HCL - Y480

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Andre Lewis

Mar 9, 2017, 3:21:45 AM3/9/17
to qubes...@googlegroups.com
Here's the basics, everything seemed to work correctly out of the box, although there was an initial hiccup when installing from USB stick, I suspect it had to do with missing hardware support. I had to turn on bios features for virtualization, but otherwise it worked correctly. 

The only other issue on installation I wasn't asked for timezone, so it now assumes I am in UTC-0 and I don't see a way to change that for all (or any) of my VM's.

Some applications like Blender use the Intel GL stack correctly, but other apps want the internal NVIDIA gpu, which so far I haven't had working.  I've run a variety of linux kernels but haven't tried the Windows instance yet.
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