HCL - Asus G750JW

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Loren Rogers

Feb 2, 2017, 12:45:35 PM2/2/17
to qubes-users

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Hardware report
Local Time: January 30, 2017 1:27 PM
UTC Time: January 30, 2017 6:27 PM
From: lo...@lorentrogers.com
To: qubes-users <qubes...@googlegroups.com>

Hi all,

I've attached a hardware report for an Asus G750JW. I can say that Qubes appears to run just fine overall, but with a few limitations. The most important is the wifi -- the Broadcom unit installed isn't supported, so no wifi out of the box. Somewhat annoying, but workable, is the monitor - the display brightness doesn't work, so it's stuck at 100%. This is a known issue with the kernel, and may be fixed in future releases. Could be worse, but still annoying. Also, the keyboard functions don't work out of the box. Things like the keyboard backlight brightness, wireless on/off, enable/disable touchpad, all don't work. However, the volume buttons do work, along with the monitor-off button. I didn't really try any of the other functions or the webcam/mic.


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