xlrd 0.8.0 released!

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Chris Withers

Aug 1, 2012, 3:01:56 PM8/1/12
to Python List, python...@googlegroups.com
Hi All,

I'm pleased to announce the release of xlrd 0.8.0:


This release finally lands the support for both .xls and .xlsx files.
Many thanks to John Machin for all his work on making this happen.
Opening of .xlsx files is seamless, just use xlrd as you did before and
it all should "just work".

xlrd 0.8.0 is also the first release that that targets Python 2.6 and
2.7, but no Python 3 just yet. Python 2.5 and below may work but are not
supported. If you need to use Python 2.5 or earlier, please stick to
xlrd 0.7.x.

Speaking of xlrd 0.7.x, that's now in "requested maintenance only" mode
;-) That means, if possible, use 0.8.x. If you have a really good reason
for sticking with 0.7.x, and you find a bug that you can't work around,
then please make this clear on the python...@googlegroups.com and
we'll see what we can do.

If you find any problems, please ask about them on the list, or submit
an issue on GitHub:


Full details of all things Python and Excel related can be found here:




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Matthew Smith

Aug 1, 2012, 3:06:48 PM8/1/12
to python...@googlegroups.com, Python List
Thank you guys so much! I am so excited to finally have xlsx so my users don't have extra steps!

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Matthew Smith

Software Engineer at G2, Inc
Follow us on Twitter @G2_inc

Brent Marshall

Aug 19, 2012, 1:18:41 AM8/19/12
to python...@googlegroups.com, Python List
My compliments to John and Chris and to any others who contributed to the new xlsx capability. This is a most welcome development. Thank you.


Chris Withers

Aug 22, 2012, 3:03:58 PM8/22/12
to python...@googlegroups.com
On 22/08/2012 15:03, Hubert Holin wrote:
> I would like to keep up with the development but would like to know
> which is the repo to follow. The Python-Excel website points to
> https://github.com/python-excel/xlrd, but that one does not have a 0.8.0
> tag (or at least did not have one when I looked a few days ago, and I
> unfortunately can't check now, from work).

Oops, I was very bad... not only did I forget to push the tag (it's
annoying that you have to do a "git push --tags" to get tasg pushed) but
I actually forgot to commit the final change that stamped on the 0.8.0
version number :-S

Fixed and pushed now, thanks for noticing :-)


Aug 29, 2012, 2:16:46 AM8/29/12
to python...@googlegroups.com, Python List

i just tried xlrd-0.8.0 so as to be able to read xlsx files only to discover:

NotImplementedError: formatting_info=True not yet implemented

there's a post from 2009 stating that the current intention is to not
support formatting_info:


is that still the current intention?

if so, is there any other way to tell how many digits excel would round to
when displaying a floating point number? that's my only reason for needing


John Yeung

Aug 29, 2012, 1:27:01 PM8/29/12
to python...@googlegroups.com, Python List
> is there any other way to tell how many digits excel would round to
> when displaying a floating point number? that's my only reason for
> needing formatting_info=True.

I have not personally used it, but OpenPyXL is another option for
working with .xlsx files, and it might provide the formatting info you


John Y.


Aug 30, 2012, 2:57:58 AM8/30/12
to python...@googlegroups.com, Python List
thanks but openpyxl doesn't work well enough.
most of the spreadsheets i need to read contain
dropdown lists with data validation using a named
formula like: OFFSET(Data!$K$2,0,0,COUNTA(Data!$K:$K),1)
which causes openpyxl to throw a NamedRangeException.
i don't even care about the named objects. i just want
to know what's in the cell, not what other possible
values the cell might have had. :-)

apart from that, it does give access to number formats
so your suggestion would work for simpler spreadsheets.

hopefully the intention that xlrd not support formats in xlsx
files will change one day into an intention to support them. :-)

until then my users can keep manually saving xlsx files they
receive as xls before importing them. :-(

maybe i need to investigate some perl modules or pyuno instead.
perl's Spreadsheet::XSLX module handles formats. it gets the
date formats a bit wrong but it's workaroundable.


Chris Withers

Aug 30, 2012, 8:08:28 AM8/30/12
to python...@googlegroups.com
On 30/08/2012 03:57, python...@raf.org wrote:
> hopefully the intention that xlrd not support formats in xlsx
> files will change one day into an intention to support them. :-)

The intention is there, sadly the time to work on it is not.

John Machin would be the person best placed to do the work, if anyone
fancies sponsoring the work, he might be able to direct more time to it..


Aug 31, 2012, 2:01:53 AM8/31/12
to python...@googlegroups.com
Chris Withers wrote:

> On 30/08/2012 03:57, python...@raf.org wrote:
> >hopefully the intention that xlrd not support formats in xlsx
> >files will change one day into an intention to support them. :-)
> The intention is there, sadly the time to work on it is not.

i'm glad the intention is there. it'll happen when it happens.

> John Machin would be the person best placed to do the work, if
> anyone fancies sponsoring the work, he might be able to direct more
> time to it..

i think it would take more time than i could afford. :-)
i have a perl alternative in place which will do for now.

> cheers,
> Chris


Albert-Jan Roskam

Aug 31, 2012, 8:12:58 PM8/31/12
to python...@googlegroups.com, Python List

As a work-around, you could use the CRAN R package XLConnect, using RPy or RPy2, to do what you want. IIRC it's based on Java, so it's not extremely fast.
This is another package I just saw for the first time

All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a
fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

From: "python...@raf.org" <python...@raf.org>
To: python...@googlegroups.com; Python List <pytho...@python.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 4:57 AM
Subject: Re: [pyxl] xlrd-0.8.0 .xlsx formatting_info=True not implemented
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To post to this group, send an email to python...@googlegroups.com.
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Sep 3, 2012, 12:18:34 AM9/3/12
to python...@googlegroups.com, Python List
Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:

> Hi,
> As a work-around, you could use the CRAN R package XLConnect, using
> RPy or RPy2, to do what you want. IIRC it's based on Java, so it's not
> extremely fast.
> http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/XLConnect/vignettes/XLConnect.pdf
> This is another package I just saw for the first time
> http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/xlsx/xlsx.pdf
> Regards,
> Albert-Jan


many thanks for the suggestions but i've already implemented
an alternative using perl and its Spreadsheet::XLSX module.


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