an image with Racket this summer! Win stickers! 

* you can make images any way you like. I suggest pict or htdp2e/image, but you can use whatever you like!
* Images can be of anything.  Images do not have to be of fish. There is no advantage in fish images.
* You can enter as many times as you like.

It is easy to enter - just post your entry on racket-users, either by email or via google groups, with the prefix '[standard-fish]' just like this email. 

Please remember to put [standard-fish] at the begining of the email subject line so I can easily identfy your entry.

You can paste your code onto the the end of your message, or inlcude a link to a GitLab or GitHub repository/file,  a GitHub Gist, or anything else appropriate.
- I don't recommend using attachments on the mailing list/google groups.

What will you win? I'll send Racket stickers to the top 10 winners! 

Closing date: 1 September 2019 judging will take place in the first two weeks of September, and winners will be announced 14 September. (I'm away for most of August so I look forward to seeing your creations on my return)

Note: Not an official Racket competition. I am not a member of the Racket team, nor am I doing this on their behalf. I am covering the cost of the stickers and postage.

Any questions: email me at spdegabrielle at gmail dot com

Have a good summer holidays!



Need help getting started?  
Having trouble? - ask a question on racket-users. You can also try stack-overflow and reddit but YMMV.


Stephen De Gabrielle

Aug 1, 2019, 11:53:14 AM8/1/19
to Racket Users

I forgot to mention some other tools you can use to make your entries: 

Let me know if I have missed any,

Great entries so far!


Stephen De Gabrielle

Aug 1, 2019, 12:10:20 PM8/1/19
to Racket Users
I forgot #lang lindenmayer, a language for L-Systems

The Lindenmayer language provides a language for running and interpreting Lindenmayer Systems.
In general L-systems are useful for modeling plant growth, procedural content generation, and making pretty pictures:


Very pretty.


Stephen De Gabrielle

Aug 11, 2019, 9:30:55 PM8/11/19
to Racket Users
Hi All, 

There have been some fantastic entries! but there are still more stickers to be had. 

I know you are all motivated by the joy learning, but I might stretch to a couple of Racket baseball caps for prizes. Let me know what you think. 


On Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 8:28:51 PM UTC+1, Stephen De Gabrielle wrote:

Justin Zamora

Aug 12, 2019, 8:06:15 PM8/12/19
to Stephen De Gabrielle, Racket Users
On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 9:30 PM Stephen De Gabrielle <spdega...@gmail.com> wrote:
I know you are all motivated by the joy learning, but I might stretch to a couple of Racket baseball caps for prizes. Let me know what you think. 

Baseball caps? Great idea!  This baseball-cap function produces a pict of a baseball cap. You can specify the color and, optionally, a logo to be put on the cap and whether it should be scaled. The code is at https://github.com/zamora/baseball-cap



Aug 14, 2019, 4:52:54 PM8/14/19
to Racket Users
A cap for an Escher-like egg-face.

long live the plot library.

Stephen De Gabrielle

Aug 14, 2019, 9:48:06 PM8/14/19
to Justin Zamora, Racket Users
Awesome caps!

Entry registered!

I hope you are having a great summer - keep the entries coming!


Stephen De Gabrielle

Aug 14, 2019, 10:05:19 PM8/14/19
to bedeke, Racket Users
Amazing face!  I'm trying to get it to work in DrRacket and pasterack but I'm having trouble with with 
parametric-surface3d: unbound identifier in: parametric-surface3d


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Philip McGrath

Aug 17, 2019, 9:57:53 AM8/17/19
to Stephen De Gabrielle, bedeke, Racket Users
This contest is a bright idea, so here's a standard lightbulb:

Stephen De Gabrielle

Aug 18, 2019, 2:01:17 AM8/18/19
to Philip McGrath, Racket Users, bedeke


Stephen De Gabrielle

Aug 21, 2019, 5:19:44 AM8/21/19
to Racket Users

Stephen De Gabrielle

Aug 21, 2019, 6:09:02 AM8/21/19
to Racket Users

I'd forgotten about Planet Cute - another valid way to enter. 

Post image

2htdp/planetcute image

try this: 


#lang racket
(require 2htdp/image 2htdp/planetcute)
;The 2htdp/planetcute library contains the Planet Cute art by Daniel Cook (Lostgarden.com).
;The images are designed to be overlaid with each other to build scenes for use in games. Here is an example image taken from the Planet Cute website.
; stack : non-empty-list-of-images -> image
; stacks 'imgs' on each other, separated by 40 pixels
(define (stack imgs)
    [(empty? (rest imgs)) (first imgs)]
    [else (overlay/xy (first imgs)
                      0 40
                      (stack (rest imgs)))]))
   (stack (list wall-block-tall stone-block))
   (stack (list character-cat-girl
                stone-block stone-block
                stone-block stone-block))
   (stack (list grass-block dirt-block))
   (stack (list grass-block dirt-block dirt-block)))

Ben Greenman

Oct 25, 2019, 5:50:00 AM10/25/19
to Racket Users
On 8/17/19, Philip McGrath <phi...@philipmcgrath.com> wrote:
> This contest is a bright idea, so here's a standard lightbulb:
> [image: default-lightbulb.png]
> The code is at
> https://gist.github.com/LiberalArtist/4d0059f5af23043515a3cc74bd4928c2
> -Philip

I used standard-lightbulb in a slideshow [1].

Thank you Phil for making it, and thank you Stephen for the inspiration!!!

[1] http://ccs.neu.edu/home/types/publications/publications.html#gfd-oopsla-2019
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