HCLs EliteBook - glx crashs

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Olivier Médoc

Nov 21, 2013, 11:18:26 AM11/21/13
to qubes...@googlegroups.com
First, you can find attached the HCL for two EliteBook systems.

For the first system (EliteBook 8560p) which is apparently using a sandy
bridge + ATI Caicos GPU, we encountered errors when running opengl
applications inside an AppVM (crash for fedora, crash for ubuntu).

This occurs for exemple with glxgears and crash with an illegal
instruction, when using the library llvm, with an instruction VXORPS.

Glxgears works correctly in dom0.

Apparently, this was working with Qubes R1 (fedora 13).

Do you have any ideas on the bug ? Apparently, xen/dom0 does not allow
the AppVM to use VX instructions.

Tested with dom0 kernels :
xen : 4.1.5-5

Also tested with today qubes-dom0-current-testing (xen 4.1.6 and kernel
3.11.1) if I remember.

Olivier Médoc

Dec 4, 2013, 7:59:22 AM12/4/13
to qubes...@googlegroups.com, qubes...@googlegroups.com
Some news here:

We finally managed to make glxgear working. This was apparently really a
bug in llvm3.3/mesa9.2.3. Problem is, we had to recompile the whole llvm
3.5+mesa-dri 10.1 software from the git/subversion source.

Glxgears now works in archlinux, but I don't know how to recompile
easily these packages from their git/svn version using fedora.
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